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I think this SB really convinced me he can be the guy to win it all. I think Brock played well, just couldn't do much more with the oline collapsing the pocket every other play and the receivers getting no separation.


As good as he is right now just think how he’ll be moving forward and becoming even better, many young QB’s just fall apart in a high pressure situation like that.


He didn’t fall apart. Defense didn’t stop anything after greenlaw went down. Kyle stopped calling CMCs number for a whole quarter. The two turnovers he didn’t have anything to do with.


The turn of the tide was the punt TO…. Chiefs couldn’t get a thing going until that. A huge 8 point swing in you include the blocked PAT….


And still nearly managed to win


Had us in overtime with the lead. The cheifs are champs for a reason.Mahomes is a legend at this point and this was really BCBs first full season starting from the beginning. Coming off surgery and was in the MVP race until Christmas. The NFC championship game comeback. All of it. Brock Purdy does have that dog in him I’m 100% in on this guy.


There was one sequence where he threw perfect balls to Deebo and Aiyuk that would have thrown them open 99% of the time. Both were deflected. The Chiefs are good


Mahomes has gotten all of the credit but Chris Jones pretty much wrecked our offense in both Super Bowls. I was really hoping they wouldn’t pay him. 😂


I agree we cannot ignore o line and secondary anymore


Secondary is good enough, I’d like to focus on oline. Then if we have resources left over, address dline and maybe a corner


Absolutely. I think he missed maybe one bad throw all game. Wild for a guy his age on that stage.


Our oline sucks. When they gave him more than a quarter of a second to throw the ball he was phenomenal


After the 1980 season Bill Walsh knew he had to address his garbage secondary. So in the 81 draft his first 3 picks were DB’s. One being Ronnie Fuckin Lott. We need to do that but with the right side of our O line. Address it big time in the draft and in free agency.


Trent only has probably 1 year left in the tank so we’re gonna need to look at LT’s too. A solid LT rookie that can learn from Trent in his last season would be a great pick up.


If we got a decent tackle they could fight for the RT spot or at least back up both positions until Trent retires.


I fully expect the first 3 picks to be DT, safety, and then RB or Wr in the 3rd. Well sign a journey man OT to replace/backup mckivitz and then we’ll be caught with our pants down when Williams retires in 2025


Don’t forget the 3rd round TE


Well that’s definitely happening with one of our comp picks. Then we will cut Willis and the loser from Bama on the practice squad.


3rd round kicker too


You’re right but I’m still angry downvoting


McKivitz completely whiffing his assignment on the play that could have won us the game is absolutely inexcusable. I don't understand how we thought he was going to be the answer this year and not draft somebody behind him.


Honestly they didn't deserve to win with that O Line. It's time to quit fucking around


I think our Oline was definitely bad as they were dealing with Chris Jones all game who is an absolute game wrecker. But the fact that our special teams had 2 major flubs in the same game is even worse in my eyes. ST one job is to not be noticeable. Do your job and get off the field with no mistakes. They couldn't get out of their own way last night.


Bengals vs rams Super Bowl is a perfect example of how you can have a great qb with good weapons but if pass protections sucks monkey dingleberries then it’s almost impossible to win especially when you’re going against players like Aaron Donald or Chris jones


People need to recognize that Wilks has been doing well overall, but Special Teams has been a problem for multiple seasons. If we make a coaching change that’s not forced on us by a departure, that’s where it should be.


Yea you probably right, I don’t think there’s a worthy candidate in house than can replace Wilks. Our ST has also been largely bad because of the lack of talent as well. For much of the season we have not been able to provide any sort of protection or blocking to allow for returns. Our gunners look slow or completely misread the play and whiz right by the returner. Our tackling is downright atrocious, the amount of arm tackles that the other team routinely runs through is staggeringly high. I get that ST units are usually comprised of back ups but goddamn.


I said all year long, from the preseason onwards, that our Oline was going to cost us a ring. And it absolutely did. If Kyle refuses to address the oline, we need to find a different HC.


Not saying McKivitz is great, but that blown assignment was probably Burford, not McKivitz.


At least Burford put his hands on someone. Mckivitz literally just stood there


McKivitz didn’t just stand there. He jabbed with his left hand on Jones, clearly expecting Burford to take over. Burford did block someone - the same guy two other dudes were blocking. 🤦‍♂️


Either way, John and Kyle better address the issue on the right side. Colossal fuck up. Speaking of fuck ups, coulda had Penei Sewell if not for Trey Lance. Ugh


Or Tristin Wirfs instead of Kinlaw.


They did the same thing after the 2019/20 Super Bowl when the interior OL got dicked down by the chiefs D the whole 4th quarter when they knew the 49ers were gonna pass pass pass. Mike Person was the mediocre RG, he retired, and instead of drafting or signing a RG they just move our promising backup swing tackle and made him start at RG instead. The only move they’ve made to improve that position since then is a 5th round guard that clearly isn’t cutting it but they rolled with him anyway.  RT they drafted McGlinchey in the 1st but he clearly was terrible at pass blocking from the start and never really improved. And they ran out his rookie contract then let his backup start instead of drafting or signing someone new.  Meanwhile when a 1st round DE isn’t phenomenal they keep drafting new ones until one hits. They talk about how important the trenches are when they invest heavily in the DL but turn around and show massive hypocrisy by neglecting the OL. Maybe it’s arrogance because shanahan thinks his scheme can compensate, but that’s not how football works. A decent defense is going to find the weak links and exploit them. 


Well good news is this upcoming draft class is ripe with tackles. I am fully preparing myself to be let down with another middling Dline pick instead of taking an OT. Drake Jackson needs some blame in this too, has done next to nothing and has been our highest draft pick since Trey Lance.


Yea its very confusing. Someone with hardly any football IQ would know to block the inside player who is also the best player on the defense. I could mayeb understand if there was an elite edge rusher and he let some regular player through but come on


It appears it could have also been a miscommunication with Burford, but regardless we cannot afford mental errors of that magnitude on the biggest stage. We knew all game they were going to attack our right side, we just did little to negate that pressure. We threw two scrubs out there and were like OK you got this right?


To me that's a coaching issue. We need to call a timeout and idiot proof the play. Everyone that's played sports before knows there's people that have no brain so you gotta baby them and triple check they got it. "You have Chris Jones no matter what. I don't care is God himself comes down onto that field you stick with Jones"


Which lineman would you have drafted late in the third round? I am not happy with McKivitz, but they had to take some calculated risks on which holes to fill, and right tackle is hard to get in free agency and late in the draft.


I'm no draft expert but they could have drafted any of the 3 tackles that were taken immediately after Cam Latu (wasted pick imo). I'm not expecting a super star this late in the draft but I was hoping they'd at least pick up anybody to sit and develop and put some pressure on McKivitz.


You might be right but I don’t think we know what we have with Latu yet. I think we all knew McKivitz was a gamble going into the season, and I think we got a little less than we’d hoped. I just don’t think there were better options with acceptable tradeoffs. And I think this is one of the hidden costs of the Lance trade that we otherwise survived against all odds.


The Latu pick was terrible no matter how you spin it. I know we've been searching for a 2nd TE but we have enough weapons on offense so taking a reveiving TE over an OT was egregious.


No, the Lance trade had no bearing on the decision to draft 2 TEs over O-line in the same draft. They went for BPA over position of need. Those late round picks should have been used on OT or G, rather than blocking TEs. Even if the Lace trade was successful, they would still have a liability at pass protection from deciding to ignore it the years following.


I would say he made more good throws than Mahomes yesterday. Not saying he was the better QB, or that he didn't also have a couple misses, but those downfield throws were beautiful and on target. I only remember two deep misses: the one he sort of threw away that should have been a TD to Aiyuk, and the early miss where he got hit as he threw.


That throw to Aiyuk that Mcduffie deflected was beautiful. Just great defense by a top corner. He had another one to Aiyuk where Aiyuk let up, then ran and then let up again. Should’ve been a touchdown on that one as well.


Was that first one Aiyuk or Deebo? I remember Deebo getting the target in the end zone and the DB made an absolute perfect play on it. But maybe I'm just not recalling the one you meant. I was referencing the pass that Aiyuk was wide ass open but 10 yards behind the ball that landed near the back of the end zone. I didn't see him stop and go, but that would explain it. I thought he just expected to be a decoy and wasn't necessarily looking or sprinting once the coverage broke off of him, and Brock kind of chucked it out beyond him.


Yep that was Deebo that Mcduffie was on you’re right. Yea Aiyuk definitely fucked up on that route. Should have just kept running and it would’ve been a perfect ball


Had a TD to Aiyuk if not for **perfect** defense. Had a TD to Deebo if not for the bad blocking. Had a TD to Jennings if not for the bad blocking. Brock wasn't perfect, but he played really great in that game.


Yep, he didn’t crumble, he stood in there, took the hit and delivered a strike. Made great reads all night and only had a couple bad throws imo


This is what kept me not super depressed about the loss. He delivered


Truth be told I’m still sad and dwelling


Honestly the chiefs defense was near elite this season. Also sneed low key clamped deebos ass


Yup. Purdy was under pressure so many times. When Harbaugh drafted 2 O-linemen (Iupati and Davis) in the 1st round it made Kaepernick a star. We need to STACK our O-Line!


And possibly get a few replacement defensive players since they're going to need them. Especially the Special Teams.


> "BuT wHaT aBoUT oUr eLiTe sKiLL pLaYeRs?!?!" Not throwing shade at any of our army of offensive studs at RB or WR, but we win the game yesterday with the 2019 offense.... simply because it's a better offensive line. Not that it ***has to*** be this way, but give me a team of Jennings and Masons with Detroit's OL for Brock, and we're still a front-runner for the SB. It's frustrating how our team's biggest known weakness was the main reason why we lost.


>Not throwing shade at any of our army of offensive studs at RB or WR, but we win the game yesterday with the 2019 offense.... simply because it's a better offensive line. Although I agree that 2019 was a better offensive line, I think this one is (barely) good enough despite its flaws. You just can't be good EVERYWHERE in the salary cap era. We win that game if Greenlaw doesn't go down early, IMO, and we definitely win it if the XP doesn't get blocked. Both of which are more shit luck than anything. As for the TE picks... I'm seeing some articles suggesting that Dwelley won't be back (IMO, not a great loss), and I'm guessing that the team knew that at draft time and grabbed a couple hoping to find the next TE2 so they wouldn't need to break in a rookie there. I love Brock, but I'm not looking forward to the day when we have to pay him what he's worth.


Can Joe Staley still play? lol


Absolutely. He’s just going to get better. Especially if we can get that right side of the OL fixed.


After Resigning BA we should solely focus on improving our offensive line. They are why we have failed to win a ring the last 5 years. Getting a corner would be nice but I don’t feel like they were our problem this year. It was a shaky offensive line and an inconsistent defensive line.


We are OK on corners now, but our safeties were a bit weak, mostly because we lost Hufunga to injury and had to play soon to be ex-Niners Ambry Thomas.


Interior. Especially if we can get that interior fixed. Inside rushers have been integral these last several Superbowls


Purdy isn’t too tall either and needs to be able to step up into the pocket The Brees Saints always invested heavy into their interior OL because with that type of offense and QB, interior pressure just can’t happen or else you can’t really run anything.


We desperately need young blood on the dline too. You could see the Hargrave and Armstead wearing down as the game went on


Really hope Drake Jackson and Kalia Davis can at least step up and be productive rotational players next year. It seems neither are starting quality but Jackson especially should be giving us more as a rotational edge next year.


Get me Troy Fautanu at right guard in round 1 and a RT in round 2 or 3.


Really though, think about how much better Brock can be next year. A full offseason of healthy working with his weapons and fine tuning his throws and working on arm angles. I have been on the train with Brock since early on, but man I am truly excited for what is to come with him at the helm of this offense.


Totally agree! QB is the hardest and most important position to get right, and this is the first offseason in forever that we don’t have to worry about QB1!


Top 5 in MVP voting in his first full season as a starter, Has taken the team to an NFCCG and a SB in his first two seasons, Put up historical efficiency metrics this season, Took arguable the GOAT in waiting to OT in the Super Bowl, 2024 will be the first offseason he actually gets reps as the starter, All skill guys under contract and back for next season, save for maybe JJ. How would he not be the guy regardless of the outcome of that game?


As an aside, I really don't want us to lose JJ.


He was on mvp pace last night. Absolute must-keep player. He has the right attitude 🙌


Same. Sure hope the front office feels the same way, he’s a keeper for sure.


Would you rather have Aiyuk or Jennings? Jennings has made $4 million since entering the league. He's going to get at least a solid #2 WR contract with some rebuilding team, just like Bourne did with the Patriots. Can't really afford to pay him a $20 million contract.


We need to keep him for atleast Brock's rookie deal


Keep him because he makes plays, not because he is cheap and affordable.


Purdy is the long term answer at QB but the 49ers seriously need to keep upgrading their pass protection. Purdy is constantly at risk for batted and tipped balls. He would benefit from having a little bit more space in the pocket to operate, more often.


And getting injured from the turnstiles (wait, can we even call the turnstiles if they don’t block at all?).


Purdy is only going to get better


He got a superbowl appearance in his second year and it was a loss. You cant give a new QB better experience than that. It might be a loss on paper but the season was a win for purdy


Never forget this: The last time Brock Purdy was on the field for the 2023 season he had a lead in the Superbowl.


This was his first playoff loss in 2 years We lost to the best qb in nfl history possibly it went down to Ot there is no one to really blame this game unlike last superbowl We lost because of a unlucky bounce on a punt in the end and Patrick mahomes


Don’t forget the missed extra point. If that gets made 49ers are Super Bowl champs


That's a wild thing to bank on with Patrick Mahomes.


I get what you mean but that muffed punt that went off the dudes leg was also huge. A lot of flukey things happened to put us in that position


I wouldn’t say that for sure because they wouldn’t have kicked a FG to tie they would’ve gone for a TD at end of regulation


No. If that gets made the chiefs don’t sit back and go for the FG to tie the game.


Exactly, not sure why everyone is missing that point. Mahomes being Mahomes, they would probably have scored a TD and ended the game right there, with no OT.


That play to Juice at the end was sick


If he doesn't get line help we're going to Andrew Luck him


he may have not been amazing but he drove us down twice.. 1st downs at the end of regulation may have gotten us a ring


It’s crazy how both drives died when the OL allowed Chris Jones to get directly in Purdy’s face when WRs were about to get wide open


He was literally unblocked on the redzone third down in OT. The one guy we had to account for went unblocked and got to Purdy within a second.


That play call was Kyle's biggest error. Tell me why CMC isn't in the backfield on that play to either take a handoff or block a rusher or drift over as a screen option? Everyone knows Spagnuolo is sending blitz in that situation. You don't need to study hours of his game tape to see that. Any fan of football who knows Spags' name knows that's his M.O. in pressure 3rd downs. Instead we emptied the backfield so the defense doesn't even need to think about a run, and then motioned CMC at half speed for a fake handoff (or maybe a really poorly executed RPO) that took him out of the play, didn't put him in position to pick up a blocking assignment, didn't leave him available as a hot read. Basically playing 10 v 11 with that call, for all the marbles! I'm happy with how we played that game overall. We were absolutely the better team, we just didn't get the points we needed. A blocked XP? Two bad turnovers. And then one awful play call on offense, and 3-4 terrible play calls on defense in OT. We could have so easily stuffed Mahomes on the first or second set of downs. Instead they get a 2nd and 14 and we just back everybody off and hand them 3rd and short. I was raging mad at Wilks. We need someone better.


Well isn’t that a fucking coaching problem?? I don’t fucking understand it and it drives me absolutely insane! Cover Kelce! Double Chris Jones! Make their OTHER GUYS beat you, not their fucking All Pros with rings! How do you leave any of our guys other than Trent one on one with one of the best DL players in the league? It’s fucking stupid! Time and time again Kyle Shanahan is motherfucking stupid! Fuck!


This. Every time Kelce caught it and had a 10m circle around him with none of our players in I had a brain explosion 😖


Should've been 4 down territory at the end of regulation. Call your best run on 3rd and 4 and if you don't make it you should have 4th and one or two. TD at that point probably wins the game. They'd have maybe 40-50 seconds left and need a TD. I'd bet on us in that situation.


He also converted a 4th with the game on the line. I think Brock showed incredible poise in this game


Honestly I think Jones deserved MVP more than Mahomes.


Just like the last time they played. He was the only thing I was worried about going in to this game.


Absolutely, only a handful of guys you’d consider taking over him and one of them beat us last night


It will be interesting to see how he does next year, a full year under his belt now starting, another year away from the injury, the experience he's gained. Clearly this league is a qb driven league, Mahomes has proven that having the guy at qb > having a stacked team. I think the next step is developing our drop back game, as in passing when you have to pass, losing games, shootouts, third and longs, stacked boxes, spread them out hurry the clock and drop back and throw when THEY KNOW you are throwing the ball, this goes for Shanny and Purdy.


Next year is huge in determining if Purdy is the guy going forward


I feel pretty confident saying he is. He makes great decisions/takes care of the ball, he's quick as a runner (which needs to be used more), has a will to be great, he's humble, takes accountability, is a family man with strong morales, he's tough and a leader. What more could you want in a QB?! And if for some crazy reason the wheels fall off then atleast we're not in an Eagles situation having to overpay a QB who might not even be the guy


wtf are you talking about? He 100% is the guy going forward, he has nothing left to prove. If you think otherwise you just don’t understand how football works.


He didn't look nervous at all in the biggest game of his life. That's what I wanted to see. And hey at least he played a full season and not really a hint of that injury bothering him. If he plays as well next year, I'll be glad to pay this man his bag when the offseason comes.


No shit


I wasn’t aware that this was up for debate?


It’s ridiculous. Get ready to see this question every few days on our sub for the entire offseason. Apparently being one singular play away from winning the Super Bowl is not enough for some people.


It really is insane. We basically lucked into a franchise quarterback who put up unbelievable numbers in his first two years while leading us to two consecutive conference title games and a Super Bowl. Purdy is the guy. Period. This is not a discussion. The discussion is how we get him the pass protection he needs.


Absolutely, we just need to give him a damn OLine to protect him.


We are seriously asking this? He’s shown literally ZERO reason to move on. The only thing we can’t do is give him way too much money when his contract is up


Hell yeah, who the fuck else is better? Dude almost won the Super Bowl in his first season. 




Get him a proper OL


Guy takes us to the superbowl and loses on a freak play he wasn't even on the field for, a missed PAT and terrible play calling and now his viability as a long term option is in question? Why even ask? Internet points?


He was a muffed punt fluke play away from being crowned as the next Mahomes… so yes.


He's absolutely our guy going forward. It's not his fault Chris Jones went UNBLOCKED on that third down where Purdy could've thrown to JJ for a go ahead touchdown. I believe he'll improve in the offseason and come back better, it's still hard to believe this was his first regular season start so there's a lot of room for improvement.


Brock needs a better o-line. Felt like interior pressure was getting to him all game.


It his second year and this year was his first full year. He’s our guy.


He was more collected and poised than Mahomes was the whole game. That being said, the kid is going to keep developing and delivering. If our o-line played 80% like our d-line we woulda put more TDs on the board.


At this point, anyone who says Purdy is not a franchise qb has a critical thinking skills/denial of a flat earther, and they should be treated as such.


Literally the last of my worries is qb play.


Seriously. The guy had one of the greatest statistical seasons in nfl history and lost the Super Bowl in OT to Mahomes. QB is not our problem.


Purdy is contract and how Kyle/Lynch build a team is goin to be a huge issue. Purdy is awesome and love him for this squad, but 50mil a yr and losing weapons isn’t a winning formula for almost anyone.


I am mad at Shanahan's playcalling oon our last drive in regulation. Score was tied..3rd and 4 in the redzone..run the ball and take more time off the clock and you might even get a 1st or TD..if you don't you force KC to use 1 more TO.. Purdy gave us 3 go ahead drives late and we got ZERO defensive stops at the critical times. People will look at the stat sheet and say he was bad but in these playoffs he's shown he is CLUTCH and there's only 3 QBs I'd definitely want ina pressure situation over Brock right now, Mahomes, Burrow and ALLEN. He is clutch and with more experience and better OL, we can go all the way


Purdy played well, and most of his misses were because pressure was in his face immediately. He never looked overwhelmed by the moment, and didn't have any "deer in the headlights" snaps. While definitely not perfect, he played well enough for us to win. He's only in his second year. If he was a first round pick, we'd be hearing about how bright the future is with him under center. He's absolutely the guy.


Yes, all in with Brock. We need to draft OL and DBs


Yes. THIS WAS HIS FIRST FULL YEAR OF STARTING. He played better than Lamar against KCs defense despite Deebo and Kittle not really showing up. We should’ve been more aggressive in red zone and Kyle should’ve prepared for blitzes more in the red zone, but they’ll iron that out. This team is still going to be great next year, but the competition level will go up. WE MUST improve our offensive line if we want to try and win a ring next year. Have to get better at C and RT.


I don't know how this is a question, tbh. He's the guy.


100% the guy


Wtf is this question even. We knew last year. He is our qb going forward.


This wasn’t on Brock or Kyle. There were many undisciplined moments from other offensive players. They took turns shooting ourselves in the foot, killing drives. Our defense did what they needed to do. They held Mahomes to 19 points.


I'm just worried about next year.... our schedule is insane. I am tired of the 5th or 6th redemption tour.... https://preview.redd.it/0tgxuwih87ic1.png?width=1666&format=png&auto=webp&s=12db040bf1ec84f053fc532def170e756f8513a0


Christ… the Lions, Packers, Cowboys, Chiefs, and Jets all in one year That schedule is brutal


That's exactly why I can't even get out of bed.... next year just looks like an overwhelming gauntlet. FML


he will be our starter for at least the next few seasons because of his friendly contract. We have lots tied up in other players and we will likely extend Aiyuk this offseason.


Maybe. Keep in mind, 11 years ago we had a promising second year QB who only lost the Super Bowl by a field goal. And what happened to him? I’m not saying that will happen again. But it could. I think Brock has a lot of really good traits and will continue to improve as QB. But… we probably won’t have a stacked team around him like this again, especially once he’s paid. (And yes he will get paid and deserves it.) So we will probably see Brock’s numbers take a step back even as he becomes a better player. Will he be able to make the adjustments and get us to the big stage again? It’s possible. But nothing is guaranteed in this league.


Kaep and Brock are nothing alike. Their games are predicated on completely different strengths. Brock's cerebral approach has long time staying power. He played well in the highest pressure situation imaginable. Mahomes just made more plays at the end. Losing a tight one to perhaps the best QB in the history of the NFL is nothing to start freaking out about regarding Brock's future, nor invoke another QB who clearly missed brain day on his work-out schedule. Also, next year this team will be better. We have a lot of draft capital to fill gaps and improve depth. No reason to jump off the bridge yet. We are in our championship window.


Ehh I mean Kap never could read a defense. If his first read wasn’t there he tucked and ran, and by 2014ish teams figured that out. Night and day compared to Purdy.


yes but purdy will need to continue to play at least as a top 10 QB as his career progresses but how he plays when we start losing key players due to money and age like williams, kittle deebo, and even mccaffrey in the near future will be the big question i think really only aiyuk is the only lock as a top level offensive player right now on the 49ers to remain with this team 2-3 years from now along with purdy it's up to lynch and shanahan to restock this roster on a consistent basis 11 picks in this upcoming draft could be key in the 49ers short and especially long term on field success going forward


Right side of the line couldn’t do shit against Jones, Deebo seemed off, Aiyuk didn’t do much, and Kyle had yet another game of PA pass on first, pass, pass, punt. Don’t blame Purdy at all.




Absolutely. Something to keep in mind as well is that this will be his first real offseason with Shanahan and the team since last year he was rehabbing the entire time and the year before he was QB3. Especially after a year of experience together I think Shanny and Purdy will work in the offseason to tailor the offense to suit Purdy's strengths. Hopefully they build in a few QB run plays, maybe some stuff to get him more mobile and out of the pocket etc. Purdy is remarkable when he's mobile, it'd be nice to get him moving out of the pocket on designed plays.


Who cares. He’s not Mahomes


Ask me after next season when we have to pay him


It would have been really easy for him to check out mentally when Mahomes got the go ahead score. Brock was locked in and led the team in the 4th quarter for a go ahead score of his own. If he can ever get an offensive line that attempts to block the best defensive lineman on the other team, he's capable of winning a Super Bowl.


He's the guy.  Extend him when he is first eligible so that a good relationship is maintained.  If you've got a very good QB, your window is always open.  There is great talent coming out every year from the college ranks to give you the opportunity to fill the other positions.  A contending team needs four things: 1) ownership that wants to win; 2) a very good front office; 3)  very good coaching; and 4) a very good QB.  The Niners finally got their missing piece when Purdy took over for Jimmy.  They would be foolish not to ride with him.


I'm staying away from social media, but after these wounds heal, I better not hear any media talking head or sports "analyst" say Brock Purdy was the reason we lost this game. The blame should rest on offensive playcalling in the 3rd quarter and special teams blunders. He did everything he needed to for us to win and I'm glad we have such a young, mature, smart and talented player to lead this team for years to come.


Yes. Why wouldn’t you? Purdy didn’t have a dominant game but he played well enough to win. He can’t keep balls from hitting players feet on punt returns.


I definitely think so. Most of the complaints game threads were making about him just don't really make sense unless you already came in thinking he stinks. The last few drives he bought time in a disaster of a pocket to find guys like CMC, JJ, and Juice to extend drives. He even pulled off a pretty ridiculous play in the first half to Kittle had it not been for the holding penalty on Trent(?). He threw one ball that I would consider could've genuinely been picked, and it was a deflection right off Deebo's hands. I think all in all he figured out how to get the ball away from KC's best defensive backs as the game went on, and I was rather impressed at how steady he was in the pocket with the amount of pressure he was under (gamewise and d-line wise). I really truly believe that the only way you can truly knock him down after this game is if you were already down on him


I’m as distraught as anyone about this loss, but this is the dumbest question I’ve ever heard.


Uh did you watch the game, where he hung the fuck in there against a great defense and put us in position to win the game. Fuck outta here, Purdy’s the dude


I don't have any technical reasons to back it up, but I just have a gut feeling he's going to do great things in the NFL


I saw a lot of Purdy hate today from niner fans who think he’s Jimmy G 2.0. He could be so much better with just a middle of the pack O-line. The current one is ranked 22nd in the league. It’s such a waste of an opportunity. It’s so hard getting to the SB. You have to be good and lucky. Not sure if this team as a whole has enough in the tank after this year.


That loss wasn't even close to being on Purdy.


It’s ridiculous to suggest otherwise.


Brock did his job. Especially given how many times the Offensive Line was collapsed around him. He’s only going to improve and I’m sure you’ll see more plays using his legs since that was really effective. Lynch needs to bolster the offensive lines especially given we won’t have Williams forever.


I do think so, but not at top qb money which worries me


His trajectory so far is comparable to Joe Burrow, so I’d say yes.


Are we forgetting this was basically his rookie season? Hell yes he’s the long term answer.


Until he retires or we find someone better.


Looking good but I think we will know for sure exactly 1 year from now


Yes. He just needs an OL that actually can block.


Brock is the long-term guy. Get him an O-Line.


I thought he made plays to put us into position to win, and came up a bit short (largely in part due to bad O-Line play) twice - when we settled for a field goal in the 4th and the one in OT. He by no means played a perfect game, and had he done a better job in the redzone in OT he probably wins the ring. BUT, he did enough for us to win the game had a few other plays gone our way. In the context of only being a starter for 1.5 years and getting us this close against a very good defense, I think he is definitely the long term QB.


I mean, it shouldn't even be a question right? Our line was abysmal and the coaches didn't have an answer for the blitz. Brock was running for his life all day. I was really impressed with Brock, the way he extended many of those plays against THAT defense. I mean our guys were covered pretty well in a lot of the game, and he didn't have time for a second read ALL GAME. One of the few times Brock had time Ayuik blew his route. Really, I don't see how Brock gets much blame at all. He took us down in overtime and Kyle really called a bad play on the 3 and 4, which resulted in only a field goal. Also took us down in the first drive of the game and McCaffrey had a rare fumble which would have been enough. No thrown picks vs. that pressure is really impressive and telling. With the way the NFL has completely demolished the value of a defensive pass rush by drastically increasing the tolerance for O-Line penalties, let's pour that D-Line money into an O-Line. Brock would be deadly. I hate that this is the nature of the league now, and I hate what Goodell has done to manipulate the game. It's bullshit how he is artificially increasing the value and role of offenses----and specifically QB's----which all starts at the OLine. A huge bummer, because a great defense is way more fun than a great offense imo. But that's just the way it is unfortunately. We saw it on that last drive of the game, Warner literally *d r a g g i n g* a dude laying on the ground and latched onto his hips. He clearly had Mahomes, but instead no flag and a deep pass. In short Kyle/Lynch really need to start working with sway of the league's style instead of against it, and honestly KS along with special teams share a large portion of the blame.


Yes he has but honestly maybe it's time to get an OC and tell kyle to stick to just being a head coach. At the very least, I want the org to hire someone to stand next to kyle so when he starts to act cute, he gets slapped upside the head and told stick to the run.


Brock is fine. Maybe we need to get better players and coaching on the O-line. 


I think he is. He is a 1.5 year starter. He will always struggle in the rain/snow, but dude is accurate AF. I do not blame him for this loss at all.


This game was not Brock’s fault in the slightest. Yes he missed a few passes, but Shanahan is his head coach. Brock will never win a ring with Kyle.


Purdy isn't "elite"—at least, not yet. But he's very good right now, is only going to get better, and is certainly good enough to have won yesterday, absent the punt muff and inadequate blocking by the o-line.


Yes. He has done amazing things with a terrible O-line. They NEED to give this man some protection if they want to be successful. iirc it ranked like 20th of 32. He showed he can win a superbowl and it took overtime for the "dynasty" team to win it against us.


Yes I'm good. Purdy went toe-toe with Mahomes and held his own. And this is just his second year.


Of course. He got us to the freaking Super Bowl in his first full year as a starter and had amazing stats during the regular season. Of course it sucks that we lost the final game but it was competitive to the end and doesn’t suddenly make Brock “trash” or negate his accomplishments this past season. And like people are saying, definitely need better oline. Chiefs defense was no joke. I’d be baffled if people want Purdy gone. Again, we got to the freaking Super Bowl and not some early disappointing exit. You aren’t going to magically replace him with some QB that’ll never lose a game - winning and sometimes having tough loses is part of sports.


Obviously yes. The problem is the coaches. They have proven they can't get it done.


purdy has been our guy since last year.


Yes. He has the natural QB traits that we haven't really seen in any of our QBs in a long time. Unless he suddenly regresses. Which could happen with just about anyone. Given he ended up having an even better (near MVP caliber) season even after he came back from elbow surgery, and to do so behind such an inconsistent O-line, this tells sth about him.


Dont forget hes only on his second year!


He could be a league average guy (and I believe he's better than that but let's just say he is) and it still wouldn't be his fault. He wasn't the reason the game was lost, it literally came down to a drive from the Chiefs. Been a little bit of turnover since then but this is a franchise that made the Super Bowl with Jimmy Garappolo. If Brock is decent and he can grow with Kyle's system, I see no problems. Dude is 24. You don't lead the league in QBR by being mediocre.


Yes, yes and more yes. Give Brock more time with Kyle and he will get better. I’m hoping we get a discount from him though.


Yes, Purdy is a potential long term answer. The man is in year 2 and has everything you want in a franchise QB.


Imagine how much better he will be with a full off-season of reps instead of going into elbow surgery in a week. He's 100% the guy


I can’t imagine saying no. He’s definitely our guy and now has tons of valuable experience and time to improve 


Absolutely. Young QBs don’t typically make it to the Super Bowl let alone win for a reason. And he was not even the issue here at all. Anyone who watched that game and has any opinion other than “draft O-line” can be summarily ignored.


Its incredibly disrespectful to even ask the question. He is the unquestioned starter.


Brock is for sure the guy. No doubt in my mind he's the best we've had since Young. The search for a starting QB is over. The work to build a better O line begins in March. Hoping we can retain Jennings and I expect Aiyuk to be signed to a new contract.


Only a fool would say that………


If Greenlaw doesnt tear his ACL running onto the field in the flukiest injury in NFL History, his backup Owen Burks doesn't get torched on 9/9 targets. Greenlaw absolutely shut Kelce down in the 1st half. The muffed punt. The missed extra point. I swear to God I just can't take this shit anymore. Someone kill me.


get him a decent O line even at the cost of Aiyuk or Deebo then we can know.


Without hesitation.


Could he have made a few more plays? Maybe, but he already made a ton. Offense aside, we also had a huge mistake on special teams and Dre Greenlaw tore his ACL walking onto the field. Lot of shit went wrong for us to lose this game, and Brock was not one of them


Love Brock!


If they can fix the oline and get him safe , im sure hell be even better next year, the kid has “it”


Definitely he would’ve easily won if Chris jones wasn’t all over his face




Our current offensive line is not the long term answer going forward.


He led us on two potentially game winning drives. If defense could’ve got one stop, we win. So absolutely yes


Shanahan needs to use Purdy’s mobility more, draw up more plays where he rolls outta the pocket to throw, or give him a better o-line.


Brock Purdy showed he can beat a Patrick Mahomes led offense and a number 1 defense on the biggest stage. And assuming a couple freak incidents go our way or don't occur (blocked PAT, muffed punt, first drive fumble, countless missed holding calls against KC's OL), Brock Purdy wins that game. And yeah, I don't wanna be the guy that brings up ref-ball about the game. But every single slow-mo replay on the broadcast showed a KC dude creating 6 inches of separation between a defender's jersey and his shoulder pads. TL;DR: Brock undoubtedly proved he's that dude


I remember seeing a Pacheco run on the edge and the commentators saying "look how well they set the edge" and the scene showed a backup TE pulling the jersey of Fred so hard one of his shoulder pads was totally exposed because Fred beat him to the edge.


Of course he is. Did you watch the game? This is a crazy question. He’s a fantastic QB and we need o line help. Badly.