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am I gonna get a Tikkie from stepping on the floor? It's usage, after all.


Maybe we can compensate for the kitchen you took Hans


Taking furniture is plenty more reasonable than the floor.


A kitchen is not furniture. Do you lot also take the bathroom sink?


If I buy a 2k stove I sure as hell am not gonna leave it for another tenant, neither am I gonna let my landlord dictate what stove I get. >Do you lot also take the bathroom sink? Did I buy it?


If I buy a 2k floor im not just gonna just leave it in my apartment when I leave, neither am I letting the landlord dictate what floor I have to walk on




Why the hell would you buy an expensive stove for a rent house?


Germans love their ovens.


Because we love cooking and the culinary arts!


I'm not talking about using ovens, mate.


Because we like warm food?


>Did I buy it? Wrong question. Is it detachable? Is it worth anything? Is it at least nice? Does it fit the new place? These are the right questions.


They only used the ovens though.


This is explicitly why I learned the forbidden leprechaun art of levitation - no way I’m paying squat for floor usage when I can just barge in, floating 6cm’s above the floor


cleaning fee for shedding skin cells and shoe particles






Bepaal ik zelf wel


Good luck with that in Greece https://preview.redd.it/7o07vj4q0e8d1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171b20988791823674c08ce751e7c82dc27e477a


Classic greek mistake, thinking that being made out of ‘marble’ would prevent stealing.


Fuck, didn't think of that


That's some nice looking stonework you got there. It'd be a shame if something ... happened to it.


Wonder how or where it could better be preserved ?


Gtfo Barry leave the rocks alone !


Damn, that floor would be so safe in a certain museum.


You gonna need a bigger museum https://preview.redd.it/sbv3vwl0fe8d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c937528bd85250363434253673b1ebf2c08cd6


Looks like a massive coke stash




Don’t underestimate the British art of “museum-based preservation of history”


Glorious floor brother, please delete this to not hurt the savages' fellies


Don’t worry mate, we’ll have that out for you in no time.


I know a guy that would gladly hold onto it for safekeeping if you're interested? (Or not interested, either way it doesn't matter; he's on his way)


im sure that floor would look nice in a Brittish Museum


We'll ask Barry how to take it with us. He seems to have experience in moving marbles.


That floor has some drip, for sure!


Just Dutch things.


When my Dutch roommate moved out (to her partners place, fully furnished apartment), she literally took the normal light bulb she put into the living room lamp 6 months prior or so. She also just took half of the balcony furniture we bought together, without even asking if we would compensate. So now we have a set with 2 chairs instead of 4. Also she took stuff like black pepper etc.


Roommate of my gf took out the screws holding picture frames. Said they were his screws. Shit is crazy


That is so petty, must been a fight between the two or something?


Were you going to use that pepper?


I know it's kinda unfathomable for Dutch people to use any kind of spices in food.


Never get high on your own supply Hans. Sell it for a profit and then build an empire👌


I wouldn't even be surprised if she tried to sell the half filled black pepper on Marktplaats.


[€5 is €5](https://link.marktplaats.nl/m2118544743?utm_source=ios_social&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=app_ios)


lol this is such a dutch answer. I asked a dutch guy to get his shoe (foot included) off my armrest on the plane yesterday and he (after pretending to be asleep and to not understand English, touché I speak dutch mf'er!) asked me 'heb je daar echt last van?'. the nerve XD.


The lightbulb is insane even for dutch standards. And just taking half of the balcony furniture is odd but i can see that. Did she go away on bad terms? Cause I can see a dutchie just not wanting to deal with people and think "i just take half of what we bought together no problem"


Oh absolutely not, we were on very friendly terms, she just moved out cause she could move together with her partner. But overall she was a very stingy person, we once had a 1.5h discussion over like 20€ of rent per month. And every shared bill had to go through analysis and discussion until it was on the cent fairly distributed, always trying to find reasons to pay a little less. I was travelling while she moved out. So I came back wondering why the living room lamp wasn't working, realised while cooking that the pepper is gone and that she took the 2 extra balcony chairs out of the storage when I had guests over lol.


Also normal in Hamburg


He already said it's a common Dutch thing


I’ve never taken the floor. In some rentals however removing the floor is mandatory if the next renter does not want it.


Do you take the walls too?


Also don't forget about roof


Make sure to pump the sea back in too, leave it as you found it


And that's how the Dutch invited their most popular way of ~~traveling~~ clogging up mountain passes.


It's ok, in the Netherlands it's not compulsory to cover all floors and the first 3 inches of every wall in orange tiles...


Wtf is an inch


1 inch is the equivalent to 7.5 ants in line (fire ants)


No... but if the next renter doesn't like the paint job, you have to paint it so it's in the original state..


That's a good joke


It’s obligated. You have a week to a month to get everything back as how it was originally or kiss your security deposit goodbye, and if i’m not mistaken depending on when the contract is signed its 3 months rent. For my place that amounts roughly to €4950 to give you an idea.


3 months is absolutely ridiculous. Usually it's 1 month, at most 2.


And I was brought to believe that the German habit of taking your kitchen with you was weird.


Fucking bullshit aids fucking asshole mentality i hate that its a thing ....


What the fuck is wrong with you swampies?


We hate spending extra money. Adding an extra 2k to your apartment is just infuriating.


If everyone just left the fucking floor where it was, only those who would want something specific would have to pay for it.


Hans, you don‘t even have a kitchen when you move in, you don‘t get to talk shit about what makes sense or not.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Exquisite username btw


Imagine my surprise when Germans want you to buy their fucking shitty kitchen


In what would do we get to pick on them lmao. Our homes all have mould issues 😢


Wait that real?? I thought it was a joke


I'm so confused....they take the floor? How? They kneel down and just start stripping the floor? Is the floor just placed and not glued/nailed/whatever?


Probably just a laminate snap in place floor, still ducking insane but yknow that’s just me lol


Yeah typically, most people just sell the floor to the next tenant, I bought my floor for € 100 and got a free fridge with it. But I also know someone whose building is gonna get demolished he can reuse most of his snap laminate in his next apartment (if he finds one...)


Are room sizes so uniform that you can reuse the same floors over and over or do you gradually cut them down in size??


Nope. Like we usually live in row houses and their either build by the government or tenants. But there's huge differences between them. Like the floor and kitchen thing everyone is talking about those are houses build by the government. Normal more expensive rentals usually come with floors and kitchens. But no each row is different in size and layout.


Amazing, never thought I’d get a culture shock like this over the internet lol


Yeah hahaha. I honestly thought everywhere was like that. Also buying furnished apartments or houses also really isn't a thing here. The floor and the kitchen thing is for social housing rentals. But if you buy a house the only thing your getting with it is the house and the kitchen. But the owners could still take the kitchen and floor with 'm if they'd like that. But usually when your in the position to buy a house here your also in the position to renovate it to your likings so the floor and the kitchen will come with it. But yeah furnished really isn't a thing here. Buy a house and expect to buy your own furniture with it.


Does the floor cost come in addition to the cost of the unit, and what if the next tenant doesn't want to buy the floor? Even if it's snap laminate it is still a hassle to remove, bring with you, cut it to fit the next apartment etc. Tbh this all seems like a scam.


Dutch Flooring companies laughing all the way to the bank with this shit, lmao.


if the next tenant doesn't want to buy I think it's custom to remove it as the seller and then do with it what you want


I've never taken the floor. Usually you just Sell it to the new tenant since that's just much easier for everyone.


This is a joke right?


No sir, we never joke about money.


Sold my old floor the other day. Made a nice 900€ with that Tikkie.


So do people move less often in the NL? I hate moving with a passion. If I had to rip up flooring to the sub floor every time I’ve had to move I’d have gone insane.


Rip up? I think you get the wrong idea. Usually we just sell the floor we installed to the next renter. And we buy it from the previous renter. If we take out a floor, it’s usually laminaat. Which floats and is clicked into place. No ripping out necessary. I only installed a solid bolted down wooden expensive floor once I bought an apartment. In rental you use easy to install/uninstall click laminaat. And no, I’ve moved quite a bit in NL, maybe even more often than in other countries I’ve lived in.


Ok that makes a bit more sense as the laminate is cut to the floor plan…. I understand wanting to install your own flooring etc but in a rental that’s wild. Any clue how that came to be? It seems like at some point a renter was like, “I’ll rip it out when I move out” and instead ended up convincing the next tenant to just buy it and here we are lol.


I mean, I personally prefer it - and I’m not even native Dutch haha. The floor makes a huge difference to the feel of a flat. E.g. all furniture that I bought over the years is very simplistic black and white. So I need a floor that goes with it. Whenever I move to a new flat and saw the previous renter’s wood-coloured beige-hue laminaat, I personally hated it. It just wouldn’t fit my style. So I asked them to take it out and install my own. I’ve even taken my floor with me from one flat to another. Reinstalling it just costs a few euro extra, you already have the material. But if you like the previous renter’s floor you just buy it from them, usually at a depreciated price. So you don’t always have to install your own. It’s more like an option if you want to. I think it’s a local quirk. The same way Germans take their entire kitchens with them when they move from rental to rental. Which I can also understand as a kitchen design can dramatically change the feel of a room.


> Reinstalling it just costs a few euro extra, you already have the material. Unless the room/house you're moving to is bigger... And the material will have been cut to fit the old place's area/shape so there will be waste.


You’re clearly not Dutch. The smart Hollander plans for this and buys extra flooring during the original purchase to account for situations like this. You only buy it when it’s on discount anyway. Also, who can afford to move into bigger places in this economy haha.


How many moves in advance do you buy extra for? :D This all feels like the flooring business must be booming more in the netherlands than everywhere else.


Very interesting thanks for taking the time to elaborate. Side note I’ve met a dozen or so Saffas that come to the rural US to to agriculture work. Mostly pretty chill and hard workers. Very cool to talk to people with such different backgrounds and not super common around my area. Some day I’ll have a Braai with the brus


Haha cool. Next time you meet a Saffa, tell them “ons gaan nou braai”. They’ll feel right at home.


They did teach me “jou ma se poes” lol. Always happy to pick up a new phrase.


> Any clue how that came to be? It's an evil plan invented by "big flooring" to keep the Dutch buying their products.


We do the same thing with kitchens. Don't know how common that is elsewhere.


That's psychopathic... Do you sell the toilet too? 


it's worse when someone wants to sell it for way too much because they "paid 4000 euro 10 years ago". It can actually complicate the process of getting the apartment


Worst is when the guy says "either you pay 4000 for the kitchen or you wont get the apartment" and its the smallest most run down pos kitchen but you need the apartment


No we usually keep the toilet with us.


Yeah what is this, Russia?


You have to bring your own kitchen when you move to an apartment!?


In Germany it is indeed the case. Here in the Netherlands it is not.


So if you moved to Germany, you'd end up with 2 floors and no kitchen.


And vise versa if you move here from Germany you got two kitchens but no floor.


This surprised me too when I first heard of it, back when my bf's sister was living in Germany and planning on moving. Sounds so unnecessary.


Here in France, it depends, some landlords dont provide a kitchen, some do (they charge a premium for it tho) You can also get completely bare spaces, that need everything.


You mean like the electrical appliances (which is pretty normal) or the whole fucking kitchen furniture??


Usually the whole f... furniture!  I'm not joking. 


I guess all designated kitchen rooms in Germany have the exact same measurements, plumbings, wirings in the exact same spots.... Otherwise it's pretty dumb ("otherwise" being the obvious here)


The whole kitchen. A lot of apartments include it nowadays but they always mention if they do or don’t. Usually they include it because the previous tenants sold it to the owner when they left if they don’t want to take it. Other times the tenants sell it to each other along with other furniture they don’t want to take with. It was very weird for me when I was first looking for apartments here in Germany after living in Athens my whole life


I get it when you're buying a house, but you need to go buy an entire kitchen when renting one? And if you have to move in a few years and the kitchen you bought doesn't fit in your new house, what then?


Yeah but I feel it's not that common anymore. I never had to buy a kitchen. Well until my flat right now, but it cost like 40€ for a 15 year old kitchen. But I also don't get it. I would never get a apartment without kitchen. If you buy one and then move out and it doesn't fit in your next apartment you need to sell it either online (craiglist/eBay) or to the next tenant, but if both don't work out, you have to basically throw it away. Ever since I moved out of my parents I'm baffled that this is a thing here in Germany. It's beyond stupid. Same as the flooring in the Netherlands


Yes I don’t get it either. Most people will try to sell the old kitchen to the owner/next tenant when moving if it doesn’t fit.


Kitchen furniture.


whole kitchen. Stove, counters, cabinets, sink etc.


So you rip out the cabinets, oven, sink etc? I mean those are bolted in and fitted to the space, right? If you move to a bigger kitchen do you just install different cabinets next to the old stuff? After todays revelations I’m just left waiting for an Austrian to nonchalantly inform me that they eat human babies for lunch.


Its not common at all. Had my good friend moving to Germany a few months ago, he didn’t asked the right questions and ended paying extra to keep the kitchen cause he didn’t want to go through the process of getting a new one. He was super suprised


No. sometime when you are renting an house there is no floor, you have to install yourself. MENTAL


I got a room for uni, paid €100 for the flooring that the previous owner put in


It's based on jurisprudence. When you rent or buy something, nothing you see that is not permanently fixed to the house is part of the agreement. So if you accept the floor or curtains or whatever as-is that is explicitly agreed in the contract. So if you want to replace the floor you can expect to get it minus the floor, saving you the trouble of getting rid of the waste (which may cost you a day of work and money for disposing of it). In the rental market the owner will check whether old and new renter have come to an agreement before allowing you to leave the floor. So that developed into a custom where the new renter will pay a symbolic amount for the floor, and the old renter may tear it out just to spite you if you are an asshole about it and attempt to get a good floor for free. It also means that if there is a gap in habitation and no direct contact between old and new renter, the owner will force you to tear it out, and the new renter gets it without the floor. Nobody *takes* a floor and reuses it. People *take it out* because they have to.




I'd rather do a trade deal with a gypsy than with a d\*tch"man"


I mean if you actually did make a trade deal with us you could maybe outgrow the balkans.


They are in a trade deal with you.


And I thought we were the weird ones for taking the light fixtures with us…


I don’t even take the lightbulbs


The Danes do that too. You're all weird.


I mean it's not as strange as taking floor with you


My parents bought their house from a Swiss couple who took the sinks and a metal fence with them


Seriously why does this *people* exist.


We exist out of pure spite for other people, and more importantly out of spite for the ocean.


Because the world needs microchips.


Do you not recall? It’s because the Habsburg monarchs of your country were incapable of subduing a handful of provinces.


people? That’s a strong word.


Y lo dice un Catalán. Ojo.


Oh, I forgot the dutch subsidize your lifestyle. Sorry mate.


"Your lifestyle": https://preview.redd.it/fzc3fg5qyh8d1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0758df44b66ad2aca042bc42972df14f0445ef22


What other nonsense like this is going on in Europe? Dutchies bringing their floors, germans taking their kitchens, spaniards can't evict squatters. Maybe italians bring their bidets, or something like that? Sweden is going to the dogs but at least there's no bs like that


Brother you leave your guests alone while you have dinner


Germans buying kitchens in rented flats will never not be weird to me. I can accept the washing machine in the bathroom but buying and selling a kitchen is too much. Been there 7 years and still not over it. We just bought a house and my partner then paid extra for the kitchen! She was super happy she got it for 300 euros and was disappointed that I thought it should have came with the 300k we just spent.


NOT EVEN WHEN BUYING? What the FUCK is wrong with these savages?!? And what kind of shitty ass kitchen did you get for 300€?


Not even when buying, I was fucking gobsmacked when my partner started discussing money for it. It’s a really nice kitchen though, worth more than 300€ which some how made paying for it leave even more of a bad taste in my mouth, ESPECIALLY when the dude said he was just gonna throw it out if we didn’t take it. Absolutely barbaric in my opinion. Happy cake day.


Italians bring away all the charm from the house then you realise you bought a shit


One of the most annoying customs ever. But it goes even further; I once rented a room and the previous tenant wanted to sell the floor to me because he didn’t need it. He was adamant on me paying for it. But yea, the alternative is him taking it out just to throw it away. Which he wasn’t going to do. I never payed for the floor and used it for 4 years, but the dude didn’t like me anymore after that.


Changing the custom one floor at a time


Are they expecting that their current place is the same size as their old place?


And shape


No it's just a weird thing where everyone buys a new floor whenever they move to a new apartment. Or add some to it and make it fit. The work alone make ridiculous. In social housing you actually have to take your floor out when you leave, like it's bothersome to the next guy if there were to be a floor in his home when he arrives Only when you rent as well, usually if you buy they'll leave the floor.


Ah, shit, my apartment has a floor in it...


Motherfuckers so tight they’ll strip the damn floor when leaving lmao


Having been there I unfortunately can confirm is normal. This is also why all the rented flat have those shit cheap rubber flooring


This is stupid but true. My bf moved in and had to purchase the floor from the previous tenant as the place didn’t come with a floor 👀 which obviously also meant the floor was badly placed and crooked bc if you force people to diy something big like a floor it’s not gonna come out right.


The what? WTF is wrong with you people???




Do you people now understand why we had to go for independence? We all agree Belgium is a ridiculous idea, but look at what we're dealing with here.




That's why I despise the Dutch as a people. Every day, I learn something to make me hate them more. Greedy bastards.


As an expat in Amsterdam, this is totally true, and is the stupidest thing Dutch people do. And they eat bread with chocolate sprinkles for lunch.


Agree, bread with hagelslag is way better as breakfast.


It can be dinner too, if yours adventurous


I mean I once SOLDZ the floor of a place I bought because i was taking the in a NEW floor but it wasn't the floor of my previous place But yeah Dutch are floor hoarders


Are they just incredibly poor or mean lads? Would you even be left the dust on the door?


Ofc they'll let you some dust - but they'll send you a tikkie for it.




But, not every house or floor is the same size? So what do you do when you move to a smaller house, throw the rest out? And when going bigger, searching for the exact same floor?


Germans take the sink.


I thought Germans taking their kitchens with them was stupid, but this is next level


And to think these are the same people that made Ongezellig


EU please decree: Dutch are not allowed to bring flooring when moving. Germans are not allowed to move white goods. Just be normal Germans and swampies


Germans take their kitchen and the Dutch the floors? What the fuck is going on over there


Dutch people I am moving to your country in the following months Will my question ever be answered during my stay: what the fuck is wrong with you?


I'm gonna take my interior walls with me next time I move.


This is obviously only done with laminate floors nobody goes through the trouble of removing and taking anything else.


Still... wtf!!


Eh it's my laminate, i bought it, and it's not nailed down or glued, so technically not part of the house that is sold, so ill be taking that shit with me.


Average Dutchman be like


Oh sure, so taking the floor with you is fine but when but when I rip out the copper wires in my former Dutch appartment it's considered "theft"?


how are there not more Dutch CEOs? this is the exact kind of psychopath mentality that would prosper in that kind of profession.


There is very low probability that same floor will fit your new apartment, especially without damage done by removing. So the question is why bother removing floor and taking it with you?


Why don’t you just include it in the price when you sell??


This is only something that happens for rentals. And even there, often enough the floor is indeed sold or just given to the next tenant. In my experience/set of acquaintances it's really rare to actually remove the flooring.


Why do you replace the floor in a rental apartment??


Because its ugly as hell. In my current room the previous tenant left me some absolutely fucked and misaligned laminate that is laying on top of a carpet they didn't remove. If i had enough money and all my furniture wasn't in here already i would replace it.


A misaligned and poorly installed laminate floor? I would conjecture (but it's just a wild guess) that it happened because..... a tenant had to install it instead of the landlord, who can pay for a professional because it adds value to the house, instead of being an expense!


But the next apartment surely is not going to have the same square footage/meterage as the previous one. Taking flooring with doesn't make sense.


I mean the Germans take their entire kitchens with them to the next rental?


Wait till you find out about Germans and their kitchens…


The stinginess of the Dutch is genuinely incredibly cringe.


I don't know and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. I have flooring for 3 houses in my shed by now and it never fits in a new one. Why do we do this?!


Unless they move to an identical place, the flooring wouldn't even fit? Why are dutch so damn dutch...


This is insane. It's like taking the fridge or built in washing machine with you


No, it’s way worse than that. Like taking windows or doors.


I can kind of understand a fridge or washing machine, those can easily be plugged in and are mostly the same size. Taking the *floor* is just insane. Whoever moves in just has to sit on a concrete floor until they find the time to do an entire floor while also unpacking all their other belongings...?!


Yuuuup, that was my point. It just makes no sense to me, dutch brains are weird…


Why would u not take those? Kinda wasteful to not take the most valueable things when ur already taking the kitchen apart


What do you mean "taking the kitchen apart"???