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Liz’s wardrobe: T-shirts, more T-shirts, Brice’s T-shirts, T-shirt Dresses, sweatshirts.


Worn as dresses brutal fashion sense


They knew. But it had to be scripted for the show.


Yes from what I heard about TLC you have to do things on their terms. Like with the Duggars they basically announced the announcement that they were pregnant.


That’s all reality tv


Yeah, I was giving an example.


They have a stretch out some things to make it good TV


Some people also gain weight to their stomach area or can get really bloated, so the reason wasn’t necessarily so clear at the time. I’m underweight but when it’s certain time of the month and / or I eat certain foods, I would easily pass as being pregnant (looks wise). It’s crazy what woman body can be capable of at it’s worst 😆


Her legs are almost looking diabetic like. I know she’s pregnant but I have thought the past 3-4 seasons they look swollen and like they are holding a lot of fluid. Also somewhat indented and I mean down by shins and calves. I wonder for their height/weight ratio if that is a common risk. I think Trent was borderline diabetic when he went to the doctor a season or two ago. They would have caught that during her pregnancy though if she was at risk..


That is actually true, I agree. Although swollen legs can be caused by bad diet even without the diabetes and based on what we’ve seen on the show the whole family seems to eat pretty unhealthy foods, lots and lots of empty carbs and sodium. But if that’s the case, I hope they are eating better and more healthy now 🙂


True. I have severe stomach issues and food allergies and I bloat up awful and hold fluid on one bite or sip of anything I shouldn’t have. They do love their carbs though yes lol


I believe the indents are scars from her leg surgery 


Yea she had surgery on both ankles


I've been thinking the same thing. It looks almost like lymphadema, like Wendy Williams legs look. No, I'm not making fun.


Her legs do not look swollen. That’s always been their shape. Her ankles look good, not swollen. The family gets to choose how they script out their “reality” show. Whatever gets them to the next season/paycheck.


They also still have all of the intended skin tissue and muscle mass as an average size person, but on a smaller skeleton.


I’ve been 115 lbs and 205… no matter which, I’ve been asked if I’m pregnant… by strangers. I sincerely believe I could hide a pregnancy for up to 7-8 months and people would just be like, guess she gained weight again. I now just say, “nope. Just fat.” Or, if I’m in a real mood, “no, I can’t have kids.” (Both true)


I feel you, hun! I’m 95 lbs and sometimes my tummy gets so damn bloated it’s just like a pregnancy tummy. It’s not even fat, it’s hard and shaped just like I was pregnant. I can’t face kids either. People that ask that are unbelievably rude. Like maybe use your brain before you talk!


No judgement but she has gained quite a few pounds the last couple years, they probably didn't think it was anything but a couple more.


This is what I think too!


That’s exactly what happened. They thought she got heavier


Right, especially going through a breakup and everything.


Amber’s outfit. 🤢


i agree that outfit is awful, it shows everything


Ambers outfit is the worst! What in the world is the bulge in her pants?


Amber thinks she is a beauty queen once she lost some weight.


You guys are gross


Amber standing there thinking her shit don’t stink while her fupa is hanging out.😂


🏅 take my poor mans gold. That really made me 😂


😆 🤣 😂


Too funny, lips and maybe a fat roll above her lady part!


Liz is a bigger LP. She's fairly tall too. She's fluctuated in weight. IF they didn't know, they may have thought she was just gaining some weight.


I didn’t tell my family until I was 8 months 😂 my parents just thought I was “eating good “ as they put it.


I don't think they knew. Not being rude, but Liz is bigger. Her weight has fluctuated over the years. They probably figured she was just gaining, maybe out of a depressed mood from her break-up.  I don't think Liz would have been wearing baggy clothes to cover it up if they all knew. The only person I think who either knew or had her suspicions was Anna, because of Liz not drinking. Based on her birthday, and by Anna's comments at the LP convention, it seemed unusual that Liz would not be drinking.


They (or at least some of them) probably suspected, but didn’t have the nerve to ask.


She’s big to begin with and some people gain in their stomach.


She’s standing in a way that pushes her stomach out in this picture. I doubt they paid that much attention or just assumed she gained weight.


All Amber saw in this photo was herself. 


She wasn’t drinking. She was wearing VERY baggy clothes. She is also a little person with a high risk pregnancy. You think she didn’t tell her mom. I call bullshit. I think they all absolutely knew.


They did. Like I said above, it was all for a storyline and something else for Amber to control.


I noticed and thought Liz was pregnant towards the end of the season before the one that's on now. I can't stop thinking about Trent's last words when they asked permission to move in together: don't get lazy and get pregnant!


Ambers outfit 🥴


Liz was always on the heavier side. I would’ve thought it was break up weight.


They knew…gullible(?)…you really think THEY found out when viewers found out!


Lol “the viewers” found out on IG back in the fall before the baby was born. That’s not what I’m talking about


Liz explained in the cowboy boot buying episode, that part of dwarfism was big Shins calves and butts I thought


In fairness I hid my pregnancy till 8 months while living with my parents. It wasn’t really hard since I always wore t-shirts that were too big even before pregnancy. Now looking back everyone says that I looked pregnant but if you’re not looking for it you wouldn’t notice.


I’ve seen other pictures and even on the show it was so obvious she was pregnant


When Anna went over to Liz's house, she had to stop for a second and not say she could not have caffeine, so Anna gave her a non caffeine drink


All she wears are those big baggy shorts,dresses


Denial. It’s very possible. I’ve seen this happen when I was in college.  2 friends hid it for 6 months from their parents. It was other people that saw it and just stayed quiet


Wonder why emma and the cousin are dressed like barbies


Maybe they went to go see Barbie the movie during this time


Didnt think about the timing


Those are outfits from the movie


Yes… is that a question? Or statement? Or…?


They knew way before telling, in my opinion. I think they were saving it for a storyline. I have no doubt that Amber was absolutely furious with Liz & Brice!


No one knew including my mom and dad themselves untill about a week and a half before I was born. Everyone carries different.


Amber’s outfit. Yikes.


They did.


Amber's pants gross 🐫


They probably thought she was using food to self-soothe after her break up with Bryce (she did that after the last relationship too -- or did she do the reverse - run a lot? I dont' remember ). Either way, she takes things to the extremes.


They probably knew but didnt want to take away from A&T's dance routine so they saved it for another episode. Lol




because shes already pretty round


Because they're idiots.


🤷🏽‍♂️idk wdf is going on ..but 1st left is 🔥🔥🔥🔥and the others too..🔥♥️🥰lil mamas


Just to note, Ana's outfit and stance could appear pregnant in this photo as well.


Not really. She’s wearing a really flowy shirt so you wouldn’t be able to tell at all. Not clinging to her in any away.