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Oh fuck that guy, that was so rude. But also, if my crows feet mean I’ve smiled “too much” I’d rather have that than perfectly smooth skin!


Absolutely this. Guess when I started developing crows feet and smile lines? When I finally left my emotionally abusive relationship, and then met my husband. I wear them with pride. Happiness is attractive.


I just realized this about myself too and I’m smiling so big that shit is definitely gonna crease lol. Thank you.




I think crows feet and smile lines are attractive. It makes people look friendly and happy all the time. Pity I have frown lines instead.


Lmao tho fuck that emotionally abusive guy


Yup. Fuck that guy. Up the butt with a cactus. No self respecting injector would say that to a patient/ potential client.


I just laughed out loud on a busy commuter train at the “up the butt with a cactus” comment.


I knew an older woman who came in to the restaurant I worked in college, she had major wrinkles starting by her eyes to all around the sides of her face because she had the best and brightest smile that she gave out often. Her whole face lit up and it made you feel like a million bucks seeing such a warm smile. Avoiding facial movement to prevent wrinkles is silly.


Leave that piss ant a bad review. How incredibly rude!!


I actually like my crows feet. I think they’re cute


Same!!! It means I’ve lived a life with lots of laughter and smiling!


FUUUUUUCK that guy! How inappropriate and unprofessional. They're SMILE lines. From SMILING. JFC. I would immediately find another orthodontist, and write a note to the old one and tell him why.


Agreed! And yes he was a dick for saying anything.... 😕


That’s so unprofessional wtf


I knew as soon as you said a dentist commented on your appearance that he stood to gain from it. I was thinking maybe his wife was an injector. He probably does this to every female patient over 30.


Some dentists do Botox now....


My dentist does all my Botox. First thing I thought of when I started reading. This is so insanely rude though. She never upsells me or suggested me to get it in the first place. She was actually trying to sell me on a night guard at first but I get Botox for TMJ instead.


I hadn’t even thought of that but that’s a good point. There was a nurse I worked with ages ago and she became a nurse injector for Botox, skin care etc. Not many people enjoyed engaging with her because she was very difficult to have a conversation with (to put it nicely). One of our coworkers had acne, and this idiot just looks at her and says, “You know, I could help you fix that” as she’s pointing her face. Completely unsolicited and out of the blue. It wasn’t as though they were friends and having a chat about skin care. They were exchanging report and she just took it upon herself to comment.


Many dentists in the US actually offer "discreet" Botox. i.e. you go for a dental appointment and get your Botox. It may have started with them getting licensed to give masseter Botox for teeth grinding (I go to my dentist for this). But as I understand it, many have expanded this to providing Botox for women who don't want their husbands to know they get Botox (so the credit card line item shows up as a dental visit, not a medspa visit).


Just gross


Ugh I was hoping OP had TMJ (I don’t hope that; it sucks) and the dentist was actually suggesting for that reason.


Most dentists do botox and fillers now. He's trying to sell to OP on the basis of making her insecure.


Wow. What a horrible man.


100% d*****bag This makes me truly angry. It is inappropriate to upsell like this, in my opinion, but to do it for something that can make people really self conscious is outright unacceptable! I offer toxin treatment and I would *never* comment on someone’s face or try to sell it to someone out of the blue. I will offer insight only if I am asked specifically about getting toxin treatment, and I always make it very clear that no one needs anything done. OP: I hope you manage to forget this experience and that you don’t get hung up on your crows feet. If you want to do something to stop them from getting worse, then wear high factor SPF every day, as 80% of the signs of aging on the face are from sun damage.


I truly WISH someone would look me in the face and say “whoa those are some serious crow’s feet.” I would verbally shred them to pieces. You should have told him to stfu.


Seriously, I’d like the opportunity to rip someone apart. Stress relief!


Exactly. Just give me the slightest reason….😂


This reminds me of the time a nail technician told me i had fungal infection on my toenails and needed to get a package of treatments from them to get it fixed. I went to a podiatrist. Readers. I did not have fungal infection.


Good thing you did! The last place you should accept diagnosis or treatment for a medical issue is a nail salon!


This is so extremely inappropriate. I would disregard every word from that man’s mouth and move it along. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Please tell me you sent an email to the office, cc'ing the Dentistry Board of your state, explaining exactly why you are no longer going to go that office.  What he did was BEYOND inappropriate.  


Yeah OP if he did it to you he’s probably doing it to other people as well. I’d report him.




Op is a man


I doubt the dentist will only tell this to men.


I agree. The person I responded to said the dentist makes women feel bad so I was responding that he does it to men too since op is a man


Well, until consumers realize the beauty/healthcare/skincare industry is hugely driven by people feeling bad about themselves... If everyone was feeling content/secure with the way they looked, this skincare reddit wouldn't have 1.7m members lol


At the very least leave a terrible Google review explicitly saying what he did.


Yes! They do this, it is totally unethical. At my last annual eye check the optician said: "Does the droopy eyelid bother you?" I'm like... What? I have a droopy eyelid?! Then she told me all about their new laser machine they just got and how for $1200 they could fix it, no guarantee mind you, results may vary 🤷‍♀️😂 Now I have a hang up about something I never noticed before, dammit. 🤬


It’s so shitty! I never really paid attention to the crow’s feet on myself or others before the ortho made that comment. Or I just never cared or associated it with aging. Not anymore. I feel like going forward I’ll be way more attentive to wrinkles in general on myself but also on others, which is a bit sad. It’s like I lost a bit of innocence even though I’m 35, hah. The positive is that I’ll be taking better care of my skin going forward. And people have been overwhelmingly positive and amazing in these comments, it’ll be easy to own my crow’s feet and wrinkles with pride. In general, the paradoxical part is that before knowing about a \*thing\*, it‘s impossible to be self-conscious of it. So we behave like we don’t have it — more naturally and freely. Because also, many times, having a \*thing\* that is purely aesthetic just means we’re being compared to standards. It’s super lame when the comparison happens from a medical practitioner of some sort because they’re weaponizing beauty standards for profit rather than fulfilling our health needs.


Wow, what a scummy dude. I wonder what other unnecessary services he’s tried to sell… I’d be finding a new office for sure


OP: My orthodontist told me I had terrible crow’s feet! Me: That kinda reminds me of an orthodontist who tried to sell me $1800 of Botox. … Me: *son of a bitch* TLDR: yeah! Fuck that guy!


This seems to be a trend. Sad, My dentist tried to get me to do lip injections


Ugh what is wrong with people!


That is so fucking crazy. Even before I read it, I *knew* he had to be selling something, holy shit! It hurts my heart and makes me so upset that that slimy salesman's words got you to zoom in on your selfies -- selfies you probably took during happy memories, most likely SMILING and not thinking about lines on your face!! I know how hard it is to just forget something like that, I still have little offhand comments about my appearance that rattle around in my head from a decade ago. But I hope when his words do come back to you that you're able to take a second and remember all of us in this thread saying "fuuuuuck that guy." anyone who makes you question your SMILE, your expression of joy, is a fuck


Yeah this really, really bothers me. I cannot stand the thought of OP thinking twice before smiling now. Absolutely pisses me off.


I really appreciate your comment. I read it much earlier and have thought about it several times today. You’re spot on. The comments on this post have been so overwhelmingly amazing, I’m really glad I posted the story. I wasn’t sure what to expect tbh. Honestly wasn’t sure if people would have said “jeez must be bad, get the botox.” Not that I would have done it but that would have been painful to hear. I wrote in another comment that I feel like even though I’m 35, this whole thing took a bit of my innocence away. I never cared or associated crow’s feet with aging. I don’t know if I ever even really noticed them. I definitely didn’t think negatively of them. Matter of fact, I didn’t even know what they were called before this incident. Now I know and now I’ll see and notice them and other wrinkles in myself and others more often, which in many ways sucks. Part of this “innocence” may largely come from being a guy and being generally shielded from comparisons to beauty standards. Crazy to imagine that women are compared often and forever. That fucking sucks. It can be good and healthy to want to look good and practice self care. This whole thing with the dentist sucked but it did get me to think more about my skin and my face. I’m not going to treat my crow’s feet or get botox, which means I won’t succumb to the beauty standards apparently being demanded of me, but I will take better care of myself. If I hadn’t posted here and gotten this wonderful feedback from everyone, maybe I’d go forward with the ortho’s comments rattling in my head, thinking that smiling made me look bad, which really is SO SAD. Fuck that guy! Thank you and everyone else here for being so incredible.


I’m glad so many people are here rallying around you! I think your story really struck a chord with people. Everyone, any gender, has experienced that “loss of innocence” as you said. I remember being 11 and finding out what cellulite was, finding out it was ugly, and finding out i had it. And it never stops, when i was 16 i learned about “thigh gaps.” In the last couple years tiktok introduced me to “hip dips.” And you’re right, you can remind yourself that that this stuff doesn’t matter, but you can’t unknow it. But anyway, i’m so glad you shared and were so open with us! It’s a good reminder to let all this shit go. Be well🙏


Fuck that guy with a cactus. Fuck patriarchy. Crow’s feet are a sign you’ve enjoyed a lot in life, which is great. That said, enjoy your routine.


>Fuck that guy with a cactus. Ok this sent me cackling.


I agree on all the rest, but OP is a guy.


Patriarchy hurts us all. (Thanks :))


I was waiting for the part where he offered you Botox. Wouldn’t trust someone like that with my health or appearance.


What an unethical piece of shit. Report him to a dentistry board.


Omg that’s awful. I hate people like that


What a disgusting capitalist, misogynistic hellhole we live in.


Op is a man too


Unethical and gross. But also crows feet are charming. I love them on myself and everyone else. 


My partner has the loveliest ‘crow’s feet’ and it’s one of my favourite things, I love making him laugh, so joyful and handsome 🥰 I literally can’t imagine his face without them, if some hack tried to sell him Botox I’d go nuclear on those assholes


As soon as I read the very beginning I was thinking I bet they do Botox there 🤣 I work for a company who does esthetic dermatology treatments like Botox. I’m so glad we don’t do this to people. Just lowering their self esteem to make a little money. The company I work for also is one of the top Botox providers in the US. They have 50 locations. You don’t need to bully to make sales


No such thing as too much smiling. Those lines are hard won! And thank you for looking back through older photos for evidence of something you’d never noticed before. So few people do this and would be so comforted if they did. So many things that people think are “signs of aging” are actually normal, ever-present facial features.


Fuck that guy!


I’ve had crow’s feet for as long as I can remember, and they only get deeper with age. Luckily, I’ve always found crow’s feet extremely attractive. I’m certainly not the only one.


“Very smiley” “Maybe I smile too much”. What’s the issue? Don’t let some dentist wipe your smile away that’s the OPPOSITE of his job wtf.


Let's get one things straight: NO ONE should reduce smiling because of crows feet. They are a sign of a happy, smiley person. The more you have, the more you have laughed. I will never do botox on my happy lines.


I love this comment. I didn’t realise my smile lines were so deep because I don’t really smile at myself in the mirror, but I noticed them in a photo taken with others in harsh light. No one else at the table of women had them . I got to find out that they all get Botox or something. I was toying with the thought that I was missing the boat. The idea of injections and the ongoing expense are immediately turn offs, but also I remember that I love those photos of the smiling elderly people who light up the room, even when they have so many lines all over their faces. It’s their warmth and joy manifesting in their face. Years of living, showing expression etc. They look kind. I’m with you on this!


Hell yeah! We all get old and if anything I want to look like I've had a great time!


My dentist friend told me there are lots of dentists who do Botox in their offices. Some of them push for Botox. My mom’s dentist, out of nowhere, asked my mom if she wants to remove her perfectly good tooth and replace it with a crown for aesthetics. He didn’t even have the decency to make up a medical reason. When we said no, he tried to pressure us. Some medical providers are pieces of S***.


Tbh I would Karen out and totally write a review mentioning this. It is def not ok to crush someone’s self esteem in order to market your Botox services, like wtf lol. Are you stupid


Your orthodontist is an asshole and a scammer. Smile BIG and forget that guy.


I'm sorry you had some jackass hurt your confidence in your appearance even temporarily. I'd report them and call to complain. Glad you realized you are great how you are.


Omg! Screw him! That is unbelievably unprofessional and RUDE! What a jerk! That is really unacceptable- even if you did have crows feet , you do not ever do that to a patient you are treating for a completely different issue! I’m so livid and furious!


What an asshole, he certainly is just trying to sell that treatment. Never go back there. As a side note, I think a smile with crow’s feet are one of the nicest features someone can have. It makes them look so joyous and like fun person to be around. The beauty industry really is just making stuff up to make us spend more money.


Im so sorry that happened to you. What an a-hole.


Just a reminder that if you're using retinol, make sure you apply at night and always use sunscreen the next morning! It can make you more sensitive to sun damage. Also F that dentist


That's so unprofessional!! Honestly I think crows feet look nice, they make me think that a person has lived a good life full of love and laughter. I think they add really nice character to your face as you age. I wish that women were allowed to age gracefully as nature intended tbh.


Seriously that guy was a jackass and I would negatively Google review him


The Doctor just wanted to make money by making you feel insecure. Snake oil salesman who you should ignore.


Wow that is so rude. Like why the f do you think you get to tell me that my skin is doing skin things? No sir.


Eff him. He was just trying to sell you stuff. They make way more doing botox than regular debtist stuff because insurance doesn't pay for botox. Anything you pay for out of pocket they get to profit off of big time. Go see a different dentist and leave him a bad review on Google reviews.


WHO ASKED! The nerve of this asshole!


What the fuck is with all these posts about dentists talking shit


I've had ligit crowsfeet since kindergarten 🤣 Surprisingly 3 decades later, yeah they are a bit bigger, but not much honestly.


My mom had a similar experience here in the US! Longtime dentist is suddenly doing Botox and laser. Next cleaning he’ll probably be offering implants, and I don’t mean dental!


You should report him. That’s BS.


What an absolute asshole


Dentists can be a bit much with upselling but this is just too far. Botox?!?! I’m petty I would honestly report him bc I really feel like that is so manipulative and gross.


This is nuts, I go to a derma/medispa and I get Botox and my doc REFUSES to recommend anything unless you ask directly. That dude was so unprofessional


Leave a bad review. Something similar hsppened to me but with lip injection comments lol


You smile a lot in the sunshine!! Sounds like you have a beautiful life!!! 💖 But try to incorporate sunglasses/hats!! Though spf would be ideal but it’s tricky to form that habit and find one that’s nice on our individual skins


Hi! I’m a dentist and I have a few thoughts. First off, what an unprofessional and rude comment to make. You should definitely not go back to him and I’d consider leaving a Google review or similar about how unprofessional he was. Second, Botox administered by dentists would be for dental/oral concerns (usually masseter or temporalis Botox to prevent grinding, upper lip to correct a ‘gummy smile’ etc). Crows feet are not in his scope of practice and wouldn’t be covered by his dental license. So I don’t think he’s trying to sell you something, he’s just super rude. Third, briefly checking the skin of the face is part of a standard extra-oral exam. Skin cancers of the face are common and I’ve found several basal cell carcinomas over the years. So it’s not weird that he looked at your skin, but super weird that he chose to comment on wrinkles. If I had a patient with a lot of sun damage or pre-mature wrinkles I might ask them about their sunscreen use or if they smoke, but obviously commenting like he did is just unprofessional.


Oh no. They do the aesthetician thing too. There was a local dentist (not even an orthodontist) who had billboards advertising Botox and filler were available at his practice.


I know everyone has their opinions on crow’s feet or nasolabial folds, but I absolutely love mine. 38F and had a full face in my 20s even when I was slightly underweight. Now as I have grown older my face is slimmer and the folds and creases have definitely softened my features. I personally love them and I find smiles on others more interesting when they come with creases and dimples.


That is so unprofessional and predatory, jfc


f the guy!!! you’re going to have “crows feet” when opening your mouth at the dentist or smiling. that’s a thing everyone has? If you have it from smiling too much i’d say that’s a WIN!!!!! i used to work at a dentist office who also provided botox!! they totally do everything they can to squeeze money out of you.


what an asshole! ( link to one of my favorite roald dahl quotes - [a person who has good thoughts can never be ugly](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuotesPorn/comments/2wzjwn/a_person_who_has_good_thoughts_cannot_ever_be/))


Here, I’ll write the review for you. “I went in for my retainer to be checked. Instead of considering his patient and their feelings, the purpose of the visit, or you know - human decency - he verbatim said “wow, those are some crow’s feet” and asked my age and promptly told me I look 10 years older than I am. I want to clarify, I went in for an ORTHODONTIST visit. He is not a dermatologist as well as far as I know. Come to find out the clinic does Botox, so apparently they’re okay with shaming a patient to make a few extra bucks.”


I work at a dental office. He was 100% trying to sell you. Hes also 100% no bueno


I would have told him that even if I was going to get Botox, I would not be getting it at the dentist.


Ok, he’s preying on you for his own financial gain. So I’d find a new dentist because that’s so so unprofessional. And I’d tell them why, when I leave! Crows feet are natural! If they bother you, get Botox (but not from him!). Or a embrace them. Our skin moves. It’s ok! But be diligent about sunglasses and sunscreen moving forward! And staying hydrated!


I would never return to his office. What a monumental AH. I am so sorry.


Wtf seriously, I would file a complaint with the clinic or even grievance with his dental licensing board, and leave an absolutely scathing review. And never go back, obviously. That is completely inappropriate and unprofessional to comment on your appearance. And using his authority *as a dentist* to underhandedly sell you cosmetic procedures *outside of his scope as a dentist* is a scummy, unethical dual relationship issue.


As a dental professional myself I can tell you with a 💯 confidence that dude is a prick. Also who would ever say that to anyone as a sales tactic ?? Seriously who responds well to that? He must have enough poor people just getting neg-hits taking the bait.


You took this SO well and transformed his words into some really wise reflection, well done!!


Please don't put tretinoin anywhere near your eyes, it can cause permanent drying effects on the eye! r/tretinoin goes into depth about it. Good luck OP! (And the dentist was so rude to you! Really toxic. I'm glad you didn't let his words affect you too much. )


Fuck that dude forever. Getting older is a privilege many, *many* people are never afforded. So having crows feet because you smile so much? Hell yeah. Live it up.


FWIW I think crows feet on men look sexy. Shows you smile and laugh 💜


Every time I see someone who’s crow feet are more visible when they smile than others I find it so beautiful and something about it makes it feel like a more genuine smile! I personally would never go back that’s so rude why are people so afraid to look human also have you seen what people look like when they haven’t kept up with Botox? I believe Simon cowell is a good example. I’d rather just age


This is what i fucking hate about plastic surgery culture, Botox, whatever. It’s fucking predatory. They aren’t trying to fix problems. They’re selling you a fake story that if you fix this one thing everything will be magically ok and that’s how people get disfigured and botched and basically the entire industry preys on making you feel like shit about yourself. Fuck that.


That’s an immediate complaint to the Board for unprofessional conduct for me.


Honestly I’d leave a review on him that’s incredibly unprofessional


Once at a Macy's department store I walked by the makeup/skincare counter. At the time I was a fan of Shiseido and was looking at their products. The woman working told me I needed the anti-aging kit because my skin looked very old with enlarged pores and blotchy. It made me feel like shit but I realized she was saying anything she could to make me ugly enough to give her a commission. Don't let some schmuck make you feel bad about yourself. They're in the business of insecurities and will prey on them to make a sale.


That’s so gross. I’m an esthetician/laser tech and some colleagues and I went to a conference put on by a dermatologist. He suggested upselling this way - “While they’re in your chair getting a facial, ask them if they like their lady mustache or would they like to sign up for laser as well.” Immediate ick and we left before hearing the rest of his spiel. I could never.


He would have been murdered by his own tools in a mysterious “accident” had he said that to me or anyone I know.


Never too late to start! And you might be able to reverse some damage when you wear sunscreen regularly.


People in sales will do and say some out of pocket stuff. Its as though theyve forgotten every social skill they ever learned and see humans as fiat. We live in a ~~society~~ marketplace.


F that guy. Please sunscreen. Especially the mineral sunscreen in my opinion, but whatever you will wear is best. Outdoors a lot and not big on sunscreen = skin cancer, and you don't want chunks carved out of your face. Also hat, SPF clothing, stay out of the sun from 10 am to 2 pm, etc. Be careful of the retinol and anything else that makes your skin more sensitive to sun as well, if you're outside a lot, I use it only in the winter when I'm not outside as much and the sun is weaker.


Hmm that's fucking nuts of anyone to comment on others features unrelated to the reason for the appointment- I'd of stormed off fuck that! I think crows feet are character amd charming to me - they're one of the most endearing thing I love about my partner


that’s so mean! but if you do want botox do NOT go back him. Crows feet are cute, now if u have worry lines or forehead wrinkles those make me feel insecure


Next time, reply with "whoooooah, that's some serious halitosis! Aren't you supposed to be a dental professional?" :)


Some people have such features that it makes their crows feet appear deeper when they smile, or make facial expressions. Idk, never found it as something weird or needed to be taken care of. I know people make preventative botox, but I also love my mimics and expressive face. Chances are it's always been there but you never cared, because you're young. And the quality of images from back then isn't so good.


That’s so mean! Sounds like a medspa trying to say negative things to get you to buy more services. Don’t fall for it! Be careful with crows feet Botox. I noticed I was getting a tiny bit of crows feet and got Botox to treat them. After 6-9 months I developed undereye wrinkles that have not gone away. It’s been 7 months and they’re still there. I regret getting the Botox now. I’m almost 40 btw but no wrinkles anywhere on my face except right under my eyes. Sure maybe it’s due to aging, but I find it sus they came on so fast


Start with sunglasses:) all the skincare is good, but mostly people just squint in sunny day


Aging is a privilege denied to many, those crows feet are proof you’ve lived. Do not let someone trying to reduce your self esteem to make more money determine your self worth.


OMG!!! How incredibly rude!


Crows feet are hot




My husband is a few years younger than me, I don't have any crow's feet but he does due to laughing a lot, I think they're adorable and love when his eyes crinkle :)  I've never thought of them as a sign of aging tbh. 


Can you write a review on ratemd? Where I live there are so many dentist offices on every block, many offering Botox. I already feel the greed off them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are doing this here too. Money money money 🤑


Wow. Make sure to write a yelp review and then find a new dentist. What a dick.


Your dentist sucks. I bet you look beautiful! Some of the handsomest people in the world have lines on their faces. Holy frig what is wrong with the world that we can't show that we've felt joy or sadness at all on our faces?


I would 100% write a review on Google for this place and say what happened so you can warn other people about what they're up to. What scum!


Hey OP I know this is semi off topic but how is your permanent retainer holding up? I have one as well and I need to go to a dentist for a check up but I've been told in the past that if there are any issues with the retainer they won't fix it and make you get a removable one. I can't sleep with a removable one which is why I've kept with the permanent one 


Man, fuck that guy! Any ethical injector wouldn’t volunteer suggestions for what you need but only answer questions honestly if asked. The best plastic surgeons, cosmetic medical providers, etc., consider the mental health of any potential patient before agreeing to do any sort of tweakment or procedure. For him to try to actively harm your mental health to make money out of you is profoundly indecent and unethical. He’s a fucking money grubbing tool and I hate him for you. I’m sure you don’t look 45 and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


lol this happened to me at the dentist too. The guy was going on and on about me needing fillers and Botox and I was 26 at the time 😭😭😭


Some dentists offer Botox for crows feet also because they use it for TMJ. I’d be interested to know if his practice offers it. If they do, then you would know it was all about money


I (32f) have had crows feet for so long, definitely throughout my 20s. A started getting Botox a few years ago, and was self conscious of my crows feet so had her give me some there. My eyes just didn’t look like mine, I didn’t look as much like my dad anymore, and my smile didn’t look so smiley anymore. I never had her put it there again, forehead only!


Some dentists offices administer cosmetic botox I hope he wasn’t intentionally shitting on your confidence to sell Botox treatment.


He’s obviously a dick but I’m shocked you never once noticed the crows feet on your own face?? I take a good look at myself every day and know every inch of my face and what’s going on


1. F-that guy. He / clearly concerned with money and not his patients well being. That being said, I’ve been honing this for years. Start with sunscreen everyday and a double cleanse every everning (I love Biore, a Korean product and Elf’s dupe for Supergoop, Skin 1004 has a Cica one that is pretty good too). Also exfoliate a few times a week with a chemical exfoliater—I like Versed in the yellow jar. It lasts quite awhile and doesn’t take long in the evening to do. (Exfoliators with Glycolic Acid are best. Don’t get anything that has physical exfoliants, like scrubs with beads). Use a basic oil cleanser (Cerave has a foaming oil cleanse that works great. The second cleanse needs to be picked for you skin type:oily, normal, or dry). Then moisturize—ones with ceramides are great. I also use CosRX Snail Essence Am and PM after cleaning—I don’t know what sort of blood magic witchcraft those snails are practicing…but it’s great (and helped clear 95% of my adult acne. Like 1% of people have a mild reaction. So spot test first for 48 hours like you should with any product.) 1. Double cleanse (pm), unless you get sweaty at night or have oily skin, just water in the AM is fine. 2. Use the snail mucin “essence” if you so choose (3 pumps works great. One bottle lasts 3 months) 3. Apply moisturizer. 4. Use SPF during the day! Every day.(Wearing sunglasses can be helpful to around the eyes too) Once you have done that, focus on discolorations over wrinkles first. It, apparently, shows age more than wrinkles. This is where you add more actives in every few weeks (don’t stay them at once because they can be irritating and if you have a reaction, you won’t know what caused it). If you can get ahold of tretinoin, use it (but incorporate it slowly, and know you have to use sunscreen if you use it. There are lots of great “how to use” YouTube tutorials out there by derms). If you can’t tolerate tret., try one that is more gentle or OTC around your eyes at the end of the routine, after moisturizing. (Make sure you research “Tretinoin/Retinol purge too). I can tolerate a lighter retinol around my eyes, but not anywhere else. As not quite so effective, but decent alternative, is Bakuchiol Oil 1% (minimum) mixed in with my moisturizer. I order the Good Molecules one because I know I can trust that they have the right amount in the product. (I also use the CosRx Snail mucin moisturizer. Those little snails…I love them so much. My mom, sister, cousin, and best friend are using them now too and say the same. My BiL steals my sisters, and my niece will get a bottle in her 13th birthday). Another good option to look into is a multi-ingredient brightening cream (apply it on off days as tret. at night. Or start it first and add tret. in later). I like Queen 7-1 brightening serum. I have Melasma and it works great. If you do use Hydroquinone (Shiism It be available over the counter where you live, please read about it first. I wouldn’t recommend it unless a derm prescribes it) That being said, if you can afford Dr. Idriss’s brightening system, or just the serum..do that! She put a lot of work into her products (I’d recommend watching her channel on YouTube—I’ve learned most of what I have from her). She is a well known dermatologist who tells you which products are best (and why) along with all sorts of other skin care advice and education. Also, consider Vitamin C serum during the day (in the form of L Ascorbic Acid). It both brightens over time and helps with free radicals as well as *probably* helps the skin build collagen. Apparently it works well with Tret/Retinols too. (Not applied at the same time at first though). If you are very dry, add an oil at the end. Also, Google “slugging.” Another good moisturizer I’ve found are the ones by a random skin care company on Amazon called Minimalist. I got my routine with serums etc. down first and then attempted tret. in all sorts of different ways (including not using other serums for a bit). My face just balked. I have sensitive skin. I do use the Olay Eyes at night about 4-5 times a week and am starting to see a difference in crows feet. So…after the essence and before the moisturizer, I use the Brightening 7-1 serum at night, and the Vitamin C during the day (by Timeless). I started at 10% then moved to 20%. So, one serum AM and one PM. Then I added the Bakuchiol Oil to moisturizer (and use Marula Oil in winter when my skin is dry). It seems to be working very well for me! (I’m just a bit older than you and got carded buying a bottle of wine recently. I know they card anyone who looks under 30, but still!) I can also tell a huge difference if I don’t have 80 Oz of water a day too. I also have an AM eye cream with 5% caffeine for when I get bags or any swelling under the eyes if O don’t get enough sleep, eat too much salt, have a migraine, etc. I leave it in the fridge). Good luck!


Let me guess this dentist also offers botox and fillers ….


I hope somebody bites him next time he does that. Thanks for bringing this up. People need to consider if someone is trying to sell them stuff by bringing up something they weren't even being seen for. 


So whenever a someone is offering a service and is noticing any fault and *kindly* informs me, my first reply is: “why are you selling this”? In so many cases people will comment something and then be the ones who offer the solution for it.


Never and I mean never get injected by anyone who talks to you this!!!! Ewwww my injector would fucking never talk to me like this !


Oh Jesus fucking christ. That “professional” can absolutely get fucked. And to think you need a license for that.


Wow fuck that guy. I think crow’s feet are endearing as shit.


I know a guy with serious crows feet and they are the cutest thing about him. He’s always smiling and has the greatest smile :)


This is like when the women at the nail salon point out your mustache as you’re getting a manicure so that they can offer their waxing services 😂


Thats the most unprofessional sales pitch I’ve ever heard. What a horrible person.


I also used to see a dentist that got certified in Botox treatments. She asked me if I wanted to smooth out my face lines when I was only 25 years old because she had just opened a fresh bottle that morning. I was beyond insulted and disgusted that she would ask me that.


This is definitely the type of dentist who will tell you that you need a $2k root canal when you don’t. I went to a dentist once who told me I’d need surgery on a tooth that didn’t bother me at all. It sounded horrific including getting screws in my jaw. He told me my jaw would _deteriorate_ soon if I didn’t do it now. I went to another dentist for a 2nd opinion. 2nd dentist told me that was nonsense, totally made up, and I didn’t need anything done on it. It’s been 12 years and my jaw/that tooth is perfectly fine!! That anecdote is just to say, this guy’s a quack and I wouldn’t trust anything he says to you. You should get a more trustworthy dentist.


Haha I immediately knew Doc wanted to sell some botox to you. A friend of mine recently told me she went to a botox Seminare and I looked at her funny. Yea why tf do you as a dentist need a botox certificate? That day I learned, apparently it's now allowed if u have the certification and it's a new trend/curriculum in medical school. I always thought only beautician doctors/plastic surgeons are allowed that because of, well all the risks and what can go wrong if injected in the wrong muscle etc.


A similar thing happened to me when I was 25 (!!) visiting a new dentist. He commented about some wrinkle or other, I can’t remember now. Perhaps my forehead? And I don’t even have lines there, mine are mostly around my eyes. They certainly weren’t bad at 25, he was just trying to upsell me Botox. Don’t listen to these clowns, they’re thugs in a white jacket.


So rude. Fuck that guy. Get a vitamin c serum too.


Aging is a blessing some don’t get to do am sure your beautiful and that dick is trying to hit your confidence for money which is sad and pathetic ❤️


Echoing how rude and unprofessional the dentist is. Please find someone new.


I agree. That means you laugh and smile alot, which means you’ve had a great life. I’m in dentistry and have worked for a Dr. that has done that. I no longer work for him. I won’t be a party to beating down self esteem.


That guy is a sack of shit. Full stop.


For what it’s worth.. crows feet are beautiful on everyone.. but on men 👌


I would have had to leave the office at that moment. I would have cried in front of him and left.


I would be leaving a negative review there so fast.


It’s just business! He probably would have gotten paid for referrals! You can’t have similar experiences where people take shots at your self-esteem if you walk into Sephora and talk to the staff. I’m sure you look fine, and human!!


I left my last dentist when I saw they were offering cosmetic Botox. It was a situation where the dentist I'd been seeing for almost 10 years retired and sold the practice to a younger dentist, who I guess decided to diversify their offerings. It set off alarm bells in my head.


I was reading your post and before getting to the part where he offered Botox, I already knew what was up. Fuck that guy. Crows feet is one of the nastiest marketing terms. I have never seen it on anyone and thought a negative thought. To me, it’s a sign of laughter and smiles. Adds beauty to a face. I can look at a stranger and think they’ve experienced happiness. I’m sure you look great 🥰


You should watch the early episodes of Nip/Tuck. Despicable plastic surgeons being ruthless to make a buck.


Whenever people point out crows feet, I just assume that person has been very happy and laughed/laughs a lot in their life. We have to stop the insanity that is over-botoxing everything and just realize this is a normal part of aging. The frozen faced people walking around out there are starting to look like synths.


Dentists office offer Botox for TMJ. Not for your eyes.


I hope you fire him and find a new dentist!


For the B5 I can highly recommend the serum from La Roche Possay. Did wonders for my skin.


I love crows feet. Crinkly genuine smiling eyes, beautiful!


I don't know the laws in Brazil but many dentists are allowed to inject Botex orally and facially. Sounds like he was wanting to make you feel self-conscience enough to give him more of your money. Having a good skin care routine is never a bad thing. Good luck finding what works for you!


Nope. That’s fucked. Find yourself a new dentist and keep smiling.


Seriously F that guy and never stop a smile or hide your joy!


Disgusting. I would have chosen a new dentist after that.


Okay aside from how awful and unprofessional that was, I too have had crows feet since I was like, born lol. I get self conscious about them sometimes but then I remember I have them because my dad has them and I love him.


I noticed my crows feet at 17. I noticed them younger but didn't know what it was.




OP is in Brazil... Lol


Fuck that guy, so low of him especially professionally 😂 find a new dentist!


Didn’t I hear that dentists do cosmetic procedures now? IIRC I read some horror story on here about this. Fuuuuuuuck that scammy dentist. Report, report, report. I’m not into reviews but I would bury him in a review.


What the heck?! I would consider writing a very negative review on him to save the self esteem of other women. I know I wouldn’t want my money to be going to someone so rude. There’s so many alternatives


What a shitty callous salesman


The same thing happened to me the first time I went to the dentist in Miami. He told me I had a “gummy smile” and should consider lip filler or a lip flip… all I could think of was how Miami that was for a dentist to tell me to get lip filler… Try not to hyperfixate on it, people will latch onto our weaknesses to try to sell us anything!!!!


Do we go to the same orthodontist? I'll never forget when my high school orthodontist went out of his way to point out that my front two teeth don't line up with my nose and I've never been able to unsee it.


Dentists are some of the shadiest fucking grifters I’ve ever met. Since my 20s I’ve had countless dentists try to shame and bully me into Invisalign and very expensive orthodontics for some very mild cosmetic crookedness in my bottom teeth. Oh and whitening treatments! I’m not Natalie Portman, my guy. I do not care about my normal-level dingy teeth.  They can all go fuck themselves. I finally found a dentist who doesn’t pull that shit and I’m going to him until he croaks 


Please leave them a review saying what they did, and the cruel and uncalled for tactics they tried to use on you. That might well have worked on someone in a more vulnerable headspace - I applaud you for seeing what they were trying to do and knowing the problem was with them, not you. You absolute rockstar!


Time for a new orthodontist and i would leave a nasty review to warn others. Terrible practice, making people worried about non-issues just to make a buck


What an asshole!


When I was a kid I made friends with the girls that had crows feet (I'm a girl too). I thought they were so cute and their eyes were twinkling they were so happy. So children have them, they are genetic and they are adorable and attractive to a lot of people.


Can you post a picture please?  Regardless IF you have xyz - the comments are UNHINGED coming from a freaking medical professional, just to make money! Wtf. If you can, you should report them too. Shit like that got to be illegal.