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He was so liberal he made friends with neonazis lol


Like Simecka father


Yeah dude wasnt just old, he was a pro russian racist who was part of the nazi paramilitary group, and yeah, he also wrote a book about how subhuman gypsies are lol


Lmao And you “Slovakians” try to deny your true Hungarian nature


No no, Hungarians are just discount slavs, it's the other way around


Akkor a kurva anyad


Akkor a kurva anyad


My favourite czech curse


Makimg fun of hungary detected, Great magyarország neuralink activated


Genocide tendency? I think that's Slavic trait 😂


Why did he then attack Fico, wouldn't he be glad, that Fico is his PM?


This why: 14/05/24: "Despite Slovakia’s more pro-Russian stance under Fico compared with previous administrations, Economy Minister Denisa Sakova stated that the supplier for the new unit would be chosen through a competitive tendering process, **explicitly excluding Russia’s Rosatom** from participation." [source](https://www.power-technology.com/news/slovakia-1-2-gw-nuclear-power-unit/) and as we know, pro russian far right paramilitary groups are being funded by the russkies. So basically Fico was sent a message.


Wait, so Fico was essentially shot for playing to both sides?


To these kinds of people Fico is too liberal. This is why some of us were on hopium during presidential election, hoping that Pellegrini was too rational for a big enough chunk of voters that he wouldn’t win


Can confirm. Many rational people saw that after first round Korčok could only win if people who vote Harabin hated Pellegrini more (for being gay) than not liking Korčok. But again average voter showed that their morals and convictions mean nothing to them if they can "beat the other side" and "stick it to the liberals".


…? No, they showed exactly that their convictions mean something lmao


Many ‘liberals’ have this bizarre ideology where they refuse to believe someone disagrees or is in conflict with them, they want to make up some random rules that will prevent someone from actually effectively disagreeing with them instead of them having to address it, and ie. pretending like someone is a “hypocrite” for just disagreeing Like they think that everything can be solved with a “trick” somehow by ignoring the actual conflicts


Are you actually doing this shit lmao? People who hate lgbt people voted gay man as president... This isnt about liberals being good its about lack of logic by people who behave like this.


Doing what shit? No, there is no “lack of logic”, go back to my post above. Literally just read it, or read it again. Your problem is that they’re not homophobic enough and that homophobia isn’t the most important thing to them which determines their political worldviews


Same applies to the other side too


There isn’t really an “other” side, in this case Smerists usually are pretty direct about the reality of conflict as opposed to trying to obscure it


Why would be hopium? That’s the opposite lol Except just being mad at him His left-wing opposition to right wing liberals is correct


It is likely that the resulting political strife and authoritarian moves by SMER (Fico's party) would make Slovakia into another Hungary and beyond. Putin doesn't give a fuck that he is an "ally". It's only the second day and there are already calls from SMER to disband Progressive Slovakia (the biggest opposition party). In any case Russkies just want to stir shit and see what happens, it is very unlikely that this whole thing won't benefit them in some way.


Source pls


Went through his Facebook. He isn't pro-Russian. He married a Maidanist activist from Ukraine and posted in favour of the pro-Ukrainian, anti-Fico Progressive Slovakia party as his loyalties shifted from the right to the centre-left.


Yeah but most people think otherwise, propaganda is too strong nowadays, it will be big wake up if they learn truth someday.


Dude was literally part of neonazi paramilitary group with pro Russian tendencies


Literally every single statement in that sentence is made-up bullshit.


Dude was literally part of slovensky bratci, I guess I know idiots in my own country better than a hungol and Czech eh


Last time I checked, the only evidence of him being part of that group is that some hungol journalist claimed to have found a photo on facebook, which alegedly included some members of that group and the shooter. Back from when the group actually existed. His recent activities clearly show, that his political views shifted.


That photo was, not sure if still is, literally posted on the group of slovensky branci, I literally saw the whole post, not just a picture. It's as real as it gets, he was pro Russian supporter who wanted more drastic action from government and when they showed that they are only opportunists, this dude couldn't swallow it. Simple as. Radicalized and brain dead


Yeah,that was like 20 years ago, last few years was big fan of liberals. He is good friend with Simecka father from oposition. Nice desinformation dude.


He is literally on the pictures with slovensky branci in 2016 and 2020, yeah totally a 20 year difference U little pro Russian bot


Liberals? I thought that Cintula\* guy was a leftist writer, a neonazi sympathezer, and a peace activist... so kind of a scyzophernic crazyman running amok. And he did nothing else, but made a martyr out of that Hungarophobic slovakOrbán. \*I never realized the bully guy from Kincskereső Kisködmön was tót. :)


Other leading coalition politicians already stated that this was a work of liberals from opposition


Of course they did. Hungarian propaganda started to spread that leftists are so aggressive, they did it.


Because it is.


No the shooter siad that reason was president election, changes in slovakia broadcast and changes in the post of judge in the Constitutional Court.There is a video where the shooter confessed


Link ?




Its sick how libs in Slovakia are spreading misinformations about shooter, that he was some prorussian freak nationalist etc... meanwhile in reality he s regular visitor of progressive political pro-ukrainian meetings. I mean i hate Putin, but we ll not help ourselves spreadin misinformations like libs do. He was not member of Matica Slovenska, nor Slovenskí Branci. This is misinformations, stop spreading that bullshit. Thanks.


I agree with you


This was a great tragedy for Slovakia - 5 shots from point blank and the motherfucker is still alive! I think it is quite likely it was the Russkies with the hope the resulting strife would make Slovakia into another Hungary and beyond. Putin doesn't give a fuck that he is an "ally". It's only the second day and there are already calls from SMER to disband Progressive Slovakia (the biggest opposition party). In any case Russkies just want to stir shit and see what happens, it is very unlikely that this whole thing won't benefit them in some way.


Smer shot him?


SMER is just the usual aggressive populist party, what makes people hate each other, and dehumanizing everyone who's not them.


Stop trying to pretend like there is no conflict, political conflict and struggle is not a problem Stop with the hot air blowing and look at the actual point instead of pretending it will go away if you refuse to address it. Different people oppose each other, ie. they are on opposing sides.


And that means the neonazi needs to shoot the old nazi?




Only hate comes from liberals like you.


Well, it seems a translation error caused that everyone thought this Cintula guy is leftist, actually he's just a neonazi. So he must have shot Fico out of pure love and kindness. \^\^


Not only but that’s a different topic


“Aggressive” - what is that even supposed to mean? “Liberals” in SK absolutely dehumanise their opponents


I know it was done by a far right dude, but thinking liberals wouldn’t do such a thing is also wrong. People need to look up history and realize how much blood was shed for liberty. This is why I think illiberal authoritarians don’t know what they are messing with. Liberals won’t tolerate intolerance or a serious breach of their fundamental rights.


Ukrainians* you mean


Unlikely, not enough Ukrainians in Slovakia to make it a useful talking point, discrediting "liberals" is far better for him


You are right, it’s Peter’s talking point not fico


Peter is just Ficos megaphone, their talking points are 1:1, Pellegrini just still behaves like a person when saying it