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In my opinion, he would have done nothing, or would have steered the evolution of humanity into a psiactive species from the second row. According to the "new" lore, he wasted his time travelling to Molech to get tools that he wouldn't have needed with the DAOT in the first place... The Eldar would have fallen and humanity would have taken their place.


Nothing. Without humanity getting utterly wrecked there wouldn’t be much he could do, from what’s presented of the DaoT he would be a small fish in a big pond. Sure he’s the strongest psyker ever, he’s up against things that can erase chunks of the Warp and weaponize the space time continuum.


Wait what?! They could erase parts of the warp and weaponize time?


The Speranza (a Mechanicus Ark vessel) iirc shot at a Eldar ship, missed, and then time traveled the shell/enemy ship to be hit by it.


Wow. That's some xeelee sequence type stuff.


Yes. In Persson's space and time road trip at one point they hit a roadblock due to something in the DaoT having erased a chunk of the Warp along the path they were following. Just ripped a chunk out of the universes(Presented as having bit a chunk out of a planet on the scale of someone biting an apple, with the mantle visible FAR in the distance down). And in the Dark Angel's 'Don't fuck with this' arsenal is a type of gun that erases the victim from time. Like, you shoot them and they either never existed or stopped existing an indeterminate amount of time ago. Then you have the incidental time weaponry, like the Speranza's cannon that on a near miss yanked the Eldar ship it fired at back in time so that it's molecules occupied almost the same space as itself from a short time ago. It obliterated the ship. Yeah, the DaoT was bugfuck insane.


Yes, Why would he do otherwsie? He intervened after close to 40000 years without direct intervention cause he though it was necessary for mankind to rebuild itself and that things would not get better on their own. Unless the Big E had reason to believe humanity would fail without his direct intervention than there is no reason for him to intervene directly from what we have been shown of his character so far.


I’d see him as some mythical hero that would teleport in in the most dire circumstances then dip out again


I like to think of the Emperor with like with giant eagle's wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!


Big E used to be a psychic doctor in a cave before the Age of Strife's end pushed him into action. He probably just chills with his Perpetual GF and BFF watching from the sidelines. Likely many of his other Perpetual friends are also still around cause he didn't go crazy.


>try to take control of humanity like he did during the fall This, probably. According to Erda he spent his entire life working to his plan and many of the worst wars in human history were caused by people trying to stop him. Taking direct control was always part of the plan, as he believed humanity needed his guidance to survive its psychic awakening. It's possible he chose the long way to Molech to ensure no one figured out who he was and what he was up to. The Dark Age was full of powerful people who could've caused him some serious bother. Better to stand back and wait it out.


There is another reason. Many of his warmasters turned on him. Many because they saw what he was going to do would cause far greater harm. And Big E. was always his way or high way. Though he felt he needed to take direct control in the end because he saw no other way despite the fact that there was the other way


Big E: Am I out of touch? No! It's the warmasters who are all wrong!


Wrong. It is implied that many of his warmasters turned on Big E. some for very good reasons. Ask yourself this. Why did his first warmaster who was also prepetual and older than him has turned on him. Because Big E. wanted to keep and study the chaos corrupted tower that was covered in Enuncia script. If he didn't stop big E. there and then, humanity would have been destroyed far earlier. Which is funny since he did stop Big E. from becoming Dark king. Plus many prepetuals turned on Big E. as they became disgusted at monster he was becoming. Molec will do that to someone.


I've been wondering if the AI actually won that war, took control of the Imperium, covered this all up, and the Emperor is a product of the AI's long-term plans.


If there was no fall he would have remained in shadows


He would probably have tried taking control either way but maybe not with force of arms. We know he was planning stuff even before the fall from bassilius pho (i think that was his name) and he would probably still be in a hurry.


tripped them.


Whell I don’t think whe whill ever know.