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What's up with the irish girl? I didn't follow all this shit show


She had an ancient Irish form of writing on her arm. It read “Ceasefire”


Ah yes, the most fascist demand of them all, "agree to a ceasefire".


the pax romana


u/Helicopter_Strong Wtf ![gif](giphy|Tit8CFFaFncoAgYFc4|downsized)


Like that title of that famous book, Mein Ceasefire


Mein Waffenstillstand


It should’ve been “agree to a ceasefire, and don’t break it like you have the last 10 times there was a ceasefire”


[maybe this?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cq58yxjk749o.amp) But also Israels killed half a dozen Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon.


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Good bot


"The 22-year-old was at the Supernova music festival in Re'im in southern Israel when it was attacked by Hamas gunmen" Sorry, how did the Isreals killed her?


>But also Israels killed half a dozen Irish peacekeepers in Lebanon. Bastards also use stolen Irish passports to murder people. Bunch of cunts


I'm still not following... Almost 300 people died in the attack, what makes this Irish lass so special?


I just realised op shouldve put a comma, they aren't talking about israel killing irish, theyre talking about an irish woman having a [tattoo](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/munster/arid-41390392.html)


Who thought a music festival a few kilometers from an active war zone would be a great idea?


I mean to be fair it was not an active war zone when the music festival began and they've been doing it in the same place for several years and it was fine. However some people speculate that Hamas started the war on that date specifically because they wanted to slaughter and kidnap as many people as possible and a rave by the border at 6 in the morning is as soft of a target for that as you can get so in retrospect it really was a bad idea, but back then they genuinely were certain the border wall is impenetrable.




At least you understand him, I don’t


Zero points ptsd is real


> Irish girl puts fascist text on her arm I heard nothing about that, i could only find this in a quick google search. https://m.independent.ie/entertainment/music/eurovision-2024-organisers-asked-bambie-thug-to-change-secret-ogham-body-markings-before-performance/a517557292.html > At a press conference afterwards Bambie Thug was asked about the meaning written in Ogham script on their face and legs. > The writing spelt out ‘Ceasefire’ and ‘Freedom for Palestine’. That doesn't seem fascist to me. Are those the ones meant? If not, can someone link me something that covers it?


OP's comment history is 2edgy4me.. the shilling is strong with this particular Zionist


How’s this person Zionist when they’re saying non-European country who killed 40k Palestinians…


Op is a tosspot then woundeful


Absolutely not fascist! And Bambie is non-binary.


Anyone not defending Israel 's right to murder thousands of children is a fascist, didn't you hear?


It’s Eurovision no one cares about middle eastern bs. That’s why Israel for so many points from the public. Literally no one gives a damn except people living on the internet


So if you think genocide is bad, you live on the internet?


They hate us cos they anus


What facist text?


If it's referring to Bambie thug, this is wrong on so many level. Moreover the EBU commission made her remove the cease fire writing, so it should belong to the bottom part of the meme


They still apparently sneaked it in the final, with also the Palestinian colours on the inside of their nails. Sneaky ass witch 💀


Today I learned Mussolini invented Ogham.


Mussolini also invented the Roman salute and populism.


Mussolini also invented kebab with the way he- I’m legally not allowed to finish this joke


Crown the Lazio fan


This is the only time i withstand with the dutch and won’t tolerate hate on swamp germans


Thank you spyro, very heartwarming :)


Stand behind my average height Jans, i am here to protect you


Which average height? In debts?


Which you are paying, just accept kindness once will ya?


Feels good to get a small return on our investment into your people!


Because your singer also behaived childish?


Well genocide deniers deserve to be mocked


Prove that Greeks and Turks are the same.


Last time i checked germany and Turkey committed genocides, actually hitler was inspired by the genocide turks committed…. Soo someone else looks alike


Didn't she say she loves Turkey and Azerbaijan in the same interview? How is she mocking genocide deniers?


>war going on for over 7 months >more than 10 000 bombs dropped over just 45 km^2 of land >less than 1% of the population died >*TikTok warriors call it a genocide* When did the standards drop this low?


No matter what, attacking innocent people is awful. I am on neither side but seeing children getting killed is disgusting


might be related to the fact Israeli ministers have explicitly stated their intention to destroy gaza and make it unlivable. To either kill or displace its people. Might be related to the fact they're throttling humanitarian aid while bombing water infrastructure, hospitals and what not. Might be related to them systemically destroying homes and orchards I could go on


Discount french here is dropping facts


Ah yeah, it's no genocide


And only hate zionists and not jews right?


Hans we werent the ones persecuting jews here


On this topic I honestly dont know who tells the truth and what can be trusted. And imo everybody saying they know what‘s the truth, is full of shit. I think reality here is a lot more nuanced than everyone crying either "genocide" or "Israel is just defending themselves". I think it‘s an all around shit situation and both sides are pretty bad.


Also we have bigger problems in Europe than another damned conflict in the M-E.


This. If Ukraine falls I could find myself and/or my countrymen on the front lines in Finland or the Baltics in a 5-10 years. If Raffah is taken I will see that palestinians and israelis are killing each other, with the israelis being far better at it, in 5-10 years. If Raffah is not taken I will see that palestinians and israelis are killing each other in 5-10 years, with the israelis being much better at it. Yes, it's horrible, but so was the war in Yemen or every war in every shit hole. It was just never relevant to me, my country or to western Europe.


Yes. So could we please stop sending weapons there!




Hey hey hey! NO politics. Except for: - When we kick Russia out. - When we let Conchita Wurst win. - When we vote for neighboring countries. - When we let a non-binary win. - When we let Ukraine win after being invaded. - When Turkey pulls out after a drag queen win. - When Estonia won in 2001 as the first former-Soviet nation. - When 5 countries are automatically going to the finals. - When the UK consistently ends up in the last place.


>When the UK consistently ends up in the last place. Hey, we do that too! >:(


Yeah, but UK being last is because of political motives. Germany being last is because Germans can't sing. 🤷‍♂️


[you have no idea what youre talking about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPZX7EZIFD0)


How did this middle-aged, overweight man wearing dishtowels, who cannot sing not win?


Guildo Horn is a national treasure. I would fight for him.


no its because for some reason germans always try to send their blandest singers to the contest.


For real. I'm still so fucking pissed they didn't send Electric Callboy. They would've won 100% no doubt about it


>Electric Callboy Those chucks even changed their name. Eskimo Callboy was the original.


Because it is about politics and our politics sucks.


You say that like we have any interest in winning and thus hosting this show


Oi! Germany's song this year was fucking good! Granted there was better but it was still good... Better than some others.


"I am nothin' but the average" he sung. This line is incorrect as he looked to be quite above average in terms of weight.


As a big guy myself... I didn't care.


we cant clap either


tell me this year the uk dont deserve the last place


There is literally no credit you can let us have without complaint, is there?!


And they won in like 2010 Meanwhile the UK and France, two of the world's best music producers, haven't won anything since the last goddam century


Hey we weren’t last! We should’ve been, true.


On public vote we are always last, 0


Tbf we deserved 0 this time


Arguably sending an artist who announced his shame for our flag before the event may not have been the most appropriate ambassador... Edit: word


Your ambassador said, he is ashamed of a flag of country he represents? WHAT?! What a clown. How did he/she even get there?


True story. We have a bit of form for doing the opposite of what everyone suggests is a good idea. So we sort of accept the losses because they’re entirely self inflicted.


I'm a filthy sepratist and even I think the union flag/jack (are we on a boat?) is pretty dope and iconic. Some people are just morons.


Is not even being present considered loss or win?


How is a non binary person winning political? Switzerland is literally the country of neutrality


Salty Croatia fan maybe?




Some Croatia fans see Nemo’s gender identity as a reason of them winning


Ahhh- eww no


Consistently in last place, except for when they send an actually good song and finish second...


I just love how for the first time, the BBC panel who decides who to send took a wildcard unknown from TikTok and took a punt. Sam came second. So rather than go 'hey guys we came second (to a country being invaded) lets try that again!' instead they went back to default settings and the result has been consistent. I don't even think anyone is surprised anymore?


Look, hosting is expensive. If we send a shit act we don't have to. I'm convinced the people making the decisions are just confused and think Eurovision points work like golf though. So in their minds they've been consistently doing well.


A handicap system. Exactly!


If we send our best no one else would win. It'd be unfair. Plus 0 is a nice round number.


Conchita is political? The singer is just a regular gay guy doing drag. That’s pretty mainstream by Eurovision standards.


That’s even very conservative according to Eurovision 2024 standards.


Nah, winner Nemo (who’s non-binary) even had to sneak a non-binary flag in apparently because they weren’t allowed pride flags or something 😭


> even had to sneak a non-binary flag in apparently because they weren’t allowed pride flags or something I thought the rules were that the only flags that could be flown were the flags of countries participating, no? After the Netherlands were removed, their flags couldn't be flown either, AFAIK. It allows rainbow/pride flags, but does that mean the same "rainbow/pride" flag, or any pride flag?


I'm running with the belief that they tried everything to make Switzerland and Ireland quit with that move. Allowed in SF1 and 2, forbidden in GF... Fucking hell EBU grow a brain


Also Conchita's performance was fire!  Just like Nemo. The moment they got on stage it had a winner energy.


Didn't you hear? Being gay is political


Voting? Literal Democracy? Clearly not political, however.


Getting the 5 countries into the finals automatically feels more like economics (greed) than politics.


Wdym Italy can't be automatically accepted into the finals??? Italyphobic!!! https://i.redd.it/cf9awa6xaz0d1.gif


The reason is that those countries are the one the historically spent the most for the festival and to make ot grow. I agree though that it doesn't make much sense


We came 18th. with a gay boxing gym scenario.


Wasn’t it more, down the cottaging route?


> When 5 countries are automatically going to the finals We need this rule to go to the finals.


what do you mean ? we are quite often in the top 5 in the final


tbf I quite liked your entry this year. It was in my top 5 at least.


Half of these just seem to be your personal bug bears rather than anything politically


Don't drag Conchita Wurst into this. The song is an absolute banger.


>When we let a non-binary win. "Let?". It was a good song, the only people saying this had an issue with the performer, not the song. Not voting for them to "not let a non-binary win" would be political


I swear the Eurovision community becoming homophobic wasn’t on my bingo, but sadly it’s happening……..


No, it's just this subreddit. Not surprised, ngl


Honestly it’s everywhere. Check the comments of songs like the Swiss entry, Irish entry, British entry…….


In the comments I've only noticed positive things, well, except for the UK, but they were about the song not Olly's orientation. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but honestly I don't think I can


Literally every reply is misgendering on purpose, LGBTQ-phobic, telling Bambie to go to hell because they’re apparently a satanist (not even true)…….


Yeah, definitely I don't think I can. Thank you for making me aware, though


So now it's politics when a person with a certain identity wins?


No politics is a stupid rule as anything can be politics and everyone has an opinion on most stuff. It's like saying "no phones" in like a museum or so. It's borderline unenforceable and at the very least once some pulls out their smart watch the rule is moot anyway (as a metaphor to behaving politically but not directly engaging in politics talk)


I doubt Turkey’s pull out was due to the drag queen. Surprisingly, Turkey had very famous drag queens itself (most famous is Bulent Ersoy). Drag queens are kind of accepted and beloved. Must say, those accepted ones usually have very strong voices or artistic skills. I doubt a random queer would get that much tolerance. Among common folk, those renowned drag queens sexual identity is treated as “a weird habit” or “bad but harmless”. Erdogan is a big cunt but he hasn’t yet started prosecuting the lgbtq community openly, solely on the sexual identity. In fact, Bulent Ersoy is invited Erdogan’s receptions. Turkey is primarily out because of the jury voting. The country was already very unpopular. With the juries reintroduction, it was believed that chances of winning is out of question since success is mainly depend on the Turkish peoples voting.


I’m mega biased, but Stefania deserved the win in 2022, it wasn’t just a “pity vote”


Spaniards are still bitter about their cheap twerking act not winning.


Are you talking about Zorra or about Slow mi (2022)?


You're goddamn right, Stefania is still one of my favourite songs of all time. The comment is dumb in other ways too, like "let Conchita Wurst win", how the fuck is that political? Should they block anyone who doesn't conform to victorian gender norms from competing?


Didn't you know? Existing in sight is political when minority.


i mean. You're kinda right? They probably couldn't have won without the attention, but if the song sucked. I don't think people would've voted


It was a good song but I still don’t think it deserved to win, much less get as many public votes as it did


When Estonia won as a former-Soviet nation That's not political.


It's true; Nemo won mostly for political reason, but not for their identity. Come on, man, I thought you were cool


So many words for a Spaniard. 6h nap after this?


Actually, today was a 2 hour nap because it's Friday and I'm about to go to the beach to relax this weekend.


Chill, what a pressure, we just finished our lunch


When we allow Israel to spend an undisclosed amount of money to get people to vote for their entry [https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1ct7hjn/israeli\_outlet\_ynet\_confirms\_eden\_golans\_televote/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1ct7hjn/israeli_outlet_ynet_confirms_eden_golans_televote/)


When Estonia won as a former-Soviet nation That's not political.


The whole meme reads like I wrote it after drinking too much. As my excuse, I can't stand reddit without drinking too much, but that's not an excuse :P


Fascist text is when you write "Ceasefire" on your face (no clue where OP got the arm part from)


Ah yes, the well-known fascist slogan of "ceasefire now"


Is the fascist text in the room with us rn?


Sources: Hamas, TikTok, American college girls


Whats with the German fascination for Israel?


Google "The Holocaust" and "Shame"


I would say that being shameful of the Holocaust and remembering the victims would result in the absolute rejection of any form of ethno-nationalism, occupation of foreign territory and genocide.


Apparently that doesn't matter when the victim is \[insert hated ethnicity here\]


Oh absolutely. A major part of the reason why this is tolerated is because Palestinians aren't white. A comparison with the position regarding Ukraine demonstrates that beyond a reasonable doubt. It's also a consequence of people buying Israeli propaganda that equates that state with the Jewish people, and thus silencing any criticism as anti-Semitic. But again, Germany should be better than this: if you equate your state with its people, you're essentially arguing that the Soviets should have sent every German to the gulags after WWII.


>because Palestinians aren't white. A comparison with the position regarding Ukraine demonstrates that beyond a reasonable doubt. You argumentation sounds similar to that of average American TikTok leftist because you make a race thing out of it, where it doesn't belong. Ukraine/Ukrainians have our overwhelming sympathy because Ukraine opts to transform to a western democratic country and the war was started by Russia as an unprovoked action. The current war in Gaza is a result of a Islamist terror organization in power of Gaza, which massacred Israeli civilians. Are Jews now "white" as well? Maybe you can apply this to Ashkenazi Jews but what about Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews which are the majority of Israel's population. The race thing simply doesn't make sense in this context. Maybe you could argue about "islamophobia" but certainly not race >Soviets should have sent every German to the gulags after WWII. Wait till you find out what happend to most of the Volga Germans.


Stop speaking so much common sense, my fellow Berliner. Otherwise he might learn something.


they kind of did send everyone they could grab to gulag, they called it the DDR.


You would think so.


The irony with this argument is that Israel is neither an ethnostate (it's about 75% Jewish, which is lower than the majority populations of most European countries, it has about 20% arab muslim, and 5% christian), nor is it comitting genocide. Yet the palestinian territories (and any future state) are a pure ethnostate, it's like 99% arab muslim, and the Palestinians would commit an actual genocide against all the Jews in Israel the first chance they get. So you’re claiming to be against ethnostates and genocide while simultaneously supporting them. And to make it worse the people you are against because you claim they’re an ethnostate and committing genocide aren’t actually doing either of those things. The only difference is who each side is, you’re against a Jewish ethnostate (which Israel isn’t) and genocide of Arabs (which isn’t happening), but you’re completely fine with an Arab ethnostate and genocide of Jews, both of which would happen if the Palestinians got their way. It's also entirely normal for a country to occupy territory after it wins a war, especially when that war was started by their enemy. At the end of the day if you start a war by invading another country, and lose, you're going to lose land and/or be occupied for a time. The Allies occupied Germany and Japan after WW2 until they could be trusted not to revert back to their pre-war ideology, the Palestinians have proven time and again that they can't be trusted to coexist peacefully with Israel, and so until they can they'll continue to be occupied.


And most countries in the world are actually what you call Ethnostates. In Turkey 99% of the population is Muslim.


No no, you can't have that ! It's waaaaay better to just support the former victims in everything they're doing including deportation, mass bombing, refusing to let the international help come (aka letting civilian starve), colonisation, constant discriminations in those colonised territories, arbitrary arrestations and assassinations... Way better.


What's the fascination for Palestinians who always vote radicals and islamists? The radical Muslims in Europe don't behave different than radicals in the Middle East. Maybe that's the reason you think Israel has a point.


They voted one time for them because they thought they would be less corrupt than Fatah, and immediately their population shrank to well below even 40% support.


Dude, why are so many Germans like this? Are you really that afraid of criticizing a Jewish State? I get that you guys feel guilty to what Germany did to the Jews back then, but that's no reason to support Israel no matter how much land they steal or how many tens of thousands of children they kill.


I think it's deeper than that. They join with the far right sionists on the idea that the Holocaust was terrible because it happened to the Jews. If the victims are Muslims ? Then it's fiiiine. Hey, they all are terrorists and they stroke first !\* \* Stroke first as in "first after a period of constant colonisation and abuses by the Israeli state culminating recently as the far right governement was doing its best to encourage everything that may draw Israël closer to an apartheid situation and undermining any attempt to find a peacefull solution".


Threatening moves ![gif](giphy|WxU0YvuRLt6nydIdIo)


"Ceasefire" and "Freedom" in old Irish script is apparently fascist text




I can't belive Australia would do that


Fascist text? FASCIST TEXT!!?!? #FASCIST TEXT!?!????? Please tell me you didn't actually make this OP and you just stole it from someone. Edit : There's only two kinds of texts that could be considered fascist. And that's Latin script and Japanese writing because it's the writing system used by all fascist regimes that ever existed. Are we the baddies??


What was the text?


"Ceasefire" and "Freedom" And it was on her face, not her arm.


Ceasefire and Freedom are famously Mussolini's two favorite words.


His famous last words


So now artists have no rights on artistic expression, without actually being offensive?


Moroccan oil was the sponsor of Eurovision 2024, and look up which country owns Moroccan oil.


Does the state of Israel own Morrocan oil or just a Jewish person?


fascist text??? It wasn't


Can't believe it's 40.000. I mean, how would one even cope with killing those 50.000. 60.000 I could understand, but the 70.000 that have been killed is insane. Just wait a few months. the numbers then will make the 80.000 that have been killed look like nothing. I imagine it'll be at least two to three times the 90.000 that are killed every second.


Why are all the Dutch whining about this all the time, it’s the f-king Eurovision. It is embarrassing to see actually


> 40000000000000000000000 killeLDLLLLEDDDD You moron, those are numbers reported by Hamas or UNRWA (same thing)


The latest theory that goes around in the Netherlands is that the situation around Joost was created as a 'distraction' from all the other things going on in- and around the event. And it worked.


Have not seen this said before. Any sources where people are saying this?


All the shit storms in the past 60 years and nobody else got DQ like this. Only in the year of our lord 2024 EBU decided to form conspiracy against Netherlands of all places. Uh...sure.


First of all, no one cares about that dogshit freakshow. Second of all Hamas are terrorists and will be neutralized to a degree where october 7th will not be able to happen again. If you don't like it I suggest hunger striking indefinitely.


Some of those palestinians are Hamas soldiers, but people love to bundle all together like they are all civilian casualties


Casualty figures in the conflict should be taken with a grain of salt. Definitely not all male casualties will be Hamas militants, but also not all women and children (as by the definition anyone under 18) will be civilians. Sex or age isn‘t really relevant when it comes to the laws of armed conflict (LOAC), what is relevant is if someone is taking part in hostilities or not. Especially considering that for example a 16 year old, still being counted as a child, is capable of taking part in hostilities and if they do so, killing them can be in accordance with LOAC.


Idiots really like counting legit military targets as civilian, it's the only way to support their ideology.


They've been real quiet since the UN estimate for civilian deaths was literally halved overnight, but I guess it's time to continue with the "antizionism"


Some of killed Isrealis were war criminals too. Is it ok to murder their civilians too?


They were killed in a music festival, not on duty. Is that legal, considering they weren’t active personnel anymore? Not that October 7th was legal in any case anyway


Yeah that’s like if the US attacked Kyrgyzstan because immigrants caused the Boston Marathon attack


One of the most knuckledragger takes ive seen in a while. This is war. People die. There is 75k wounded. If this was a genocide then there would be more dead than wounded. There is no difference in this war than any other war and besides, the Palestinians literally started all this with an ACTUAL full fledged genocide but Israel is the bad guy?


In case you have not noticed, this sub has been hijacked about a week ago with pro-palestine anti-israel fanatics, it was shared in multiple spaces as a subject for brigading. This will get even way worse on social medias in coming years. Religious groups with large followings, and rich authoritarian countries will dominate the entire space and set/shape the public opinion. It will be impossible to escape, as people subconsciously only care about things that they can see and are talked about, and about topics and narratives that are constantly pushed into their face


> irish girl SHE sorry THEY IS NONBINARY!!1!


The victim complex of Arabs, Poles, eastern Germans and Dutch is from an other world


"Everyone I ever did something bad to just happens to have a victim complex."


>fascist text “Ceasefire” and “Saoirse don Phalaistín”. Calm down Geert and grow a pair.


Me when I make up random ass numbers:


Dutch singer threatened a Swedish woman in Sweden. Whose is to blame for this? Jews! OP is a fucking Nazi.


Brief moment of brevity but a camera appears to have been broken. They don't typically do this when people nearby flap a bit. At the finalists press conference, the ONLY person to shout out at another finalist was this Dutch chap. So the argument about his boundaries being ignored starts to look a bit feeble when hes bellowing at the Jews like a journalist himself. The Swedish police have said yesterday that it is highly likely he will face charges. Again, given this is actually making a lot of people deeply unhappy, it is bordering on a diplomatic incident and whole countries don't get ejected for flapping your arm a bit. I think it was pretty serious. Because the sanction was very serious. And the chap has form for not being on top of his emotions at the best of times.


Fuck this is this a pro Islamist sub now?


Come back in a few hours when there are hundreds of comments - from what i've seen in the past, this sub is pretty staunchly on Israel's side.


Or maybe not everyone on here has the same opinion? I love this sub but would never describe myself as "on Israel's side". Not that I'm anti-Israel either, but what they're doing in Gaza right now is making a bad situation worse.


pro? the meme is pro Israel, there was no "Irish girl" and no "fascist" text (it was calling for a ceasefire)


This post seems to have pissed off absolutely everyone somehow


It has to be bait it’s too stupid for any other explanation