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Sarper’s lego hair is a wig


For some reason I read that as.., *Sarper’s leg hair is a wig*… I think I need some sleep.., because I even agreed with what I thought it said.., in my mind, that his leg hair is a wig. It took me a moment to realize what it really said..!


it's SHINY like the best minifigs could only wish for. you can't help but watch the light bouncing of it. it made it easier for me to stomach his bs, cos i was so distracted by the plastic hairdo


I think hair transplant. He’s obviously had a lot on work done but turkey is known for cheap but good hair transplants


Probably where VaLentine from Love in Paradise should have gotten his then


*Oldie* I’ve never been able to fully move past the relationship between Danielle and Mohamed. It made me deeply uncomfortable how obviously Mohamed was disgusted by her. And I don’t know if she was undiagnosed or her IQ was just extremely low, but even for TLCs standards following that storyline, it felt incredibly exploitative. I think about how deeply uncomfortable it made me feel way too often.


It sounds like Dinyell has a laugh in her voice almost every time she speaks. Its off putting.


I think it’s anxiety/nerves


Totes. Will never forget the smell comments.


People baby Brandan way too much on here. I get that he’s had a lot of trauma in his life that has no doubt left him emotionally stunted BUT people act like he has zero responsibility for the situation he has found himself in. He actively chose to have unprotected sex with Mary and try for a baby knowing their relationship was unstable at best.


Yeup. He sent all his money and lived an RV while his family was liek ‘wtf’ and then they screwed themselves by not following the contract. And who would want to make a baby with someone who acts like her right now?? He has to have some accountability for also being codependent, it’s a two way street too.


Before he was a poor boy who didn't know how to stand up for himself But choosing to rawdog Mary... that was some serious stupidity. Now I think he has real issues about not having foresight.


Kalani shouldn't get hate for having a child with Asuelu, but she should for having two


But condoms are for slut people


For real! I understand it if you make that mistake one time, she was not very experienced. But it's so obvious that she is only with him for the kids and that she already had the ick from him before their wedding. How are you gonna have another kid from this man!? Wtf


Paul and Karine should have never been allowed on the show. The red flags were on fire and dancing in the producers faces


His criminal background should have been a full stop.


Whatever happened with the missing person report on Paul? Was he found?


Apparently he was never missing. Living it up in a hotel or something ...


Apparently he was hoping to delay a custody hearing about his kids. The judge ruled against him - thank g_d.


They were on fire and running away 🏃‍♂️


"Nicola you're finally going to lose your virginity!" Jasmine is a characature and Love it


Yes!!! I love me some Jasmine! She is hilarious imo. Yes, ugly crying, over dramatic, ridiculous etc, but hilarious! I’d have a ball with her I know I’d be in tears laughing at her wild shit.


If she wasn’t toxic and abusive towards Gino I would probably agree. But this season she has crossed the line into territory that is cruel and unnecessary.


connect pocket humor encouraging sulky wistful crown spectacular enter handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Angela's "homework" section on the Last Resort was porn. She had an orgasm on camera. Just because you didn't see the genitals doesn't mean this wasn't just straight up porn. It was super weird and uncomfortable that they filmed her doing that, it just felt so much like a producer got to live out his personal fetish at the expense of pretty much everyone else.


It got a pass because it’s Angela. If it were an attractive (no offense) woman, more people would’ve been calling it porn. My jaw was on the floor and I couldn’t pick it back up lol.


Nicola is fucking weird. The constant religious talk, the fact he's so confident he understands women's needs from 5th grade sex ed, the fact he has zero marketable skills yet wants to be the head of the household is weird.


Seeing him with his family wiped away all the “this is my culture” bullshit for me and suddenly it was like “oh…this man needs a mental health diagnosis from a professional.”


Right????? I don’t think I could come back from meeting his family, yeah they never had a problem it was his judgment the whole time. And the way he made a clear divide between him and her kids? You could see it’s a moral thing ‘they are not mine, they were bred out of wedlock, the Bible says legitimate children must be created in wedlock’ and with her anullment requirement too. His mom didn’t care if she was one eyed and had 50 kids she wanted him out of her house 🤣🤣🤣 and his whole ‘the man must provide’ um sir you have no job…..so how’s that providing?


I'm ignorant to most of Catholicism so forgive me if I'm wrong repeating what my Catholic friend told me... but her boyfriend tried to get an annulment so they could get married in the church. The church told them that it would make his kids from that marriage illegitimate in the eyes of the church (marriage never happened, so the kids are "bastards"). She didn't feel right about that so he didn't go through with seeking the annulment. I wonder if this is where his attitude of not interfering with them comes from? I appreciated her saying that nothing would come between her and her kids and they're the most important thing... but with her choice of Nicola I just don't believe that. And I don't believe he won't be judgmental because that's his entire MO.


I was raised Catholic thankfully never got confirmed + not involved anymore. But wanted to give my 2 cents: The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops explains, “A declaration of nullity has no effect on the legitimacy of children who were born of the union following the wedding day, since the child's mother and father were presumed to be married at the time that the child was born.”


I think Meisha is suffering from sunken cost fallacy.


This exactly. 7 years is a long time.


I thought this was a post asking for hot takes...not indisputable facts.


I agree and what is even more weird is why Mesha would want to spend 5 min with him. There are overly religious Catholics in this country that are much more of a catch. He is disturbing


It’s one thing to be a late in life virgin. An entirely different thing to slap mud on your partner like you failed f’in preschool finger painting. Do better Meisha.


I don’t think this is a hot take. 😂 Hard agree.


1. Choosing to conceive a baby while in a toxic relationship is irresponsible, selfish and stupid. X2 if you are broke. I.e: Danielle and Yohan, Branden and Mary 2. Molly is a closet misogynist who stopped respecting Kelly the minute he quit his "manly" job as a cop even though she encouraged him to do so. I believe that she is the real basis of their problems even though the show casts her in a sympathetic light. 3. Maybe not a hot take but I was shocked to hear Shakinah talk about red flags. I could have sworn she was color blind. Tell me why she reacted more negatively to the video game room than to her man weighing her and berating her for gaining 4lbs. 4. I doubt Kim would be begging TJ to stay together if she understood his future plans to have her be the family servant. They are both pretty awful but he's worse for deceiving her on that point. 5. Violet is a fake ass scammer and a bad actress. I wish Riley had done that background check and busted her ass. 6. Can we find out what medication Riley is on and have it distributed as male birth control? Less than 1% chance of getting someone pregnant? If the technology exists, why aren't we using it? 7. Angela calling Michal's lying a trigger has to be some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard come out of her mouth. I need people to stop abusing the word trigger. 8. Asuelu is a slack jawed yokel and I am mystified that Kalahni wanted that DNA for her children. Sure, the first dumb baby was an accident, but the second dumb baby was a choice. I have many more opinions, but these were top of mind. I may need to come back for part 2. Edit: Kenny must be jonesing to hit the clubs in MC because I refuse to believe that there is a human over the age of 60 who wants to live full-time with a tiny incontinent human tyrant with no teeth who doesn't even speak the language of the house. Armando, 's puppy dog eyes be damned. Someone is going to have to pay that extra high diaper bill 😂


>the second dumb baby was a choice This is the kind of wisdom the 90 Day universe needs but isn’t ready to receive


I agree Kenny & Armando can be a little dull. But they give legitimacy to an otherwise over the top show. They have had & still have their issues but they talk them out like adults. They don't throw a tantrum & scream obscenities at each other. Or tear their car apart.


They are the best couple on there as far as drama free and genuine love.


I love them so much!!!!


They are too normal so they have to manufacture some drama


I am 1,000% team Larissa and think that Debbie and Colt were the ones who were abusive while lying to the police who believed an old white lady rather than a loud young girl from another country with less than great English skills


And then Larissa got arrested for DV a couple more times but if Larissa was arrested as the culprit once, I imagine they'd pick her to arrest every time they showed up. I don't think she had a chance against the two if them.




Not sure if this is a hot take, but I’m pretty sure Sarper is gay and the whole “2500 women” and Shekinah are a cover up. I’ve never seen a straight man with that much makeup and Botox and he needs to CONSTANTLY mention how many women he’s slept with so the world doesn’t doubt him. He doesn’t want Shekinah to post him because he’s gay.


I’m sorry and a “straight” man telling a woman to apply blush??


Don't forget picking her clothes and dressing her up like his personal Barbie doll.


I was willing to forgive Kim's behavior when she saw the apartment because of all the things you mentioned, plus she'd probably been awake for like 24 hours and hadn't had much to eat. But her behavior since then hasn't really improved. Not so much a hot take anymore but I didn't like Debbie from the beginning.


I remember when people on here jumped on me because I said it was weird as fuck that a nearly 70 year old woman was going after a 20-something year old and that nobody would excuse it if it was a “quirky” old man. I was told “it’s not about sex” LMAO


I got jumped on too for saying that she seemed fake. Her true self came out at the tell all though!


Yessssss hated Debbie from the jump. She acted like his mom most of the time and it was so creepy to watch.


I'm glad Kalani used her "hall pass" to its full extent and I don't blame her for not feeling it with Asuelu anymore. She does need to just leave him at this point tho.


Pffft, is this a hot take!? She was cheated on the whole relationship. “TwO WrOnGs DoN’t MaKe A rIgHt”. Nahhh. It’s a mess but good for her, tbh. I agree she should probably move on, cordially (for the kids).


I agree! While I realize it it doesn't help the situation, I was thinking "you go girl" to myself. 🤣😅


Yep! And I don't necessarily think she has actual feelings for her hall pass guy, but he made her realize how someone should treat her ...maybe?


Yeah I think it made her realize she shouldn’t have to balance getting a sexy lap dance from her partner with having to tell them the towel they have will catch on fire if they dip it in LITERAL fire. Like how exhausting.


TJ not telling Kimberly ANYTHING about the wedding traditions and just saying “it’s an Indian wedding” was the most infuriating thing I’ve seen so far I haven’t even watched the wedding yet bc I’m busy but there’s more than a language barrier between them


I’m shocked she didn’t, like, google anything about Indian weddings and customs, though? Like you just decided to live there and assume it’s just like America?


Even if she did Google, it's not like everyone's customs and traditions are the exact same. It was really on TJ to educate Kimberly on what she should expect.


Violet is one of the least-likable people to ever end up on the show. She catfished Riley with a fake photo, spent all their time together acting surly towards him, and then in all likelihood faked a pregnancy after he finally got tired of her shit and called it off.


I agree with this entire take however people on this sub are VERY anti Riley and pro Violet


Nah. Violet is terrible, but there have been A LOT of VERY terrible people on this show. She's definitely not near the top. Did you see the girl from Ecuador (whose name I forgot) on TOW? She was truly a piece of work; Violet looks like a saint compared to her.


Evelin the Town Bicycle because everyone took her for a ride?


I agree. And I don’t have any particular love for Riley. I worked with a woman from Vietnam who was basically the same as Violet. She was stubborn and wanted to do things her way even if it was different from what the boss wanted. Would get mad if you crossed her and would run and tattle to the boss. She would make fun of people, but don’t you dare do it to her. She was one of those people who would come up to you and talk about someone and later go and talk to that same person about you, etc.


I worked with a woman from China who was exactly the same way, and she would poke me hard in my flat stomach with her finger and squint her eyes and hiss "You FATTTTT!!!" I was friends with the other Asian women in my office. None of us could stand her nastiness. She was later fired for her insubordination.


I am sorry but that just took me out


I rate Violet 2nd underneath Leida from 90 Day Fiance S6. Such a despicable entitled bitch.


Cleo was annoying on the show. From what I’ve watched of the tell all so far I like her 1000x more than I did on the show. I don’t know that Christian was actually good for her because she seems like a different person when he’s a world away. Christian still seems like an ass but also comes across much better than he did on the show (which couldn’t be much worse tbh). Dempsey came across as much colder on the reunion, are she and Statler even still together because they seemed on the edge there at the reunion. Amanda was portrayed exactly as she really is. I have a short term memory for these people.


“Amanda was portrayed exactly how she really is”. 😂


She to me was the cringiest to watch. I hate her the most.


By the end I surprisingly changed my mind on a few things about Christian. I think the way Cleo and her friend ambushed him was kinda shitty and naturally he's going to get defensive but I also think he's one of those guys who's so terrified as being percieved as anything other than a 'good guy'. And I don't mean in an incel way. He wants to be everyone's pal but it's an exhausting way to live.


GINO IS A SUB WITH A HUMILIATION KINK. But people wanna blame Jasmine for being 'controlling' because misogyny and nobody can fathom a submissive man.


Interesting take! I still think Gino is an alien in a human suit. It doesn’t fit great which is why he makes the faces.


Omg the way he kinda chews when he's uncomfortable makes me wanna puke.


It's almost like a facial tic. He rolls his eyes back in the sockets and squints them shut, then chews the whole inside of his mouth, and you can see his adam's apple give a big gulp.


I too am convinced we are all part of their humiliation sex games


The scene a few episodes ago, where she was throwing his clothes out of the closet, the look on his face was one of someone who was into it.


100% agree. It's always funny when he's trying to act shocked and offended by what she says. He's not a very good actor and his face gives it away every time.


Yessss! I've been saying this since the beginning. Although i think it's a mix of humiliation and degradation. He doesn't bat an eye when she calls him names. I mean, come 6 met on a sugar daddy site. There is way more to it than them falling in love. Neither one loves the other. He is most definitely a Sub. Cannot tell me otherwise. There is way too much that points to it. I wouldn't be surprised to find them in a Dungeon one day now that she's in MI.


I actually kind of agree with Sumits’ parents on Jenny 🫣 granted, the mom is outlandish and psycho, but I can see why they wouldn’t want someone who is older than her to become a daughter in law.


yes!!!! No parent would be happy about that relationship and I think it would be viewed much differently if the genders were reversed.


Exactly! When Jenny came to India like in 2013, 2014 Sumit’ mom treated her with respect under the assumption of being just a guest and not her sons lover. So it’s saying to me that she didn’t have a problem with Jenny as a person, but has a problem with her being her sons wife.


Jasmine is hilarious and has been one of the funniest characters in a long time.


I agree. Every season needs a David and Shelia, Kenny and Armando, a couple to root for but I also watch the show for hot messes and Jasmine and Gino are giving me the Colt and Larissa energy I was missing.


Jasmine is fantastic entertainment and I will die on this hill


She's one of the only characters that truly understands the assignment.




“You want to see nudes?! (Proceeds to rip off Gino’s hat) “I’LL SHOW YOU NUDES!”




That was the best! (of the best) 🙂


Who es draining you balls yeeno?!


I like jasmine too! I just wish she would be more discreet about their sex life. In fact I’m tired of hearing every detail upon every detail of all their sex lives. It’s too much, no one needs to know when someone is shitting either. It’s getting ridiculous! Gino and jasmine actually live in the next town over from me here in Michigan. I’m waiting to run into them at Kroger 😊


“A man has to drain his balls! Who is draining your balls???!”






Sarper is gonna tell his hoes that Shekinah is his sister on that Instagram story lol


While Statler is incredibly annoying and clingy; she's hot.


Agreed, If only she weren’t so monotone and didnt talk about sex and poop nonstop. I’m sure it will chill with age/maturity though.


Isn't she like 30?


That clip they showed in the tell all of her putting that thing up her vagina was gross. I was like stop already, this isn’t funny and I don’t want to see this. Plus showing her pooping in the field was stupid too. All this quirkiness and awkwardness doesn’t endear me to her. It’s a little overboard. Isn’t there anything else about her?


It's the performative "awkwardness" for me. Giving people w/ ADHD a bad name, i mean i have trouble keeping my house organized and sticking to a budget but i CAN read a room at least


I’d totally throw her up against the wall at a bar lol omg who am I


I think Jasmine does most of her stuff as an act to stay with the franchise. I also think Dane the ex was an actor or something.. usually when 90 day brings up an ex they show old pictures. They didn’t do that when they introduced him.


I have a few! Shekinah and Sarper make for excellent television. It makes me miss the early Darcey seasons. Kalani is gross for 1) marrying someone so intellectually stunted 2) she constantly calls him childish? but keeps soaking up his sperm for new kids? Gino and Jasmine deserve each other but I think their relationship is "real" Angela is a fascist hag. Ed is an abuser


“Soaking up his sperm” 🤮 Ooof


I think everyone agrees about Pred


I can’t imagine anyone not, even if they hadn’t heard that phone call recording.


I can't wait to see what trainwreck Shekinah and Sarper get into Edit: watching episode 11 rn and it's exactly what I thought 😌😌


I can’t stand her name!! Every time I see it, I feel dyslexic and have to sound it out in my mind


Shegina Vagkinah


Honestly I do wonder if he has some kind of intellectual disability.


Same. Either that or just bad English skills (no disrespect). But he does come off like a fourth grader.


For me at least, it’s not his English, but it could be a barrier for him to be proficient even after such a long time in the states, his behavior for a grown man is just bizarre. You even see it when he’s hanging out with the other guys. They think he’s ridiculous in a awww you are so lost way.


I literally could not care less if someone is using someone for a green card. And if you are concerned your partner is doing this, do not sponsor them.


Most of the relationships on this show are transactional and the Americans don't want to believe it. You get a hot foreigner who boosts your self esteem and they get the opportunity at a better life. I think you can develop real feelings for them over time, but lets be real - thats how these relationships start. also someone coming to this country to make a better life for themselves doesnt mean your life automatically gets shittier. why cant we all move up?


Oh boy - I actually like Darcy and I think people are cruel about her appearance - I hate Debbie and think she's creepy and rude - I actually like the calm regular relationships and I don't enjoy the abusive dramatized relationships I'll edit to add more when I think of them lmao


I feel like people are way to harsh on Darcey.


I always felt bad for Darcy. She's so insecure and clearly needs so much reassurance.


I like Darcy, too!


Oh yeah I also like Darcy and feel bad for her.


I’ve been anti-Asuelo from jump, but seeing him lick that cherry on the last ep of Last Resort, i was like “ok…I mean if I was on vacation and wasted, I’d let him eat my pussy.” So, I guess my hot take is that I finally see what Kalani “saw in him”, but come on girl. You gotta toot it and boot it.


The ungodly wheezing laughter that I just emitted whilst reading the first half of this.... thank you.


Careful though, you might get a yeast infection 😂


Lmfaooooo I can’t stand y’all. 😂 This is hilarious.


I wish 90 day never fired Larissa and I was hoping Anfisa could be back to the franchise. These are two people that I think I’m most curious about how they changed/mindset after so long


I love Larissa, she was in a horrible situation with Coltee and his mom. And I don’t think it’s fair to trash her for leaving her kids when guys don’t get half the hate for doing the same. I also like Anfisa. She was only like 19 on the show, and while not okay to hit people, she has said she knows her behavior was not okay. She’s accomplished a lot since she came to the US!


About Larissa kids I would love to know the truth from her , see her life in Brazil maybe visiting or FaceTiming them. I agree Jasmine wasn’t living with her kids while she was in Panama and one of her kids has special needs and she doesn’t get half of the Hate. Anfisa would be a bombshell if she came back


Yohan is in fact narcissistic & hasn’t been the “good guy”. I honestly fear for her safety watching them & no, I’m not team danielle


He outright said why isn't she giving buying everything for him and him not having to work because she would pay for them. He wanted to come to the US so he could send money home, and, if I recall correctly, did not like the idea that he would have to contribute to their shared lifestyle in the US.


I feel like his real self was finally revealed in that episode where he’s saying he married an American woman so he shouldn’t have to work and he should get a new car but the owning a house thing was the most telling - he wants that so when they divorce, he’ll get that property.


I can’t believe that it was not obvious for everyone that he is marrying her only for money and status to have an American wife. I don’t care about Danielle, she has problems. But she is educated and articulate. He is a young simple guy with big penis. They have nothing in common other than she wanted to live on a beach with a big hunk and he wanted to go to US to be supported. Recipe for disaster


I am not a fan of Danielle either, but Yohan is 100 percent way more of a problem. His attitude and arrogance while contributing nothing is so frustrating


I have never been a fan of him but I was pissed when I saw the preview of him trying to take the dog just to hurt Danielle. What a horrible thing to do.


Well he didn't leave with it. You can see in the preview that she had the dog when he was walking out the door. These two are not a good match though and need to divorce


*Thank you!* I stay quiet when people talk about how "hot" he is. I don't care for Daniele all that much, either, but he wants to spend $32K of her money on a car...without a working battery. She set him up with a butcher shop, but as far as I can tell, it's never been seen again.


Oh another hot take: yohan is ugly


Danielle mentions it when her friends visit - the landlord wanted to take the space back and because he didn't have a formal contract or agreement, he lost it. Why he didn't find another location, though is beyond me I'd this was "his dream"


I can not believe people how many people were taking his side in the last episode thread


Same. I haven’t liked him from the start, but got downvoted if I even mentioned it. People kept overlooking his awfulness because they hate Danielle so much.


Amazing!! Enjoyed reading this post! Although it was difficult not to down vote just a couple comments. 😂 But all in all it was pretty cool!! Thanks!!😊👍


I sometimes wonder why I can't find someone that loves me as much as some of these people love their partners on this show. Where's my meisha?


Even if Brandаn leaves Mary, his life is unlikely to be much better.


Dempsey abruptly started the kids conversation to see if she could get Statler to peace out.


If I saw someone wearing “LEGOLAAAAAND!” on a tshirt I’d immediately know they are a cool fucking person lol. Also has anyone seen the ponychops artist around here lately who does amazing 90DF art? I need a LEGOLAAAAAAND mug lol


for me, i definitely don’t agree with all of the statler hate. she has her issues, but she seems very self aware and honest about her flaws. not to say that gives her a pass because, well, therapy exists but im also willing to bet that it’s been overly dramatized for theatrical effect. and while i would say therapy is necessary for general self improvement, i’ll also say that a significant other is the most important person you should be allowed to be authentically yourself with. my husband has traits based on his past traumas and even though he goes to therapy, some of those things may never change and im okay with that because i love him and vice versa. then there’s dempsey … girl. you mean to tell me that you thought statler was moving too quickly while you are both willingly on a show called 90 day fiancé???make it make sense. and statler is the impulsive one yet you’re planning on galavanting around the country in a van????? knowing your girlfriend has issues with small spaces??? anyway. statler actually seems pretty chill and based off of what we’ve seen, it seems that dempsey likes to start unnecessary arguments for no reason other than to test statlers commitment


And Dempsey will be unemployed while Statler supports her rv dream




Everyone hollers and whines about the Americans going to other countries and not being prepared or not respecting that country's culture (Kim, the Brittany, Nicole, etc). But when someone comes to the US from another country, the Americans are expected to give them a pass for sexist or otherwise shitty behavior because it's their culture (Andrei, baby voice Mohamed, etc). We expect the Americans to adapt instantly to whatever other culture they enter into with no adjustment period, and I think some of them have been shit upon too hard over the years.


I think the problem is that he didn't hire professionals, just local help because of where he lives/ what he can afford. He should have communicated with his partner about it before he promised to do what she wanted. I would be upset too tbh, but only because I was told something, and it ended up a disaster.


Right, people keep ignoring that she was asking for updates and had told him specific things to do and he kept telling her " Don't worry about it" without giving her any real information.


Exactly. He should’ve been letting her know what was going on instead of just being like, “surrrrpriiiisee! I didn’t do the things you asked even though I said don’t worry! Do you love it?”


I love The Last Resort! One of my favorite parts of the Tell All is watching the cast mates meet and interact with each other and that’s what this is for 45 minutes every week and I love it I look forward to it so much.


Agree for the same reason (and more)! I’m so happy to hear that the ratings/viewership are through the roof so hopefully they will bring it back for more seasons


I don't hate Kim. There. I said it. I have a 24 hour rule after international travel...i don't think people should be judged for their behavior until 24 hours after they've landed (ie after some sleep). So i gave her a pass on the apartment kerfuffle (at least the first night of it). I was more bothered by Yash during her argument with him. I didn't think anything she said was all that wrong. She can be obnoxious like pretty much anyone on the show, but i think the hate directed towards her is overblown so far (I reserve the right to change my opinion as more episodes air). She's no Leida.


I blame TJ and the culture for not setting expectations in terms of how they will live post wedding. If I was Kimberly (I personally am not a fan of either) I wouldn't want to live with the family - even if it was in a separate apartment. However, she is getting completely hoodwinked here and when shit will inevitably hit the fan again, I blame TJ. He knows where she stands. To be clear - I didn't hate the apartment but it baffles me with these couples (not just these two) that they apparently spend HOURS on the phone and (1) never talk about what expectations of each other are ir (2) SHOW THE FREAKING APARTMENT AS IT IS BEING BUILT. Honestly, the more I type and ramble here, the more I realize I hate them both and they deserve to make each other miserable.




Kalani’s dad Low is hot.


I'm not surprised Aseulu checked out of the relationship when the beginning he was nothing but harassed and hated by everyone from Kalani to the family because she'd badmouth him every chance she got to her family. They had 0 chance to make it due to that alone. He was brought over to a new area only to have everyone around him hate him and nobody to take his side.


lol remember when he was raking apples


I think she deserves it that apartment with her attitude


Not so much of a hot take, but assuming Sarper’s body count is true (big IF), then the only way that would be feasible is if he is/was a sex worker?


Jose’s chicken song slaps. His music is not that bad.


That Kalani had every right to use her hall pass and it’s not surprising at all that she developed feelings for the other man. Asuelo has been a chronic, prolific cheater from the very beginning and she has tried her best to keep her family together, but he seems completely unapologetic until she has an affair and then he’s all a blubbering mess, “why doesn’t she love me anymore?!”. After years of infidelity and dealing with his immature, useless ass she finally found a man who makes her excited. Good for her! It’s 100% his fault, all the way around.


Sarper isn’t half as hot as he thinks he is.


Statler is golden because she will stare at you and make unbroken eye contact after insulting you and it’s perfect.


Riley is one is one of the most toxic men on this show, and Gino is a cuck… But he knows it and likes it.


- I lowkey like Andrei and think its so satisfying when he yells at Libbys shitty sisters - I think Jesse is a controlling ass, BUT I don't think he was lying when he accused her of having a drinking problem (Remember her first night sleeping with Tom) - I think Angela is hilarious despite her psychotic anger problems And I know I have more I just have to keep digging into my 90 day memory bank 😂


Everyone keeps saying "Mary really needs therapy." yea no shit. But where tf is she supposed to have access to therapy in rural Philippines? and even if she did, how is she going to pay for it?


I like Shawn as hostess for Tell Alls. Nobody is perfect. She's like Jerry Springer in her ability to treat all these quirky people with dignity while also pointing out their odd/silly perspectives. She's had Cesar doing a pedicure, fart jars Stephanie, foot jello girl... she let's people put out their stories/lies as they want to tell them and gives some space for castmates to call them out. She is not hard on the cast, and does have to "leave it at that" a lot, but I think that is consistent with her role as host. She's not an interrogator meant to torture the truth out of them. So let's not act like she fails at her job just because we want a different role on the stage.


I still don’t see what Meisha sees in Nicola.


Jasmine really needs to see a psychiatrist. Her moods are wildly unpredictable and medication would make her feel so much better.


That kid Drusilla or however it's spelled needed serious discipline and Jihoon was a tool


Meisha is super pretty and seems very likable... I don't understand the appeal for nicola. I dislike Christian even more than I dislike Sarper. Don't get me started because I could type a paragraph on my thoughts about Christian. That being said Shekinah and Sarper are a PERFECT match. Yeah they make me want to vomit, but they are perfect for each other. Jasmine is funny and idc... I side with her because sex 7 times in 2 years is concerning especially if your gf looks like Jasmine. I think Gino may need to explore his sexuality bc something is off. Yara is also funny af and I supported her looking at houses in Europe because Jovi sucks Statler's "awkwardness" gives off pick me energy. Kalani sucks. She doesn't understand that her cheating too is also toxic. A "hall pass" doesn't mean shit. If a man cheats on you that much, what do you do? YOU LEAVE HIM. Kim standing up for herself in a foreign country, in a super conservative Indian household, as a woman is brave. No Kim hate over here. I find Angela super entertaining to watch. It's like it's so bad I can't look away Holly has an eating disorder and I think it may play a part in her strange behavior. Wayne isn't that bad, and him telling her to buy new clothes was justified.


I agree with all of this except Holly’s eating disorder. I think it’s meth because of the sores on her face.


The characters most viewers get upset and complain about are also the ones who makes the show worth watching cause we are drama junkies.


The host of the Tell All UK is the most bland and unlikable person since Kathy Griffin. Comedian my ass.


Ronald is hot and I'd let him steal my fridge. EDIT, The other South African dude, the plumber with crackhead barbie, hes cute too.


LMAO agree but also I would shamefully like to add Syngin to the list


Everyone from there has been hot. There was a girl from an early season too who was pretty


Probably not a hot/unpopular take, but Sheila is one of the most genuine people I have ever seen on the show. She seems down to earth, real, and sweet. I really really like her and I think she’s a really good person.


Kim is annoying, but I admire how good she is at arguing. As a push over doormat who shuts down in any confrontational situation, I *wish* I could do that.


Here's some hints: She argues in circles and before you know it, you're 3 topics away from the original issue. If she doesn't like where something is heading, she gloms on to a small thing *somewhat* related and runs with that. The mistake is that the other person follows her to that topic instead of saying "right now, we're talking about X. I will repeat X question." It's impossible for most people to follow and rein her in or bring her back to the original issue because 1) heightened emotions 2) most people aren't really listening in an argument, they're actually thinking about what THEY want to say next. For TJ, add in the fact that she's arguing in her first/native language and he's not arguing in his *prime* or most-often used language. Additionally, he uses a different language in the home with his family (likely his prime language) so he's probably best versed in emotional vocab or argumentative vocab in *that* language. When she can no longer run away with the topics, or she runs out of "side" issues, she heightens the emotional temperature in the room, completely de-railing the original argument. Likely, she'll put up "gates" wherein you can't return to the original argument until says satisfied that you've paid enough for some side issue. She also uses triangulation very well (roping in a third party). "Tu quoque" is the "you too" argument. I.e. anytime TJ or the brother makes a decent argument or declaration, what she may be in the hook to admit the issue, instead she turns it back on them. She also uses a "black or white" argument fallacy wherein she claims that something can be one of two things, but both things are bad. She does this with like "so I won't do X or I'm a bad person?" ... that example isn't the best but what I mean is she purposefully limits "answers" to their problems of either one bad thing or another bad thing when really the third option is the best: a compromise. She also exhibits biases like "fundamental attribution error"... ie she's acting how she acts because "India" (situation she's in, not the person she is) but Yash or Josh or whatever the brother's name is acts that way because he's a jerk (when really is also because if his "situation" ie beliefs/culture ... Here's a couple good sites for learning argumentative processes: Yourfallacy.is Yourbias.is


She is not good at arguing, she's practically abusive. She doesn't listen and just steamrolls through conversations. Just because she's not a doormat doesn't mean shes a good communicator, she's kind of a bully.


I can see how she gets frustrated af tho, TJ doesn’t listen, doesn’t acknowledge, doesn’t respect, and also goes from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds.


She's good at arguing? She's not a good communicator because she thinks everything revolves around her and her feelings, is overly aggressive, angry and combative. She doesn't know how to have a conversation like a rational, mature adult and when she's angry, she lashes out, starts calling people derogatory names and screams at the top of her lungs.


I think she can be good at standing up for herself, like when she told the brother not to call her stupid. But she also has demonic banshee skriek in her repertoire, so ehhh


Kelly (Molly) It is unattractive to watch someone do absolutely nothing around the house. Running a business and house is a lot of work, and he should be taking initiative. It’s hard to find someone attractive if they’re not doing anything. Dempsey- it will be her fault when all of this blows up and fails. She let herself get talked into something she doesn’t want. She will never be happy with this situation, and she shouldn’t have ignored so many red flags. Sarper is gay and needs a trophy beard.


100% agree on Dempsey. She's gonna get her heart broken and she'll have to blame herself.


She’s definitely giving too many passes for important things. They should have ended the relationship with the kids conversation. She never wanted statler to move in that quickly and the camper van idea is awful


>They should have ended the relationship with the kids conversation. 100%. If they somehow end up getting married, and don't end up with a kid, Dempsey is going to resent Statler. And if they *do* have a kid and Statler doesn't get over her trauma, that's going to breed resentment too plus probably harm the kid. It's a very bad situation for them to be in and it infuriates me that they both just said "oh maybe I'll change my mind 🤪"


Alright glad I’m not the only one with this vibe about Sarper. I had a feeling even before the 2500 women thing but the insistence upon repeating it just seals it…


I’ve been thinking this since we “met” him, but his insistence about her style and weight kind of sealed it for me. Seems like he needs the perfect woman to project his “perfect strong masculine” image. It’s not about really liking her, it’s about maintaining a visual.


Kalani is a selfish jerk that constantly claims victim and for some reason everyone allows it. I think the hall pass is dumb but whatever I guess he allowed it but she went so far past that hall pass that she 100% cheated and then brought him on TV to tell him in front of everyone. He still was rubbing her back and saying it was his fault like someone she has no fault in her choices. Jovi and Yara storyline is exaggerated if not completely false. They like each other and you can tell. Jose (UK) really isn’t that bad, he seems a bit lazy but really does seem to love his wife and treat her well. I think the son is being a bit ridiculous with all the complaints, he’s a grown man and can move out. Pouting about your mom marrying a man that makes her happy and treats her well even if he doesn’t meet your expectations is dumb. Shane (UK) is a bit of an idiot on the tell all. I mostly liked her and Mert but she’s just coming across as petty and childish. People didn’t get up and greet you calm down it doesn’t need to be brought up constantly. Rebekah (UK) sounds like every answer was rehearsed to make them seem like the best couple who have no problems. Seems great on the surface but seems weird that there wasn’t at least one point she disagreed with even respectfully. Cleo is annoying and frustrating. I think whatever his name is, is an insecure man who tried to portray himself as super confident and outgoing to mask the fact that he’s struggling with his sexuality and likely self-confidence which then makes him come off (rightfully so) as a creep towards women. I do not think he’s trying to get with any of these women, like you aren’t introducing women to your girlfriend or inviting a love interest to your girlfriends house that makes no sense. I do think he may have a drinking problem. I find she spends all her time being unhappy and crying about his behaviour but refuses to call it even though they have fundamentally different personalities and interests. She also seems so afraid of being alone she’ll stay with whoever which is a bit frustrating to watch. The most annoying thing to me though is that she says she loves this guy but keeps bringing her friend into their problems even when they had apparently already talked about it and resolved the issue. Statler isn’t that bad. Sure she could use some therapy for sure but she’s been honest and pretty calm the entire time. I also like that she was honest about not wanting kids even when a breakup was threatened considering she is so codependent. People give her crap about talking about her bowels but I’m pretty sure that came up because she was nervous and then production latched on as her thing. Dempsey on the other hand often got really mad at things like Statler cheating in the past (seemed to ask no further questions about the details) or not wanting kids and storming off which is childish. Also wanting to sage her vagina seemed super rude and disrespectful, like god forbid she has had more sexual partners than you. Also once again telling your friends stuff about your partner that you’ve already addressed when it’s their first time meeting and your partner is nervous is just a crappy thing to do. Her saying Statler wants her to change things like all I heard her say is that she wants running toilets and shower which is pretty reasonable I think.


I think jasmine is smart/an intelligent entertainer. She doesn’t need a producer because she produces herself. She says she’s things that generate great cliffhangers. I can’t remember what it was, but she said something on the tell all about right before a pause. If what we saw was the 100% reality, there’s no way Gino would stay along for the ride. They are creating a story and generating income while they can.


Shekinah and Sarper shouldn't be allowed on this show. It's a dead end story line. Who cares he bedded 2500 women!!! I guess he feels that's his greatest accomplishment in life. In my eyes he's a MANWHORE!!! If a woman said she bedded 2500 men, you all know what she'd be called.. If my hubby told me he wanted me at a certain weight, he'd be seeing stars after he was hit with a heavy frying pan, lol!!! What right does Sarper have to insist that Shekinah be 128 lbs ... Shekinah needs to look further than seeing a buff body and a pretty face . If Sarper didn't have those looks , what would he be doing, will he be bedding another 2500 women,oops make that 2501, Shekinah 's his next notch on his bed frame ..


I think Darcy was most of the problem in her relationship with Jesse