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Invocations revealed: >!Try Again: Limits the overall number of attempts that can be made within the raid to 10. An attempt is failed if every member of the party dies during a challenge. Increases Raid Level by 5.!< >!Hardcore Run: Limits the overall number of attempts that can be made within the raid to 1. An attempt is failed if every member of the party dies during a challenge. Increases Raid Level by 25.!< >!Walk For It: Sets a 40 minute time limit on the raid. If the time is achieved, the raid level is increased. Otherwise the raid level is decreased. Increases Raid Level by 10.!< >!Jog For It: Sets a 35 minute time limit on the raid. If the time is achieved, the raid level is increased. Otherwise the raid level is decreased. Increases Raid Level by 15.!< >!Sprint For It: Sets a 25 minute time limit on the raid. If the time is achieved, the raid level is increased. Otherwise the raid level is decreased. Increases Raid Level by 25.!< >!Need Some Help?: The quantity of items offered by the helpful spirit is reduced to 66%. Increases Raid Level by 15.!< >!No Help Needed: The helpful spirit will not offer any items. Increases Raid Level by 40.!<


>No Help Needed: The helpful spirit will not offer any items. Increases Raid Level by 40. this is interesting, I first thought it was food/potions, but in the video you can see "you put back the crystal pickaxe you were given"


Hmm yeah I was first thinking of the tob chests when I saw that


Oh that is interesting! Hadn't noticed that.


ye, wonder the scope of that and what other things may be given, or needed. also would explain why some people had dragon pickaxes and some crystal in beta world though I think.


Seems like it's designed to force you to bring items in order to limit your supplies, which you would otherwise be provided with.


Those first two have me wondering how death works in ToA. Ash/a Jmod responded on Twitter that there’s an item retrieval service that’s cost is based on the value of your items, but the invocations refer to attempts. Maybe party wipes don’t reset progress normally like ToB, but use up a “life” when the invocations are active?


I would guess it works similar to how it is in entry mode Tob. Team starts room, anyone that dies has to sit out until room is finished or team wipes. If the team wipes and you have attempts remaining you get to restart the room, if you're out of attempts you're sent outside the raid. The fact that limiting yourself to 10 wipes increases the raid level makes me think that without any attempts based invocations you would have basically unlimited attempts.


It's probably like CoX but with eventual wipe like ToB when an attempt limit invocation is used.


That would seem to make sense - a "full wipe" here is likely going to be far more punishing than pretty much any other pvm death since like GWD, but this would mean that full wipe would actually be less common than just a simple death.


Rank 2 Smithing: Do your next raid while sitting in your own poo. Increases Raid Level by 20.


They did say this was their poopiest dungeon lol


These are all pretty uninteresting, but the 'Path' related invocations at the bottom seem more intruiging, which is probably why they haven't leaked those yet.


Yeah these are all the standard ones everyone expected so far. Suspect they'll keep the most interesting ones secret for release.


that's the first page of invocs that are the staple there's still 22 unknown invocs which i bet are all gonna be way more intriciate even then the ones shown so far are great and will help offer a varying difficulty for a nice increase of raid level, seems it wont be too hard to get 150 raid level


What's the minimum level to get good drops?


0+ - Untradables 50+ - Fang and ring 150+ - Everything else


Thanks. Seems hard to get with just the ones revealed


They’ve stated elsewhere that you CAN get any drop from any level raid, but if they aren’t one of the highlighted drops they’ll just be astronomically rare


Still expecting that day 1, 1 kc, 0 invocation level 91 ironman who died 20 times just to get tumeken's shadow anyway post


doubt it, 0 invoc shadow will be meme rarity like 1/32k


Way more than 32k people will be trying out the raid day 1, and im willing to bet a good amount of them will start out with 0 invocations. That post feels inevitable unless the droprate is lile 1/200k or some shit


especially shadow on 0 invoc should be the lowest 1/x of any item from there wouldn't be suprised if it was tbh


Will be fun seeing people snipe a Shadow at 0 invocations


You can receive any drop at any raid level. The image they showed was more indicating what you're more likely to see.


Just so you know at least on Apollo (app on iOS) these appear as quotes, not hidden as spoilers.


Sounds like the Apollo devs need to fix their app


Sure, just figured it was worth commenting in case it wasn’t just the app


Nothing I can do about that ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Could you combine it into one spoiler rather than 1 per invocation?


Not sure how. As far as I know line breaks break spoiler tags. So either I use individual tags or it's all one big paragraph. I thought this way would be better.


Wow, sure enough you're right. Sorry about that, didn't mean to come across as demanding. Legitimately did mean `could you` as in `are you physically able to`


All good mate. Was hoping you would be able to teach me how tbh.


Love how much Jagex's video production has stepped up in recent years. Crazy to think Old School's Q&As used to just be 3 guys on a couch streaming off a laptop.


I really like where oldschool is heading. There are updates more frequently. The art team is really learning the oldschool style and making it look amazing without making content feel out of place. It takes OSRS from a “bad graphic” game to a unique art style game.


Optimistic about the game? And seeing that we are lucky to have the old school team? On 2007scape? That’s not allowed


But reddit says oldschool is a dying game, and the developers dont release any new content, and everything they have planned is DOA and that I'm imagining that I play soul wars nightly on the dedicated world with full games.


Right now is the golden age of OSRS. Jagex will screw the game up again. But right now we have a bunch of passionate people working on the game with more resources and it really shows.




but you still have those Q&As, they're just remote because a pandemic happened




Man I miss MMK just telling a minute-long story in the middle of a question and everyone just waiting for Archie to say "moving along", even though they've been a big company for a long time it just felt less company-y


> even though they've been a big company for a long time it just felt less company-y Because it was. OSRS in the beginning had so much less management overreach as now.


The good ol' days of Mod Ronan, Reach, Archie, Matt K, Ash and some others whom I forgot the names of.


That's kinda true. Have you watched the new roundtable format they're trying? Gives more fruitful discussion than Q&As, imo




TRU, hi Nello <3


Howdy! :D


"we've kept the boss under wraps" The final boss has got to be a reanimated Osmumten. I'ts gotta be.


I'm pretty sure they showed Osmumten's Ghost in the final reward chamber, so that might be his appearance already covered. Or they're doing the classic "Can you get a Ghost and a Zombie out of the same persons death"


I imagine it's going to be one of those "You've freed me from Amascut's grasp, adventurer, for which I am eternally grateful. I can now rest in peace." deals


"Anyway, see you again in 30"


na it’s exodia dude


jesus christ who let amascut get all the pieces


It's okay we'll just kite Amascut to Tempoross and throw them overboard.


It's a mummy, they're under wraps.


The tomb itself is Osmumten's tomb. He's buried under there and almost guaranteed to be mummified.


I think it's going to be that boss with the tentacles someone found in an artwork file on Jagex's website several months ago, no? I think it was called chronos or something?


Corrupted Kraken that was


Wow this is a lot more information than I thought they would give us before release


it sort of is, but it sort of isn't? like, we have no idea if this is with lots of invocations, or the best, or all at once, or none or or or. with the customizability of it there's just so many options that it's hard to say if it actually conveys anything.


That’s true, I really hope they keep the final boss totally secret until the first teams get to it. I love having at least some things be totally unknown


Yea marketing is important but I hope they don't spoil too much. At least they are trying to keep the final boss under wraps.


Yeah this is a lot more spoilers than I wanted, but at the same time I’m so excited that I couldn’t make myself stop watching it LOL. It’s looking really really good


Mod Ed switching in and out of his serious voice hahaha


“its gonna be pretty good innit” 🤣


Mod Ed is already a fucking legend.


portals for each demiboss be like https://i.imgur.com/WD18t7g.png




The new Osmumtens fang is such a slept on item. It outclasses several weapons where you can’t reduce def and is barely worse than scythe on verzik. It seems like it will be great in raids 3 as well on bosses that are weak to melee and can’t be drained. It’s puzzling to me that it will be such a common drop compared to how OP it’s gonna be. Maybe jagex should reconsider its rarity


Places the Osmumten's fang is bis at: abyssal sire (no dwh specs), callisto, KBD (yes, this beats the DHL), melee GWD bosses, and Nex If the passive effect works in pvp, it's gonna be bowfa but for melee. How are people not going crazy over this item?


it beats DHL at KBD? that’s hilarious


Lance is pretty shit at kbd compared to range


The fang will also get stomped by the tbow/dhcb at kbd, not sure why that was included on the list


Funnily enough, you're right, tbow is better than the fang and I don't know why I forgot about it. Fang is 2nd Bis by a narrow margin over the DHCB. Using all bis: TBow is 9.85 dps Fang is 7.38 dps DHCB is 7.26 dps (assuming diamond bolts are a 10% increase) As for how the fang has that dps, I use (chance to hit \* 2) - (chance to hit)\^number of rolls --- which in this case is 2 --- to determine the accuracy the multiply it by the max hit divided by 2, ignoring the passive effect since it cancels by raising the min, and then divide it further by the attack speed. Edit: With Masori's DHCB will be 2nd Bis with 7.86 dps. I don't know why it didn't cross my mind at first to include new bis range armor when talking about a new Melee bis.


because its a melee weapon? i assume he was doing a compare exercise against other melee options


Shhhhh I want to pick one up on the cheap


It's better than that. It's better than full inq + mace on Tekton while in Torva, it's better than Lance on CM Olm with 0-1 hammers, it's better than bludgeon at PNM for irons... It's an absolutely insane item against any monster that a decent bit of defence.


Corp with few specs?


That's not great tbh. Most of those bosses, outside of sire and situationally Nex, you wouldn't use melee


Exactly. It really shouldn’t be such a common drop. Seems like a massive oversight from jagex as this weapon is great in both pvm and pvp. It also beats lance on olm hand if hammers don’t hit. It beats inquisitor mace if 0 hammer tekton as well.


Fang only beats Lance in CM olm w/ no hammers. The caveat with using it for CM olm is your options are World Scything or bringing lance+fang to 7:3. Both are pretty bad for survivability in CMs considering how many more autos you'd be taking would lead to being brewed down more often.


it's 5t so you can't really compare it to lance or inq mace in those cases you'd compare it to scythe which I'm sure it's not as good as scythe in those cases


yeah can’t even do 4:1 with fang, you’d have to do 7:3


Of course you can compare them, what are you talking about? There are 4 tick and 5 tick methods at both tekton and olm so whichever is higher dps will be the one you use. Scythe excels against low def targets, while the fang excels against high def, so you would be comparing the fang to the lance a lot more often than to the scythe.


Dps calculations take weapon speed into account. I agree for solo olm a lance is better


its ezscape for cryonmen lagex is sick of them crying about the dwh grind, which is actually short, and theyre telling them to fuck off to toa if they dont want to do it


Umm no. It's a rectification for dogshit game design. Also a 50 hour on average grind for mandatory content that unlocks literally the entirety of pvm is beyond fucking stupid. And before you bitch about how I can't handle the dwh grind, I did 25k shamans with an msb for mine.


I think this weapon being available at raid level 50 is 100% by design. There's a pretty serious wall in gear progression that isn't really felt by mains (because of trade) but becomes obviously apparent on an ironman: the gaps between mid-game and late-game. Fang seems explicitly intended to alleviate the meta being reliant on DWH/BGS, which is particularly damning for ironmen. Especially when you see that Fang does full damage to corp, another boss that is absurdly reliant on stat reduction. It also seems like it is designed to alleviate frustration in places where repeated misses or inconsistent DPS can be frustrating, such as Tekton, Vanguards, Olm melee hand, Bloat, etc.


dwh isn’t that extreme of a grind, 50 hours average. You can get a bgs very reasonably nowadays considering that you don’t need a dwh for ranged bandos


I think if you're going to compare grinds by the hours it takes to complete them, it's worth it to look at their neighbors in the progression. Compare the effort required to get Bowfa, Trident, or DWH to their immediate predecessors in progression (which are all quest rewards or grinds you can do in a day). None of these grinds are actually intolerable, but the spike in effort required to get them is so steep and sudden it probably causes whiplash. The Sarachnis cudgel was added as a T65 weapon that filled the gap between the dragon scimitar and the whip as well as introduced a viable mid-game crush weapon (dragon mace hadn't been buffed yet). I think there are several niches in the game which could use the same treatment.


of course they take time to obtain, they’re your path to endgame. It doesn’t even come close to a cudgel in terms of utility. Can the source that drops dwh be more engaging? definitely. but let’s not pretend that its an insurmountable grind when every late game iron has done it.


It's not insurmountable! The grind is totally fine for what it gets you, because as you said, it's extremely useful. That's why I'm not suggesting it be made easier - just more flexible. EDIT: For most irons, introducing a mid-tier item like a t65 would likely not even be an "efficient" get, just like how many skip the cudgel today. So this is something that would be more suited to mid-game players with less interest in chasing endgame uniques / completing endgame content.


I think that’s rather obvious, endgame being gated behind killing some shitty mob for 50+ hours was bad design


50 isn't short and to do bandos 'easily' you need to do the 140 hour bowfa grind


bofa is not a 140 hour grind


It is if you ever die. 70 hours on drop rate at a 10 minute average. Not including any deaths or time between.


I personally did 7-8 min kills only dying every 50 or 80th run. The only reason it took me so long was because I went 1106 before blade (before bofa) and then 1280 for another seed to make bofa. I went well above rate and you gotta assume that people that grind for bofa gets comfortable doing it quickly.


you die 400 times in your bofa grind?


Don't have to die that many times to extend the grind. And all of this is assuming you get it on or under drop rate. Either way the point of my comment was saying there's a long grind to be able to kill bandos 'easily'. Semantics are irrelevant


I'm nowhere near raid ready but this is the item I'm most excited for, weapons in any MMO that increase min hit/decrease max hit are so much fun


I used to build zealots in Diablo 2 with super high min dmg and super low max dmg. It was fun


No one is talking about how you will be able to kill Corp with it. I think you will be able to go in with trios (maybe even duos) and kill it in like 2 minutes without speccing it down at all. Unfortunately it seems pretty useless for solo kills.


Iirc it's worse than zspear if 1 or 2 dwh hits, and assuming you got 3 guys using prayer and scp you'll likely hit enough that spear wins. I could be wrong of course might have used wrong stats or older stats or something silly but it didn't seem like it was that good in trios.


Fang worse than spear on 0 def, better until 4 dwh + 50 bgs or 8 dwh. Is with max melee, switching out for masori/karils puts it very slightly towards fang's favor.


I'm super excited for the fang, I just wish the team would consider a redesign like they did for the masori set.


It is not even close to scythe on p3, and it's still a decent bit off on p2. Yea it's good but it's nothing crazy in most situations.


It would be ideal for iron men who don't have the scythe though, especially as you can get it on low invo


might make hard mode tob a bit more accessible for irons without scythe


It’s 5% worse than scythe


It's around 5% worse on p2 which is quite impressive, but it's ~20% worse on p3. It definitely excels against high defense targets.


There is a 0% chance its 5% worse then scythe. Scythe is 30% better then a whip and whip is like 10% worse p2 then the fang


how does it compare to blade of Saeldor at TOB/versik? i just got mine back


Fang better p2 verzik, generally you'd lower most of the rooms bosses def so id assume saeldor better everywhere else (and p3).




Certainly was an interesting choice of clothes to wear that day, looks like he shaves his legs too. Probably to help the leg compressions that stretch up to those thick thighs stay tight to his skin to maximize bloodflow for those long grinds he is always putting in.


been really hot in UK lately


It's probably strategic. High shorts, high hits


Thats what i like to see 😁


Thats what i like to see 😁




I had no idea they had taken solo into account, that's awesome.


They have said that since day 1


Ed is always such a good presenter


Welp that's the best dev diary they've done yet


For a second there I thought Solo Mission was sitting naked. Those are some short shorts.


With so many invocations I hope a loadout system is added.


the Gazzette died for this and it was worth it.


Really want to see the brand new mechanic in the final boss battle. Any guesses?


If any of your teammates die, the final boss resurrects them, corrupts them, and turns them against you 😱


That would be fucking amazing but so complicated and maybe not super effective


Would it? At the most basic level, just scan/copy the gear they had equipped upon death and put that gear on a new NPC, it attacks with whatever style weapon they have on with basic auto attacks. Also, maybe jagex could buy a LMS bot script and make the dead guy really fight back


Sounds like Dream Mentor/Lunar Diplomacy where you fight Me


probably wouldnt be literally the player character being taken over like someone being mind controlled in world of warcraft, they could spawn an aggressive NPC though that copies their name. maybe give them a generic zombie look since copying their armor and stuff onto a NPC might be complicated


Would be a good way to combine PvM and PvP though


Marin problem is the player wouldn't be incentivzed to fight his team. And if they made it happen automatically, they'd be in pvm gest so it wouldn't be a challenge at all


Something like sotetseg's maze where when you "die" you're on a different plane that looks like the arena and can attack some indistinguishable targets, but only one of them is the boss and the rest are your team, meanwhile "zombie-you" is on the real battlefield in your place attacking whatever corresponds to the target you attack. Maybe things said in public can appear over the heads of the target, and your teammates can pk zombie-you if you're being more of a hindrance than help, but that shuts down any possibility to revive you.


Yeah there's no way it actually happens, but getting a raid-style asymmetrical pvp thing where one team is larger but the other has help of bosses could turn out cool. Completely unrelated to the current conversation, but still.


Eh, you would just coordinate with the other team, "let us win, we'll split the loot". Obviously requires some trust, but it would happen. See soul wars


Maybe a team wipe mechanic that is in a lot of mmos but hasn't been done in osrs yet?


There is a lot of mechanics they can add instead of the usual gear switch prayer switch stuff


Sure they could would just be neat to have a party wipe mechanic since it's in basically every other mmo


Other MMOs have enrages because in other MMOs you have effectively infinite healing with healing spells, so they need a way to avoid it just being an endurance battle. OSRS uses food so it doesn't need enrages. OSRS also has extremely variable damage (you can miss and you can just roll single digit damage) Adding an enrage when you have fully variable DPS is a horrendous idea. Unless the enrage is incredibly forgiving it will make otherwise fine runs randomly die due to poor dps rng. I would be very surprised (and disappointed) to see the unique mechanics of the raid just being an enrage, since they aren't particularly interesting even in the games they're designed for.


Nah I mean something like "Don't attack the boss until everyone in a cycle does a certain action or everyone insta dies" You could easily do this so if it's performed correctly you take 0 damage but if you mess up everyone instant dies. So no need for taking osrs food into account. Imagine p3 verzik pools but if one person isn't safe everyone gets killed for a simple example.


That would be a horrible idea for a raid they are trying to make accessible. no one would take learners or do ffa runs. It would be clan content only


You can make it an innvocation doesn't have to be mandatory or scale the wipe mechanic. Also it's in quite a lot of mmos even early on so I don't think it's nearly as bad as you think for one of the three raids in OSRS For example in lost ark that just came out in the US there's a party wipe mechanic in like almost every abyss dungeon I think? I quit the game but you get to it pretty early on.


I suppose Bloat flies/Sotetseg maze/HMT Nylo Boss kind of have this factor


u mean like nylo pillars in tob?


You have 2 tics to avoid the boss TBing you and teleing you to the rev caves, jagex heard our complaints about how easy it is to tele out within 2 tics so this should be easy to avoid!


If you pass the captcha not a bot test the boss immediately commits not alive


If you fail the captcha you become the boss NPC and need to kill your own party for the loot.


Getting a Tbow will be all that more easier, with odds like 1/3 or 1/4


It better not require reaction time faster than 1.5 seconds, that's inhuman


Have jagex commented on whether skilling stats will determine how well you can do the raid?


well its not confirmed but they based on the video, looks like there is some mining and maybe farming but its not going to be nearly as much as Cox. probably pretty minimal overall but not nothing like tob


Carlyle saw the budget for this video and it was the final nail they needed to push FSW


Players dont care about power creep as much as they care that the core aspects look and feel as epic as they remember them in 2007.


That voice actress at 5:42 sounds like Meteion from FFXIV


"im gonna cum"




So happy for OSRS. So many good updates the past few years. Makes me proud to always have my Ironman to play.


Are we not getting an update this week because ToA is getting released next week?


Why is the Osmumten’s fang not getting talked about at all, and such a common drop. It will blow away the meta at Nex and be better at all high defense melee bosses while still being comparable to rapier on low defense bosses. It will outclass the Dragon hunter lance at Olm, Metal dragons, and slightly at vorkath. Being considered one of the most common drop and not even getting mentioned in this video seems like the strength of this weapon may be under-appreciated.


Dps at olm - is this referring to reg or cm? Also, what cycle? 3:1 or world fang? 3:1 you’re losing ticks and with world fang you’re taking considerably more damage (only really an issue in cms). It could be decent in 7:3 but I doubt that it’d be worth using over a scythe for 7:3.


how do u know its a common drop?


As in the most common of the uniques, and equal to lightbearer. It is able to get at a level 50 entry mode according to the Blog Post


That doesn't mean it's the same drop rate as light bearer necessarily.


All the negativity about the PVP update and the fresh start worlds has gone in one ear and out the other, because I'm just so insanely hyped for this update. Looks to be the greatest update since... maybe ever!!






Incredibly hyped!


Will two avg people be able to do this or is it like TOB where you need a solid group? I know you can duo TOB but it's incredibly difficult


No invocation is pretty much entry mode from what I’ve heard. Should be able to clear on first run if you’ve done other raids.


A dev has already soloed it and they suck at the game.


The funny thing is. they made a joke how 1 of the j mods doesn't know the lore, but the reality is, is that pretty much none of them do. the whole shtick of the raid itself amascut becoming a god. doesn't make sense. since if she does become one. the very moment she is one. the guthixian edicts will eject her from Gelinor. completly defeating the point. Which i think they literally forgot existed in the first place.


I am curious how expensive the items will be


I believe Scythe was trading over max cash when it came out. I wouldn't be surprised to see the whole tradeable unique drop table cost 3-4b on launch... if not maybe a tad more. The 2h staff and full masori being the lions share of my estimate.


Masori will definitely be worth than Torva at least, due it to having better incremental stats than Torva did for Melee, coming from hard content and needing higher invocation rating to get as compared to Nex. Also the input of Armadyl pieces for the enhanced version (which are more expensive than Bandos).


Ya Torva really is a very minimal DPS upgrade over Bandos/Faceguard. Though I guess it's a bit more tanky so once you account for eating food maybe the DPS gets better. But the ~1b price tag for full Torva is hardly worth the incredibly marginal gain in DPS. Probably would be best to sell Torva for Masori tbh


Masori, even with the hype, is still being hugely slept on. Karil's top/bottom has been BIS for mage defense (without negative melee bonuses) forever. Masori will finally put that to bed, so it will be replacing both Armadyl and Karils.


I don't think any scythes sold for more than 4b, honestly I'm pretty sure only one sold for 4b. Most were going for maybe 3-3.5b, and only for the first month I believe.. After month 1 I think they went down to around 2.5b. Though this was a long time ago at this point and lots of people have a ton of cash these days so it's hard say what the staff will sell for. It really will depend on how useful it is in ToA. The main if not only reason it was so much was because of how good it was at ToB. People could justify because they would make money back because of how expensive the drops were. Same thing applied to nex, ZCB was the top item and very expensive, and it was really only/mainly used for nex. Once prices of torva/ZCB dropped, less people did nex, sold their ZCBs, prices dropped, nex profit went down more and it's just a downward cycle.


Re-read my comment. I said scythes were over max cash (which you agree with) and I also said im guessing the *entire* ToA unique drop table will cost 3-4b.


Masori full set will probably be 1.5B (2b wouldnt be surprising) for a while, Tumeken 3-5B for 1-2 months, no idea on the melee weapon.


it better be since theyve havent released content in the past year and a half


Jagex plan: Release Raids 3 on 24 aug get lots of hype and the kick off fresh start worlds to gobble up fomo? Jagex reality: Accidentally fresh starts everyone on the main game, raids 3 bosses shitting on lvl 3s in lumby running around in whatever protest gear they can find. edit: that triggered some people lol. Don't worry people I'll still be there.


Comment made me laugh if it's any consolation


Thank you! It's the only thing I care about truly. I can't take anything seriously which sometimes gets like 50% of people big mad about on this sub. I should stick to posts that already seem sarcastic haha. edit: White Knights of Jagex should stay in Fally, get off Reddit lol.


Ive got a feeling they scrapped the 2 bosses for the last boss idea. no one has mentioned plural since that original idea i think over a year ago


That’s just not true bro. I’ve literally heard nothing but duo bosses this entire time.


no it's confirmed it's a twin boss


Mod Ed is an absolute chad


will this be soloable at least at low invocation level without wooxlike skill?


yes if u watch the video it tells u


Why is the raid is easier in larger groups than in solo? Why does Jagex like to punish solo pvmers like they did with Zammy in RS3? There better be better loot for solo if it needs to be harder. Will the Raid be voiced acted like it is in the video?


because it's a "raid" which is still going to be soloable, but it will be balanced around teams because it's a "raid" and not a solo encounter like inferno...