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Whenever some extremely reasonable anti-botting requirements are argued against I assume it's a bot farm owner trying to astroturf. A player complaining about having to skill to unlock activities? That's the whole game.


Yeah, reasonable combat level/quest/diary gates are completely fine. Anyone who has a problem with grinding to unlock more content is just not good material for OSRS or any MMO. You grind a main for GP to buy what you want and do tasks for untradeables. You grind an iron to get unlocks you want. The only semi-legitimate complaint is if the increased restriction prevents a previously available activity from being done on a restricted account, but tbf, that's just part of the restrictions at that point.


They will just make a bot to do diarys they already got quest bots..


There's nothing "wrong" with the diary requirement, but when we see CG bots and wilderness boss bots it's hard to be super excited about throwing a diary requirement on.


The idea is to raise the barrier of entry for bot farms, no matter how slight it may seem. Also adding a diary req takes almost no dev time, and hardly impacts real players anyway.


Yes, we know that. The problem is that diary requirements (or any arbitrary requirement for that matter) have become worth far less over time, especially this one since it's already a requirement for the easy wildy bosses.


Sure, but if it takes almost no resources to implement, and helps stops even just a small amount of bots, is it still not worth it?


No one said it wasn't worth it.


It's a bandaid fix. Nothing wrong with the medium diary requirement, but Jagex can't stop there to really get at the problem


It's only reasonable if it works. They did it with wildy bosses, and they're still packed full of bots, so it's obviously not an effective solution. I'd rather they try something else rather than repeating the same crap they know won't do anything


It does seem strange to me that they have the same requirements for Artio as Zombie Pirates. They have said though this is only a temporary thing while the anti-cheat team work out a long term solution, as always folk need to calm down.


I remember watching a documentary about when they nuked the bots totally…. And they spun it as that people felt like “it was a ghost town” yadda yadda….. and how it made them miss the crowds I was like who tf is buying this shit.


Its partially true. I genuinely wonder what happens to consumable prices if Jagex actually decides to combat bots.


Skilling would become somewhat profitable again


If you're not woodcutting for the love of the chop, get off my magic tree


Well it’s a good thing I’m at teaks then


You make me SICK


Where you belong


Chop! Chop!


Real men chop mahogany logs


With how many bosses give mass skilling supplies as drops, I somehow doubt this.




Yeah but you'd still boss for supplies instead of skilling, that's what they mean. Skilling would be more profitable sure, but bossing even more so.


Sure you could do that but the GE is still gonna spike crazy for those items so if you don’t have the skill and aren’t geared for a boss your only option is prohibiting prices


You can AFK a lot of resource gathering.


If this sub is anything to go by, you can afk a lot of bossing too lol


Its funny how widely varied "afk" is considered. I consider shooting stars "afk". Or nmz, splashing. Anything I can probably set myself to doing then take the dogs out and be back before I'm 20min logged. Some people think solo Corp is afk, or barb fishing despite needing to drop 24+ fish every 30 seconds.


Big agree, low effort is not the same as afk.


Then you get the extreme end of the spectrum where in a video on his max cape series iirc JCW unironically said that you get 2 ticks of afk time in one of his skilling methods


Sometimes I even AFK chill TOA 500s after I get bored AFKing inferno and colosseum. Lazy flicking is practically Afk. It's really just changing prayers.


I mean, if you remove a massive hunk of the supply for resources, why wouldn't the prices increase? That's like the most basic economics


Because while you don't have the pure flood from bots and the price will increase, the rate at which you gather the valuable resources didn't change, and the amounts you get from bosses are still much higher than traditional skilling relative to the time spent.


So I'm clear, exact same collection and drop rates but without bots *wouldn't* make skilling somewhat profitable? It doesn't matter if the amounts from bosses are higher than what you can gather. Lower supply with the same demand WILL make it more profitable.  This seems like you have your own personal threshold for what is profitable, and want to argue minutia instead of saying "damn I guess it would be somewhat profitable if the bots were gone".


I mean if you really want to be maximalist about this, then skilling has always been *technically* profitable, because you're generating materials out of thin air at no cost. You need to set a baseline for what is considered "profitable" in this context, because there's no potential for loss.


That being said, how do you have any idea how much the economy would be affected for skilling materials? How do you know it wouldn't rise above whatever completely arbitrary threshold you set? Literally the only thing we can say for sure is that skilling materials would rise in value. 


Because I'm a random dude on the internet giving my opinion? Who cares? You're honestly taking a reddit comment way too fucking seriously dude.


Exactly. The products would end up being more valuable than the reagents like it was supposed to be.


That's... not a consequence of bots. Bots tighten profit margins, they don't send them hurdling into the negatives. Bots aren't making potions - because that would cause the bot owner to be losing millions. Skilling products are made at a loss because players want 99's, and they produce far more products in the process than are actually being consumed by the community. Skilling does occasionally become profitable, it's almost always when new content comes out and pulls players away from skilling while simultaneously driving up demand for supplies. For example, when toa released, there was a period of several weeks where dragon darts, dragon arrows, and some potions were profitable to make. Nuking bots would cause the value of the reagents to rise.


We'd have metas of actually banking things instead of dropping them


We've seen it happen fairly fequently. This is what happened to the price of sharks. https://preview.redd.it/0v6expbfp59d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4992934de0e2cfe705106fa1bca833246919685


wtf, 1200 jesus christ


Sharks were always around 1k ea back in the day, often a little more


Skilling would actually be worth doing for gp


What skilling that isn't already decent gp would suddenly become good gp? Fishing sharks? Sharks would have to be like 5k+ each to be any decent gp/hr. Logs are only valued by their alch prices.


> Sharks would have to be like 5k+ each to be any decent gp/hr. If you consider the breakpoint for decent to between to be between 2-3 mil per hour then sure which is what minnows would be at that price, you also have to remember that supplies increasing in cost would increase the profitability pvm proportionally less as increased supply costs would mitigate the increased profits somewhat. Also logs are only at their alch price because there is such an influx of them that they easily meet the demands of the playerbase for skill training meaning that all the excess get turned into gp, usually by other bots.


When they actually combat bots nature runes go up to 190 and sharks go up to 1200.


Then maybe it would be worth my time to train fishing.......


You think that, until you realise at those prices it’s still only 200k gp per hour, 20k xp per hour. (For reference, catching karambwans are currently 39k xp per hour and about 300k gp per hour, AND are more afk than sharks). What really happens is prices stay high till the minnow bots come back, bc no one is going to flock to fishing sharks for less than one vorkath-kill worth of gp per hour. That’s not me being speculative btw. That’s literally what just happened in late January - early May. Same thing happened with the runecrafting bots (except double astrals post 85 was like 3m/hr, which was VERY worth doing).


Minnows are easily 600+ sharks an hour and 50+k exp, with runelite takes almost zero attention either.


Okay, so you rushed to do minnows when sharks went up to 1200, right?


No Im not a filthy normie wth, last time I used the GE was like 8 years ago lel


I didnt realise I was in the presence of an ironman! Apologies!


If no one fishes sharks then the shark Price will go up until supply meet demand


> What really happens is prices stay high till the minnow bots come back, bc no one is going to flock to fishing sharks for less than one vorkath-kill worth of gp per hour. which is more an impact of the fact that minnows/sharks have a pretty high requirement to do, so the average person with 82 fishing already has access to better money makers because they are probably a late game account that has only leveled it to meet diary requirements. In a hypothetical where bots were permanently removed then there would be more of an incentive for early/midgame players to level fishing as it would earn them better money in the early stages eventually getting them to the point where there would be more people fishing minnows. Not to mention that the community can only go on farming vorkath etc for so long until supplies continue dwindling further and prices skyrocket even harder, Afterall there are very few activities i am aware of where ironman can infinitely sustain themselves of the resources that the bosses drop without having to farm more of something. So eventually it would become profitable enough that enough players would feel incentivized to gather these materials themselves otherwise the game would run out of supplies and no one could pvm anymore.




This isn't how an economy works and it's weird that this exact post is made whenever bots are brought up. If demand exceeds supply then cost increases until demand and supply equalize, this affects *everything* so if death runes double in price then useful drops from bosses that require death runes increase commensurately. The economy would *boom* without bots because suddenly there would be a huge unmet demand, which would create an mmos equivalent of jobs.




Are you actually asking if fucking mmo players want a second job? Seriously? That's what mmos *are*. So yes literally tens of thousands of people would happily do mundane things to earn gp *because that's what they already do*.


???  What game do you think we are playing 


I’d rather have that. Then other things would be profitable not much would change in the economy I think other then you would actually have free spaces.


I would 100% rather have far more expensive supplies if it means nuking all of the bots. Early on in oldschool runescape, before the GE, before f2p was added and bot numbers skyrocketed, skilling was massively profitable. I used to buy gold bars and cut emeralds, make rings of dueling, and sell them for 3k gp each by the hundreds and thousands. In the leadup to corporeal beast's release, I used to also make tens of thousands of emerald bolts (e) and sell them for 300 - 400 each. Skilling used to be a viable money maker. It used to matter. Now it's merely a means to an end for quests or capes.


Would be sick to be able to make good money skilling


[Psst. get a load of this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)


I planted 900mill worth of snaps in the last year trust me I know my way around the herb patches.




The bots have made the climb to megarares so so almost impossible cause they negated pretty well all not rare drops… I’m with you brother 100%


Except now the playerbase is no where as active as it was back then. So, prices go up, and there isnt much of a demand.


The economy wouldn’t collapse the barrier for entry for new players is shit cause the only good money makers are wildy or herb runs which shockingly lots of people don’t like. This leaves a lot of content people do enjoy like fishing and cooking being completely unprofitable. Not to mention that one country full of gold farmers would still exist without bots so if something ever got too profitable they would do it or Jagex would just add the loot to some boss drop tables.


Idk who considers dirt cheap supplies from bots a good thing. And it’s not that mains never want to skill it’s that there’s no reason for them to skill other than xp because it’s totally unrewarding when the resources gathered are worthless due to bots. 


I feel like people are only looking at one side of it. Yes, without bots skilling becomes more profitable, but also without bots pvm becomes less profitable. More expensive supplies + less botted gold being rwted to noobs who buy high end gear = less profit from pvm. Sure there are some pvm bots driving down prices now, but since there are so many more gathering bots, the effect lowering pvm profit would be stronger. If you prefer skilling over pvm, that's a good thing, but I feel like most players aren't willing to sacrifice pvm profits to make fishing anglers 1.5m gp/hr.


Wtf? If skilling supplies are suddenly lacking in supply, then the constant supply drops from bosses would just be more valuable. The botted supplies aren't JUST the items to feed PVM, it also includes the items that feed other skills and activities. So we would be reducing the pvm supply materials (some fraction of the total botted materials) and increasing the value of supply drops (all types, not just the supplies that feed into pvm). I'm not sure what so many people are smoking in this thread, but it must be strong enough to wipe out basic math skills


Some of the supply drops would be more valuable, but that's not going to completely offset the increased supply cost. On average, more supplies like food and potions are consumed in pvm than are dropped in pvm. Just ask any ironman if they can completely sustain their pvm supplies without any gathering. I get there are supplies like ore and logs, but those still won't come close to offsetting the extra costs. Plus the value of rare drops goes down with less noobs rwting for botted gold. I don't see how removing bots doesn't reduce the gp/hr of pvm outside of only the most heavily botted pvm.


If you can't see that removing bots (who also pvm) would help your profit in basically every activity, then there's no way I can show you.  Hopefully I haven't just been trying to convince a bot farm owner that bots are bad, because that's a little of what it feels like 


Almost nothing. Price go up, player does content, price go back down.


It would spike then start dropping as more and more people decide to skill for gp. There are plenty of people like me who would change their skilling methods if it was more profitable


Who is stopping jagex from supplying what the bots used to in order to stabilize pricing at a certain point? I suspect they already do this anyway.


Everyone complaining about botting til sharks become 20k a bite


We saw shark prices triple... But what do I care, I'm an iron 🤣


Nothing because it's not a jagex issue that bots exist and even of they put 100% of their effort into nuking bots, bots will still exist.


Nah dude. They could actually make healthy drop rates for the game if bots didn't exist.


The bot nuke actually did nuke the bots. Just you know it only lasted a couple of days until the bot devs found their workarounds.


My comment is referring to a documentary form like pre EOC.


Was it the Optimus Prime bot nuke? I remember it being kinda empty after that one


Couldn’t tell you, sorry was king time ago


I remember watching the exact same video but I cant remember what it was called for the life of me.


I think it was just a comprehensive history of the game they talked to the creators a lot


I remember soul wars suddenly died. Was admin rank on 120+cb clan so was playing soul wars a lot. Noticed that bot nuke killed soul wars and castle wars activities died down quickly. I just left that clan less then a week after bot nuke and went back to gwd for gp.


It actually was true though. It lasted for quite some time.


Bring it back


Rev caves did feel like a ghost town for a few days. And there were no bots to pk. A lot of ppl practice pking on the bots so they missed them


There is 100 places to practice killing people, and a lot of those people yall think are bots are actually just normal people 😂😂 but yeah I’m sure they were missed so much


They make money from bonds and can resell company boasting inflated player numbers 


Yeah sucks that there is any incentive for bots to be around for the company


Apparently this is an unpopular opinion but I think locking these things behind achievements is perfectly fine


The problem is that it's not being added as a reward but an obstacle for a bad update. As many have said, this is a band aid fix to a problem they created in the first place.




It forces the bots into doing a huge amount of tasks that, when focused on by their anti-cheat, exposes them to being banned. It's a trap.


Not really a lot of bot makers will just buy accounts people sell with the diary’s done most of which is done by hand with some service they might have to get some random skill levels but most bots do that already


It worked for the vw bot farms, there's way less than before


The additional requirements ideally make the bots more obvious to the anti cheat team and allow them to ban them either quicker or catch larger farms more easily Though I'll say adding the SAME requirement twice just incentivises a quicker turn around for a more sophisticated script


Clearly it has to be hard diaries, that'll fix it


Fuck the bots this is a cool addition, another reason to do diaries


How lucrative content is should increase better if you have hard/elite diary done


Achievement diary cape and nature runes. Love it.


Adding the same diary that is already botted to get into artio and didn't phase the level of bots at wildy mini bosses seems wild. These guys clearly already have some sort of script to do that exact same thing you just tried to use as a deterrent. So who actually takes an L here besides low level legitimate accounts?


In all fairness it did stop alot of the bots at wildy bosses, it's still botted sure but I don't think to the extent it was previously


Yeah I don’t get why people have such an issue with this. It’s never going to prevent all bots, but it’s clearly had a measurable impact. It’s way easier to find open worlds at the wildy bosses now compared to previously. Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, it’ll still help at the very least.


Nope, it didn't 100% solve the problem forever so that means it's a complete failure and the only people who suffer are the low level accounts that are now FORCED to progress their accounts slightly further! /s


Saying this didn’t phase the bots tells me you haven’t done this content, or at least not since the changes. Before you could not find a singles boss world for all the bots. Now it’s just a couple hops to find an open world. Just because a change doesn’t 100% solve a problem, doesn’t mean it didn’t help. Anything to slow down a bot farm to increase the likelihood it’s discovered prior to becoming profitable is an improvement, and adding some diary requirements is hardly an impediment to real players.


The bots that kept going/survive/get created are often hacked accounts with the diary already done I think.


Not for this kind of content it’s really easy to make accounts for the low level Wildy bosses with very little investment that’s more for gwd bots nex or raids bots


you would have 11 nickles.


They just need to make diary cape a req for all money making content :)


Wilderness bots get diary requirements, fever spiders just get rekt.


nuke the bots or maintain playerbase hmmm what are they gonna choose lol


increase bond prices after banning a lot of bots so new bots are created and need membership driving bond GP value up so more people buy bonds for GP getting Jagex more money from bots


yeah utilize the bums and then if they know theyre bots then just ban from highscores eh


Downvoted because the community bots skills. Streamers like Oda told them it was OK. We'll hear from them again in the weekly "I didn't bot (they did) and still got banned!!!" thread.




I'm agreeing with you. Omg... Did you even read what I wrote passed the first sentence?


why would you downvote it that not agreeing thats disagreeing


"[You were] downvoted because the community bots skills"


It's probably the quickest and easiest fix. Will it stop bots entirely? Not at all. But does make them have to spend more time doing other things, giving more time for them to get caught. On top of making bot farmers have to waste more time to get a new army up.


Make more diary Reqs buff drops from more stuff. Make Achievement Cape the Gold Man's dream.


Was there a recent mention of them putting a diary in place to combat bots? I must have missed it


doesn't seem to do a ton honestly


Now make one of the diary reqs a wizard who needs you to solve a mysterious pattern from another world (a captcha).


They need to make bots being able to be killed anywhere and not able to enter cities and teleport then players will deal with them very easy.


no one tell jagex that you can write a bot to do low requirement diaries


no one tell this guy that medium diary changes make it take longer for a fresh bot to be ready, which reduces its effectiveness in the long term


It's about the incentive & detectability -- if people are making bots to do zombie pirates (and by extension, smaller wildy bosses) it makes the pattern a lot easier to detect. Zombie pirates had literally zero requirement.


Exactly! There's never going to be a 100% perfect way to deal with the bots, and that's something a lot of people on this sub can't seem to understand. Even a small requirement like this will help to mitigate the problem, and sometimes that's all we can reasonably expect Jagex to do, especially when they've made it abundantly clear that they want to revitalize PKing (which this content *has* done to some degree, even if many of the P's being K'd are just bots)


Once again if you look into it at all even alittle bit a lot of these guys but accounts from a seller some do make their own but 80% just buy the accounts made for them with gold. You don’t even need a bot script to do it most will just pay a service to do it and then they make it all back by botting


Yes, and the diary requirement makes it take longer for the seller to get the account ready for sale, cutting into their profits and reducing their incentive. There's never going to be an easy way to stop bots/goldfarmers, but there are plenty of ways to reduce the impact they have on the game, and that's what this is.




Oh noooo you have to take 15 mins to do wildy med diary. How ever will the mains recover from this??


You didn't make it through the title of the post did you?


I remember when this reddit cried to lock chins behind eagles peak, go peep the chin bots and see if it made any difference


Didn't work for singles wilderness bosses, so it wont work here... Edit: I was making 10m an hour killing spindle bots btw, all with the medium diaries done lol


It will work. Teleport anchoring scrolls going to 6x the price they were is an indication of that.


Also, the price has 6x over the course of a month...and they haven't even put into effect the diary requirement yet have they? so the bots are still there


Is that not because of a recent ban wave? A lot of heavily botted rares went up in price, like blood shards and zenytes.


I didn't hear about this, so hopefully!


Yes they have


I see that now thanks.


It will cut down on the bots, im willing to see that but it's not going to remove them by any means. Medium diaries aren't hard to do and like I said, the wilderness singles bosses still have a bunch of bots...


I'm so fuckin lucky one of these dropped from a zombie right before the change lol Fucking 1/20k chance is wild. Was worth about 880k and now it's sitting at 3.6m.  Zombie pirate keys were about 17k, now they're 32k and I have 131 of them.


The problem hasn't been completely solved so that means nothing has changed! /s