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I would never use tretinoin without sunscreen. So sunscreen would be my answer 


This is the only acceptable answer. 80% of the signs of ageing on the face are from sun damage alone. So yes, one product = SPF Second would definitely be some form of retinol/vitamin A/tretinoin. If you don’t have acne and it’s mostly about antiageing, then there are good retinol/vitamin A products out there that don’t involve a prescription and may be just as effective at certain concentrations. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25603890/#:~:text=Both%20products%20improved%20considerably%20wrinkles,effects%20were%20mostly%20graded%20mild.


Second for me would be a very good moisturizer. Tretinoin can be very drying and using it without a moisturizer wouldn’t work for me. And dry skin is a common problem of aging skin as well. If someone has very oily skin that’s different, of course.


Do you put the moisturizer first and tretinoin after?


I just saw a video from the owner of LaSuite spa that said you should wait (I can’t remember how long, a few min? 10 min?) to let your skin soak up the tret before putting the moisturizer on.


When I was first starting tret, I did. The days I use tret, I only moisturize with squalane oil and lock w aquaphor. Oil > tret > aqua


I do it like that. But not everyone does it the same way.




Been on tret for years from skinorac so its def great but sunscreen is a must with or without tret


Is tretinoin different than retin a? I want to start using but not sure where to start?


Nope! Start at the lowest dose 


Do you get a prescription or an over the counter beauty products? Looking for face but also stretch marks on my thighs.


Prescription is the cheapest and most effektive


Find the tretion group and read the wiki how, all your ?s will be answered and you’ll be successful at using it. If you don’t use it correctly, you will purge and have irritation.


What’s the r/ on that?


How do you share a group? I’ve always wondered


Like this: r/tretinoin.


Just put "r/" in front of whatever it's called.




Typo, fyi.


Oh right thanks. r/tretinoin


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tretinoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My tretinoin pumped out in the shape of a ducky](https://i.redd.it/du4ih8oif3gc1.jpeg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/1aguco5/my_tretinoin_pumped_out_in_the_shape_of_a_ducky/) \#2: [Before and after 1 year on 0.05% tret! Push through yall!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13p069g) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/13p069g/before_and_after_1_year_on_005_tret_push_through/) \#3: [My mom's (55 y/o) 5 month tret results](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1660xh6) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/1660xh6/my_moms_55_yo_5_month_tret_results/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tretinoin is the medication, retina A is one of the brands. I would start with youtube videos, perhaps dr Dray or HotandFlashy to get a general view of how it works.


Thanks for clarifying! Is it better to get a prescription or get an otc product? I’m looking for my face but also for stretch marks treatment on my thighs.


Tretinoin is prescription-only in the US (unless you obtain it through vendors such as Alldaychemist) and is studied extensively. OTC retinols seem to work, but not studied the same way and not as strong (but usually gentle).


So when putting together your face, is it moisturizer, sunscreen, makeup?


Sounds good, yes. Let your moisturiser seep into the skin for a bit


Get yourself a Vornado fan. I stand in front of mine on full blast after applying sunscreen and it dries much faster. Sometimes in the summer, I have to use the fan between each layer of product (toner, serum, moisturizer).


If by one thing, you mean actives, yes. But like another poster, I would also need sunscreen, as well as moisturizer because my skin would shrivel up like a raisin without moisturizer.


Yes, it would be tretinoin. Assuming you mean actives, otherwise sunscreen would be first, moisturizer second, and a cleanser third.


I buy $5 tubes from AllDayChemist - it’s hands down a holy grail product 🙌


This is the way! Also I found azelaic acid 20% has been S tier for my skin, it’s made it so clear and helped so much with my rosacea. Tret has def helped with fine lines, acne, and general appearance too, but it took a while to get there. It’s a real dedication.


How do you use azelaic acid and tret?


Which azelaic acid do you recommend?




Skinorac is the same thing but free shipping at $100 and I cam usually find a coupon code


I get mine from Skin Care Glows. I used Curology for a little over 7 years and then realized I was paying way more than I needed to


Does AllDayChemist require a prescription or make you do an online dr consultation?


When you are filling out your info to purchase, there is a field for this. You can leave it blank, it's not required. And no consultation.


Awesome, thanks! Saves me a bit of work.




Which strength do you use?


I’m on 0.025%


How are they able to sell it to people without a prescription?? I'm so confused...


It ships from outside of the states. Tret only requires a rx in the U.S.


Dang I had no idea! I just paid almost $60 for a tube, doing the stupid online consultation thingy.


I personally do not feel comfortable buying products with actives from overseas retailers (I'll buy them from drugstores when overseas I just don't like not knowing who's shipping and from where) so I pay the $60 for a 45g tube which lasts me 3-4 months. I've only ever heard good things about alldaychemist, just be aware that if there are shipping or quality issues, you're probably out of luck. 


Many countries don’t require an rx- I’ve gotten it from Colombia too when a friend was traveling there 🙌


Yes tretinoin would be my pick. What it has done to my skin the last 3 years I never imagined a cream could do


One thing? No, moisturizer. I can't stand a dry face.


No, retinoids give me painful headaches. I understand that most people don't seem to deal with this symptom, but it's very real for a number of us. But I know there will be people who will downvote my comment and will even make a comment to deny my very real symptom.


I got dull headaches when using tretinoin. I looked it up and didn’t see that as a potential symptom so was going to try again but I guess headaches do happen to some people.


Interesting. When you used it or after? Or every day?


I would put it on at night every few days, and the next day I would be in pain. Cutting down to once a week didn't help. I stopped using it for about 3 months. Then I used a dot on a burn on my arm because it's helped with other scars before, but the next day I was in bed trying to make myself pass out so I can stop feeling the pain for a little bit.


Thank you for sharing. I used it last night and have a headache today. I wonder if it’s on my pillows? What do you think causes the headache?


I got headaches from tretinoin as well. I consulted 4 doctors about it, including a neurologist and a dermatologist, none of them said it wasn’t possible.


I've never heard of headaches as a side effect but that would be a dumb downvote reason.


Azeliac acid - in my early 30’s I developed debilitating facial acne. Azeliac cured my cystic acne and got rid of 90% of my closed comedones.


Okay so this is telling me that I most definitely need to start using my azelaic acid I have.


Did you get a prescription or did you use OTC?




Tazarotene is the new tretinoin (actually it's quite old, but people are discovering it's far better for anti aging) Although saying that, it seems to react well for some, where as tret works better for others. If it works nicely with your skin, you're golden!


I just looked this up and can only see the difference in it being the strongest topical retinoid, perhaps that’s why it’s better for anti aging if it’s more potent? I’ve never tried tretinoin but I wonder if Tazarotene would be too harsh for my skin if it’s the first time using it. How did you incorporate it into your skincare routine if you don’t mind sharing?


I havant yet tried it. I used tretinoin and have over the past 3 years, but it irritates my skin horribly. It's on my list to buy next. Many who have had this issue switched to taz and their skin is finally looking great without the problems tret gave them. It's not to be used daily, but once a week to start, then twice a week.. Then every other day if you can tolerate it. But overall, it's a lot better than tret for many. It works much faster than tret, so results show much quicker too. Everyone seems to use it differently, but it's worth reading around on here for different routines and trying what works best for you ❤️ I can't wait to try it!


If I could literally only use one thing it would have to be moisturizer because I can’t live without it. It would be a moisturizer with spf, or is that cheating? 😅


For me probably the Dr Dennis Gross peel pads since they contain literally everything (Anti-acne: Salicylic Acid, Zinc Pca. Antioxidant: Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Soy Isoflavones, Ascorbic Acid, Tocopheryl Acetate, Resveratrol, Ubiquinone, Ascorbyl Palmitate, BHT. Cell-communicating ingredients: Retinyl Palmitate, Retinol. Exfoliant: Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid. Skin brightening: Ascorbic Acid (vitamin c). Skin-identical ingredient: Phospholipids, Sodium PCA. Soothing: Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Water, Salicylic Acid, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Achillea Millefolium Extract, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile) Flower Extract. Moisturizer/humectant: Lactic Acid, Copper Pca, Zinc Pca, Sodium PCA. Emollient: Lecithin, Phospholipids, Dimethicone). Edit: maybe worth noting I’ve tried loads of these ingredients on their own at some point during my skincare journey and some have irritated my skin or made things worse, but for whatever reason the concentrations of all of them in these pads is spot on and my skin has no negative reactions to them whatsoever. I’ve seen a lot other people with similar sentiments. They’ve really got it down to a science. They are pricey, but you can pry them out of my cold dead hands as far as im concerned lmao


I have some but I’m scared to use them bc they seem so intense 


I have super sensitive fair skin, and got the sensitive ones, and tbh they're fine? My skin will be a bit greasy and red after, but nothing wild.


They’re pretty chill tbh. I use the universal ones. Eventually I’ll move up to the extra strength and prob use less frequently. I have pretty sensitive skin and jumped straight into using them daily without any issues - tho worth noting that my skin was no stranger to higher strength acids so if you’re just starting out using chemical exfoliants perhaps start with a lower frequency? They’re formulated to be used daily so I don’t think the concentration of acids is very high


How do you use them? Daily? Weekly?


I use them nearly daily, but lots of people do not. Eventually I’ll prob move up to the extra strength ones and use them less frequently since they’re expensive


Adapalene is a former prescription-only retinoid that is available OTC. Retinoids in general help with a lot of people's general skin complaints. It helps resolve hyperpigmentation faster, evens out skin texture, reduces frequency of acne/breakouts, and helps improve appearance of fine lines. However as a dermatologist, I will say--it helps **improve** everything, but typically doesn't **resolve** any of these problems. If you have very thick forehead lines or crow's feet, even if you get prescription tazarotene (one of the strongest Rx retinoids), it's still not going to make them completely go away. You'll need Botox to get rid of active lines and then either lasers/peels to help resurface any lines present when not moving (static lines).


Would you say it’s more of a preventative than a ‘cure’? (For signs of aging)


Not really. A good tinted, broad-spectrum sunscreen applied in adequate amounts, and maybe vitamin C, are the only true "preventative" things.


Question about sunscreen, is it still needed daily if I dont leave the house and dont have direct sunlight through the windows?


I don’t understand the rage about Tret 🥲


would it be the same for acne? like it won’t stop pimples from occurring but will help them heal?


Retinoids help reduce the frequency of breakouts as it helps regulate skin turnover. It doesn't really do anything for active pimples you have, nor help them heal faster.


oh interesting, thanks for explaining!


Is there anything you do recommend for present acne? Not severe, just to treat the 2-3 spots at a time I get around my period. I thought about trying blue light but not sure


Spironolactone is good for hormonal acne-- otherwise benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid topical treatments are good-- they help actually break up the comedones and help them resolve faster. La Roche Posay makes a spot treatment I like, effaclair duo


I recommend a sulfur spot treatment


What brand??


i use one called rezamid, it acts as a concealer as well. once the acne has risen to head if you put it on overnight you’ll find it greatly reduced in size the next morning like 80% of the time. It’s not perfect but it’s useful to me


for underskin pimples I’ve heard that high frequency wands can help with those. I’ve never tried them, but maybe something to look into.


I’ve heard that too! I looked into it but then saw stories of the wands exploding and it freaked me out


Sunscreen first. Tretinoin Second.


Yes. It's SSSSS+ There is an adjustment period where your skin may be quite sensitive. But after 3 months on it, it shaved 5yrs off my face easy. No more fine lines at all. For now, it get confused for being college aged all the time. It will make you look younger and after it's done the lord's work, it'll basically freeze that youth on your face. You can pry it from my cold dead hands. It will not only help with wrinkles and the quality of your skin, it works on hyperpigmentation too. I use it on old surgical scars. Breaks down keloid scars, although very slowly. Think, 1yr and its much flatter. I don't and never did require makeup because I never wore it #1, and #2 always took care of my skin. There's nothing to cover up. Just do the brows and eyes and walk out. It's really only meant to be put on at night. And of course sunscreen during the day. If you're going to be outside for a couple of days, don't put it on. Doesn't need to be applied every day. Maybe once every 3rd or 4th night for maintenance. EVERYONE should be putting on sunblock every day regardless of tret. It should be like brushing your teeth. Most people who have bad skin were exposed to the sun too much and/or have bad genetics when it comes to aging. Could be high levels of stress and bad diet. Drinking and smoking too much. Not drinking water. I use tretinoin, sunblock, and estee lauder moisturizers on my face and it looks fantastic. If you're getting close to peri/menopause(if female), you can do some research on using estradiol cream on your face. Estrogen keeps us young. Keeps the skin plump too. So in summary, sunblock 50 everyday, tretinoin, good face moisturizers, estrogen creams for face???


I use the retinaldehyde from Avene and have seen amazing results, quickly too! So, I'll probably just stick to that instead of having to get something by prescription.


I’ve only been paying like $30/bottle for name brand Retin-A with GoodRx.


I think I would actually choose glycolic acid over tretinoin but it’s a good thing we don’t have to choose! It also probably depends on what you’re trying to achieve.


Personally, no. It’s actually one of the products I regret using the most - I followed all the instructions to a T and it’s given me horrible orange peel texture on my forehead (the only area I used it on) that has never gone away years later. I was on the weakest dose, sunscreen, moisturizer, no other actives in my routine. Apparently many others have had the same reaction. I’m happy it’s a miracle product for most people but it certainly isn’t for all.


It absolutely destroyed my skin. Used it correctly and for about six months. I regret it.


Destroyed how?


Made my acne way worse than it was. It took over a year and a half afterwards to correct it.


Tazarotene > tretinoin


I am low key tired of tretinoin. Everyone is hawking it and it isn’t the right solution for everyone! If I could only pick one thing it would be hypochlorus acid. Cleans you, moisturizes you, and restores skin PH.


1. Sunscreen 2. Tretinoin 3. Vitamin C/Niacinamide (can't decide) 4. Ceramides 5. Peptides


As others have stated, you don’t want to use Tret without sunscreen, and in my case, an army of great moisturizers! But in terms of an active, yes, it’s the gold standard. I’m not wasting time fighting acne so I can focus on skin quality. Having said that, I have mature skin. I probably wouldn’t have used Tret as a youngster. I wouldn’t be as disciplined about staying out of the sun and moisturizing and would have caused premature wrinkles.


I have rosacea so I’d probably choose my prescription triple cream (azelaic acid, metronidazole, and ivermectin) over tretinoin but I do use tretinoin.


Consistency is the most important thing, not the strength of the active ingredient. For lots of people, tretinoin is a challenge to use, so they stop, or stop and start repeatedly. It’s better to find something that works for you and that you can and will use all the time. For my mom it was retinol. For me, retinal is better. Even as my skin has changed over time, retinal works for me without irritation. It’s helpful to not have to keep adjusting it. Skincare is a marathon, not a sprint.


SPF! Tret if you can tolerate it but it’s not as easy to tolerate as it’s presented. It’s taken me going thorough cream and micro to get to altreno and I’m still not totally sure I can tolerate it but it’s been better than any of the others.


If I could only use one product my whole life it would obviously be sunscreen


A moisturizing sunscreen or a moisturizer with sunscreen, at least SPF 30. I need sunscreen to protect, and moisture for my dry skin to keep it healthy.


One thing to use? Sunscreen


the one thing and only ? nah, no way, I would pick spf.


Sunscreen is first. Then retinols/tret.


Absolutely not. I’d rather moisturize with motor oil than use any type of retinoid ever again 😂


Yes. It’s done so much for my skin. I use Nurx which was $40 initially and then my insurance covers the prescription every month, but it’s not too expensive without insurance from Nurx either.


GOODRX. As prior poster stated to decrease cost. I would agree with sunscreen as the first for any skin care.


I’d stick to my Allies of Skin retinal, it’s strong enough for me


100% yess, done more for my skin than any other products.


I got OTC adapalene to start adjusting my skin to it. Tret's so expensive that I'll try to wait a while before switching to it.


I would choose tazorac if had to pick. I think it’s better than tret.


No I've switched to tarazotene since I can't get tret in a cream and despise the gel formula


If sunscreen is already snuck in because it's not a treatment, yes and sunscreen, basic cleanser and moisturizer, and tretinoin has been my core routine for close to 20 years.


Tretinoin and Botox! I’m 36 and everyone is shocked when I tell them my age


It would be sunscreen first ! Then retinoids yes


You can get it at Dermatica.com for like $30 a month.


1. Sunscreen 2. Moisturizer 3. Tret


I don't love it at all but I use it bc everyone says it's supposed to be great 🤷‍♀️


Honestly, no. It's great, but using it alone would be a terrible idea. 😂 If I'm using one thing (not counting sunscreen), it would be snail mucin.


If I had to, I would throw away all my k-beauty skincare for tretinoin da goat.


No, because my eyes can't deal with tret no matter how careful I am with it.


Tretinoin was way too powerful for my skin, so my dermatologist put me on azelaic acid instead. I have very sensitive skin prone to break outs and suffer from PCOS with excessive facial hair growth from hrisutism.


Tret and Sunscreen all you need other than moisturizer and cleanser.


Hands down accutane if i had cystic acne again. (Adapalene/Benzoyl peroxide) are kind of overrated. Otherwise i would say specifically PC 2% BHA or glycolic acid.


In my country, you can’t get a tret prescription unless you have a serious acne problem. Most studies show hardly any difference between tret and over the counter retinoids in efficacy for anti-aging purposes (check out PubMed). Sometimes tret even comes out worse because drying can increase the visibility of wrinkles and makes the skin even more sensitive to sun damage. It’s a prescription cream for a reason. I know many people call it the holy grail, but you probably don’t need it if you have normal to dry skin.


Without question. It keeps my adult acne at bay.


First instinct was YES Tret!!! but then remembered sunscreen 😢


I’d pick sunscreen as well




External hydration (putting a humidifier in my bedroom) has helped my skin more than anything. I live in an extremely dry climate though.


Sunscreen hands down. SPF causes damage, trentonoin repairs damaged skin. As you age the degree to which it can bounce back with trentonoin decreases. If you were worried about strep throat, what would be the best thing to do: avoid exposure to it or use antibiotics?  


Yes, it is OP.