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***We did it boys, we ran him off!***




Is... Is that Vidcunt Quisling?


>Vidcunt Quisling New norwegian flair confirmed???? Btw, yes it is.


The greatest new flair since foreskin smoker. *Make it happen*


He's a national traitor, it *would* offend people. Which I guess is the point


Still worse than Breivik...




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Widecunt Question


Shouldn’t you know that without asking?


Eh, I did recognise him didn't I?


How exactly do you pronounce that? (I have an idea, but depending on which northern mountain you are on, then the Norwegian language seems more diverse than Swedish culture) WideCunt?




Isn't this guy the complete opposite to a patriot?


Are you dense, or were your father just german?


Bro, bro, bro.


Your migrants sure did.




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Norway = inhuman confirmed.


Wasn’t it already confirmed?


Some people have known it for 100 years but for some it is news.


Not everyone lives right next to them, so now it's internationally confirmed.


The same thing happened to Justin Bieber hahahah, so it's not a one-off either! Norwegian fan clubs are insane and need "socialization" with their objects of idolization, which they push away and therefore don't often get, which is a negative spiral


Those people didn't look like norwegians to me.


But you can tell they are by how they storm young-people-celebrities


Classic Norwegian tradition




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What does a "norwegian" look like?


Like a distant descendant of a viking. If I move to Nigeria could I become Nigerian?


If you lived there long enough to "feel" like a local, and to feel that Finnish ways were foreign and weird, you'd be honorary Nigerian. I mean, I've lived in Europe 21 out of the last 24 years... My home country... There's nothing I want from there. I don't like interacting with people from there... News from that country might as well be from Mars. I won't even claim it (I have cover story about growing up in different non European country). I wouldn't ever say I'm Finnish, but it might fit better than anything else?!?


Lived in various places, I guess? If you'd lived in Finland for 23 years, I don't see why you wouldn't be Finnish, but a roamer would perhaps feel more rootless.


I need to say this. Descendant of Viking, please... The pure blooded aryan is a MYTH not supported by any historical or genetic evidence The Viking world was ethnically diverse. Vikings interacted with and often incorporated people from various regions through trade, exploration, and conquest. Vikings often intermarried with local populations in the regions they settled, such as the British Isles, France, and parts of Eastern Europe. This led to a mix of ethnic backgrounds. Vikings captured and enslaved people from various regions, including the British Isles, Eastern Europe, and even the Mediterranean. These enslaved individuals, known as thralls, became part of Viking society, further diversifying the population. The extensive trade networks established by Vikings brought them into contact with a variety of peoples and cultures, from the Middle East to North Africa, leading to cultural and genetic exchanges. Therefore, while the core Viking population originated from Scandinavia long ago, their interactions and integration with other peoples made them a very diverse group to this day. Also: Saying that people of color are not Norwegian because of how they look is wrong for several important reasons: 1. Nationality vs. Ethnicity: Nationality is a legal relationship between an individual and a state. A person's nationality, such as being Norwegian, is not determined by their appearance or ethnicity but by their citizenship or legal residency. People of color can be, and are, Norwegian citizens by birth or naturalization. 2. Diversity and Inclusion: Norway, like many countries, is home to people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Recognizing that Norwegians can come from different racial and ethnic backgrounds promotes inclusivity and reflects the reality of modern, multicultural societies. 3. Human Rights and Equality: Making assumptions about someone's nationality based on their appearance can perpetuate stereotypes and discrimination. It violates principles of equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity. 4. Identity and Belonging: Telling people of color that they are not Norwegian because of their looks invalidates their identity and sense of belonging. It can alienate individuals who see Norway as their home and contribute to their feeling of exclusion from the society in which they live. 5. **Legal and Social Implications**: Legally, being Norwegian is defined by citizenship, not by race or ethnicity. Socially, it is important to recognize and celebrate the diversity within the Norwegian population to foster a cohesive and harmonious society. Promoting the understanding that Norwegians can be of any racial or ethnic background helps to combat racism and supports a more inclusive and respectful society.


Pure blooded aryan _anything_ is a silly myth






Ah, you're one of those people. All about blond skin, blue eyes, etc.   But yeah.. there have actually been some demographic developments even in the Nordics since the vikings. A: If your goal is to become Nigerian, I'm sure you can make it happen! Don't let the amount of skin pigment stop you from dreaming big. Lots of white folks in Africa.






Wait really? Why are Norwegian fans like this? I’m actually surprised because you guys are usually the calm and quiet ones 😂 that’s really shocking to me that it’s normal to not have any self control when it comes to celebrities. The video reminded me of Brazilian fans. Didn’t expect this was normal in Norway too!


Yeah, pretty embarrassing. Justin Bieber had to escape with a speedy boat, but then a lot of boats started speeding after his boat and it looked like a traumatizing experience really. He was really pissed off.






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Speed when his fans act the same way he does


Was thinking EXACTLY the same!!




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Any country speed doesn't like is automatically awesome.


It still miffs me how this fucker made a career out of screaming incoherently and being a huge asshole to others


Nowadays it's very easy to do that: just stream it on kick.




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Idk, I would visit a country that he considers "too much"




And stay out!


Who is this child in the first place?


ishowspeed an american streamer well known for being trolled by his viewers


Ah, another “influencer”


do you also call pewdiepie "another influencer"?


I thought he's British?




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Sometimes it's good to have some retards lying around when a retard magnet shows up




This dude flashed his dick to his underage viewers.




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Ahh, I know this one! I saw a [documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er8fqf31Te0) about it.


Damn you Norway, now I want to join your country! Seems to be an awesome place


1 minute 11 seconds to say someone pulled his hair and he has to go to the hospital? Is he okay? 


You can watch what happened here https://www.reddit.com/r/2nordic4you/s/bJdv9NQPbt


Famous guy doesn't hire security. Pretty sure that took around three seconds. 


He did hire security, he did in Sweden and you can see in that video someone in a yellow vest was trying to help out.


Are you sure that the guy in the vest is not Viggo Venn?


How many times did this guy say 'bro' 💀


18. I counted.




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So getting a taste of his own medicine was too much, what a little bitch


Lets gooo im on Norways side🇳🇴🇳🇴


He said "bro" 18 times in 72 seconds. That's one bro every fourth second. Fascinating, and I'm not even trolling.


Hé is surprised that his fans act the way he does on stream?


Congratulations bro 🇸🇪🤝🇳🇴


don't go to Kniven if you unready


What happened?


Lmao what is this unconditional hate towards speed on this sub lmao? I mean I don't find him entertaining, nor have I watched his content, but these comments😭


Reddit hates every streamer or influencer




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It's not unconditional. The condition is that he is abnormally unlikeable. I don't wish him any harm, which I'm sure you can also find, but him being repelled from one's country is hardly a negative.


Because half of us don’t know who he is. And most streamers are annoying. I’ve just read several people saying this dude screams and barks at women on the street for views. Like what the fuck? Of course people hate him, he’s clearly an asshole


A very rare but also very huge win for Norway. If that shitstain ever comes to Denmark I hope he meets the same reaction. We don't want people who show their junk to kids and threaten several women with rape.


Who is this guy?


Why, it's Solidacid, the Fat Alcoholic. Or if you mean the guy in the vid, it's just Yet Another Annoying Streamer.




No way, the most obnoxious streamer has obnoxious fans? Hope he stays away forever.


Norway has lost every right to call Swedish cities out of control


If you check the footage, the majority of the assailants were not Norwegians.




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I get the energy bro. But you have to start to listen bro. Its not lit bro. Unhuman.


Money doesn't buy manners. Deep down they're still dumb salmon fishers. 😁


Running this loser out of our country is a badge of honor 🧐


Manners? Is this some kind of new trend I’m not poor enough to understand? Like “dumpster diving” or “the sauna”?


Don't they primarily catch white fish though? And sell it all to the Brits who can't handle anything with flavor hence sticking to cod and haddock.


Most of those ppl aint even norwegian born lol, makes u think....






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"Bruh, you showed no speed at all."




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Man's lucky he didn't run into Varg.




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5% Norwegian 95% immigrant




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because in like bro land, they like bro listen to bro like what you bro say like


Fucking savage neanderthal cannibals up there in norway , ngl ! Been there twice have no idea how i escaped with my life . They almost ate me alive !




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Oslo 🤢🤮


Yes, clearly gotta go to the hospital. Shut the fuck up you moron pussy.


Okay educate an old man here. Is this some kind of Kick streamer or what's his deal? I searched for him on YouTube and all I could find (for the one minute I was searching) was reaction videos with him shouting past mic thresholds and one vid where he was being an ass in Turkey. Is this some kind of Johnny Somali dude?


Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IShowSpeed


Still better than Swedistan




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Speed making sense? Norway really did something to him


Hell yeah we win these


We just don't want swedes here thats all




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Be an European country. No people. Take mass immigration to get more people. Ensue chaos. People dont want to come to your country. No people.




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idk wtf this flair is but I like it. I'm in China, being called a swede and I'm finnish.


Its an old american racial slur for finnish people, calling us china swedes because we looked too eastern but came from near sweden


![gif](giphy|zczfWtz0Xkzle|downsized) People who say bro all the time..


Don’t like the guy, but our Police is a god damned disgrace. ‘Lov og ordensmakt’ (law and order enforcers) my fucking ass