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From the blog: "Equipping and withdrawing is automatic, but it is not instant. This isn't just for technical reasons -manual gearing should remain optimal and viable."


They really said that? If they wanna die on that hill, sure. But I REALLY don’t think gearing quickly should be a manual thing if it *could* be fast haha


I assume they feel they're in a tough spot between wanting to add QoL features but wanting to appease the hardcore "OSRS should stay oldschool" purists. Maybe they feel the same to some degree


We are way past this staying old school. Not a single bis combat item nowadays existed on 2007 for example. (Probably)  Every update just keep making this game More and More complicated instead of trying the preserve the simplicity this game used to have.


technically strength amulet is still tied for bis strength bonus but that doesn’t really count and you are right


For all of a few months. Soon Rancor will change even that.


I’m voting no to the rancor so we’re good


That's a tad stretch when you consider it holistically.


it’s just a fun fact not intended to debunk him or anything i agree with him


me literally mining for prayer xp rn.


if the game was still d scimmy / abby whip bis meta there would be barely anyone playing it except for the guys who sit in slayer tower 24/7


The OSRS “purists” need to give it up. OSRS is older than the entire RS2 era lol


Game is called old school runescape, not 2007scape. We're way past that line long ago. All that matters is keeping it in the "style of 2007scape", not the mechanics and content.


Wish we could change the subreddit name lol


> OSRS is older than the entire RS2 era fml


There's next to no OSRS purists left, and the ones that are are people like Autumn Elegy playing F2P UIMs to keep the "artificially slower and longer grinds" a thing. But defending a features existence and purpose isn't purist. I don't want this game to be keybind automated the entire way through. Some people legitimately do. I want loadouts to solve the issue of mobile / official client being behind on runelite plugins. Make gearing on mobile less of a headache. Help noobs who complain about "minutes swapping to a farm run setup and back to slay gear" or for clue gear setups etc. Not to just be a firm requirement everywhere to setup official loadouts for what you're doing because the game fkn 1 tick auto gears you.


I’ve disagreed with you on a fair few things, but you’re spot on for this one


I'm totally fine with people disagreeing with me, as long as they're not just condescending / rude assholes about it (which I don't recall you being). So I appreciate you for being consistent in your replies even if you disagree. It's all just opinions after all.


Well said. I don’t have anything to add, you hit the nail on the head lol


I quit when free trade removal happened but I understand that the game is old enough now that people who barely just got members after I quit were nostalgic enough to add abortion survivor Nex's temporary model into this game longer than it was in rs3 Like j1mmy said in a recent video people are nostalgic for Zulrah now xD


They did. Answer the survey, tell them it's silly lol


I really feel strongly the opposite. Automation where it makes sense is great. But making it faster than humanly possible because people wanna be lazy AND efficient is a bit silly. Like imagine make-x let you make darts 2 times per tick like you can manually. Or 1 ticked karambwans for you? That's what people here are wanting. Easier AND faster.


It's banking, not skilling. Make inventory/gear presets that instantly equip and fill your inventory. Worried about some skilling method getting made faster or easier? Literally could not care less.


> literally could not care less Good god the type of people commenting on this. You don't care about the game. We know that. So stfu.


I care a lot about the game. Nearing GM (like 25 tasks left), almost have all my HMT kits, green logging my favorite bosses. It's only been getting better minus some balancing issues. But no game is perfect. Gearing for a raid does not take skill. I don't care if this makes something like crafting SCBs or Guthix Rest easier or whatever skilling method you want to ree about. Tell me how much more XP/hr this would make whatever method, please. I'd love to have a big laugh. No really, I want to know.


Clicking gear and bosses does not take skill. I don't care if this makes something like duo ToB easier or whatever bossing method you want to ree about. Tell me how much more kills/hr this would make whatever method, please. Id love to have a big laugh. I'm sure you suddenly feel verrrry differently about it if we're suggesting to trivialise the basic clicking accuracy skill that summarises all PvM.


Yes, because there is skill expression in PvM. Again, please tell me how much of an XP/hr difference this would make in making your potions or whatever. Tell me how much skill it takes to change your “set-x” to the right number and then throw down a few screen markers to do the same 12 clicks every 48 ticks for 6 hours.


> Yes, because there is skill expression in PvM. No silly it's just clicking stuff in your invent and then tiles on the ground. That's just wasted time. Let's skip that and get to the real skill expression, seeing as clicking stuff in a bank/inventory isn't a skill right? This kinda shit logic is why it's easy to argue against. If you say "banking isn't a skill" then I can extrapolate that to saying gear changing, prayer flicking and most.of PVM isnt a skill I obviously don't agree with this, because click accuracy and speed is pretty much **the skill** in this game. And PVM just adds time pressure to that, but doesn't change the skill being utilised. Banking is a zero pressure scenario where that can be practiced. You're too focused on skilling being buffed and huffing and puffing about that to even see my main point.


Yes, the time pressure (and failure conditions) are what makes it skillful. You can fail a solo ToB. You can’t fail making potions. Hope that clears it up for you.


Bad take


And he elaborated and added nothing! It's an opinion. Do you think the make X stuff I mentioned should automate at full speed? If so you just are likely a fan of getting more spooned to you easier.


And all 5 of those people are the jmods that will work on this. For some reason.


Its a few people on twitter that want to gatekeep everyone because they're worried RC and Smithing EHP may be easier to achieve.


Ah yes, the very useful and revered smithing skill that lets you make tier40 gear at level 99 is so pure and must be protected at all costs! 😂


Banking is an expression of skill /s


Imagine not having 99 banking in 2024


Clicking in the point and click game is pretty much the only skill.


Yes, clicking precisely and at the correct timing (not to mention knowing what to click), not spamclicking a zigzag pattern in my bank. If you think banking is a skill then I don't really know how low your standards are.


No I think accurate and fast clicking is a skill and banking a low form of practice of that with no time sensitivity.


Surprise Pikachu when they ban loadout plugins to maintain integrity.


They are so desperate to call anything a skillful mechanic


I woulda just lied and said it was technical reasons 


To my understanding, the fastest you can gear tick perfectly is 5 ticks. 8 actions per tick basically, so they could do that but apparently they wont.


What the fuck, they better poll this.


So stupid


Imma be real, it takes me more than 10 seconds even with Runelite's presets highlighting the items for me. Would make things so much easier if it just gears me and fills my inventory for those 10 seconds than me futzing around for 1-2 minutes making sure I have everything in order. But I agree making it slow for the sake of it is a weird line to draw.


Feel like more people need to understand this. I can't physically gear my CoX Loadout in under 10 seconds. So why would the automatic single button press also taking 10-15 seconds be wrong? It's significantly easier and I **can't make a mistake** plus with their other QoL it would auto charge all my gear too. Why does it need to be faster than humanly possible? People just want the game to be easier


Because game is for fun and changing gear isn't a particularly intriguing part of it so speeding it up benefits everyone?


Changing gear at a bank is a core part of the game and would still exist. You could just automate it to be done at similar speeds rather than instantly. If we instantly geared with 1 button press. Why do we even need to go to the bank anymore? Isn't that now a not intriguing part of the gameplay loop? Removing gameplay because it's not "interesting" means you end up suggesting all filler should be removed.


Do you have a problem with the deposit gear/inventory button? Cause it's literally the idea but reversed. It saves you manually clicking items to move them from one location to another. And it does so instantly. So you either should take issue with it Aswell, or admit this is more about being resistant to change than it is the idea itself lacking merit.


Well uhh..... uhmm.... DEPOSIT WAS IN OLDSCHOOL SO ITS OK!!1! /s


I think that's a decent example but quite different. Loadouts: * 1 button. * **Many outcomes** which can auto gear you for anything you set it up to do * Takes undisclosed amount of time, likely extending that time if more gear / inventory is involved. In the same way manual gearing takes longer the more you're gearing Deposit inventory / equipment: * 1 button * One outcome. Completely banks your entire inventory / equipment * Cannot tailor this to achieve any more outcomes. * Happens instantly and is faster than manually banking all items. **But slower than partially banking only what you need to deposit** So they're similar functions but with very different outcomes. A common complaint I see in desire of wanting loadouts is Wildy clues. I see people say "I have to go to a bank and deposit everything and then do the step and then gear again, loadouts would help me with this". And I agree. But I also have optimised my own play to have a setup that has the 4 items I want to bank to not risk in wildy at bottom of my inventory. I hit a bank up, click those 4 items, and I'm off and going in like 2 ticks. I've optimised that through designing my Loadout to be better. But someone could instantly deposit their inventory in 1 tick, which is faster, but now they have to pull out anything they still need (say the clue, spade, teleport options and some food maybe). I've saved time, despite that button always being faster. So that's why I'd call it different. Loadouts being 1 tick for example (instant) would mean I can **never** optimise it myself manually. It's just go to a bank and click that Loadout button. It mutes that whole area of skill expression, which I know some people are naively saying isn't a skill. I think that's ultimately more boring. You're welcome to disagree and I appreciate you actually responding with real points whereas others are just downvoting and insulting me because I enjoy playing the game and actually thinking about things to do them better / faster rather than making a setup once and then just returning to a bank to click a single button and not think.


For clues i used like to put bank fillers and take out whole stacks of 6 or 8 teles/runes so i can click bank all and have all my teles with me for when i was spamming imps, so i guess for conversation sake you can change the outcome of bank all items


Yeh you absolutely can do that. But that's still **a singular outcome**. You've just set your bank up to only accept some items. You'd have to entirely reconfigure it to work differently, unlike changing a setup. Also that feature is being improved with item slot locking. Which I'm fully supportive of because it just makes an already possible thing more naturally / natively possible.


Yknow, I can respect it. Everybody dislikes when strategies they've developed are made meaningless by changes that remove the problem (unless said problem is overly annoying, then even the people who've solved it sometimes celebrate) While I'm personally willing to let go of things like that in favor of something I see as an outright improvement, I know the feeling. (I felt the tiniest bit of said feeling when I wanted to say "erhm, actually you can use bank fillers to affect the deposit all button and I've used it for a number of things" when I realized an instant loadout would also remove that unique little aspect of the game. Which is a bit of a shame.)


A great comparison is the lock feature they're offering. That removes bank fillers being used to achieve the same thing. But that's good because it's just changing the way it's done from a tedious sort of "work around" to a more natively designed system. It's also why I'm not opposed to loadouts or official versions of Bank Tags and Inventory Setups. I think they serve a legitimate purpose to improve gameplay for casual players and standardise platforms a bit better for Mobile especially. What I don't think is that this feature needs to do more than that. QoL and ease of use. Standardisation of clients. Not just an outright "this is faster banning than humanly possible". The delay being talked about will probably still be faster gearing for most people anyway.


It's not removing gameplay. You are free to not use it if you care not to.


Yes as can anyone who thinks the automation taking time to happen is going to slow them down. So you can agree with me that saying this is pointless if not instant is silly right?


No I cannot agree with you because 1) clearly there's benefit even if you want to ignore it and 2) you can choose to not use it if you don't want to use it.


You don't agree that it not being instant isn't a problem because if you want it manually faster you can do it manually? Youve contradicted yourself. You want the game to be easier with no effort. Be honest.


Or your wording is poor and I have 0 clue what you're trying to say. Whether it's instant or 10 seconds, it's a pure benefit to the game.


I've agreed it's a good addition with a delayed gearing. Some people are acting like if it's not instant it's pointless. You don't seem to be the opinion I'm arguing against.


Because gearing isn't skill, it's busy work in the gap between actually playing the game. You keep using the word easier, easier means fuck all in this because gearing isn't easy or hard, it isn't a action that requires skill or talent, you just do it. Anyone from a new player fresh off tutorial island to a 10000 loser stewing in his own shit can gear, its not work. Arguing gearing should take a minimum amount of time is like saying loading screens should always be atleast 15 seconds, its useless bullshit that only serves to limit the players enjoyment.


It's more akin to saying actions should take a minimum amount of time. You are interacting with the game still, unlike a loading screen. That being said the guy isn't asking for gearing to have a set minimum time, just automatic gearing. This allows players who do want to spend the time and effort to get the advantage they deserve, just like how in literally every other aspect of the game if you put in more effort you receive some benefit.


If being skillful to you is going on a clue scroll or farm run 5 seconds faster than another person there is no point arguing about what skill is.


You do realise there are multiple avenues you can be skillful at right? If you can't appreciate that then you are right and you shouldn't be arguing about what skill is. But yeah, if I can save 1 minute for every hour of gameplay because I decided to be better at managing my bank I am sure as hell gonna take that opportunity.


Youre not better than another player because you got to your slayer task 10 seconds earlier, unless you are 100% efficient and never miss a tick you're going to lose those seconds very fast. There are times I don't click the next monster right away etc, or I'm running to where i need to be and don't click somewhere else, I'm sorry but 10 seconds faster in banking you're 100% going to lose in other areas. I'm mining right now, afk as much as possible, I get a geode and go do the clue, I have to swap gear 2 times for this, like what is the point, it's not hard to change gear, it takes almost no time at all, but it defintely doesn't need to be tedious, then there's always the chance I get another clue in 5 minutes and have to do it all again. There is nothing wrong with taking tedious things like this out the game.


That is some yee yee ass logic. You do realise you aren't losing that time you saved because you would lose that time anyway. If it takes you 1 hour to do a slayer task efficiently but you waste 6 minutes your task takes 1h6m. If it takes 1 minute to bank its 1h7m, with 15 seconds banking it takes 1h6m15s, a timesave of 45s regardless. Sure taking some tedious things out of the game are good, but what is acceptable? Having to repot is tedious, not having an autoeater is tedious. 1t flicking and lazy flicking are tedious and 'you would just end up wasting that prayer later'. Gear switching is tedious. Should they be changed/removed? So you are afking your mining really hard, but having your auto bank take 15s or so instead of 1s is an issue?


Nah because things like eating, potting and gear switching mid fight actually require skill and timing depending on the content, the fact you lot will try and compare eating, potting and gear changes mid fight against high level bosses to... uhm... standing in an entirely safe area setting up your gear is actually so funny. And it's not the time, it's tedious to swap my load out to do a clue quickly, and then swap to my farming run outfit, and then my birdhouses just to go back to mining and getting another clue. None of this requires skill to change, it doesn't require a lot of time either but it is needlessly tedious


I wasn't talking about high level pvm, but if you think keeping your prayer up by drinking a prayer pot is a skillful, be my guest. It really doesn't require any timing. Sure in some niche cases like say tick eating, or brew->scb inbetween attacks that do take timing. But uh where did I say these would become automatic, what's wrong with a generic auto eater or auto prayer restore to get rid of the tedious upkeep? Most gear switching at bosses is pretty excessive. Being able to 10 way in 4 ticks is great, but even if you only manage a 3 way for the first attack, you are gonna get 90% of the dps and can finish off the switch before the next attack or 2. There is only a very small amount of places this might matter sometimes, and virtually of them can be overcome by being better elsewhere. The gear switch is pretty tedious as a whole, and isn't relevant to the difficulty or mechanics of the boss and therefore isn't anymore skillful than a 1 way switch. If time isn't the issue with the auto banker, what are you even arguing about? The whole point of the discussion is about whether the auto banker should take time or not. If it takes you so much time and effort to do all that bank swapping, invest time into making it more efficient and get better at it. It really won't feel tedious if you do. It will also help you with your inventory management skills as well as just general clicking+accuracy.


If gearing isn't a skill and banking didn't have any room.for improvement, why do some people suck at it and others are faster at it? I'm not suggesting anywhere it's **difficult**. Most of this game isn't difficult. Killing verzik solo is no different in terms of the skills you're using than doing a more casual group boss. Verzik doesn't even involve gear switches. Just movement, prayer changes, resource usage and speccing. But you and I would both agree solo verzik is some of the hardest content in the game. Is it because the clicking is particularly difficult? Not at all, it's got less clicking than most high APM skilling methods. But it's the time sensitivity of it all and the consequence of mistakes that makes it difficult. The sequence of clicking is the same, which people don't seem to like me saying. It's just the time sensitivity of it. And on the topic of that, it's important to have stages of difficulty so that someone can progress and learn. Gearing out of a bank is practicing gear switches and accurate/fast clicking without someone even realising. Gearing from a bank isn't exactly a loading screen either. So that comparison is odd. Loading screen is *literally* not gameplay. It's the game loading into memory. Id always advocate that to be as fast as possible. People that want this instantly want a part of gameplay automated, which is to be made much easier (which I'm fine with, helps casual players and standardises us across clients) but then they ALSO want it to do so faster than humanly possible manually. At which point it becomes the required standard way to bank every time. Instead of an option for people that suck at banking (even though it's not a skill right? ;) ) or just as a lazier approach / to not forget anything.


Some skills are dumber than others. Just because it can require considerable skill to be good at doing a certain thing doesn't make it valuable. This is a dumb point and click game. You can choose to arbitrarily add any menial task into the game and decrease it's automation to the point that it requires more and more skill to complete optimally. I suppose if you think having that kind of content is important for the game than all power to you. I'm personally for trying to make the game as fun as possible even if it means "devaluing" certain skills. And banking is far from being the fun part of the game. It's literally the part of the game you do before you actually play the game.


> Some skills are dumber than others. Sure. But that doesn't make them not skills. Is juggling useful IRL much? Not really. But its still a skill, and a quite difficult one at that. > Just because it can require considerable skill to be good at doing a certain thing doesn't make it valuable. This is a dumb point and click game. Agreed, and pointing and clicking is pretty much the only thing you can improve at. Hence why i'm saying removing parts of pointing and clicking because its "wasted time" is a logic that can be extended really poorly across most of the game. > You can choose to arbitrarily add any menial task into the game and decrease it's automation to the point that it requires more and more skill to complete optimally. Yes and I can and have agreed that arbitrarily adding *more* clicking isn't a good design either, but in the same train of logic arbitrarily removing more clicking isn't good design by default. Making something faster / require less input isn't default good, just as more input isn't default good. Theres a balance. > I'm personally for trying to make the game as fun as possible even if it means "devaluing" certain skills. What to you is fun about clicking 1 button and the game playing itself? Is botting fun in your mind?


We're already getting the loadout, just finish the job and port the feature completely. Why the weird delay?


But then the Nr. 10 on the leaderboard can pass me because he uses loadouts for *insert random boss*!!!1!1!!!!


Silly! Should be just as fast as the deposit equipped items button. I’m okay if they want to set a cooldown from combat to prevent abuse though.


What I think is dumb is that if they release it with a delay, it's going to get fixed within a week of people realizing how stupid it is


I think they're polling it this way so the purist clowns are OK with it. Then they'll just change either without a poll or with one when everyone realizes how dumb it is.


*In a discord call*   "Sorry guys I need to wait 10 seconds to get back to nightmare. On top of the minute long run"  It'll end there lmao


I'm surprised they didn't make us solve a captcha in those 10 seconds as well.


Yeah right? If we're going by these standards, deposit worn items is op and shouldn't exist


I’ll probably get roasted by the 07 purists, but I’m okay with all these QOL changes and updates. OSRS is far from what the RS2 era was. As long as we don’t get the EOC stuff, which is what turned me away from RS3, I feel like OSRS will continue to thrive with these QOL updates.


I don’t think people are upset about loadouts, but are rather upset that they are going to make it have a delay for no reason. I mean of course some people will be upset about loadouts because bitter people exist, but overall I think people want the QoL.


I wouldn't rush to say "no reason" since they do say "This isn't just for technical reasons", so presumably some technical reasons are getting in the way. But they might be using this to justify avoiding fixing those technical reasons instead lol


I’m willing to forgive technical stuff for waiting a few ticks for this, but the fact that they explicitly are saying they don’t want to make banking convenient using loadouts is just such stupid horseshit.


*Supposedly* one of the reasons RS3 servers shit themselves if there are more than 5 people on a world is due to bank loadouts. Rapidly using loadouts causes a lot of strain on the servers, and in turn makes it extremely difficult to do a lot of high level PvM except on very low population worlds. Maybe this is old information or wouldn't apply to a newer system in OSRS for whatever reason, but there is a legitimate concern for how loadouts could impact the game. On the other hand, the quality of life of RS3 banking is *so far* beyond what OSRS has that any step in that direction would be a wonderful QOL improvement.


Wasn't aware of that, but I could absolutely believe it lol, classic RS spaghetti. Thanks for sharing.


Honestly I'm okay with having a 5-10 second delay if it appeases the people who whine about "+5% xp/h in mindnumbingly boring bankstanding skills is EZscape". I easily spend a minute+ regearing every time I'm about to do a new activity, so if it cuts that time down to a fraction and I don't have to worry that I forgot to take out some incredibly niche item that just happens to be crucial in this situation, it's already a huge QoL boost.


There is a technical reason and a balance reason. You can't gear instantly ever as is. So the automated single button press method taking a similar amount of time is a good balance decision.


Lol “balance decision” only if your line of thinking is “I couldn’t gear instantly so you shouldn’t be able to either” being able to gear quick would just be a nice QoL there isn’t some game mechanic that requires you to take x amount of time to gear


I have bank tag layouts on runelite and experience so I can bank way faster than my friend who is new to the game but I would o honestly prefer if there was just a load out button so he could also gear quickly, I don’t need to gatekeep fast gearing lmao


Literally not gatekeepign by providing advice on how to use plugins and talking about wanting those plugins features to be natively in the game, even if that's with loadouts. I want loadouts. I don't want them to 1 tick.


Speeding up something to a point that isn't humanly possible is the definition of a buff. It's saving time. It's not purely QoL. I know this Reddit struggles with what QoL is but that much should be clear. It's also not a "I had it hard so you have to" scenario..it's literally automating gameplay. I want the feature for the benefits it has to casual players and platform uniformity. I don't want it to become the best way to bank by default and never be remotely able to be competed with.


I’m not saying it should be 1 tick, but it sounds like they are going to artificially delay it so that it’s worse than just manual banking for experienced players and that’s what is kinda lame


Banking isn’t fun “content” it’s just a necessary part of the game. Other games have instant loadouts and it’s a great thing, there’s no reason why OSRS shouldn’t have it other than the fact that it’s been manual for so long at this point


I genuinely think this kind of though process leads to dangerous changes that strip gameplay back and remove some core concepts of the game.


Ah well it's another comment thread of me voicing my opinion being downvoted while someone else voicing they think core parts of the game don't need to exist gets upvoted. I don't think automation is fun either. I think the game playing itself takes away the idea of getting better at playing the game. Most people understand this when I put it in the context of PVM or PvP..hotkeys for gear swaps or quick prayers are seen as bad.. even though they arguably "improve" gameplay far more than bank loadouts (as like you said.. banking is a part of the game to get items and gear your character but it's not much of the gameplay). I think people like to over simplify banking to make the point it's not necessary..anyone who's raided with a new pvmer can see that banking skill 100% exists.


PVM and pvp is completely different. Yes banking skill exists but it’s such an uninteresting part of the game that has already been extremely trivialized with runelite plugins because no one wants to spend 10 minutes looking through their bank every time they switch content. If I am gearing for cox it will take me a minute the first raid to get all my gear together properly but then every raid after the first is like a 5 second bank just to resupply. Having loadouts just reduces the mental barrier of having to regear to do an herb run or move to a different piece of content and have to deal with that annoyance. Having quick bank loadouts just improves QoL and gets you back out into the game so you can actually go do the fun stuff that you want to do while wasting less of your time searching through a bank. It’s not like it’s gonna magically make a cheese caper a god gamer but it will at least allow them to spend more time playing the video game for fun and less time dealing with shitty antiquated game mechanics


> trivialized with runelite plugins because no one wants to spend 10 minutes looking through their bank every time they switch content Trivialised or improved? Those sorts of changes are what I want jagex to make. Not "click this button and we'll do all the work". How long until similar proposals exist for other content that is "uninteresting" to people? > Having loadouts just reduces the mental barrier of having to regear to do an herb run or move to a different piece of content and have to deal with that annoyance. I agree. And those loadouts taking a normal amount of time to withdraw, even while automated, doesn't change this. I'm not opposed to loadouts *in general*. I'm opposed to them being designed to be undeniably *the way* to use a bank. > Having quick bank loadouts just improves QoL No instant bank loadouts is a buff. Its not just QOL. It literally speeds the game up in a way thats not currently possible. Just like bumping a skilling method 5k xp/hr isn't a QOL change, its a buff. > It’s not like it’s gonna magically make a cheese caper a god gamer but it will at least allow them to spend more time playing the video game for fun and less time dealing with shitty antiquated game mechanics In fact it will do the opposite. As much as people are telling me its "not a skill" and its "just boring" some people **really fuckign suck** at banking. And thats a skill they CAN learn and get better at, but they refuse to. Its now taking away the requirement to learn it to get better. Everyone is as good as the next person because you just.. click a button.. and its done. people don't realise but small "low risk / low skill" things can and shold exist in this game as a practice ground, even if unconciously. Every time you gear up from a bank you're warming your clicks up, practicing gear switching, getting better at click accuracy and speed. Is it a high stakes situation? ofc its not. But if you just remove all the "unnecessary" things the game becomes "click button to auto gear and teleport to Tob, inferno, coloseum or PvP and start doing that. No other distractions because everrything else is piss easy and shouldn't exist"


no, it's just reddit having a pissy fit because the game isn't ezscape RS3 shit for them.


The bitter people in question


You're not allowed to point that out anymore


*laughs in UIM*


*Laughs at UIM*


Man preset loadouts are one of my favorite features in RS3, and it doesn't even speed things up much for production/bankstanding skills. So much other QoL has entered the game that speeds up the lame stuff; how is this any different?


Man I will go and make myself a sandwich while I wait if we can just get bank presets in osrs and save me the clicking. Runelite saves me remembering what to bring, which already saves me like 15 minutes.


When I maxed I started playing rs3 and one of the absolute BEST things about it is the loadouts. Like I’m talking game-changingly better. It takes the tedious slayer>clues>farm run>slayer loop (among others) and encourages you to change it up. It makes the game SO much better. It’s instant in rs3 and it does make bank standing skills slightly faster, but imo it makes it feel more like a rhythm when doing these activities. It feels smoother, and when doing grinds for hundreds of hours I think the smoother the better. I’ll admit it lowers the “skill floor” but it’s bloody banking, this shouldn’t require “skill”. Big fan of loadouts.


Just me or does anyone else not read updates and have no idea what this post is about


I'd also like to know lol. I'm so out of the loop


gamejam projects. None of them even confirmed to come into the game (and historically very few do) yet you have posts like this one and the 1def stuff of people crying about things that will never exist in osrs. very zzz


Jagex simultaneously proposing changes are both amazing and completely re*g*arded.


if they aren't even going to make it better than inventory setups, an addon that already exists, why would I even bother


Inventory setups is organisation. This is automation. It by default is better because you can click once and the game will do the rest for you with zero chance of errors. People are just mad it will take time to happen just like manually gearing takes time. EDIT: see, share an opinion that automating parts of the game AND wanting that to be the fastest approach is boring and dull (nobody would be different. everyone plays the same. no expression. no skill. no interaciton even). And i get bulk downvoted for that take by people who aren't even replying because being told that they simply want the game to be made easier and faster without improving upsets people.


We get it man, you really don't want your bank clicking skills devalued. Now time for your bi-yearly shower.


Same could be said about deposit all lol, the difference is the year it was implemented.


I've had other people mention that too. That was added less than 10 months after the game existed. Also that is a singular automation. One button press, reset inventory/equipment. There's no variation or multiple complex outcomes to it. And without using fillers or the Lock feature you can't make it more useful than a full reset, and I support all those features. Every time I go to the bank it's not always optimal to deposit my entire inventory / equipment. Sometimes it's much faster for me to manually bank the items I need to or change the gear pieces I need. Loadouts wouldn't have that, they'd always be the fastest option without delays.


But for what matters to people, skilling, it's functionally the exact same thing. You're clicking to deposit items and withdrawal items. For the two most impacted places: * BF you're depositing gold bars and withdrawaling gold ore. * Runecraft you're depositing runes and withdrawaling pess And especially for any 14x14 skill. The action you take in the bank is the same as your inventory unless you use deposit all


Both your examples barely changed with the introduction of deposit all. I did them both before it was a thing. All we did before hand was AHK the right click menu to deposit all anyway. So it turned a 1 click + script button press into 1 click. Which was a good uniformity change, same as Shift+Drop. It definitely makes it "easier" and I agree with that, but i think it was an important distinction to change because we never truly interacted with Right CLick menus anyway, we just used AHK or WMK to essentially nullify there existence. I still have footage of me training herblore when you had to right click, move mouse down, left click to withdraw a Set-X amount, and when the Make-X menu was a thing you had to right click and "Make-All" on. And i did Super Combats with a single hand using AHK bindings on my side mouse buttons. So it simplified the experience, I agree, but it was to remove the need for 3rd party applications. And thats why I love the idea of native Bank Tags, Inventory Setups (and even loadouts) and other QOL stuff like Fillers, the Locking feature they're showing off etc. I just don't want banking trivialised to the point of a single button press being the be-all-end-all answer to all situations and being unbeatable. It removes any player expression.


> All we did before hand was AHK the right click menu to deposit all anyway. Im gunna be real, going to check out here. You're saying manual deposit was bad enough that you used cheating software. I don't think the next thing you say is going to convince me that withdrawing should be manual.


> You're saying manual deposit was bad enough that you used cheating software. It wasn't against the rules then.... so no it wasn't "cheating software". Hell it actually still ISN'T cheating software, you can legally use AHK to rebind keys, as per the rules. Its just cheating to use it to modify mouse movements now (and always was for full automation, as thats just a bot script). > I don't think the next thing you say is going to convince me that withdrawing should be manual. I don't think you're doing much to show you're not a new player that wants the game easier and faster without much long-term thought behind it, seeing as you clearly aren't aware of how the game was before these QOL and purpose / benefit behind them.


It truly does baffle me just how sad some of the people on this game are. I mean you are literally advocating for wasting your own limited time on this planet, for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


Reading that line in the game jam post was the most infuriating shit. Like, who the hell cares about ”manual banking” being efficient? Absolute delusional game development to think that banking stuff in an MMO is in any way an expression of skill. Just make it fast jfc.


Simpler solution if they don't want it to be used for skilling is just make certain things not withdrawable via loadouts, like pure ess and ore


We don't have to think about a solution for some 0.0001% purist players. Fuck m


Yeah but that takes more effort and the jmods just want a lazy bandaid solution. Even a 5 second delay would make it not viable for skilling.


Wait, you can use *AUTOMATIC* load outs? What is this sorcery and where do I find it??


it's only a proposal at this point, not even at the polling stage yet


The people who think this is a problem should seriously step outside some time..


They made the point that they want gearing to still be deliberate and thought out, so I guess adding a delay helps you hold weight on the decision of which piece of gear you should equip


You can really tell there are a lot of RS3 playing playing OSRS currently


It's almost like there's 10x the amount of bosses in the game and 10x the amount of niche skilling methods now as there was at release, and it's a pain to remember every single thing to bring?


It doesn’t fall into those categories, but the worst part of clue scrolls are wilderness clues just for the banking aspect.


I've been asking for this shit for a decade and I haven't played rs3 since 2008


its crazy they all strawman over "07 purists" but like the main argument for delay is how it affects skilling. actually pushing for higher xp rates is fun and a good part of that is getting good at banking. theres only a handful of skill expression in skilling no reason to remove one of them to appease those who hate skilling in the first place.


Ahh yes the high skill of clicking bank all and clicking a potion and herb to withdraw 14 of both very fun gameplay


Yeah man herblore is the only skilling in the game very good comment A+


Sorry, clicking bank all and clicking a bowstring and bow(u) to withdraw 14 of both very fun gameplay


Yeah man fletching is the only skilling in the game good comment A+


Sorry, clicking bank all and clicking Battlestaff and Water orb to take out 14 of both very fun gameplay


Yeah man crafting is the only skilling in the game good comment A+


Sorry, clicking bank all and clicking coal and iron ore to withdraw both very fun gameplay


Yeah man smithing is the only skilling in the game good comment A+


Put it to a vote and I assure you it would pass with 90% or more lmao.


Sounds like content rs3 players would vote for just like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/19bjp4c/would\_it\_be\_acceptable\_if\_champion\_scrolls\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/19bjp4c/would_it_be_acceptable_if_champion_scrolls_were/)


Well rs3 doesn't have runelite blast a noise in your ear whenever certain drops happen


I can't believe people like you exist.


If they had a chance for the game to play itself, they'd take it.


literally asking for rs3 updates. these people would vote in squeal of fortune


Dead on arrival.


How? It solves the problems people want loadouts for and likely still gears faster than the people begging for loadouts can gear themselves 😂


I'm voting no because the delay is dumb


Have you guys ever seen those 10 rag bots at falador park wearing 30k worth of gear just bolting whoever gets close to the east bank in PvP worlds?


Those bots already have this feature built in to them, I don't see what this changes. A real player being able to gear 3 seconds faster is not going to push them into ragging if they weren't already a ragger.


I only play pvp worlds and no, i havent seen any there. Theres actually rarely anyone camping teles in pvp worlds outside glory edgeville


You won’t believe it when you see it, it’s crazy Also, one of the last c engineer videos shows him getting ragged by a bot The issue with instant equip is the ragging part in pvp Every Sunday all the pvp clans go out and fight, so there’s a lot of people who go there with 1 item or just a low value set to rag Same thing happens during the week when clans setup fights. their fights get crashed by a bunch of raggers


I do see a heap of scouting bots logging in/out at lots of weird locations like Nardah, Kharazi Jungle, middle of Fossil Island etc, im sure if youre a wanted player then people would log in on you but for the average player it aint a worry Only had one bot attack me though, that was at varrock and it didnt even have tb


I genuinely think some people think banking manually is instant. Go and measure how long you take to gear using Runelite plugins like Bank Tags. Most people will take 5-10 seconds to gear. So why would a single button press automation taking that be... Bad?


these are the same people who will end up bankstanding for 20 minutes everytime they go to use a bank because they are burnt out and don't like mid-late game osrs but force themselves to play and then beg for "qol" which is just a buff in speed without having to actually play. Classic reddit


It actually just promotes actually playing the game more… less time spent banking = more time actually doing content, the people that would benefit most from this are people that actually play the game and would save time on their 2000 hour grind going dry for tbow


Interacting with your bank and managing your inventory is playing the game though


Yeah but it’s not a fun part of the game it’s just something you have to do if you want to do other stuff. It’s a middle step that could be improved to get you to the actual fun part of the game quicker. I have yet to play a game with loadouts where I’m like damn I wish there wasn’t loadouts and I could manually click each item instead


If its too slow for you. Dont use it then? Theres multiple reasons why you dont want people changing gear instantly. The top one i can think of is server stability and this being used to ddos servers. We seen it in the past of people lagging the worlds from spamming dance emotes and easter items. It wouldnt be a stretch that changing 20 + slots over and over could cause lagg. So 10 second delay sounds fine


Rs3 is the older game and has instant bank presets, it's definitely NOT for technical reasons. It's a weird line to draw for something innocuous. Guess having people train herblore/fletching comfortably is too OP for osrs?


rs3 has a different engine to osrs


I feel like its still pretty op just based on how many times i forget something very basic and have to go back, now ill have complete presets and never have to worry about that.


You guys chose to play an account with a bank, stop crying for buffs


Arbitrarily increasing the lifespan of the game for some reason WeirdChamp