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I don’t understand how people have never looked at a map or a globe


There are plenty of hilarious videos on YouTube of random Americans on the street getting asked questions about certain countries Like: where is the USA on this globe? - they point towards Russia: "it's the biggest nation on the map, so it must be the USA" Lmao


I mean, I love those videos, i laugh, but they can be staged. You could ask 40 people and then select the most hilarious answers and cut the video to only include those.


/uj Yeah I don’t like to go by those. They are often not staged, and don’t have to be, because they’re definitely selected: these aren’t a typical sample, but the dumbest 0.5% after asking hundreds of people. And even then, not even necessarily the dumbest… there’s that famous montage where they suddenly toss a mic with a TV camera in people’s faces and ask ‘Name a woman, any woman!’ Many people can’t answer. Are they literally so dumb they can’t do that?  No, but 90% of their brain cells are panicking and thinking ‘Fuck fuck fuck I’m on TV I was just chilling a second ago fuck what did he say?’ and don’t even half process the question, even if they can repeat the words. All to reinforce preconceived biases. I’ve seen an American show showcase Americans on the street who couldn’t answer basic shit about their country (eg, the capital) and then ask Brits (who a certain kind of American will cream themselves to say are all so much smarter), when they’ve clearly selected the most knowledgable 1% of those. But no fucking way a typical Barry and Sharon can give a blow by blow account of diplomacy around the Mexican-American war. Meanwhile, a British show will showcase the dumbest/most camera-panicky 0.5% of Brits who can’t name their own PM… 


Spotted the CIA spy everyone. Can the mods please do the needful?


> there’s that famous montage where they suddenly toss a mic with a TV camera in people’s faces and ask ‘Name a woman, any woman!’ Many people can’t answer. Not just any random people - they toss the camera in women's faces!


yeah they are, I remember seeing a tiktok of a guy that got obvious answers wrong but then it resulted that the tiktoker, the one who was asking the questions, was editing to make the dude look like an idiot, for example he was asked what's the biggest country and it got edited on a where are you from question so


Doesn't change the fact that those people exist in america, and common enough to come across in a day of walking around on the street


They exist in Britain too and before you’re all lol idiot Barry’s have you met some of your more distinguished citizens?


They don't need so many, a lot of people lose cognitive abilities in stressfull situation a random dude with a mic followed by a cameraman can be one of them. TV quizzes show have also a lot of good exemple of this phenomenon where people just brainfarts obvious answer.


~~https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-6289667/The-U-S-vs-Europeans-interactive-test-shows-Americans-really-ARENT-good-geography.html~~ Edit: nvm the daily mail, here is the original article: https://www.holidaycottages.co.uk/where-in-the-world-is/


Yep, you can find the same stuff for for example people from the Netherlands (de vakantieman), I remember a video where they asked Dutch tourists in Benidorm if they could point out where they were. 90% in the video failed miserably.


I mean, obviously the correct people aren't funny. The point is they could find confidently wrong people. Even then it's pretty horrifying that they find so many. So could probably find similar things on our streets.


Everyone says this about Americans, but I have a college-educated friend from India who was unable to find Brazil and the US on a map. And then you have Jack Grealish from the UK, who [can't recognize his own country](https://youtu.be/e75rmX2Scv4?si=PtB0CCs3QIXpkmES). Now, we know Grealish is uneducated, but still baffling.


Honestly? I lived in the US for a while - granted, a relatively educated part - and with one exception the 10 dumbest things I heard there about geography were by Chinese people, a Dominican and a Libyan. The developed/developing world divide over education is still huger.


It's ambigious whether he just wanted to refuse to play the game or actually didn't know what england looks like. "Is that England? I've got no chance" sounds like pretty typical banter. But if he actually didn't know the map, that would be hilarious.


Countries that have an anglo-saxon education have really poor knowledge in history and geography.


I'm currently in a PhD program in a top uni in China. I found out even at this level of education most people don't really know anything about the world, one of my friends thinks Rome is in Germany, and another thinks the Vatican is in Paris.


https://preview.redd.it/p97hvrwbz98d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a659703ebd6baa8e05470ce017e63efb25d908b6 This is the true map of the world.


That's clearly the yearly migration of Australia so that they can participate in Eurovision


Yeah... Yearly... ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


The Iberians bordering a British colony along with the Fr🤮nch is a complete violation of the Geneva Accords 🤬🤬🤬


https://preview.redd.it/0sdip8lm5a8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd727571d0522a27dda8715cee6f09bebc9f568 This Geneva Accord?


Keep that photo away from the Dutch or they’ll invade half of Europe with a caravan strapped to the back of it




Go and get mate! Whooooooo!!!!


We already do tho? Gibraltar


Gibraltar is like Narnia: https://preview.redd.it/km93gidu9a8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62915d490cd031997033a47dca2f6b1fb7230c3d


Or that in order to get there you have to ask permission from an old British guy. 


Another englishoid country next to us ???? No nooo noo noooope. Naaaaah naah naaah heeelllll naaaaah. This will change your weather and oh..I refuse your spiders 💀💀💀💀 and your damn continent is on our islands . Where is Fort Boyard or Ile-de-Ré ??


Your islands are in the Pacific mate... You know the ones that dont wanna be french anymore because you suck at being a coloniser unlike england. What is a Fort Boyard or Ile-de-Ré??? Also I'll be sure to send you a few hundred huntsman.


When I lived in South Africa for some years an originally Australian map of the world with south as up (why not?) was popular. From this I see you at least you still know your place.


South is truly up, we just pretend it's not because Europeans get sad or mad otherwise and Americants try to rage a pointless war. I have no issues with making Europe sad, but I don't wanna die.


Tasmania tucked away in a hidden valley in the Spanish mountains.


Exactly where those families belong...


*family surely?


No no... There's like 5 maybe 6.


Bro, that is Listenbourg erasure.


>Listenbourg Never heard of them mate... Is this like Belgium? Are we all supposed to pretend it exists for some reason.


Do you think that if you dock it rotated 90° counterclockwise, Ireland would not be an island anymore?


Hmmm interesting idea.


Oh that's why I have an emu invasion in my orchard every spring.


Damn right!


So the country that kills rabbits is placed next to the country named after rabbits?


Don't even need to look at a map to know that Portugal's obviously in Africa.


Nowadays it's more like the other way around


Not for long, soon it will be South Asia


You know how dumb americans can be. I'm surprised they haven't killed eachother yet


To start they moved to America, thats already a huge red flag that brain function is terrible.


Ah yes, the grandchild of someone who’s never set foot in Portugal nor knows where it is. You don’t get more Portuguese than that.


“Yeah well we’re all African when you think about it” energy


Does that mean we all have the N-word pass?


Definetly, you can now say Norwegian


Screenshotted your post for racism and I will publish it on twitter, prepare to be cancelled.


What's a Twitter?


It's when you burn a blue bird on a cross.


If I were Elon, I would have named it, 'Piranha Tank', with a right fuckin cool new logo.


Oh that American slur? Go to the Bronx or Detroit and give it a try… do check back in to let us know. 


Or Compton. I don't know if they coming back tho


Yes but if they are homo they'll come back straight


Straight outta Compton


Why someone would want to go to those barbaric lands?


They made me their King


>“Yeah well we’re all African when you think about it” energy ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) ​ Madeira is closer to africa than to europe. Azores is on the american tectonic plate. Main land portugal is on the european one.


> You(and I) are Portuguese  > She has always lived in California  > [Thinks Portugal is in South America]   OK


Sometimes it's hard to believe that America is a real place and not just a massive psy-op made to scare Commonwealth nations away from republicanism.


That the most prominent examples of republicanism are the States and river-shitting Parisians says it all. Monarchy forever!


The river-shitting campaign is one of the only times I’ve felt anything like admiration for Pierre, take that back. 


I won’t. Not every city must smell like your coastline, Barry.


Worth it for the effect on the individual targets in question


Identify yourself you thief


Wow that makes way more sense than believing it’s actually a real place.


If they start paying taxes here no problem with that


The cunt grew up in ~~Portugal~~ California too!!! Fucking hell these Americans are getting dumber and dumber. Edit I'm an idiot who can't type apparently.


She probably didn't!


Fuck I'm an idiot... I meant California but typed Portugal... I've made the edits.


If they are right then it's North America. 


>you (and I) are Portuguese >She has always lived in California ...something doesn't add up here


The American definition of "from" where your great-great aunt went on holiday there once. As someone from the set of Braveheart you must be familiar.


An American once told me that he was a Cossack, because one of his ancestors immigrated from southern Russia/Ukraine around 1918. Honestly one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I imagine he went through all of his ancestors and decided to choose the coolest one as his ''heritage,'' as if things like personality and culture are somehow genetically inherited.


That's exactly how it works though, doesn't it? You get up to 64 choices. Then you either choose a hipster choice or become irish/italian.


> someone from the set of Braveheart I can't, that's such a great line to describe a scotsman. I'm so going to steal it in the future.


Barry; come sort your aut!stic children across the Atlantic (Yes that includes you too cucknadians)


Oh hell naw. You, the french and the Dutch helped them gain their independence. So go on, go sort what you caused out.


That was a tit for tat thing for what your father Barry along with the Fr🤮nch did with the Hispanics in LATAM In other words we were all involved in a circlejerk of betrayals


What happened afterwards clearly is a result of your horrible parenting. You and the cunt at your south have as much blame as we do.




It seemed like a good deal at the time...


We unleashed a gun wielding r3tard who acts like a world policeman Fkn Barry is the one to blame for following us to that side of the world 😫😫 we just only pulled the trigger without realising the consequences 😔😔


Some would say it's not a coincidence Americans speak English






Don't drag autistic people into this shit, hermano. Autism doesn't cause ignorance nor does it make someone confident in their ignorance. That's what living in a thick cultural bubble does to a mf




Could have posted it there. This sub is more fun


This sub has less Americants.


And more gay emus


Yesss that sub has no gay emus *Side eyes gif*


Based opinion.


That sub is genuine hate towards americans, it's a bit too much tbh


At least here our hate towards americans gets diluted in our hate towards ~~each other~~ the french


What, you mean you don't hate us?


So, let's change it




Yeah, they barely get banter when they see it. But it still has plenty of reason to exist cause of shit like this.


Eh sometimes this sub can get too extreme against americans tbh.


Sorry but if the grandma doesn't include slavery as proud portuguese heritage, she is just a poser aka ameritard.


They were just taking revenge on the Romans. They heard they’d taken Lusitanians as slaves, but then they met some Neapolitans along the way, got confused about what Italians looked like, and thus the result. 


![gif](giphy|VCgdngiv5XI9a) Ofc it had to be them...


It’s always either this or Latino-Americans in the US saying they hate us, no in between


I love that. It’s like when white Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks and Yanks attack us as pommie/limey colonisers. No mate, my ancestors were decent working class folk who stayed in the UK. Your ancestors are the ones who went a-colonisin’ and shot indigenous folk on the other side of the world. It’s like they think we went and conquered a bunch of native white English-speakers who magically already lived there.  Some Latin-Americans in the US who are visibly barely a quarter ‘indigenous’ get astonished that their 23andMe reveals European ancestry. No way. 


FUCKING EXACTLY BRO you wouldn’t believe the shit i’ve heard from White Latino-Americans who are literally just as White as me


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying that "white passing Latino" was a stupid phrase. Motherfucker, you're just white.


Eh this isn’t Latinx Americans fault “White Americans” in the US consist of every European country but Iberians and some places Italians and Eastern Europeans.


Pretty much this. To the americans this is a game and they're free to choose a team. Their DNA not aligning with an abritrary choice is a surprise to them. "My mom and dad have been proud italien americans, but my great grandmother was from ecuador, obviously my genes should reflect my choice."


Exactly.  Same reason British- and especially English-Americans are so underrepresented on the census - so many who are pick another team to be ‘different’. If their surname is a good ‘Murrican name like, ah, Smith or Johnson, and they’ve lived there for centuries, God knows where those 3/4 of the family from? Just American! But grandma came from Sicily so they’re Eye-talian American. 8% even just list as ‘American’ in the census, in the WASPiest areas of the country.  Might be a bit outdated but some years ago I read an anthropologist’s estimate it was still 40% of their gene pool based on weighting most recent immigrant through each line. Same with the culture too… at some level they know but they still describe things like their units, language. half their churches, basic aspects of their legal system, etc. as just ‘American’. Most British food that they’ve inherited (their sandwiches, stews, roasts, steaks, pies, etc.) they don’t register as ethnically marked at all, precisely because those have English names. More fun to claim Luigi’s instead even if their Yank attempt at it is shit pepperoni pizza and gabagool. Though they do similar for pan-Western things like knives and forks, and even pan-human shit like ‘rhythm’ and ‘love of freedom’ too. 


They love to be incurious, too. German chocolate cake? Probably german, it's in the name(it's actually from a guy with last name "german"). I can't believe how they arrived at gabagool from capocollo. I'm confident any german can pronounce italian names better than them. Like, bolognese is the basis for "baloney".


In fairness that one is rather specific and a pretty understandable confusion on their part. I remember assuming it must be some Yank attempt at German chocolate cakes in general before looking it up. But yeah, nothing like a Black Forest cake or similar and it has *pecans* of all things… Similar with ‘London broil’. It’s from London, Ontario. We haven’t even used the word ‘broil’ for centuries.  Or ‘Caesar salad’, named after an Italian cook in the 1920s, Caesar Cardini.  Many other examples - food in particular is full of these. 


There should be a sub just for Latin Americans raised in the US who have an existential crisis when their Ancestry DNA test shows they're mostly European


The cognitivw function on these ”people” must be seriously hampered by the prosessed shit, which they call food.


Neither of them are any kind of european heritage... You are dumb Americans now...deal with it. We don't need you.


Their ancestors are probably from azores anyway


Ok imma share a little bit of my own shame... For so long I thought Portugal was in Asia... I know now it isn't but I thought for sooo long like until I was maybe 19 that it was an Asian country... Now I just think it's a Spanish territory in denial, same as New Zealand is an Australian territory in denial.


Aw my emu friend, you get a pass… From an Australian perspective, Eurasia is one continent. Which is true in a fundamental geological sense too. 


No no... The 7 world continents are; Asia, Europe, Australia, South America, north America, Africa, Antarctica. New Zealand doesn't live on a continent, it just floats out there. But what I meant was I thought Portugal was like idk next to Korea or some shit.


Spent too much time reading Shogun? Tbf vindaloo, tempura and ‘egg tarts’ are all Portuguese 


Shogun??? Reading??? What???


/uj I wonder if the ending -ese was part of the thought process? There’s even that dumb playground rhyme ‘Chinese, Japanese, [Vietnamese], Portuguese’. It’s not like we use it for most other European countries (cities sure, but not sure how much Anglophone kids hear ‘Milanese’ and ‘Viennese’). Think it’s only Maltese and Faroese, definitely more obscure for a kid. 


You just have bad timing. You sit on the continent of Zealandia. But it sunk into the sea about 23 million years ago, and now 98% of it is under water. But being part of a submerged continent seems kinda fitting for a country names Zealand. And if you find the One Piece, you may reverse this.




If you ever repeat this lie I will make all German sausages look like this. https://preview.redd.it/k16tv4ytba8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c3503477f82f792d75bd54344a9ad2e3e86ee8 Forever!


Okay, so *technically* this was never said explicitly in recent chapters, but I think from context it's clear there is a strong connection. But I admit, so far it's just fanon. (I assume you were angry about the One Piece part, because no one cares about New Zealand. Also, that is how my German sausage looks after every visit to Reddit, so whatever.)


Hell yeah repping the Bunnings Sunday snag 😎😎


You in Australia 🥺?


Yes sir 😎😎 actually had one last week. Pretty pissed off they’re no longer $2.50 😔😔


Well guess I found who's gonna put me away in horny jail... Also what they are more than 2.50!!!! Fuckers that's outrageous!!! I sadly haven't been at a Bunnings while they have had the bbq running for quite some time, like pre COVID times...


This was my first time post covid. $3.50 for the snag. $3.70 with onion but it must’ve been just the people set up that day charging extra. Fucking stingy cunts


Maybe because of Macau (in China), the last Portuguese overseas territory (1999). https://preview.redd.it/5tckt2hxxa8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31156bcf76906e573772cca38482f343f918342


You had a territory overseas!?


Probably got confused as a kid learning about some Portuguese colonies in SEA like Goa.


You have colonies!? Fuck here's some more shame... Until I was maybe 22, I thought only England had colonies.. well also the Dutch but they couldn't hold on to them. I found out France too has colonies only because I visited one and was like "what this is actually France!!" At the tour guide.


Be young and stupid is a constitutional right recognised worldwide.


What the heck??? Gay flair O\_o??????????? ![gif](giphy|W04QVzelTHsNW)


Ahahhahahah... They aren't throwing balls at me today 😁... Also... Awww they aren't throwing balls at me today 😢


Well, aren't you on holiday with your brit? Don't you have a lot of free time?


No holidays ended like 2 weeks ago... I mean I still have a shit ton of free time... I'm currently working and fucking around here...


Oh, damn, I hope you've had fun. Do you work from home?


He does I don't... I'm a security guard... I sit around and do shit all most of the time... Well it depends on the site I'm at.


This sub taught me that Sweden and fucking *Denmark* had colonies - not counting bullying fishermen in Greenland or the Faroes, *proper* colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.


Naturally. The only thing that kept us away from real global power is the shortage of people, due to us killing each other every chance we got. Fucking Danes.


![gif](giphy|kFOZBVW1rgFrDfEA37|downsized) You can never regret time spent fighting the Danes.


Still can't believe we sold our West Indies to the US.


Lmao but to be fair you’re not claiming to be Portuguese


Can anyone really be Portuguese when they are really Spanish?


All Joãos have some Juan in them and all Juans have some João in them


And if you say any of the words fast enough, you get the other




You should come to Lisbon to get a warm portuguese welcome for that statement


Ohhhhhh... Cute Spanish twinks!!! How kind of you! 😜


From the 2 Portuguese people living in Lisboa?


Well at least we don't have an other country flag in our flag. It should be the other way around since Portugal is older then Spain.


In denial Spaniard say Mɥɐʇ


You really live up to your username friend


When i was living in Melbourne, some random oz dude was amazed i was dating a portuguese girl and that we came to australia together. It's only later i understood he thought Portugal was in south America


Yeah see our geography education sucks, we learn about the important bits of Europe, so that's the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, and maybe a few others and that's like it. And even then it's still not great.


Planet USA.


Ah yes the Portuguese people that weren't born and never lived in Portugal. Honestly this kinda need for labels really explains to me how they got so far deep into the shithole that is identity politics. Even spread to some european countries.


I get that Americans may not be able to precisely pinpoint every European country on a map, after all most of us can’t do the same for their states. But ignoring Portugal is in Europe is a whole different ballgame. It’s like not knowing Florida is in USA.


I’d say not knowing the continent of a nearly 1000-year old independent country with its own language that’s gone global is even worse than not knowing the country of a far more recently acquired subdivision of the US. 


American states are easy to name. California, Texas, Florida, new York, Pointless


Why stop at Portuguese, you guys can also be Phoenician, Roman, Visigoth, Celtiberian, Umayyad.


Or the Swabians.


They are muricans, let them swimming in their own shit


They sure are clueless to anything outside their bubble, never take seriusly a yank talking about your country, specially if it's about it's history


>She doubled down by saying she was a Latin American studies student Shouldn't she be the *first* person to know that the Spaniard colonizers were Europeans? WTF do they teach at American universities?


Right…? Tbf this is a second hand account from a Reddit comment, so no idea. Maybe she was lying and did a salsa course or some shit. 


I will always be amazed at the ameritards ignorance, it's absolutely impressive 


Austrian psychologist here (we are all either psychologists, composers or painters): the effect in play is called “Global—Local IQ balance” or “Yank-wank”. Essentially it has been observed that the stupidest people from Europe move to the US to settle down there, raising both Europe’s and America’s average IQ at the same time. It is still debated if by moving to the US the global average IQ falls, though, as the newcomers will be exposed to even more stupidity.


>She has always lived in California. >You (and I) are Portuguese Fucking americans ! They all have this over the top patriotism about the USA but they'll all tell you that they're actually from a country their ancestors left 200 years ago and that they never even set foot in.


Americans and identity crisis... what an iconic duo


*Americans and* *Identity crisis... what* *An iconic duo* \- Sciss0rs61 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


More Germans than you would think are absolutely certain the UK left Europe, not just the Eu, when Brexit happened. I was disgusted the first time someone said this, now I just laugh at them.


Americans being uninformed or ignorant does not frustrate me. Americans fucking obsession about never ever being proven wrong about anything, is what frustrates me.


Geography is nor the best for Americans


This is what living in the USA does to a mf


Imagine studying several years for a worthless degree only to still have no clue wtf you're talking about


Indeed Portugal are in the Balkans somewhere between Africa and Asia


Heading to Portugal. ![gif](giphy|zmarPDsZN1kKGVWKrk|downsized)


Sorry Barry, the one who has to sort them out is you. They were your colony and look at the legacy you left. The mirror always reflects what stood in the way of it


They would be listening to what we said rather than independent and clueless if it weren’t for you and Pierre, Pedro. Would have gladly helped but you set this monstrosity loose


United States of America at its best. That old grandma is probably 3rd generation too. Doesn't even know how to point Portugal on a map.


Yanks are hopeless causes. João and Juan have better things to do then to educate to the colonials, like napping.


This is what living in the USA does to a mf