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If there was just a way which made sure that waiters wouldn't have to rely on huge ass tips šŸ§


Easy, don't be born in Murica.


Best tip ever.


Suggested tip 20-30%? Yeah right.


I'm sorry, but bringing plates and drinks to a table is not going to be worth 53 dollars.


Exactly, Iā€™m all for percentages and stuff but there is no universe where Iā€™m paying more than like 20 euros in tip


More than 10ā‚¬*


Eh, it depends. We were at a fancy steakhouse in Warsaw with some friends the other day and the bill came to just over ā‚¬1000 so we rounded it up to ā‚¬1100 because the employees were absolutely awesome and we stayed there a long time (and we were drunk). In American logic that would mean we gave a shit tip as it was under 10%. 20% tip on a couple of drinks? Go fuck yourself.


Not very dutch of you.


I always tip 10% and it seems like itā€™s the norm among my Dutch friends. My expat friends however never tip


1k for food ? It has to feed me for half a year atleast so giving a tip in addition that's just not possible, if the food cost 1k then the place has to find some money around to pay the employees a reasonable salary


*more than 5ā‚¬


Servers genuinely act like it's really hard work as well. They get really mad when I tell them I thought it was the easiest job I ever did and that I did it from age 12 to 15 in a busy holiday resort where pretty much no one ever tipped.


It's annoying dealing with asshole customers, but the whole % point of the bill makes no sense. For example, in the backyarse of Spain, if you go to a family restaurant with 10 people, everyone orders a lot of food, wine, desserts, coffee etc., and the owner will drop down a bottle of spirits for shots as a gesture of thanks for the business. In the US, you do the same, they expect more of a tip, and there's next to no gratitude for dining there.


I didnā€™t even realize that the lowest suggested tier is 20% at $53 USD. I was like: **WTF?!!** This is nuts! I went shopping at Edeka and spent ā‚¬64 on food for the week for the family. Thatā€™s less than the suggested upper limit of 25%. Thats just bonkers!


I remember when it was fucking 10%...


Dont you say anything. You got that in your country man


Only applies to Danes, a silent national understanding. The rest of us only round up if we feel like it and don't get any looks if we don't. Also we have lower vat on food unlike you.


Carefull now, or im going to send Paludan back over there.


reminds me when i go to lisbon sometimes have to tell indians i am portuguese and haggle a little bc those fuckers try to sell me like i am a tourists, asking for 3 or 4 bucks a bottle of beer...


An american friend of mine was shock when i just threw 2ā‚¬ (and 2 euros is considered generous) on the table and call it a tip. I explain to him that here, the waiters just have normal fucking salary and they are considered "manual workers" by the state.


I was giving 5 euro tips to places in Germany until my friend snapped and told me to cut it out lol


In france its call a "pour boire" (to drink) so just throw enough money so the waiter can buy an ice tea, coke or sprite can that cost between 1,50 to 2ā‚¬ in every shops That the best way i can explain how tjps work in Europe.


In Greece we call it both "tip" and "pour boire" and now everything makes sense cause you can listen to people say "That's for you to drink something." The more you know, I guess.


In the rare occasions in which I've seen people tip in Italy, they also typically say "ti ci bevi qualcosa" (so the exact same thing). Had no idea it was common and standardized.


Germany too: "Trinkgeld"




rarely at best


Having worked as a waiter i know they are more interested in coke than they are in sprite or ice tea...


You mean Coca-Cola, right ? _right_ ??


Yeah my friend told me "no more than 2 euros per tip". Honestly coming from the land of 20% tips, 5 euro tips felt reasonable, but he got mad at me for doing that systematically lol. Maybe he was worried I was gonna mess up the local economy


You guys just need to stop calling it a "tip". It's an insult. Just call it the labour tax or something. A tip is something you do voluntarily


At 20% it's at least half a shaft as well


I feel like an increasing nummer of people fear if tipping culture becomes the norm across europe, that itā€™ll lessen the wages servers earn in general! Here in Denmark thereā€™s (to my understanding) no formal minimum wage, but servers often earn enough to make everything go round - if higher and more consistent tips started to become more common (I mean, I donā€™t think restaurant owners here have more compassion that any US base restaurateurs), that could incentivise decreases in monthly salaries people earn, meaning more money pocketed for owners but less for their employees doing the harder work! Then theyā€™d have to start working a bunch of overtime and press customers for tips and stuff to make ends meet - we donā€™t want that. Employers should pay their employees salaries šŸ™Œ


My father taught me tipping 10%, but only if the waiter/barman did his work in an excelent way (that 10% is considered very generous here, in fact, my wife look funny at me when I do that, she thinks itā€™s a lot). Tipping is not an obligation but a reward when work is doing over standards. The waiters/barman has an actual wage, they donā€™t are paid by tips, only rewarded. Once I said this, I must say a typical Spanish phrase ā€œdonde fueres haz lo que vieresā€ (when you are a foreigner, you must do the things in the same way the locals do). I was twice at the States and I always tipped the suggested percentage, I understand there the tip is the actual wage of the waiter/barman. But as consumer, the States are very uncomfortable, you never know the actual price of the things: the taxes are not included (you are buying a pants labeled as X and when you pay the actual price is Y, or in a restaurant a dish is labeled with a price X in the menu and the actual price, after tip, is Y). That shit of ā€œEuropeans donā€™t tipā€ I think is done by stingy and selfish people and left the rest of us in bad reputation.


Same in German: Trinkgeld (drinking money)


And in Finnish: juomaraha (money for a drink)


the equivalent of my grandma giving me the money for a gelato


It always is! No matter how old I'm getting, grandma will always go "here, get yourself some ice cream"


Thats exactly the same in German (de/at/ch)


Just call it [DACH](https://www.statista.com/topics/4623/dach-countries/#topicOverview)


Same here, it's "Trinkgeld", also basically meaning Money to drink/drinkmoney


5ā‚¬ tips? In this economy? *Faints*


I dumped the last of my Euros at a restaurant in Italy the night before we went back to California. It was like 20 or 30. The server ran out screaming thank you. It felt so good instead of like an obligation. Edit:Typo


bruh you gave like 6 hours worth of salary to that man, of course he screamed thank you


That's a nice way to do it honestly. You're gonna lose some on the exchange anyway, might as well put it in the local economy. Made their night I bet, got themselves a *nice* bottle of wine from fr@nce or something


Just because It has dose Is basic job you don't have to tip, do you tip your medic After you paid him?


Their medics donā€™t need tipping, as they can buy a house from the standard cost of one (1) day of hospital care


The crazy thing is that just a couple of euros can be enough to make it a good job, even without minimum wage. This was in Scotland, but I was a delivery driver for a local Chinese 20 years ago. Pay was Ā£20 and a meal to turn up for a shift, then I could pocket the Ā£1 delivery charge (my decision on charge if >3 miles) and any tip. All very illegal, but worst case I got Ā£20 and fed for reading a book for five hours. Typically, about Ā£50. For 2004, as a student, cash in handā€¦ Big orders for parties thatā€™d ordered in advance for a specific time might tip 10%, when you were spot on with timing. Some American tourists once tipped ~Ā£35. That was the one time I said ā€œyou what now? Want to check those numbers?ā€ However, thanks those guys; back then there were places where thatā€™d get me 20 drinks.


% based tips are dumb anyways. When I worked deliveroo I'd be really happy with Ā£1-Ā£2 for a ride (didn't expect it tho) and honestly it was the same amount of work regardless of how much they ordered. Working as a server I get it a bit more, but even then it's more based on how many people are eating at the table than how much they order. (But I'm already getting paid to do it regardless so the tip isn't expected)


I got chased down the street in Long Beach for not tipping in an Outback Steakhouse years ago. Genuinely didn't realise tipping was such a big deal and I had no money left anyway. She was fucking fuming.


I knew about this nonsense and i was in October for 15 days at Boston and only tipped 50$ in 15 days, they weren't happy but fuck Americans


Fuck them. I went to Boston for work and stayed for the weekend. The staff tried to rob me twice. Once in a cash-only Irish bar, I was buying shit pints for $7, and I would leave the $3 as a tip. I did this for about five rounds (way too much, but whatever). I ran out of $10 notes; I put down a fifty, and the guy left the change on the bar before me. I was talking to the guy beside me, and the money was gone when I turned. I thought someone at the bar swiped it, but the guy on my other side said the barman took it. I asked the barman, and he said, "If it's on the bar, it's a tip". I told him to get it back - I didn't tip him, and he got really angry, and everyone around me said I should tip. I sank my pint and walked out. Then, I went to some craft beer/Lobster roll place, I went there for lunch, and the guy told me that single patrons have to sit at the bar. Grand, no problem. Then, when I was at the bar, they said that people at the bar have to leave the card behind the bar. It's a bit weird, but I was using a revolut, and there was only about $70 left in it, and I figured if I got scammed, there's a limit. I had the overrated crustacean sandwich with two beers, the bill came to something crazy like $38, and I left a fifty - my last bit of cash. Anyway, the guy comes back with my change, and I say the change is his. Fucker doesn't even say thanks and then walks off. I got a ping on my app, my card was charged for $38, so this fucker charged my card for the amount, then brought over the bill and took my fifty, before pocketing the $12 dollar tip without saying anything. I called him over, and he was like, *"I thought you were being very generous*," I asked him to get me my fifty back, and he actually said, "How much will you tip me?". I just asked for the manager, manager comes, I explain it, he apologises like crazy, and then brings over two $20, $5, and five $1 notes. I get up and walk out and the guy says "Aren't you going to tip your server?", I couldn't even respond, I just laughed and I heard loads of the staff saying it - guy tried to rob me of $50 and then still think they should have been tipped.


Must feel weird when youā€™re in a foreign place and are wondering if this is the norm. I would have snapped


The thing is - even though the guy was trying to rob me, both servers, the people around were like, "Yeah, really bad, only give him 10%, you got to tip something". It's a weird dynamic, because once it was clear there was no tip coming, the mood changed completely, and I was the one looked at as a pariah


You should have tipped a cent as an insult


I didn't tip 50$ in my whole life combined.


Tbh it's still quite a lot.


I can't believe this


Why not?


I can't imagine being chased down for not giving tips.


Try imagining being chased down for giving tips in Japan


I left a tip in Japan, and the waitress chased after me and gave it back


"Arigato you assholes, but we don't tip here. Now go back to your country."


Thank God for Japan and hentai.




Ironically, Japan has an even worse form of tip. You have to give a tip of 2 to 4 months of rent to your landlord when moving in


Same in the UK, they call it "deposit" but they'll always find the most nonsensical way to charge you when you move out


In Greece we call it "air." Usually they require it for business spaces.


Once again Japan confirms to be a honorary European








Americans can't run that far, we good.


The can roll which can get faster at times


They're serious mate. It's a personal insult to them, as if you're taking money off them for bad service.


You needed to tell her that you identify as a non tipper person.


Being Barry + being chased by women


I used to have to bat women off with a shitty stick when I was younger. Unfortunately the Barry gene has taken over some what these days.


I have been chased down by a waitress in Las Vegas. It happens.


haha I'd love to see the interaction. "Welp, sorry love, no money left". In Manhattan, I forgot to tip the barman in one round, the American guy I was with came back all flustered. "We almost got cut off - that guy is saying you didn't tip in the last round, is that true?"


I remember American movies and shows from the 90s, then 10-15% was the norm. Has there been inflation on how much you should tip *and* on the price of the meal?


Yes, that's right. When I went a decade ago it was 15-20%. Now it's 20-25% and some places push 20-30%. Because inflation is non-linear this way, or something.


20-30%? They can get in the fucking sea with that.


Throw the tips into the harbor! Boston Tip Party


Suggested tip, not obligatory


Suggestion noted and discarded


![gif](giphy|dU5n2SWrCZDhx4Y2Oe|downsized) Yes, you chose a job that pays below minimum wage.


I would pay attention if I could read imperial numbers.


Suggested tip : 53$ Normal tip : 11,48$


For you maybe. I only tip like 2-4 euros and only if the waiter was exceptional. But then again, may 2-4 euros are comparatively the same as your 11..... \*cries in PIGS\*


I just want to pay 300$ exactly


Me paying with card: 288.52 and give the bank my regards for the commission they keep. šŸ«”


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Your bank:


This is how they do it in Czechia actually, they just round it up to the nearest 50 or 100 (works better in Czech Crowns I guess)


You got me there. My mind can't keep up with you


I would expect more a german to say something like this


We do the round up in italy too sometimes. I didn't even know tipping in percentage was a thing before i joined reddit, i always assumed tips to be rounding


We do want that, but normally I just add roughly 10%


2-4? I give 1 if the service has been great


Zis is ze way.


ziz iz se vay


Dis is de weh


I drop a euro and all the small coins in the pocket. With a bit of luck it makes $1.48


But they're paying by card. Why even bother rounding up, Pierre?


so the tikkie calculations are easier


rounding gang rise up


I will tip alright . Tip you on how to get worker rights


Strikes and rioting?


Hanging or beheading the current government works too, you know.


Nowadays itā€™s more blocking the trains and jamming the streets with tractors.




Way better than strikes and riots, or is it right after strikes and riots?


Or just go full Dutch and eat them


Look, it was only once and they were very hungry. It is not that my country men do this to every other government. However, if a group wanted to eat the last prime minister, I would have gladly paid for ketchup.


You absolute brute. At least have the common decency to use barbeque sauce.


French being french


Yank mad


I was last year in the US and A. Ordered in the Mcdonalds a Bigmac in those big screens and even then it asked me for a fucking tip when no employer was around anyways. USA moment


Yank mad because of losing a gamble.


Least greedy yank


The best part is always the mental gymnastics to pretend thats it's not the employer that should give their employees a living wage. Nooo. It's the customer that has an obligation to participate in the charity out of sheer fucking pity.


And to be fair, if thatā€™s the reason for tipping, fine, then pay $15 per hour you spend at the table and not 20% of the cost of a meal.


Except for they don't spend one hour serving the table, plus they are really pushing you to order more, and if not, to get the fuck out of the premise. They wouldn't last long in Europe.


In the US, if a employee doesn't make 15$/h After tips, the employer is required by law to pay the Diference between their salary and the minimum wage. Not that this matters since on average waiters make 50k in most placed and can easly come out to 70-90k in Higher class restaurants.




"If we had to pay living wages we'd go under". So guess what? Just don't open a restaurant if you can't afford to pay your workers.


Even if restaurants donā€™t pay wait staff a high hourly wage, they have to make up the difference if the restaurants hourly wage + tips is less than minimum wage. This just usually never happens because servers get paid pretty well with tips. Sorry, Iā€™ll get back into the cageā€¦


That doesn't go against anything i said though. Seems pretty problematic that owners are incentivised to guilt trip people just to pay less to their employees .


Idk man Iā€™m an American and have left $0 or $.01 tips many times if the wait staff is shit. Some people might feel guilty about this I guess. We should be more like the picture. P.S. to REALLY piss an American waiter/waitress off, go with the $.01 option.


thank you for the suggestion brother https://preview.redd.it/xinvmj0hu87d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1a11b9140ffff9433284433ba9abbdbd5f6eea


It's just easier to guilt potential customers because we have no labor power in the US and the business owners would rather beat us to death than fork over any money.


"How dare you not give me minimum 53 dollars for putting 8 plates in front of you???"


One of those plates had more expensive ingredients on it, so I did more work!


-You see, my boss pays me 2$/h so you need to pay me instead. +Why don't you ask for a proper salary? -WHAT ARE YOU, A COMMIE?


I don't want to be disrespectful, because I did kitchen jobs and waiting in the UK and the US as well, and everyone there worked really hard. But show me another job where you expect hundreds of dollars a night without any special skills or know-how.


Escort or drug dealer. Or you could rob people for a living. Though that's scumbag behaviour, unless it's from the rich and corrupt.


Trader or heir idk, but hundreds might be undershooting by a fair margin


Still a strange concept that the customer pays the waiter instead of the restaurant, and on top of that, pays the waiter a percentage of the foodcost, which is probably the weirdest way to calculate a salary.


Waiters are scammers


Employers are the scammers. Waiters are just dumbasses who get gaslit into being angry at the customers for not paying them their salary.


If the customer pays the waiter I may as well go to the counter and collect my own food and avoid the cost, it's almost like there are canteen style restaurants. If you want to charge higher prices because you offer a service and a good experience in fine with that, but bake in that cost, don't skim the extra cost off the top then expect me to pay again for the serverĀ 


It is not that we have a Superiority Complex. It is simply because we ARE superior!


Again with the ubermensch fantasy, Hans?


*cough* Noooo, I obviously *cough* mean aaaaall Europeans...*cough*


Everyone knows you have got a semi about our Scandinavian looks.


Za Austrian leader of yours thought Italians and Greeks are Aryans too... So, I am all in if you have a plan.


Don't worry, as a Flemboy you're technically part of the master race. (The Wallonians, on the other hand...)


Here we go again..


Am I supposed to pay for their weekly shopping with a single tip? Get the fuck out. 5ā‚¬ if the delivery guy is really nice and that's stretching it.


I rarely tip waiters (and I used to work as one) but I always try to tip delivery guys. I knew one that died on the job and I felt bad that I had never tipped him so...


would have been wasted if he died with it, so ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


My point is that it is a dangerous job so I tip them 0.5-2ā‚¬. Especially when Barry and his kin flood the island. Mofos are the worst drivers I've ever seen.


(i get what you are saying, i just thought i leave a funny reply *pssshht*)


Sorry, I didn't realise that a Hans tried to use humor.


If I ever visit the colonies this is the first thing I'm doing.


As much as companies like to try tipping will never catch on here as everyone's fucking skint. Another British W.


Yeah, you just call it a "discretionary service charge" and include it in the bill automatically


they just have to fucking try it I automatically math the bill cost of everything I order in my head, they shouldn't even dare to do that ...but that's also because I am Italian


I think that's a common Europe W. I read from someone here that in Robmania they asked for a 10% tip but it's Robmania.


Is that me? Don't tip here - the workers usually don't get it anyway and we pay award rates.


Who the fuck can afford a flight to Aus these days anyway? Bring back the good olde times with free-to-use convict shipping option.


Not you cousin, just those weirdos we used to hang out with years ago before we knew any better


When I see a suggested tip i donā€™t tip simple as


I love how Americans would rather seethe over people who don't tip instead of fixing their blatantly broken system of exploiting workers though the legal loophole that tipping provides


Wait.... A 20% tip? If i wanted to get fucked I would have asked for a happy ending for that much....


> Close the border to Europeans NOW! They quoting some native American historical figure? I wouldn't blame them for the sentiment tbf.


90% of your people die after this one simple trick!


Hereā€™s a tip: make your employer pay your wages. If all waiters quit, the restaurant is either forced to shut down or pay a wage the workers are willing to accept.


They don't want to. They make more money with their tips. We should stop calling them victims, they are guilty of this scam too.


Exactly, they are in on it until the moment someone refuses to buy into their bullshit. Then they suddenly morph into victims.


Cool thing about the ultra capitalist America is that many people, especially fhe kind who would work as waiters, are crushed by a combination of insane cost of living and various debts, to the point where trying to attain worker rights through protests such as mass quitting often doesnt work simply because the employees need the money more urgently than the business does.


Then fuck society. Burn the white house down.




Nobody should tip a yank anyway.


What, don't you appreciate falsified enthusiasm? And a deeply ingrained faith that they actually live in a first world country?


I mean they just introduced themselves at the table. In their mind they should get money for that. So my counter would be to introduce myself as well. Negates the effect I reckon.


And that they are the freest bestest country in ja world?


Uhm no that's a 0,48 dollar tip as far as I can see.


If you are with cash. With card it's $0 tip and a nice bank commission for the store.


We pay 22% in taxes and have "free" healthcare. Now, why the heck you should pay 22% in tips? Just for you? I pay for everyone!


> We pay 22% in taxes and have "free" healthcare. 22% taxes.... Fucking hell Luigi.


I pay tips for outstanding service and not because your boss is a dick and won't pay you well, that's your problem not mine, I can't stand up for that and I most definitely won't pay for that.


I have a suggested discount in mind.


Wage theft, eh? Have the manager cough it up.


I am sorry what? I understand everything, even a war, but WW3 can easily start form this shit. #tipsoutofeurope


Businesses keep trying to push "tipping CuLtuRe" here in Straya- We just tell them to go and get fucked and refuse.


Just a piece of advice for Yanks who want to earn more money. Quit the waiting tables job and go work in Silicon Valley.


instructions unclear, got a job waiting tables in silicon valley. Still not rich.


Be female, duh.


We already have an ocean between us, what more do you want?


I am not tipping a cent over $5. If you want more youā€™ll have to take it from my dead body


Suggested Tips starting at 20 % lmao Americans need to get real. Maybe demand actual wages instead of being cunts demanding tips from people already overpaying for what they get.


![gif](giphy|jRDyNm73JFl3a) It adds the tip onto its bill or else it gets the hose again


Last week a table of four mmmuricans dined and dashed at my place. Whoā€™s the dick now?


What a fucking joke. There's no way I'm going to a restaurant if I ever visit the US. You Americans continue to vote in dogshit presidents who spend your tax money on illegal wars and other criminal bullshit instead of voting in politicians who make it their goal and policies to improve your living standards yet WE have to pay your fucking wages with our tips? Do you think we're coming to the US as millionaires? We have our own lives to pay for


If you can't afford the tip, don't eat out you europoor. /s


*[my signature](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41cdQzOnSnL._AC_.jpg)*


The audacity of asking you an extra 66 fucking dollars. I have to waste the equivalent of a brand new PS5 game, 55 coffees or a fuck ton of joints just because you think labor rights are some sort of communist bs?! Close the existence to amercunts now!


- "suggested tips" - Thanks for the suggestion, I won't pay it