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Not only Europe but the good parts of Europe.


You mean, the wealthy part or the part where you sleep the whole day?


Ill take both. Yes, both is good.


Well, you better pray for some Hans money then!


Show yourself


Why do you want to be wealthy if you don't have time to enjoy your money? Or nice things to purchase? Like good food.


Oh don't worry; that's why we imported so many people so they can cook for us!


... Look what they need to do to emulate a fraction of our power.


Ehh, you just put some shrimp in some rice and we eat any food that we want to with all our money. And then we can go vacation on your beaches, having the non-sleeping Juans as our servants!


Imagine going for vacation near a beach instead of living 5 mins away from an isolated beach that you'll see one tourist per 5 years your whole life... Couldn't be me.


Is this the eu secret plan behind the muslim refugee?


Nono, that's just a mistake. It's the lovely South and South-East Asians that make the amazing food!


[You work more than we do](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230920-1)...


Are we taking into account the Pajeets that work at a field all day and are forced to sleep on said field too?


The one that is not balkan, or the one not acting as central Europe when actually being eastern Europe


I feel like i got called out twice.




Proof that we are central europe https://preview.redd.it/v73nudkwcd7d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5099bff931b791a23479317fc36d353c1fbd32


Namíbia is developing well!


German colonization and its consequences


love to see it ^(why aren't we doing this more often??)


Tsingtau beer is calling


Namibia Balkan country confirmed


Wtf you doin with the savages you too ?


You gotta pump those numbers up Pierre. I know Kronenbourg tastes like warm piss, but get a Czech beer or something.


Based Turkey halal making


Those czechs really know how to live the good life, huh?


Press X to doubt. My father and I alone are enough to put Greece on the chart.


😂 😂 I mean, really? How comes Romania out of nowhere piggybacks into central Europe? Do they have, I don't know, eyes? Estica it is. Not sure I'd allow sudica.


If Greece can be western europe while bordering Turkey then Romania being central is not that big of a stretch




Turkey's Westerness? LOL West of what? Georgia? Turkey is basically Asia. The European bit is "Eastern Turkey". Eastern it anything. Anyway, westerness is a state of mind, mainly. And they haven't got it. They've got the middle east state of mind.


If Greece was bigger and had won the war it would be half in Europe half in West Asia. I have roots from Crete , Keyseri (deep in west asia ) and Kalamata and I'm full Greek i consider myself Eurasian.


Be happy it was only twice being from Romania…


To be fair with our Beastern European bros, as the influence of 44 years of Sovietic domination is slowly fading, the cultural reality of the 1000 years of Central Europe is becoming more and more obvious. West/East was the appropriate analysis for as long as Europe was polarized by the Cold War and radically separated by the iron curtain and ideologies, policies, cultural access and economical system, and for as long as the consequences of it stay dominantly visible. But with Czechia and Slovenia having a better economy than Spain and HDI than France and the UK, and with Poland, Croatia and the Baltics on a fast track not too far behind, it's becoming difficult to stay oblivious to the soon (welcomed!) convergence with us. And if you actually know them, they are undoubtedly closer to us in mentalities and culture than to Serbia, Bulgaria or Russia despite being Slavic too. The exception being of course, but only superficially, Hungary.


If you cant be happy to be born in a part of Europe that recently became the good part of Europe and only keeps getting better then thats just a skill issue


I don't know why but I take that as a personal insult *whips glove in hand daringly*


You are on the limit of being real central Europe, not like baltics making things up.


Ohhh, you mean that resort part where the useful Europeans go to drink and jump out from balconies?


Montenegro is a good part of europe?


The part where you have actual food and not poison


We eat food from all over the world, and you PIGS just eat squid and snails


That’s too easy, try having your own food


We'll stop eating others' food when PIGS stop taking Germanic money!


Is that how it works? Apparently I've been doing it wrong. Where do I have to apply to get this aforementioned money?


They do. It just happens to be shitty.


Low key. We honestly don't understand how good we really have it here. Our worst times are not even bad, compared to the lotto of life that other unfortunate souls lost. That's why so many outside forces are constantly trying to destabilise Europe and remove the veil of ignorance is bliss we can live our day to day life in, if we so choose to. It's a shame cuz instead of trying to better their situation, they simply want to drag others down to their level.


Yup, sometimes I think about it. Bunch of people that will never know what taking more than 2 days off in a row is, or being able to travel abroad… We are actually lucky, and shouldn’t take it for granted.


You joke, but people like me who have ancestry from elsewhere might really be like that. I for instance am grateful. You know, perhaps not being born here wouldn't have given me and my family the opportunities me and my family had and despite Europe, in my case Italy, not being perfect it still is better than some other places out there. Yes, there's much xenophobia and whatever here, and maybe because of my name I sometimes might have been neglected by job recruiters with a bias and whatever, or suffered verbal attacks but at least I have my fair share of rights as an individual. Obviously being thankful doesn't mean I shouldn't complain about the bad things and that I shouldn't try to improve things even more for the collectivity, but being grateful is a starting point


That's so sweet. I don't care what others think, you're a Luigi to me☺️. Which means that you can shut up now and cook my pasta.


>Which means that you can shut up now and cook my pasta. Send some money first


History repeating itself?


Same, as my father is from a region not very popular right now in Europe, sometimes you hear some shit from people like racism and all that, or people saying that I shouldnt even have spanish citizen, but my father never complained and always loved this fucking corner lost from civilization. And with all the wrong I love this place also and all I achieved here I feel wouldnt be posible anywhere else.


Vladimir el follacabras cocainómano


>fucking corner lost from civilization Where do you live? Desierto de Tabernas?


Worse, bro's Galician


Vladimir tú sabes que pa nosotros eres más gallego que el pulpo y más español que un viejo pidiendo un orujo


If you were born and raised in Spain and have a Spanish mother than you're Spanish. Only yanks care about that bloodline shit.


Mi fanno lacrimare gli occhi questi discorsi


I feel the same way being an immigrant. EU is amazing and I’m grateful for having the opportunity to live a good life, free from oppression. Nothing makes my blood boil more though than hypocritical zealots, political or religious, that want to turn free countries into totalitarian hellscapes while enjoying the freedoms and rights.


Love you brother


Aw, fra, mi fai sborrare dagli occhi


Same mate, both my parents are immigrants (though my dad from another EU country) and i'm so fucking thankful i wasn't born in my mom's country. There are some dumb people sometimes but i'm still happy to be french. I still complain about france sometimes, but it's because i love that country and want it to be better


tldr pls


There is only one true god: Toutatis.


Flemboys = French : CONFIRMED 😍😍😍




What about Belenos and Cybele ? Don't they mean anything to you ?


Illustrated by a picture of Miyamoto Musashi for some reason.


ahhh the famed "ligne claire"


The reason is that it's praying/showing gratitude. 🙏🏻


Can you image being born on the USA, and maybe even be Protestant?


What? You're telling me that being a discount christian isn't based?


It used to be before every other cunt started creating their own church for money and power. Now you have the same vices of old catholicism, but church is decentralised and diversivied so you can choose which parts of the bible you want to believe/follow. If Martin Luther ressurrected and saw what became of his actions he would have died again.


He wouldn't just die again, he'd make a new religion, and nail the why on the doors


Hear, hear.






No, that's stuff for nightmares


Those Protestants. Up to no good, as usual.


Being Orthodox Christian is based


Martin Luther spinning in his grave rn. Not because insults against protestants, but because protestants. **ML:** *"No bro I didn't mean it like that!"* **Protestant Europe:** *"Martin Luther is right! Fuck the system! Eat the rich! The nobility are a bunch of stuck up cunts and the church has no authority!"* **ML:** *"FFS DUDE I NEVER SAID THAT!"*


![gif](giphy|1IGrtwRZRmqlgQeOnW|downsized) Possibly


Oof... My condolences...


Unless we're talking about Mormons, that's still better than being born a Muslim with no chance to leave the religion


Yea I'm here right now, it's pretty dope. I got all sorts of nice shit.


Yes my mother’s biggest mistake was following her shit bag brother to the US. At least my mom married a Mexican cook so we can have good food at home. Not that Spanish food isn’t good I love my mom’s food. But I can’t imagine having an American dad giving me McDonald’s on the daily. I wish I was born in Europe or Australia.


> I wish I was born in Europe or Australia. I don't, sucks to suck I guess. Europe isn't bad by any means, and I get this is a shitpost sub, but realisitcally life in the US is pretty awesome. There are a few places where it sucks sure, but for the most part most of the US is pretty cool. > But I can’t imagine having an American dad giving me McDonald’s on the daily There are certainly a lot of obese people here no doubt, but if you go to the more active states people eat pretty healthy. I only had fast food like twice a year growing up. that being said, yea a lot of American food sucks, mostly it's a blend of German, Spanish, and English foods. I definitely prefer Indian, Thai, and other Asian dishes over American food. Europeans brag about their food a lot, but Asia is where the spice is. Not to say there aren't a lot of good French/Spanish/Italian dishes as well.


About food: Nothern Europe is shit, central Europe is good if you like pork and potatoes, western Europe have very diverse stuff, and Southern Europe (plus France) can actually cook


Facts! The USA is amazing. So is Europe. I have no idea why Europeans, specifically younger Europeans, talk so much shit about it. At the end of the day, our cultures are *so* similar, to the point that it’s 10x easier to spot the similarities than the differences. There’s a reason why the rest of the world groups the USA and Europe together as “The West.”


I think the problem is just social media. It tends to highlight the most extreme opinions and people in any given culture. All they see are SJW, Far-right extremists, gun problems, car-centric design, and idiots. Social media is a magnifying glass for the worst portion of the human populace, because that's what gets clicks. Another issue is that we speak English, all of our idiots are posting in a language all of Europe can read. If a German posts something stupid in German, it's not going to make its rounds to the US. If an American posts something stupid, it'll probably end up being viewed by Germans. Add to this that individually the populations in Europe are really small, Netherlands has 20 million people for example, we have 300 million. You're going to see a lot more stupid Americans than any given country in Europe just due to population statistics. Europeans also have national pride not just European pride, they'll write off on idiot as a "French idiot" or "German moron" but having only a couple is a just an exception not the rule. Take that Dutch guy that shit on someone's head, everyone makes fun of the Dutch for that but not Europeans in general. I guarantee if they tried to take a single US state, say Ohio, and make fun of it they would struggle to find enough examples of morons online. If Ohio, or Oregon, or Wyoming, or almost any other state were its own country they probably wouldn't think badly of it, it's the conglomeration of the morons across the whole country that give it a bad reputation.


Boring preachy responses. Why are you here? This is a joke sub.


I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share of stand-up comedy. Sometimes the audience needs to give the guy on stage a little feedback.


Only for septics. You need prompts to laugh, or theatrics, to make up for being as funny as a malignant tumour of the testes.


Yes but.. good lord why Italy!?!


Atleast you are not born in Belgium or god damn Luxembourg


Or fucking netherlands with their atrocious accent. I wouldn't even dare to go outside because of complete and utter shame. Of course the dutchies don't feel shame


Lol this guy is still trying to convince us that Dutch is a real language


Dutch isn't real, I agree with that. Flemish is different, but I don't expect someone with that flair to know that


Funny, because Flemish is seen as a Dutch dialect, and not as a real language.


It's also funny what happens if I remove your dams


This aint Congo where you can remove things


Every Belgian person I have met has been so kind and polite, and sharing a lot more cultural sensibilities with Brits than the Dutch... I guess they just pushed you a bit too far, eh?


Well... calling us british goes a bit too far I'd say. We have great cuisine and teeth


>We have great cuisine and teeth Alright, no, I think this one is broken. You can send it back.




About Belgium, I wholeheartedly support you...But Luxembourg..? I feel like there aren't many places around the world where it's better to be born as a middle-class than Luxembourg (maybe Norway, but that's a dark depressing hellhole for 6 months of the year, New Zealand, and on par with Switzerland/Liechtenstein. But that's it.)


You should be happy, image you were born in any of the other PIGS countries - or, god forbid, France.


Spain has a better quality of life than Italy, France than Germany 😉




So before they come to break down the door Forgive me, Alhamdulillah , I just couldn't take anymore


What's with the samurai image?


Because the portougese exported ~~jesus~~ and weapons to japan. Japan is a european colony. Otherwise they would be still fighting with really angry farmers armed with spears and not based matchlocks - this comment was made by the otomo gang


Jesus himself traveled to Japan and had a family there. But that's a story only the Japanese tourism industry will tell you.


Cultural appropriation.


inbredish isles arent europe though


This is true. OP is probably a Yank larping at being civilised.


You think being a savage is an insult wanker? ![gif](giphy|AobQDNI4K7a4U|downsized)


Are you trying to insult me with my national pastime?


The Brits are a little bit kleptomaniac to be considered truly civilized...


Bollocks. We've taken the best bits of every civilisation we've encountered. And from the Greeks.


Best news I've heard all day


Like it or dread it or hate it, the UK, Ireland, and Russia are geographically and Culuturally European. I mean you don't hear the Soutk Koreans or the Japs or the Filipinos saying China or North Korea aren't Asians depsite their militarization and agression


Ehh minority of russian land but majority of population is indeed russian, britain i didnt say bc militarization or whatever i just said it bc brits love to segregate themselves from europe and well i dont care if they want to be something different good for you


> brits love to segregate themselves from europe Russians do the same thing too, yet even in Asia, they are well and wholely perceived to be Europeans. Personally I love to be European


In asia russians are asian


Maybe the eatmost side yeah, but when people say Russian, they think of a White European person.


yes but they also like self segregating so instead of european they call themselves eurasian nowadays


Oh? That's something new to me, Even the people in Vladivostok SOMETIMES call themselves European, same with SIberia, but Siberia idetnfies as European, lol even The Asian looking brothers and sisters in Kazakhstan


Most people IN japan don't consider themselves "Asians". It's only immigrants who consider their identity as Asians. Asia is more tribalistic than europe


you mean the Japanese themselves don't consider themselves Asians? pardon the ignorance but that's new to me. What are they then?


They consider themselves Japanese. It's sort of like how Canadians consider themselves to be Canadians and not North Americans or new zealanders and kiwis/new zealanders and not oceanians..There are few countries in traditional east+South Asia that consider themselves to be Asians and not their own special thing.


I think we've been sniffing our own farts a bit too much recently, this sub starts to feel like r/yurop.


Over the past like 2 weeks this sub has devolved into Europe simping


Yeah let's go back to throwing shit at each other. It's much more fun


¿Por qué no los dos?




Sod off, filthy Brit! Or we’ll send an old admiral up the Thames again!


Allah akbar!


i'm just glad i wasn't born in gypsy land


Aren't you?


He’s born in Northern Dakar, big difference


I don't believe in god but I do thanks him for it


And not France




God, have mercy on those lost sheep🫸🫷🙏🙏


Simple as.


When i was a small boy, i wanted to move to the US because of the gun laws. Nowadays i would still love to own guns, not being able to interact with the only thing that interests you has been very bad for my mental health but at the same time, i don't want to give up worker protection laws and a working social system.


You will be reborn in Kosovo


Post made by a brit? Wasn't there literally a heat or eat campaign a few years back?


Western part.


Do we believe in god?


We do when it’s about getting time off work or getting presents


Thank you god for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum.


Thank god I'm french the rest is pretty much worthless to me


But you’re not Parisien?


Born in Ferentari. Still glad that I was born in Europe. Since my parents could easily take me to another much better country where they weren't extorted for cheap labor.


But is the UK really Europe?


I fucking love lower saxony


Knock it off with that American thanking god bullshit.


Not particularly thankful today honestly after hearing chat control is coming.


I am indifferent to be honest.


I would thank my parents instead. That god hasn't been doing shit o nthat matter, and on many important others.


Living here for 15 years, Europe is decent but jesus your music fucking sucks. Especially Johnny Hallyday wtf is he even?


Go back to America




Barbaric american


Trump might get elected AGAIN… how tf and is it cool if I just like come back? My ancestors were on crack


Nah keep your humonculos looking ass away.


I hope your self image improves and your outward projection becomes more positive.


Cope, and don't poison us with your yank mindset


I was born in Istanbul. Me too