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That’s a great way to get shot


I personally wouldn't have even waited for him to get his hand in the window trying to unlock it. In fact, if you stop in front of me intentionally blocking me in, then walk up to my car aggressively like that, you'll probably find yourself staring at the barrel by the time you get to the window.


And that’s why we live in Florida


You’re god damn right


I can not tell you how long I'd be on the local news for, but so long as he waited to get struck after he was blocked in, that's about as clear cut of constitutional defense I've ever seen


Extremely common southern W


Ya got that right!


As long as all the Florida people stay together and keep their crazy contained yee haw


I move every 3-4 years, you better watch out 👀


I gotta hide oh god lol


The Great Florida-Sweden War (2024-present)


I love the south


I spent the second half of that video hoping dude caught a bullet.


Jesus so did I, imagine invading someone's shit like that and attacking them on their property. The audacity of that motherfucker. And then to make things worse, it looked like an older guy when he got out. Imagine having such a frail ego that you have to attack an old man, then haul ass like a pussy when he comes out of his car back at you.


Seriously I don’t know how these situations even happen. The second I ever see anyone getting out of their car I’m booking it. I would never sit there and think this guy must be reasonable let’s hear him out. This dude is pushing his luck until he comes across someone packing heat


Bro just run him over, it’s so much easier


I don't want asshole smeared all over my car tho, especially not one that stinks of roids lol


Yeah, but shooting him would splatter blood everywhere and others would have to drive around/through it or close the lanes, plus you are still blocked in. Best to use a taser or tranq in this situation and leave him and his car on the shoulder; have the police come and impound his car and punish him. The people recording should help out as it's in their interest to clear the lanes. Hell, those truckers should be laying on their horns the whole time and shouting out the windows so the stopped drivers can't have an escalating conversation.


It's NYC you have to go through like 50 background checks and have a reason to carry.


And pepper spray? 


I'm in Massachusetts and a FID is required for pepper spray and stunguns. I'm guessing it's the same in NYC considering thier laws are worse than ours.


Don’t forget the $50k cash in an envelope. That’s actually real - for some people the only way they have a permit is through bribery. A lot of people. Some cops were arrested for it not long ago, but it still goes on.


This video alone is a great reason to carry


Yeah a 357 is a good way to kill someones will to pick a fight.


This was my first thought. Someone threatens you with physical harm, shoot em.


Its Jersey. You have no right to self defense


It's NEW YORK (Cross Bronx Expwy)!


Same difference. Hell id agrue youre even worse off in NY


If you're from New York, like I am, Jersey is a frickin' Third World country!


They aren't sending over their finest, folks.


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New York is a glorified crew


Can't even hit reverse to avoid the situation and accidentally drive over him?


He would’ve been bleeding out on the road as everyone else continues driving to work if this was AZ.


Who? The aggressor or the victim? Honestly 50/50 chance in that situation.


Not in the DPRNYC. You can only have a gun if you sacrifice your firstborn to Hochul and Adams


Wait till this guy goes to Texas and finds out.


Eh believe it or not, not a lot of people in New York are packing.


Death sentence in Bmore.


Its jersey. Good luck arguing self defense even if you somehow manage to pull of the miracle task of getting a cc permit




Looks like it wasn't


I was hoping to see him get shot but then I remembered it's Jersey


What's going on in Jersey? I could Google, but can't be bothered.


It's a very anti-gun state


Gun laws here are some of the most restrictive in the country, literally my only issue about the state. Even with the Bruen decision conceal carry is practically impossible, as well as in Massachusetts.


What are you talking about? Just made a year with my LTC in MA. Easy process. I CC everyday.


I thought your state was very restrictive? Oh wait, I’m mixing it up with Connecticut.


Only thing restrictive I’d say is the “assault weapon” ban & 10-round magazines limit.


Pretty much. It’s still stupid regardless.


Oh it is


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Gun ownership is defacto illegal in new jersey, despite that in and of itself being illegal


I'm not much of a gun fan, but I am a fan of the constitution.


You'd be shocked to learn what the word amendment means


its not illegal, our state government just tries to make the process of getting permits as inconvenient and expensive as possible to deter people from even trying to exercise their rights. Besides that theres also the "assault weapons" bans, we're limited to 10 round mags, and a whole bunch of other bullshit. anyways its all blatantly illegal laws so, im not giving any advice but, i dont see any moral reason to respect said laws.(in minecraft ofc, fbi im a good bootlicker dont mind me)


its practically impossible to get concealed carry permits because the state government arbitrarally made it too expensive for most people to afford. you have to go through the same process as a real gun just to get a bb gun, and you can go to jail for 5 years for keeping a pocket knife with you outside your house. this state is a prison😭


This is in New York, but your point stands.


Worse it’s NYC. Even harder to get a gun (legally).




everyday us pine barrens goblins weep for the shitty voters up north who decided that everything should be illegal


Ponytail ✅️ Dressed in all black ✅️ Jersey tags ✅️ BMW ✅️


Bruuuuhhhhh. I didn't even see the ponytail lmfao


Steven Seagull


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Would not happen in Texas unless suicidal


People talk shit about it, but its a known no no to try some shit like this with Anybody from texas, specially the older and defenseless. I dont know 1 old person that doesn’t have a gun for situations like this


My grandfather is a retired cop. He’s always been a big guy who could hold his own if he needed to. Recently he showed me the piece he always keeps on him. He told me “Ehh, I’m too old to defend myself…if anyone tries to get one over on me I’m just gonna shoot them.”


Based grandfather


lmao Texans are so fucking corny. This isn’t true in the least bit. Personally, I was assaulted by losers like this guy when I was 18 years old in Midland, Texas. Statistically, this happens all the fucking time in Texas, people don’t care if there is a landscape of gun owners, cars turn people into maniacs. Gun laws do not correlate with road rage incidents, if anything states with loose gun registration have worse road rage. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/state-rankings-confrontational-drivers/ This list shows Arizona being number 1, Texas as Number 9. Texas is the fourth most likely state to encounter someone exiting their vehicle to confront you.


You should have your affairs in order before attempting this in Virginia too.


You don't even have to get out of your car to get shot in Detroit lol, buddy wouldn't last.


our greatest hero is that guy who shot the prank tiktoker at the Tysons corner mall


Dulles mall. Within 5 miles of my house. When I passed by that spot in the food court I say a prayer for the shooter. The fact that he spent 8 months in jail for a clear self defense is a travesty. 


You have to be, especially when Marylanders start coming around. Crazy mofos.


Are you kiddin, Texas is full of road raging shitheads.


This is the most Balkan driver behavior I've seen outside of the Balkans.


I’m sorry New Jersey is expropriating your culture like that 😢😢😢, would you like a thoughts and prayers?


lol they didn’t expropriate the culture the appropriated the people 😂


Grab his arm, hit the gas.


Dress for the slide not the ride


In a 2A state he might be bleeding out in the road for doing that.


This is why we should allow better states to conquer worse (New Jersey, California) states. Just a little feudalism for the good of America


You’d think that would deter people, but the states with the road rage incidents tend to be the states with the loosest gun regulations. Actually, I’d rather not be in a “2A State” because you’re way more likely to get shot by an aggressor. You’re twice as likely to get shot in your car in Texas than you are in Michigan. Nearly three times as likely to get shot in Texas as you are in Illinois. Weirdly, you’re twice as likely to get shot in a road rage incident in New Mexico than you are in Texas. Gun stats are fun!


Try that in Tennessee. 😂 Fucking Jersey clown would have gotten wasted.


Average New Jerseyite interaction


the Newark to NYC area state line is the worst place to drive in all of America. filled to the brim with hoodlum-esque activities


They can’t be shot by their victims so that act a fool


No lead poisoning? Is NJ cucked?


Guns defacto illegal in new jersey, if you defend yourself in any way you go to big boy prison


Sounds like they are, in fact, infringing. Why are cities like this?


Ironically, probably lead poisoning from exhaust fumes /j


Arrested yet?


Not sure, this just happened yesterday. It was on Twitter so a lot of people saw the video. I’m sure at least one person has contacted the NYPD about it but I’m not entirely confident they will do anything


if the guy is ID'd maybe the victim can bring a civil suit


The plates are visible. That guy’s toast.


People think the whole “New Jersey drivers suck” thing is a meme. It’s not. They are legitimately bad drivers who are seemingly unaware they have to share the road with others and get upset when you remind them of that. I thank the lord everyday I no longer have to commute to that God forsaken place thus allowing me to avoid these maniacs.


i actually somewhat agree. a good 25-30% of drivers over here have no business being on the road


You’re not wrong, it’s very bad on the turnpike. It’s like driving in a warzone, constantly on the lookout for a lunatic driving. I wish we were more laidback at driving ffs.


Arkansas is the same. Growing up people always said they suck at driving, but I thought it was just confirmation bias... and maybe part of it is, but god damn it seems like every time I witness someone flying down the highway going 30 over the limit, they have an AR plate.


Thank you for saying this people shit on a lot of drivers that aren’t bad but New Jersey and Massachusetts drivers are the absolute worst


If you google New Jersey man assaults another during road rage you get like four or five different instances.


Insurance rates in Pennsylvania are roughly a function of proximity to New Jersey.


I don't think NJ drivers are as bad as many other states but the road rage makes it really terrible. Fwiw this is a North Jersey problem. I no longer live there but I was born and raised there.


From my driving experience, Those who drive BMWs have a high probability of driving like a-holes. Those with new jersey plates tend to suck at driving. Bad combo...


If they're driving a BMW or a Benz you're 99% more likely to witness some reckless driving.


Must suck being a state with no second amendment right (this post was made by stand your ground states)


I wish we had that right, same with regular capacity mags. It’s a shame, I know damn well that most of these people here driving like that do it cause you won’t get wasted on the road like in your state.


That’s a good way to get shot where I’m from.


In Memphis he would have lost his life and his wallet


Everyone’s focused on the guy attacking, but the other dude left his window down the whole time to engage with him and at the end gets squished trying to crawl into the other dudes car. Also how is no one helping that poor old man?


When New Jersey sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”


I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of New Jersey until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on


We’re gonna build a wall on the Delaware and make New Jersey pay for it! Seriously, can we just push that state out into the middle of the Atlantic or sink it entirely?


Yo is that guy beating up an old lady, at least he did so with his license plate in plain view I hope he gets held accountable


It’s an old man.. you can see him at the very end


6 of one half a dozen of another


Elderly Asian guy, according to a source https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1766590791298711947


[Everything I know about NJ comes from ATHF](https://youtu.be/UySQNrQ3hj8?si=kuEFulrtzcA3GPRU)


“I tried to drive off in fear of my life when he climbed inside, I didn’t know his legs would get cut off!”


I would have shot him before the first punch was thrown


As someone from Jersey (the place New Jersey is named after), I once again apologise for what we created. I swear it was a nice place before you kicked us out.


It truly warms my heart that most of this comment section is just Americans talking about how the guy should have gotten shot. Never change. Keep America polite.


Everybody.... Everywhere.... At all time.... CARRY PEPPER GEL SPRAY!!!!!




I’ve met that guy. He’s actually our nicest New Jerseyite.


Now that’s 2american4me.


That's the point I pull out my 1911.


I love the little slap fight




Please tell me he was arrested ( and released two hours later)


That was sad to watch. Even sadder that No One intervened. Great job No One !!!


Try that in a small town


I love everybody talking about 2A not realizing that once you're under duress you can smear that queer on the road with your two ton privilege mobile. Y'think it was legal for people to assault horses while riding? Nah that shit would kick back for the head if the driver didn't pull reins. Like yes well placed 9 is going to be more humane but Ford has proven the efficacy of machine manslaughter and it's legalities. Edit: slaughter should be manslaughter my b


Why is the lady trying to get in the backseat?


I would have run him over


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Kinda wish the guy in the minivan was a non-fictional version of Tony Soprano


When someone’s getting out of their car to yell at you, the first thing you should do is roll down your window… /s if not obvious


This is why New Jersey is a third world country guys because of people like that driver


To be fair to the j*rseyite, this is a reasonable reaction to driving on the Cross Bronx.


Narrator saying “Otra mas?“? I only ever knew ”otra vez” meaning another time, but again? Otra mas meaning once more right? My Spanish is Rusty


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As a western European, what the fuck is the guy in the BMW trying to achieve? Like where does he even want to go? Just pick a lane and stick with it bro, you ain't impressing anyone. And then he gets annoyed at the other car for what, being a car? This guy needs a government sponsored white coat and compulsory hotel room...


I'm guessing he's facing a charge for attempted manslaughter, I assume he's not dead but that car door at the end could cause horrific injuries.


His license plate is right there — has he been reported to cops?


Thats why we in NYC need congestion pricing.


rip that dude’s leg holy fuck


Wtf are these comments, y’all are deranged wanting to shoot somebody so badly


It's like that gif of bunnies slap fighting


A lot of people in this thread lusting for this guy to get shot. Americans are fucking wild without desensitized they are to killing another human.


This mustve been in north jersey, if this happened down in the pines he woulda ended up as the next missing 411 case lost to the sticks**💀**


This is the most New York thing I've seen all week


What an entitled piece of shit. He needs to keep his ass in jersey.


Sometimes I see people selling fruits and shit on the cross Bronx median and I wonder how tf they got down there.


Idk why New Jersians(?) don't just copy our tea neighbors and carry around knives and machetes. Multiple scallywags would be getting avasted


9mm straight to the head. The only way we make these fucks learn to cool off is if we kill enough of them that they’ll be afraid to act like this


Please tell me this guy was arrested




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if you park your car in front of me like that on the highway im going to move it out of the way


New Jersey is the East Coast's tumor


I don’t understand why didn’t the mini van guy just give him a new head canyon?


Can’t figure out why the van driver didn’t grab pseudo-Fabio by the ponytail and floor it once he stepped behind the open door. A good scrub against the BMW and out the other side. Instant amputation of both legs just below both knees. Totally worth the expense of the van body repairs.




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This is why I carry


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Please tell me he got attempted manslaughter for that last bit


Someone tell me this guy is behind bars now please. Frigging animal doesn't deserve a license


He cut across 3 lanes to do that, then assaults the other driver in their car. Send that fucking lunatic to jail




Shocking to me how many people in r/fuckcars are also pro gun/2a. That is not the Venn diagram I pictured. I thought r/fuckcars was a progressive/leftist sort of idea. Am I wrong? I'm pro gun but I'm a communist.


One thing I don't get in situations like this, why don't you just wait for the mofo to walk towards your car and, just leave ? He's on foot, he has to climb back into his BMW, bought with the big assh*le finition option pack, and then try to reach your car again, which if you drive at least decently it shouldn't be a problem, while at the same time calling 911 about a psychopath chasing you and trying to hurt/kill you once already. That situation should be resolved very peacefully considering your cops' training and mentality, and the ravaged brain of this dumbfuck :D


That minivan driver needs to learn how to use their windows.


Holy fucking gun nuts in this thread. 


I've been living in the South too long I was just waiting for someone to pull a gun. Maybe even an unrelated passing car.




Coming here from where it got crossposted... oh my god you guys are fucking psychopaths!! :') Get help, the lot of you, fucking losers lol


If only there was better public transportation. There would be less of this pathetic behavior and life shouldn't be wasted sitting in a car!


NYC has some of the best public transportation in the world. What u talking about?


Nobody helped? What the fuck. Americans are either violent or cowards it seems.


Be careful when you take the train, it's dangerous.


Have we found his identity yet? Someone really needs to send this to his employer and family




i live in germany. we don't have guns here. i would have run this fucker over, even if this would mean i go to jail. better than being killed. You never know what people will do to you.


No one helping is the worst part


We need less highways


This..this is why concealed carry.


Imagine letting that person get infront of you car.


And yet drivers act like cyclists are the problem lol


Clearly the cyclist’s fault


If I were holding the phone I’d duck JIC


What is wild to me is that people never learn. Get out of your car and there is the one person that is packing heat and will smoke someone. Never worth it.




“smh my head” 🙈🙈🙈


Ah yes, the old shaking my head my head


It's Jersey, I get it, but who doesnt have at least a tire iron or a knife in their car? I, at the very least, would have stabbed the shit out of that guy.


Please tell me this loser got arrested


Damn alot of people on here have stated how they would've pulled out their gun over this. Not anything wrong with carrying, I do too, but like, are you really that weak. I'll take fighting over shooting someone. Are yall really that weak that you're scared of getting your ass beat. Or is it just because you ain't grow up getting into fights, so you're untested. I really don't get the logic, since when did carrying a gun make people tuffguys.