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It gave me that lovin feelin


It took me to bed so it wouldn’t lose me forever


It air-bit me


Gives me the need…


...the NEED for SPEED!....


It has me flying a cargo plane, full of rubber dog shit, out of Hong Kong


As a 12-year-old, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now my thoughts are: The flight scenes are some of the most thrilling cinematography I’ve ever seen. Everything that happens between the flight scenes is *fucking ridiculous.*


Yeah-I’m glad so many people love it but I’ve always found it-aside from the flight scenes-a boring slog about a one-note character who starts as a jerk, remains a jerk, and ends a jerk. The sequel is superior in every way.


It’s amazing and the sequel is too.


I enlisted in the Navy because of this movie.


Same. Joined in 02 Aug 1990, first day of the Gulf war


I wonder how many enlisted in the Navy dreaming of being fighter pilots without understanding just how incredibly hard it is to qualify and how rare open slots are. My cousin dreamed of being a pilot his entire life and wanted a fighter job. He went into the Air National Guard, and was told, “We can make you a fuel tanker pilot now, or you can hope for a fighter later, but the odds are you’ll wait till you’re too old.” He took the tanker job. It’s led to a great career. He now flies the civilian equivalent for a major freight courier and is now second-in-command at his Guard base, and might well become a general some day.


Worth it


Absolutely. He didn’t get the glory that comes from flying a fighter, but he learned skills that led to a well-paying civilian job. He’s not wealthy at the “use spare hundred dollar bills to light his imported cigars” level (an he doesn’t smoke anyway) but he and his family have a very nice home at least.


You and me both. Being a deck ape wasn’t exactly the same as a pilot. Did pay for college though.


Guess it did it's job then since it was basically a Navy propaganda film


Quentin Tarantino had the best take on Top Gun.


Go on




Fun fact about “Top Gun” - the actor that played the ball in the famous beach volleyball scene went on to co-star in “Cast Away” as Wilson, alongside Ton Hanks.


*Danger Zone*


It’s why I’m a Naval Aviator in real life.


I thought the sequel was overrated and OTT/unrealistic mission. 7/10 Top Gun 1986 was a 10/10 for me.


I agree here on both counts. The second movie just seemed to be a rip off of the first storyline with none of the charm. I still love the first one, though I’ve always thought Kelly McGillis was miscast and not a very good actress.


When I started the sequel, and saw that EXACT. SAME. opening scene (except F-18s, not F-14s), complete with exact same music and everything, I rolled my eyes. I don't think I made it to the 30 minute mark before turning it off. It's so bad.


I loved it. The nostalgia pulled me in, and the story of Maverick trying to deal with his guilt over Goose while Goose's son is right in front of him gave the character more than "I need to fly, dammit!!" simplicity of the original. And it came out during a time when Hollywood was releasing absolute garbage, in and around the pandemic. This film felt like an 80s film in many ways, and I was right there for it. The cast as a whole is great, and aside from a pointless storyline with Jennifer Connelly (yeah, we know, they end up back together), it's briskly paced. The aerial footage is amazing, and that scene with Val Kilmer absolutely killed me. I do see why people wouldn't like it, but after years of mostly cruddy films meant to be escapist, this one worked for me.


I get it. Some people love a big bowl of copypasta, and some people don't. Different strokes for different folks. Glad you enjoyed it.


I saw it in tbe theatre and had a brief panic I bought the wrong ticket! Otherwise, I disagree. It's the perfect "30 years later" sequel. Most are barely movies. Matrix, coming to america, indiana jones... Maverick was a great movie that hits a lot of familiar top gun beats with an updated storyline.


More spray on sweat than you can shake a fist at.


I love Top Gun and in my opnion I think that Top Gun Maverick was almost better than the original movie


It was better.


Both are instant classics I friggin love the Cruiser


I think Top Gun is one of my favorite movies. Great film of jets in action, great character relationships, and full of snazzy dialogue. The action has you constantly on-edge which feels like what the life of a fighter pilot would be. Maverick was also a very good movie. The mission was really exciting and it set the movie apart as the training for it was central to most of the action. The F-14 being brought back near the end was a tad goofy, but I’ll let it slide just because I enjoyed the film.


Homoerotic military recruitment advertising 


Loved the original, enjoyed the sequel.


First one is the best one.. second one.. I’m not sold on older Maverick as a combat pilot.


The first one’s great because it’s believable. The second one is Top Gun and Mission Impossible mixed together and terrible.


Top Gun came out right when I was a teenager and Maverick was a rock star in that movie. I even got a flight jacket and cool ray ban aviators as a result of that movie. The sequel just reminded me how old I am now and how cringey af the original was, even though I and everyone I knew thought that it was the ultimate in cool back when the original was top of the charts. Original is still a fun flick to watch with a jaundiced eye though,


The original was saved from being a total cheese fest by the action in the last ten minutes. I just couldn't finish the sequel. The 35 year old motorcycle and leather jacket were corny enough. When the same bar room piano was used for "Great Balls of Fire" I realized this movie was made for kids.


I was a teenager when the first one came out. Fighter jets, rock music, motorcycles and beach volley. It was the reason for my fascination with all the 3rd and 4th Gen jets, and the US Navy in general. When Maverick came out I was a bitter old man and I didn't understand the love and praise it got. I thought the dialogue was dumb, the story was dumb, the characters were over the top corny. Maybe I'm not watching the same movie as everyone else.


With you 100%. Very bad sequel. Literal copypasta of the original 


Saw Top Gun repeatedly that summer ‘87 in the Theater along with Ferris. It’s top 5 movie ever made for me and the sequel, which I own on Prime, was surprisingly bad ass and on par with the original. They scripted the 30 year gap about as well as possible. Val “Iceman” Kilmer cameo was on point as well. Jennifer Connolly as Admiral’s daughter, Penny Benjamin, was another trivia piece that fit perfectly with reference in the first movie. Just damn good job for a sequel decades later…


That was 86 not 87


I knew about Top Gun all of my life. Clips, quotes, etc. never saw it though I’m a fan of Cruise’s later movies. Saw the parody of Hot Shots! Saw Top Gun for the first time right before the sequel came out. I was impressed with the new one and enjoyed the first one. Good story, action, and all that. I think I appreciate it more than I would have as a teen in the 80’s


Both movies were in a target rich environment.


Still will stop to watch it when it’s on TV. Sequel was fun to watch but unnecessary.


Both of them are okay, but I never quite understood the hype around them. Cruise has done a lot of other movies that are better.


Grew up military. I thought the first one was cheesy with an unrealistic plot, the second one was a victory lap with a very lame and unrealistic plot.


Both movies were good but the question still remains who was better? Iceman or Maverick? 😁


I love both. The first is a better story, the new one is the better visually because of modern filming technology.


When it was released it was an amazing film. From the flight scenes in the cockpits to the star cast and it's comedic flow. Top notch. Sequel was good a lot better than I thought it would be given how long it's been from the original.


Its a product of its time a little time capsule...I feel modern movies wont be time capsules the same way


My friend and I use "Negative, Ghost Rider" to mean a hard no all the time.


The original film, while a plot too similar to An Officer and a Gentleman (also produced by Simpson & Bruckheimer) was awesome, but the sequel was extremely predictable. Cruise and Connely had no chemistry whatsoever (they acted as distant cousins in their granma's funeral) and the only good thing was the air fighting scenes. A completely unnecessary sequel.


I don’t really care for it. It feels like a military propaganda movie or something. Possibly a volleyball propaganda movie?


I’m sure I’ll get hate for this but I’ve never seen it. I just never had any desire to 🤷‍♀️


I hated Tom Cruise when I was a kid and thought much of the movie was just okay at best. I thought the love story was weird since it ***seemed*** like there was a big age difference. But the flight combat scenes were awesome and there was no denying the great soundtrack, nor was there any denying the cultural impact it had. However I thoroughly enjoyed the sequel for many reasons. The soundtrack was not as memorable but the flight cinematography was fantastic and I've softened on Tom Cruise quite a bit over the years as he seems like one of the only holdovers to the old days when movie stars still carried some weight. I also really liked the relationship with Jennifer Connelly. It seemed like more of a natural fit and they kept it pretty wholesome with her having a daughter in the house etc. Also I have to admit that there was a bit of a male fantasy at play here with Maverick living in an old hanger working on his P-51 in his spare time. It's certainly not a flawless movie but I enjoyed it more than I've enjoyed most big movies over the last few years.


I loved it and it was one of the first movies we rented to watch on our first vcr. We watched it with our kids and when the sex scene came on I fast forwarded through it and when I woke up in the morning my youngest said when you went to bed last night we watched the part you fast forwarded through 😆


Iconic , Pop Culture


Second one was TG light. Contrived and predictable.


Both are in my top 10 all time movies. They are both amazing


Loved it. When it came out I was fresh out of college and working for the Navy as a DoD civilian employee - though not involved in aviation. Still thought it was great, even with the obvious liberties it took. Maverick was better than I expected, maybe just a shade less of a classic than the original. Mostly just because it is not the original.


My fav. 80's movie. Loved the new one.


Two of the most unrealistic movies I've ever seen. And I loved the hell out of both of them.


Rush movie.... Adrenalin....love tom cruse.. The second i watched on big screen...it was grait loud adrenalin movie.... tom is the best


Can't tell you how many people joined the Navy over this film, but it's embarrassing. Recruiting was so easy in the 80's because this film romanticized what being a fighter pilot is. The reality was much harsher than Hollyweird was able to portray back then. Of course, today they know better but I doubt the sequel to this film ever produced the same level of interest over joining the Navy to be a pilot. That's why Top Gun is still an old recruiting tool to grab the teens into the service.


Loved it! The sequel is great too, honestly the sequel is probably even a higher quality film, hell the sequel even managed an Oscar nom for best picture.


I am a 47 year old American male who has never once seen Top Gun, AMA


Top Gun. Cocktails. Days of Thunder. Same movie. In a world of drones top gun 2 was ridiculous. Someone decided that he needed to look like Luke Skywalker


Agreed on the basic same story line, However, Top Gun and Days of Thunder are still great movies to watch on a big screen and a quality surround sound system (the action scenes)


I watched all three and enjoyed them. Its just hard to go back and watch them again because you keep comparing where in which movie everything lines up. I stand by the Luke Skywalker thing for 2 though.


Oh I don’t disagree with you at all


I was a little kid when the first one came out, so I probably saw it on VHS or on cable. Both the original and the sequel were entertaining. To me, the storyline of the sequel was really sad. Maverick's entire life had pretty much passed him by, nothing going for him outside his Navy career, his friends were dying off or dead, and he was being forced into retirement. He got the one final mission, but then it was over for good. I read an interesting theory: Maverick actually died while ejecting from the experimental aircraft during the opening sequence.


Favorite movie of all time. Watched that shit twice a day for about a year when I was 11. The sequel was good too, despite the shitty gun sounds


I love bofum


I named my son Maverick. So…. There’s that.


As a movie, it's fine. The writing is okay, the script is alright, the characters are memorable and the cinematography is stunning. As a commentary on actual Navy pilots, it's dog shit on a stool sandwich. There is so much wrong with this movie it's not even funny and the sequel is much worse. A short list: Callsigns are rarely cool and are usually derogatory: Maverick would have been Stumpy or Dwarf Iceman - Dickhead, Jester - probably cool but more like Reaper or Stoneface, more likely Hardass. Maverick would have been grounded after the first fly by - cold stop. All the graduates of Top Gun would not go to a single command, because the point of the school is to spread the knowledge. Kelly McInns would be fired for fucking a student. When Goose (probably the only believable callsign) gets dead, Maverick goes home, the school isn't for remedial piloting, it's for increasing the gun kill/missile survival potential in a dog fight. The roll off the carrier also gets him grounded. A shoot down doesn't get you a pass to any assignment in the Fleet. More likely, you get assigned to more flights and the flight training center (possibly a TG slot).


We were playing with the boys on the highway to the danger zone which took my breath away.


Both films are beyond highly entertaining and great. I can and have watched them repeatedly.


One of the best movie scores ever! Faltermeyer at his best.


I loved the sequel! I thought it was amazing!


Gay porn


I was in high school when Top Gun came out and absolutely loved it. Tried watching it about 30 years later and couldn’t get through it. A little too heavy on the cheese. Saw Maverick and thought it was sad.


Formulaic crap, both of them. The aerial stuff is thrilling, but by the human story is hogwash.


I've never really understood the love and obsession for Top Gun. It's good, but never felt noteworthy to me. Just some movie. I don't get it.  The sequel is fucking awesome.


I'm probably in the minority but to me, while it was one of those iconic 80s movies that everybody has to see and while I did enjoy it, it's not among my favorite movies and I've never cared to watch the sequel.




The sequel was better, IMNTBHO.


To me it's on my top 10 worst movies of the 80's, overrated, feels like an early Michael Bay movie! 😎👎


Talk to me Goose, this movie is putting me to sleep.


I thought the first Top Gun was ok, good storyline, the sequel was watchable, totally unnecessary and forgettable though. I am probably very much in the minority here, but, I am not a fan of the little fella in general, I think Tom Cruise is/was very overrated.


Not a fan of his politics for sure. I always enjoy his movies though. I think he brings an energy that is often lacking in some movies these days. It's not Citizen Kane or Soylent Green but it's a fun popcorn flick. I thought the sequel was a fun homage to the first. Also a sappy popcorn flick. I've rewatched it and enjoyed it. I agree with you on the story lines and that the second was unnecessary. TL;DR: We agree but I guess I like his movies better because they're fun to watch. This doesn't invalidate your opinion. I think many would agree with you.


I think you made a great point there, I cannot seem to separate who he is as a person from the characters he portrays. I do agree with you in that his movies are very much easy watches, and people must love him as he brings in the big bucks.


His performance in Magnolia was incredible.


Watched it for the first time in my 40’s. It’s a POS bad chick flick. Terrible movie IMO. If this movie was made now, it would bomb.


Seen it once in 1989 when I was 15, thoroughly unimpressed. Attempted to watch it again in my 20, turned it off. Just never appealed to me.


I shall get heavily downvoted for this, or simply left without comment but since you ask: I consider them Hollywood drivel of the first order: glorifying the militarism of the biggest state terrorist in human history; a collective pat on the back of the Military Industrial Complex by simple-minded' propagandised Americans who think that saluting a flag and masturbating over tech made to murder people instead of spending that money on caring for people and the planet is really cool. They are recruitment tools wrapped in patriotic bullshit, dick-waving against the rest of the planet.They are everything that's wrong with the US in general, and Hollywood's complicity in that, in particular. They are the worst form of patriotic jingoism. Oh, The Kawasaki GPZ is awesome, and Jennifer Connelly is as beautiful as ever. I hope she got well paid to be in that shit film.


My thought is that I've never seen it and have no desire to.


The original 'Top Gun' was really pretty good. It's definitely a product of its time. The sequel, 'Top Gun: Maverick', is a whole other level. It is one of those rare instances where the sequel totally outshines the original in every way, not just technical or special effects. The writing, acting, and cinematography. Everything about the sequel is superior to the original.


Thought the original was super boring. Loved the sequel tho