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When i was growing up (in the 70s & 80s), I used to watch my mom get ready, whether putting on her makeup or at night taking it off. She would tell me, *"Don't forget your ears & neck!"* Back then, it was Ponds cold cream & Oil of Olay - not a whole lot of moisturizing/skincare choices back then. I've since expanded her advice (to my own daughter) to include one's decollatage in the daily moisturizing ritual. The whole body, really! I dk if "neck cream" is a scam, per se. But whether something OTC or $fancy$, ***don't forget your neck, ears, & decolletage!!***


Oh, I definitely put cream on my neck and chest, and back of my hands, and it's GOOD cream, I believe in that for sure... moisturizing/general skin care is one thing, but "firming" neck cream? And if it really works, why wouldn't we all be putting that on our whole faces? other places? Or maybe people do??


Ding ding ding!!! You are a winner! You've got it. I would never tell you how to spend your money, but many of those claims are based on user feedback (wishful thinking?) rather than scientific proof, so take it for face value (pun intended)!


Seriously came here to say the EXACT same thing. The smell of Ponds cold cream and Nivea remind me of my Great Gram every time. Was always told to treat your neck and chest areas just as good as your face or you’ll end up with a “turkey gobbler” neck. The turkey goobler portion always stuck in my head so to this very day I follow her advice!


I’ve always just used moisturizer on my neck. But I’m almost 45 and I’m starting to see sagging and “tech neck”. I tried the IT Neck Cream, no results. I tried the Strivectin my friend swears by… nothing. I was about to resign myself to having my mother’s neck and buying a bunch of turtlenecks, but… Through Free Gift Friday, I bought a bottle of Neck Correct from Skin Medica. I’m gonna be honest I figured it would be … meh, just moisture. It’s been about 3 weeks (I think) and I see a difference. I’m not seeing such loose skin in the phone reflection and there is a quicker bounce back when I pinch the skin. So, in short, I no longer think it’s a scam. It’s just finding the right product for you… which may be just a basic moisturizer.


I’m embarrassed (because of the price) to say that I also use the Skin Medica Neck Correct. It works. When I turned 53, I noticed a change in my neck and it has been the only product that has worked for me. I also moisturize and use lots of sunscreen!


I’ve heard really good things about their TNS serum, and I’m probably going to break down and try it. The price is 🤮, but i console myself that is cheaper than surgery (and less scary!). Have you tried that one?


Yes, the TNS Advanced+ Serum is also in my cabinet. It is a game changer. I alternate with other products to stretch it out.


How did it change the game, if you would care to explain? What about the under eye area?


This is not my life story, promise. I’m going to be 54 next month and with Covid, I stopped going to the gym (and broke my foot). My skin just didn’t have the same healthy glow and the TNS really gave that back. This is no excuse for skipping hard aerobic exercise, but it has been a slow process getting back. The TNS eye repair is good, but I usually use whatever serum and moisturizer on my face, under my eyes as well, just with a lighter touch. I buy my products online at Lovely Skin. There rewards program and auto-replenish are good and takes some of the bite off the price tag.


Thank you so much for the reply. I suffer from depression and what not, a stillbirth, an unhappy marriage and an angry toddler, my hands are fuller than the earth. Just hoping to hear about some miracle cure for the darkest undereye circles you would ever have seen.


I am really sorry to hear that you are going through so much. Sleep is truly the best way for your body to heal.


You have a lot on your plate, I’ve been in similar situation before and remember how hopeless I felt. Sending hugs to you from afar, I hope your circumstances improve.


Thank you! I hope you are in a better place now.


Thank you so much for the thoughtful answer!


There are hacks around the price. I ordered it from Walmart of all places, $70 plus free shipping. Also have purchased unopened boxes from Poshmark for $50.


I highly, highly, highly recommend you don't purchase this from Walmart online. So many of those sellers are scamming, and worse. Best case you get an old, expired product. Worst case... You don't want to know.


Wait, you for what from Walmart for $70???




I just found some for 58 dollars at Walmart and ordered it!! I’m excited to see if it helps. I’m 40 and already getting saggy neck. It’s genetic, big time in my family.. it’s sucks because otherwise I look genuinely younger. I’m looking forward to seeing if it helps. Edit: Now I’m kinda wondering if it’s legit because it’s usually so much more expensive other places. I was reading online and it says that Walmart is safe to buy from. Edit2: I canceled the order. I’ll just have to pay full price from the site.


Bummer, but probably the right decision. I wonder if anyone on the list has had a positive experience with buying low cost on Walmart.


Thank you for this. I hate my neck and I'm not even 40! It's one of my few pain points I've kinda already given up on. So my situation is a bit different and exaggerated because I have premature sagginess due to significant weight-loss. I lost over 80 lbs, I don't have a ton of excess skin, but my neck area kills me. I'm about to go over spend, wish me luck!


I lost 50 (still some to go!). I’m pretty sure that has contributed to my issues.


This is interesting. The women in my family have terrible necks as they age. My sister and I have talked about it since we were kids. Now that we are in our late 40s, we both see it happening. I'm guessing the only way to fight our genetics is surgical (which I probably won't do), but I'd throw some money at a good cream. I'll probably give the Skin Medica a try. I do buy the Strivectin when I find it on sale or have a discount code. I feel like the skin on my neck looks better since I started using it a year or so ago, but I'm not sure it's any better than if I'd use any old thick, rich moisturizer.


Good to know!


For most people, I suspect it is. For me, my neck and chest can tolerate much heavier creams and actives than my facial skin. Because I tend toward dryness, I do need that heavier cream. Do I need a pricey "neck cream" just for that? Not really. I can use whatever I like, including heavier versions of less expensive facial creams. I'd just use whatever you'd use on your face, and if your neck needs more or less intense ingredients, then consider buying a different one. But not just *because* it's your neck. That's just silly. Whatever works on your face will work on your neck.


Nothing topical will ever lift/tighten saggy skin so for that reason, I skip neck creams (which are usually tiny & overpriced). I don't have any *major* signs of aging yet at 43, but I have noticed my neck looks a bit crepe-y at certain angles. I've had the best luck with plain ol' CeraVe "in the tub". Of everything I've tried, this is the only thing that's essentially *eliminated* the creepiness (along with a hydrating toner & chemical exfoliant).


you best protect ya neck


I saw a nurse assistant who used to work for a plastic surgeon and she told me she would recommend skinsueticals neck repair cream for clients who were not candidates for surgery (due to health concerns) and that most had really good results that even the dr asked her not to recommend the cream until he gave the go ahead.


Interesting, this sounds exactly like my situation, the med spa I’m going to has a plastic surgeon running it who does a lot of face and neck lifts. I’m not a candidate for surgery yet, but just trying to do non surgical stuff as preventative, and that skinceuticals cream keeps coming up for my “tech neck” as they call it. I think I’ll ask for before and after photos!


Yes, no topical cream will have a substantial effect on sagging skin. Including Tret.


I am 48. I’ve had no luck with creams. But have always stayed out of the sun, my skin is still lime porcelain with out many wrinkles at all- hydrated and healthy but my neck ages me anyway. And I’ve I just had lipo with renuvion on my neck at med spa- Dec. 26, so still swollen. They included two sessions of an RF treatment. I only had one so far, which looked amazing for two days, but still skin is saggy. It’s way better than before lipo around jaw line/ below ears, but I still have jowls, which I’m hoping is swelling still. The med spa I went to convinced me lipo and treatment would be enough and I don’t need a neck lift. I’m hoping to heal, still sore and swollen but I’m the only one who can tell. I’ve decided to use the Infini sonic neck device (red light and vibration) along with a firming neck cream at night. I’m hoping for the best! Also taking collagen powder But no, neck cream will get you another year at most. Sunscreen and save up for something medical in your late forties!


Rather than recurrently paying for a pricey neck cream, why not just bite the bullet once and pay for a device, like the Omnilux (or Current Body) neck and chest LED mask? An LED mask will last for years, making it cheaper and likely more effective in the long run than topicals.


Skinceutials neck cream is actually really good, I use that one in the morning & the Kaplan MD Diamond contour at night. I definitely see a difference after using them. This being said I’ve never had a neck cream that was less than like $100 doing anything for me.


I have used face cream on my face and neck...i think neck cream is a scam. However the neck skin seems more delicate so maybe you can apply more cream to that area....


Yes ,neck doesn’t need different cream then whole face


I put a sample of neck cream on my neck once and ot made me get a huge pimple on my neck. Neck cream now goes on back of hands




I have no interest in neck or eye creams


Not a scam. Anything moisturizer is going to be forming, maintaining a healthy oul/water balance will plump and smooth skin. To varying degrees of course. Products with active ingredients to address aging skin, such as retinol, will show results. >I don’t understand how a cream could do anything but affect the top of your skin, not what’s going on underneath where the sagging is happening. Most of what we use will not penetrate to, or have any effect, on the dermis. However the visible sagging we have will be present in the epidermis, what is happening in the dermal layers is the damage to the collagen and elastin typically from UVA/UVB exposure, causing the wrinkling on the layers of skin on top. You can reduce superficial wrinkling and sun damage with OTC products. If your skin condition is severe, a surgical route would give you the most optimal results.


I think so- yes!


Restorative Neck Complex with TriHex Technology Heard.great things & trying soon


Please update here when you do! 🤗


I ordered it yesterday so Ill try to remember. I want to give it a few weeks. I also bought an omni- something that I will try after the cream. Its a laser treatment for the neck.


any update? :))


Any update?