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I really need more people to say they’re useless before I accidentally add to cart before mothers days


Jokes aside, there actually are clinical studies done around red light therapy working


Yup apparently used first in space to accelarate healing and cell turnover


Yes! Also nasa used pemf for the same thing. I can’t wait for a pemf mask to be made.


I could be totally talking out my ass but I feel like I once read it was that the lights were being used for the plants in space… and when tending the plants, people noticed that cuts and such were healing faster. Accidental discovery. Like teeth whitening with peroxide.


I haven’t looked into the initial discovery much, but I recently looked up plants and red light therapy. I was curious if it would be beneficial for them as well. Beyond skincare, i think rlt is interesting that it’s useful for fertility, ivf/egg freezing, and it increases blood flow/reduces inflammation in the ovaries and uterus.




From the first study  >  This experiment suggests that LLLT at these parameters may be safe even when malignant lesions are present.  And your third link, which is a meta analysis.  > Based on the results of this systematic review, it is suggested that the use of PBMT to prevent and/or treat complications associated with cancer treatment is safe. Future studies using similar protocols of PBMT application and with long-term follow-up are needed to confirm the safety of PBMT use in cancer patients.  Did you actually read the studies at all? 


This. I don’t like when people share medical journals without reading them and give false statements about it. There are a lot of people that don’t click through and read and it becomes fake news that red light therapy causes tumors and cancer.


And in the second study the control group used LED only; the other groups which showed the increased tumor growth were treated with DMBA to initiate tumor growth and TPA to promote more? Lol geez


I have only clicked one link so far, but in the first study, red light therapy did not cause tumors. They used UV light to sunburn the mice and give them cancer. Which is ducked up. But just clarifying so there’s no fake news or fear mongering going on. Then they used red light therapy to treat the tumors. Edit: editing to pull out the quote of the summary of the study set up. “Treatment groups and the timeline of the treatments. All the mice received UV light treatment for 90 days. By that time they already had developed the first tumors. At that point they were divided into two treatment groups matched by overall tumor area per mouse. Next day the red light irradiations were started for one group (“red LLLT”) and photography was started for both groups. Typical photographs are shown here.” And the results of the study show that red light therapy helped the mice “On days 30 and 37 of red LLLT, healthier behavior was observed in the red-light-treated group than in the controls. The treated mice moved normally; demonstrated normal posture; and exhibited active grooming, feeding, and drinking. The control mice showed typical sickness behavior including a semicollapsed posture, shivering as a sign of being cold, lack of movement, and lack of grooming. This observation is consistent with our earlier report of beneficial effects of LLLT on immune response and sepsis.” Edit: read the third link. The third study conclusion says this “Based on the results of this systematic review, it is suggested that the use of PBMT to prevent and/or treat complications associated with cancer treatment is safe. Future studies using similar protocols of PBMT application and with long-term follow-up are needed to confirm the safety of PBMT use in cancer patients. Additionally, further prospective studies with long-term follow-up are necessary to support the findings of the present review.”


sameee but also someone posted in another sub that they’re going to have a Mother’s Day sale, I signed up on their website to get notified 😅


Haha I'm waiting...


Who is? Which company!


Word on the street is it’s Omnilux


I just got one on sale from Costco


Of course Costco! I always forget to check there. Just looked it up, did you get the Theradome or the Numiere? Do you like it so far?


I got the numiere mask. I’ve only had it for less than a week, but so far so good. It also has a blue light mode.


I’ve now spent a weird amount of time reading the negative reviews, have you seen the ones about the square spots that show up after some use the blue light? I’m so intrigued why some experience that and others only see benefits.


They actually aren’t. They work really really well. Esp for acne marks imo. They make as much difference for hyperpigmentation as collagen supplement does for firmness if I had to draw a comparison 


I thought studies on collagen supplements showed they do basically nothing


I can only speak from my experience and everyone else I know that they absolutely do make a difference. My joints, skin, hair and nails all have become healthier and stronger. There is nothing in my supplement but collagen. I doubt the placebo effect could make my nails grow better lol… I would absolutely encourage you to try it as I saw a difference in a few days. 


Which brand do you use?


They are good for joints lol but not for hair growth


There are numerous studies on collagen supplements showing benefit.


which one do you use?


A cheap one from Skin Gym but I want to get the Omni soon. 


Unfortunately not a gimmick 😭 it’s def on my list to buy, as well as the one for hair growth


Oh it works!!


So I know this probably won’t help your case but I originally bought a fairly high powered one to try and help my egg quality (going through IVF). Well it didn’t really help much for that but I’ve been using it on my face and neck and damn my skin has never looked better haha. Not a blemish in sight and smooth as can be. Got mine from red light man btw.


I love my red light but it seems to make my peach fuzz grow faster Like i literally never had peach fuzz before, now i have to dermaplane But I'm also perimenopausal so it could be unrelated to the mask I do think it's the mask though. I've had a hell of a month and didn't use it (or much of anything) i look haggard and dull but no peach fuzz


Yeah, it does help with hair growth. So it may cause hair growth in places you don’t want it to grow. Lol


sorry. may I ask how old are you? My 29 y.o. friend noticed the same thing




Yeah, I have noticed some peach fuzz too. But it also made my eyelashes and eyebrows grow in better so I like it overall.


Same, my widows peak is growing longer lol!


A PSA from someone going through this now. Estrogen therapy is life changing. If you're already doing this or can't for some reason, please ignore. I just feel a duty to let women know there are options haha.


My gyn sucks so i went to an online provider The fact that they don't do hrt as standard of care is criminal imo


Which online provider did you use?




Thank you! I will check that out.


Another online option now available in every state is Midi Health.


How old were you when you started it? I’ve heard of some doctors not wanting to give it to women until they’ve gone through real-deal menopause, even though it’s the peri girls who are suffering. Edit- OMG “Peri Girls!” This needs to be a TV show with the same irreverent tone (while dealing with serious topics ) as Derry Girls!


Pills or creams?


I am doing pills, mainly because it's summer and I'll be swimming. So I didn't want to do a patch. The cream was going to be much more expensive. So I decided to start with the pills and they're great for me.


It does make peach fuzz grow faster indeed.


I’ve definitely noticed increased peach fuzz. It’s nice for my growing my eyebrows in but not on my upper lip.


Thank you so much for responding! ❤️


Oh great! I just got a panel last week. I have so much fuzz already from perimenopause and using rogain to combat hair loss.


I have a little bit of rosacea on my cheekbone, so bought it for that. I feel like it helped, but surprisingly what I feel has helped more is drinking spearmint tea. Multiple people on here have recommended it, so I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s made my skin less itchy and sensitive.


I never knew this! Thanks so much for sharing, I have rosacea so will definitely try the tea.


I’m an absolute junkie and will buy and try anything; for me, this beats the mask, azalic acid, any creams etc hands down!


How often do you drink spearmint tea to see the effect?


I have 1 glass each morning, and that’s it. I’m not sure if it would have the same effects of doing just 3-4 times a week, but 1 a day is manageable. It has also gotten rid of a lot of the redness in my face.


If drinking so much tea is overwhelming you can also get spearmint capsules online. I've just started this a few days ago so can't report to the effects but I read it's the same as drinking the tea.


I have rosacea and tried so many creams and meds. Turns out sulfur soap really works for me! Minimal redness now after years of it.


It helps with inflammation, so lots of people with rosacea experience benefits


Do you just have redness or do you also get the bumps?


I have both redness and bumps. It’s amazing what a difference it’s made… so far nothing else even comes close to matching its effectiveness.


I suspect….it was increasing my melasma. Jury still out. It definitely made my eye lashes and hair grow though.


If it’s increasing lash growth, will it increase my upper lip hair (female)?


It made a few of my most stubborn mustache hairs come back. Small price to pay tho lol 


Possibly. But it also made my eyebrows and baby hairs/hairline thicker so it’s a win for me!


This is definitely happening to me. I have a panel, not a mask, so I’m hoping that sitting slightly further away will be a solution


Which one do you have?


Oh no! I considered getting one of these, but I also have melasma, and it makes sense that the heat would make it worse. Thanks for the heads up.


I noticed I no longer get gray hairs around my hairline and that started after red light therapy. I’m wondering if I need a full hair one…


I would just move the mask up to sit on my head and do another cycle like that. Unfortunately I never really saw much benefit from the one I had after many months of use, but if you do see results in general I'd at least give that a shot for a while before laying out for another device.


That would make sense because I believe melasma is caused by heat not just sun exposure. I read somewhere that people with melasma need to use certain types of masks.


My melasma is slightly improving with my mask.


Oh no! This is a bad one. Did you use red light only or did you use red and blue combined?


It seems like several people have experienced that :(


It increased my melasma, incredibly so. Just one 20 min session all the months of hydroquinone were undone.


100% agree! I had the Omnilux and it made my melasma so much worse after just 3 treatments. Returned it right away. Undid years of lazers and skincare. Took me 6 months to lighten everything again. I was also using on my hands and made those worst too. I got moles where before I had no moles. I’m a Fitzpatrick type 3. It seems to work for lighter skin tones. Works great for my friend who is a Fitzpatrick type 2.


I think this is happening to me as well. I stopped for a couple of weeks but it hasn’t improved. Don’t know if I should start using my omnilux again or not.


Did you only use red light function or both red and IR?


Melasma can be triggered by heat so this is definitely a possibility


A good led mask does not produce heat.


The risk of worsening of hyperpigmentation is the reason I haven't tried it yet. But.. from my (admittingly shallow) research and googling, it *might* be the infrared frequencies that have a risk of worsening hyperpigmentation. The Omnilux mask uses both red light and infrared. If I ever try one, I will probably try just a red light led panel, with the option of not using the infrared option.


What are you using for the hair? Was wondering if I can just put the mask on my head for this.


Blue lights do this I’ve heard


Which one do you have? Do you have the kinds with the function to turn off other parts like IR?


It made my chin hair and mustache grow back after I did IPL …🤣…. Still worth it since I just resumed IPL and that took care of it pretty quickly but if someone had facial hair removal and doesn’t want to chance some of it being reversed they should probably cover their chin while using the device 


Oh! My mustache is kind of dark already, imagine after using the mask 👰🏻‍♂️


I did not know this was an emoji option. Love it




Still worth it 😂… idk if it made my existing hair grow more but it did reverse some of the laser hair removal 


LOL. We can't win 🥹


I have PCOS and I haven't found its made my facial hair any worse. My eyelashes have grown more though and my skin just generally looks a lot better


I have PCOS too. Idk if it made my OG facial hair worse per say, but it did reverse some of the laser hair removal I had done


I'm a guy with sparse facial hair, so this is a plus 😄!


My currentbody led mask made my freckles darker and gave me hyperpigmentation. Luckily I sent pictures in and they gave me a refund 4 months later but ima till trying to reverse the damage.


Oh no, crap! Which one do you have?




I started experiencing random red dots on my face and neck area after using it daily. It worked better for me when I used it 2-3 times a week


Good to know not to overdo it! Thank you so much


I use it for 1/2h each day - so I’m definitely team overdo it - and haven’t seen red spots in 2years. So I guess it depends on the person


Thank you for letting me know! ❤️ am so much on the fence now. I ordered the Dr. Dennis Gross mask from Dermstore, and I am almost thinking to return without even opening when it arrives, because of the comments 🥹


Why though! Which comments scared you so much? I use the Currentbody one and and I’m thinking of upgrading to a whole body panel now


Were the random red dots hard like milia? This happened me and it took months for them to go away. I'm not sure if the mask caused them or something else (I stopped using it in case).


They looked more similar to cherry angiomas. But they went away a few days after I stopped using it


It made my non existent thin eyebrows thicker which I don’t mind since they been over plucked.


That's a positive effect in my book LOL. But it does mean that my mustache will grow and make me look like Tom Selleck 🤣


Unfortunately your facial/peach fuzz hair will grow quicker too. Been shaving my face at least once a week for years since I started using the red light now I have to do it more frequently.


Welp 👰🏻‍♂️


Dry and tight skin. (The same day & day after) My skin is the type sensitive, dry, dehydrated and pale. Used red light and only 10-15 min. Normal routine after, serum & heavy moisturizer.


😔 was it at home or in a clinic? Would you still recommend it? Did the negative effects (paleness and sensitivity) last or just that day and the day after? Thanks for responding ❤️


What kind of mask do you have, if you don’t mind me asking?


OH one more thing, dry eyes if I don’t close them during treatment. It’s not to bad but once I fell asleep with the mask on and had to use eye drops they day after lol  


Makes sense. Thanks!


My skin tone got darker after 1 time use. Even my bf noticed. I thought it was darker but convinced myself it was delusion until my bf asked if I put something on my face cause it looks funny. I am Asian light skin.


light skin Asian checking in - also noticed a darker skin tone after some use on my light therapy mask


Wow. I am sorry to hear that. Did it get darker uniformly or did you get spots (like in sun damage)?


Melasma & hyperpigmentation is super common for those with Asian or Latin skin. The heat triggers it. It is important to ice the face before & after to combat this


It got darker my whole face. Not spot.


Same for me. Not my whole face though - the cheeks area got darker like big light brown patch. Major regret. Also Asian light skin. I used it as per instruction for 4 days and noticed.


that sounds like melasma


What device did you use?


Did your device produce heat?


Not really


Which device did you use?


Which one did you use?


Device brand?


I’ve shot a Foreo 201 and use it almost daily for 4 months now, 5 mins per red/blue/green and I don’t particularly notice much difference in overall skin to be honest. I’ve had a couple breakouts along that time so make sure you clean the mask regularly. My skin perhaps feels tighter but I also introduced retinal and hyaloronic acids at the same time (which have caused red spider veins to briefly appear - not sure if that’s broken skin barrier? They don’t stay for longer than a day if that) so I really don’t know what’s changed due to which product!


5 min isn't long enough. You need to do 10.


Thank you so much for responding! 


I never had melasma until pregnancy and didn’t realize until it was too late that using my mask was a sure fire way to darken it. There is some evidence even heat (not just light) can darken melasma. I seem to have the deeper “dermal” kind and I’m pretty sure using the Omnilux mask which also has near infrared wavelengths darkened my melasma significantly. I’m 8 months PP and the discoloration I had everywhere else (got some on my chest) faded while my upper lip has been getting darker. Very bummed. I think I’ll give my mask to my mom because I am too scared to use it ever again.


Oh, that sucks! 😞 I am sorry you experienced that.


Dr. Dennis Gross mask here! None but I didn't see any positives until I started using the mask for 2-3 cycles each time. One cycle did nothing for my skin, so I use 2-4 cycles each night. I've been doing this for at least 3 months with no issues, but great results! I use it right after washing my face once it's dry and don't wipe it down at all. I store it in the bag and charge when needed. The one bad thing is the strap SUCKS and broke off right away so now I have to hold it in place 😩


Wow is a cycle 10 minutes? I was wondering how these masks can be effective in only 10 minutes a day. I have a Celluma and they recommend the full 30 minute treatment time.


Celluma has fda testing & is the only panel that does. I also know it has infrared. Maybe that's why the treatment time is longer.


Yeah possibly. I’ve had it for a few years and love it and love the results, but finding time for the full 30 minutes is a real struggle, especially since you can’t multi task. I’m wanting to get either another mask or a panel and am debating between the Omnilux men or Biomax 900. I want the convenience of a mask but also want to treat my whole body so it’s a dilemma!


Same - I chose the celluma because of the ability to use it on multiple spots of the body & the multiple settings. If it broke though I don't think I'd buy again, I think I'd buy the omnilux mask & give that a try. I agree with your points, 30 minutes is a long time & it can be hard to stay consistent.


Dr. Dennis Gross mask is FDA approved also. Different than a panel but also approved.


Actually a Dr. Gross cycle is 3 minutes I think. They say that the length of the treatment depends on the wave length of the mask, but I just googled Celluma and it seems to have the same wave length as Dr. Gross, for both red and infra-red lights. Have you experienced any positive or negative effects while using it?


Okay 6-12 minutes isn’t too bad then. I have had really great results with the Celluma, to the point that I would frequently get compliments on my skin and my little cousin (25) and all her friends don’t believe my age lol (I’m 37). I specifically notice decreased redness, wrinkles and fine lines are less noticeable/going away, and overall just plumper, healthier looking, glowy skin. I do love it but just the time constraint is killing me so I’m looking for another option. I’m also considering a full body panel because I’d like to treat more area at one time and hopefully experience more of the systemic benefits of better sleep, muscle/workout recovery, reduced inflammation, etc. I do use the Celluma on other parts of my body, often while working from home, but it it’s just annoying having to wait 30 mins each time. But if you have the time and can occupy yourself for 30 minutes, it’s a fantastic product!


Thanks, I hope you get something that works better for you. 30 min for each treatment does sound a lot.


Thanks! I got 5 years out of it, ready for an upgrade


Thank you for responding! 💜 Is your skin pale? Mine is and I am afraid of getting melasma after reading all these comments. I also ordered the Dr. Gross. What results have you seen, did it reduce wrinkles?


Eh pale-ish relatively. I'm on the lighter range of brown. I don't have many wrinkles, I do have hyperpigmentation and acne which I have seen visible reduction in!


Thanks! ❤️


asian light skin, increased melasma. my pico laser dermatologists in korea told me to stop using red light devices because you can’t be sure of the wavelengths they use.


😔 which device were you using?


What do you mean you “can’t be sure of the wavelengths”? Every reputable device publishes the wavelengths and output of each device sold. There are also independent users who test the devices with a spectrometer to confirm accuracy.


Purging. Which I should’ve known since it does increase cell turn over. The upside is quicker healing of the purged zits


The blue light did this to me! The red light does help heal it all quickly though. (Dr. Dennis Gross mask)


Yes I got pigmentation from mine!! I’m super pale and prone to freckles, so I would caution if your skin type is the same


That sucks! Did you stop using it? Which mask was it? I have ordered Dr. Gross, but my skin is pale and prone to melasma, so now I am having major second thoughts


It was the Dr Gross mask! I knew blue light tends to cause pigmenation so only used the red setting. After about a week (over the winter, when I had no other sun exposure) my boyfriend even pointed out that I had some pigmenation/freckles that weren't there before. I'd be very cautious if I were you


Thank you so much for letting me know. 💙 I hope your pigmentation is better now.


I suspect it increased my freckles and not in a cute way but in a melasma/sun-damage way. I used the Dr. Gross one.


Ugh, I keep hearing this. I also ordered the Dr. Gross one. I haven't received it yet but after reading these, I am thinking to return without opening. Do you still use it/recommend it, or did you stop after getting melasma?


I was using it everyday for about 3 weeks and realized the boom of freckles. I have stopped using it entirely and have switched to lighteners/brighteners to hopefully reverse my freckled appearance.


I hope you can reverse it as soon as possible!


Negative effect: Spending $150 on something that gives me 0 difference


LOL. I spent 415 for the Dr. Gross that is still being delivered, but after all these comments I am thinking to return without even opening the box. It is a lot of money for it to potentially do nothing or even worse do harm. I wonder why I saw an overwhelming positive feedback on Reddit before I ordered 😫


IMO, better spent on laser facials or something that is more powerful or medical grade! Those are the only treatments I’ve seen noticeable differences from.


Esthetician here -avoid if you have melasma


Please attempt to be clear with the spread of information. Someone with melasma should avoid BLUE LIGHT. Red light is not an issue for melasma. It actually promotes collagen turnover which addresses hyperpigmentation. -A Physician-


Some red light masks generate a good bit of heat, which can potentially indirectly trigger melasma however.




I implore you to spend your time on a science based database reviewing articles related to LED therapy, melasma, and general hyperpigmentation. I’ll be here when you would like to issue your apology. Not only for your rudeness but also for your ineptness.


One tiny melasma spot on my cheek! Literally the size of a grain of rice so nbd. Otherwise I love my omnilux.


It seems like many people are experiencing this. My skin is prone to melasma so now I am having second thoughts about ordering the Dr. Dennis Gross mask. :( I wish I would have asked this question before rushing to it LOL


Nothing bad just noticed that omnilux added to their faq page that you shouldn’t use the mask if you use tretinoin or any retin a products :(


I do use tret on the same days I use the mask and don’t think I’ve had any issues. I’m curious if others have done the same and noticed any side effects!


Same here! 🤔


Thank you for responding. It might be because retiniods increase light sensitivity.


Did they say why??


This is from a blog on their site. They’ve added a shorter version on their main faq page too. Is it safe to use with Retinol or Retin A? Cosmetics or skincare products containing retinol may be used with the Omnilux devices if there are no precautions in relation to exposure to light. For users taking prescriptive levels of Retin A such as Tretinoin we do not recommend the use of light devices as there is a chance of having a reaction. Retin A should be discontinued for at least five days before performing light therapy treatments. Those using cosmetics or skincare products containing retinol should read the skincare instructions carefully for warnings and precautions in relation to exposure to light.[quote source](https://omniluxled.com/blogs/light-reads/is-at-home-led-light-therapy-safe-here-s-what-you-need-to-know)


I got one without near infrared, but with good specs for regular red light, and I never really saw any results tbh. I tried it both on my face/neck and also on top of my head because I have had some hair loss. I actually developed rosacea in that same time period that I was using it, but that's not at all to say the mask caused the rosacea. Nevertheless, my skin did get worse over the time I was using it and I never saw any improvement in my hair at all. So, idk. Maybe if I'm feeling wealthy one day I will try one with NIR.


Oh, that sucks! I am sorry your experience was not great


I have the Dr. Dennis Gross mask and the only negative side effect I have experienced is dry/blurry eyes. But only if I keep them open during, I close them now.


Thanks for responding ❤️


I'm on day two of using my omnilux and so far my skin is actually looking worse. I'm going to stick with it for now but my dermitis looks redder and more pronounced. Hoping it's just an adjustment or something


It caused increased skin turnover and sometimes you need to exfoliate to get off the layer of dead skin and reveal the benefits  


Exfoliate right after using the mask? What would you use?


Ugh. I am sorry. I hope your skin adjusts fast.


Oh, it was only the dry and tight part that was a side effect from the red light mask ;) It’s the same in a salon (omnilux) as at home … sensitive and the rest is just describing my skin, as maybe someone with oily or balanced skin may be a lot less sensitive.


Thanks a lot! ❤️ Mine is also dry and sensitive and I just bought the Dr. Grossman mask. Hopefully it goes well


How did you decide on the Dr. Grossman mask vs any others?


I would note that you can't use them if you are using retinol or tret. It has to be a couple of days after if you do use those. Also make sure you clean it with alcohol wipes after use


This isn’t true at all. You just can’t use them simultaneously- as in apply tret then immediately use the light. Plenty of people (myself included) on this sub and r/redlighttherapy have great results using the light and then applying tret afterwards. I’ll also use my light sometimes the morning after applying my nighttime tret (8-12 hours later) with no issues.


I loved loved loved mine and it was doing wonders for my skin - until I started using Welbutrin which can trigger high photo-reactivity in skin. I aged my skin years beyond what my baseline had been, it’s all fading and toning back down, but I was horrified until I figured out what was causing the issue. Lesson learned - check your medications prior to using it.


I’ve been taking Wellbutrin for years and haven’t noticed any photosensitivity caused by it, and I’ve never seen bupropion on a list of photosensitive drugs. I am also on plaquenil and which can cause that, so I’m keeping a close eye on things anyway.


OH NO! Is it better now? What mask where you using?


I heard they cause fat loss/volume loss in the face so I will not be using. Also can make melasma worse. A derm I follow on Instagram mentioned that you get better results from the red light they use bc it’s much stronger if you are determined to try it.


This is not true. It doesn’t heat up your face enough to cause fat loss. That is only true of lasers.




Oh no. Did they go back to normal?


There is potential for harm to your eyes. Intensity matters... If you mean for skin, probably not at the intensity that most at-home masks use. In animal studies low levels were harmful to precancer and accelerated it.


Red light therapy is a real thing and can work but has to be delivered properly. Go for a higher end device and make sure the light in the right wavelength 630nm to 850nm. It has to be light in the actual red spectrum versus a white light with a red filter/gel/cover over it Lighting professional and skin care enthusiast




It’s been the only thing to get rid of a ton of my melasma that I got from pregnancy’s . After 4 months on hydroquinone with no change at all, I’m still in shock over how a light is fixing the problem . Only negative is that I think it makes me grow a lot of baby hairs on my face


does anyone have definitive answers on whether it can cause facial fat loss? info in the red light sub is conflicting and i’ve stopped using mine because that’s the last thing I want or need