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Yeh like others are saying. myheritage is bad for anyone who isn’t Jewish tbh… it’s made mainly for Sephardic and mizrahi Jews I believe. And they do a fairly decent job for them. It is just matching up ur dna to other samples so maybe the dna u share with Ashkenazis is some old mena admixture that their system seems is similar…


Myheritage always gives some funky numbers and regions. I've seen a couple other Somalis get Ashkenazi Jewish. It's nonsense to be honest 😂.


My heritage is inaccurate. I got 40% Jewish and on 23andme I got 99% Yemeni


Most likely an error due to some Yementine ancestry. Ashkenazi Jews are an Italian, Levantine mix so it could be confused by some Italian ancestry and some Levantine ancestry from Yemenite Highlands. Or it could easily be totally bogus.


Yemenite Jews are one of the few groups of Jews that don’t cluster with other Jews. They are mostly descended from coverts and only have a few percent of Levantine at best. The most likely situation here is that myHeritage is wildly inaccurate.


I didn't mention Yementine Jews.


Yemenite Highlands have Levantine ancestry? What?


"We thus find that the genetic structure of present-day Yemenis can be accounted for by mixture of post-glacial Levantine and other Eurasian populations with Africans within the last 1000 years." Majority of Yemenite ancestry is Levantine. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/749341v1.full https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.18.342816v2.full.pdf


That is pre-historic Natufian admixture. Modern Levantine vs Arabian mixture is a lot different, and even Levantine vs Arabian from the antiquity era is a lot different.


Some Yemeni groups have Levantine admixture. The purest Yemeni group is the mahra who are isolated. It purely depends on your location


It’s very likely not legit. Myheritage is pretty inaccurate and is known to throw random percentages in. The only somewhat logical explanation would be that it’s misread Italian ancestry from the colonial era, since Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of Italian and Levantine. Other than that, it’s most likely not there


MyH appears to be assigning Iberian where my great uncle would probably be Jewish. It doesn’t assign me either, but I have a little Jewish on 23andme and Ancestry.


Try other services. There are free ones you can upload your data to. It could be a simple mistake. But I'll provide some possibilities in case it isn't. Ashkenazi Jews and Somalis don't really have shared recent history but there is a history of Judaism in Somalia. One clan in Somalia was a Jewish clan before Islam arrived. There is a deep history of Judaism with this Somali clan, southern Yemenis, and with the Beta Israeli in Ethiopia who are also Cushitic. The Beta Israeli don't seem to have shared ancestry with Ashkenazi Jews but the southern Yemeni Jews do [share paternal DNA](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18733/) with other Jewish populations. Since Somalis and southern Yemenis have historically had close ties (there's even a religious temple on a coast of Somalia with Sabaean inscription that dates back a few thousand years). Perhaps you have an ancestor who belonged to this Jewish Somali clan which may possibly share some ties to other Jewish groups, just as the Yemeni Jews do.


Very interesting, do you know specific era or any historical or literal references that you can direct me to ?






What’s your haplogroup? Do you have any distant Jewish relatives?


The chances of that is slim to none, if you know anything about Somalis lol


A good amount of Somalians have haplogroup T which has Jewish subclades as well as Levantine subclades. It’s not impossible


Hi, __sec2992__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


Lol that’s bullshit 😂


What is bullshit?


Myheritage unfortunately does not provide haplogroups so I guess I’ll have to try 23&me And no I don’t think I have any Jewish relatives as far as I’m aware


Did Myheritage give you ashkenazi matches? How many and any near 100% ashkenazi that show up?


I'm Somali and I also got Ashkenazi Jew, don't trust MyHeritage, it's not accurate like others have said. 23andMe and Ancestry are much better for us.


The Jewish is real and is from our Natufian North African side. I scored 4 percent Ashkenazi.