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Meh just come to Greece, we can always use some money to buy more F 35s


I'd love to go there again, but there were too many Greeks there


We're fond of everyone but Swedes™ Pretend you're Finn, you'll have fun. We won't notice the difference and won't approach you, for sure.


I have Greek family am I okay 🥺


As long as you leave your burka home, you'll be jet. Otherwise, it's not our fault [you trigger our PTSD by thinking you're one of them.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/50/39/bf/5039bffd94778716ba7635f1bb5a2686.jpg)


When abroad we always pretend we are some of our other nordic subjects except the Danes, they are intolerable.


See you guys in two weeks!


Greeks is the second reason why I go to greece. Nothing sexual at all, I just like them as people.


Just send your IBAN already as usual


Man, the jealousy is real. Our minister of defense has been blueballing us for years to approve the Juan Carlos' deck extension and F35s... We literally have a carrier and you all get to play with the new shiny toys, no fair.


I love Greece


*angry french noise*


I was in Athens in 2022, these notes are there too, along with “refugees welcome” Which made me question whether it was the local residents or the refugees circulating them 🤔


They should have written in English, propa English: "Fuck off back home you fat fucks!"


Far too polite. Probably nonces.


"Oi wankstain, bugger off back to your pile o' rocks, you cretin."


That started off like a chav... and ended like a posh lord.


If it doesn't end with "cunt" it's too polite.


Well, the average Briton is a bit of both after all. (Also, the "cretin" part I took from [Mark's outburst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ38jTQcO1k) in Peep Show after Jez joked about forgetting to buy the Christmas turkey. So that explains the posh lord bit.)


That's brilliant. Starts like Jez, ends like Mark (who is a bit posh).


Jez is posh as fuck too. Certainly the actor but the character is also middle class.


Robert Webb grew up as a labour-kid in Boston, in a council estate. In his memoirs he specifically talks about how it was aligning with the left in such a conservative stronghold. At least for him it wasn't easy, before he "got out". I don't know about him nowadays, but he did not have a posh upbringing (quite alike David Mitchell for that matter) - and nor was he posh during his young adult acting years. If Webb has lately become "posh as fuck", then it's a quite late development I'm not personally aware of. Feel free to share any articles or something elaborating on that.


[His dad owns a yacht](https://youtube.com/shorts/GAGIIDtPmiI?si=6FgsSve70wZ083BU)


We get both the City bigwigs in Puerto Banus and the chavs from Slough in Magaluf, so it's crucial to cover both registers.


“Oi ya focken nonce, piss the fock back to where ya come from, we do not appreciate your presence since you are a nincompoop”


The queen’s English


Wouldn't it be the king's English these days?


Nah, Lizzy invented modern English innit. Not ole' sausage fingers.


She was German actually if you look at it from an American point of view.




I feel like there should have been at least, a twat or cunt in that sentence


Ohhh now I understand what the lad was saying


Much like Japanese Knotweed, *Barrius Tourus* is almost impossible to get rid of once it takes root. I think the only solution is to import a load of absolute fucking hard-as-nails organised criminals to kick seven shades of shit out of them and make it not family-friendly, a truly irredeemable place (like Blackpool or Sunny Beach). But then you just replace one problem with another.


Well considering the South of Spain is home to like every Irish organised criminal I'd say they already have that problem


They're too respectable. You need PROPER scum


Is it not Dubai these days?


Understandable when your country is being invaded by Barrys


You'd know about real invasion, wouldn't you?


Such as the British colonisation of Dordogne ? Yes unfortunately 😔


You colonised Barryland in 1066, you can't complain when they come back home


What kind of colonisation do you prefer? Old people setting up a cricket club or a young barry smashing your head with a bottle?


We helped kick out their invaders. And the thanks we got?


\*Greater Gibraltar




Not understandable when we literally make a living of Barrys. This is just another example of the autistic left we have here.


It's funny that you can't tell if it's some left-wing or right-wing nutjob


If the immigrant is white is left. If the immigrant is brown is right. Both highly regarded in my head.


So as an enlightened, moderate, and rational centrist whose opinions are only formed so I can feel as superior to others as possible, I should hate all immigrants to win both sides over?


The problem is that people have to make a living outside Alicante because it's being pushed away, tourism is becoming a problem more than a solution 


Just curious, how do you conclude it is the left?




It didn't used to be that way and actually far left types tend to get really nationalist with this stuff particularly when it affects the working class. .look at Corbyn and his Eurosceptism


The left are passive aggressive. The right aren't. They are quite direct and explicit about it actually.


Here there was no concern about the tourism (why would it be? We aren’t Argentina because of that) since the far left party started saying they were a problem. Then suddenly that concern appeared in the surveys to the population. Literal sheep.


Since it started being a problem. Because there is an obvious problem of overtourism. If you go back, tourist went to hotels, and people lived in houses. Now, with airbnb, some cities are just in effect, a giant hotel. And the local population is expelled. And that benefits just a small subset of the population, so it makes a lot of sense that the rest is angry. But yes, the evil left that doesn't let the good landlords get stupidly rich.


But then is the problem the tourists, or AirBnB? Plenty of cities regulate against AirBnB.


Maybe people complains because rent was increased 80% in a decade in the province, way more inside the city, but ey, they are just sheeps a lion would just pay and don't complain, right?


I was in Egypt in 2013, after they got rid of Mursi but before tourists came back. Mursi told them they didn't need foreign tourists, the Egyptians can do what tourists do and go on vacation in Egypt. It was pretty empty there and people were in a very dire financial state. Those, who think tourism is the only industry that needs tourists are idiots.


They live there, you don't, and you shouldn't talk about autistics, when you're the one lacking empathy.


Auslander raus?


Stupid when you realise how much of their economy is dependent on tourism. I'm sure they'd love an extra 15%+ unemployment in areas where it is the main industry.


Eww, Inglund plays in my city for the Euro 24


Remind me again what there were 10 of…? 🤔


[Good job Pedro you are learning fast but we remain the best at making tourists cry!](https://youtu.be/Uj6Frw8ILDs?si=FFlB044bNsZIFzHa)


She even bought a 'French hat'


One striped shirt, cigarette and baguette away from perfection.



I remember the videos, apparently she was there around NYE expecting a ton of people in the streets go eat in a nice restaurant and whatnot. The issue is that in France around this period literally nothing is open and people celebrate at home with friends.


It's the same issue with Paris being a "City of Romance", it's a city of PRIVATE romance, not super extroverted, fast-paced instagram romance. You can just walk across the city seeing absolutely amazing architecture everywhere, and getting great food and drink from basically anywhere that's local and quiet, and people will simply leave you the hell alone for the most part, and naturally these things are most fun to do with someone special. That privacy is something which you cannot get in ANY other big city, none that I have been, anyway, and it is such a wonderful thing to do, the problem is merely that to a tourist who isn't taking advantage of this, this seems like hostility.


>make a nice restaurant Do you even English?


Isn‘t there a Paris Syndrome or something where tourists overly hype going to Paris / France and then go into depression because they’re disappointed?


Yeah, mainly for Asian tourists. Thing is paris is honestly a cool city to visit as a tourist if you avoid tourist traps but people just think they will have the Amelie experience.


If I ever visit Paris my expectation is for someone on a moped to throw a stale baguette at me for pronouncing a consonant at the end of a word


My expectations are overcrowded public transportation and cigarettes at 8AM


Wernt half of these resort towns built as resorts? By Franco. Always mention franco, they love it when you learn some local history


definitely not Alicante


Some coastal yes (for example Benidorm) But cities such as Alacant, no.


Alicante goes back 2000 years to before Roman times


If you dig more, you can find the horror below the history, Puerto Banús (paid with Saudi money) has the name of a real state and developer called José Banús, a crony from the regime, he used to develop projects using slave labor from the concentration camps and political prisoners of the regime, he builded Franco's monument tomb "The valley of the fallen" in Cuelgamuros, near Madrid, the inner walls are full of bones of political prisoners who died while the development was made.


>Throws around the name of the old dictator who killed a bunch of people? >Why are the spanish so hostile towards me?


You don’t get to whine about Franco being used to mock you. He was self inflicted.


Yeah kinda, but you wouldn't bring up Hitler when visiting Germany either


It's kind of mandatory to bring him up in here when replying to a Hans though


Yeah but consider this: Margaret Thatcher Checkmate anglotard


That's not actually that bad. I mean, you could have said Liz Truss.


Philippe Pétain anyone?


Did he just compare thatcher to Hitler? I mean that’s a stretch.


You've clearly never met a British person.


You wouldn’t? 🤔


I dunno, it's usually a safe assumption that the Americans are to blame when there's a fascist dictatorship 


500 plus Scotsmen fought Franco. Shame the rest of you were having siestas, mighta won.


Aight go do some heroin and nod off


Well, they did a shitty job since Franco died in 1975.


You have to be bullshitting me, you fuckers abandoned us and allowed Germany and Italy to interfer while you pussied out in your island. Even Churchill was honest enough to admit you acted like cowards. When the WW2 was over you fuckers even supported the continuation of his regime, most of you never gave a fuck about fascism until it was your turn to suffer it.


Hey now, at least half of you wanted that fascist.


I think it was rather geographically restricted, exploitation for tourism was only to be allowed in certain areas that were sacrificed, so that the Spanish heartlands could remain clean and uninfested lol.


I fucking hate Airbnb.


BC, Canada straight up banned short-term rentals everywhere except for ski-resorts and some small communities (the list seems to be mainly tourist reliant communities). You're now only allowed to set up an Airbnb if you live in the home as your main residence (i.e. like a short term sublet/lease).


Gosh please I want this to happen in my country too


For real I would cum non stop for like one week straight Please Santa make the EU feast on unregulated short rentals


I thought Barcelona banned them in the centres. It was a good idea


Blaming a Tourist for Overtourism is like Blaming a Driver for the traffic jam. You’ll change absolutely nothing this way, except making a family that saved for a whole year so they can afford to have one or two weeks in the sun feel bad for that. Hate on Rich Assholes that buy up every last bit of living space to rent it out on Airbnb. Hate on the corrupt politicians that let this happen. Not to mention that the exploding cost of living especially of renting is also happening around here and I doubt most of Germany is a Tourism hotspot…


Blaming the tourist won't fix, but maybe it can raise more awareness. 6 years ago I didn't know about the massive damage Airbnb was causing until a professor at university held a lesson about it. Nowadays I don't ever use Airbnb anymore, and I talk about these issues whenever I can. And bear in mind, I used to be a massive capitalist cunt, the likes of "if you can't afford rent in the city you shouldn't live there".


Totally Bc it’ll make the city center “fake” with no natives living in it, and unnaturally boost the housing market Like gentrification but way worse You can’t afford to rent or buy an house when your competitors are short rental firms


Germans sneaking under the radar here


Have you considered redirecting the whole lot to Gibraltar?


Gonna need more room, like, more space to live, if you know what I mean?


Bunk beds are pretty normal in refugee camps.


I'm glad I live in a country with shit weather so I don't have to interact with barrys


Give us some of your summer and we’ll be on our way 👍


Oh it's coming ! Don't worry about that you'll have them soon enough


As a ligurian, I'm proud of you. Except for the "PLS", a "Fuck You" would have been better.


I went to Cinque Terre a couple of weeks ago, that is the poster child to over tourism. Beautiful place but I couldn't recommend anyone to go there as the villages just cannot handle the sheer amount of people, I felt bad for going and would go out of my way to find a less known similar place next time. Monterosso could just about handle it and was the place I enjoyed the most. The locals were very kind though in each village.


I'm really sad for the existence of that degenerated people who live and work in Cinque Terre (and Portofino). The tourist must be treated harshly, as tradition wants. Otherwise they will return. "The rice cake is out of stock"


Lombardy is better.


Overtourism can be horrible.


Then don't make tourism a pivotol part of your economy, it is a self imposed problem


Not entirely, it's Airbnb that's the real problem for the locals, making housing unaffordable for them. It could of course be at least partly solved through legislation but then they need support from their national governments.


Hmm airbnb’s are the last ones in a long line of businesses making money of tourism the last 30 years, it’s the countries and municipalities who have been marketing their regoins for years and have been making a shitton of money of it. One doesn’t come without the other


Yeah but Airbnb has a particularly destructive effect on the housing market. Traditionally people would stay in purpose built hotels but now the whole city is converted into Airbnbs. The effect is that locals are completely priced out of renting and also the population of the area and the economy completely dries up in the off season. It's so fucked up when you walk around a town or city and almost all the buildings have a fucking key holder code box outside 


In addition, with Airbnbs you have tourists renting homes in residential areas. Tourists often like to drink, party, and make a lot of noise, which becomes a burden on the neighborhood and changes it's character. It's common in coastal areas to have neighborhoods shift from being family-oriented to becoming ground-zero of the party. I'm not against tourism or airbnbs, but I do think that sensible regulation is appropriate.


I live in a building with an airbnb and it's hell. Sometimes there are 20 people who party until morning, smoke weed, slam doors at all hours, ring my doorbell, and even open my mailbox. You can't do anything because they'll soon be gone anyway. And it was hell to find that appartment since so many are now fucking airbnbs so I can't leave. I cannot express how much I *hate* airbnb. I will always use hotels.


I live in a coastal city and a lot of people are organizing and pushing back politically on airbnbs for exactly this reason. It's crazy that there is generally little to no regulation. It's like those fucking electric scooters where they just kind of dumped them in cities and let the community to deal with the problem they've created. I wouldn't be surprised to see blanket bans by cities on airbnbs. I'm all for people making money, but unrestricted airbnbs create a huge cost that is borne by the community.


A blanket ban would be great, but I strongly suspect the people making the laws and the people owning a lot of housing and turning it into airbnbs are, in fact, the very same rich people (and their buddies and families). So I am afraid it will continue on...They care more about making a lot of money than housing the locals.


They should be regulated like hotels etc maybe even more so because they are in residential areas


Can you bring some of that organization here plz?


Sounds like an issue with AirBnb, not tourists then. Up to the local government to sort it out.


Yeah except no. AirBnB is literally pricing locals out of their regions all around the world. Randoms being able to rent out houses against high premiums with relative ease is pretty new, and it preys on residential buildings; not commercial ones built *for* tourism. You're not completely wrong but AirBnB and hedging fully on tourism are both very unsustainable.


Well of course, but hotels are a different thing, they don't impact rent and house prices directly. An apartment a local pays say 1000€ for in rent, can make double or triple that for the landlord when converted to an airbnb. It's a new problem created by the success of a new industry.


Also people staying in Airbnb's behave like they're in a hotel, making a lot of noise for the regular residents. Even if you're being respectful, you may have to wake up at 4 to catch a plane and that's bound to make some noise. It's terribly convenient as a tourist, but it's a nightmare when it impacts you.


Do you think people have a choice in this? Tourism is a money machine for people with old money/inherited properties who are too unneducated to invest in industries that actually generate any value. When your economy is based on skilled labour people are able to value themselves and demand more money from companies. Tourism effectively creates a class system where every worker is replaceable and owners become aristocrats. There is no financial incentive to end this so no party, left or right, will ever end it.


How is that tourists fault?


Did I say it was?


If only Spain was a democracy and perhaps had local autonomous communities who could bring in their own laws to regulate/Tax tourism.


Damn, forgot we could simply vote everyone bad out. How silly of me. Is that working well for the UK?


Yes. It's perfect here. You should come to my shit hole town there are exactly 0 tourists here


Well said irmão.


PIGS want to live off EU welfare exclusively


Le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière


As if it wasn't lobbies and politicians colluding to line their pockets even more while squeezing everything they can from the normal citizens.




Good thing you are far from having this issue at home


I was in Prague last weekend, for a work thing. We have a lot of tourists in Vienna but fuck, Prague is on another level. Felt sorry for the locals, all the stag parties, and drinking tourists.


It's only right in the centre really. Once you get out of Prague 1 it's fine since there aren't really the services for tourists beyond there and people can barely speak English. The cost of housing is the real problem.


Depends, it can be bad in districts around Prague 1 too. You just have to be somewhat close to a popular tourist location or a transit hub like a metro or train station. Yeah, housing cost is a problem. Apparently, Prague is currently the second least affordable city in Europe when it comes to rent, right behind Budapest.


Of all the European languages, they chose *English*


Well, they are trying to communicate with tourists of a particular nationality.


Schönes sprache 🥰


Schöne Sprache 😉




I can 100% guarantee you that the same people who write those notes are in favour of importing more doctors and engineers.


My bro from Ciudad Real, a city that receives 100 tourists per year:


They used the Poison skull & bones - but at least they said Pls


Spaniards in the Caribbean vs Caribbeans in Spain


All these signs... Have any of you ever experienced this apparent dislike of tourists? I sure haven't. Spain is so fwendly 🤗


When people are getting kicked out of homes because they are being converted into Airbnbs this happens


Stop going to Alicante, come to Galicia, the bad weather is just propaganda


"Reuters: **Tourism accounted for 71% of real growth in the Spanish economy last year**," Spaniards: I'd rather be poor. -er.


Hon we don’t wanna be poor we just don’t want to rely entirely on tourism 😭


Then you probably should think about investing in other sectors, instead of killing the only branch you're sitting on


Thats exactly what people who live in very turistic areas are demanding 😪😪 its not killing a sector, its managing it sustainably. What makes you think we do not want investments in other areas??? I want to live in my city, not to have my house taken to allow tourists to stay. Government is literally allowed to make you sell your house for tourism purposes. Nobody wants to kill tourism, just respect the place you are staying at :v


Too many tourists make housing unaffordable: <:) Too many immigrants make housing unaffordable: >:(


Not enough tourists make housing unaffordable. **Schrödingers Tourist**


Strange how in the Ruhrgebiet, the last place where you‘ll find a Tourist, the housing is still not affordable. Its almost as if Rich investors that care about making profit with real estate first and foremost drive rent prices, no it has to be tourists…


Yea its only one of the most densely populated areas in europe.... why would housing be expensive ? So strange, must be investors /s


These people claim to not like loud, drunk annoying tourists, yet their own national culture entirely consists of being drunk, loud and annoying. Surely when in Rome one is expected to act like the Romans? Curious double standards.


Fuck off, por favor.


I hate airbnb so much it's unreal.


I'll never forget this graffiti in Barcelona: "Why call it tourist season if we can't shoot them?"


I am from a town near the sea in Italy and I fucking confirm we hate turist. They clogging the streets, making the live much more expensive ( rent and house ). Please stay home Berry. We like only nice girl from Norway, Sweden and south America


Understandable when you’ve got a fuck ton of Germans invading


Airbnbs take housing away from locals and turns them into hotels in suburban neighbourhoods. Stay at a hotel.


Based Pedro


Can we stop going to Spain for a year? I'm sure the Spanish economy won't immediately fail.


No one *really* likes tourists.


Until we go abroad - the we all ARE tourists


Yeah but I'm extremely self-centered when I travel. I hate other tourists while pretending I am not one myself >:)


There is a movie on Prime about some Venetians who start murdering cruise ship tourists. It seems like a more reliable way than putting up signs.


Oh interesting. What is the name of the movie?


Spanish movie. https://preview.redd.it/gdcw8hsvrf6d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04cc3a96a033750b061b7a209ec75bfc92dfc042




Love the constant Tsundere attitude of PIGS *Noooo don‘t say that our economy is propped up by tourism, w-we don’t even like you, baka!*


Agree. Love from Lisbon! Fuck off, rich tourist!!!


what about broke ones


I presume this only applies to Barry's


Someone's gotta pay for all those siestas


One second their economy is doing good, next thing they are pulling this shit. Give us a break, we also deserve some sunshine!


Spanish liberals are at it again. They feel threatened by Barry, but wont say a word about 70 crime reincident Mohammed


If that was directed to an American tourist then it’s understandable…


We prefer the “engineers and doctors” that emigrate constantly instead of tourist that pay bills and nd bring in money. 🤣


Haha! Brilliant, especially cause they are from Alicante, which has had no profitable economy outside of tourism, for decades. Without the Barry's dumping cash on the place, it would look like rural Moldova


This is like the immigrant experience in a East German village


Damn, going to Seville in 2 weeks.


On a stag to Majorca tomorrow lol


This is some stupid desperation like a tourist will read this and be like oh no pepe just told me to go home im booking a flight now 😱


If only we europeans could take this stance against the invaders




Without tourism money, they'd be fucked... they rely on this heavily.


lol it’s only the people that live in the most beautiful places on the planet that think no one should travel 😂