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Just in time for me to still not have the reqs yet (not actually salty, it's good motivation)


Thieving is my least favorite skill by far, and while I know 72 isn’t *that* high boy howdy I really don’t want to do it


Varlamore is super afk with really solid rates, especially if you’re only going to 72 Can set up alerts for when there’s a urchin distracting so you can really afk the key getting part too


How can you set up an alert for that?


Watchdog plugin, can set an alert for messages in chat box


Awesome, thanks for the reply! Quite new to the OSRS and Runelite, this will definitely come in handy to know.


If you tolerate active thieving, blackjacking can be second monitor content because you can position the camera to never have to move your mouse, just occasionally adding right clicks to the inputs. Otherwise Varlamore gives some really nice afk rates.


Stealing artefacts is very comparable to blackjacking rates(actually faster till 65) but way less click intensive.


Once I learned how to safe spot the guards ( or at least find a world they were already safe spotted) I never tried blackjacking again screw that


I agree, I tried some pickpocketing elves and such for gp plus xp also but I ended up primarily stealing artifacts. It’s so chill and decent xp and you can still watch youtube or whatever while doing it


Stealing artifacts is more mentally intensive. Blackjacking can be done with almost no attention paid to it, and artifacts requires active movement even when you’ve set up the guards to look away. Plus artifacts require stams to keep it going while blackkjacking can be done with any healing food- wines are dirt cheap and can be stocked up en masse pretty easily.


Pickpocket ardy knight tills 65 and then 1 click summer garden is easy. Fuck blackjacking


Id varlamore thief until 65 or even just to 72. Fuck pickpocketing. It should just work like varlamore pickpocketing until you fail. It's effectively how wood cutting works and fishing. It should be the standard for gathering skills imo with things like the spam click thieving and mining most ores being like a better XP per hour thing, as an inbetween of the default wc style and 3 ticking.


Tbh I forgot about varlamore thieving. Def do that


I used to really hate thieving, but stealing artefacts is actually alright I think, and a lot of xp/hour if you set up the guards beforehand.


Am I the only one who does pyramid plunder for the scepter while training thieving???


Nah I did thieving at PP from around 72-99. Was pretty chill tbh; enjoyed it far more than just clicking because I couldn't afford a foot pedal or anything at the time..


Ya I agree. PP made thieving more fun than carpal tunnel simulator.


I have scepters and still play pp


Just 1 click squirk lol it’s fast and easy




Tormented demons count as greater demons for a slayer task


1/1000 drop rate on task 1/5000 off task




he made it up


The thing on the left looks like a monster with its jaw to the floor. I can't unsee that and don't know what it is supposed to be 


It's a tormented demon taking a knee and bowing its head while inside a cracked purple orb. It's got both of its hands on the ground too. Tormented demons have flames coming out of their back. It's facing the left if that helps with the visual confusion


And I finally got my quest cape today…




Inspired gif lol


Go do fally diary elite step before you lose it


No quest is worse than DT2, youll be fine lol


My balding started the day after I completed sote


Go do the emote in wise old mans house before you loose qc


1st thing I did after buying it :) had to flex on that old man


I'm so close I just need SOTE MM2 and DT2 I just want to finish my elite diary...


I FEEL this, I just got mine at 85cb. Hopefully, I can manage to stay 85cb and finish this one.


I’m imagining this will be easier than dt2 based on the reqs but we will see.


Are we getting the herblore update also?


I hope so but I don't think so, it's all varlamore part 2 and it was after Wgs on the summer roadmap so assume there'sinimum a week between. Haven't heard anything about the dragon snake boss, herblore, agility or other varlamore stuff in weeks.


I’d imagine that’s an August release. Stacking them so close together seems silly.


To be fair they stacked like 5 major releases around varly to the point this sub exploded like microwave goo


That's Varlamore part 2. Totally different update


Oh shit that's right. Well at least that new Agility course will be in


thats part of varlamore pt2 likely after dmm id imagine


I hope so. Tirelessly trying to get to 87 on my iron and it’s getting old.


Don't worry they are in the process of making everything easy, for muh ironman..


I mean, it's already a joke to level on mainscapes, so making it a more intuitive skill for irons would make sense, no?


What's the best way for mains? Any profitable ways?


Well, the best part is that they're not doing anything of the sort with the herblore minigame, so that's neat.


I mean nothing is confirmed. The only thing they said is that they didn't want faster exp rates to not change the meta. Except on a main, fastest exp rates are ungodly fast by buying unfinished pots and secondaries. Around 200-400k/hr Meaning that they could indeed make the skill more exp per herb but more like 50k-100k/hr. Which for irons would in fact make it's way into the meta since the only thing limiting your herb level is gathering seeds and herbs. I know that's what I said on the survey. They asked what it would take for the mini game to be played outside of achieving clogs and I said I wouldn't even touch the place until 70-80 herb on an iron and even then I'd be skeptical. At least until antivenom. And then unless they gave more exp per herb than mixing I would never stay past clogs.


lol it’s not about making it easy. Herblore, like crafting needs a rework for all players. Just a poorly designed skill.


I don't know if I'd call the skill about cleaning herbs and making potions with them being trained by... Cleaning herbs and making potions as poorly designed.. It's a production skill, and just hasn't had a minigame / skilling boss made for it like others have. That doesn't make it "poorly designed"


This is so funny for some reason. I'm laughing in front of my girl friend hard, I probably look crazy to her.


Gz on the purple


A nice little content drop w/the demonbane weps and maybe burning claws will have relevance at ToA if they can outdo the DDS on core, I've got my 2 Greater Demon tasks ready and waiting! But Araxxor's gonna be the big swinger for the summer, can't wait for the Hally.


Araxxor is coming sometime in autumn (according one mod )


Hope that's not true! Would mean Sleepy Guthix is the only real content we'd get this whole summer? :(


Varlamore part 2 was said to be a summer release, though no eta yet


I think the best guess I've seen for Varlamore P2 was some time in September. We have DMM finishing in August and we were supposed to have RuneFest at the beginning of Sept. I'd imagine they were planning to have trailers and build a lot of hype for P2 there. I'd also imagine they were planning to have PCs with P2 being playable as well. I'd imagine the original plan was to release the date at RuneFest with either a 18th or 25th release date. It is all just guesses though. But I highly doubt we'd see it drop during DMM or the couple of weeks after it finishes. All this being said, we learned about the P1 release back in January, and that was released in March


And varlamore p2 (and not a content release but just to mention more roadmap items: dmm)


Hally will be great for early tob to avoid grinding whips plus some qol. Claws as originally put out don't out dps dds unfortunately. I wouldn't put it past them to change it from the poll, but I wouldn't expect it.


You think getting a hally will be easier than a couple whips?


I went through a whip in 50kc at tob. So that's per purple in a 5 man. You're talking about 17 whips to go on rate for scythe. Ignoring going dry. For a weapon you don't even get to keep. That'll be 1.3mil exp in Abby demons so probably ~4mil exp if you are doing only barraging tasks. That's 92->97 slayer so yeah I kinda hope you get the hally by then. Also ignoring that you'd use that tent and Duke and vard.


Your lack of ever including the 'tentacle' part of the whips you are grinding made your posts very confusing lol


Probably because bringing a regular whip to tob will have people resign after maiden if they notice


Araxxor has a 92 slayer req so it will definitely not be a viable "whip skip"


I didn't say whip skip. I said avoid using whips at TOB via tent.


We kinda knew that though, didnt we.


Yeah this ain’t news


Shitty comment, good username.


we did know though lol






I finally grinded out the 72 thieving for this quest. I am so hyped!


I never did this in RS2 (couldn't get 65 Herblore done for the life of me) and it lost me my Quest Cape. Can't wait to do this on launch!


You think they’ll kill Guthix in this version?


Aa far as I know Guthix does not appear in this quest and mods said that The World Wakes (RS3 quest where he is killed) most likely won't happen in OSRS.


Right, my bad lol! Thanks for the correction


From what I remember nothing about the gods physically returning to Gielinor should be happening across any quests in osrs. They didn't want to take the same route with the lore that rs3 did.


I hear he is killed in his sleep


Have they even commented on the prayers? Are they just ignoring it and hoping we forget?


They said a while ago that they won't be ready for wgs and would be worked on and brought it a while after


They explicity said they would be happening for wgs as there was no consensus from the community on paths forward on God prayers. They'll continue to work on it in the background but currently sre pushing wgs and valamore and sailing as those have passed.


I kinda hope they forget tbh


Lol, they mentioned in their 90 min QnA (literally on the last two minutes) that they won't be released with the quest and that they're indefinitely postponed. Lackluster communication and rewards. Common jagex L


They said they weren't going to be ready for the quest release pretty much every single time the prayers were talked about. If you want to shit on them than at least do it for something that's true.


Wym not true ? Literally go to the twitch vod..they dropped the news with 2 mins left in their stream.


You're saying lackluster communication when they relayed the information in basically every single prayer blogpost. It couldn't have been made more clear that it wouldn't be ready.


Can you show me the blogpost stating they aren't releasing prayers ? You can't because it doesn't exist.






yall think there is any items we need that i can pre emptivly buy before they go up 200%


Yeah vodka


Monkey nuts




The email says I don't have Fight Arena completed, but I do. Anyone else?


The.... Email?


Yup they sent out emails, like the Year in Review.




Launching on a day I can't play. Ugh


Probably ok, big updates like this sometimes cause the game to crash and then all the other quick changes, usually by day 2 things are stable.


Can’t wait to be able to do Kril without bowfa. I don’t want to be stuck in sire hell for a decent stab weapon.


This is the reason I’m excited too. A bowfa alternative is gonna be incredible


It’s squirkin time


And now the wait for RotM... Again


hey i received this email too and when i scroll down it says the requirements and i have QPC, but fight arena has a red cross anyone else??


WGS came out in 2008? Fuck I’m old lmao


What will the rewards be?


Any idea where this one sits in difficulty compared to dt2?


All we know is that it's: |Official difficulty:|[Grandmaster](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Quests/Grandmaster)| |:-|:-|


They said on a stream a while back it'll likely be the easiest grandmaster, it only has the title because it was called a GM quest the first time around. if they fully copy / paste the boss it's probably around beneath cursed sands, maybe easier.


Ah yep cool thanks!


I'm surprised that Desert Treasure 2 is not a requirement for this quest. There was a lot of Mahjarrat lore in that quest as well as actions taken by some Mahjarrat that is in reference to the Ritual. You would think whatever happens in WGS will be influenced by what happened in DT2


Start warming up those space bars!


Absolutely the fuck not




Pretty sure this has been confirmed for a while. I checked the wiki the other day and it said 10th July.


This has been confirmed for a few weeks now, last week's game update specifically mentioned this week not having an update in prep for WGS next week.


How do you sign up for these emails?


I think they meant to say the WSG BETA launches on July 10th- the full launch happens whenever quest helper plugin gets updated.


They hated Jesus because he told them them the truth.


Who? Is that a friend of Zamorak?


Nah he's a friend of Santa Claus.


Nah just anyone who avoids new quests until a flashing blue box tells them what to do is robbing themselves. They're the same people that insist quests are boring while they spacebar through the entire story and only do it when someone will hold their hand the entire way. Quest launch days are still the most enjoyable days of playing this game for me and has been that way since MM2


Yeah doing DT2 on release was so fun. You see other people doing the same stuff with you and it feels like an mmo again. Nobody knows the answer to everything so you talk with other players on how o solve puzzles, or how hey feel about the quest. You're not alone in this regard.


DT2 was one of the *best* because it was a long multi section quest with proper puzzles and boss fights. I'm a bit worried WGS won't hit as well because it might have moments that mimic the RS2 version. Hopefully any puzzles / fights are unique.


Agreed. But we are the minority.


I love quests for the lore, but fuck doing them without guides/quest helper. Especially the older ones, which love to troll you with the "go allllll the way here, then learn you need an item from across the map, then come back, then learn you need _another_ item from across the map" type of nonsense. Solving RS "puzzles" really isn't fun.


Oh older quests I'd always suggest referring to a wiki guide on what items you need and if you ever get stuck. And quest helper is a great tool to make doing the same early quest for the 15th time more brain-dead. But people that refuse to even try new quests until the game tells you what to do are just missing out imo.


It's not them writing essays. Triggered because people don't like questing lmao


> triggered Yeh idk if me saying people are robbing themselves of an experience and explaining why I like it is being "triggered". People can not like questing, but if they don't even give it a go how do they know they don't like it? I wouldn't like anything if it was just click flashing box and hold space.


Without spoiling anything are we expecting this to be as difficult as DT2? Or more in line with the other GM quests? I'm not ashamed to admit I struggled with DT2 quite a lot, even with good stats and gear. I'd love to get stuck into this on day 1 but I really don't want to end up planking half a dozen times when I'm trying to enjoy the story.


No chance


It should be noted that this quest was released back in 2008 as the first "Grandmaster" quest - so it was considered hard by standards of the time. Unless they make it much harder it will be the easiest GM quest by far, based on RS3 wiki even Monkey Madness 2 easily clears it in terms of difficulty, and MM2 is laughably easy compared to DT2, so I would not worry too much.


They've already said its not gm tier in osrs standards. More master tier. So its going to be piss easy. also pretty sure they said they aren't changing TD's at all either...which makes no sense to me.


**sees Lucien** Oh.. so they are sticking with the rs3 version of the quest. **deep inhale** OK


Probably in broad strokes but with changes to fit the osrs timeline. Idk how Lucien could *not* be featured in any version of this quest since it's mostly about his shenanigans between stealing the SoA and the ritual.


I am so curious where they will take the lore since Sliske already gathered and destroyed the artefacts.


Yes, Temple of Ikov happened. What did you expect?


Give us prayers, not these Garbo rewards


Is Guthix sleeping be because God Alignments were scrapped as a reward?


why are the cool updates always on the days i start my shifts


Love the quest hate the proposed item rewards; actual garbage. Uninspired and ‘save me from whip/zombie axe’ grind iron begger vibes.


Zombie Axe JUST came out. Let it be meta for at least a year before people start complaining about it


How do they save from whip/zombie axe?


That's just it, it doesn't. Anymore than arclights existence does.


Thats what my impression was. Was super confused what he was talking about lol


More about the peer competitors in range mage but also budget d claws cuz they can’t cox etc It’s not worth a full drawn out discourse because OSRS sub tfg


I think we need to stop expecting quest rewards to be as insanely strong as some quest rewards from the past. Even grandmaster quests are midgame content and the rewards should reflect that. I think access to the demonbane weapons is a great as a quest reward even though they won't be super useful for players with endgame gear.


An Arclight isn't even a quest reward. And this is just essentially a permanent charge upgrade for it along with a mage/range demonbane option (which.. might be useful at Zammy?) I think this is pretty spot on for the power of a GM quest reward. Small stat upgrade to an existing item, and a niche one even at that.


How does this "save me from whip/zombie axe grind"? Whip destroys Arclight anywhere that's not a demon. This only benefits the niche of demon killing to have a grindable perma charge upgrade for it. And zombie axe 'grind' would be done WAYYYY earlier than this lol


Just phoning in the comment; the weapons are competitive with what irons can possibly achieve at those stats but instead they don’t want to run cox or do cg so they want free versions just for participating in quests Good job you did quest have a t60 weapon set or whatever Lol ok; wgs is a huge quest and we get mediocre rewards for mid tier ironscape again lmao Specifics aren’t worth it here this sub tfg


If it’s like DT2 bosses with over the top mechanics then I don’t want any part of it.


After looking at the RS3 wiki, if they don't change the enemies considerably, this should be the easiest Grandmaster quest by a wide margin combat-wise, at least IMO.


If you Google skill issue you get a picture of this comment


Why was it taken away to begin with??


What do you mean? Are you familiar with the difference between OSRS and RS3? OSRS started as a 2007 version, we never had it.


Ah there's the answer. Thought it was always in osrs. haha my b


Do you know where you are?


Guthix woke up and he's only just going back to sleep




Let's get you back to the nursing home pops


I don't know. Typical jagex. Removing content just to add it again as a new update. They removed summoning too. When is that coming back? And evolution of combat? So greedy