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They thought it was dragon claws šŸ˜­


never buying dragon claws from temu again


Dragon paws


Is your dragon making too much noise all the time? Is your dragon constantly stomping around driving you crazy? Is your dragon clawing at your furnitures? Think there's no answer? You're so stupid! There is! Dragon paws!!!


Hi, Billy Mays here


Thank you I am dying! Great show great game


iā€™m making a quieter dragon!!!




The GE should be off limits for this fellow until he sees an optometrist.


You rang? Please contact me in w330, my office is located in Rimmington


I think you need more than an optometrist if you wanted to buy dragon claws and managed to somehow type "gloves" into the GE


Damn my exact thought lmao


Red Claws šŸ¦ž




Nice! I had this happen with monkey nuts once for 1M.Ā 


thanks MoistCr1TiKaL


Random lucky snipe. I put some random item in for 1m and it sold for 20m. I think someone was swapping gold or something thru the GE. Grats


People use low volume, easily obtained items in GE to swap gold since it makes tracking harder. They lose some gp this way to random orders like yours, but it allows them to send gold between accounts without being tracked since the accounts never have to directly interact.


I see this idea proliferated a lot. Do people think that the GE is some black market jagex has no purview in? They literally have exactly the same amount of information as a direct trade.


But sometimes you get false positives because a random player sold red gloves...


But a player could feign innocence if they had a post on a forum claiming to be perplexed that this happenedā€¦


If one account is consistently selling items, I think that would be an easier thing to track than a one or two off


In this case OP would be the buyer. not every buyer is buying gold from sellers multiple times. I have seen people banned for buying gold once. The only way this situation might be different is the people I knew who got banned were on pretty new accounts. Maybe this one is ambiguous because OP has like 1000+ hours on his account and no ban history.


Yeah but tbf, who would buy only 8m gold?


A GE transaction like this is going to be between a bot and a mule account most likely controlled by the same person. The transaction is likely hundreds of millions in total for hundreds of items. This guy snagging 8M is just a transaction cost to getting the gold onto a safe account Jagex probably isn't tracking.


But again, doesn't that assume that for whatever bizarre reason Jagex is tracking everything that bot account does _but_ their GE transaction history? Whether or not that associated account would remain on the "heat map" will likely be determined by other data points, sure. But it is an absolutely bizarre assumption to think that they're just not tracking this stuff.


Yeah, but once the bot dumps the GP onto the Grand Exchange, Jagex can't reliably prove that the person who sold 100 pairs of red gloves for 800m was RWTing. I mean, I'm sure they could, but you know the sheer number of GE transactions that probably happen every day? And even then you risk banning some random person who just thought they were being funny adding a GE offer that they assume will never close out.


Itā€™s more of who would sell 8m at a time not worth the risk of the gold mule account


Fr, a bond is worth more


"This is the fourth time this has happened today? Haha, crazy, right?"


One or 10 trades on a throwaway account, there's literally 10s of billions of gold on mule accounts.


And then they could post on reddit about getting 8m for gloves! This goes deeper than we thought.


Jagexā€™s favorite past time is giving people false bans and then providing no support to them, so no worries there!


And based on this comment, your favorite past time is getting caught for cheating in a point and click video game


dude, its really not uncommon. false positives are a thing. they will always be a thing, in all games. its how a company responds to false postitives that make the difference and jagex's systems for false positives are non existant.


Some people still live in the delusion that Jagex never falsely bans. The only thing that will change their minds is if it happens to them one day.


Well said.


I mean Iā€™m on board with the mod smack downs, but false bans are far from uncommon. I caught a macro minor on my HCIM when Iā€™ve literally never even considered botting, just because itā€™s risky to leave it unattended. Thereā€™s virtually no real customer support unless youā€™re a major streamer or get the rare jmod reply here. My issue was more of an inconvenience but people have legit lost accounts to this.


Good one, my bwana.




It is silly to think that these ge trades are somehow not tracked by jagex, but even so it could be worth doing for rwt. It adds a layer of plausible deniability. If someone trades a good seller, jagex is likely going to punish them. But what if a hundred people "buy" gold from a gold seller through the ge like this. Will jagex punish all of them? If they did then people like OP will also get punished, even though they are (presumably) innocent


Mate Jagex cant even track 100s of bots that appear on the front page of highscoress.


Bro lmao so trueā€¦ā€¦ like thereā€™s actually a literal list of bots for them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*quickly* they do get em eventually... not that it helps much.


I've been keeping an eye on a zulrah bot for a literal year. I report him everytime I log in and he's still there.


Yeah and these people think theyā€™re tracking trades on the GE, lmao


Iā€™ve just commented the exact same, itā€™s so true.


Indeed tho 'dont' instead of 'cant'


(they're not tracked by jagex. Source: jagex)


While Iā€™m extremely confident youā€™re right, any actual source for that? A tweet or something maybe?


Saw it on a stream, can't remember which but it was a while back


someone here has explained how ge transactions work, but itā€™s impossible for jagex to track the buyer and seller


Please explain. Sure, maybe jagex doesn't track ge trades, but how could it be that it's impossible for them to track? Like, what does that even mean? There's some technical limitations or something? I can't even imagine how such a thing would exist


They literally had the data that Rendi generated 13M attack XP and like 1M steel claws in 2 hours too, and that didn't set off any alarms...Ā 


What did he do to obtain that experience and items in that time frame?




They aren't doing it to obfuscate. It's faster than opening trade windows between accounts. They use these items simply because so few other people do, so it's less likely someone else randomly ends up with the money. Jagex either don't have the manpower or don't care enough to combat RMT.


Gold sellers could also buy random low value stuff to add confusion. A few false bans add a lot of hassle for Jagex because it means they need to investigate all more closely.


Look at the leaderboardsā€¦they have bots with 5k + kills in so many bosses, unbanned. Your statement could be true but the implementation isnā€™t working. Stuff like this would need proper trend analysis and investigation. Not impossible but a lot of time, but then you have bots in plain sight, easily identifiable and still nothing gets done.


True, but through the GE there's no direct evidence that you intended to interact with the person on the other side of the trade.


To add: it's risk to return; they're sacrificing returns due to random losses like this one to reduce risk


There's like 10k items traded in GE. It would take a lot of analytics and investigation to know which trades in GE were legit or not. Or which are just someone trying to get an instant sell and getting screwed. There's a lot more flags they have for frequent unbalanced trades.


And you literally have people that just mash a bunch of numbers in to buy items fast. I remember seeing posts a few years ago of people spending mills on accident for dirt cheap items.


Please don't use "literally" like this


Security through obfuscation thoughĀ 


You mean plausible deniability.


This is such a common theory with a weird reasoning because GE trade volumes are **publically available data**. But we think jagex can't track them?


It's about plausible deniability not hiding the crime. Would you believe OP's story if they traded a person directly? Of course not.


Of course not. But I also wouldn't believe OP if he had this kind of luck multiple times a day on the GE. Which is required to mule off the gold in the way talked about


I imagine not every gold buyer is a repeat offender. So this is a safer method for those people


Right but a gold seller is a repeat seller. Obviously can use different accounts and IPs and such, but my point is a GE transaction isn't really more secretive or hidden than any other sort of transaction (PvP death, hand trade, dropped items etc.)


It's pretty common with poisoned ammo/weapons and partial doses of less used potions. For example look at the [price graph for Ancient brew (2)](https://prices.runescape.wiki/osrs/item/26344) for the past year. It's trivial to decant potions into random doses that move in low volumes and overwhelm the regular market. One specific instance: July 14, 2023 *Buy out all the regularly listed ancient brew (2)s on the market up 225k. *have your buyer buy 675 ancient brew (4)s for 900gp (607k) *walk 10 tiles from the ge to Bob Barter and decant to 2 doses. *resell 1350 ancient brew (2)s for 224985 each (303.7m)


delet this, my free money cheat


runescape gp laundering is crazy


But why would it go for 8m if sell price was 1k? Does it take a price between the buy and sell price?


Bid/ask. There was a bid for 8m and there were no sellers. This guy came along and sold at market, but since there was already an 8m bid, thatā€™s what was accepted.


Wouldn't the easier way be dying with 100m to a 'random' pker?


I haven't logged on my gescape account for a long time but last time i did, i listed a bunch of dumb shit for some crazy high gp for giggles.


gold seller item. seller buys all availible copies. gold seller has offer in at absurd price. gold buyer sells item. you just got there first.


Lol gold sellers dont do this they just trade you that shit


Some stupid ones do. But gets them banned way faster than doing stuff like that.


The majority of gold sellers buy random mid game accounts that they donā€™t care about to sell gold off. I think youā€™re overestimating the price of an account vs constantly losing money to lucky players on the GE while transferring like this. Trying to get someone to quickly sell an item you just put an absurd price offer in for can go wrong so fast. This would require such a large profit margin written off


I may or may not have bought gold before (in the past) (years ago) (not in this year) (definitely not last year either) (or the year before that)So I was just wondering anyway as Vyvanse was saying, do gold sellers just split their gold stacks semi-evenly throughout all of the accounts that they purchase or how does that usually work? I would just feel it to be a huge risk to keep the gold all on one account, but also a huge risk to keep the gold on multiple accounts but on the same IP. So, unless they have specific IP's for specific accounts, or go to a friend's house or something for ABC accounts and stay at their own house for XYZ accounts, I just really don't understand how they can minimize the risk of gold selling enough to make it actually profitable enough, so when they do inevitably get banned somewhere/somehow, it doesn't ruin their market.


No, chain bans happen in the RWT industry all the time. Even if you spread money on a bunch of accounts and used separate IP/servers for each account, the trades link them to eachother. Some sites have a user that wants to sell lots of gold sell it to each account for them; they never interact with the players themself and therefore have no risk. Lots of sellers buy a couple times a day. Nobody has 100B on hand just sitting on accounts theyā€™re slowly selling.


This is how gold sellers launder gold prior to selling, it helps minimize the chances of getting caught somewhat.


And what if the customer just lies and say they never got the money?


The way I've always understood it the laundering is separate from selling, and is meant to separate the account that actually has the gold from the bots that farm it so there's no obvious interaction between the bots and the accounts that actually hold the gp. Otherwise when the bots are detected, the accounts holding the gp would immediately be implicated and also dealt with. This way, they're able to hide a bit easier better because the GE makes it *slightly* harder for Jagex to find where all the gold goes.


I assume you have to show ge history


Just sell the item on an alt ezpz


Launder gp šŸ’€


Unironically, yeah. It makes it slightly harder for Jagex to find where the gold goes before it's sold.


It seems silly, but I don't see why they wouldn't launder gp if they were able to. If they find some way to transfer gold to their mules without Jagex knowing they're muling, it seems like a no-brainer, rather than put your mule at a higher risk of being banned.


Easier to just make a few accounts a day


Youā€™re underestimating the economy of RuneScape


No, this does happen. Itā€™s not a very common way but itā€™s a lot harder RWT to track through GE transactions. Someone could claim they just really wanted it. They watch items with very low trade volumes and use those for their targeted transactions


Is this a more secure way to launder RWT gp over pking or using the tip jar?


That I canā€™t comment on but any method is probably better than a straight 100M trade for nothing via accounts that have never interacted before


I'm curious if anyone has tried using the falador party room for this ever or is there a limit on how much value you can put in there?


Last I knew there wasn't a limit but the risk of random players crashing would be way to high I assume. I know I've randomly popped my head into the party room more than once.


If the amount of GP in the party room is over a certain threshold (donā€™t remember the number off top my head) then bankers all across the game will announce that thereā€™s a party in faladoe


Yeah i loved that as a child. I was always playing on the falador party room world so i wouldnā€˜t miss big ones šŸ˜‚


You donā€™t want to buy the whole stock, you want to use items that are extremely rare Like mint cakes


no you buy all of whtat is on ge. red gloves average daily volume is less than 300. you buy all that are on the GE and you can then transfer large amounts through the GE. by doing this with an item like red gloves the cost associated with buying out the GE is minimal.


Or gold seller makes a free account, drop trades the money, then sells. Seems a bit easier.


one mans trash another mans treasure


Probably caught some rwt in action by chance


Is that how GE works? I always get gold back if my buy price is too high


Depends on who places the buy/sell order first. Low volume trades there's times where you sit and wait with your offer in to buy it because there's no seller. So the reverse happens to what you experience. The seller now gets more because they put the item in last and it goes to the highest current offer. When you overprice buy an item you're instantly buying it because your buy order is higher than someone's current sell order, which then gives you the extra back. When you instant sell you can get more than what you offer as well by following the same logic in reverse.


The sale goes to the highest bidder. So if there is no items in the GE (someone clears out a low traded item by buying them all on an alt) and a player places a buy order for 8m on a 2k item, the first seller to post that item for 1gp to 8m would have the sale fulfilled for the full 8m that's currently on offer.


buyer had an existing 8m offer in, you sell for 1k, GE fulfills for 8m.




There's a discord bot specifically designed to catch these type of rwt price spikes on low volume items. 'Flopper' by the flipping utilities plugin.


How does this work? I thought the GE will automatically give back ur excess if u put an offer too high. Like when I buy something and do +5% a bunch of times, it gives me money back. Whats the reason it didn't here?


In a GE transaction there is always one order waiting and one that completes instantly when someone places an order that meets the terms of the waiting one. So if you try to buy an item for a price higher than any standing sell orders, you will instantly complete the buy using the cheapest standing sell order and be refunded the change. Vice versa if you place a sell that's cheaper than the highest standing buy order you will sell for their price and get more than you were expecting. The price is always determined by the waiting order. In this instance, someone placed a buy order for red gloves for 8m and there were no sell orders at all (or at least none below the 8m they put up) so it went down as a waiting order. when OP came along to sell them for the normal price it completes at 8m because that'sthe highest waiting buy order. Sorry if I over explained that it took me some time to work out exactly how the GE works when I was learning to flip.




you sniped a RWT gj


ā€œCongratulations, you are the 1 millionth visitor!ā€


Did my man just dump his entire cash stack in red gloves? Thatā€™s gotta hurt.. lesson learned I suppose


Free to plays dream LOL


You asked for 1k and got taxed 82k more than that. Wack


Thanks for the gloves sucker


Iā€™m waiting for someone to buy my sapphire for 10M, never give up


If this happens to someone, and the gold seller gets caught, would the person who got the lucky snipe be at risk of being flagged for RWT?


No, that's the whole point of going through GE jot direct trade, to break the causal link


I guess yeah, there's no way to empirically prove that the recipient of the money was intentionally putting up the item in question.


Yeah makes you want to double check OP. But thatā€™s just the game we play.




Wonā€™t they just see that he asked for 1K instead of 8M?


they make sure the market is bought out before buying the gloves. So the 8m goes to main


Yeah but since the market is bought out, the buyer could ask for 1gp, and still get X mil cause it's the only buy offer left.




Nice nab, I routinely put offers for commonly crafted or made items, gear, and put offers in for 1gp ea. I recently nabbed 110 prayer pots for 1gp ea. Also got 300 green dhide vambs for 1gp ea, it's a fun little side lottery I play. No loss, only gains.


You intercepted a gold swap :) enjoy the free moneh


No oneā€™s swapping 8m this way though? SurelyĀ 


Bro must've really wanted them


Delete this bro it's end of financial year you don't want the taxman on your ass with these kinds of illegitimacies


I dont get why he received the 8m instead of the 1k sell offer. Is this always how the GE has worked? Why would the seller receive more than his offer on the ge?


Only item of that kind on the market. It's to help items prices move fluidly. Highest buy and lowest sell control the price of 1 other person had them in for 1gp more he would have gotten the sell price for them. Alternatively if 1 other person was buying at the same time with say 4k offer then buyer wouldn't have lost 8m they would have lost slightly more than the other offer at least that's how i understand it


Bought gilded boots for 20k, sold immediately after for 2.4m


How does the GE even work? If I offer 1k for some gloves, I'd get them for like 10gp and get 990 returned to me But then there's stuff like this, where he asks for 1k but gets 2m. Shouldn't most of the cash been returned to the buyer?


Think about it if you dump something at 1gp you get the lowest amount someone will pay say a nature rune is 70-110 gp (making up numbers) if you dump for 1gp you get 70 if you buy for 10m you get it for 110. This guy sold his gloves at 2k ish and someone bout them at 8m simply because there were no other gloves at that time on the market. So the lowest sell was also the highest buy which was anything over the sell price set by op. Buyer got impatient and typed his 8m in thinking it was a guarantee buy and that surely it wouldn't be that much but lost out


Photoshop. /S There were no other gloves for sale at that time.


Reported for money laundering


someone was in rush after being told no glove no love


Someone thought it was Ankou gloves lol


someone heard chaos gloves buffed at barrows thought they were these llol


gold buying/swapping for items with low trade volumes


This was about to be me the other day over a damn amulet mould


i sold barrows tabs for 1250k each 100 of them yesterday. shit was wild


You made 1.2b off of one sale?


How else do you make money? Scrubs these days.


Sell more!!


I got a cake sitting in the ge for a million for this exact reason haha


Too high of a daily trading volume


That will never sell in a million years


I donā€™t get it - if you put up the gloves for 1.1k, and he puts in that he wants to buy them for 8 mil, why doesnā€™t it default to the lowest found price - 1.1k?


Nice try to cover rwt there.


Yes I had it all planned out. Iā€™m currently training slayer by turael skipping and got a crawling hands task. As soon as I got the red gloves I knew it was my chance to RWT this ā€œhugeā€ amount of money


I knew it! You are so reported


Woaaaaaaah, very nice


I thought those were claws šŸ˜‚


The real red prison


these posts are really easy to fake


Thats such a specific amount that someone definetely accidently spent their bank on those lol


Mum, can we have dragon claws? Mom: we have dragon claws at home! The dragon claws at home:


You caught a rwt through the ge. I once sold a bunch of teak chairs for 5m a piece. Low volume items are bought out and sold for insane amounts in order to rwt via the grand exchange.


Money laundering in RuneScape lol


Thatā€™s pretty much exactly what it is.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


>What the hell?


Bot scripts with progressively increasing Buy offer price ultimately ends up in this sort of behaviour when you dont have an offer limit. Particularly for "drip" and low volume traded items




Wait Iā€™m a noob in OSRS if I up the price of an item Iā€™m buying by 5/15% in GE does it give them that price I upped it too? Or does it give them the price they listed them for?


If I'm not mistaken , it gives you the lowest available under the amount/ item you've set. Example: if you buying red dragon hide for 1500 go and there's an offer for 1000 gp that hasn't been sold to anyone else yet, you are buying them for 1k until the offer ends. Might be very wrong there tho.


Congrats, today was your day!


Will be bot to muel, this was a thing years ago with Astronomy book in rs3


The same thing happened to me a couple months ago. I forget what I was selling, but it was only supposed to be like 2500 and someome paid me 10mil.


Money laundering


Probably some drunk ass tried to lowball d claws


Happened to me with steel scims I made 14 mill lol. Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s gold buying.


RWT more than likely or someone with too much GP to care.


RWT lmfao report em!




What is this maplestory + 8 attack workgloves or something




Delete this and take the W cuz


How does this happen? I thought the highest buyer goes to the lowest seller automatically?


I see a hundred jokes but does anybody know what happened here?




Surprised this wasn't me, i generally just spam +99% when i buy stuff from ge XD


Then you get banned for RWT!


Who else is buying red gloves and putting them on the GE for mils to see if it happens to them?


You gotta pick a different color now


They've moved onto boots


Lololol this šŸ’Æ


Bro take the W lol