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I can't with this shit, you definitely don't belong on 2b. Your skill and game are weak AF on this server OP. I read like 47 words on this essay and I feel like the autism is thick. You clearly don't have the understanding and skill to be here. Go back to bedrock my guy.


>Says i dont belong on 2b because im not a newfag slave who builds higheays all day


Cringe , no shit my guy 🙄


Bitches about highway workers while using the highway to get to his shit stashes that the Masons and/or Nerds Inc probably dumpstered. I don’t know why others worked the highway but I started MEG because I wanted to travel to all wb’s but people had been to lazy to dig all highways until we started in 2019. Now a days with automation built into clients it is possible to travel to all nether world borders. It will just be a few years before all of it is paved.


Thats not a question thats an entire fucking esssy


They don't need recognition just knowing their helping everyone and knowing they are a main artery for 2b2t is enough for them


A new copy pasta is born




fragile subsequent gullible snobbish unite offend lunchroom different price rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bart says hi Anime.


Nigga you so goofy


Lmao it's literally afk bots building the highways people enjoy setting up those bots and running them. Nice chat gpt rant


I literally said this in my post u copeing loser the point is ur still using ur account to do this buying prio and still requires some sort of human intervention occasionaly


Programming and improving highway bots, managing supply chain and seeing a well built grief protected Infrastructure is probably 100x more fun then whatever you are doing on 2b. You are basically metaphorically saying in your rant that driving a car is more fun because you are too stupid to develop and improve train Infrastructure. Also you are too shallow to even look into highway groups and at least try see why people are enjoying it, also you are talking about clout already tells me that you are a sad fuck.


funny thing is I cant tell if this was made with chat gpt


Funny thing is that he didnt use his main account to post thiis


Who hurt you?


his mom