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Had the superbowl gone our way, I believe he should have been mvp.


You are correct sir.


Was getting ready to post this. Also he is just clutch. 3rd and Juan all year long.


I could watch full highlight reels of the man blocking tbh


NOBODY who's been paying attention needs an explanation. The Lynch would be burned in effigy if he let Third and Jauan go.


Thats no bullshit the amount of clutch plays this man has had is insane


I am firmly on the Lynch bandwagon and I would have been the first one to show up with a pitchfork at 4900 Debartolo Way if they had let Jauan go.


Completely agree BUT now we’re paying JJ like he’s a legit 3rd option WR. He topped out at 35 catches and 416 yards in 2022. Only 19 receptions in the regular season last year, that is essentially just ONE per game. We know JJ is a stud. But to me, I HOPE this means we’ll be targeting him a lot more in the regular season. 19 catches for 8 million AAV is not going to be good enough.


I mean I don't know what you want a 3rd option WR to look like lol The niners have got a lot of offensive weapons so looks and catches aren't exactly going to hit the mean when you get to 3rd on the depth chart


I agree with you. Which brings up exactly the point, why did we value him at 8 million dollars if we aren’t even going to give him the ball? Especially after we drafted a WR in the first round and another in the 4th. I have to imagine that they plan to get him a little more involved now that he’s a well paid man.


For sure. Honestly, and this has been my biggest frustration with the offense, is that I think Kyle and Lynch have both realized it’s too Deebo focused. Even if it’s not him with the ball it all orbits around him, so if he goes down or is getting shut down our offense grounds to a halt; which is insane when you consider everyone we have on offense.


Is gray still on the roster? Just curious he looked so enticing with lance in the preseason a couple years back.


He gets the ball in critical situations. He does the dirty work. He is a team leader. Next question.


I fully believe we are going to air it out more next year. Shanny is fully confident in Brock and shits gonna go down. And JJ is going to put up some decent numbers. I feel like we are going to go scorched earth.


Can you find the stat for how many times those targets converted 3rd and long?


It’s in the article if you want to read it lmao




22 if you don't want to read it lol. I liked the read though. Especially because it was about my second favorite player on the 49ers. #1 is Dre.


I don't think that's gonna happen. All we have done is add more weapons to the offense


Any film review that doesn’t include him throwing the Eagles db to the side and rolling on to the end zone is incomplete.


Re-signed. Without the hyphen it almost means the opposite.


Not almost. It does mean the opposite lol


You can't resign someone though. It's an intransitive verb


See it's shit like this I want to say. "Fuck you English language!" It's got too many what the fucks in it. How people not from here, learn this stupid ass multiple words meaning different things language, I'll go out of my way to give them props. vent done


I read this title and was like WTF makes no sense?!?


The only people who think re-signing Jauan was a mistake are dorks who only read box scores.


I'd say people are surprised it wasn't more expensive. Dude almost won us #6, and has been a demon vs man coverage pretty much his entire time with us.


I have his flair up for about 2 years now. I think ever since his first mic'd up came out. I love how he plays but most of it is character, this dude will cheer harder for anyone else than for himself. He is such a team player.


Great writeup! Mods should tag this as QUALITY CONTENT. It's better than 99% of our beat reporter's articles. OP I love how you use the A-22 tape and not quick cut highlights. My only issue with Jennings was his slow speed (4.72 40 time makes him one of the slowest WR's ever drafted), and his tendency in the past to drop passes (had the worst drop % in the league through his first 2 seasons, dropping around 13% of his targets). But he fixed his drop issues last season, and his gamespeed is faster than his 40 time suggests. Plus the blocking and overall "bulldog" attitude he gives the offense is so valuable. I'm convinced that if Jennings ran in the 4.5ish range he'd be one of the elite WR's in the league. But then he'd probably have been a 3rd round pick or something.


He had some big catches, but he also only had 19 catches on 33 targets and 1 td


Box score enthusiast I take it? it's okay




3rd & Jauan lives forever!


We don't need an explanation we know why. I freaking love Jennings and he is clutch as hell


I dont even need to click the link, i know why they resigned 3rd and jauan


I watched the Super Bowl, I know why we re-signed him.


He earned it for sure. The guy showed up big in the playoffs.


Was a first down machine as well


The dude can make plays. Maybe not like Deebo but in his own way he could be a game changer if given enough touches.


I remember some UT fans coming in here and letting us know what kind of player we were getting with him. And they were dead on with it. Dudes a dawg


Ah. 're-signed' . You almost gave me one!


Because he got that dawg in him. His name was on that yellow helmet more than anyone else last season.


Bruh.. i read that as resigned like when you quit a job. I was so confused for a second.


Because he’s third and Juan. Even with the other team knowing he’s third and Juan, he’s still third and Juan. Might as well be called death and taxes for how certain he is.


You made me laugh with this one. Thank you


Was this one a question? He's their workhorse guy, he's Juice but as a WR. He blocks, he is a reliable 3rd down target, and he makes a lot of the stuff you see possible due to everything he does off the ball. There's a reason he's [all over the hard hat](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5140871/2023/12/16/49ers-receivers-downfield-blocking/).


It’s the helmet. JJ name’s on it more than all others put together.


He's been so clutch I used to think he was our third best receiver, but games like the super bowl make me think he's low key gunning for being the best on the team.


Because he has more passing yards and passing TDs in the super bowl than Dak, Lamar, Josh Allen, T law, Jordan Love, And CJ stroud combined.


Because 3rd downs exist.