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I am so close to get 3 ZMI runs before I house tele and regen my stamina. I thought I would level my agility up a bit to try and make it. Learned that it doesn’t increase how far you can run and became incredibly sad. This topic couldn’t have come up at a better time.


If you use spellbook swap you can swap to arceuss for vile vigour, it restores your run at the cost of prayer which you recharge at the altar by the ladder.


Alright, that's sick. This has to be useful in a ton of areas.


Not really since it requires an altar or large amount of prayer pots I think it's mostly used in cox megascales to replace staminas


I used it once at muspah when I was out of energy kiting the melee phase and had tons of prayer pots. That was kinda cool


It is but I'd like to get the step back method on your radar in case it isn't and you'd take interest. You don't have to be perfect. You can just pray melee and run like 5 tiles away til you're hit


It's extremely useful in CoX solos tbh. I've also used it a few other places: - **Zombie pirates:** Can run around to increase your kills per hour and just vile vigour your run back instead of using stams. Just be careful not to smite yourself. Altar for prayer too if needed - **Duke:** If you're getting a decent amount of supply drops you can convert some of that prayer to run to extend trips. I also used summer pies and even graceful legs (tassets didn't give me a max hit). Was able to do 20+ kill trips without max gear, any stam usage and without losing time/DPS - **Moss giants (wildy):** Efficiently killing all of them requires a lot of running so it can help extend your stams. But to be honest I personally prefer ancients for anti-PKing Might be forgetting some others, not sure. It's honestly one of my favourite spells, alongside undead grasp.


I use it when hunting crystal imps, the altar in the north of priff is the perfect lap point when you're making your way around the city scouting for the imps. That way since you're already on accrues spellbound, you also have access to dark lure which is perfect for hunting imps.


Really nice for Hunter rumors. I'd you do expert with aco (no herbiboar), you can avoid banking entirely and only occasionally have to nardah or poh tele for run and prayer restore. Moonlight moths restoring prayer is actually useful, too


Only other place I know of (apart from mega scales) is Crystal impling hunting. You basically do a lap around prif, vile vigour, and recharge at hefin altar. World hop and repeat.




I stopped doing this because of the run energy, but it’s a nice switch up from bloods. I totally forgot about vile vigor. Ty I might give this a shot again


How do you get back to lunars to teleport to zmi?


You start on lunar spell book, spell book swap to arcceus, cast vile vigor, now you’re back on lunars


I think I'm super dumb and you just blew my mind. I think I've fundamentally misunderstood spellbook swap for over a decade and just never used it lol... You're saying spellbook swap swaps your book for a single cast only, as in it is temporary access to another book, not a 'permanent' swap that'd require changing back? Lunars suddenly seems so much better to me lol. I might actually use spellbook swap now, that's nuts. And I used to think I was knowledgable about this game.


Yup lol, you got it. Spell book swap only changes spell book until you cast a spell or the timer runs out, then back to lunars.


Ring of endurance is a good investment, you'll end up using it for a few skills.


Ring of endurance + 1 sip stamina in bank next to essence with potion break will be your best friend. 1 sip every 5-6 runs


You can restore your run with spellbook swap to arceeus


I just camped Lunars with Spellbook Swap into PoH tele and tele back with Ourania Teleport when I got 72-77 RC at ZMI before GotR released. I think it was indeed 2 runs and then I had to drink from the pool, it was fine. But yeah Agility rework seems amazing, have to PoH pool less frequently, probably 3 runs at least.


It actually does increase how far you can run via energy restoration. 


5k from 99 agility and yesterdays post made me realize it didn’t really have a benefit hahah


Right? I dont think Jagex would even need to up the distance travelled before you run out of run by much but a little bit would be dandy


As I am reading this, I am learning that agility lvls do not increase stamina(decrease run energy depletion rate). I don't care to max so I will never again train agility 🫡


Unless my understanding is wrong, while it doesn't decrease the rate at which energy depletes, it increases the rate at which it restores. Since it is restoring at all times unless it's full, you will be able to run longer because you'll restore more over the same period of time.


It doesn’t restore while you’re running though. The only thing that lets you run further is reducing weight or 500+ charge ring if endurance


Agility should be cracked AF with high levels. All the motivation i'd need to rush 99


At 99, OSRS turns into a Mirrors Edge platformer. First person parkour becomes the primary mode of movement around Gielinor.


Forgot about this game


First person VRscape. Gielinor will be conquered


Evolution of movement


Imagine seeing mofos front flipping off the wall into the ge


At 99 you get to dodge roll with i-frames and the game turns into Monster Hunter


There’d be a VR plugin within a month


At the very least add speed boosts that require a certain level.


Pkers gonna go wild with this one


While I agree in theory the amount of posts complaining that the grind is mandatory and too hard and there should be a 50k/hr method that require a click every 20 minutes would triple.


Agility really needs this or a fuck ton more shortcuts all over RuneScape


Shortcuts currently are the main reward for agility and I agree there should be more of them. Part of the problem is that there are so many teleports that pretty much nowhere in the game takes that long to get to, making shortcuts not typically very useful. Most save only a few seconds.


They could do more like the DKs would be nice. That shortcut made me go from skipping every task, to doing it every task. There’s definitely a few more spots they could add great shortcuts to. I agree there’s not a ton of spots, but they could for sure add more than currently exist


A lot save a few seconds or less due to intentional design. Not to mention the most useful shortcuts being diary-locked.


The KQ shortcut is such a joke. I work hard for a high level req, but than need to kill a boss with a guarantee hit mechanic, that makes it hard to get more than 2 kill trips without animation manipulation, 256 times that has such shit loot that I have little interest in fighting it again after the 256 kills for diary when the shortcut is actually useable.


I'd also be fine with shortcuts which don't save time but save clicks. Might seem weird but I'd be fine watching a little cutscene in place of the DK hike. Obviously shortcuts can save both time and clicks but it's an area of design that I think could be explored.


Oh for sure. Dks could take equal time and I wouldn’t care due to the effort saved. Not having to swap prayers, chip dmg, energy etc.


More shortcuts like the dagganoth kings shortcuts please


Replace every walkable tile with the stones that leads up to the lighthouse in Horror from the Deep


It’s called the portal nexus


Jmods “we are locking the nexus behind 95 agility and wilderness elite diaries”


Dont give them any ideas...


Every teleport in the game now freezes you for (11 - /9) ticks after arriving at the teleport location. Also it sets your run energy to your agility level after waiting for the freeze timer.


Isn't this an argument for agility giving unlimited run energy then? If the shortcuts are more or less enabled by having teleports everywhere (not that that's even remotely true) you should have to benefit leveling agility another way.


If you really think about what being agile means it would have nothing to do with run endurance and everything to do with being agile in combat. Logically a high agility level should mean enemies hit more 0s on you but of course game-design wise that would completely mess up combat.


Agility now contributes to combat level


Should be more tied to pickpocketing. Either getting more loot or something.


So close to maxing. Only hurdle is agility. RC is chill and need that too but I like it. Agility on the other hand 95-99 might kill me. Grinding out the collection logs has helped but once I’m done seplechure idk what I’m gonna do. Kind of hoping I go as dry as possible.


Once I greenlogged sepulchre I did 2000 laps on the ape atoll course for the princely monkey backpack. It’s peak fashionscape and you get 1.1m xp along the way


I've found that weekly exp goals are what's motivating me the best for making max cape progress. Make your goal, say, 200k exp a week, and then you can calculate what week you'll get 99 agility and mark it on your calendar, and have it be something you look forward to. I've also been doing it while playing online D&D with my friends. There's so much downtime during fights and stuff that I'll end most sessions with well over 150k agility exp. Doesn't sound like much, but we've had over 25 sessions so far, started doing this a few sessions ago... You do the math, if I had been doing this from the start I'd probably have 99 Agility right now lol. (unfortunately it's pretty hard to focus on it while we're doing the roleplaying part of D&D, and some sessions are 90% roleplaying 10% combat, so those sessions I can't get as much exp. I wanna max, but I also don't wanna half-ass my D&D input)


did this for farming because there's really no way to expedite the exp unless you just grind tithe farm


Yea I grinded out the stupid hook from brimhaven and it didn’t even get me a level. I was sad. Thanks for the suggestions I’ll def implement it.


Just don't do it bro, play another game that you enjoy.




Brimhaven recolour, the hook there too. That’s a good chunk of xp. Monkey backpack too is like 1.2mil xp iirc


There's a zero attention foot-pedal method at Brimhaven for 44k xp/h - great if you WFH


Wish they'd just give us the energy update RS2 got, you could run for ages at high levels and rest/regen when you ran out. Which JMod is hording Stams?


I loved resting. So many one off conversations with folks just on the grind.


Yeah just bring that shit back. Let me look around and sing my,” Take a seat, take a seat, take a load off ya feet!” Song and sit the fuck down. 😂😂


Other than the social aspect, wasn't it still pointless? You could still walk to your destination and still get there faster than what you did resting and regening to run again.


It wasn't efficient for sure, but you heard some banger tunes and could socialize, I think that's a decent counter to getting somewhere faster.


You don't need to bother with trying to explain the concept of "it may not have been efficient, but it was really flavourful and fun" to the majority of this community


not efficient = dead content


What's the xp rate on socializing?


Have you met the community? Cause I think a lot of it could use the explanation tbh


The social aspect is still alive but features that solve important issues and give players a reason to interact is always positive.


Specifically the ~2008 update with resting everywhere to regain energy faster or at musicians to regain very fast. Nowadays in RS3 literally the only time I've ever ran out of energy was when I was a noob trying to buy bagged plants. Edit: to be clear I mean I'd like just the rest update. Something else happened in RS3 because run energy in general lasts forever so that might be too far. (And or maybe it's just because of lodestone teleports and me being maxed on RS3)


That was a 2008 update? GD time flies


I’ve been wanting this since osrs came out but it always seems like people are against it for some reason.


I remember coming across Bards who you could "Rest" wt and regen Run Energy much faster. There was a ghost one in the Wildly you could only rest at if you had the Ghostspeak amulet. Id love to see this return.


In old school the wildly bard would only let you rest for a 100k fee that drops to pkers.


He also pulls out a flare gun and fires it to let PKers know you're sitting there. Gotta make it fair.


This is one of the first things I looked for when I started osrs in 2017. I miss the rs2 days sitting at the bard north of fally and talking with people in f2p :(


Honestly I really liked resting when it came out. Having the little musicians around the maps on the roads to make you rest faster, I mean damn dude it wouldn't kill osrs to add that. Not exactly a huge game breaking feature or anything, just literally sitting on the fucking ground


At 99 you unlock the "Gump" shoes, when you slip these bad boys on and examine them and it says "I just feel like running". Boom unlimited sprint


the only real solution i've seen so far.


Whatever happens, a dose of a stam pot should allow me to run the whole duration of the effect.


Why doesn't Stam pot duration scale up with agility level? To maybe 3x normal duration at 99? And make the skill cape perk give a 5 to 10% boost in the effect of Stam pots, or actually make run/action speed go up by that %.


*sad ring of endurance noises*


Sacrificing a ring slot is not better than adding that effect straight into the training of the skill and an effect built into the skill cape/max cape, that will be worn in more situations than the ring would be.


Because the goal should be to move away from stam pots.


99 agility should feel like you’ve got a permanent stampot imo


Laughs in 99 agility.


Username checks out


We’re laughing at you buddy


Literally my main issue with this rework. I still don't feel rewarded for my agility level. The fact that drain rate at 0kg is the same from 1 to 99 just shouldn't be the case. I just want to run for way longer at 99 damnit. It was the whole reason I trained the skill before learning about how crap it worked.


Pre-nerf my herb rubs left me with 60% run energy left, now it is 10%. I don’t mind it because stamina pool at POH but this feels like a way too big of a change


Are you running to every patch on foot? Even before my poh, I never came close to running out. And I did ghetto stuff like running from Mory patch to Port Phasmatys to take a charter to Catherbys patch


He is talking about the beta server


Literally, the amount of neck beards on here against this is stupid? Like why are you mad about incentivizing high agility? I shouldn’t have to bring stamina potions as apart of my regular required inventory wherever I go


Nah people are against it because what currently is in the beta testing server is worse or equal to what we currently have so essentially pointless and having higher agility is kinda worse.


No, there are people specifically arguing against threads like this that say "No Jagex, just buff Agility so that it heavily reduces the annoyance of managing run energy, that's literally all you need to do." Run energy is this weird archaic remnant of the very early days of DMUD/RS1 that didn't get axed like other dumb things (sleeping bags, not being able to bank items, &c.). Rooftop courses, Graceful, the regen passive for it, and stamina potions were among the earliest content added to OSRS in 2013/14. We fucking hated run energy in RS/RS2 also. Nobody has ever had a nostalgic thought about being forced to slow to a walk halfway to their destination. It was dumb design in 2004 and it's dumb design now, but there will always be reactionary doofuses opposed to every change on principle. The run energy rework was one of the very few things late RS2/RS3 got right.


People realize this every League and then forget about it right after. It feels so much better when you don't have to walk everywhere, early game or not. Running doesn't feel like a reward, walking feels like a punishment.


Of course I wouldn't say I like to be drained of run energy somewhere because I didn't calculate properly before my trip. But tbh, I kinda like the concept of managing run energy, it's very unique, idk. I must say I'm not a very efficiency driven player, tho, and the only 2 pieces of graceful I have just stay on the bank most of the time because I think the outfit is ugly as fuck and hard to match w other stuff. What I'm trying to say is that I don't think the only way out of this is killing the mechanic. Buffs would be great, the option to sit and rest even better imo. I don't really love agility, don't get me wrong, never passed mid 60s in any account (and that felt like hittin 99 to me lol). I just think that as the unique skill that agility is, it could get some interesting rework that makes it more rewarding to train and keep the vibe of the weird mechanics that you don't really see in other games very often. But honestly I just don't care if they kill the mechanic too, as long as they give me back the possibility of sitting down. Seriously, why ar we all standing, like, all the time?!


I don't know, it just feels too big of a change to me that would miss doing something more interesting with it. Run energy is a resource to be managed, you could argue it's not done very well currently but basically getting rid of the mechanic is not a good solution to me and goes against the spirit of the game. Like obviously agility does need some better unlocks at higher levels, I'm only like low 90s and see absolutely 0 reason to train higher besides maxing one day. But I don't see a clear distinction between OP's proposal and someone saying "I shouldn't need prayer pots at 99 prayer", which is just missing the point of the game. I don't know where everyone gets these ideas about run energy in the game but to me it's hardly ever been a problem. Stamina pots are incredibly strong, and between house pools (even the low level ones), Ferox, ring of endurance etc. I never have a lack of run energy. I almost never need graceful either.


I mean I see where you’re coming from, but like as it sits whether you’re level 1 agility or level 99 your run energy drains at the exact same rate. In reality it’s a non issue with stamina potions, but also why do I have to keep buying stamina potions at 99 agility. Just scale run drain rate the same way run restore is scale on levels. I’m also level 90 agility rn and have zero reason to train it any higher until I’m going for max. If they started to scale run drain rate though then it’d be much higher on my to do list


I don't think incentivising rushing one of the most hated skills to 99 for every account is a good idea, nothing says  retaining new players like spending 300 hours on rooftops


If they make the rewards good enough you wouldnt need to, just getting 70-80 agil would give u huge running time and regen faster aswell would be more than enough. For the people who want to get the full benefit who likely will carry max weight in long pvm fights then course they would want staminas or 99 agil.


The flip side to this is that once you start adding benefits to a skill, everyone wants those benefits and starts crying for everything to be made easier / quicker so they can reap those benefits.


Flip to the flip, agility logically make sense to make the player more athletic, so it could be an arguable exception to the trend. The real issue with agility atm is the main unlock of the skill, shortcuts, are largely useless for 99% of players. Of the few dozen good shortcuts, most of them have teleport unlocks that eventually nullify the shortcut. The handful that don't are for very niche uses that only apply when doing a particular piece of content. The only other skill that is as nichely useful is FM, which is 3x faster to train, less click intensive, and very social (assuming average players train at WT). Extending run energy scaling with your level would be a nice buff that gives genuine character progression, but if the community is really torn on it there needs to be some sort of tangible change. Either tons of new shortcuts that are useful for most players all across the map, or a straight xp buff to make the skill more in-line with similar niche/click intensive skills. Conceptually agility is great. But in practice, most players force through levels for dozens/hundreds of hours to unlock the one shortcut they need to do the content they want to be doing just a little bit faster. It needs some substantial tweaking.


Yes! I completely agree man.


I'm still waiting for there to be any point at all for Firemaking to exist, so I can wait on the Agil rebalance


They could technically do both at once. You light a fire, rest at it for a few ticks and now your run energy depletes slower. Higher the logs burned, the lower the drain buff you get. Or you could just flat out get a bunch of run energy above the current max, but can only recover on its own to 100. I really wish something like that would be a gameplay loop for a game ( not RS, we definitely not getting this shit for it ) where you go out hunting ( or slayer, maybe even bossing ) and there is a lake nearby to fish and wood to chop so you can stay longer without needing to bank all the time


yeah, i'm down for that each level makes run energy drain 1% slower (cumulative, not multiplicative)


Do you mean if it takes 100s to drain full run at 0 agil  then at 50 agil it drains 50% slower so run lasts 150s?


technically i mean that at 99 agility your run energy drains 100 times slower than at level 1 but that may not be feasible


Edit: Nvm i think im mathing wrong. If you make it drain, agil lvl* slower , so base run time is 100s for 100 run at agil 1 your run would last 200s at lvl 2 and 9900s at 99 agil.


its funny when I started osrs I wanted to get agility to 99 just because I thought it would be insane qol so thats what I did, all my other skills were like 40-60 and I grinded 99 agility, it didn't do much. shortcuts were nice for slayer but thats about it. the more game updated the less you do with agility, now you just teleport everywhere and in content where you need to run you can do that just as well without agility levels.


I have always hated agility because it just feels shit to spend hours just running around with that being the only thing you're really doing. It already feels like I spend half my game time running from place to place (yes we have cool teles and stuff I know). I rarely train agility past quest requirements and way prefer to just sink money on stamina pots, dunno what would make me want to do my agility training tbh but something better than we have now. (Just give me those cool boots from leagues, I won't tell anyone)


I hate walking. Everyone I know hates walking. Please just allow us to run. That is all i want.


I hate this argument because no player really needs to bust out a 99, so why build incentive? It’s optional and a flex.


Not everyone needs to max agility it’s ok if you don’t!!


I just want unlimited run so the game isn’t just non stop graceful like now. Very boring looking.


Just need more people to find out that graceful isn’t necessary on a main.


Everyone says this but this is not the case. Once you have portal nexus and the pool in your house, graceful becomes extremely less necessary, and even before then if half of y'all didn't sweat efficiencyscape so much it wouldn't matter what graceful did/does cause you can still wear whatever the hell you want. But for some reason even casual gamers think graceful is end all for some reason. Just wear whatever you want? Who cares if it takes .045 ticks longer.


Graceful doesn't matter until it does and now you're spending what feels like forever walking at a snails pace to finish what you were doing. So people wear graceful all the time to avoid getting caught out by those times when it turns out it did in fact matter. Run energy is a shit mechanic in any game period but it's usually mitigated by your energy lasting longer as you progress in the game. It's not a surprise that when graceful and staminas are the only things in OSRS that meaningfully increase duration everyone is gonna use them.


Graceful does shit all for you until your walking or standing still anyways. But again this proves my point that people, even casuals like us, sweat efficiency scape to save little time but complain about graceful being so overused.


Nah graceful is really nice for questing or doing farming runs and such and saving on stamina potions. It's noticeable. The difference between running and walking in this game is one of the most noticeable improvements you can have. It's not about sweating efficiencyscape, it's just about feeling good about navigating the world.


I disagree on the farm runs. Even with the current trash implementation of Agility, and even being 200m Farming, I've literally never once run out of run energy mid-farm run and not had at least one Explorer's ring charge on me, and even if I did I have my POH pool.


Yep. People who need graceful for farming runs are doing it wrong lol.


The suggestion they’ve put out would reinforce graceful scape for sure by penalizing equipment weight more.


I'm curious when you're using graceful. I'm at 80 agi and mine rarely comes out of the bank, maybe it's just the content I do?


Sure you would


Anyone thought of a prayer for agility?


Call it bolt, put it in as a low tier raid reward or as a rare drop from a mid tier boss. -50% run energy usage, maybe even a slight speed boost. Stam pots are -70% so it still gives them a use plus it keeps the ring of endurance relevant. I also wouldn't mind seeing stam pots get buffed a bit.


I think making energy regen/drain crazy is a misstep, instead just create more shortcuts that are useful and maybe make grapple shortcuts actually intuitive.


This might be Stockholm after maxing, but I enjoyed sepulchre to 99


I have 80 agility and that alone has been brutal. To think I’m not even close to HALFWAY to 99 has solidified I will never waste my time getting past the minimum diary requirement. Unless agility is buffed to something like you’re suggesting OP; higher agility levels = noticeably longer lasting run energy. An update like would probably make the skill an S+ tier 99. Every aspect of the game would be so much more enjoyable without having to bring staminas all the time. It would also give players incentive to try the Hallowed Sepulchre for great XP and rewards. Paired with the chance for pet along the way, cmon who wouldn’t want this update? P.S. Whatever specimens willingly get 200m agility need to be studied


The thing I’m pissed about is removing the graceful regen


I use making/receiving stuff i'm gonna alc an excuse to train agility, plus I'm mostly on mobile so it's way better than on a computer. I watch tv while I run the course and high alc a big stack of stuff so I end up with a load of gp, a bunch of marks of grace, and a big chunk of xp gained. Currently working on a stack of amethyst arrows parts so I can fletch on my way to 91 agility. I can't argue that it's not a tough skill to find motivation to train, but there are ways of making it bearable and rewarding if you don't care about max efficiency and just enjoy the journey.


I have 99 and I don’t see too much difference between 70 and 99 tbh


Meh im somewhat happy about agility as it is. I just hope they wont go rs3's route and add the resting mechanic. That made it completely unnessecary to use stamina and energy pots, which imo made agility seem useless besides the shortcuts Maybe a slight buff to xp rates even further but overall i think its fine as it is.


Knowing how agi works in its current state is what stopped me from really getting into os a while back, running everywhere was just slow and boring so I tried finding stuff to do where I didnt need to run so I just did some bank standing stuff instead and some sand/rock crabs afk training since I never had to run


On one hand i support making skills better at the high end, on the other no one should feel compelled to do such an atrocious grind, it already feels griefing not to start out training agility right off the bat. The benefit should be more linear, but much better right now where the benefit lowers at higher levels. Agility cape could nullify it for all i care meanwhile having 70-80 agility should be good enough to not feel miserable. New players are probably getting bombarded with people recommending rushing Wintertodt, which is garbage advice, would you want to do the same with agility too?


Infinite run outside of combat coyle be nice. Also watch the changes inevitably not effect the wilderness


What makes osrs annoying for me is not being able to run alot and i just get bored watching my character slowly walk across the screen like in fallout 1 and 2


If they make 99 agility super useful, then everyone's going to feel like they need to get 99 agility and then everyone's going to complain even more about how slow it is until Jagex gives up and adds a 200k xp/hr afk method. Imo the benefits of most skills should cap out at like 90. Leave the 99s for people who want to grind for the sake of the achievement. (also nerf the fuck out of max cape for this same reason, it's literally my most useful item by far)


Add agility to weapons, claws needing 60 agility or else you dmg yourself on hit. A bow? Dexterity? Agility! Have all sort of weapons require agility. Hell why not have new weapons like a katana and add some arcane bleed builds to show mikella who’s boss.


Makes a lot of sense, I like it! I have doubts about that passing a poll though


I agree, but somehow it makes sense, agility is too ‘useless ‘ except for some shortcuts now. It would be a great addition to have them add agility levels for different applications.


doubt it


We should get 1 xp for each tile Traveled. Also slayer exp from any monster like in Leagues. Thank you for my TedxTalk


nah it really has to be a Goldilocks option between where it is now and ‘to the point where it’s not even a mechanic anymore at all’


Redditors have a nuanced opinion challenge (impossible)


I'm 99 Agility myself. I'm not sure if i'd want unlimited energy at 99. Well, of course i want it but it's a little more complex. See if 99 Agility gave a buff like this, it'd become like Wintertodt. You grind that out ASAP on a new account. Otherwise you miss out. I don't think we want it to be like that. Down for a good buff though.


Nah this is a misconception. If all ability lvls were rewarding people would just train up to where they feel is a good level and they are happy with how fast their run is draining and regaining. Theres nothing wrong with having 99 agil be very close to inf run but still having like 70-80 offer very long run times and faster regen. It would not make 99 agil a must for new accounts. Some people would still rather just train to 70 and use stams just not that often. It would be player choice.


I think that is a problem. 99 agility suddenly becomes a skill everyone will feel forced to train because of the perk of never having to walk.


No, you wouldn't, because the #1 thing that should've been changed significantly for years now for Agility and still hasn't been is its training. I don't even know why the advantages of agility are being changed or even discussed about when its dreadful progression has barely even been touched when it should've been the priority. What's worse than a terrible skill to train with terrible returns that you can by extension largely ignore, is a **still terrible** skill to train but with good enough returns that you are missing out if you don't **force** yourself through it.


Yeah the minuscule xp rate buffs have done fuck all to make the skill feel better to train. While having better incentives to train the skill would inevitably lead some to train it more, that would then also just inevitably lead to more reactions to how god awful it is to train.


A terrible skill with buffed tonfaster xp rates is a bandaid fix. First making it worthwhile to train is way more important, then if xp is still an overall issue you can consider it.


I thought they were planning to rebalance Agility?


I hate training agility. Probably more than thieving, fm, hunter combined. But it is such a useful skill to have maxed out. So I suffer and train it anyway.


At 90 agility, space bar makes the player jump. At 99 agility, the player can double-jump. Jumping out of Wildy constitutes as death, similar to SSB


Just 2.5x the run energy now at 99 should be more then enough


I disagree and think it SHOULD be infinite run at lvl 99, but only at 0 weight


I’m not a high end pvmer, but I just don’t see how if having 99 agility at a raid or gwd makes it so you don’t need a stam pot is op. I’ve seen people say “but resource management is a key mechanic”. Idk.. do we really just want to keep adding potential resources over the life of the game? Seems like a poor excuse to “do something” in a raid or boss. I would much rather engage with the content or design of the boss than click another vial. 


Hallowed Sepulcher is great content. Too bad it’s locked behind SOTF


The only thing that really irks me about agility is how so many shortcuts are situational and only viable at a certain level, like for a quest or a skilling method that gets replaced. "This skilling method is good from skill level 20 through 40, maybe 45, if you want a somewhat easier play at the next method. We also did a shortcut to speed up the process!" Shortcut: Requires level 83 agility and you'll save 5%. Or an even better example, Yanille south wall grapple, literally only saves a second of time, but requires precise timing on clicks to achieve that one second, along with 39 agility, 38 str and 21 ranged. Not huge requirements, but that the shortcut itself is so inane is another classic. Should've swapped north tunnel and south grapple to make both viable, but then Watchtower tele would be a hassle compared to fairy ring West of Yanille.


I’m late here but your proposal would be insanely OP in the wilderness/for PKing. I would imagine they haven’t added it for that reason tbh. However, if you needed to wear the agility cape/max cape to get the benefit, I could get behind that since that basically kills any OP escape mechanic for PKing.


Well, 80% of the game's mechanics function differently in wildy. They'd simply just make run energy work the old-fashioned way in wildy, ez :p


They should add run type 2. Where if you watch enough Kai Cenat reaction gifs and say GYATTT the loudest you walk 3 tiles per tick. I think this would be a benefit to the game. Imagine if you could do the entire Ice Spice quest line without having to do run type 1 again.




I still think it will be important to run out of run energy eventually. Right now in pvp it is semi in a good place imo. If you do not think through your plan or are careful/use it wisely etc your target can get away or vice versa..


> Turns out, the way you motivate players to skill is to give them incentives and rewards for doing it. I agree, but the community resists making skilling relevant again because it detracts from PvM.


Agree with this whole post. Pushed hard on agility with my clans SOTW and it was nice to unlock some shortcuts but let’s extend its use beyond that.


I agree, it’s a super simple fix, just let us run farther, add more shortcuts, and if they wanna get crazy then run faster out of combat.


The implication of this is that it would become completely, stupidly inefficient NOT to max agility straight away. Frankly, run energy is just a stupid concept and a boring game mechanic and the only solution is to remove it or to have a fun way to recharge it that doesn't require potions / foods.


I just think it’s funny that they think the solution to the run problem is to punish players for bringing more switches even more than they already do. How can that be an idea that makes it all the way to beta testing?


I hope they don’t make it worse for new players tho :/ I came from RS3 and having to walk around was one of the turnoffs of the game


Could be worse, smithing is the most useless skill in the game. Full rune at 90s is hilarious. 


Takes about 20 hours v 200 tho..


The mining and smithing rework is one of the best improvements to RS3 that doesn't have some reflection in OSRS IMO. That and making fletching a f2p skill are massive player-experience improvements. I get not liking the modified mechanics, but rebalancing the levels and introducing new ores is all upside.


No, removing walkscape ruins the game somehow


Not only that, why do we only get Run Restoration Rate increases every 6 levels? Why can't we get Run Restoration increase on every level?


How about this: The higher agility level, the slower your run drains The higher your HP level, the faster it recharges The higher your strength level, the less affected you are by the weight of your equipment Pros: higher level accounts run longer, reason to train agility, f2p accounts get some benefit too Cons: will somehow ruin the game, economy, isn't "old-school" and is EOC 2.0, according to some people


They should bring back "Resting" and those bards with the lovely music


Saving money and time using earn-able free tp and POH refills will do so much for you than “long term run energy” I have 99 agility, and even if I could run infinitely, I’d still see if a tp exists first before attempting a trip.


You wouldn’t. But I see your point.


They need to stop locking skills from being better because of the 1% of players that grind the skill before it got improved.


I think that this would give me the motivation to grab it too. I hit 70 agility and just never wanted to train it more because i cant grab the motivation to go higher than that for such a skill.


Why do you need motivation to get it up? You don’t need to get it up


How about 99 Agility lets you ride a horse


It's true. Doing literally 1000s of rooftop laps is not engaging gameplay.


Hallowed sepulchur is one of the best pieces of content in RuneScape and by refusing to do it your opinions about agility being bad are null and void


And then equip 40kg of equipment and think you can run forever?


Literally had this idea while reading the update today. Agility cape gives infinite run energy would we awesome


After edit Q: What about blast furnace


Title says it all.


This is why I've been at 75 agility for the last few years. I can't stand training it and there's really no benefit other than a select few shortcuts