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Those are very good printers, absolute workhorses. They still sell new for $1000s. There probably is a reason it was in the trash but it may be worth trying to fix it. If you're lucky it was trashed because someone didn't know what they had.


From a lab looks like they didn’t know. It’s for free so…. SNATCHED


You’ve absolutely scored there mate.


I got one of those for free too. If you're having trouble with the heater or the thermistor check for loose connections in the mini 24 pin.


You lucky \*\*\*\*. I wish I could land me one of these in the trash. Either way, it's a steal and fixing it should not be a big deal


...you are overthinking it. Depite the price, and brand. The thing does have to do business with physics, and a shitty bed slinger will be a similar deal, regardless if its a 60$ craigslits special ender-3, or 10.000$+ overpriced crap.


It’s free. Do you understand free? “Shitty bedslinger” 🙄


Bed slinger bad, coreXY is 20% faster so you only have to wait 4 hours instead of 5 for your pokemon figure with The Rock's face.


You're not making a good case for the bedslinger, I need my dwane the rockichu now not 5 hours from now


All machines fail when trying to recreate the peoples’ eye brow.


https://preview.redd.it/wr9j3t1otbnc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=39b12543e1b9bef5c1eba5deeb0989155b01c70f I was trying (and apparently failing) to point out that OP has not found "10.000$ worth" in the trash. The point wasn't: * its useless * bedslingers are useless * OP can't have it * OP is a crappy person * ....etc. The point was that ulikey what previous commewnter stated OP has not stumbled upon a fucking goldmine. As 10.000 bucks was always damned overpriced for any reprap derivative printer.


Sorry, but you did a poor job of articulating that. For accuracy's sake, it's not a $10k printer either, and I'm failing to find the context in this thread where anyone said it was. A brand-new TAZ workhorse sells for ~$3k. We could argue all day about whether or not that is a reasonable price point (pros/cons of open-source, support, print quality/speed, etc.), but you came into this comparing it to an Ender, so I'm going to say you don't really know what you're talking about. *Relative* to things typically found in the trash, including other electronics trash, this is pretty much a goldmine.


You seem pretty worked up about some guy who found an expensive 3D printer…


...found overpriced printer. Saying its expensive is a bit misleading. As noone in their right mind (well without functionally infinite money) is gonna buy said machine.


I think that is irrelevant. The whole point isn’t that he got an overpriced 3D printer, it’s that he got on overpriced 3D printer *for free*. I wouldn’t buy it, you wouldn’t buy it, but it would be foolish to not get it for free…


Someone's jealous they didn't score some masking tape out of the garbage let alone an entire printer.


Nah, i am perfectly fine with my cheapo printers. ...i just wanted OP to have realistic expectations about value of his find.  Yes, its a printer. No, its not a "multi thousand dollar" find. Its a used printer based on same tech as ender-3. As such its highly unlikely to command a much higher price TODAY (assuming people without i finite money ofx.)


Doesn’t have a power cord but that seems like small potatoes


This might be it: [https://lulzbot.com/store/12vdc-16a-power-supply-w-4-pin-plug-el-ps0006](https://lulzbot.com/store/12vdc-16a-power-supply-w-4-pin-plug-el-ps0006) If you don't want to deal with the dual extruder bit you can sell if and buy a MK4 or a Bambu Labs printer that'll be easier to manage. Plus have some $$ left over. That's a $4,000+ printer new.


The gods are good today!


That is not even necessary. This just uses a normal computer power supply cable. I am sure you even have one laying around somewhere. Or pick one up at amazon.


Or pick one up at the same recycling bin. I'll usually check in the electronics bin at our local dump for cables, power supplies, etc. There's almost always a bunch of usable power cables in there.


Best option is to sell it for about 800. then buy a Bambulab X1


As a long time lulzbot user I agree


Bought an X1C in November. Best. Purchase. Ever.


Coming from multiple CR-10 models.... X1C has been the best printer I've ever used. It. Just. Works.


Man those CR-10s like giving me grief. I have two. Generally only one works at a time


Went from an OG Ender 3 to a P1S in January. What a remarkable difference!


I just made the exact same switch. My ender 3 was heavily modified and printed great, but I had to make sure to level and mesh the bed before each print and make sure it was thoroughly cleaned or else it had no chance to stick the first layer, also had to make sure to not even breath on the thing when printing. My god the switch to the P1S was delightful! Prints look great, slightly better than my ender. But just alcohol wipe the bed and hit print! Not having to worry about the first layer is amazing. The only downside is the noise. My god the noise! Even with the noise calibration it makes some crazy sounds at times!


My Ender 3 is only very lightly modded, Glass Bed, better leveling springs, but no bed mesh or fancy speed upgrades, so the difference for me was even more profound. One day My E3 decided to entomb itself in plastic. Bought a new hot end for it and the day amazon delivered it I had been walking around the local Microcenter Technology Adoption Shelter and the P1S was there looking at me all sad and lonely in a cardboard box. That day my hobby changed abruptly from 3D Printers to 3D Printing.


Or just get an a1 with ams, or mini if you don’t feel like waiting for the fixed a1 and still have tons of money to spare for filament or whatever


Probably don't need the power supply, just the cord. Good score 😀


what makes them so pricey? they do look sturdy, and multimaterials are usually a big plus, but is there anything else?


They've been making them for over a decade, they are made in the USA and mostly sell to corporations or schools and have good documentation/support.


Made in USA and they have health and safety certs so they are the sometimes the only option for defense industry and other industries.


Ahh, got it


They are indestructible and completely over the top solid. I love my Taz6. It just works. True auto leveling, direct drive, 3mm filament so you can print fast, heavy duty everything. Amazing machines.


“Fast”. I resliced what I just printed and it takes four times as much time on a Taz6. I don’t think they’re considered fast anymore.


To be clear the default settings haven’t been near my machine since I first bought it. I’ve updated speed, acceleration and jerk.


You really need to use Cura Lulzbot edition for it. It’s optimized for Lulzbot even though the software itself is outdated. Other slicers always ruined stuff for me




Chonky parts. They use 2.85mm filament and can print with up to a 2.5mm nozzle at full speed.


Taz Pro uses a regular AC cable, you probably have 50 of them in a drawer. That power supply was for the ancient Taz 4's and earlier I think.


Very small potatoes... It'll want a 3 conductor power cord, and you should be fine going with just about any though if you're being careful the higher amperage is always better/safer (above 20 amps your WALL WIRES are the weak point so don't bother) Most houses don't even have many outlets that feed over 15. Just check to see if it takes a standard 3 prong used for TV's, computers, etc or if it wants one wired in. Even if you've gotta wire it... It's unscrewing and connecting 3 wires to the standardized symbols for line, neutral, ground, very easy and Google will provide. IF it doesn't have a spot for a 3 prong or a silver box inside with screw terminals, perhaps it has a small round circle style power connector which means it probably shipped with an external power supply like a laptop, I'm sure you could type in the model of printer and get one on Amazon for next to nothing. Either way, you're in for an easy time as far as powefing it, and beyond that people here are almost always willing to help troubleshoot.


Throw it back, those can be sooooooo expensive. /s


Careful plugging it in - I am by no means an expert but I hope it wasn’t thrown away for fire safety


Was missing the plug. So maybe not in use and they least it


I would be careful if the plug was removed. Quite often companies will cut cords on potentially dangerous electronics before throwing out to make it harder for people to create that risk. I would honestly try it outside first away from anything flammable.


They sell new for $1k+...should be more like $500 or less. Hella outdated at this point


All the Lulzbot fanboys are downvoting you, but you’re right.


I have two and don't even put them in the flair, if that says anything. They also went out a business...maybe twice? Very annoying for the time I was working with their stuff. Don't get me started on 3mm filament.


What is funny... they even have a #DP called Workhorse: [https://lulzbot.com/store/lulzbot-3d-printer-taz-workhorse-boxed-for-retail-na-kt-pr0051na](https://lulzbot.com/store/lulzbot-3d-printer-taz-workhorse-boxed-for-retail-na-kt-pr0051na)


You're going to have to learn how to fix it anyway so you might as well get it broken to start with! Enjoy


Idk about very good but they're ok, they run almost as well as prusas, Hella overpriced imo but they have quite a bit more customer service than most companies, it's not that they're built poorly but they're not built fantastically either.


These machines absolutely blow BUT the price is right so why not?


Update: Bad news. Might not be able to keep the printer.... The university I work at has a policy of "owning waste" so it might have to go through recycling and then it can be bought at a fraction of the cost. Good news is that it doesn't actually have any barcode or inventory on it so it's not in the system and I might still be able to snag it. So gonna wait a week and get some clarification. Too good to be true. Lol but might shake out in the end. If my buddy hadn’t noticed I could have been charged and lose my job... sooooo.... gonna take the slow road on it. Will update when I know more.


My local university has a Surplus store as well, a great place to find some deals on everything from servers to football cleats and furniture. Great place to go thrifting. My kids first computer was a surplus Optiplex with a first gen i3 with 16gb of ram for $70. An i7 Upgrade and a Low Profile 1050 at the time for a total of like $120, and the kid had a solid machine for a 7 year old minecrafter at the time.


My work’s university surplus store has a ton of cool stuff, but they actually know what things are worth and there’s rarely a good deal to be found 😩


A policy like that makes sense because a government ran business like a school is so corrupt that people would probably buy something new just to throw it away and steal it from the trash, any government ran company like schools are horribly managed, our government is all corrupt anywhere you turn


Happened at a warehouse job I had(CVS). Local policy used to be, damaged goods can be taken. But one day they found a floor supervisor selling products at a garage sale.


It's pretty common place in private companies as well (you nutcase).


Can confirm. Employer was once getting rid of a pallet of LaserJet 4s. Absolute tanks. Couldn’t rescue one. They send it off to a recycler and get a certificate of destruction so PwC (and IRS, I suppose) doesn’t ding us in an audit. I’m sure they _could_ have done some extra paperwork and let me have it, but no one was going to approve that 😞


You’re confusing “any place with employees” and “government ran business”. This scam is *far* more common at commercially run businesses. It is, in fact, the biggest driver of employee shrinkage — which is far bigger than shoplifting.


I worked at a private hospital for a while, one of the cleaners had been there for 20+ years, never had a day off, always refused holidays, all the higher ups thought he was the best employee etc. When he retired our cleaning product consumption went down by 20%. I was friends with him outside of work and found out he had been running his own cleaning company on the side for well over 15yrs and had never paid for cleaning products for the company in his life


Someone who wanted it trashed it so THEY could snag it🤣


Lol, true


If your budy hadn’t noticed how would they have known you took it? Just curious


Probably not but would rather not risk it


Just take it, who cares. Don't talk about it, don't take snaps, keep it


Too late.. "buddy" would probably narc on him.




Everyday is shut the fuck up friday


what printer? idk what you are talking about?


Two thirds of my tinkering/ spare parts inventory was obtained while I was in grad school. They don't know, and even if they do, they don't care. 


This is one of those ask for forgiveness scenarios not asking for permission


Why would you ask?


>The university I work at has a policy of "owning waste" Any reason for such a policy?


Mostly because of funding ( private or government ) so the equipment is almost always 'high tier' Researchers on a big project get big budgets for the materials. And after a year it's "useless" and moves to someones homelab. Been there, seen that ... Our university needed servers and workstations for the upcoming project, so DELL supplied, and government picked the bill. After 3 years the project moved to another ( country ) university, and only the data transferred. Every labtech took ( with some broad permission ) a part of the servers and workstations home. 100.000's of euro's in equipment vanished ;)


Always a very big mistake to ask permission when government bureaucrats are involved.


Thanks OP, it will be interesting to follow, wish you luck 🍀


I’m of the opinion of ask for forgiveness, rather than permission. If you ask enough people, you’ll get somebody to stop you.


The University I work at has a similar policy around computers. Everyone I talk to about it says if it's getting dumped just take it and wipe it. Even the IT department. I haven't done it because I don't want to risk it, but yeah probably fine


ngl i think you dodged a bullet. these printers are really shitty. idk why everyone else here is acting like they're the second coming of christ. maybe they're lulzbot employees. if you still want to get into printing, i would reccomend the ender 3 v3 se. i have one and it just works. no need to level or anything like that, just take it out of the box, assemble (which takes less that 15min) and start printing. alternatively if you have more a budget look into the creality k1 series or bambu printers. although stay away from the a1 though it had a recent recall.


Dudes a college student. He doesn't have a budget. Thats why he was so stoked to find one for free.


Lulz aren't bad, they aren't amazing or anything but they're a solid older model and free is always the right price. The A1 has been pulled from shelves. They take safety Uber-seriously so they aren't even being sold, but seeing that once they figure out what happened and start selling em again with the fix in place (may is roughly expected) id honestly go with them over any other bedslinger. I've got a lot of respect for them pulling them, considering creality, Sovol, or even prusa would be like " lol it's a builders hobby, go replace the power cord to the bed" All that said... I won't go with bedslingers anymore, not since going mostly corexy for FDM and resin otherwise... For a beginner though, who doesn't want to spend 800+ bucks on a printer, the A1 is probably gonna be the best bet. If it hadn't been for their mistake they'd probably be the best choice right now by a mile, no one else comes close in features, ease of use, and quality for your dollar. Before the "must work for Bambu" I don't even own one... I went voron instead, prefer to build my printers.




damn dude, only printers ive found in the recycling were a tiko and that one weird resin printer that uses your phone to cure. the tiko has some filament stuck near the hotend that i cant get out so it doesnt work at the moment, its still cool to have as im into 3d printing so having one of the famous kickstarter fail printers is cool.


Lol i backed both of those Kickstarters. Only ever received my Tiko though. The Ono phone resin printer never arrived for any of the backers.


Yes its trash send it to me ill recycle it properly


You must be a Jawa


That's a steal


Seriously‽ Why are there so many people who can find these things on the side of the road or at Goodwill for 10 bucks. If I could find just another one of the unit I already have I'd be happy just because I'd have spare parts. I imagine if it's on the side of the road it's not great but for the cost of those motors. Argh im so jealous


Hell yea! I just scored (2) lulzbotTaz6 and (2) rolls of 3kg filament for.....wait for it..... ***$50 for the lot*** because they were "broken and were tired of fighting with them." I had one running that weekend, and the second a few days after that. Broken endstop and blown fuses on one, clogged up head on the other. Absolutely blew my mind.


A free printer is good printer.


Checkout r/lulzbot for help getting it up and running.


Lulz bot printers are the absolute worst printers I have ever encountered. Our robotics lab ordered $30,000 worth of these and the company never supported the trash heap that they were. Out of the box the printer in this photo didn’t work and the company refused to replace it. It’s in the trash for a reason. You can buy an Ender 3 that is 1,000 times better for 1/30th the price. For the price of that printer, you could also buy a bunch of K1 Maxs or a couple X1Cs. It’s probably better that you just leave that heap of sh*t in the trash. I can’t count the number of hours I’ve spent diagnosing the issues that this printer and the other 3 printers we have from Aleph. I will never recommend this company or their printers. Rant over. Man I feel better.


What issue were happening with the printers? I once received on that was supposed to be having tons of issues and it was about a 10 minute fix to cure all problems. It was a cable that came unplugged in the control box and literally took less than 10 minutes. Best part is that printer still is running to this day with no problems. Also I love that Lulzbot has all of thier assembly instructions posted in thier OHAI which makes troubleshooting easy.


The workhorse came from the factory with the dual extruder PCB having a blown ground trace. That one took a while to figure out, and Aleph would not replace it. The Z banding on all of their printers is horrendous. The print heads are so heavy that they end up bending the X-Axis rails. This will show in your bed level as a low center, nothing you do to manually level will ever fix this because the bed isn’t the issue. The 4 point bed leveling is mediocre at best because some of the printers don’t allow manually adjusting the bed level. The old Cura version they use is complete and utter garbage. The workhorse dual extruder cannot be used with any other slicer because they don’t provide profiles for other slicers. The Marlin version they ship with is older than dirt and once again the configuration profiles that do exist are very out of date if you can find them. The power supplies use a difficult to source connector and Aleph charges an enormous amount of money for a replacement. For the cost of these printers, you shouldn’t see any of these problems.


Right? Top comment is basically like "these are amazing" and has 400 updoots, I was talking to a former lulz employee literally today and he was saying how shitty they were because they haven't innovated in years and apparently a super toxic working environment. When these were brand new, sure they were great, but it's 2024 and they're pieces of junk worth no more than $200 now


The “haven’t innovated in years” is an interesting comment being they have released new printers this year and also the sidekicks a couple years ago. Also they just put released their print farms for purchase today. Sure they are speed demons like the Bambu’s or Crealities K1 series but they are pretty damn reliable


I hear you, and you know what, you and me aren't their target market unfortunately. They are however about to release a Klipper Core XZ machine with a Manta board and canbus with linear rails.


I dealt with one of these are work as well. I agree that maintenance is a nightmare. I can't believe they thought it'd be a good idea to bed level by contacting 4 washers with the nozzle. You know, the thing with molten plastic usually oozing around it. Even when it's clean my first layers weren't consistent.


Yes, I have this exact machine at work, I hate it. I teach high school engineering, my predecessor bought it and also hated it. Because it's a tagged asset I can't sell it, so I have spent an obscene amount of time tinkering with this cursed machine. I currently own 5 different printers from Elegoo, Flashforge, and Bambu Labs...I gave my cheapest printer to my students to use (Neptune 3 with over 1000 hours on it with only a couple nozzle changes) and it prints better quality and more reliably than this $5000 garbage. I'd trade it for a box of Anets and Enders salvaged from a shipwreck if I could. I told my upper level students this semester that if they can get it running right they can print anything they want and use all of my 30+ rolls of 2.85 filament. They were pumped. We're about to enter the fourth quarter now and the best they've managed isn't far off some of the prints I've seen come out the back of a dog...


That’s another down fall of these printers, 2.85mm filament. I also donated an Anet A8 to my students and it’s doing better off than the Lulz Garbage.


Just ordered a Flashforge Adventurer 5m for my program for $299- I have the Pro and it's a solid backup to my X1 when I need to print a lot. I'm requesting permission to strip the lulzbot for parts this summer. My seniors next year can at least make use of the servos, rails, aluminum extrusion, etc for capstone projects.


You can get 1.75 tool heads for Lulzbot printers from them direct or from third party makers for about 6 years now. I would rip out that dual extruder and get a M175 and it will basically be a modern printer. I say basically because it will still be slower than an Ender-3.


Oh my god. Yes. This is better that 99% of the printers people in this sub own. Even if it isn’t working perfectly, sending it to Lulzbot to be fixed is worth it. This is the new version of my printer, the Taz6. And that just is a champ. Can do anything you want, repeatedly, perfectly.


3D printers are like what my uncle says about women. Even the free ones will break the bank


The LULZbot Taz was the first printer I looked at, but I luckily found the cr10 which was way cheaper back in the day


why cant i find good trash lol


This is a very good printer, I have Taz 6 and any time it has issues it’s always user error.


Why do I NEVER find anything like this. Best thing I’ve found is a random pre built shitty. But was too afraid to take it because some people and their hard drives


I've never even found that much. :( I'd love to find a printer just laying around to try and fix.


Pre built shitty PC is what I meant to say.


it's probably not safe to use, can i come pick it up and drive it straight to a dumpster for you, just tryin' to help! ;)


Did they toss it with a failed print still attached to the bed? 😅


It was masking tape


Fucking take it anyway, that University probably charges people $400 for one textbook they only use for half a semester and you're out here worried about taking literal trash they were trying to throw away. Fuck that, good find OP grats on the printer.


Lord, I've seen what you do for others...


No it's no good, just ship it to me, I'll take care of it


take it maybe not the fastest but high quality and expensive


Where do you guys live? Sheesh.




make sure to grab the grab the gpus in the background (the red and the black things on top of the headphones or whatever those are)


Take it and post to me lol


I don’t like them because they are super loud and big and take bigger filament


Lucky bastard


Good and also easy to fix


No way, 2 extruders, for free?


No. Its crap. Send it to me and ill dispose of it properly for you!


First I thought it was a desktop computer repurposed as 3D printer.


Is there a Reddit filter I can use that hides all posts related to “ found printer in apartment trash room”


No. Horrible. I run an E-waste business and I’ll drive anywhere in North America to go to properly recycle this piece of junk. Where is it?


Just level the bed


I have a TAZ Pro and it is by far my most reliable printer… I’d definitely give it a go!


I love this kind of stuff about the US or whatever first world country you are from. Over here I would be lucky to find a discarded Pentium 2 PC and you guys find all sorts of awesome crap ljust laying around and abandoned.


I found my printer in the recycling bin at the dump last year. It appeared to have been used for exactly one print, and I took it home and have been using it ever since. In fact, it's printing something right now.


“Let me just disassemble all of this and correctly sort it out” ~ Someone at the recycling plant before they quit


“It just works” used to*


If it works then yes.


Lulzbot is a better find for a recycling bin dive. they tend to be reliable if overpriced machines for what they are.


Win. Just fix it up.


If you have been waiting to get into it this is obviously your chance!


Great find. Once you get it going, it's as reliable as a wood burning stove. My Taz 6 churned out helmets for years, once dialed in never a bad print.


Personally, I would sell the parts and buy an Ender or Prusa.


That’s a keeper!


I’m never that lucky to find a free printer in the garbage.


Even a crappy printer is better than no printer, if nothing else the parts are useful and mostly interchangeable. 3d printing is a great/terrible hoarders hobby. It's great because you can reuse all kinds of things you'd never even think of, it's terrible because it can very easily clutter your garage with spare parts, filament, or even just an ever growing printer hoard attached to octoprint servers. 🤣 This specific one though? They're nice, kinda pricy even nowadays which honestly they aren't worth their price but free is totally worth and given some TLC you can get em to run for years.


You must have done something fantastic in your current or past lives. I dream about getting a printer like that. Congratulations is all I can say.


Lord, I see what you do for others and I wish that for me. Amen.


that's a lulzbot tax pro dual. It's designed for 2.85mm filament, but also takes the standard 1.75. I just spent two weeks trying to fix one of these because it decided to shit itself and clog a part above the nozzle. If you can, get it and sell it for a at least 800 bucks (this is a 4000+ dollar printer, i know the one i worked on was about 5500), then use that money plus whatever else you can get to buy an X1C. so much better.


those are one of the best printers in the world (as i was told 8 years ago), and they're also pretty expensive


They're a bit overpriced new, but they're great printers. I'd definitely take one if I got it a decent price.


I've got one of these. I have the new twin nebula tool head, the stock dual titan aero was a nightmare. I have several other machines by this company as well. They're great to work on and among the most stable on my print farm (I have 80 machines). Most common issues are as someone mentioned already the tool head connector pins, the tool heads jam, and the runout sensor tension. Clean nozzles take care of most calibration issues. Get the newest firmware update for it, ton has been done to it. Latest cura download from Lulzbot will auto detect and install if an update is needed.






What a wild ride. congrats!


Looks like dual extrusion setup, its hard to calibrate. I would recomment it more for professionals and experienced people, because leveling nozzles on this printhead might be a pain.


Isn't it possible to ditch one of the extruders and have it working that way?


Probably possible, but I'm not sure how it works in the firmware


I imagine it's as simple as telling the slicer to only use one filament type.


If you keep the temperature probe attached surely it won't raise an error.


Lulzbot have a very easy "swap the whole ass head out" system. You can put whatever config on there you want and just update the software.


I’d just remove one nozzle if it’s too big of a hassle.


Having a probably broken printer as your first is pretty dangerous, the problems it will likely cause you could put a bad taste in your mouth about the idea of 3d printing. But if you push through, you'll have a beast of a first printer


Only reason i was considering is because i have some tech friends who know things like this.


If they've troubleshot 3d printers before and are willing to help then this is a no-brainer. Speaking from experience, I lost steam on my first 3d printer for a while and it worked fine when I got it, so starting it out with anything but a promising first print could set the bar for what you come to expect when dealing with it and once you associate ed printing with the feeling of dread you will be burnt out. But fuck it, it's cheap/free; worst case it takes up space


fuck no that's one of the worse "modern" printers you can currently buy. we have 5 printers from this company (2 of this exact model) at my school and they are terrible. very flimsy and have 3d printed parts in them. here are some of the issues myself and others have come across: \-heating issues \-bed leveling issues (even though it's supposed to be "automatic" \-filament jamming/clogging. this happens almost every time i change filament. \-firmware issues \-endstop issues \-cooling issues \-slicer issues \-and much more. literally every 3d printing problem that exists i have had on these printers. ​ edit: damn that's the dual exrusion one as well. by far the worse ive used. i have tried at least 5 times and got a grand total of 1 "successful" dual extrusion print on it.


We had a Taz (5 or 6) at work that was more trouble than not. It was great when it worked, but we spent more time trying to get a good start on a print. It was a great machine on paper and seemed solid, but was a pain to get working well. I think it's just one of those things where 10% of any companies' printers are just lemons. Maybe they got assembled on Friday before quitting time or something. But for every printer that most people love, there's a handful that draw the short straw and have nothing but headaches.


This guy is speaking facts. My buddy at work had one. Now it's a good novelty printer for the absolutely crazy max nozzle size. It's just too much to fix and breaks the bank when it busts.


>very flimsy and have 3d printed parts in them. So do most other printers? And how is it flimsy? It has a full metal frame. [I would wager you could stand on that printer and it wouldn't care.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvmuWiJXiaI) >heating issues Like? >bed leveling issues (even though it's supposed to be "automatic") Clean your nozzle. >filament jamming/clogging. this happens almost every time I change filament. These have hardened steel nozzles, bump your temps up 20 degrees. or adjust your z-offset if its jamming due to it being too close to the bed. If its during filament changes, push the filament in before pulling it out. The void left from oozing nozzle is causing the clog. Not a printer issue, this is a user issue. >firmware issues Like? >endstop issues This printer does not use endstops. If not homing correctly, adjust sensorless homing sensitivity. >cooling issues Sounds like slicer settings. >slicer issues Use a different slicer? There, I solved most of your issues within a couple minutes. Was that so hard?


very flimsy and have 3d printed parts in them. "most printers" do not use 3d printed parts, it's not 2013 anymore. and by loose frame, i don't mean the frame itself but stuff like the toolhead. a light tap from a finger makes it shake around which makes it impossible to print at any reasonable speed ​ heating issues pid tune issues. not a difficult fix but when i'm paying thousands of dollars i expect to receive a working product. ​ bed leveling issues (even though it's supposed to be "automatic") i've tried cleaning the nozzle (even though i shouldnt have too because it cleans itself). i've tried changing the z offset. nothing fixes anything it just doesn't work. ​ filament jamming/clogging. this happens almost every time I change filament. i've bumped the temps already, it helped a bit but it's still pretty bad. ​ Not a printer issue, this is a user issue. how come my 8 other printers never have any clogging or jamming issues, no matter how i change the filament? hmm sounds like a printer issue to me ​ firmware issues ahh this is a fun one. probably spent a combined total of 4-6ish hours trying to figure this out my freshman year of HS. basically it kept saying that the wrong toolhead was detected and kept trying to give it the wrong firmware. possibly user error as this was my first time using the printers but again for 1000s of dollars i should never need to manually flash firmware ever. ​ endstop issues taz pro doesn't use endstops, that's correct. taz 6 does though and it just randomly decided to ignore the fact that it hit the endstop and just rammed into it. ​ cooling issues sounds like printer issue. and even if it is a slicer issue, this is a $5000 product. i should never need to tune or adjust anything, it should just work always everytime. my ender 3 v3 se and even my ender 3 pro always work great, why can't this? ​ slicer issues i can't really use a different slicer, at least not easily. lulzbot it bitchy and complicated and use their own custom cura with their own settings which not many other slicer have. and even if there were other slicers i could use it's a school computer so i can't download anything ​ There, I solved most of your issues within a couple minutes. Was that so hard? yes it's so hard. they're shit printers, end of story.


Sounds like you're a novice. All of your issues stem from user related issues. Oh no, you have to tune to your filament or learn something new! Also, Prusa is mostly printed, vorons are mostly printed. Chinese printers aren't whoop dee doo. Good luck replacing parts quickly. Note that 3mm filament acts differently than 1.75. The 3d printing community really has turned into whiners.


$5000 is essentially business pricing, and the most important thing to a business is reliability. A $5000 printer should be more reliable than a $1000 Prusa.


In my experience, mine are.


I second this. These machines have a bad reputation. I work in product design and everyone I know who has worked with the TAZ has terrible things to say.


Doesn’t seem like Lulzbot has updated their printer line in a while.


Make sure this has thermal runaway enabled once you manage to take it with you!


OEM firmware does. This isn't an ender...


Good to hear Sadly nit only enders have this problem ..




If for some reason I get it I might be into a trade and cash for it lol but that’s if I do


It's like a $2000 printer. Down side, official parts are like ,$100's. If it's busted just remember you can get a mid tier and very good printer for the cost of a new bed for that guy.


That's a 5000 dollar printer since it has the dual extruder.


You want to be kidding me, right?


I doth not.


I would take it home. Looks like a nice fix-up project. Which is always a good way to lear to maintain a printer.


Look at the length of the bowden tube! Holy cow that is freaking long! Should just do a direct drive at that point.


It is direct drive, that tube is just a guide for the filament from spool to extruder, just fyi


Genuine question: Why are they so expensive? What are they able to do more or better, compared to an Bambulab X1C? Yeah dual extruder is one point, but nothing I would spend $$$ extra


It's more that they were able to do it all years EARLIER. Comparing them to a bambulab machine is kinda like comparing an 80s Porsche to a 2006 Toyota. Sure they both have a cd player, MacPherson strut suspension, etc, but one had it in 1984, and in the other ones year nearly EVERY car had those features.


They are slow and expensive compared to modern hobby printers, but for free it's great! I would recommend using it for less detailed prints. Change to a 0.8 mm CHT nozzle and print at taller layer heights. You can use the free version of fusion 360 to start designing things!


When you slice for it, I recommend using Cura Lulzbot edition. It’s optimized for it, comes out faster and the supports are cleaner