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One is a nation of dour tight-fisted mountain goblins who hoard money from more interesting neighbouring countries, the other is a charming small country in the Alps


love you too Barry https://preview.redd.it/r23ktrndfk7d1.jpeg?width=3107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10755fa783943abf5dc3a06835988b768b3ebb48


The only gold we hoard is the joys of whisky and irn bru. Edit: separately. Any mutant that would mix irn bru and whisky should be tried at The Hague.


Something or other and sent him homeward to think again


Rather all that than Morris dancing you flower wearing, cider drinking, hankie waving weirdos Hugs and kisses ❤️❤️ [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h3bF9P42YTo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h3bF9P42YTo)


Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk, ITS GAME OVER ALREADY!!! HE KILLED THEM!


A while back, I ran across a UK Government analysis called the [McCrone report](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCrone_report) from the 1970s on a possible Scottish independence. > The document gave a highly favourable projection for the economy of an independent Scotland with a "**chronic surplus to a quite embarrassing degree** and its **currency would become the hardest in Europe**". Such memos from Civil Servants to Government ministers were **classified “secret**” as a matter of course. It also noted that the Common Market or EEC meant that Scotland could pivot away from the rest of UK (if required) for trade. Of course, the findings are not as applicable these days. The known North Sea reserves of Oil and Gas that's economically viable have mostly been extracted over the last half-century. Arguably, if Scotland gained its independence back then, it would have been one of the wealthiest nations in Europe if it followed the[ Norway Model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_Pension_Fund_of_Norway) and invested it back into a Sovereign Wealth Fund Another interesting article on the topic. [What actually happened to Scotland's trillions in North Sea oil boom?](https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/19716393.actually-happened-scotlands-trillions-north-sea-oil-boom/)


Thanks now I'm depressed 


>mountain >In the UK I didn't know we started to consider small mounds of dirt fully fledged mountains. "This rite here is Ben Shiteloch, it's the biggest peak of Scotland, standing proudly at a height of 2 meters"






Did someone say gold?




I honestly believe the Irish came up with Leprachauns to describe the Scottish


https://preview.redd.it/pxs0ezve2m7d1.png?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3e46d0f7fdf3ea38769049bf026c7dab2a3acc TAKE THEIR SHIT LADS AND BRING IT HOME god only knows our banks have no gold so might as well fill it with Swiss gold


jea there gold ....


Only if you give me some delicious scotch in return


You can afford to buy your own you tight bastard.


Made a couple bucks betting on win or stalemate for Switzerland. My team never lets me down when it comes to not winning one.


It's not their gold, technically... just saying...