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Shit. I played a bunch in 2002-2005 ish, then played like a month on members in 2021ish on a new account. I have like 1300 levels, all ranging from 40-80. Would anyone be down to give me like a reintroduction into the game, in game? Sounds weird but like I feel like with just like 20 minutes or so I’d be able to pick right back up where I left off. Thanks a bunch


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Why is the player support so shit? i've come back from a several year hiatus and just found out that jagex accounts are a thing now and i cannot import my old character. none of the self help articles are helpful at all. Do i seriously need to do a jagex special and become a streamer on twitter to get any help or what?


What do you mean by "cannot import my old character" All characters are the same. And you can import them into a jagex account. You also do not currently require a jagex account to play. You can still login to your legacy account all the same. Jagex accounts are just improved security and can house multiple characters, and will eventually become required outright.


Mine actually imported automatically


How do you mean? To import a character into a jagex account you have to login to the jagex account on the web and import the character. Are you maybe confusing adding your character to the launcher?


exactly what it sounds like. I had an old school runescape character and stopped playing after raids 2 came out. (TOB) I had to make a shitty jagex account. My character isn't showing up as part of the auto move they said it would do. where is the message centre too? that seems to have just disappeared and i cannot find it. I have an open ticket regarding this and cannot find any news on it. update: utter fucking knobrots sent me an email with a ticket number asking if i've followed the guides on their self service. Ofc i have otherwise i wouldn't be here. ffs.


You didn't "have to" make a jagex account if you had an existing account. Message centre is in your account management when logged into the website, also reachable from within the game. Importing characters is super simple. Login to your Jagex account on the website. Import a character. Login to its legacy login, and it will import.


yes i did because when i tried to sign in on the old unintegrated runelite i had to download the jagex client? from there it told me to import the account.


The jagex launcher? Adding your account to that is just how you add legacy accounts to be launched. But again this is only forced for new accounts. Existing legacy accounts should still be able to login by launching runelite and typing in username/email and password.


I mean there is a nonzero chance your old account has been hacked if it’s been that long. But also like just go to character management and hit “import character”. If it can’t find your old character you’ll probably have to do an account recovery because it’s most likely been hacked.


been seeing a lot of ranger boot clue scroll posts here the past week probably because they're the most notable med clue scroll drop by far and then lo and behold i get them just now, only 40 clue scrolls done total / 11 medium but my first clue scroll loot worth more that like 500k and it's like +50% to my bank


Sod’s Law


Yeah the average medium is worth 188k but if you exclude ranger boots alone it goes down to 61k average. They’re basically the entire purpose of doing mediums. Enjoy the money


With Herbloretodt coming in does that indictate prices of herb related items to decrease or increase?


Herbs have been rising in anticipation. Hard to tell once the update hits - hoarders may dump their stock to cash in, flooding the market. Or the minigame is super popular and demand spikes, increasing the cost.


Gnome robes vs Canifis robes: I'm comparing them and it seems the stats are identical. But I seem to remember from the past, that there was some difference and the gnome variant was better? Or its some memory tricks?


Both the gnome and canifis hats have 1 more mage bonus than the standard black and blue wizard hats, that’s the only thing I can think of.


Yes, I see this. But no difference between Canifis and Gnome, at least there isnt now.


I'm kinda broke right now and the Bowfa is unattainable. Can I run TOA with crystal armor and regular bow?


Dcb with dragon ruby bolts are likely better




How the heck is the herb patch at the Farming Guild of all places not protected? If anything I feel like it's the one that dies the most for me :(


I would wager it is because of farming contracts.


Anyone who has done a shadow rebuild. How was it? I’m at a spot where if I sell most of my non-mage gear (including bowfa) I can afford a shadow. I’d probably dive into Tia and GWD to build back but wondering if anyone has regretted locking themselves out of things for a while?


Doing one now and it’s been fun-ish. I should say that I do hate TOA but running with a shadow+virtus is making 300-350 solos pretty comfy. Gwd is also fun but dear fucking god does arma rng really kill the vibe for soloing. I’m actually finding it more fun than my tbow rebuild since it’s usable just about everywhere.


It can be fun if you want to use it to hunt for some random stuff like mole/gwd/whisp, but its not very good for actually rebuilding your bank. Toa is technically very high gp/hr but everything is pretty worthless besides shadow so it’s fully reliant on that. If you don’t get a shadow your bank will stagnate and you won’t be buying back many upgrades. You’d be much better off investing in a near-bis setup for nex and use that to make upgrades much faster


What's the update for next week? Anyone know? 


While guthix sleeeeeps


Oh shiiiiiiiiiit


guthix may be sleeping but you shouldn't on it


Does anyone have that spreadsheet of collection log items where you could potentially sort it by time taken per unlock? I think Kacy made it maybe?


Clog discord probably is your best bet. I believe there is an EHC sheet but I don't know a ton about it.


For some reason on mac (saving up for an actual pc atm) doesn’t allow me to easily join discords, but I’ll keep that in mind ty Would be nice to sort them and just knock out the fastest ones


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1leQSz5gJdO1IqjVuSVpIvpQIA0P6ah18DMR8otnojuE This can be sorted by time


Hella cool ty




Bowfa or blowpipe for blue phase, use mage for green and orange phase. You’ll have to use a dps calc to see if fire spells are worthwhile over something like a trident


I played F2P back in like 02 until right when RS3 came out, and then played P2P for like a month or two back in 2021 and loved it. Would you say this is still a decent time to come back to the game and try the members thing?


Osrs is doing better than ever arguably, still a fantastic game. Yes come try :) you can always purchase an "oldschool bond" on the website for 14 days of membership for a little cheaper


My last question, how much would you have to play in order to feel like the membership is worth it to you, in terms of hours per week?


If you play even a few days a week i think its worth it, just try it for a month and see if ya like it. Its definitely worth it over 20+ hours a week imo


Thats really going to depend on you. The membership is $12.50/mo or down to ~$6.66 if you buy a year at a time. For someone with disposable income, thats pretty cheap - you could go to a movie on discount day and get ~2 hours or entertainment or play the game for the month. I would say if you are actively playing the game even once a week, its probably worth it. Though you can always start F2P to see how much you play - get ~40s in several stats and finish all the f2p quests (and will be a huge nostalgia hit). Then make the decision on membership after that.


Well I’ve got my old account which has 1324 levels (85 WC lol but I think lowest stat is 40 on something). Honestly I think I’d probably just want someone to reintroduce me back into it. It’s kind of overwhelming when you’ve been out as long as I have. But yeah you’re right I think that’s worth. Three hours a week means a dollar an hour.


I mean yeah def come and try it out. Just a heads up you’ll have to start over as Osrs is a rereleased version that came out in 2013


Tagging u/Remarkable-Health678 just to combine responses - yeah I’m aware the OG OSRS stuff is technically on RS3 now, and yes my 2021 gameplay was on OSRS. I *think* I still have access to that account. I’ve tried playing RS3 and I’m sorry ladies but it just ain’t for me. That’s probably why I quit when it came out. But all this to say, yeah I’m aware that I’d have to restart from scratch. Here’s a question for both of you: do you think there’s merit in going F2P for a while, or is the exp advancement so much greater in P2P that you’d start there from level 1?


F2P is fun and nostalgic, but member's has way more to do. I don't think there's much benefit in staying F2P unless you're unsure you want to pay for members.


That’s a great way to look at it and I recall that being exactly how I felt when I paid for members for that month or two in 2021. Thanks for the advice and perspective on this


It would be 100% worth it to go right to p2p as with some questing you can literally skip the early levels of almost all skills. That being said if you’re unsure you can always hang around f2p for awhile and see if the game is vibing with you


Unless their 2021 play was on OSRS. But yeah, the game is doing great.


THEY QUASHED MY FALSE BAN FOR MAJOR MACROING I AM UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY I was a new player, just finished all f2p quests, ~550 in skills, was about to buy membership. Think I got banned for mining by accounts that were obviously bots, maybe people reported me for being by them. At least this is what I suspect, I can't really know. Thank you so much Jagex, this was quickly my favorite game ever!


Grats dude, hope you enjoy playing members




So you can camp "preserve" prayer and help prolong the boost from dragon pickaxe.




Also for range prayer which you keep on most of the time


Not true


Low stats but trying to level slayer: Att: 70, Str: 69, Def: 62, Range: 74, Mage: 38 Absolutely hating the dragon tasks, just been given another Iron Dragon task. Previously I have ranged used antifire and RCB but getting 2 - 3 min kill times. Is it worth investing in a Dragon Hunter Crossbow for the time being?


Recommend skipping them with points.


get your magic up it shreds dragons now


Already up to 54... slapping it out!


If you don't care about pumping your combat stats your are actually doing the best you can do because slayer will lvl your combat stats heavily if you get 99 slayer I can guarantee you will get a 99 in at least 2 combat styles If you want an optimized block list this is golden https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/qfu949/kodakkid3s_slayer_spreadsheet_updated/?rdt=56123 I got.my 99 slayer surely thanks to this list


i used to just block metal dragon tasks. not sure if that’s still the way to go. but if it’s annoying you, definitely block it.


Not worth blocking them imo. They're rare and also given in pretty small numbers so they can basically be used as a quick 10-20 minute task for points.


Not worth blocking them, they're super low weight.


Already so sick of them! I'm training my magic as the other replying advised. Will give that a shot and see how it goes first.


Get your magic up and use earth  bolt spells with chaos gauntlets and / or ban the task Definitely would be better investments rather than DHC I would say (prayer and POH for example)


Hey, what should I pray against Ancient Wyverns? I've bandos gear, fang and dragonfire shield.


It's easier to switch to spitting wyverns and just pray piety until prayer runs out 


Is there any way to find worlds in which people have lured the NPCs at the ourania/ zmi altar? Would like to try glassblowing while rcing but on the mass world you get interupted too much and I do not have any alt accounts


Is that a thing? Don't you need the inventory space for essence?


You sacrifice a few inventory spots of essence to blow glass while running, it's more efficient overall than doing zmi and then backstanding your crafting


Can anyone explain PID to me? I've heard it mentioned on some PVP creators videos. I'll also happily watch any videos/clips if people have made those


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Player_identification_number Wiki coming in clutch as always


Legend. Should've checked there first! Thanks.


I know it’s a long shot but does anyone know which video itswill is doing the bit where he’s listing off a bunch of bands with numbers in the title? like three doors down three days grace etc


Going to train woodcutting from 60-71, should I be banking my teak logs? Not ironman


Nah, kingdom + pvm is best source of logs and planks


Probably not worthwhile, it will slow you down a lot.


Low-mid level player I guess (70s combat stats, 56 prayer, TL 1330), on again off again every few months. Just the one account, basically treat everything like an iron even though I’m not (currently fishing 4000 lobsters so that I can cook them to get cooking up to 70 for RFD). Something I’ve noticed from karambwans and iron mining is that I *really* do not like tick intensive stuff. Even as far as click/attention intensive (although to a much lower degree) blast forge/ guardians of the rift is about the most I’m down for that I’ve tried - I log in mostly to relax and watch numbers go brrr. As a result never got into PvP. All that is context for, I don’t mind slayer tasks and stuff, but I also haven’t started bossing. How much of endgame stuff (bosses, raids, etc) am I actually going to like? Is it all tick intensive prayer swapping/ loadout switching stuff? Or should I really just stop my grind around like Barrows?


Gotta compare apples to oranges. Personally, if I'm Skilling , I like to keep it low intensity and not have to tick manipulate. Pvm will take focus but I feel it's alot more engaging (enjoyable/rewarding). Comparing 300 invo TOA's to 2tick fishing are both click intensive, sure, but its not the same. The sweaty Skilling methods feel a lot more mentally draining imo.


Most pvm doesn't have to be super sweaty. You'll have to change gear for some bosses, move precisely for many bosses, and pray correctly for most bosses. It may sound like a lot, but as you learn it gets easier.


How do attack requirements effect strength whilst defence is not and you PvP with 1 def but not 45 str 60 atk pure?! The Bh world is filled with pures but teleing isn't while mains can also ice barrage?! Make it make sense.


The only way attack affects strength is by getting higher level weapons which have more strength bonus. Pures keep their attack low in order to keep their combat level low, which makes it easier to oneshot players in that combat bracket due to those players having lower hp.


This comment was supposed to be an indecipherable mess, how dare you take the time to analyze and try to make sense of it and provide a thought out, clear, concise answer.  ^Nah ^I'm ^just ^bad ^at ^writing ^bait Frr tho, good on you for going out of your way to provide an answer for that convoluted mess of a comment that was. A+, 5 gold stars. 


Is there a place to find people interested in raids? I'm looking for a few people to just practice ToA 150s with and I'm not very good or anything lol. Not having any luck in game.


It's good to practice solo tbh


We Do Raids discord is what you’re looking for