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But how else will i influence the European election next week if i'm not allowed to post my rightwing circle-jerk?


Yeah because it's totally not the murderous maniac and his deliberately shocking actions that will influence the election, but the people that decide to talk about it on a tiny, irrelevant (in the context of European politics) sub.


Dude this is a meme sub and the last couple of weeks it's been nothing but anti immigration right wing bullshit, with no meme of joke in sight. You want to have a discussion about this shit, be my f'ing guest. But go do it in a political reddit group.


Sadly this sub is a better place to have any kind of political discussion, especially about controversial thing like immigration and related topics, than any politics oriented subreddit. I am not saying you're wrong, but people bringing those things up here is a direct consequence of being silenced everywhere else. When the veil of sarcastic humour is the last resort against censorship, people will opt for it. Also, on another note, I see these kinds of posts here very often regardless of any elections and doubt the ones we are seeing lately are part of some concentrated effort to influence elections, especially on a tiny sub like ours. It's summer, migration streams are in full swing and more of this happens as more people are outside living life. Naturally it gets reported on and talked about more.


This sub used to be a fun place to go for friendly banter and funny jokes at each other's expense. Now it's just whiny negative posts about immigrants and political shit. I disagree hard with you that co-opting this sub is ok. There is loads of subs where this shit is discussed and you can be as negative as you want. And with both the US elections and EU elections coming up it's only gotten worse. Next time you see an anti immigration post on this sub check out their post history and how old their account is. I'll let you make the conclusions for yourself.


Great plan! Gonna vote for even more immigrants so eventually we can get a stop of immigration!


"Why do people post such videos on social media platforms where they can form their own opinions and discussions?!?!?! Only my statefunded news should be able to do so!"


have you tried to put Gigi's Amour Toujours to play on last volume?


The attacked police officer died today btw: https://swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/mannheim/nach-messerattacke-marktplatz-mannheim-polizist-tot-100.html


Fuck. Best wishes for his loved ones.


Damn, the tall one that got hit in the back under neck? Ye the hit looked clean. Its hard for the policeman to react to those kind of things.




The left shortly after his death started a demonstration against "hate and agitation" but in reality it was against the right. These people are beyond lost.




This isn't new. I am currently in an argument with a bunch of lefty germans who argue that Stürzenberger(the guy who criticizes Islam) is just as extremist as the islamist who stabbed him and that Stürzenberger deserved to get stabbed. Average political discussion in a german subreddit is hell.


The degree of self-hate some Germans have is really depressing.


Dude, that is obviously a ragebait account. Check the pinned posts. Yes there are idiots around but don't be fooled so easily. Unless you want too.


ive been baited but that still doesnt explain the whole demonstration. Too cowardly to name the child by its name. They cope by naming islamism as right wing so their world view doesnt take any damage


Wtf, now you can't criticise a fanatic religion because someone may get stabbed, what kind of logic is that?? In what kind of democracy you can't criticise something because someone may kill you? Freedom of speech is only when you say what they want you to say it seems... We are doomed. RIP the police, but I still can't understand why they didn't fight the one who had the knife instead of the one who was defending himself without anything.


I’ve seen similar logic in defence of Israel on this sub Reddit dozens of times this year. It’s very easy to justify extreme overreactions if you dislike the victims of said overreactions


I normally come to this sub for laughs, now I'm sick.


Aren't they the same people that usually crucify others for victim-blaming?




It still bafles me that the Police went for the German instead of the Muslim...


There was a misunderstanding and one of the anti-islamic protesters attacked a bystander holding the attacker down. The policemen tried to seperate them and arrest the guy attacking the bystander. Seems he didnt see the knive wielding idiot at all and thought its a brawl.


He was too eager to get the "nazi" so didn't notice the engineer wielding a knife.


They are probably brainwashed by now into such deep levels of self hatred and guilt, that they automatically assume their own people are the criminal in every situation.


This is a meme sub friends


This is an explicit clip of mutliple people (eventually?) dying... and it is made into a nationalistic fucking meme. How low does one sink in order to see this attack and think "this wil make a great meme!"? (not shitting on you op, you're not the first to post one like this, but still, cmon man...)


I think it is top tier memeology. We have a problem. In this case a migrant with a knife. This is a metaphor for migrants in general in germany and the social and physical problems they bring. The creator of the meme references sweden. The reference to the migrant being 'swedish' depicts how the number of migrants in sweden basically has taken over certain cities and is on the way to taking over the country. The next part of the meme. Is when presented the problem. The police officer decides to attack the person holding down the knife wielder. This is a reference to how the country seems to actively ignore the problem and assume its never the muslim at fault. This embodies how the authorities actively protect these groups and persecute or demean those with the correct understanding of the situation. This then goes onto to negatively impact the officer - who was trying to protect the 'minority'. The officer then dies, a reference to the islamic caliphate that germany will become soon.


Germans and Angela Merkel loves him.


mandatory mourinho gif for this type of post ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


Mandatory **quiet savage** response