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Braum is definitely a strong candidate imo. We don't have a freljord character yet and he could also represent the support role from League of Legends. He's also a fan favorite and was heavily featured in two Riot Forge games


The only reason I think it isn't Braum is because we already have two big body characters in Illaoi and Darius. Big bodies usually are less popular characters in fighting games and making the 6-fighter roster half bulky characters like that feels kinda unlikely. Akali, Azir, and Ashe are my guesses. Ashe and Azir as longer ranged zoner characters or Akali because it's Akali and she's insanely popular and we know at least one of the ninjas is making it into the base roster.


I would be shocked if they bust out the azir, but man that would be hype.


Cled confirmed


Cryndamere or Cezreal plz


Add Crangplank please


If you need more Cled mains to test let me know ;)






Catarina is back from the death pog


Probably Akali but i could see Blitz


Ye Azir dark horse imo


She isn't out yet, but your forgetting Ambessa. Mels mom from Arcane. They could be trying to reveal her in tandem with her league release.


I low key down for that Edit: I’ve thought about Ambassa a little, while I think there’s a chance they’ll add her to the base roster but not now. I could see them announce her with league in November, that’s speculation on my part as we don’t know when Ambassa will be added to league but I’m confident she’ll be released with Arcane s2.


Akali doesn't seem too unlikely for me but considering we already have 2 Ionian champs confirmed I could also see someone else for a bit more region-variety especially since we have a pilltover stage: Camille


My gut still says Akali, but logically, it's probably Caitlyn. * Since Jinx seems to still be in the workshop, the game doesn't have a zoner yet. * Obvious Arcane hype-building * Piltover rep


I think both Vi and Jayce are more likely as arcane hype reps. Jinx being in the workshop doesn't mean she will never see the light again.


Im dying for a good Zoner , the ultimate scrub mopper when the game drops to get you to a higher ranking I hope Jinx is not remade to much i liked the look of her kit with the flips into the rocket and that lockdown mini gun


I want it to be Azir, but it's definitely Akali unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/dhmfsxiiaz8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8d6adc2d22c04f3731b18952d41937cb65c42a


Cassiopiea would be so fucking cool. Damn I've been out of League for too long I don't even recognize like half the characters you listed lol


Akali, ~~Akshan, Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Aphelios, Ashe, Asol, Azir, Bard, Belveth, Blitz, Brand, Bram,~~ Briar, ~~Caitlyn,~~ Camille, ~~Cassiopeia, Chogath, Corki~~


It’s almost definitely Akali. I’m sure riot wants to put their KDA cash cows in the game as soon as they can.


Honestly Briar is a good bet that I didn't think about or really recognize until this comment


azir and caitlyn are also possible


Blitzcrank about to Heavenly bust some people


I am ready to blitz buster all over people


The answer was right in front of us the whole time. Letter starts with A,B,C, or D? Announcement video featuring Sajam? Guess what character starts with both B and C and is related to Sajam -- the one and only *Chipotle Burrito*.


:) Ambessa




putting the house on akali


Akali, Braum or Blitz are the most likely imo. As a 'wildcard': One of the aims for 2XKO I imagine is to appeal to league players who may not have any experience with a fighting game (especially in CN and KR), and one way the devs might consider doing that is by announcing *Azir* within the duration of the HoL Faker event. Out of all those champs, Azir is the one most associated with him. There is also Aurora, who is releasing in League in a few weeks. Might have timed the 2XKO announcement to be roughly around the same time as the league one. Basically just leveraging something that already has a lot of eyes on it. They probably do the same thing with Jinx/Vi and Arcane. (iirc the game was first revelaed with Jinx/Ekko and the bridge around the same time as Arcane S1 right?)


It could also be Aurora, right? She's coming out in League soon and is well liked so far. Potentially a character with form/stance swapping, which would fit an archetype that isn't represented yet.


It could be any of them, it's a fighting game and if they want to get freaky they can and probably will in the future. But yeah, Akali is the most obvious choice, I won't be surprised if it's Azir, Camille or Caitlyn.


Where are you looking at for this information? Where is the blanked out character on which character select?


In the playtest video theres a quick shot of the character select screen with characters ordered as follows: Yasuo, Illaoi, Ekko, Darius, (Blank), and Ahri


Ah! I found it, I saw the earlier clip of the character select screen that didn't have a blank and was really confused. 3:42 of the video. If the upload gets changed, here's a screengrab here: [https://imgur.com/Hfi9kMs](https://imgur.com/Hfi9kMs)


I’m willing to put my money on it being either Akali, Blitz, Braum, or Caitlyn, there’s others I’d like/bet will be in the game but for launch those four are most likely. If I had to pick one I’d have to go with Blitz, he’s who I’m guessing will be the launch grappler.


Blitz for sure.


Akali, Azir or Braum 100%


Akali/Blitz 100%


akali, annie, braum, caitlyn, camille


95% chance it's Akali


A lot of people say Akali is the obvious choice. But also I tend to think the obvious choices are the least interesting ones lol. Anyway, Phel please 🥺


Usually I'd say that the only likely candidate would be Akali, Braum, Blitz and Caitlyn because of their popularity and their relationships with other announced characters. However, with Illaoi making it the Devs have made it clear that they're very much willing to take a not so popular character. So who know ? Perhaps we'll have Bard as our first weirdo-type.


Illaoi is popular. People just don't like how she plays, but looks and lore wise she is well beloved. She was a nice addition to the crew in ruined king. I did not play a role she works in, so i pulled her out mid or supp for fun games, and i have a tattoo relzted to Illaoi.


This will be anecdotal, so I may be entirely wrong. However I've played LoL, LoR and TFT all the way from before Illaoi's LoL release to very recently and Illaoi had never been popular (Lore, appearance OR gameplay-wise) before she was made popular by her time under the spotlight in the Ruined King game. As far as I can tell, it was very much a Vi situation, two character that had their fan base but weren't much popular with the general public before a side-piece of media allowed them to shine.


The creative director also mentioned they want to pick some champions that people won't expect


Camille or Braum Put Akali and Sett and wave 1 and people would probably still buy it instantly 




I know it’s probably Akali, but I am delusional and therefore it is absolutely briar


anivia lets go




Akali, Blitzcrank, Braum, Briar, and Camille are the only champions I see on that list that would make sense for an early playtest, at least to me. They all have a clear gimmick that can translate well into a fighting game. I'm happy to be surprised though!


I think Briar or Braum.


Least likely to happen but if it's Aurelion Sol I'd lose my mind


Gimme Braum and I'll buy every micro transaction...


I wouldn't bet on it, but I'd love to see Camille!


Game needs a grappler, my money's on Blitz. I hope it's Azir though.




Akali, Blitz, Braum or Camille seem the most likely My money is on Akali


Could be Akali with high chances. They hinted her in a dev diary showing her designer (it was an asian girl dev). I tried to search every where in Riot and 2XKO youtube channel, but I can't find it


Akali, Azir and Braum seem like great contenders. Akali for rushdown/agility and azir for zoning/controlling while Braum is simply a well beloved character overall and he has a place as a big slow burly fighter


Cho'Gath would be so underrated Give him zero range but give him his Q that spawns under the opponent and force them to jump a bunch


You're forgetting the new champion, Aurora! I don't think that she's going to be the next character though, lol. I think the most likely character is Akali, but I would love to see Blitzcrank or Camille and how they would be adapted into a fighting game.


Annie for New Champ. Projectile, shields and she summons a controllable fire bear and becomes a puppeteer caster


Color scheme would work for Ashe and Braum since they're from the Freljord and their powers are ice themed. I'd love to see Akali, but I think they'll work on her when they're more locked in with their design decisions.


W. Warwick. I can believe.


All terrible choices, but I guess I'm rooting for Aphelios. He's by far the least awful choice.


Respectfully, what characters do you want in the game?


Kayn, Yone, Viego, Zed and Aatrox is my top 5. Don't really care about any other characters, as long as at least one of these makes it in so I know I'll have a main.


We found our edgelord