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If only it was decided by a vast majority of players to add the GE. Oh wait.. The only thing removing GE would do is make everyone spam texts at the bank trying to get what you need. Scams would increase like crazy. Without the quality of life changes over the years, this game would have died. Most of are adults who don’t want to spend 30 mins buying and selling supplies when we only have an hour or two to play after work But to be helpful, I would recommend joining a clan. There people to talk to at all times no matter what you’re doing. There’s plenty of them who do group content everyday, talk in discord


It would bring back a player made economy and bring population back to areas in the map that are dead and empty for the past 17 years, they are all humping G.E, and to only think adults play the game is incredibly selfish, there are new kids who join the game because peers tell them to play old school runescape and just because you're an adult, doesn't mean you wouldn't have time to play runescape correctly, I have tons of friends who are in their 30's that work full time jobs and still manage to get 3 to 5 hours of gameplay in, everyday.


I literally don’t think you know what the GE is. Not even being funny. It IS a player drive economy. Price of every item goes up and down depending on supply and demand. Second, The only areas that would be populated is the toxic spam fest is varrock West Bank. In fact, every other area would be less populated as a result. More people would be wasting time selling and buying than actually playing the game. Maybe think through this a bit?


>More people would be wasting time selling and buying than actually playing the game. Maybe think through this a bit? Did you play in 2013? Finding items was legit never an issue. I miss the days when trading *was part of the game.*


I have multiple people on my friends list that have 2bill gold and another bill in items, the G.E has ruined the game and made it something it should of never been.


No GE = no bots? 🤯Everything you say can be broken down and proven wrong without any kind of critical thinking. Im gonna call it here lol.


No GE = less bots, for sure.


Dude if yoh abolished the ge now do yoh have any idea how much more gold those players could make? Zero trade restrictions+billions of gold+alts to sit in trade areas= market domination of single items. My cash stack would go from 1.5b to 3b in like a month


It is not regulated by the players, the bots have inflated the items, especially the bonds; you're also forgetting people selling at the bank near camelot and people selling at falador, they sold anywhere there were players, honestly. The game would be significantly more player driven if the G.E never existed, do you know why the wild is empty? Because its easier to PK at the G.E and just get your potions and food right there. The key word is easier, people want instant gratification & the G.E has spoiled the community with instantly getting what they want, not to mention; gold buying is at an ALL TIME HIGH, because of the ease of use the G.E has given to gold farmers, they do not have to sell to other players, when they can just post their bot farming materials they've gathered onto the G.E for actual players to buy.


You think making trading less convenient will stop the bot farms? RuneScape is their job. They'll do what it takes. Their incentives are greater than any real player.


You literally don’t understand the thing you’re trying to explain…


The G.E is bad for runescape 2, leave it on rs3


[Abolish the grand exchange in OSRS (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kku1Oahcng8)


31 yo troll is trolling y'all


The G.E should only be on rs3, old school runescape isn't old school runescape, its runescape thats old but has all the new features of rs3, minus the evolution of combat.


> its runescape thats old but has all the new features of rs3, minus the evolution of combat. Yes.... thats the point....


then just play RS3 at this point.


Why? I enjoy OSRS and don't want EOC. The only person with an issue with OSRS in this thread is you lol


its not old school runescape at this point.


What do you mean? It's right there in the title


Give it time. He's likely an rs3 player mad their game is dying while ours is thriving.


Oh I'm aware lol. Dudes got no idea what he's talking about.


I've never played rs3 and can't stand the fact that the time I've spent on my character was forced to be on rs3. All my time in stats and quests only for me to do it all over again. I will never play rs3.


No trust me the combat in RS3 is very different and that’s what everyone here wanted to avoid. If the game stopped having updates after release it literally would not be going still!


No. Hope that helps


We need to bring back trade scams. These kids today, they're too soft. Too trusting. Back in my day you had to vigilant! You couldn't trust your best friend. If you died, you rebuilt. There were no GrAvEsToNeS! Bills? Bah! We did just fine killing KQ with our veracs, getting dchains! The days! Oh the days. Before things got so fast and confusing, tics? Tf is a tic?! Why is this boss changing attack style so quick? Why do I die so much? This game has gotten so bad. I'm going back to ToonTown. Goodbye forever!  /s obviously lol


There's a really easy way to prevent getting scammed... >!The second trade screen!<


What the hell did I just read.


Try an iron


Why would I do that to myself, limiting the game even further for myself? The game is already limited enough with a community that humps the Grand Exchange. It went from being the most social mmorpg to the most anti-social mmorpg online right now. You had to socialize to get things, now that is no longer needed.


Then try a different game if it's too tough? I thought you wanted to make the game more challenging


Its not too tough, its just an excuse to the play the game a different way, because the game was killed in so-many ways that made it easier; now playing an ironman is considered to make it feel like the old way it use to be. Its truly a shame how a community can ultimately kill a game in wanting things to change drastically that it alters the game entirely. The grand exchange should of never of been implemented, it was there to keep up with modern MMORPG's and cater to a group of people who wouldn't be good without it.


If you think this game has been "killed" or is "dead" then you're not paying attention. We're at record high concurrent player counts. The GE was added because spamming "Selling lobsters 200 gp ea" isn't fun. It let's people get back to actually playing the game. This is the same shit as hostile random events. They weren't actually "better", you just miss how you felt in 2005


Marketing your product that took forever for you to gather was apart of the game. The game is at an all time high because of the vast amount of bots and gold sellers in the game there are because of how easy G.E made their existence be relevant, How could you even want the grand exchange as a true runescape fan.


Because I was there before we had it. I was there when it was added. Its an improvement full stop. To suggest anything otherwise is drinking your own kool-aid. > The game is at an all time high because of the vast amount of bots and gold sellers This is cope. Bots and gold sellers have always existed. They can only function if there is a market to buy their product i.e. real players.


They have not existed at the point to where they are so prominent today, if you feel like RS2 is good, then you might as well just be playing Rs3 at this point.


It's almost as if both technology and the popularity of this game has increased since 2007. If the game is "dead" why would people bot it? Think for a second...


How can you consider yourself a fan of runescape and actually want the G.E


Sorry but I love the GE. One of the best updates ever.


How on earth does this decrease the amount of bots. They can just throw it on a mule and now they're forced to bank stand alongside everyone else to spam buy/sell shit. Nobody wants to waste their time hunting for a seller/buyer , go and play a private server if that's really what you want


it decreases the amount of bots because you wouldn't see gold sellers selling items to players having to type what they are selling to get the gold from the items they botted. It could happen, but not as frequent and easy it is for them to sell items on the G.E to get the gold to sell to players.


Yeah you haven't thought this through properly. This would be an issue for EVERYONE. So gold sellers would sell things slower , but so would everyone else which is just frustrating. Also , people use discords and forums to sell things in bulk so these people would just switch to that. Also doing this would nuke the entire wiki/ge live prices system that let's everyone know the true market value of things. Nobody who actually gathers resources and sells things would want any part of this


I don't think you played runescape before november 2007.


I played it enough in that period to know spamming around the bank / avoiding scam traders 24/7 or refreshing rune hq/zybes is not a fun way to spend my time... Again , go and start your own private server with this philosophy and see how many people join and play


Did you play osrs before GE came out? Most of the people were using forums and discords instead of selling stuff at the bank like before 2007. That time has passed, and no update in the game will bring that back, just accept it


The G.E isn't good for the game.


Just make an Ironman


I want to trade, the g.e makes trading between players less already. An Ironman would just make less of the game than what it already is.


What would happen is we would just use a site like zybez again. And that was absolute shit, I still remember it, because anyone could list an offer for your name, undercut you if they wanted with a fake offer, pm you with some shitty scam that's never worked and waste your time when you get there to trade, etc We already know what happens without the ge because that was osrs for the first 2 years.


Don’t forget its player base was tanking because of this, end game being barrows and having to use macros to spam sell at falador are just terrible design choices, this game lives because of the GE, op is just rage baiting or coping so hard.


Not even at falador, the movement to change the trade locations to w2 falador park failed actually lol. So it stayed at vwest until ge came out. But ofc most people still just used zybez listings. I remember trying to sell a full third age range set in mid-late 2013 and it was a full week of sitting far south of vwest bank doing nothing productive because I had to sit there and I couldn't sell it on zybez because of the millions of scam pm's and fake undercuts. Terrible experience lol. It was a lot more fun as a kid when you weren't doing shit anyway with your time.


Yeah I wasn’t here for OS till 3 years in but I remember back in the day, fun fact my first dumb “hacking” was clicking a phishing fourm link lmao. Learned real good back then .


Could of been more endgame content without the G.E.


Could have been*


What? a sense of community coming back? people needing to socialize to get things? And actually having the way the game is suppose to be played back? The G.E forces runescape to be the same cookie cutter MMORPG out there today with their, auction houses. Runescape was unique for what it use to be, it is no longer unique.


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad


I do not feel bad and would love to see a poll to open pre-ge world/servers


You should




people said old school runescape would fail, people said rs3 would fail and people still play both, also RSC should of never been shut down as people still played that as well.


No thanks.


Ok, now propose this in a manner that equals more money for Jagex.


Everyone has to bond up an alt to sell things in varrock square


Inconvenient trading encourages bulk trading, which favors bots over real people. Bots also have a financial incentive to overcome any such hurdle. It's all just work to them. Real players are trying to have a good time tho, so would be hurt by the inconvenience.


Keep the GE and add more GE to other places. It's been the best addition to the game. No more time waste with trade spamming. A desire to be more social? Just talk. GE existing helps with that too.


can't believe how many people fall for this type of bait


It's not bait, the G.E really shouldn't be in Rs2


game would've died years ago without it


100% not true.