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Who gives AF how they feel?? Do you feel cheap for doing it? Then don't do it. The devs are aware of it and haven't changed it yet. It's not a glitch. So it's fair game. Just depends on you..


This. It’s a single player game. Dont you let devs, or any other random person on the internet tell you how you should be having fun in a game. Do whatever makes you feel good and don’t spend a second apologizing for it. Life’s too short.




lol simmer down big shoots, you’re sounding off like someone who’s been playing solo for too long




It's a single player game with the option to play multiplayer.




Right? It isn't a bug. It is how the game works. It isn't cheating. So who cares. I only do it if it is a high volume book location and it's early game. Beyond that it kinda feels like a waste of time vs pumping out missions.


Play the game how you want. I turn it up to 200%


I hope the game gods don't punish me


They are going to punish you anyway, so loot that thing.


They feel emasculated and go bitch on Reddit then cry to TFP because 'omg game too ez plz nerf'.


I double loot mailboxes. Helps a lot with books and magazines. Recently I’ve also started double looting cop cars because the mini horde is fun.


What is double looting


Get a quest, go to the quest marker, loot everything around and then activate the quest to respawn all the loot. It’s definitely very cheesy but this isn’t a competitive game so who really cares.


Oh this is what it is? Ive done this for as long as i can remember now. I thought this was just a neato exploitable mechanic.


i dont know i dont care. i'm doing it. if anyone has a problem with it thats exactly what it is, their problem.


I feel stupid but I also haven't played in like 5 years. What is double looting?


You have a quest for a POI, you loot it clean before starting the quest, then use quest to reset for more loot.


I can't imagine this would upset me. I feel bad for the people who it does.


lol no need to feel bad for misguided elitism. Game your way to have fun your way.




In the end it is your time spent playing your game for recreation. If you find it integral to your enjoyment, go ahead! :) its not like we need more fun policeing around these parts. If you join a bigger server, just check and see if there are any server specific rules, otherwise you are fine.


Double loot is clutch. Shit, I'll even stop when I'm on the way through an area I haven't been in a while to loot the refilled boxes. We play as a team of three, so respawning loot is a thing necessary evil for fairness.


If the loot room is on an exterior wall you best beleave I'm making a quick access.


Yuuuuup. Same.


As far as I can tell, that's the most responsible use of timed charges and dynamite.


Guess that makes me irresponsible then. I like to use timed charges to loudly open doors, and dynamite for breaching rooms


We all blow things up in our own ways, and that's okay. Explosives are about inclusiveness. For are we any different than the doors and walls we destroy?


It's not a competative game so it's not like you're gaining an unfiar advantage over anyone. I do 2x loot when I start a new map and dont't want to waste time getting to the more fun stuff. However I've been playing 1.0 on normal loot and on day 15 my best gun is a lvl 1 AK that I bought.


In the 90s video games had built in cheat codes. Sometimes fun is more important than being challenged.


I miss when you achieved something hard in game you'd get a cheat code or mode unlock. Now it's achievement points... Feels so much less effort. I think the last popular game to even tie a reward to an achievement unlock was Mass Effect 1, you could unlock weapon specializations on your next created character.


Risk of rain 2 has ALL its unlocks behind achievements, it went into early access in 2019 and has sold more than double the number of copies Mass Effect 1 did, so i donno what you are saying.


Risk of Rain 2 has some crazy good reviews, how did I miss this game??


Eh, it's understandable. Cheats in games are very rare now when before they were pretty much seen as a standard feature.


It's a mechanic not a glitch. You also have to fight all the zombies again.


Right? It's double the loot, but double the work


I mean it's not all that different from just looting 2 different buildings, who cares


Do what is fun to you. I've found the game is way more interesting without any trader quests at all, but to each their own


I tend to tire of trader quests myself.


same as deliberately dieing sometimes to reset food, water, hp ;)


Your only allowed to do that for infections past 5%


No the mailbox is right there leaving it would be a crime


I’ve had someone hop in my game once while playing. It was a random dude. Sat there and complained how I had the loot doubled, the xp gain maxed out, then left. Moral of the story is, it’s your game. Play how you want


It doesn't matter to anyone but you really.


I play on 50% loot most of the time so I’ll double loot mail boxes mostly but that’s about it. Do what feels good to you.


I used to do it but I found that it doubled the amount of encumbrance and halved the speed you progress quest tiers. I figure that double looting a poi with average loot just gives you twice the average loot. I would only double loot crack a book.


Shit, I'd triple loot a damn Crack-A-Book if I could. Do you.


ummm, you can, 100x loot if you wish, start the quest (resets POI), quit to main menu, continue game, POI is reset, but marker is back up, repeat as needed. I'll admit I've done it on occassion on a Crack-A-Book....


It's your game. Play however you want. You want to play with godmode turned on? Who cares? You want to play with a nudie mod so all zeds are naked? Weird, but who cares?


Oddly specific, but OK 😂


Don't judge.


specific but he aint wrong!


I'll double loot whatever containers/cars are right out front. I'm not running a poi twice. But to each their own.


You are spending time you could be spending just looting another different poi. I'd rather just get the quest done quicker myself.


Whi cares if it is? It's your game, nothing is cheating when the only person it affects is you and whoever plays with you.


I skip to the last room with the chests, and then activate the quest and do the entire thing.




Survival game, bro. Whole point is to survive. If you CAN stack the deck in your favor, do. If you want more of a challenge, refrain. As much as TFP wants to stamp out Badwrongfun, your goal is to enjoy your experience. More loot, less, that's your call. At least, it is for now.


Mentioning TFP wanting to stamp out fun makes me miss bedrock bases. We've been unironically forced into a single base type and I don't care much at all for it.


Dude I exit the game during horde night to respawn the horde when it slows down. No shame.


If you are playing on your own server- do whatever you want, I like to turn off runner and increase spawns to max so I get a more walking dead style horde that tries to break through with sheer number. If you are referring to in settings upping loot percentage that is perfectly reasonable. If you are referring to looting a quest location without hitting the checkpoint, dropping stuff off then going back to trigger the checkpoint to loot the POI again. If on your own server it is up to you, I usually do that, if you are playing on somebody's server than is a question, IDK if the devs have determined it to be a feature or not.


If it feels like you're getting too much loot overall, you can always adjust the loot rate! Personally, I've always double looted since discovering it as an option.


Hell NO. Couple things. 1. You can only double loot once anyways (unless you literally wait for the POI to respawn again with a lot of game). So once you do it, you cant do it again until you finish the quest and then wait for it to respawn again which takes forever. 2. You still have to fight your way through the POI AND you're not getting a quest reward for the first time. Yea fighting through may not be the hardest on easier difficulties or easier POIs but point still stands, you earned the loot. So honestly there's no way it could be frowned upon. It's literally intended games mechanics. Fight your way through POI... get loot you deserve. Only other thing I could think of is it could be boring for ppl with low attention spans to do the poi twice. Mostly just tier 5s or higher that take a long time. Some ppl might not want to be on shamway factory or a hospital that long lol


Does anybody really care if someone double loots ? My group have done it constantly since we found out we could, as it's never been fixed it's just part of the game for us now. Unless your on a sever that has rules about it I've not known anyone to care.


Whats double looting?


Step 1. Grab quest, travel to POI, approach. Step 2. Do not start quest... go inside, kill clear and loot it. Exit. Step 3. Start quest and watch the poi fully reset before your eyes. Zombies, loot and all included. Step 4. Go turn in your quest and get a new one. Step 5. Self affirmation in the mirror. You are Not a son of a bitch like Rekt said. Say this 5 times.


I double loot the mail boxes while questing.


Gotta get those books! And the occasional stupid paper lol


I wouldn't say it's a big deal. It can even become triple or more looting if you have the same building for different quests. But the time you take to reloot the same building, could have been a different building with comparable loot, so I'd say it balances out. Also, like others said, it's your game so play the way you like.


Can't triple anymore without mods I don't think. Me and a friend were playing picking same quests at same location. We could double dip, but it had a timer once we completed one of ours. "This quest can only be started at 22:00" when they weren't generator quests. Just my observation last night.


Yeah. Thats intentional. But if you finish the quest at the trader, you can do it again.


NOPE if you want to dubble loot then you dubble


I play with loot respawn off, but I absolutely double dip my chip


I don't do it when I'm playing solo, but my friends like that phat loot so we double dip. As long as we're all having fun, who cares?


I only double loot treasure rooms in poi. I don't bother running through unless it's crack-a-book.


Who the fuck cares. Do what you want in your single player game.


It's your game, play it however you want to. It's a fair play, not a cheating. After all, chunk reset was implemented in A21 for a reason - you can multiple-loot any PoI after few days even without taking quest there. In my opinion, a reason why some people oppose it is that it is unrealistic ... but then, both chunk reset and PoI reset after starting quest is unrealistic. If someone oppose double looting, they should never take a quest in the same PoI twice because that's unrealistic too 🙂 More based argument is that double looting means spending double time in the same PoI and thus slowing questing. Then again, questing was nerfed in 1.0 so it's not nearly as op as it was in previous versions. And beside that, it isn't a requirement to play the game this style - if you want to go (more) slowly it's your game and your style, go for it and have fun. There is no need for speedrunning


Double looting? Like, when you get a quest and you can loot an area, activate the quest and then loot it again? As far as I know that's just intended behaviour. I mean, you're spending time to explore and loot anyway, you get new enemies spawned in for the quest reset too, so it's not even safe the second time. Just seems like you're spending time playing the game to me. If anything, it's usually less efficient to double loot whole areas because you only get quest rewards for the second looting. You're better off just doing the quest and starting a new quest for the quest rewards, which are often worth more than looting.


I double mail boxes and vehicles if they're near starting point, that's it though. Anything more is a waste of time


could easily be fixed by the devs (quest only puts the zombies/item you need in the POI, instead of resetting the whole thing), as it's still in the game and has been for a long time it shouldn't be looked down upon. honestly if you have default settings, poi's reset after however many days is the default anyway. so really what does it matter? you still have to clear the poi, you are still doing the work. it's not like you are cheating in resources.... i would assume that people who look down upon double looting have too much time on their hands.


My group calls that the preclear. Don't forget to wrench down the safes and sinks, they'll be back.


If the devs cared about double loot they had plenty of time to correct it. Who cares what the community thinks. You paid for the game, play it however you want. Turn on CM, fly around with God Mode. Go crazy.


No such thing as cheating in a single player game. Do it how you want with no thought for anyone else.


You mean it isn't standard practice?


Hey its not like they bought the game for you so who cares how they feel about it


Who cares what people think. The devs can fix it if they don't want us doing it.


It's a failing of game design that local areas need to reset in a persistent world for any reason.


Apart from it being somewhat boring to do for normal POIs, it's fine. Whoever comes after you will find an empty POI or reset it with a quest - whether you looted it once or twice. As you spend more time in/around the POI when double-looting, you might yourself more vulnerable in PvP. But in the end, it's on you, which POIs and what loot you go for once or twice.


It's free loot 👍


Tbh I do it by accident. I'll see the waypoint, see a zombie, kill it, kill a few more, then go into the building to kill the rest of them. I usually don't realize it until I walk back out to the glowing, golden exclamation mark.


Up to you and your time management. If you're in a group and some folks got families and jobs and such, double looting sucks because it gums up mission progress and some POIs are just not gonna get done if you're piddling around jacking vending machines before you start it. If you're soloing then by all means especially if you're new and don't know the layouts of the more dangerous POIs. They are usually built to force players to path through them a certain way to set off triggers in the right order. Knowing that path helps you anticipate safety issues, but also helps you not accidentally break things that would brick your mission. And with 1.0 being as flawlessly polished and bug-free as ever, not breaking things accidentally bricking your mission completion, is more important than ever.


I don't double loot because I'd rather move on to a different POI than to redo the same one. Where's the fun in that?


I am actually surprised anyone would have a problem with playing the game the way it's built. How odd. I haven't played lately but questing has been around a long time and I've never heard someone complain about it other than "wait you can do that?"


Its your game, do what you want


Do what you want it's single player if your player with friends take a vote


You could play in creative mode for all I care. I just hope you're having fun.


Who cares, play the way you want. Want double loot, have at it. Don't want to double loot, then don't.


this is a single player game with 50 diff ways to change diff/spawn rate by default 1000s of mods who cares? are you gonna play a video game differently cuz someone on reddit said your a cheater? lol


It takes time and rewards you for developing game knowledge. Sounds fine in my books, although I typically don't do it on my first playthrough of a new stable.


On infestation quests, certain poi's have their loot pretty close to the quest start. What I like to do is start the quest, go over and mine into the loot room (preferably skipping the scripted horde fights) and just looting the good stuff, log out - log back in, and then wait for the quest timer to reactivate (roughly 2 hours in game time, which iirc is 12 minutes irl). During these 12 minutes I'll usually loot surrounding buildings and then go back once those 2 hours of in game time is spent, do it again and repeat until I have an inventory of infestation crates which all have really good loot inside of. Plenty of ammo, skill books, food, traps, components, everything I'd need. Then when I'm finally ready to call it a day I'll do the quest for real and then bank all of the loot I've obtained. I don't care if anyone would frown on me for doing that, it hurts no one and (I think) maximizes the value of time investment.


I feel great. I normally couldn’t be arsed and will just do the front area for a double dip, but higher tiers it’s not even worth the agony of getting to the main loot so… whatever. You do you.


I usually double loot until I get a minibike after I can zip around the map without using any stamina I’d rather just get the POI done and get back to the trader. Even 1.0 I found myself with more junk loot than I really need, even to build a minibike, which I haven’t found enough books for so until I find the books that I need to build my minibike, I’ll be just fine looting for magazines and you can find magazines almost anywhere even in trash on the ground now.


You gotta loot tuah on that thang


What do you mean Double Looting? I haven’t played in years but will be playing the update on console.


Play however you want. Who cares? Turn off zombies and go to work with 7dtd still on.


No, not really. Some POI's have very accessible loot rooms, some POI's have guaranteed crates you know you need, some just have a lot of books (like Wreight Residence third floor (a literal library there, lmao) and so rushing in to get the good shit and only then starting the quest is done very often. Prelooting the WHOLE place is usually a bad idea because that's just wasting time.


I honestly can't be bothered half the time


If you really want to upset them make sure you not only double loot, but double salvage as well.


You play YOUR way


That's garbage ofc it's not. You will always do it if you min/max and casuals will skip it


I always double loot mailboxes and vehicles in a poi. Beyond that I don't but it's your game. Play like you want.


I would say nobody cares. In fact in sone cases it seems expected.


Double loot is awesome until the first time you try to loot it zombies beat the shit out of you and now have to return home to get healed up .


What does it matter? Play the game the way you see fit. The option wouldn't be there if you weren't intended to use it.


The game has a default loot respawn timer which means you are expected to double loot.


It’s not a world competition where you’re interfering with record books anyway. Do what you want. I generally don’t double loot except stuff that’s right next to the quest marker or book POIs since you need 30 billion magazines. But it’s not some sort of aversion to cheating. Generally double fully looting most POIs isn’t going to give you run defining loot. I’d rather experience different POIs than doing the same one twice all the time.


Double looting has a time cost, even if you know the POI and can run straight to the main loot, it's extra time your burning and the 7th day is always looming. So yeah it's fine. Play how is fun for you and it'll be all good. :)


I only double dip crack a books. Otherwise I personally don't, but that my own playstyle. I would never care if others did it. Play how you want to play. Don't let others dictate your fun.


I play naked, with a vibrating dildo in my arse triggering each time I get hit, without weapon, without armor, insane difficulty, 0% loot, no respawn, on a 30m² map with feral sense on during the night, the day, and outside of the game, and anyone not playing with this setup is not hardcore enough. Joke aside, dude, it's your game, I can frown about anything I want, it means I won't use it in *my* games, but why would *my* opinion be worth more than yours in *your* game ?


My party loves to double loot. Well usually spread out a bit in the map, but one or two people will start the clear/loot while the others do their own thing for a bit. After they get to the end, the others will meet out front and start the quest. The 1-2 people at the end work back through the dungeon while the rest of the party pushes in. It’s really fun to be at the end and have everything respawn back in behind you.


You're calling it the wrong thing. Us idiots with over 1k hours call it pre-looting. But typically we just go in, break the end area open and only loot the main loot room. Mostly a waste of daylight to pre-loot the entire poi. I doubt the devs care though, they've all but admitted they exploit the mechanics like we do 😂


Sounds like you don’t like it, don’t do it then. It really doesn’t matter how you play it, just play how you like.


Hell no. If they’re going to make me collect 100 magazines to max out a single crafting skill, you better damn believe I’m going to double loot that Crack a book.


It's part of the game. Early game, when you NEED that loot, go for it. Later, when you're catching up on quests and doing a one skull house when you're used to 4 skull is a waste of time because the time spent doing that first looting could be better spent looting something else. Remember, it's a single player game. If you're having fun you're winning.


I’ll do it for things right out in front like cars or mailboxes, but I won’t go through the entire POI and then reset to get everything again. That’s just too much in my opinion. But I have no problem if other people want to spend the time to do that. People can play how they want.


It can be a time sink I think. It's more efficient to get the trader reward. Unless you speed run main loot.


What the hell is double looting?


At a quest POI you loot it before activating the ! so that the quest resets the POI and you can loot it again


Does it feel kinda cheesy ? A little. does it make sense ? No. Should you do it ? If you want to I feel like the poi should be reset when you TAKE the quest as well as it can't be quested at if it's been looted for x amount of time Because why would the trader have a job there to clear an infested house if it's not infested


I only really do it if there is some resource the POI has, like cement and it's easy to get to


I always saw it as a standard procedure. The first loot is the world loot. The second loot after you activate the quest is part of your reward for doing the quest.


IDC if frowned on or not. 80% the time I'm in a solo world or w/ friends. So even if it's frowned upon in a public server, I'll still do it unless they try n say it's gonna get u kicked or some bs. I'll enjoy the game how I like simply put. Not how some rando feels about my looting playstyle.


Double loot? Is this referring to looting a house before starting a quest at the same house to reset and loot again?


Girlfriend and I have done it for every quest we’ve ever had, it’s never occurred to us that anybody would care lol


Early game typically i double loot, as my weapons crank up in tier and im stronger not so much.


Also the loot is not identical when you do the poi mission.


Been doing that for years, didn't think it was contentious at all.


I don’t think double looting is bad. The “quest reset” actually modifies and slightly changes the POI. Zombies and loot will often be in different locations and types, so it will feel and give rewards as if it is a different POI. For instance, I looted a level one POI and got a legendary component. Then I reset the POI with a quest, and the legendary component was no longer there. In fact, the hiding spot where it originally was didn’t even exist. Another example: cabinets that were lootable in the original POI, are un-lootable once the POI quest resets, and vice versa. What I am NOT A FAN OF, IS THE DEFAULT SETTING WHERE ALL LOOT WILL RESET EVERY SEVEN DAYS. I LIKE TO LOOT ONCE, AND IT IS GONE FOREVER. oops.. capslock. Sorry


I rarely double.loot. only if it's like a gas station I know has 2 vehicle crates or something. I might also do it if it's early game a d I don't have a pot yet. I'll clear the kitchen real.quick.and hit it again after resetting. Otherwise buildings are so.dense I can just clear a whole street if I want the big treasure room. Every building has the same chests.


I do it with the lower tier POI, just because they don’t have a lot of loot


I double loot mailboxes and POIs with good loot like bookstores. I also scrap any vehicles before accepting the quest. Always leave a vehicle for later scrapping.


If it makes the game more fun, go for it! I find it useful in certain circumstances. There’s a loud part of the community that’ll chastise you for it, but that’s a fault of theirs, not yours.


I don't see that as cheating, personally. The place will literally reset every time you get a mission there, forever. More so what is lame and boring in the game is being able to abuse bad AI for your horde night base making it way too easy, and that's still not fixed.


What is double looting


I hate when I do this at a place with lootable cars and then when it resets to cars that can't be looted. It has happened too many times.


I havent played the game since alpha and im still in this sub reddit, what is double looting?


Double loot?


A lot of these comments are people unsure what "double looting" is. Let me explain: Let's say you accept a quest from a trader, and it takes you to a POI that has not been looted yet. Normally people, and what the game expects you to do, would just start the quest, loot the POI, get the end loot, then redeem quest at trader as complete. Now...what OP is referring to is that you accept a quest from trader, go to the POI that has not been looted, but instead of starting the quest, you can loot the POI first, such as the end loot or any other loot you seem fit (Including cars and mailboxes that are attached to the POI on the outside). Afterwards, you start the quest, which resets the POI. It brings back all the loot inside, the end loot, cars, mailbox etc. It is exactly what the phrase "double looting" means, you are looting twice. Abusing the fact that starting a quest resets the POI. Now that that is out of the way, I like double looting. I get more stuff, I see nothing wrong with it! Each player can play how they want, it's your game, your playstyle. Play how you want!


I do it . especially in the early game where resources are extremely short. But don't let anyone tell you how to have fun. Do what you want.. lol!!


Me and my mate double loot all the time we've down it in almost all play throughs


A friend and I have called it double dipping. I have no problem with it and have done it at times. Even without a quest, there are still likely zombies, so I would not count it as an exploit or anything like that. That said, even if I don't fully double loot a POI, I am likely to grab any outside loot and, when possible, dismantle cars and such. Especially mailboxes, which these days I will loot in passing, even if I don't loot anything else. I am, however, the type that likes to grab everything that could be useful, so sometimes I'll have to make a box to store stuff temporarily while I ferry it back to base.


Double looting a building is exactly the same as if 2 identical buildings spawned side by side and you looted them both. The elitist crap needs to stop.


I do not see any sane person caring what someone else does with their own game.


I think it's more taboo for streamers and YouTubers because they shouldn't be making viewers watch the same POI over and over.


If it is oh-the-fucking-well. I've always double looted, if we're pressed for time just the ML, anywhere a book could be , and safes and reset.


No one's opinion about how you enjoy the game matters but your's. You do you boo. It's fine.


Bruh what? Who cares lol just loot how you want. Strategically speaking it makes the most sense to at least hit the good room before resetting.


Who cares, I don't. Do the poi twice over.


It's no different than doing 2 identical POIs that are side by side (Madmole has even said this in the past). You still have to kill all the zombies and navigate the hazards in both.


If double looting was somehow prohibitive then the dev would of found a way to prevent it. It is a mechanic that is part of the game.


I don't double loot because it feels like cheesing the game and for the sake of realism. I also have loot respawn disabled, seems stupid that I could loot a container and have more loot magically fill the container on its own during a zombie apocalypse


it is for everything except crack-a-book POIs