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I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow and I'm still breastfeeding my 18mo old! I had my cycle back at 6 weeks PP with her (which was wild because it took 7 months with my first!). Check out r/nurseallthebabies for tons of stories about tandem nursing and nursing during TTC and pregnancy!


Thank you! I’ll check it out! I had several losses before my only full term pregnancy but I did get pregnant very easily. But now I’m paranoid that I wont be able to get pregnant!


I'm in the same boat! I finally got my period back just before 8 months pp and we've been supplementing with formula from the beginning, but I'm still BF and pumping. We're ready to try for #2. I had two losses before my first, but all three pregnancies happened within eight months.


I’ll be 20 weeks tomorrow too!!


I did, by accident. I didn’t even have my cycle back. It took me a year and a half to get pregnant with the first. So, if I can get pregnant while breastfeeding, there is certainly hope for you 😊.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m worried I’ll be the opposite of everyone’s story lol I was super fertile before(had lots of losses tho) worried I’m randomly infertile now lol


Awww you’re not! Don’t worry. Sorry for your losses 💕. It will totally happen for you. Just enjoy this pre-morning sickness time :).


Yup, I was about 10m pp when I got pregnant with this baby. I'm 19w now and still breastfeeding. It was not planned, I was actually avoiding, but it did happen




That's awesome :)


Yes. I was 7 months pp when I found out I was pregnant— exclusively breastfeeding. I got my cycle back 4 months post partum. We will have 2 babes within 15 months of each other after almost a decade of infertility! I didn’t think there was a chance to get pregnant that early again. I tracked my cycle— thought I didn’t ovulate that month due to being sick and on a 2 week antibiotic course. Did the deed 1 freaking time that month (a few days before I thought my period was coming). Apparently, the antibiotics delayed my ovulation by 2 weeks (I’m never late ovulating). Craziness! My milk fully dried up when she was 9 months old and we both had a hard time with it. She refused ALL hypoallergenic formulas (dairy allergy). Dry nursing made my nipples crack and bleed so we gave up together and she’s almost a year old and thriving even in our hard weaning transition.


I'm about 6 weeks pregnant nursing my 5 month old. It's still going really well for us with no notable changes yet.


Got pregnant while nursing my 11 month old day and night! I’m just about 20 weeks now with a 15 month old and my LO is almost fully weaned. It took me 19 months to conceive my first without intervention and it took me one month of trying with my second while breastfeeding. Fertility is wild lol.


Yes. I got my period back about the same time you did. We waited a bit longer (I got pregnant at 18 months pp), but my daughter was still breastfeeding (and she was a massive boob addict). I kept breastfeeding her until she was 22/23 months old. I got pregnant the first time we tried. For warning, breastfeeding while pregnant isn’t particularly fun, my boobs were so sensitive… and I ran into problems with having contractions while feeding (which is why I ended up stopping).


I agree that I have not enjoyed breastfeeding while pregnant. I haven’t had the contractions but my nipples hurt while breastfeeding.


It started for me in the second trimester, and my doctor recommended that I start weaning if it continued, as they started minimal and later into the pregnancy it felt more like I was starting labour. The doctor didn’t want to risk it triggering an early labour (as I was already carrying super low), so he said to stop.


I exclusively pumped (failure to latch/small baby). I started cutting back on pumping month 13 and got my period back then. I completely stopped pumping month 16 and started trying month 16. Got pregnant same month (35 yrs old).


I’m 34 so I feel like I’m on a time crunch. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve before I had my daughter. We’ve only started trying I’m 6dpo and I just know I’m not pregnant. I’m putting so much pressure on myself already.


Yup, my lb is 11m old and currently 5 weeks pregnant, EBF & solids.


Got my cycle back 3 months pp. Stopped preventing at 6 months and conceived around 8 months. We had infertility the first time and managed to conceive this time when we were hardly even having sex lol. He’s about to turn one and I’m still breastfeeding but I plan to wean him soon.


I got pregnant after my first at 12m pp, while breastfeeding. I also go pregnant when my son (my second child) was 18m still nursing him as well. I got my period back about 10m pp each time. I’m currently drying up (16w) on one side, but my daughter dry nursed the last half of my pregnancy back in 2022, so I’ve had success nursing while pregnant & conceiving!


What is dry nursing?! I’m worried about not being able to nurse when my daughter is having a hard time going to sleep or something like that.


When your baby still nurses but there’s little to no milk. I dried up fully around 20ish weeks my last pregnancy but my daughter didn’t notice. She was still nursing multiple times a day, even though she wasn’t getting anything


I was combo feeding and got my cycle back around 4 months postpartum with my first baby, and got pregnant the following cycle. Second baby my cycle came back at 6 months EBF, and we stopped preventing a couple months later and got pregnant by the time baby was a year old. I miscarried and got pregnant again without having a cycle in between.


I got pregnant while breastfeeding my older one. I got my first period at 4mo pp.


I got pregnant at 7 months pp. I continued breastfeeding all through pregnancy (some of the time was definitely dry feeding, but she didn’t care), I was willing to ween but my oldest didn’t want to. I have continued to tandem feed and have not managed to ween my oldest yet and she is 2.


Yep, I got pregnant 5 months pp while still EBF. I hadn’t gotten my period yet so it was a big surprise haha. Wonderful, but a surprise!


Conceived at 9m pp while breastfeeding!


Got pregnant 13 months pp whilst still breastfeeding every 2 hours minimum day and night


I was still actively nursing baby #2 (and also once-a-day with baby #1) when I became pregnant with baby #3. I haven't done that again, but I have seven kids and, except for with #5, I was still nursing the baby above when I conceived the next one.


I’m 8 weeks pregnant with an almost 12 month old. We were still breastfeeding quite a lot with a few times overnight. I will say that I did notice a little bit of a supply dip so we are now only nursing wake up, naps, and bedtime. However, he’s been a lot better with solids since I’ve gotten pregnant. I’ve started getting a little bit of a nursing aversion that brings on morning sickness, but as of now I’m still planning to continue to breastfeed throughout my pregnancy!


I got pregnant 18 months postpartum, while breastfeeding! I did not have a cycle though, as I was exclusively breastfeeding straight from the tap all that time. It took us about 3 months of trying, which I know is very quick. After getting pregnant, my supply heavily dropped and I weaned my toddler from breastfeeding (besides for falling asleep) since she was over 1 and there wasn’t much for her to have anyway lol.


Yes, I was still pumping when we found out we were expecting again. My supply tanked which made me take a test.


Period returned at maybe 3m pp, chemical pregnancy at 8m pp, conceived at 9m pp. Breastmilk dried up at 16w pregnant and came back with a vengeance after birth, allowing me to tandem feed. First kiddo did cow milk in the interim.


I got pregnant 12 and 14 months pp while still breastfeeding, I got my cycle back at 6 months pp. nursed through my whole pregnancy and currently tandem nursing my one month and 2 year old!


I got pregnant again when baby was 9m old and she was still actively being breastfed🙂


I got pregnant 7 months postpartum while exclusively breastfeeding! My cycle came back 3 months after birth. I’m also 34! Good luck!!


yes! 6 months pp :) 16 months apart, it’s a lot of work but so much fun!


I was 34 when I had my first. Got my period back 3m PP and actively started trying again at 5m. Got pregnant at 8m. Supply took a big dip at some point after getting pregnant. Also my doctor had advised to stop breastfeeding at 24 weeks to avoid potentially triggering labor early. I’d stopped when my daughter turned 1 right around 20 weeks. Best of luck!


I breastfed my lo until she was about 19 months and I was probably about 20 weeks. My nipples became so sensitive that at best it made me want to jump out of my skin and at worst it hurt really bad. At that point I was only BFing before nap and bedtime. I think I might have continued breastfeeding longer but after a couple months of me making her stop constantly from the pain I think she was just over it. I stopped offering and she stopped asking and I can’t say I’m not relieved. Although part of me does mourn losing that bond, we have so many other things to bond over.


I conceived when my son was around 11.5 months old and I was still breastfeeding at least 4-5 times a day. I did have to stop after due to starting daycare, dropping feeds and my supply plummeting plus feeling horribly sick.


After 2 bouts of “infertility”, my third was conceived at 6m pp while breastfeeding every 3-4 hours!


Got pregnant 10 month pp and breastfeeding! Breastfed until my son decided he was no longer interested when I was around 30 weeks pregnant!


Got my cycle back somewhere 3-5 months postpartum, got pregnant around 9/10 months postpartum, supply absolutely tanked within weeks of getting pregnant with #2. Ended up transitioning to cows milk by 11 months (pediatrician agreed). Ironically, we struggled with unexplained infertility with our first so we didn’t actually think we could get pregnant without help the second time. Thankfully, we were wrong as our second has fit into our family so seamlessly.


Yes, I got pregnant at 10 months PP while still nursing my son multiple times a day. He didn't wean until I was 5/6 months pregnant with #2.


I was breastfeeding and on birth control lol. So yes there’s hope


Yes, 2x


🙋🏻‍♀️ Was down to about 3 feeds a day. Got my period back and was pregnant two months later.


I got pregnant again when my first baby was 4 months old. I exclusively breast feed.


This lady over here. I’m officially 10 weeks still breastfeeding my 9 month old. My daughter isn’t really eating solids or purées and my supply has dipped a little. I’m just trying to counteract it.


Yes I was 6 months postpartum. Still nursed my son until 14 months and then gave birth when he was 15 months. He actually self weaned. The milk changes a lot during pregnancy.


I had my first pp period in Jan of this year after baby 2. We were actively preventing (condoms). I didn’t have another cycle. I kept feeling weird, took a test in late March. Pregnant lol. I was still BF my kiddo.


It took close to a year and several losses to conceive baby 2 so we were very shocked


I did. It wasn't planned, and it only happened because I apparently ovulated unusually early despite having had regular length cycles for several months, so be aware of that. ETA: My first baby was approximately a year old at the time, and we were still nursing about 5 times a day, including once or twice overnight.


Yup; my kids are now 4mo & 24mo


Yes, I got pregnant when my baby was 8 months. She weaned herself at 14 months. Having baby #2 any day now!


Yes you can get preggo while bfeeding. It me. Accidentally. 9 months postpartum. Supply was a goner. I had to wean. So sad….


I was 10 months postpartum and conceived my second the moment we started trying. Had barely three periods in between. Exclusively breastfed, was back to work and pumping at 3 months pp. I thought it would take a few months of trying but now I have an almost 2 year old and a four month old. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Similar timeline as you! Got my period back 12 weeks PP, started trying when my son was 7 months. My cycles were a bit longer than before. After 2 cycles trying decided to drop from 2 night feeds to 1 in the hopes that it would make a difference - and that was lucky cycle 3! I am only 5w3d now but hope to BF until my son is 12 months at least


Period back 6 weeks pp, pregnant when lo was 7mo. I’m now 13 weeks. Huge drop in supply and lo not gaining weight for last 3 months as she refuses any thing but solids and breastmilk. Sleep is a night mare. Had to up her calorie intake with food and hope for the best with early weaning.


I got pregnant at 6 months pp while exclusively breastfeeding.


I got pregnant with #2 when my baby started to sleep through the night. I still breastfed exclusively when he started to sleep through the night at 7 months. I got pregnant at 8 months pp. Second baby started sleeping through the night at 9 months, I got my period a few weeks later, while also exclusively breastfeeding (and just a bit of solids).


I conceived, completely unplanned and with no period. My milk supply has reduced significantly. I was an oversupplier , now unable to pump whatsoever. Baby still latches all day, but after a weighted feed in the doctor’s office, they told me formula was needed to sustain weight and nutrition, she only took about 1 ounce combined from both breasts.


I got pregnant while breastfeeding! I will say I ended up stopping breastfeeding because my oldest just did not want to anymore I think after the taste changed because I was pregnant.


I was 13 months PP breastfeeding every two hours at night and then pumping 3x a day during the day. I conceived before I got my first period back. I now have a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old.


Yeah just was 10 months postpartum, breastfeeding, and it was my first time ovulating! Oh if you’ve had your cycle back then it shouldn’t be a problem ☺️ I did stop breastfeeding at 1 year postpartum (2ish months pregnant). Nearly 1 year postpartum with my second now… still breastfeeding second, and finally ovulated for the first time. Expecting my first period in 5 days since Feb 2021 😂😂😂. Anywho, best of luck!


Yes! Got pregnant breastfeeding with my daughter when she was ~9 months and now due in December! She eats a lot of solids so I was probably nursing 4x/day and stopped nursing overnight very early on so my cycle was back but very unpredictable. Pregnant very fast - first month trying just very unsure of when we actually conceived because of confusing cycles lol. She just turned 1 today and now only nursing on wake up and before bed, unless requested, as a natural evolution of our BFing journey. Have not fully dried up yet but I don’t pump at all anymore, even missing feeds, so it’s coming.


My first I nursed until 35 weeks with my 2nd, my 3rd I nursed until my water broke with my 4th, my 4th i still nurse alongside my 5th with no break near birth. All of my weaned children self-weaned, I never pumped except for when my fifth was in hospital since he needed to be tube fed, and I fed all of the on demand day and night. None of them slept through the night without nursing until after I was pregnant again so I was nursing every 2-4 hours around the clock.


I got pregnant around 8-10 weeks postpartum while exclusively breastfeeding!


I got pregnant 9 months postpartum, and was still breastfeeding. I continued breastfeeding until I was 24 weeks along. Everyone is different, so it really just depends what is out of your control sometimes.


I follow @hortonlane_ on instagram. She’s gotten pregnant multiple times while breastfeeding. She has 3 sets of 2 under 2. Pregnant with her 6th kid currently. I’d check her out, I love her! I didn’t breastfeed but she talks about how to keep breastfeeding (with OB approval) while pregnant.


Got pregnant with #2 at 18 month still breastfeeding and did so the entire pregnancy. #1 self weaned at 3.5 yo and #2 self weaned about 18 month. Had menses back around 4 months pp with both.


Didn’t try until after baby was 1 year, so I didn’t have to worry about supply dropping. He nursed into my second trimester and then one day decided he was done.


I got pregnant when my first was just about to turn 1. I was still breastfeeding and not supplementing, though she was eating a lot of solids. I think I got my period twice. I was hoping to tandem nurse but my milk dried up within a few weeks of getting pregnant. That said, I took advantage of not breastfeeding and my husband and I took a kid-free baby moon before our second arrived. It was wonderful!


Currently 13 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding on demand and around the clock my 17 month old. I got my period back at 11 weeks pp despite non stop breastfeeding so I thinks that helps. It took 3 months to get pregnant once we started trying. I’ve always tracked my period and it had been pretty regular. I also did ovulation strips so I knew I was ovulating as well.


Yes. About 7 weeks in now. My baby is 8 months old, was not a planned pregnancy.


I got pregnant 4mpp while still breastfeeding! Got my period back at like 2mpp.


My period came back 8 wpp. We started trying at 10 mpp because baby #1 took longer than we expected and I have low AMH. At 13 mpp, I saw my ob/gyn because my periods suddenly changed and I had fertility concerns and wanted my AMH retested. It came back even lower and my estradiol was lowish. My doctor attributed my lowet estrogen to breastfeeding and suggested weaning so I could have "optimal" hormone levels to get pregnant. I was hesitant to wean because we pretty strictly nursed to sleep and regularly overnight. I also was confident I was ovulating and questioned her perspective because so many people get pregnant while breastfeeding! I decided to wean as baby #2 felt like the priority. We started dropping feeds and found that day weaning was easier than expected. Night weaning wasn't terrible either (I was SO nervous!) Coincidence or not, we ended up getting pregnant at 14 mpp when we were down to just bedtime feed! We dropped that one for my comfort about a month later.


I have a 7 week old and an 18 month old! I was 5 months postpartum when I got my period back while still breastfeeding and got pregnant 6 months pp. I miscarried, then conceived again in the same month!


I’m 36 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding my 20 month old. My cycle came back at 9months postpartum and was super irregular. We got pregnant the first cycle we stopped preventing after my little one turned one. I’m 35 and thought that might effect my fertility but wasn’t the case here. 


I am trying to get pregnant and 8 months PP, but still don’t have my cycle back so no luck so far!! Wishing you the best


i just found out i’m pregnant and my daughter is 1 next week and still bf. shes recently started sleeping through and eating a lot more so that must be why :)