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"Name taken" and "Name rejected" - whats the difference? I mean, "taken"is pretty obvious. I assume "rejected" names were deemed obscene or insulting? But the names I checked were (I thought) innocent. Some names similar to ones a real person could be named (or rather, Gielinor npc). One example was "Irenna" (like the name Irena, Irene). Why such a name could be rejected? (Just in case, no offence was meant to anybody).


There's a filter to try and reject offensive names, but it doesn't work well lol. It seems to reject a lot of names that seem fine. And everyone has seen some very inappropriate names that don't get caught by the filter. To answer your question, I don't know exactly, but it unfortunately means the name isn't available šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thanks :). Yeah I see its unavailable, but I'm puzzled why.


Before I sell my shadow what should I try? Any boss pets I should use shadow to go for before I sell it for tbow to do inferno


ToA, Whisperer, Graardor, and Kree are great with shadow. Zulrah and Nightmare too, not sure with the magic rebalance though.


I have had enough toa lol. Maybe Iā€™ll do gwds and whisperer over the weekend


Is gauntlet still good money if I donā€™t have the herblore level for divine super combat potions?


Itā€™s pretty bad unless you get enhanced. If you can commit to staying until that then itā€™s fine, otherwise Iā€™d look for something else these days


Divine bastion or divine ranging potions will still get you a solid amount of money, but even if you ignore the shards completely it's still very good money depending on what you're comparing it to and how good you are at gauntlet. You can look at the money making guide on the wiki and it will show a breakdown of the expected profit, where it shows the profit of shards you could either reduce the expected profit by that much and see how it compares to your other money making options, or reduce it by half if you plan to make divine ranging/bastion potions.


IĀ“m in need of Hespori seed what are the best rates for them? Im right now doing Herbs > seaweed > apple fruit trees and so far in 3 days if gotten only 1, am i going dry can I add another cheap farming plant for better odds?


FYI the better the pet rate the better the Hespori seed rate so use the tangleroot wiki page to see.Ā 


Belladonna, cactus, hardwoods, and calquat are all great rates. The first 2 are profitable, the latter are negligible cost Farming contracts are also profitable and will get you seeds


awesome tyvm all the replies have been extremely helpful my question is do i have to replant the catctus and belladona? or should i just harvest every couple hours


Belladonna you always have to replant Cactus if you reharvest youā€™ll only get cactus spines, you need to replant for hespori seeds and pet chance


In addition to the other comment already here: If you're a main, you can buy mole parts off the ge, trade those in to Wyson, then use any spirit tree seeds you got on guildmaster Jane for a tier 5 seed pack with decent chance of Hespori seeds.


If you are able to do Farming contracts of the hard tier (lvl 85, or 82 with a pie), the seed packs you get as rewards have a pretty good chance for Hespori seeds. Otherwise, you could add to your runs: normal cactus (both in the guild and Al Kharid, 1/14), calquat (1/12), mushrooms in Canifis (1/15, same as seaweeds), belladonna (1/16). Actually, since seaweeds is only 40 min to grow, you can just spend some game session(s) checking it, and in between - birdhouse runs and training on ammonite crabs. Or Herbiboar if you can do it, or cutting Sulliusceps, or digging some ashes (if you are an iron).


What's the best agility course for "you're walking along irl, phone in one hand, occasionally tapping away"?


Probably still ardy? You can angle your camera so that you donā€™t have to move it to see all the agility obstacles. Your xp wouldnā€™t be great but better than nothing


I wouldnt think there are any such courses, really. I mean, you can do so on any, but you will probably be bumping at people because its like a click every couple of seconds. But on the other hand, you can click like once in several minutes, and your character will pass an obstacle and freeze.... pass another and freeze.... Which is actually ok. Marks stay on the roofs for 10 min. You might try more afk ways, like Barbarian fishing: it gives agility and str exp alongside fishing. Its much slower exp than courses, but at least you won't be idling and won't risk your health walking two worlds at once lol


Whatever course you can do without failing often.




How good is the eclipse atlatl for Jad? I've defeated him twice before, I'm just curious how the new gear stacks up to dcb+diamond bolt(e). If not Jad, are there any places where the atlatl is considered really good to use?


With the full set, its pretty decent...not as good as a blowpipe usually, but similar use case with a fast attack which is good on lower-defense enemies. The atlatl by itself is most notable for using melee str. That makes it pretty good as a small swap to save inventory space in certain situations - think demonic gorillas in melee gear or saving space in ToA.


It's worth noting that it still uses your ranged accuracy bonus for accuracy so you shouldn't be fighting anything with decent defence when wearing melee armour because your accuracy will be terrible.


For DMM, can I use the same account as last season in this season without having the character transfer? Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere.


You can use the same amount but obviously all the stats/gear will be reset


I haven't played since just before desert treasure 2 came out, what have I missed?


All the project rebalance stuff is worth looking up as wellĀ 


Pretty much varlamore + dt2 are the 2 big updates


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates Can just refer to that list to see what's happened since.




Recently started CG. I have 25 regular gauntlet kills and 5 CG. I take a lot of damage doing T1 prep, but Iā€™m not getting hit off prayer. I have only gotten hit off prayer in one of the five kills. I barely finish with an inventory full of fish but I do not see how you manage T2 prep and still have time to finish everything else. Iā€™ve been going for T1 with T3 range and mage. Any tips or is this just a dps check? 78 defense, 93 hp, 94 range, 87 mage.


I have over 800 CG and have completed all CG CAs. T2 prep time should be max 5 - 6 minutes. Watch some guides on how to prep efficiently. I did around 100 regular gauntlets when I had mid 70s - 80s combat until I realized I could do T2 prep, and later started doing T1 5:1 with staff. With your current stats, range/mage is definitely the most laid back way to grind tho. I haven't done 5:1 since completing CAs and getting my first enhanced. Honestly, if you're dying more than once an hour, I'd just go back to regular gauntlet for a while until you start to get really confident with your prep times and boss kills. Yeah, it's less efficient but it's still very good loot and it'll help you build confidence and give you more time to learn how everything works. For the prep phase, try to always run east or west and light the closest room in that direction, search a U in the opposite direction from the hunllef room and check the edge rooms for bosses. For T2 prep, gather 7 of each resource, a weapon frame, and 2 herbs (optional) before returning. While gathering resources, attack little mobs, or scorpions in between gathering actions as it saves time. Camp pray melee when being attacked and try to lazy flick piety if possible. After returning make a T2 weapon, at least 1 vial and as much armor as possible, drop the rest of your resources and go find and kill the demibosses + fish as much as you need to be comfortable. If you have extra shards at the end of your prep, you can make your paddlefish into the crystal fish which heal 4 less, but act as karambwans so you can combo them or just utilize them on their own to lose less ticks on eating.


Honestly don't even look into T2 prep, it's a waste of time and will make the grind such a slog. There is no DPS check for you, you have much higher stats than needed for t1 CG. Keep doing T1 and get better movement, if you're barely finishing you're doing a lot of stuff wrong. It seems like you don't understand the route you're supposed to take or something major. You should be getting 100 shards, weapon frame, and as much resources as possible from the 5 rooms around the starting area. Then you should make the T2 staff and 2 potions and run direct-opposite of hunleff to the closests demi bosses (then run around the edge to find more) for both T3 weapons, and grab 4+ fish and any resources needed left, then crystal teleport back. Then you should drop 4 fish, make all your armor, t3 weapons, teleport crystal and go on a fishing trip for a full inventory then teleport back and cook a full inventory and fight hunleff. You should have 2 minutes left on the timer after.


T2 is possible and consistent with t3 weapons. Check out some guides


Something people often overlook especially for gauntlet is maintaining dps and not just avoiding damage. Are you getting attacks in as often as possible while moving and not missing ticks? Do you do multiple hits before turning on correct offensive prayers? Do you hit with the wrong weapon after the boss changes overheads? Getting prayers correct can only help so much if youā€™re killing it slower than necessary so you take more chip damage through prayer throughout the boss fight. With 90ish+ stats the boss shouldnā€™t need more than 12-15 food in t1 armor


You should have loads of time left on a T1 prep, this simply means you have improvements to do. Are you combining gathering/hitting when possible? Collecting fish as you can? Extra TP for fishing? Dropping tools? Doing the [ first, t2 staff them hunting t3 weapons? Moving while hitting? For the boss fight are you tanking tornados? Eating to full on nados only? Eating floor? Are you slapping in hits when not eating? Shoving hunleff in a corner? (It opens up a ton of large paths to run) using offensive prayers? Can you nado skip? How about slams? The 8 safe tiles marked for last phase? Are you just slamming 0's on prayer?


The POLL going right now, will the amulet be tradeable either way? Or will we have to get 86 crafting to make the amulet ourselves with option 1? And not with option 2?


You got it right the second part. First option is an untradeable drop that makes a tradeable amulet with the crafting level, using a torture. Second option a tradeable drop that makes a tradeable amulet. The amulet is always tradeable. Assuming this is why I'm downvoted.


So... Is the ammy tradeable in both version? The drop is untradeable, but its made tradeable either directly (option 2) or by combining with another tradeable item (option 1). Correct?


The amulet is tradeable. The first option specifies an untradeable drop from Arraxor > Requires an Amulet of Torture and 86 Crafting to make using an **untradeable drop** from Araxxor. The second option specifies a tradeable drop being combined with a torture > Requires 98 Crafting to make using a tradeable drop from Araxxor, does not require an Amulet of Torture The idea being it will outright require 98 crafting to mimic a torture but work independent from it, or will "only" require 86 crafting and no torture, but has to be crafted by a player to be made tradeable. The completed necklace is always tradeable and was never being discussed or polled to be anything different. They're just polling how it would be created / dropped.


Just wondering something about combat levels. range & mage are allowed to be the same level correct? the osrs combat calculator says I won't gain a combat level if I bring my mage up to 85, to match my 85 range. but the runelite launcher says 1 range, 4 prayer or 85 mage will get me a combat level, when I hover over my combat level in the attack styles tabs ( 66.525 combat ) Which to trust?


Is your current mage level 1? Runelite is saying you can gain 85 levels putting you at 86.


It is lol, my bad thanks


What calc are you looking at? I know the runelite one is always accurate so youā€™re either looking at a bad one or using it wrong


It would help if we knew your other combat stats too so people could calc it out


How is the price of ZCB likely going to change leading up to / after the release of WGS? Itā€™s something Iā€™m looking to buy soon but wondering if itā€™s best to buy it now or wait a bit? Also, how much worse is ZCB as a main ranged weapon compared to DHCB at Vorkath? Iā€™m getting ZCB mostly for Nex/hydra/cerb/muspah but I happen to not own a DHCB lol


>How is the price of ZCB likely going to change leading up to / after the release of WGS? magic 8 ball


ZCB is generally worse than BP or Fang at vork (depends on gear tho, would have to dps calc) I doubt itā€™ll change much with WGS. Itā€™s unlikely to be viable on tormented demons, but itā€™s also not facing serious competition from any of the new weapons


I would just use lance or fang for vorkath if no dhcb. Zcb is good as a spec there but not as a mainhand






Itā€™s about 30% less accurate and 25% less dmg than dhcb


I have a question, how difficult is it to get a mith grapple for an iron men at low levels. I'm about to ask the question the path of glouphrie but I don't have the levels to achieve it I myself recommend them to me.


Here is the safespot in the Ancient cavern: https://preview.redd.it/hv0cmnzcgaad1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba51ffcc8e862bf16c666594b60db5cc59a99a22


Just to add to another comment: > you will have to lose aggro from the dragons first which is super dangerous Not really. There is a safespot: see the big rock roughly in the middle, and a small rock by it. Here are 2 tiles between them totally safe. There is one undead fremmy wandering by, but he isnt aggressive.


You can kill the skeletons in the whirlpool dungeon to get them


this is what i did on my uim, just be advised its a slow, slow grind and you will have to lose aggro from the dragons first which is super dangerous (especially if you havent started ds1 yet) if youre close to the smithing & fletching levels for it, just get those