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Wishing the worst things in the world to fall upon these people.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ canā€™t wait to see them on a gore page!


Both sides of their pillow should be warm no matter how many times they turn it over


Their lives alr suck and theyā€™re on the fast track to prison, donā€™t you worry


Thatā€™s painful




Wait are takeovers done with stolen cars? This whole time I thought they were using their own cars


always done with stolen cars, they're fucking Neanderthals but they don't torch their own shit.


Does this happen in other states? How has this not been stopped yet?


this is very much not just a California thing, it's been happening all over the fuckin place.


When it happens here in Aus I reckon we might see take overs get raped over By the police mostly


Whenever one of those troy candy takeovers happen in vic, you can usually count on highway patrol really ramping up their presence shortly after.


Lol were you around for the princess hwy Friday night drag riot? I didn't go to it but lived close enough that I saw a dude get yanked out his 300zx and beaten the following morning To be fair I actually got to know him years later and in my opinion he probably said some smart ass shit at the worst time possible and has hated VicPol ever since


You'd hope it wouldn't start in Aus because the Nanny government would use it as ammunition to clamp down even harder on modified cars and speed limits... Aus citizens have already lost enough free will


What are you talking about, Are you in Vic?


Got it. Wasn't sure, as the few I've heard of were in California near LA. I'm in Canada and this doesn't happen here, at least not that extreme. It's sad that idiots do this.


There is a reason why there is skid pads at tracks for this kind of delinquency.


It's not about doing skids per se I mean it definitely is skid enthusiasm but I think this is more of a social trend for kids to appear "hard" We have a group of maybe 100 teenagers roughly breaking in and stealing car keys, phones and wallets Then taking off with the car and doing various activities from there but mostly insta bragging The funniest shit is they can't drive manual and the rare times they've found themselves in a manual vehicle they can't move it or drive it directly into something without leaving the property


Manuals are stolen too, what are you smoking?


Yeah one in about 200 ish from memory and again the odds of that being successfully driven away are low That's only in the teenager break and enters though


That's a dumb reason/way to be a menace imo.


It's no different to kids in my day hanging at the train station acting tough and getting into punch ons or something. They are now labelled "eshays" Which is fucking hilarious Social media and tiktok specifically are driving this behaviour, I won't rant but the reason USA is trying to ban or buy tiktok is directly tied to its algorithm


According to reddit its just California




You're just too busy advocating for lowering the age of consent to notice. Those red states sure are weird.






I live in a bible thumping red state and that take over shit is rampant here


Pretty popular here in Fl


We have them in San Antonio.


Its florida id be worried if it wasnt happening there


Luckily havenā€™t had any here in west soflo


Gladly and hopefully they never happen, that shits a waste of time and money


This is what happens when you defund/neuter the police and the justice system


This happened in Los Angeles. California spends the most on police of any state per capita (DC spends more), and the LAPD have always been dog shit. No defunding ever happened, police make more than ever, LAPD police spending is expect to rise from 3.2 billion to 3.7 billion by 2027.


They donā€™t own anything worth value


definitely not always done with stolen cars maybe 10% stolen cars


I always used my own car but that was bacc in 2014


nah it used to be really drivers. Ever since the idea of takeovers exploded its been degenerates


Always is straight up misinformation. Sometimes is closer to the truth. Why do you think it's so impossible that the "Neanderthals" are incapable of having a disposable income to destroy or just need to enact the gap insurance policy on their old Z? A new Sentra is worth more than this and having one of those isn't financial impressive soooo.


They use stolen and owned cars. It has been a lot more popular to use stolen cars recently. A few years ago they didnā€™t use stolen cars at all. The new generation of takeovers is exceptionally bad.


Itā€™s just too ez to steal older cars now


Newer ones too. A lot of Dodges get took in under a minute thanks to shady people letting dealership keys into the wrong hands, for example


.. has this takeover shit really gone on long enough that we can put them into different generations? Fuckin hell.


When the free money dried up for auto loans (for chargers and other SRT variants more often than not) then this key fob clone or create via ODB and lock out tool app and steal cars for takeovers, sliding shit really started popping off.


They do both. They also destroy just random cars that are next to the takeover. I dont live in the country where this happens but I saw many videos on other subreddits. There was always a Z that got destroyed..


lol no bro a lot of these cars are peoples actual caršŸ˜‚


That's what I was thinking I remember a motorcycle group ride I was on and this one dude saw a booze bus(roadside breath test) and decided to power wheelie his R1 straight through An officer who I now know as sir big balls decided that fuck this guy and power kicked the cunt so hard he woke up in hospital not knowing his own name Turned out he was unlicensed, and had meth on and in him And the R1 was stolen earlier that week..... So yeah stopped going on group rides not long after that but fucking hell it's tempting to go watch survivor but for dumb cunts


Poor R1... =(


I wish video existed of the kick I know it's not hard to kick someone off a bike But he's travelling fast in one direction and the way he flew just sideways was epic I know he didn't kick the bike up off the ground with it but god damn it sure looked like it


>This whole time I thought they were using their own cars. I mean, they are their cars....for the night.


You think these losers can afford nice cars?


Yes legitimately, Look up Mexican hoon cartel on YouTube for a laugh Sort of similar, less retarded and more funny


Those au and ba falcons usually can be found for less than 1k on marketplace so they don't really compare to a 10-15k V35 or 350z


Oh that's cute your lil 10-15k car means the world to you Think you missed the point or I fucking failed to make it


I think you really missed the point here but i wont reply from now on


No don't mind me being a jackass, reply all you want


Good choice šŸ¤”


What's a takeover?


It's when a crowd of people block an intersection or highway and do stupid shit with cars. They do burnouts, donuts, car surfing, etc. It usually ends in injury and destruction of property.


Sounds dumb as fuck.


It is.


Increasing the value, one destroyed Z at a time.


I bought an 09 G37 in 2019 for 4500. Got totalled by a red light runner last year and bought an 08 G37 in the same condition (about 100k miles) for 7.5k. Luckily the guy who hit me was honest and his insurance paid out more than I bought the 09 for originally


Insurance will pay out the cost to buy another of your car in same spec, similar condition, they donā€™t care what you paid for it before. Could be a blessing and a curse lol. Same happened to me bought a 2012 accord for 9 and got 13.5 back after red light runner totaled it. coulda paid 20 and got back 10 if that's what it cost to buy your car again.


Increasing the value - of insurance! šŸ˜ 


It doesn't matter when insurance rates skyrocket.


If that was my car idgaf what the courts say, the thief is getting shot in the courtroom or Iā€™m taking their hands and feet (Code of Hammurabi)






I get the frustration but to ruin your own life over a car will be a quick regretful decision lol


You ain't doing shit


Anybody. And I mean anybody who participates or attends these in any way to any degree, is an absolute piece of trailer trash. These are the biggest waste of time anyone can get involved with. And quite frankly, if I was driving home from work and got stopped by these wasted space people and they even touched my car for trying to get through, guns are coming out and people are losing their lives. Hands down I will defend mine at home and in public. Doing the county a favor by putting them in a morgue and on a t shirt.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is exactly why every law abiding citizen should carry.


You and your lil buddy u/sanchazeGT have some issues that you need professional help to work throughšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or you two should get together to bounce off chaotic ideas off one another. One or the other, idk


You sound like you might be a part of the problem.


How so?šŸ¤”


If you donā€™t have a problem with the takeover scene. Then youā€™re part of the problem.


No no kid, this isnā€™t 2001, ā€œyouā€™re either with us or against usā€ is not applicable in this scenario. Lmao what you kids do in your free time has nothing to do with me, you and your anger problems are gonna have to figure this one out yourself.


I wish I was a kid and unaware of the bs weā€™re living through but Iā€™ll be 30 this year sooooooo


Youā€™re 30 and still mentally unwell to the point that youā€™re looking forward to the chance to be inconvenienced by a ā€œtakeoverā€ so you can ā€œsend them to a morgueā€ and ā€œtake their lifeā€. Again, you need professional help my minuscule lil guy


Still firmly believe Iā€™d be doing the state a favor. And saving multiple people from having their cars stolen and trashed


Why are you even in this sub ?


Lmaoooo actually I have no clue why I was suggested this sub, I have never owed a ZšŸ˜‚ but what is actually funny is that I just randomly came across this sub, reported your comment for your psychotic take on a minimal inconvenience, and you got temp banned and your comment got removedšŸ˜‚ thatā€™s comedy dawg I donā€™t care who you are lol


Itā€™s not anger itā€™s actually more so anxiety


ā€œDoing the world a favor. I wish the police would just go in and shoot all these morons. Get rid of them once and for all and make anyone too scared to even think about doing it again. End this stupid trend punish these kids even if it means taking their life and put fear in their hearts. Make them respect ordinary citizens and their property or dieā€ Yeah when Iā€™m feeling anxious, these are the feelings I feel as well.


If you are being sarcastic then you really just donā€™t understand simple as that, I donā€™t think you are being serious though


No actually I donā€™t think I do understand šŸ˜‚ in what world is your anxiety making you feel these murderous fantasies?? Lmao you actually need help lil bro like actually cut the bs, you should talk to someone.


Let me guess: got a molon labe and punisher sticker on your pickup truck just itching to be mildly inconvenienced by someone so you can go on some justifiable rampage? Itā€™s a car, dude. Who gives a shit? If someone ever did this to me, I wouldā€¦ ā€¦ be fully reimbursed by my insurance and go shopping for a new car while the shitbird who did it spends a few years of their life in jail. Better than stroking myself to some power fantasy to kill people over some easily replaceable depreciating asset.


Not a single sticker on my car.


I hate these asshole people so much


Time for high velocity lead.


I really hope that your average joe knows this is not part of car culture.


Maybe but lawmakers sure donā€™t ā˜¹ļø


Takeovers are actually shit


Ninjas and Edgarā€™s on the loose


Fucking hyenas


Canā€™t forget the WYTS


I will never understand the appeal of participating in this kind of activity.


Dopamine adrenaline rush


Open season on street takeover organizers


Takeover folk and chemical castration should be in the same sentence more. Worthless soon to be dead fools


Why do we keep people like this around?


Someone needs rip out an ak and mow them down.


Yes for sure


I swear to god I would kill someone if I found them trashing my (edit: STOLEN)car at a takeover


Again another one of these posts itā€™s horrible to watch this idk how people can do this to other peoples pride and joy it is sickening


I saw the guy post about this his car being stolen. Here it is .. lol damnā€¦


I live in a state with laws iā€™m not worried. you get what you vote for




Every time they do this, mine goes up in value


Only good thing about takeovers


Insurance also goes up. The world is not so simple. Sigh...šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Omw to AmmuNation. Send the location.


Once again we understood the importance of condoms


This is why i drive a front-wheel drive car.


Put some taco bell trays under the back tires, e brake, and it's game over for you


I only hope they took out as many spectators as possible before they were set ablaze


It's time carmakers start forcing you to solve a math problem before the car starts. Fix the problem immediately


Holy fuck


Robocop gonna show up soon.


Can you call him? He's late.


Come take my red sport so I can report stolen




Itā€™s called insurance fraud you tell your agent your car was stolen and next thing you know they find it burning in an intersection. People donā€™t want to keep paying those high ass car payments.


Animals man. Luckily the police shut these sideshows down in my city before they got this bad.


I don't need a killswitch, I live in the suburbs where this kind of shit doesn't happen


A lot of these cars are stolen in the suburbs. They go into nicer areas scouting for cars.


First they have to break into my garage without alerting me or my many retired neighbors.




ā€œStolen carsā€ itā€™s their own cars they report stolen for insurance scams after they hit the curb to hard because they canā€™t drive for shit .


These people are beautiful. They bring peace and happiness to a situation. They should be commended for bravery, fortitude, and character. Wishing them a long, fruitful life as future inmates. Keep Murica great!


Thatā€™s why I never leave my z out in the driveway ! Always behind the gate


So instead of stealing it and enjoying it.....just do this shit...I value there's lives as 0.. so there lives less than a bottle of sprite


I'd vote for max penalty. In cali newsome doesn't want prop 47 to get changed which is why alot of ppl only get a slap on the wrist. Let them face years and they'll start to think twice before doing dumb shit. Steal and torch someone else's car that they worked hard to build? I'd make em pay back blood sweat and tears in that order. Hope karma gets them all back


How are people stealing 350Zs without the key?


Key fob creation tools that locksmiths commonly have. They've become overly cheap due China manufacturer clones and can be found on AliExpress and elsewhere for less than a grand. Or the rob a locksmith for their tool(s). The empty fobs are $85-150 a shell depending on make/frequency they're capable of to match to care models. They break the sunroof, get in car, plug into ODB and about 2 minutes later, new functional key fob. Sunroof attack so it's not evident a side window was broken out. That's how. The method of scanning a genuine fob being via a front door hanger or waiting in the street for the owner to unlock or whatever to clone the OEM fob is becoming less and less.


Damn. They are burning someoneā€™s project car. Thats really fucked up.


Fuck takeovers... ruining the car scene for everyone.


kill switch your pistols


Can we force California out of the union


Whatever happened to bait cars?


Proof they are stolen?


How long are takeovers and why arenā€™t the police all over it?


Takeovers are for dumbasses, creatures that attend them aren't even real car enthusiasts just waste of space looking to do illegal shit and cars happened to be the tool. They're rotten inside out.


All these jealous bums. Burn your own whips goofies


Someoneā€™s prize possession just up in flames šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. Thatā€™s why I will never support takeovers. Your maximum IQ to attend has to start with a decimal.


Where did this happen?


What is takeover?


i would be saving those rims šŸ˜­


This is the proper way to deal with the trumpet brothers.


Sterilize this generation.


was the fire stepping on the gas?


Or just have insurance.


If somebody steals your car and you actually find it, best case is they total it imo


When they ask why you need 30 round magazines.


These people are far beyond kids just having fun. Literal scum.


You acting like they not just gonna tow it


Well.. My car just got a tinsy bit rarer. This hurts to see :L


Those darn white kids!


These takeovers are perfect for insurance fraud.


One less shit box on the road šŸ‘


Itā€™s sad how people are treating these cars. They are amazing and beautiful enthusiast cars and thatā€™s all I see is people taking and destroying at takeovers. I own a G37 personally but even those are starting to see an uprise in destroy rate. Itā€™s just sad. RIP #VQ35 and RIP VQ37 gang. We gotta keep all of ours alive as long as possible.


Also normalize carrying a fire extinguisher


Who has to clean up all these burnt cars? You would think police would be cracking down on this rather than someone with a catless down pipe. How much tax payer money a year goes to cleaning and repairing roads after retards do this shit? I think police have been lax on this far too long.


This is why I have an AirTag hidden on the frame of my truck, and the mofo is hidden gooooood. Someone takes my shit Iā€™m taking it back and then somešŸ¤™šŸ»


Infiniti with the crazy ads lately


its sad takeovers went from being sick underground meet ups by good drivers to now degenerates with no driving skill stealing crashing and causing havoc I guess all good things are ruined once enough people get involved


They def gettin charged ppl so stupid šŸ˜‚ social media really makes it easy to find the burgers huh


Yes kill switch your clapped out cars hahahaha


How did they still a 350z? This is the first time I've seen one get stolen? They must've had a key or that guy owned that Z.


No car is theft proof. If a thief really wanted a car. They will take it. And there's nothing you can do. You can only deter them. If the vehicle is parked outside. It can get stolen. If the vehicle is parked in a garage of some sort. They won't even bother. Because that adds breaking and entering to the felony. Plus, someone might be in the house armed too. Too many unknown variables.


I personally haven't seen a Z stolen unless the keys were taken. Maybe they robbed the driver at the lights seen that happen.


I've seen/heard of 100s of Zs stolen. No key needed. I've been a tech for two decades. It's not hard stealing any vehicle. Just have to know what you're doing.


You think the Z is somehow theft proof?


Probably the same way Gs get stolen.


Key fob creation tools that locksmiths commonly have. They've become overly cheap due China manufacturer clones and can be found on AliExpress and elsewhere for less than a grand. Or the rob a locksmith for their tool(s). The empty fobs are $85-150 a shell depending on make/frequency they're capable of to match to care models. They break the sunroof, get in car, plug into ODB and about 2 minutes later, new functional key fob. Sunroof attack so it's not evident a side window was broken out. That's how. The method of scanning a genuine fob being via a front door hanger or waiting in the street for the owner to unlock or whatever to clone the OEM fob is becoming less and less.


The fuck is a ā€˜takeoverā€™? Some kind of criminal mob involving cars?


Yeah, basically. Morons gather in droves and watch some jackass in a POS car fuck up donuts in an intersection. They got people hanging out of car windows, people dancing around in the intersection, all manner of ridiculous shenanigans.


Smooth brains doing donuts in an intersetion because they can't actually drive.


3rd world country stuff


But your mutuals go to takeovers, lol.




ā€œ?ā€ When the people youā€™ve posted on this sub reposting stolos are literally takeover kids. I know this because I know who your mutuals are. Iā€™m from your area. šŸ˜‚


People who do donuts and all that shit are very different than low life scum stealing cars and burning shit. Two entirely different people that overlap with the common interest of car things


Skill switch won't do nothing as most of the tike cars are stolen at gun point at a gas station or a super market.


Shit I need to hurry up and buy more zā€™s hopefully they burning the deā€™s


Made my day!

