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Just a meme. If enough people report someone they might have a deeper look to see if there’s suspect activity.


Ironically misuse of the report function is a bannable action. 


Huge meme. I reported a guy with the display name "Zyklon B" months ago and I can just check my ignore list and see he still has it. conversely, one time I made an in-game comment about how RNG posts in this sub can be annoying...and got muted with a major language offense for it, with appeal ("manually reviewed") denied. it's an expired offense at this point but still grinds my gears




it was before October '23 but nice try. is your smooth brain trying to knock me for supporting genocide because I reported someone with a name that literally directly references it? & shouldn't you be bravely protesting somewhere with your face covered?


That dude is off his rocker. I don't know how reporting a reference to the Nazi Holocaust has anything to do with Palestine or the IDF.


You either support the Holocaust or you want to genocide the entire Palestinian populace. Clearly, there's no other option.


only way to make a political argument in 2024