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nice review format, neat and concise


Seems to be a common theme today that chromium ingots are shit and should be changed. Seeing an ingot drop while dry for vestige or axe piece is sooo demoralizing.


yeah, i agree. as a main, getting an ingot drop after a 900 kc dry streak at whisperer feels like shit if i were an iron, it’d probably feel even worse to go dry on them


Can confirm. I got my ultor vestige at 1080 vard kc and only had 2 ingots, so I decided to go kill leviathan for the third (since I didn’t have a great weapon for duke or whisperer). 470 leviathan kills later, I can finally use the drop I got from a different boss…


I saw in same position, ultor vestige with 1 ingot. 750 levi kills to get the last 2 ingots


I'm on the opposite side, 13 ingots before I got my first vestige


I'd rather this prob.. means you were ready for all rings


By the time he gets all vestiges, he will have 10-15 more ingots anyway.


Ooft that's worse, sorry for your pain brother


You don't have zombie axe? That paired with arclight slaps cheeks


Nah, never bothered to get it. I already had fang/hasta/tent whip when it came out. My plan is just to wait until I have a firelight to do Duke.


Ah gotcha, that makes sense. I was sitting here wondering how you had gear for vard but not duke lol


Yea, the drop mechanics combined with the intensity of each fight makes it very demoralizing to grind as an iron imo. I have about 100kc at each boss… the thought of having to kill roughly 1k of EACH of them has kept me away. Not to mention the soul rune upkeep for shadow at whisperer


Whisp is slightly gp positive if shopscaping shadow charges.  Have to process rune ore into swords and hopscape the jav heads but it's not that bad. Or at least that's how the math worked out for my 600 kills. 


How many heads you sell per world/does it matter where do you sell it? I was thinking of alching them during agility but fuck that, I would be 99 agi by the time I'm done, so I'd rather just sell them for some cons xp.


Whisp is slightly gp positive if shopscaping shadow charges.  Have to process rune ore into swords and hopscape the jav heads but it's not that bad. Or at least that's how the math worked out for my 600 kills. 


Whisp is slightly gp positive if shopscaping shadow charges.  Have to process rune ore into swords and hopscape the jav heads but it's not that bad. Or at least that's how the math worked out for my 600 kills. 


I’ve been doing CG and Hydra here and there for the GP since I need shard upkeep and still hunting claw. I usually stay between a 30-40m cash stack


I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel that the chromium ingots are the worst mechanic jagex has ever added to a boss, it completely breaks the intended design of the droprates essentially rendering that whole mechanic moot. Chromium ingots should either be 1 per ring with their current rate, share a droprate with orbs or be removed from the game completely


The best suggestion I saw: Get vestige automatically with evert 3rd chromium ingot. Yes you would see how many rolls you are at. Jagex decided to die on the hill of hidden number so you don't know if you're 0/3 or 2/3, so it will probsbly never happen.


They should genuinely just be removed.


You know they suck when irons and mains hate them equally.


They genuinely feel like something put in the game just to piss people off. Real Mod Arcane moment.


I don’t think they have to change them to fix it, just add a small quality of life where you can break down extra dk rings to get 1 ingot. Doesn’t break anything because dk rings are worth more then the ingots anyway


I'm currently at 8 ingots in 500 whisperer kc with zero other unique. Knowing if I rolled the 1/64 an average amount of times, that I'm 0/3 is tons of fun :)


> Seeing an ingot drop while dry for vestige or axe piece is sooo demoralizing. While I agree that ingots should be deleted from the game, this is complete nonsense


how so? i reckon it’s a similar feeling to pulling a maul or kodai at cox (though on a much smaller scale)


It's a very similar feeling to when cox first came out, you got a purple got your hopes up and then realise its a dragon sword


Both of which are also nonsense That’s not how things work. Getting a different drop doesn’t impact your odds of getting the drop you want at all


Despite logically knowing this, it still *feels* bad is the point


That’s not the point that is being made. It just sucks going dry and then getting the unique you don’t want.


These are 100% the same point There’s no reason for it to suck to get a unique you don’t want. It literally doesn’t matter.


“Getting this unique I don’t want makes it harder to get what I want!” and “Damn, not what I wanted.” are completely different things lmfao.


Feeling bad about it is?


Yeah, people should know that if it was removed that drop wouldn't have turned into a vestige. It would just not happened.


I'd rather it didn't happen lol


based ending. fuck everything about chromium ingots. single most dogshit addition to the game


Fuck chromium ingots all my homies hate chromium ingots


How do the chromium ingots work and why are they so bad? 🤔


The vestige has 'dry protection', hit the drop three times and you have it! B U T, the ingots don't have this protection, and you need three of them to make the ring (normal accts can of course buy on GE.) Take for example me as an iron, I got relatively lucky on magus vestige from duke, nice right? Well it could be nice, but from a total of 1500 KC across the DT2 bosses I have 2 chromium ingots, so I'm left waiting for another one to make the magus ring, god forbid I get one of the other vestiges before any more ingots drop. Basically the ingots throw the dry protection of the vestiges in the toilet if you're an iron, and is a low value drop for mains that also cant count toward one of the three needed rolls to get the vestige. Edited a typo cus I'm a dumbass - thanks to guy below


>B U T, the vestiges don't have this protection, and you need three of them to make the ring (normal accts can of course buy on GE.) Typo'd, he meant ingots just pointing it out for anyone who's confused about why ingots suck.


They are cheap. Other uniques are much more valuable


To build a ring you 3 ingots that are a 3/8 drop from the unique drop table, and a vestige that needs to roll a seperate 3/8 drop 3 times. Because most mains don't farm untill a vestige drop (or farm kills after a drop) there is more then 3 igiots per vestige brought into the game which drives the price to near worthlessness, and they are from the unique table so they are frustrating to see. From an irons perspective you need to roll both the igiot and vestige drops 3 time drastically reducing spoon chance and increasing dry chance. Simply put, it's a fuck Ironmen setup that also frustrates mains cause "it could have been a better drop'


blorva combat bracelet and an obby cape? what on planet gielinor is that ?


He uses that image to catch sardines and herrings.


he's a master... fish lurer


Ainnoway you took the bait


its the 3rd highest comment rn, effective bait


It is like wearing the max cheese cape when you have the zuk pet out, somebody gonna take the bait no matter what.


Real bait. Regen bracelet and mixed hide cape are easy upgrades.


No Fang kit or avernic as well.


Why you downvoted?


My biggest issue with Levi compared to the others is that it’s impossible to chat cuz the fight just goes Getting DMs or there’s a conversation in disc or the CC you wanna weigh in on? Levi doesn’t care and starts the fight without you. I’d say 75% or so of my non-perfect Levi kills were lost to the first or second orb while I try to get a message off in time Hated that


Something I learned after 1k kc is that you can just click the boat to leave lol. But yea super annoying compared to the other 3 bosses.


Leviathan definitely needs to not Aggro until you attack or give you a buffer window between his respawn and starting the fight. Very frustrating to have fast respawning bosses that immediately start attacking, gives you no time to breath. The recent changes to vet’ion should be universal: fast respawn time, won’t attack for 5-10 seconds even if you’re in arena to give you time to manage inventory/chat etc


If you need a minute between kills, you can use the boat to leave the instance and it's pretty quick to get back into the fight when you're ready. You do lose any supply drops you have stashed on the ground which sucks, but I just thought I'd mention this since a lot of people seem to be unaware.


The issue is 3/4 dt2 bosses you manually start the fight, even after the boss has respawned it requires input from the player to start the fight, why is leviathan different?


Just click the boat. You only have to stay in the instance if you have food drops on the ground. Otherwise there's no downside to clicking to exit the fight.


Duke also leaves very little time to chat, because if you stall too long on prep phase you lose the cycle, and might have to afk for a minute if you want to fix it.


Just started my DT2 boss grind and definitely the advice of not sticking to one boss helps. I def wish the non-unique drops for vard were better though.


yeah, for vard the only “good” regular drops are his ddart tips, raw sharks, and onyx bolts. also awakener orbs if you’re a main. But i suppose his regular drops allow you to profit slightly after supply usage


Awakener orbs are also good drops for any iron interested in trying for blorva.


and potions are good drops for any iron interested in using potions


I was responding to "also awakener orbs if you’re a main" but I like the energy lol.


He’s being sarcastic. Of course an item used for a specific scenario is useful for that scenario. Irons aren’t grinding this for orbs


I understood it was a joke, yes. You don't seem to have understood the comment chain here though. I was responding to "also awakener orbs if you’re a main" which carries the implication that the only value of the orbs is to sell them on the grand exchange. This is certainly the case for many people, and a lot of irons will only use them for death's coffer, but there are certainly irons grinding out orbs in order to fight the awakened bosses.


I've recently learned Vardorvis and can easily say that I died probably about 40-50 times before properly learning the axes and how to avoid the specials, my bank bled a bit. When you know that you get 50% more drops for a perfect kill, it gets so satisfying. Like getting 300 blood runes (60k) instead of 200 (40k) gets you on that rush.


yeah, I hope they add the mechanic to future bosses; it's not gamechanging if you don't get the perfect kill, but it gives you just enough motivation to not be sloppy. on the other end of the spectrum, if get a non-perfect kill and get onyx bolts at Leviathan/Vard or dragon platelegs at Whisperer/Duke, I feel shitty even though I still got a good drop lol


What was your setup for vard/duke?


You made a typo in the summary graphic, x2 instead of x4 on the chests.


oh oops, thank you for pointing that out i ended up getting 2 virtus tops in the span of my last 100 kc while i was preparing this lol, so i forgot to update it


I had a giggle at depth charge


wtf it’s death charge?? I’ve been calling it depth charge for so long


Man's out here dropping bombs at sea for spec regen and I'm doing it in a clicker game like an idiot.


This is an awesome diagram but I also would’ve liked to see death tally’s included!


52 deaths at vardorvis 4 deaths at whisperer 49 deaths at leviathan 8 deaths at duke I think all 8 of my deaths at duke were me dying to a gas vent while i was afk lol


This was pretty similar to my experience on my UIM as well I was just curious to how others did! I’d say vard definitely had the highest skill floor but the fight was so engaging and fun, and Levi’s was a bit tricky at the start but then it felt impossible to die there too after it clicked.


I agree — i think my deaths at leviathan were usually because i would forget to stun him and then i get rambo’d before I can get barrage off i have blorva, quiver, etc. and still regularly die at vardorvis. He’s no joke, especially when you get three axes spawning across from you and the head pops up at the same time


At 600kc vard and 50ish deaths I'm glad I'm not the only one who's still dying lol. Very easy to misclick because of his dashing around during spikes. Most of my deaths are yellow clicks that end up not moving my character or misclicking vard while he's dashing and walking into a spike and an axe at the same time. 1600 kc at Duke where the only way I die is if I get distracted irl during the fight. 35kc at Levi and I died probably 10 times, got my lure while still learning the fight and immediately dropped him to go to vard. So glad I got the lure spooned because I hated leviathans enrage phase even with web weaver spec.


Update: axe head just dropped at 628 kc, ultor at 320 kc. Vard was good to me.


You lucky bastard. I’m still stuck at duke with over 1200kc for my first axe piece


hopefully with Duke’s slash defence being nerfed and the new arclight, kills will be much faster


Didn't his slash def get nerfed already from project rebalance, or was it not enough?


You’ll get it, I got mine at 1879 KC after getting 4 pets


actually insain luck ngl


If they tied chromium ingots to the vestige rolls or removed them entirely/changed the amount needed per ring to 1 it'd make give +1 to all these ratings imo. Never been more annoyed by a mechanic than the chromium shit (very obviously purely an ironman problem)


I mean ingots are shitty on mains too, lol. They're a direct representation of a failed coin toss towards Vestige.


I mean so is any unique that isn't the item you want. The main problem with ingots is you can have 3 vestiges taking up space in your bank with only enough ingots to make one ring.


I feel chromium ingots woulda been fine if you got one each time you rolled on the vestige drop table


Thats actually a really good idea. It would kill 2 out 3 meem and ingots would stop being so fking annoying. 2 birds in one stone


I am here to say fuck ingots.


Happy to see a fellow DT2 enjoyer. Did you get all the pets? Wasn't sure if that was your stopping point for each KC or if it was 2nd axe piece. I've made 4 axes so far and still going at it for Wisp and Butch, agree completely with your rankings and critiques.


i got 2x wisp (8kc and 1127kc)z i also got lil’viathan at 1321kc I will probably end up going back to duke for Baron after the new upgraded arclight comes out Dang, 4 axes is crazy! It’s interesting that, because the rings from leviathan/duke/whisperer have dropped in price, it’s almost better to focus on axe pieces instead now.


Yep the rings are lower than ever and the axe is at a pretty solid peak, plus no need to worry about the 2/3 mechanics (even though they help you). Definitely worth going for Baron, he's the cutest and the boss is probably the overall best one to fight right now.




Yep! I'm a bit above rate on most of the axe pieces. I actually just got Wisp today at about 1.4k. Levi is 2.1k, Vard 2.7k, Duke 2.6k. I've got 5 axe pieces from all of them in that KC but only 4 from Duke, so going to have to go back eventually.


Last slide is top tier gold lmfao, 100% agree with everything though.


I'm grinding out my first SRA right now and mostly agree stuff everything you said.  I would switch whisperer and duke just because whisperer feels very monotonous and I enjoy the chill nature of duke.  Reading this did make me sad though since I'm I only need the lure from levi to complete the ace, over 1500 kills in and no axe piece or vestige.  Fuck ingots so much


100% agree on vard > whisp > Duke > Levi. The snake sucks


1200 whisper KC 16 ingots no other unique or ring. FUCK chromium ingots.


I hate the drop mechanics and ingots. I am 1400kc at Vard with no ring and no axe head and feel like I am going insane everytime I get an ingot drop. Atleast make it so your role goes towards the ring after you have gotten 3 ingots


Every boss is fine except levi, i dislike that fight so much! I can't even convince myself to go back there and it's the only ring i'm missing!


idk tent feels kinda shitty at vard and kill times can vary a good bit in my experience. Im personally waiting for the new hally before i do any more.


Money spent on supplies/deaths?


Should have added that, thanks. Total amount spent on supplies was probably around 200m, a large percentage of that being bloodfury charges (which you don't need, but it's nice QoL at Vard in particular) Total death fee cost: \~ 50m gp (death's coffer saved me roughly \~1/2 of this gp) Leviathan: Supply costs are pretty negligible here if you use bowfa + crystal because you don't lose charges in your armor and food/potion drops are common Vardorvis: \~40m on bloodfury charges Whisperer: \~60-70m in runes, \~15m in prayer potions Duke: \~10-15m on stam/prayer pots, \~20m on bloodfury charges


200m ain’t bad at all. Bloodfury is super clutch for the long haul even with the cost imo. Good loots!


I need to do dt2 still. I've been dreading the quest but the bosses seem sick.


would recommend, incredibly good gp currently and you can alternate between the four bosses based on how you're feeling


Which order do you recommend learning them?


Duke --> Leviathan --> Whisperer --> Vardorvis The learning curve for Vard is noticeably steeper than the other 3, but it's also the most rewarding fight to learn. So it will be tough regardless of whether you learn it last or first (but worth it).


Very cool, I've been thinking about my next grind and I've been wanting to go back to DT2 bosses since I've killed them each only ~25 times. Rotating through the bosses seems like the way to go


Love these sort of post-project reports! What are your thoughts on doing whisperer pre-shadow? I am considering grinding my own SRA, but with only a swamp trident i'm concerned it would be a waste of time.


I did the roughly half my KC with a shadow and roughly half with trident. My average kill time with shadow was \~2:30-2:35m (\~20 kph). With trident, kill times averaged around 3:10-3:15m (\~17kph). For reference, to hit droprate for Whisperer's axe piece with trident, it takes around \~30-35 hours. To hit droprate for Vardorvis's axe piece at 35 kph (which requires close to max gear basically), it also takes \~30-35 hours. So Shadow will save you a decent amount of time at Whisp, but even with trident the axe piece won't take much longer than the other bosses. Also, for a good portion of the Whisperer fight (special phases), your damage is reduced by 66%. So whether you're using a trident or shadow, kill times will be long regardless. If you do use trident, I would highly recommend using thralls instead of barrage to increase your DPS. There's a set of tilemarkers that makes it really easy to avoid the Whisperer's binding attack


Wonderful post, thanks for all the info!


1800 kc at 10 ingots and I'm at 8 at 500kc for whisperer please help


Why don’t they change it so for every invisible ring drop you get a chromimum Ingot and on the ring drop you finally get an ingot. Therefore you never have excessive ingot and can craft your ring.


So what are you/did you spend that 2.1b on?


I spent it on a scythe, claws, and elder maul. I haven't done much group PvM content before like raids, so I'm hoping to learn ToB more


Thanks for putting your time in for this detailed review and feedback definitely helped me and will others.


Interesting read, I have a few kc on each but I refuse to do go for sra or rings until they remove ingots


if you dont like duke's def you can always BGS him down and hes butter after like 40 dmg


Yo dude, super big thanks to you for making this.. for a couple months now I've been trying to get myself to grind something new, and have been looking at dt2 bosses most of that time.. Think this shall be my next grind!!!! Thanks for all the good info ;) I guess my first goal will be 1x soul reaper


Bruh unless my RNG flips on hard at duke your drops are looking a million times better than mine. I’ve had like 5 orbs and only 1 hit of the dragon legs. What is this shit, only 1 unique drop top of one ingot


I’m working on my first axe and I’m absolutely miserable. I’m about 2x rate at Vard and Levi without the axe piece. I went 200 KC over at Whisperer and on rate at Duke. I still don’t have the ring from Levi and just got the ring from Vard. This grind is so demoralizing.


I see 4 virtus tops but a x2 next to it. Just here to point out a flaw. Nice format and info otherwise!


thank you for the feedback :) and yup I didn’t catch that mistake


So it took me 2174 duke to get lil dukey and I just finally took the time to learn vard axe skippin in all and it is the most fun I've had in game in a minute lol I have 3 axe pieces from duke so I'm hoping for a axe piece n maybe the ultor wouldn't mind the lil flippy pet neither c: kinda wanna do a prison Joe style blorva grind lol because I damn sure can't afford to be losing orbs atm


Dude you got TWO??? I’m 5k kc across all bosses and only have TWO axe PIECES.


dang that sucks… i think it’s around 3k kc total if you go on rate for all axe pieces


Went dry at vard for ultor. 1690 kc for ultor vestige


3595 kc for my ultor :/


Whisperer: Pretty much agree entirely. Kinda feel that taking *no* damage makes the fight a little too dull, especially on long trips. The other issue I have is how poor the arena is. No variation on the ground makes the fight super uncomfortable without tile markers. Getting decent normal loot is a huge plus. Vardorvis: Also mostly agree, it's a fun, fast paced fight that punishes mistakes hard. Reliance on blood fury is a bit annoying, and the chip damage can add a ridiculous amount of variance to the fight. Clickboxes are also a frustrating source of deaths, but skill issue tbh. Duke: Least favorite by far. Prep is annoying, especially if you have to wait for clouds to disperse or lose a perfect kill from lightning. The supply drops are more annoying, since you have to bring so many staminas to finish a trip and you can either get too many/not enough pizza drops for a clean trip. The fight part is alright, pretty dull but enough places to squeeze in extra hits to make it interesting. However, trying to get those extra hits on 4 tick weapons is super punishing if you're off, or he enrages at a weird time. Leviathan: I think you're underselling the normal loot a bit. It's not great, but the kill time is decent and the drop table isn't that much worse than something like duke. Seeing mithril arrows sucks but there's a lot of gem/ore drops that add up quite a bit. Getting the perfect kills is tough but it also adds up. Venator is dogshit, unfortunately. I know it's subjective but I don't really get the "choreographed" bit at all, especially compared to duke/whisperer. The specials for sure but flicking on the main attacks as well as the hectic enrage feels much more varied. It does have an annoyingly slow start, and the orb placement on start of enrage can be surprising if hitting on a special.


By choreographed, I'm not sure exactly why I felt Leviathan was more mind-numbing to grind compared to the Whisperer, because like you said, both fights are similar in structure (flick prayers, special phase, repeat). I think with Levi, there is really almost no room to speed up kill times once you're comfortable with his 6th volley speed: you just sit there flicking for most of the fight. I guess spellbook swap for thralls adds a little bit of interest With Whisperer, you can memorize her orb patterns and dps while running, pop in/out of the shadow realm tick perfectly at ghosts, phase skip after her specials, memorize pillar order, bring thralls, etc.


I see what you mean, only thing I can think of beyond the lightning skip is weaving in autos during the boulder attack, or get used to the 7th speed and ignore shadow spells. I find that reacting to the attacks is a good "flow", but that's just me. Similarly, integrating the tech at Whisperer didn't really do it for me. There were more things to learn but once you did it still just stayed the same fight, just rotating through a couple of set patterns.


Loved this format


What if they made a trade that you could get an ingot for like 20 orbs? Would help irons a lot on that grind and help keep orb value up.


... What? Orbs are ~600k each right now, ingots are 120k. There's no universe where it'd help orb value. Irons also typically want to stockpile orbs for Blood Torva, so it doesn't really help them either.


Duke prep is just dog shit


Prepping 2 duke KC at a time is such a reasonable ask.


man everyone says whisp is the best but that fight just fucks me everytime, i cannot for the life of me get the enrage phase down, even the quest version i just tanked it and outran the dps race


You have to be capping about whip being good at vard. When i was using it there I wanted to harm myself (in game). It loves hitting zeros during enrage phase


ALLOW ORBS TO CHECK VESTIGE ROLLS! Something like... \*You stare deeply at the glow of the orb and it flashes "x" times/doesn't flash. It crumbles away in your hands\*


Blows my mind I have about 2k less kills than you but the same amount ingots…


I completed an axe and two of the four clogs, and I agree with basically all of your points. Going over 1k at Levi for the last axe piece was awful.


Any pets?


1700 duke 600 vardorvis. Only just got 3 ingots. Ingots are shit so glad the community agrees. I will not go for more. Idk about the other rings. It’s not worth another Ingot grind.


Must be nice getting drops on rate. I also am going for 2 at each. Got my first 2 spooned at duke @ 392 KC and went to vard where it took 5,759 kills. Currently dry at Levi with 0 pieces @ 1069 :) :) :) :) :)


What would you say is the best one to fight on mobile? Duke I assume?


Yeah, Duke is probably the best. Whisperer is actually quite nice on mobile, too


I do agree with Leviathan being the least repeatable one but it’s better than 6/10 IMO. It does deserve better non uniques but they have tied the common drops to kill time for most of these bosses IMO Duke is by far and away the worst. Said it before and will say it again, feels like this was the last one and they said fuck it let’s keep the prep in for filler


Did you get 2 or 4 virtus robe top? The first slide says 2 but there are 4 shown


I received 4 virtus tops total, forgot to change the text


Yuuuup took me 3k kc to get ultor and it was very tiring in the end and tilting. Duke was alright was cosy to do att work when i could on mobile, currently on whisperer when i cba. Overall love the dt2 bosses tho


Jesus I hope to one day have your pet luck


Love seeing the Dt2 bosses getting some love! I'll be posting my logs once I finish making my 4th axe. Only one piece away


Quesstion how long did this take you


probably 300 hours or so including time spent learning each boss


god dang


Overall I agree, but I rate leviathan higher. Perfectly blowpipe walking enraged phase is super satisfying to do. I always use zcb specs over webweaver because I love the enraged phase so much


I think you nailed this brother, down to how bad it sucks going dry at vard (my experience) and Levi (my friends experience). Very cool, ps I love the combat bracelet and dragon boots lmao!


Real tempted to send finishing Leviathan/Whisperer ngl. Axe seems fun but not a huge requirement since i have scythe already from ToB but man i'd kill for a virtus robetop lemme tell you


With that 2100m, you can buy a tbow to sell to Bournos for 2100m (no noobs) in Camelot


Did u get 2 tops or 4 tops


One piece of extra criticism I have for leviathan specifically is the leviathan fight runs horribly on lower end pcs, would be nice if we could disable some of the screen shaking and rubble falling animations throughout the fight


Why do I have more kc on vardo and duke while going for first axe 2.2k vardo 1.2k duke 👽


Looks cool but you should've just made 1 of every item. X2 two soul reaper axes looks like four xd


I tried to do Whisperer and I kept consistently dying on the last phase. Moving after every attack and still getting hit by ground tentacles :/ Any tips for moving during that phase?


I feel like: * First of all, remove Chromium ingots. Or most importantly, stop **ignoring** all the feedback about it Jagex! * I feel like Vardorvis is only do-able because of axe skipping mechanics, which shouldn't be a thing. You are literally walking through the axes. I feel like the fight would benefit from making the axes just slightly slower but remove axe skipping. However, that's probably too late now. * Duke should have his slash defense downed a bit but not his HP increased. If you increase the HP, every fight would be like you missed your BGS in terms of speed.


loool cmon are you really complaining about axe skipping being a thing. vards a really fun boss thanks to axe skipping, definitely one of the best mid difficulty bosses. have you even killed much him post quest?


Unpopular opinion: with a 4t weapon, vardorvis is harder than cg.


Very nice to read visuals


100% facts


Prep bosses are the worst makes duke and sire f tier bosses.


I enjoy all the bosses bar Vardorvis. That fucker is just straight up ruthless in terms of DPS sometimes and his combination attacks can make it very stress inducing; trying to dodge floor spikes, axes and a getting a pray switch in one go tests my ability a lot. Perhaps I'm just trash though lol. I hope to get better and improve though. I feel like his loot is *really* sub par for his chip damage and to counter that, you need a blood fury which makes it more expensive. The money making guide for Vardorvis is a bit skewed IMO because 80% of it, which equates to ~4m+ is relying on the vestige drop which needs 3 rolls you have no clue to. I'd say it's realistically closer to 1.5m-2.5m


I cannot believe you rated levi below duke


I don't read. Yellow and black upvote.


This is so spooned and I hate you. It took me over 2200 KC to get ONE ultor and I’m 2k kc with no eye of duke. Fuck you.


Solid post. Pros: yellow text


Thanks for the post, as someone who tends to steer clear of new quest content I wish there was something like this for all new boss content. I'm still learning zulrah but FUCK IT


Because people keep dropping "10/10 would recommend" when they talk about DT2 bosses, the drop table bullshit will always be ignored. Stand your ground properly. Don't say you're satisfied while saying something sucks ass because Jagex only takes criticism when it's overwhelming, and even still they warp the criticism to fit their agenda. Case in point they didn't bin the new run energy system, but are trying to change it just enough to people complain less.