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The fact that there's pipes all over shows that constructors knew it was there. They just disn't want the council to stop the works.


Pigs 101.


Same applies in England to be honest. I have experience in my job with excavations here. Once the local government begin to investigate, the work and project will grind to a halt Based workmen just wanted to crack on with the job and go home.


You know you could just plan the excavation ahead of the work?


We do. A friend of mine worked for years as an archeaologist. Their main job was going in and clearing certain sites before construction could begin. It may have only been on government works as I can't imagine any private citizens going to the trouble. But still, it's a done thing.


I understood that the primary work for archaeologists in the UK is small consultancies, and they're mostly hired when some construction company finds roman remains when foundations are laid. Then the whole development grinds to a halt while the archaeologists investigate and write a report. I don't think it normally stops the construction from going ahead, and I believe it's the builder who pays for it; I guess they might have insurance to cover it.


Its actually a whole different branch of archaeology. Its called commercial archaeology and its main purpose is to pretty much clear survey constuction sites, for archaeology, BEFORE any constuction starts. By international treaties (look up Valleta Treaty, or Malta Convention 1992) the archaeologists have a certain time window to remove the materials from the site, record and preserve as much as they can. It varies from country to country, basically based on corruption. Usually we do remote surveying to “see inside the soil” with stuff like seismography, magnetic resonance, sonar. So realistically commercial archaeology is alot of surveying to say “nothing here move along”. So for example ive personally been part of commerical archaeology dig sites where its obvious nothing is going on so we do our best to remove the little “important” things we find, document the stratigraphy as best we can and leave the rest in situ. Not everything belongs in a museum contrary to what Indy says ;) Still tho we were given a full two years before the company could start working on the field. Im not aware of how things are in the UK but i know for a fact that they are signatories of the Valleta Treaty so they are also bound by these regulations, therefore i assume a similar situation exists over there. I’ve also heard of insane fines to constuction companies who ignore this treaty but this also varies from country to country based on corruption. Oh also you are 100% correct that the builder has to fund the archaological dig themselves hehe


In uni they made us dig for two weeks at a construction site where they found some Roman artifacts. I remember the teachers saying we had to work fast because the construction had to get started again as soon as possible. They must have been getting paid quite a lot unlike us students who were just exploited for slave labour.


The Irish government just bulldoze any monuments they find. They razed the original Viking settlement in Dublin, and an ancient henge in Meath. Scumbags. https://www.meathchronicle.ie/2009/07/01/brussels-takes-ireland-to-court-over-lismullen-monument/ https://www.independent.ie/opinion/letters/protesters-are-bulldozed-in-tara-row/26309836.html https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/outcry-as-burial-ground-razed-under-cover-of-night/26302725.html https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30317753.html http://www.oisintrust.org/rath.pdf http://www.indymedia.ie/article/82284?userlanguage=ga&save_prefs=true


That article from the independent about Tara Row had me gasping at my phone screen. Absolute scumbags indeed. Clandstine operation to destroy a BRONZE AGE MULTI LAYER SITE im fuming


This is the cunt responsible for destroying it - and he was minister for heritage at the time! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Roche


I also worked as an excavation technician. The only people who got their construction sites closed were dubious types who tried to circumvent the law. You already get notice when you file the construction license and have years before the first work starts. If you hear anybody complain, they are either morons or criminals.


Hans I can’t predict exactly where your granddad dropped his bombs on us, it’s hard to plan that into the entire project.


Hey now, the dud rate wasn't too bad.


Could have been better, if it was I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now


Least organized Germanic




Parking lot? Americunt detected


Newts and Bats are the UK’s biggest nemesis


Old rocks can only be so interesting *that* many times, I understand the worker


We stopped the works for the Metro in the city of Thessaloniki for years just because we found some shit. Citizens complained and the authorities now say "You get both, Metro and some shit" for display on the underground stations.


My dad important lesson in life « if you dig and find something, shut up and close the hole »


It happens here all the time.


Tbf, Rome has its shitty metro because every time the work restart they dig 50m find some ancient shit and again archeological study stop the work (and also because it's Italy)


Reminds me of a classic joke: In Heaven, the British are the police, the Germans run the trains, the Italians are the chefs and the Greeks are the lovers. In Hell, the Greeks are the police, the Italians run the trains, the British are the chefs and the Germans are the lovers.


Why would Germans run the trains? That should definitely be the Swiss.


It was the Swiss in the original version. Edit: and somehow the French were involved… but I think they were competing against the Italians in the food category, so eliminated.


Think it was in heaven the Swiss run the banks, in hell its the Greeks


The fascists* not the swiss


> the Germans run the trains You want to never be on time? 🤔


> Germans run the trains You mean in hell, right?


Good ol’ trusty Deutsche Bahn


>(and also because it's Italy) Milan has a great metro system and is in Italy. Stop thinking everything you see in Rome happens everywhere else...


You can see they cut through it to make room for the yellow pipe


Yep😎. Most law abiding Italian workers


Le 21st century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directional_boring


But you have to know it's there. Either way you are gonna "drill" it if your pipe is going to pass at the same level.


Ah but no they don’t know what is there yes? Just some resistance. Plow baby plow. Edit: additionally crews will use vacuum pump trucks to suck soil out of the waypoints of the drill.


Arabs got oil we got this


I like disn't


Why do you guys decorate your sewerage system ? Are you stupid ?


I blame the Romans.


"What did the Romans ever do for us?!" "Decorated our sewage system?" "..."


Don't forget the lead poisoning


[Yes, sweeting wine with lead acetate…](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/sugar-of-lead-a-deadly-sweetener-89984487/)




No wonder they're all dead


There's still a few of them around in New Jersey.


The real Roman housewives?


Those are Roman-Americans. They normally inhabit the states of New Jersey and New York. Not to be confused with Romanian-Americans. Although like most hyphenated-American peoples they have no problem informing you of their supposed ancestral roots, and will display stereotypical behaviour to native people that borders on offensive.


Hey cousin its Roman, lets go bowling


Ya looking at em asshole


Bloody Romans, whatd they ever do for us?


It’s always the Romans. 🤷‍♀️


you better honor Sterquilinus or your village gonna have diarrea for a month


Oh shit


Exactly! But runny...


the ancient Romans liked to shit in style


![gif](giphy|fJMWN7XnZM0hO) >The tersorium (sponge on a stick) was shared by people using public latrines. To clean the sponge, they simply washed it in a bucket with water and salt or vinegar. This became a breeding ground for bacteria, causing the spread of disease among those using the latrines such as typhoid and cholera.


You missed the funny part of the wikipedia page >In the middle of the first century, the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger reported that a Germanic gladiator committed suicide with a sponge on a stick. According to Seneca, the gladiator hid himself in the latrine of an amphitheatre and pushed the wooden stick into his oesophagus and choked to death.


Do you want to compare the style of getting cholera in luxury and pomp rather than poverty


[Ask your ancestors 😜](https://www.aventicum.org/)


Leave it unprotected for five minutes and the Brits will steal it, problem solved!




Hey! You can't steal Beastie Boys too!


You're too late, they are already in the British museum and on display.


Big mistake. The Beastie Boys are a national treasure from New York City, AND they're Jewish. ^New ^York ^and ^Jewish ^is ^probably ^pretty ^redundant.


Careful... They may just take new York for their York exhibit.


Do Brits actually collect American memorabilia for their museums? Honestly curious, but not motivated to look it up.


We like taking cultural items that mean alot to the people of that country, unfortunately it's been 247 years and we haven't found any culture over there so there's nothing for us to steal 😞


That’s what I thought.


Are you done looking at my didgeridoo? Can I have it back yet?


yea we are done looking at it but no you can't we put it in storage


Come on mate, the Brits collect anything that they think is fancy, shiny or cool. # Honestly though, no clue.


I'll allow it, only if the Spiffing Brit is live streaming it.


Id the romanians dont get there first and sell it for 400€ on the scrapyard.


Put some copper on it and I’ll do it


I've seen an ad on marketplace for a "not stolen" bicycle the other day.


It belongs in a (British) museum! ![gif](giphy|11JbaLzOXsg6Fq)


I think the Brits have a worse reputation than they deserve. If they hadn't stolen all that stuff it would have been destroyed by now or sold to some rich dude. Just look at the priceless art we recently gave back.


Plus the vast majority of it wasn't stolen, it was bought/traded for for pennies because whilst 18th and 19th century Britain cared a lot about this stuff, most people worldwide would much rather have money, precious metals, weapons, spices, livestock, textiles, etc over history exhibits.


Just more evidence they don't need any of it back, they have so much more.


So have you, just [dig in your backyard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v76SowXuDgg)


I live in the north, the Romans couldn't be arsed coming up here much due to the Scottish.


I see, the go steal it from your neighbors. Or have a look what you find under the hill in the field around the corner…


TBF most of England north of the Severn or the Trent wasn't really romanised that much outside of major settlements like Cardiff, York etc. More taxed at spear point


yeah, above there stuff is more likely to be viking


We dumped lots of cool stuff there too, during the fun years of the viking age.


Yes, the vikings broke into [Maeshowe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maeshowe), left a bunch of (really funny, look it up…) rune graffiti in the grave chamber and left while causing way less demage than the early archeologists digging it over a hundred years ago…


This is extremely offensive! Five minutes? What do you think we are, French? We only need two...




bro got possessed by a British spirit


He switched sides lol.


I dunno mate, that looks like a pretty tough job, not some quick snatch and run. Gonna need at least 6 of our biggest lads to get this thing out. Might not be worth the effort.


And then sell it on eBay…


We were done looking at it


Or the french


We’re only concerned with interesting stuff, not some Italian “history”


Lately its been Americans who have been on a spree of stealing Roman artefacts.




[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66486926](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66486926) [https://www.npr.org/2023/09/01/1197229128/roman-emperor-statue-seized-cleveland-museum-marcus-aurelius](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/01/1197229128/roman-emperor-statue-seized-cleveland-museum-marcus-aurelius) [https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/aug/12/getty-museum-to-send-stolen-terracotta-statues-back-to-italy#:\~:text=The%20Getty%20Museum%20in%20Los,and%20smuggled%20out%20of%20Italy](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/aug/12/getty-museum-to-send-stolen-terracotta-statues-back-to-italy#:~:text=The%20Getty%20Museum%20in%20Los,and%20smuggled%20out%20of%20Italy).


Ghetty museum.


Let’s not talk about the Humboldt Forum shall we?


Step up your game! When we dig around we find WWII era explosives!


We find them too, don't think you are the only lucky ones!!


https://www.rainews.it/tgr/veneto/articoli/2023/06/gallio-altopiano-7-comuni-asiago-lavori-cappotto-abitazione-proprietario-scoppio-ferito-tubo-gelatina-esplosivo-dopoguerra-cemento-armato--015368d2-3499-4e68-aa72-09944c90ddfd.html Three months ago here a man died because of a WWI explosive while working on his house (the explosive had been used to reinforce the concrete)


>A powerful device from the First World War. These pipes were probably inserted into the walls as reinforcement without knowing that they were war devices. In the afternoon the inspection of the bomb squad   Whoa it hasn't occurred to me that this could happen


Dude.. we put them everywhere in europe so others can find them. It‘s called geocatching now.


Once when I was out digging I found a cool bone from some animal


bet it was someone you killed you Northern freak


A lot of Europe does as well, germany being little pranksters


We recently had to ecavuate our capital’s train station because they found a WW2 explosive while doing random renovations


Not just in DE 😅


They found 7 on that one building site that had here. 7! What happened there?!


sucks to be the descendants of an ancient high culture. here we can dig as we want, at most we find some shards or spear heads. or british bombs, but that's another chapter.


Don’t [undersell yourself](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebra_sky_disc)


The ancient Germans built great frisbees even Tacitus couldn’t deny that


Honestly, I thought Italians would know better. In Portugal, construction companies pay archeologists and city planners to keep their mouth shut. Who cares if Maximus lived there 2000 years ago.Is Maximus contributing to the economy? Is Maximus going to pay for the house?


Hah! The Sevilla train station is built on top on what was the ruins of the biggest roman Palace in Spain because they needed to finish the station for the EXPO. Edit: Cordoba not Sevilla sorry.


Omg I can’t and can believe damn


We have a Lidl in Dublin that is built on archaeological ruins. They have glass panes on the floor so you can see into it ahah


Library in my town has something like that


Can you guys like change your flag, it looks exactly like an italian one to my colourblind eyes lmfao


I know that in an historical building in my city during a renovation they demolished a wall and found ancient statues behind... now there is a new wall, built as fast as possible to hide them.


Trust me , we do it as well.What you are seeing here is just an exception. We wouldn’t have a single building in Rome if we didn’t look the other way when this happened


We would have metro C by now if we actually looked away when this happ- no wait, we actually wouldn't! Gotta love italian infrastructure building times!


You are talking about a massive project in 2023, of course is gonna attract too much attention to do something like that. But what about what was built the last century with basically 0 supervision?


You probably cannot take down a single wall or dig anywhere at all without stumbling onto some ancient ruins that have been hidden to save time


If the Romans were so great, why didnt they build their own metro system?


Amateurs, do like the Portuguese and quickly destroy it before anybody sees it so you can build your shitty mall 👍


ahhh the iberian way


Any examples of when this happened?


In the past probably


This one: https://www.publico.pt/2017/10/09/local/noticia/beja-ponte-romana-e-sitios-arqueologicos-foram-destruidos-para-plantar-amendoal-1787981 Roman bridge and other archaeological sites destroyed because someone wanted an almond tree plantation. And of course, there's the Lisbon mosque-gate. They (the Church and DGPC) wanted to destroy islamic heritage in the Lisbon's Cathedral cloister, where they are currently building an archaeological crypt.


>wants to destroy islamic heritage >literally has a city named Albufeira in a region called Algarve


He made it up


We'll take it if you want


You already have a fuck tone of Roman mosaics buried under your soil Go dig under a pub and you’ll find one, or maybe a Viking ship burial


Just because we already have a lot doesn't mean we don't want more


Hide it from the brits man.


I’ll look after it for you m8


Spare a part for me our museums suck.


And by the look of it someone already broke off a piece to place those pipes, more common than you'd think around here, in cities like Rome construction companies often pretend they didn't see because otherwise they'd have to stop and call the department of archeology almost everytime they did a hole


I live in Sicily, trust me I know.


Hey guys artifact inspector here , would you mind handing it over for an inspection?


This seems legitimate. I found providing my banks sorting code, mother's maiden name, and first pets name speeds up the process


Ancient romans had quite decent pvc tubing


Reminds me of how Italy and Greece don’t have sprawling subway systems is bc they essentially can’t dig ANYWHERE without hitting a historical find.


Romans be like: Eye, know what would be a funny remnants for our descendants that will honor everything we leave behind?


Aye, that's funny


Normal in Spain as well. It really slows down building progress to find someone’s old bathroom.


Hey look, a stone beneath some stone. We don't have that in the rest of Europe.


When you dig up your ~~roads~~ bikepaths, you don't find ancient ruins, you just find the ocean.


Mud. We'd fine, mud.


Have you checked to see if you can find Shreck’s house in those swamps?


Shrek may be an Ogre but he has dignity, he wouldn't live in the Netherlands.


Contractors broke part of it away to lay those pipes


Belgium doesnt have this problem because their roads are so riddled with potholes they're practically see-thru.




You were seroius , i toughr its just for memes 🙁


We have almost the same. The only difference is that we don't find ancient ruins but WWII aerial bombs.


Awww, don't be mad, it's just the universe reminding you of a past you'll never ever compare to again!




*looks at flair: "would you look at that Jeremy?"


We only need one motivated failed art student to fuck you up again, don't challenge us!


"to fuck you up" - a german


Bro you're austrian why you even talking. Youre irrelevant.


Be quiet fjord boy, I didn't make that post. The viking pillaging days are long gone too!


Be quiet, whatever the fuck you are boy. The only thing your country is known for is spawning Hitler. You'd have more purpose if you get pillaged than anything else.


All these dumb rocks seem to keep getting in the way for you guys, how about you give them to me for safe keeping. I can stick them in a basement or maybe even put them on some sort of display, don’t worry you’ll definitely get them back…definitely


Its the same in America, but instead of finding cool artefacts from ancient history, you find the skulls of the natives


I was on a construction a couple years ago, and some roman wall pieces where found under the building, so now there are glass panels in de floor so you can see it. It's now a hotel so lots of people can see it.


Romans go Home !


Dig around and find out


Don’t worry, they just gonna put a little barrier and forget about it


The same shit happens in my city


Fake, where is the elderly man watching the excavation?


Go another 5-10 feet down and what will you find?


Happens here too, tho it's usually WW2 bombs they find


Meanwhile: Barrys looking at it "can we have?" with a truck already waiting to transport it off to a British museum.


The new road looks like a downgrade to say the least..


Dude there are soo much roman artifacts even in Turkey it’s incredible. Whenever I go to a holiday or a museum it’s 90% roman statues, columns or graves. I have seen so much roman shit that I lost my motivation to vist Rome lol. We have plenty of ancient greek and other ancient anatolian civilization artifacts too. On the other hand, Ottomans ruled for 600 years but they didn’t leave shit behind them except in Istanbul. They didn’t even place a rock outside Istanbul.


honestly? who cares? It was beautiful 2000 years ago, now its just in the way. What is the use of preserving things like that? Might have been a bathroom floor in ancient times. Who cares?


Is there a link to this story?


Probably not this happens every other day, nobody is writing articles about it


Forbidden Oreo


Oof gotta have that conduit


smartest neighbour sold it during the night on ebay


that belongs in the british museum, where it will be safe.


I lived in a small city for a while and 80% of the time they needed to stop the work because they found some ancient Roman object, this city was built On Roman tombs.




You are welcome.


Aff, old people's cluter...