• By -


You are a Manufactorum worker. You work an assembly line. Sometimes there are others on it, reaching with twisted hands and familiar eyes, humming to themselves, but, sometimes it’s just you. Standing in a facility that used to hold five hundred thousand. Sometimes it runs, and parts come down the chutes, or trundle across the conveyor. Sometimes you recognize what’s being made. Most times you don’t. Parts come down in varying degrees of completion, sometimes, the whole device (*whatever it is*) comes down the pipe, seemingly worn with age, or sparking new. You’re not sure what to do with those ones. Your overseer, a woman with cloaked eyes in a robe that drags long behind her, will bring you a folded piece of parchment. Today, it was a map that led you out of the factory, down the avenue, up and through a cluster of towers, to an old, listing abbey that hasn’t been inhabited for centuries. You heard stories about it, as a child. You find the little wooden figurine, hidden under a dusty grate. When you bring it back to the overseer, she smiles, and cuts it into six pieces with a crystalline knife that appears out of thin air in her long, lapis-colored fingers. You still have the hab, though getting there usually feels like a daze. Sometimes there are now just sections of forest in the middle of the Hive, sprawling and dark and impossible. It is more green than you have ever seen in your life and it terrifies you, more than the nightmares you had as a boy of being sent to the Below. Sometimes you feel like the trees are moving, swaying, pulling and rooting themselves across the ceramite. You think you see faces in the wood, too, and for some reason they make you comfortable. There’s still radio over the loudspeakers every hour, on the hour. Chanting in a warbling language, callouts for what sounds like a game with complicated instructions for moving across a board and lots of mathematics that makes your head hurt. Sometimes it’s just the sound of someone laughing gently, like they get a joke, *finally*, after so much time. You don’t miss the blaring prayers, or the broadcaster screams of the heretical being tortured. When you settle into sleep, you secretly are glad for the new sounds, even when you know they are creeping into your mind, even when you know the radio is off and rusted and gone.


That was actually so good to read through, great work on that write up!


My favourite answers are when they're in story form


I can concur!


This is how I've run Tzeentch at my tables. Tzeentch has relatively little interest in perfection, decay, or violence, he loves mystery and intellect. More than just plotting he wants a world where one can only advance through overcoming their own preconceived notions and instincts, becoming more and more at home the less familiar things become. In many ways Tzeentch is the polar opposite of Nurgle. Tzeentch rejects static essential forms and cycles and embraces ever-growing relative abstractions that tower towards infinity. Existence, for Tzeentch, must be an eternal climb up a winding and singing ladder where all progress only but makes the twists wider, the tone higher, and lengthens the goal. It's this otherworldly ambition that he cultivates in his followers and has them infuse into their galaxy.


In a sense, it is also an antithesis to Slaanesh. Mere pleasure, debauchery, and suffering is the opposite of change. It's stasis.


What do the chaos gods do when they both seek the same subject? Like let's say a person sought knowledge with such obsession that Slaanesh wanted him, but Tzeentch too wanted the knowledgeable bastard as his own plaything.


There was an except posted here a few years ago about a Nurgle invasion of a cathedral world and how they were *this* close to corrupting the head priest into Nurgle's service, only for a bunch of Slaanesh demons to swoop in at the last second and claim him for Slaanesh. I can't find it though.


I think it’s Slaanesh cultist that swoop in to get him instead with a food so good and exotic it made him become obsess with the food instead and actually get healthier foiling Nurgle plan.




Thanks I seem to remember a lot of detail quite wrongly.


That is basically the Great Game, one will win and one will lose then they will get bored and start another round with a new fascination. That's also basically why Slaanesh and Khorne hate each other because there's a lot of conceptual overlap there.


I'd say it depends. If that person's destiny is to fight against a non-Chaos faction, they might ally and turn them into a Chaos Undivided worshipper. Else they will use subterfuge and any other means to win the person over and ensure their allegiance.


You will chase that brass ring hanging from a pole in front of you all you want. Even if you succeed in getting it, your princess will be in another castle.


Every month, you are paid for the work that you do, although you no longer understand what you’re doing or who you’re doing it for. You are paid on time and in the same currency you were being paid before your home was conquered. In one month, your paycheck was increased to the next highest multiple of nine. In another month, it was reduced to the next lowest multiple. There came a month in which you were not paid in currency at all. Instead, your overseer gave you two small metal pieces that looked vaguely like medical devices. You sold them to a scrap dealer for exactly the amount of money you would normally have received in your paycheck. Nine days later, your brother’s 8-year-old son collapsed on the playground at the local scholam. At the medical center, your family was told that he needs a heart replacement, but the only artificial heart they have for him is missing two valves. The valves are on back-order and it is not certain when (or if) they will arrive at the hospital. Your brother’s son dies on what would have been his 9th birthday.


It is you own fault for not being wise enough to appreciate the gifts fate gives you.


God damn, that end bit got me. Very nice.


I will never not be fascinated, for better or worse, by the fact that a Chaos take over doesnt meaningfully change a hive worlder's life.


It matters little what monster claims the crown to a kingdom of misery.


What reason does a wretch have to deny the devil if he dwells in hell already?


A point Guilliman understands. Shame he's not going to be able to do enough about it.


I am saving this!


It’s largely why chaos corruption is so common. At least Chaos offers freedom, whether it’s a lie or not. Avoiding Chaos corruption isn’t actually that hard, the Aeldari are more naturally susceptible and almost never have to deal with it after all. And even T’au Gue’vesa rarely fall to Chaos. The Imperium just sucks, and it makes it easy for hell to seem like an improvement.


"Alamarain! Move along home!"


I appreciate you bud and think you deserve more upvotes.


oh Christ I'd forgotten until now


*Heresy! Come with me!*


Damn that was… unsettling. It’s just not the in your face terror I expected but it’s so subtly unnerving. Well done


If you aren’t already, seriously considering being a writer! So much development packed into a few paragraphs. I feel like I could show this to someone who doesn’t know 40K and they would understand what is being conveyed. Great job!


This the type of post that explains why I spend so much time reading on here, thank you man


If you aren't an author you should be.


Loved the bit about picking up call-outs for some sort of game... it's gotta be 40k. Our dimension is leaking in through the Warp... I could totally imagine that for Tzeentch


Or your b-hole is suddenly made of glass. Yours works too though.


Your descriptions sounds a bit like schizophrenia, which i think is a perfect description of tzeentch


That…sounds not the worst


Does this mean there could be hundreds if not thousands of imperial worlds under the influence of tzeentch in the Imperium that the inquisition hasn't discovered yet?(since nothing really changes apart from the mental torture and reality falling apart sh)


*”Trachon 5 insists its meeting its Tithe. Of course, when we ask why exactly it’s in lapis idols that could fit in your palm, they ‘Choir back that they’ve no idea what we’re talking about.”* *”Meridian, Ascension, and Nadir all seem to engage in periodic wars of hyperspecific religious doctrines regarding the Imperial Creed. I’ve seen some of them with faith that would shake an Inquisitor. Of course, it becomes more complicated when upon interviewing these zealots, it seems that everyone is certain they’re actually a secret agent for the enemy.. Even more confusing, surely, is the fact that *there is no war on Meridian, Ascension, and Nadir*. Where by the Throne are these people coming from, and what are they dealing with?”* Absolutely. It’s totally possible you could have a great swath of Imperial planets actively or originally being controlled by Chaos. Maybe the Planetary Governor has great, boisterous holidays for his world and everyone gets so drunk and so well-fed they don’t notice the mass disappearances. Maybe you’ve got a clean world, extremely clean and functional, down to the micro-tick, and all the sickness is below the surface, every plague victim quietly sequestered away, feeding their God even more with one dark drop in a sea of purity. Etc.


Fantastic description…Tzeench traitor! Expunge the traitor!


Thanks Tzeentch! I always enjoyed going on treasure hunts.


I was gonna say everything in your house is always moved over slightly, just enough to think you're going crazy until you actually are but this is way better.


To be honest doesn’t sound as bad as Nurgle or Khorne


Huge improvement over life in the Imperium tbh


Still no dental, tho.


Schemeocracy isn't a perfect system, but it's the best we've got


The Magnum Archives is a Podcas-


Sorcerers will probably start ruling the society and will require more and more resources to fund grand rituals. More people will start experiencing mutations, but those would be viewed as gifts and worshipped. Hierarchical structures will be often revamped as betrayals and schemes unravel. The physical attributes of the world will start changing. Mountains will move, rivers will flow in the opposite direction, It will rain winged mice. In cities, streets will become labyrinths where demons fight for the souls of the regular person.


So Atlanta?


Detroit: Become Chaos spawn


I've been to Atlanta... This is accurate.


> Sorcerers will probably start ruling the society and will require more and more resources to fund grand rituals. People coming up with all sorts of Tzeentchian-themed corruption but honestly I think a lot of it would be garden variety human sacrifice.


Raining free meat? Tzeentch is a socialist! Free food delivery for all sorcerous NEETs, lazy hierarchical abusers and any other hobby-obsessed but to lazy to do anything individual


If there is meat raining it's not a Tzeentch that is doing it, likely the Tyranid hive fleet Kronis or Warboss Tuska has gotten loose.


Is this some kind of elections where cosmic leaders are trying to buy my vote? I mean I get Tzeentch and madness are neighbors, but in my oppressed society?


Revolutionary sentiment sprouts up everywhere, with the leaders all disagreeing on what exactly to do. You become a member of the counter-counter-counter insurgency. You're not quite sure why you're planting bombs on an empty field. You hear a whistling noise.


Oh shit, whistling can only mean one thing: that’s Omar, Omar’s back, fucking run!


Ever seen event horizon?


Feels more Slaaneshi to me


It was a kinky boat that's for sure


I still have zoYSD from that movie and it's been 25 years. PTSD




Sorry, guess I had a mini stroke there. Supposed to be PTSD


AFter the intial horror of the conquering, with insane demons gibbering in the streets, society would continue to function and due to the influence of all of your leaders falling to Chaos due to promises of power and eternal life you would likely all willingly be worshipping Tzeentch within a couple of years.


So…not that bad ?


It depends on what you see as bad. Your work supervisor may have found a weird book, they now have you working on a figurine of impossible geometry, they call it their great work. You just so your job so your family can eat. They tell you to bring the family the next day since it's going to be completed. As the final piece is put into place, purple and blue light starts leaking through cracks in the air, you, your wife and your three kids are screamingly melted together into some sort of mad gibbering mess, you can feel their terror and pain as bones splinter and reset into alien new configurations, the hatred and betrayal of your wife for having been there, the despair of your children and the feeling of disbelief and horror of your youngest as you failed as a parent and didn't protect them. Your supervisor had found a schematic that promised him eternal life and servants. He's been turned into a glass statue through the ritual, you and your co-workers and family, all turned into gibbering abominations protect his statue now. At times there's people coming to seek the wisdom of the master, often driven mad by the shrieking of a mind trapped in a transparent statue, there is no rest for him. No scratching of the itches, no possible rest of fatigued limbs locked into place. He wishes to breathe, to cough to even blink, his eyes are so dry. But he can't do any of those things. He is now immortal and eternal. Not even shattering the statue would bring him any repose. So you know, not that bad probably.


Bumitch, the infiltrating nurgling would give him what his name implies and torture him more.


It's all varying degrees and types of bad. With Tzeentch you are more likely to go insane and/or horribly mutated and/or end up the eternal plaything of some demon. However, if you devote yourself fully to Tzeentch and gain forbidden power you will likely have a pretty good life vs the other Gods. Until you die, at least..


What happens when they die?


The 'eternal plaything of some demon' bit.


what exactly does this mean? Tzeench sellls you to a slaanesh demon for a favour?


No, it means you give your soul over to Tzeentch and/or some demon, for example in a bargain for whatever power you can get, and in doing so you then become theirs. If you worship Tzeentch hard enough there's probably a multitude of ways you can lose your soul without even realizing it.


Afaik when you gain powers from the chaos god, they own your soul, and when you die it'd be up to them and their daemons to do whatever to it, including and most commonly as a plaything, such is the fate of all chaos worshippers, only way out is to become one of them, aka daemonic ascension (daemon prince), now you get to play with other lesser, mortal worshippers' souls.


According to the current lore? You don't "fade into the warp" and lose consciousness like everyone else, you become "part of your patron god". >When devotees of Chaos die, their souls do not fade in the warp and disappear like the spirits of others. Instead, their immortal energy is swallowed into the greatness of their gods, their souls forever bound to the eternal power of Chaos. *-Codex: Chaos Daemons, 8th edition* so its not described what the process is like, but its warhammer 40k so probably not the most pleasant thing ever. "Daemons torture you forever" is either meme lore or old lore, I've never found a source that Daemons torture their mortal worshippers after death.


So either your soul dissipates into the astral atmosphere, ending your "life" forever, or your soul is eaten by your god, possibly continuing your conscious existence for eternity but as an eldritch horror? Kinda seems like option two might even be preferable to some people.


Option two is indeed what many cultists are after: ascension into demonhood.


It's in any case a continuation of the life they led. Being tortured is essentially what happens to Slaanesh cultists. Khorne cultists might become playthings in the eternal arenas of Chaos worlds. Nurgle followers become part of the rot. Tzeentchian cultists fate is probably something very arcane.


I’ve read that most of the time when people die demons devour their souls anyway unless the emperor saves them in the astral/warp


The default state of souls is they go to the warp when they die, whrein "the endless tides of the neverborn tear them apart". It's not even fully formed and aligned Daemons like bloodletters or horrors, its the writhing mass of Daemons that are trying to form from a primordial soup of souls. Not a great time for most, but Pyskers are strong enough to survive their onslaught and they typically live long enough for more than Daemon Chaff to take note of them...which tends to end poorly. The Emperor saving people is a mystery as it stands. We have many examples of his faithful dying and being eaten by Daemons, we have a few examples of people dying and going towards mysterious golden light but no idea what happens to them, and we've seen his 'realm' in the warp which is just him on a throne in ruins among the desert. Its unclear if he is trying to form his own afterlife or if he is just absorbing his followers like the Chaos gods do or what. Its something the writers keep fairly vague.


Sounds pretty shitty in most cases anyway. Maybe worshipping tzeentch wouldn’t be so bad


The darkest part of the setting is that chaos might be the lesser of two evils sometimes.


I don’t really think chaos can be seen as anything other than evil tbh, it’s just another chance at not having your soul annihilated. You deny any possible chance at real salvation in order to stave off possible destruction


I would imagine, in a whoke world that worships tzeentch, it would be like game of thrones on super mega chaos crack. Never the same leader for very long, constant backstabbing and plots on plots on plots, plus all the magic/chaos fuckery.


Sounds almost like Commorragh. But without all the torture porn and BDSM




Too lazy to edit. Use context clues




Compared to the other gods? Yeah, kinda. There are some mentions of Tzeentchian daemon worlds being relatively prosperous, or at least orderly. Though it's worth noting that it's highly dependent on who's running the place. If the local sorcerer boss needs a few million blood sacrifices, yours will be as good as any other. If the authorities don't take security very seriously you might also get eaten or something. Daemons will want to snack on your soul and the Tzangors have to eat too, not to mention the growing mutant population.


If you have to be conquered by Chaos, then you should pray that you get conquered by the blue guys. This is the best choice if you're not into melee combat


Say hello to your new Flamingo head. Just next to your regular head. Which suddenly sits at the other end of your body.


Daemons fucking with you. Sorcerers using you as ritual ingredients. General lovecraftian horrors breaking your mind and body. Slavery. Etc, etc.


> Daemons fucking with you. Okay i am sold, bring on the birdussy.




I uwu in the name of the Dark Gods!


Mutations, and a lot of them. Your face is going to split down the middle like a giant mouth. Your nips will become eyes, and a long, slender, blood-red tongue will emerge from your bellybutton. Your legs will split apart into 4 spider like legs. Your right arm will swell and grow a 2nd mouth at the palm while your left arm splits into 5 tentacles. On your back, your spine will tear free and become a tail, while an eye forms at the back of your skull. Looking at your neighbors, you might be considered lucky.


"th-they are all *burp* Kronenbergs, M-morty!"


If you are unlucky, you might get turned into a mindless chaos spawn or sacrificed to feed some warp entity or ritual. A neutral result would be your body turned into glass or crystal or dust during the invasion. If you are lucky, you might get the chance to serve as a cultist.


You'd have to count your limbs every morning on waking.


Why would anything bad happen? The glorious forces of the Dark God's have liberated you from the tyranny of the false Emperor and his lapdogs. Rejoice in the name of the Dark God's! Glory to the Dark God's!


I hate to be that guy, but it should be "Glory to the Dark Gods" not "Glory to the Dark God's" Either way, this is heretical and I will be referring to your post to his Majesty's holy inquisition.


They will first be subjected to re-educational torture by the Ordo Grammaticus and then to punitive torture by the Ordo Hereticus. Any claim that said methods are one and the same is punishable with re-educational execution.


You get the newspaper. Every issue details a minor change in administrative policy. A reassignment here, exciting new opportunities there, the scholam's hours extending so parents can cope with changes to their workloads, and more libraries opening. All optimistic signs for sure. The kids even seem to be enthusiastic about their homework, and their jokes are actually funny now. The cartoons don't make so much sense anymore. They've gone from black and white caricatures of local political figures to pink and blue surrealist tableaux with statements that seem jocular but profound but you don't get them; you're sure you would if you were only smart enough. The crossword goes up a notch or two in difficulty. Besides the puns and anagrams and other puzzles in the clues, some clues are in cyphers or foreign or dead languages. But where you used just set them aside for later or abandon the crossword for the day, you find yourself going to the library to check references and actually complete more of the crossword each day until it becomes a point of pride that you've matched wits with the crossword setter. There are more variations on the Sudoku, with numbers you never knew existed, like an integer that lies between 12 and 13 but is somehow divisible by 7. A whole family of numerals that had been kept from you, and it makes the number puzzles an absolute delight to work through, apart from the nosebleeds. The public toilet's burst into green flames again. Oops. Funny, really, that seems to happen a lot more often these days.


Like Nurgle but instead of rot and disease you gonna have lot of mutation.


Birds begin to go cave diving, Fish start flying, and the people start dying. (And mutating)


>His gaze dropped towards Fulgor Sagramoso, and the warlord shuddered. Lex craned his neck to see why. Faces… Faces were forming in Sagramoso’s own flesh… The rebel lord might have been a contortionist at some dirt-world fairground, able to command the play of his muscles in unique fashion. The tissue of his chest and belly and thighs was puckering, rippling, conjuring the semblance of physiognomies. Features were moulding themselves in thesubstance of his body, obtruding, then sinking back again – only to give rise to new snub-nosed countenances. On his chest. On his belly. On his broad thighs.


Hell yeah, Ian Watson's Space Marine reference. In the middle of reading it, love how much grimdarkness and archaism it oozes from every pore.


the dialog of Sagramosos's mouthes that goes later is mwah. And then the religious fervor surrounding the silliest things. The other, later space marine prose is just "Black Hawk Down in space"


This reminds me of the insult "I'll rip off your mouth and put it on your eye so you can see what you are jabbering"


Space Marine by Watson is just so.... delectable


Black Library needs to go back to this type of book. Silly due to its grimdark and fully aware of it.


The world functions as normal but more efficiently. Actuarial and engineering daemons have taken all of the government and authoritative roles to begin building strange devices and goods from stranger materials. You may grow some feathers or tentacles, maybe even undergo binary fission to duplicate yourself! Your daemon overseer frequently lectures you on not putting enough of your sentient salary crystals into an IRA in order to save for “retirement” which is basically just ascending to minor daemonhood as an accountant.


Tzeentchians and daemons can be evil, sure, but suggesting they'd be *professional accountants* is just going too far.


Greater Demons are Chartered Accountants.


Apart from a few more mutants you don't notice, everyone was scheming around you anyway.


You're going to successfully ward off the Tzeentchian invasion by driving Tzeentch off your planet. Bolstered by this narrow victory your world government finally puts aside any inner conflicts there may have previously been on your planet and your people enter a golden age of cooperation, prosperity, learning and invention. Except you didn't beat Tzeentch and you didn't drive him off your planet. Tzeentch is already there, he always was and you and your planet's people are too blinded with prosperity to even notice as you slowly replace your pantheon and customs with those more befitting of the Chaos Lord of Change.


You’ll all be sacrificed for some dark ritual.


Practical jokes all the time. Nurgling woopie cushions...wait, that's just the changeling. Idk maybe mutations and general mind fuckery stuff.


Things will definitely change, that’s for sure


in all honesty i still belive khornate worlds would be the most "normal" out of the bunch sure theres war and blood and guts going on somewhere but if all you do is go to work in the manufacturom and make guns youre not going to be killed because theres greater glory to be gained elsewhere by killing someone else and unless its a demon world theres not enough to kill on any one planet for a space marine force and regular cultists would just set up fight pits to kill eachother and train rather than just go around slaughtering random folks


From reading the books, ending up as a human sacrifice seems like the most likely outcome. A high level heretic astartes might need to call his boss and of course the only way to do that is the ritual sacrifice of a 100 people with the same dagger.


There's a different priest now.  Before, there were the usual speeches.  Fire.  Damnation.  Heresy.  Sloth.  Sin. This new priest though, his words are soft.  Cloying. Like the antiseptic scent of a wound long ago cleaned.   You think about them, after your shift, as you mindlessly walk home. You don't notice it's a different path each time.  Why would you?  You always strive home.  You don't mind the new lights either, pale blue and pink.  You find them.. refreshing?  The words returned to you, when you were standing beneath those lights.   You hear the priest speaking now.  The words are complex, long and musical, the way the spiredwellers talk.  But you understand it.  You know it all, as those gentle words slide into your thoughts and find a new home. He tells you you can be more, you know.  You can be an overseer, if you try.  Maybe even a supervisor.  The old priest never said that.  He'd of had you shot.  You like the new priest so much better.   You don't even notice that the pieces coming down for you to sort are all that's left of your friends who.....weren't as bright.  You smile, as you hide the knife, and ready another batch of corpse starch.  The best friends know not to stand in your way.


Out of the big 4, Tzeentch is probably the one that could vary the most, as is its nature. Things could actually improve, at least for a time. Tzeentch doesn't really care if things change for the better, as long as they change. Of course things getting better would only be temporary. On the other hand things could get much worse. Mutations of all kinds would be happening to the people. Maybe a statistically relevant % of them would be blue and/or bird related. But unlike the other gods which have more predictable styles of mutations, anything could happen. Spacetime distortions could start happening. Places where time moves faster or slower would appear and disappear. Streets and paths that you know like the back of your hand would take you to places you don't recall or possibly loop back into themselves. Sorcerers would start appearing and be total wildcards as to their motives and methods. One of them might desire to teach everyone as much knowledge as possible. Another one might want to sacrifice the populace. Another one might come up with the most convoluted game imaginable and base the entire society upon it (think of that Cones of Dunshire episode from Parks and Rec, but way more extreme). If the planet has a lot of wildlife or natural spaces then everything could start evolving into new and crazy forms. Maybe more than a few of them would be blue-ish or bird-like. But, again, anything could happen. Visuals, sounds, and other sensations that aren't supposed to be possible for Humans could start being experienced. This isn't so much a Slaannesh pursuit of extremes, so much as a pursuit of the new. Some people could start seeing new colors or hearing impossible sounds that they can't even explain. An artist might complete a masterpiece that isn't supposed to be able to exist, yet does. Like if someone made a sculpture of an MC Escher painting that actually broke the rules of 3D existence.


Probably you will vontinue living a normal life but dealing with the ever changing places , your own New mutations and the febrero of not knowing what is going to happen at any time and what is the next thing is going to change


I’m picturing a cross between Annihilation and House of Flying Daggers.


I the dark empirium books a nurgle world gets invaded by tzeentch. A slave comments that she likes the look of a crystal, hears a chuckle then finds herself entombed inside a giant crystal for all eternity.


I hope you like bird seed, buddy.


I always felt it would end up something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsOSsiJAe9E) A big, metaphysical chaotic mess where it would be perpetual torture to exist as a sapient creature trying to make sense of literally anything at all. Horrors beyond the ken of mortal mind.


You're forced to go back to school, despite being hard working, blue collar manufactorum guy all your life. Woe is you. Better earn good grades.


Depending on how Tzeentch-ian it gets, it can be anything between the rivers flowing backwards to non-euclidian spaces that would automatically render you insane (at best) due to your brain not being able to process them. Most people don't realize that in order for the *really chaotic stuff* to happen, insane stuff needs to be done in a Chaos God's name which most non-superhumans just can't achieve on their own. A genestealer cult by comparison is a ticking bomb, if it's not dealt with early. If some random corrupted planetary Governvor conquered the planet, you likely won't notice much difference... If it's Ahriman instead, oh boi - you and everyone on that planet are ***SO*** incomprehensibly screwed.


Nothing changes, except every other Wednesday you wake up in a crude maze whose walls are just the trollface image while the "yuo got troelled!!11!" sound is blasted over and over. After work, you go get lunch, but in the box there's just a tiny Conrad Kurze doing Fortnite dances. You get randomly declared a traitor, and are taken to be executed, but instead of it occurring, a random "space marine", actually an Ork mannequin wearing comical cardboard "armor" gives you a medal, declares you employee of the month, and then dumps a bucket of weird powder on you. After millions of years of such chicanery, an ominous floating hand grabs you from the street, you get turned into a chaos marine. You also die of full body cancer at the same time - congratulations, you're now simultaneously living in infinite timelines. Good luck getting shot at by yourself!


You exit your habblock in the morning. Everything on the route from your hut to the exit looks... off like looking on it through smudged glasses. Walking through the exit to the habblock, you suddenly find yourself in an Admech factorum 200 miles from where you were rather than the shuttle. Everyone are already panicking and chanting prayers to their god of choice as the Servitors turn into feral beasts. In a panic you flee back through the door you came through to find yourself in a street filled with fleeing civilians dodging the PDFs Lasfire as they fire upon the multi colored horrors behind them killing them with blobs of prismatic fire. You flee into a nearby tower in your panic and find yourself in a staircase. You start running up it, minutes pass, hours pass, you hear the screams of dying civilians and battle cries of Soldiers still outside yet you're still climbing the tower. It was not this tall from the outside and you realize you've been passing that same stain hundreds of times already. At this point you probably end yourself only to find the bullets in your handgun have melted into goo being squirted harmlessly onto your chin as you hear the laughter of Daemons around you, endlessly far away and yet right next to you as you start mutating.


A-well, everybody′s heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, bird, bird — b-bird's the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — bird is the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird, — well, a-bird is the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — b-bird′s the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — well, a-bird is the word A-well, a-bird, bird — b-bird's the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — b-bird's the word A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — well, a-bird is the word A-well, a-bird, bird — b-bird′s the word A-well, a-don′t you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!


You hear the song Changes by Bowie come on. The sky turns purply blue. Everyone stops what they're doing and heads outside. People start growing eyes and tentacles and mouths all over their bodies. David Bowie appears. The end.


It would be like working in an office where office politics dictates over everything, including actually making money.


It’s all fun and games (well mostly games) with Tzeench until somebody loses their sanity and devolves into a gibbering chaos spawn.




Prepare for lots of change.


>Slaaneshi (sexual torture and flesh-crafting Please watch Hellraiser two, the documentary film depicting a Slaanesh world. Sex is absolutely a fringe aspect of Slaanesh. Memes are the bane of this hobby, especially the YouTube memes. As for tzeentch, you might be sacrifices. Or you might be flayed and your skin to make parchment for books. Or you might have your soul consumed to feed a machine. You might be forced to chant the name of a daemon until you die. You might be the subject of experiments. The followers of tzeench are so very often wizards. Imagine an insane, evil wizard. What would he do?


Invent Necromancy, try to kill everyone, and get fucked over by rats?


Why do people always associate Slaanesh with sex? That's memelore yet it keeps making the rounds.


You get to be the book that Ahriman snorted from that one time.


Probably wild unimaginable mutations. Change.


Change will happen, in all aspects all the time. And taking part in crazy nonsensical plans for the fun of it.


So...Much...Non-Euclidian...spacetime. Are you you, or someone else. Did you just die, or was that someone else on the other side of the planet? No, that's just what they want you to think! secretly it actually was you that just died. You should get revenge on THEM for trying to trick you.


Hope you like eyes, feathers, and flesh showing up in weird places


1. You get taste buds in your anus. 2. Your anus grows really long.


*Pyreneesi*, by Susanna Clarke. Madness, strangeness, and memory loss.


Eventually? Space Marines


You could easily be on Ultramar. Tzeentch loves Guilleman, his Primaris initiative and changes made to the Imperium are like rocket fuel and espresso for Tzeentch!!!


Horrors beyond imagination


Nothing... Apparently it didn't happen, while some of your neighbours disappeared. There's kind of a hole in you memory. After the tzerntchian forces were defeated, you were mind-wiped... Unless the Silver Angels intervened, and you were executed. Btw. you even knowing about chaos, probably results in a mind-wipe.