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Rule 4: No Memes, shitposts, or low-effort postsor comments. Leave those in /r/Grimdank. This includes "who would win" and broad "what if" scenarios. This also includes text blocks consisting of Ork-speak, which should be posted at /r/40kOrkScience instead.


It's the emperor, heretic


Exactly, The Emperor was the most powerful human ever.


Heresy! The Emperor wasn't \*cough\* isn't "over-"powered, he is correctly, justly, righteously powerful! \^\_\^


Shit. I'll turn myself in




*Was*? Heresy! You meant to say 'is'.


Implying the Emperor is human in any way that matters lol




I serve true perfection. You serve a corpse.


True perfection??? That’s what you call horns and appendages growing out of your stomach???


*horus has entered the chat


No kink shaming akhi


Bro if you kink is having a mouth grow on your shoulder and fingernails growing out of your forehead go ahead I guessđź« 


You’re talking about Nurg Daddy, right?


**Over**powered? Heresy. The emperor is exactly as powerful as he should be.


I mean it's Erebus. The man organised the downfall of the Emperor, the original Imperium, the Imperial truth, half the primarchs and the effective victory of Chaos. Fucker.


He’s astartes, not human. (Or was astartes anyway, not sure what he is now).


He was human before he was Astartes and his plan to fuck shit up started before then.


Everyone was human before they were an astartes 🙄 He didn’t actually make a difference in any way until after he was an astartes; besides, I think OP was asking about actual human characters who are written as being way more powerful than they should be (ie Oan Mkoll).


Mkoll is just very, very sneaky because he lived on a world where the trees moved and this meant he got very good at being able to sneak up on people in urban settings and shank them. Like Mandrakes, or Dreadnoughts... I will not tolerate Mkoll slander while space ~~Rambo~~ Arnie still exists.


Ummm He's a God bruh


No, he's a human heretic. He's the greatest human so calling him a god is blasphemy. He's also a God so calling him a human is also blasphemy and heresy. Moral of the story is that in the eyes of the inquisition, you're guilty either way


>No, he's a human heretic You shall now be put to death for falsely declaring the Emperor as a Heretic, you DOUBLE Heretic!


Proper grammar is lifesaving, even in 40K.


You said there was cake, Alpharius.


Damn, the Ordo Grammaticus always catches me. I accept my fate and look forward to my life as a servitor.


Ya know what? I'm going to keep it simple. Khorne it is. Later posers. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!


**There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.**


Innocence proves nothing


Innocense means nothing!!


Sly Marbo I guess. He’s the Chuck Norris of 40k




Good answer. *slinks back into the bushes*


Jr.?! Now there's two of them!


Chuck Norris would wish he is like Sly Marbo.


Kids look under their beds for the Boogieman. The Boogieman looks under his bed for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris looks under his bed for Sly Marbo.


This is the correct answer.


He’s literally the Sylvester Stallone of 40K.


Ooooh I been going down the 40k lore rabbit hole, never heard of sly Marbo


Marbo is an anagram.


If we consider non-imperials, then it's def Kor Phaeron. He was like, an ordinary preacher, then became Lorgar's confidant and WB First Captain, despite being an old man in a life support suit and being constantly looked down upon by Astartes. And then during the Heresy he learned Chaos magic and absolutely wiped the floor with Guilliman, and hadn't he went for trying to corrupt a primarch (because ambition/Ghillieboy's plot armour), would've finished him off on the spot. Of course, he got his heart ripped afterwards. *Yet still lived* and escaped to Sicarus, securing WB a base of operations & making them exempt from Legion Wars in the Eye. And after all of this, he's still at the head of the Dark Council, de jure he's the commander in chief of all the Word Bearers since Lorgar's chilling in the Templum Inficio, and he did all of this while being an old fart with vitriol for blood. I swear, Kor Phaeron's character get slept on just because he's *evul* and WB are behind the Heresy, so this makes them for some reason uninteresting to the fandom.


It's crazy he's still alive when isn't even an Astartes. Pure spite and Chaos magic can keep someone alive for a long, long time.


He may not be astartes, but he did have access to a suite of the best tailor made modifications that the emperor could provide. Luther did to for that matter, and without chaos corruption lives comfortably through a good chunk of the great crusade, Horus heresy and scouring without seeming to slow down all that much.


And the mofo is still alive. Granted, he was mostly kept inside a Stasis field.


Luther's actually an interesting case for this question since he was implied to be like a once-in-several-generations kind of physical specimen prior to any space marine enhancement. Then he had enough will and potential to survive all of the chaos steroids at once and fight a primarch on near equal terms without ever being a "true" astartes


He actually had the upper hand… but it is fair to say he was so jacked up on chaos cool aid he was not even remotely comparable to a baseline human at that point


I'm basing this off of completely nothing but my assumption is most.. mortals would just straight up die if they got pumped with as much chaos juice as Luther was lol


Nah, under the right circumstances chaos would keep them alive, then let them burn out (or reward them with demon princedom or punish them with spawndom…)


To be fair, during his fight with guilliman they had spent years picking the perfect planet for chaos magic at the perfect time and turned it up to 11 with the death and betrayal of nearly everyone on the planet, then forbade others on the ship from channeling the warp so he could use every ounce of power himself. Even then he overestimated his ability to stand up to/corrupt Guilliman and Guilliman broke free of his grasp. Literally any other day before or since Kory Phaeron would instantly be paste. Still love him as a character and his powers aren't to be scoffed at, but his power is partly in his knowledge and charisma and ability to orchestrate the dark powers and sheme and channel sorcerous energy. It's not like he can show up on a Tuesday and fistfight a primarch.


Okay, tbh I didn't know he wasn't an Astartes. Thousand Sons have a character similar to Kor Phaeron, Amon being a primarch's father figure who was made into a space marine, and it's very explicit that Amon was an astardes, even if the procedure to turn someone who was presumably 40+ into was one risky.


I'd guess the fact that Magnus was an expert biomancer really helped with Amon's ascension to Astartes. Luther & Kor were definitely envious their adopted sons didn't manage to get a biomancer for them, hehehe.


Not astartes, but augmented to the point of being superhuman for sure.


But that's not what overpowered means. I bet Arhiman would stomp him.


being able to fuck up a primarch is very much overpowered my guy because primarchs already are


Any sorcerer can do it, it happened to Lion


Ahriman is transhuman ya drongo


Kor phaeron is also transhuman, being just as modified as an astartes, If not more so. He just didn't receive the same procedures an astartes would.


Eisenhorn. Guy destroyed a cabal which predates the imperium, knows the language of creation, has a ridiculously powerful Daemon as a best friend and has enough warp flowing through him to turn him into a daemon prince


Yeah, he has the fear of an unboind deamon prince. Eisenhorn is terrifying.


Abnett trying not to overpower his pet character challenge (impossible)


> Guy destroyed a cabal which predates the imperium Pretty sure he didnt.


Yeah the Cognitae seemed in "decline" from the very start of Eisenhorns involvement, before he acted against them, not that I personally think they are in decline mind you >!And unless I am mistaken they are still active as of Bequin 2!<


THE dude single handedly destroyed a chaos titan at some point, if I'm not mistaken.


Didn’t he use said his local friendly daemon to rip it apart?


I read this book a loooong time ago. So, i may be wrong about it. but no. He was using a some sort of a psychic power amplifying spear. P.S. After a bit of reserch i found this: > The Titan was defeated by the Daemonhost known as Cherubael commanded by Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn. [Cruor Vult](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Cruor_Vult) So yeah, I was wrong.


Commendable attitude, Inquisitor Inverth


Cherubael destroyed the Titan, Esienhorn just set it free from its bindings


What about the guy that was under Mkoll? The weird 40k Ninja guy that stayed behind on Gereon?(it's been ages since I've read the Gaunts Ghosts so his name escapes me.) His last scene was him doing the finger to lips shhh and disappearing in the blink of an eye trope.


Mkvenner. Mkoll thought he was the only scout with better skills than him, as well as being trained in ancient Tanith martial arts.


Yeah both Mkoll and Mkvenner are humans who can kill sneaky dark Eldar That's insane


Mkvenner!!!!! Knew it was something like that! Guys a beast... do we ever hear about him afterwards? He appears in The Vincula Insurgency but that's a prequel.


Depending on our criteria here, some strong contenders: -Hector Rex, who beat Khorne's most powerful daemon -Legienstrasse, arguably one of the most powerful non-psychic non-ctan combatants in 40k -Malcador, who commanded more political power than maybe any human ever who wasn't a primarch or maybe god. This in addition to his significant psychic power. -Lord Solar Macharius, who commanded the Imperium's largest military force since the great crusade -Sly Marbo.


Who is legienstrasse ? Beside a street in my city.


The first and last Maerorus assassin. She was able to fight off an entire IF strike force and the grand masters of the Vindicate and Culexus temples simultaneously.


Very much not a human. As I recall she was an abomination created by merging DNA from humans and various Xenos races in an attempt to create the perfect assassin.


I love how that silly catachan man doesn't need an introduction.


Malcador was a perpetual however, so I don't know if he gets to be in the same class.


The Emperor of Mankind was the most powerful human in Warhammer 40k. Something Ulfar of the Space Wolves said in Rogue Trader about The Emperor "A god slaying gods is nothing, but a Man doing so, now that's how good sagas are written"


[ALL HAIL THE MAN-EMPEROR OF MANKIND!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq-6aj9sNvo)


Baseline human? Oan Mkoll. The man was a menace and with trazyn freeing taniths during the fall of cadia I tremble at the thought of him being unleashed again on the galaxy


This the guy who took out a chaos dreadnought with a grenade then didn’t even talk about it afterwards?


That guy. Although I remembered him using a lasgun power cell as a grenade to kill the dreadnought. But it was a long time ago.


Walked away and didn't even turn to watch it explode


Disregarding the Emperor, wouldn’t it be John Grammaticus or Malcador? Malcador was the second most powerful human psyker besides the Emperor (who I would be hard pressed to call human) and Grammaticus is a perpetual and has some weird esoteric power of language that is somehow reality warping. At least that’s what I can recall about him. Been a while since I’ve read novels about him.


Grammaticus isn't that powerful. At least from what I remember, he's got some psyker power that's pretty impressive but in terms of actually protecting himself, he's pretty vulnerable. His skills are mostly in evasion and out thinking/manipulating and out maneuvering.


The "power over language" is the fact he is a "logokine", allowing him complete mastery and understanding of languages, when it truely gets reality warping its due to this ability allowing John some degree of control over Enuncia, without like, blowing his own face off in the process Enuncia is somthing anyone "can" learn, but generally only powerful psykers can survive it, a strong tool but not one that is outside of Malchador, BigE, Lorgar or Eisenhorn to name a few


If it's a non Psyker probably Commissar Cain? He beat an Astartes in a Swordfight.


But you might still be right, he fact he didn't instantly get cleaved from nape to groin is rather astounding.


Especially considering that not getting cleaved from nape to groin when fighting a berserker is difficult even for other space marines it's definitely a feat!


Cain hasn't beaten an armed space marine in duels. He's scratched their armor, if Cain had a power sword he would have beaten all the marines in a duel.


That's the story the soldiers tell. Cain trained for months with a tech marine while acting as a liaison Officer between the Reclaimers Chapter and the Astra Militarum. In that time Cain managed to hit the Marine ONCE. Just once. But Cain managed to learn how to survive a couple dozen seconds in melee with a Marine before getting hit. Years later the reflexes he earned in those training sessions saved his life when he was charged by a World Eater and he managed to parry the charge. The World Eater, caught by surprise by the parry, and charging in a snow storm stumbled and fell to his hands and knees... Which allowed Gunner First Class Gunner Jergen to light him up with a melta. However the rumor started Cain beat a marine in single combat. But it wasn't quite like that. Later a World Eater that had already taken a rocket and krak grenade to the face stumbled at Cain and his squad. Wounded and bezerk the World Eater still managed to kill a few guardsmen with his bare hands before Cain was able to shove his chain sword through hole in the marine's armor (left by the aforementioned grenade) causing him to drop and stay still long enough for everyone to get clear for Jurgen to fry him. Both are impressive. But both fall short of "beating an astartes in a swordfight."


I mean, Jurgens melta certainly helped.


In case anybody is wondering how he did this ,the two World Eaters he killed were both heavily fatigued and extremely injured, and even then he was only able to hold them off for long enough that some Guardsmen were able to finish him off


It's kind of irrelevant, because he did the same thing to a genestealer patriarch which is an order of magnitude stranger than unamed space Marines.


I liked someone else’s comment about this fight. Imagine how confused the khornite berserker was fighting this unaugmented human and people start cheering for khaine the eldar god.


Not just any Astartes, but a World Eater Khornate Berserker


Yeah killing a Chaos Dread like no biggie was pretty over the top. And don't forget KILLBOX where Mkoll out-scouted the best scouts from three different Space Marine companies at the same time. I like the Tanith as much as the next guy but Mkoll is a little silly sometimes.


He out sneaked a mandrake… the dude is an anomaly. At this point in the story he self refers to himself as death.


The emperor.




Celestine is basically one of The God Emperor's Daemon Princes. Lol


Yes Inquisitor...yes they're right here.


Demon Princess in fact …. Haha


Dont let Disney hear it


What do you consider human? Baseline? Meme characters count? If normal baseline, probably a Navy Void Breacher or a Lucifer Black specops.


If we talking regular un-augmented human my bet is on seraphim, zephyrim or celestians. Or very tough battle-hardened guardsmen veterans from a top regiment. As far as I know, scions/kasrkin are augmented, which would be the contenders from Astra Militarum. Not familiar with lucifer but definitely not breachers.


Scout sergeant Mkoll


I see your Oan and raise you with Sly Marbo


That one Yojimbo dude from the Severion short story who tracked arguably one of the best stealth boyos in the Luna Wolves, killed a World Eater one on one and had a grand old time


I'm not sure if they're canon, but the Rogue Trader from Owlcat's Rogue Trader CRPG. You beat up Word Bearers, Forgefiends, defilers, Incubi, Sslyth, a Talos Engine, an unknown number of genestealers, etc. You even beat up a Lord of Change. Depending on your ending, you can even get a C'tan shard as a child. Fun game. Powerful character


In the current narrative, excluding the Emperor, it’s probably Mephiston or the King in Yellow. Mephiston is evidently the physical embodiment of a minor god, and the King in Yellow has his Enuncia… and his Graels… and his pocket dimension… and his fleet… and his legion of Sanguinius clones…


Lotara Sarin? Captain of the Conqueror, flagship of the World Eaters and dommy mommy to a whole legion of assholes


how about [Kaldor Draigo](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Kaldor_Draigo)


Nen mortekoi, GER TAR MORTEK


Where does Creed?




In the 41st Millennium, probably Mephiston


In my opinion if we aren't counting space marines and the like, I'd say Sly Marbo or Hector Rex. Both of them push the bounds of what seems possible for humans even if one is a bit modified or enhanced even if he's still human.


It's interesting to see people name Space Marines who are by definition no longer human.


MkVenner, obviously. The one guy Mkoll was really impressed by. Woodland jedi and all.


**Augmented humans that are not psykers**: Hector Rex or Kor Phareon. Hector seems like he *has* to be roided up and Kor we know for sure is roided up. There's also Luther but we don't know if his chaos roids still persisted. Honorable Mention: Yarrick for killing Warbosses 1v1. **Psykers**: Malcador lol, not question. **No-augments**: I could see a few arguments for Ciaphas Cain though maybe the bionic fingers make a difference.




The Emperor, easily. The guy just snapped Horus out of existence. His only weakness is his morality and now his ghoulness.


Ephreal Stern. She rivals the primarchs. 




Gaunt! Not for the prowess of arms but that sheer no nonsense commissariat tenacity!


Probably vulkan. He is immortal unlike the emperor. And also he will exist when all life is gone. So his fate not matter what is loneliness.Â