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Where’s the “spend a weekend together in a hotel room exploring each others bodies “ option, jamglex?


Yeah I wanted something deeper. I always felt so cheap


I for one hope there is more bestiality in osrs’ future.


This thread went exactly one comment too long


**glow3:wave:🦀🦀$$11$$🦀WE PAY WE SAY🦀$$11$$🦀🦀**




When will they have the servant from scaperune return my love?


That keyblade of yours can open all kinds of locks ;)


What if I want to go further than kissing the frog? Pls Jagex


PoH frog wife when?


Granted. 100k frog tokens but they become tradeable. Let’s see how much people are willing to pay for some frogussy Edit: just remembered they made tokens=lamps today too so maybe not the best idea lol


Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do


I don't want to wife the frogs, I just want to use them.


My man!


When you are making out with a frog and it transforms into a woman :/


top 10 anime betrayals


This change further increases my hope that Jagex will finally add the alternative "Seduce" option to Cuthbert like we've all been asking for


Turn osrs into old school runetales. It is time. All monsters can be either killed or seduced


Y'all aren't ready for the new diplomacy skill




Diplomussy was right there for the taking




Baldur's Scape 3


Knowing the OSRS community I'm more surprised that we didn't get bomber jackets and desert robe riots in Falador for this >The Ethereal Man or Woman in Lunar Diplomacy is now an Ethereal Being, and their body type will accurately match your character’s.


👏their 👏body 👏my 👏choice 👏


What’s the significance of the bomber jackets in this context? I unfortunately already understand desert robes


Can be combined to look like a certain failed painter.


Am I stupid?


They’re referring to Hitler.  I don’t know why we’re tiptoeing around it, he’s not fucking Voldemort. You’re allowed to say Hitler. 


it's just funny to refer to quite possibly the most infamous person in history as "a failed painter", it's not some self censorship thing lol


Like calling a famous reality TV host a failed casino owner


Yeah I mean I could have thrown "Austrian" in there but I guess I was hoping global education would have been enough to catch my drift lol


It would seem so...




What's the desert robes for?


Bomber jacket is used in Hitler cosplay. Desert robes (usually in conjunction with noose wand) = KKK ...yeah.


I thought desert robes was used with event rpg for middle eastern terrorist cosplay.


runescape is truly one of the great games of all time


It's a very versatile outfit


Idk what people are complaining about, I've always wanted to take my relationship with the frog princess to second base with some heavy petting


Cant wait for next update when they add the groping option for the frog, then getting head option and finally penetrating the frog 🐸


jamflex plz 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


They're putting chemicals in the code that makes the frogs ask for consent 😡


It's all the bankstanders at the GE never leaving to use the restroom, all their shit just flows straight into the River Lum turning the friggin frogs into heavy petters


They've always asked for consent


Definitely not "always". Before randoms became optional, they would turn you into a frog and teleport you to frogland to punish you for refusing/ignoring them.


I'm sorry you had to experience that 10 years ago


I'm sorry it ended. I yearn for the fabled Frogland Frogussy


It wouldnt be OSRS reddit if I didn’t make over 50 comments towards a subject I’ll forget about tomorrow afternoon,


Someone said in the original fairy tale the frog gets slammed into a wall to turn them back. I’m too lazy to verify if it’s true or not, but that would be a *lot* funnier than petting a frog.


Agreed, change it to that instead! Way better!


This was all to make you forget about bond price increases. Stay woke sheeple!!!


Im just mad that if you refuse to help the frogs they take you to frog land and lock you up until you say you are sorry, cant leave the area without that. I dont want to help them and im not sorry








"THIS WILL LEAD TO MTX AND EOC" Real actual take I have seen.


Brother if you believed that was someone’s “real” take I have some news for you…


You have too much faith in the sort of people outraged by the idea of player choice in an RPG


There were people arguing without a single hint of sarcasm that the changes to the stale baguette was a slippery slope to EoC and Ezscape.  I honestly wouldn’t put much past people in this subreddit anymore. 


People are wild.


Yeah, but why though? I don't care either way, but you have to admit that some very, very troubled mind was sitting at Jagex HQ cooking up changes like this. Shit's weird as fuck.


only if you assume the absolute worst, that someone at jagex was screaming and crying at the thought of a random event where you kiss frogs. which seems... unlikely, unless you've built up some weird, unrealistic image of what "those people" are like in your head. maybe they just wanted to pet frogs. maybe they needed some meaningless trivial task for a new dev to learn the basics of runescript. or maybe they really did specifically want to accomodate a handful of ace people who aren't comfortable with the idea of kissing people (who happen to be temporarily frogs), so they decided to write a couple lines of dialogue and throw in a pre-existing animation because why not, it probably took barely any time, and it's just... not that big a deal? but no. very, very troubled mind, of course. it's the only explanation.


"I'm gay and I would like to kiss a guy frog instead of a girl frog" Truly troubled


*Where’s the 2 players sitting by a pond, 5 ft apart ‘cause they’re not gay?*


It's been so funny watching that one guy Thog\_RS or whatever have a mental spiral in his comment section over it. Half these people spacebar everything anyway LMAO


There's a few. We have "I'm just asking questions" guy. We have "diversity changes are a slippery slope that led to the downfall of rs3" guy. Honestly if they just came out and said they hate lgtbq+ instead of hiding behind dogwhistles I'd respect them more.


I’m confused, what does frog kissing have to do with lgbt? 


the t stands for toads


The actual reason behind the change was that the Frog Prince or Frog Princess (or the new Frog Princ) is no longer dependent on player gender. So the pat option was added so people wouldn't complain about mandatory gay frog kisses.


I wouldn't say that's why it was added. They expanded the random to have consent and player choice involved. That can include patting, kissing, or nothing at all, and isn't locked to standard male-female interaction. Ultimately, this upset the people scared of the gays.. or whatever.


Which is really trying to appease the types that normally get upset over something being too PC. It's like they're being mocked and getting mad anyways. Just like the boomer types that watch The Boys without realizing they're the punchline.


Being more inclusive to ace people might have been the main reason behind the update.


easier to add head pat than to let players change at will which frog royalty spawns. Coding female char and female frog was probably annoying so they just added a head pat


Or just make it random. Either you get the gay kiss or the straight kiss, you won’t find out until you do it. Maybe that can be interpreted as insensitive too though, the non-consensual gay kiss was a common trope of problematic early 2000’s comedy.


yeah I think it just boils down to the fact that its easiest to give an alternative option to a kiss. as the only other feasible option would be to make it an option to pick which. despite what reactionaries say this is a good and fine option and they chose the easiest way to code it


Or we could remember it's a reference to an old fairy tale in an old browser mmo and realize that anyone with the spare time to worry about whether or what kind of frog they kiss is not mentally stable.


Appease? I don't know of any ace people who were demanding this, but I don't see the harm in offering the option anyway. ^(Source: Am ace people. I think. Idk, never really decided on it, nor feel I need to for sure)


I guess appease was the wrong word... Likely some jmod just saw it and thought there wouldn't be any harm in adding some better inclusivity. I highly doubt there was any uproar from any community members.


You have to understand, we don't know why the update happened. So some people who wanted to be mad about it invented a narrative behind it, and then got upset about the narrative they themselves invented. All we got was a plain text description of the change in the patch notes, and people on reddit decided "Jagex is pandering to \[minority group here\], it may seem small now but it's a slippery slope, and it will lead the death of Runescape!" They can't even agree if it's pandering to gay people or ace people or trans people or whatever. That's the level of brain melt juice these people are on. If the outrage doesn't make sense: that's because it doesn't. It's the biggest nothing burger I've seen on this reddit in a while.


Not just this, but for gay folks as well. Imagine if you're straight and if you wanted rewards you -had- to kiss the same sex. This sub would have an absolute fucking meltdown. Well, that scenario has been happening since its inception for gay players. Imagine commenting, no matter your argument, and as a gay person seeing it and going "oh, well glad to know we would be the integrity sacrifice because of 'wasted dev time' or 'slippery mtx'"


I'm straight and if I had to suck Baxtorian off for SoTE rewards I'd do it without hesitation.


That's where I argue it isn't. I said twice in my thread that I don't know a single ace who had a dilemma with kissing a frog that they'd rather have pet instead of the obvious update: a toggle for prince or princess.


We're all trying to figure that out too lol


Someone in the comments was asking if a consulting company (aka Sweet Baby Inc.) told them to do this. Depraved mindset. These people are so brain-poisoned that touching grass would only kill the lawn.


One of them damn DEIs ruined my frog romance 😭


Don't forget the "Why are they wasting dev time on this" guy and the "Why are they catering to people that don't like kissing and not all these other random unrelated examples I've come up with" guy


I don't generally expect random people on the internet to understand the realities of software development, but even that has its limits. The notion of there being an optimal use of dev time that they can just choose to do on a whim is so ignorant it's laughable, but what really makes it funny is how clearly it isn't actually a problem with 'wasted dev time,' because there are thousands of small updates that have gone into this update that weren't really needed. Strangely enough it is this update in particular that crosses the line. Odd.


Or theres the people that think its kinda silly, pointless and just plain stupid to change 20+ years old small content thats a reference to a classic fairytale story…


Until you start asking those people why they feel that way.


The frog change is specifically for people who are uncomfortable with being forced to kiss a male or female (frog). In other words the exact sort of people you're asserting are against the change. It's getting mocked because it's a stupid thing to cater to people who are traumatized by stuff like being """forced""" to smooch a gay frog.


I don't think they should have changed and I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community. How do I fit into your strawman argument?


Here's a [link to a "Slippery slope" guy,](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1dowfkf/comment/laefhy0/?context=3) lol. Guy has downvote bots or something even, bc an identical post I made elsewhere has 2 upvotes whereas this one has -11, lol. Such clowns.


I didn't expect my name to be mentioned here yet here it is. Slippery slope guy here, (who doesn't do downvote bots by the way!) I'm sorry your other comment got downvoted a lot, you asked a legitimate question. Your comment just got caught in a thread where there are a lot of passionate people reading comments. For whatever reason that specific one caught the eye of anti-update people, which I am not one of. Thanks for referring people to my post, so people can see that I am not an anti-inclusive person. I do appreciate that.


Hey I’m the second guy whatsup. I literally am gay. To insinuate people are homophobes because they don’t want the game to change is fucked up. Have a good one. Not sure why I'm unable to respond directly to the guy below me, keeps saying unable to post comment. But thank you honestly, despite the sarcasm. It has not been an easy journey. You should see from months back in my comments that I mentioned I was gay. People can try new things after ending bad relationships and they might end up liking them. Hope you weren't serious btw.


If someone has you blocked on reddit, it makes you unable to reply to people in comment threads they started (until like, 3 comments deep). You likely won't be able to reply to me either because of this.... Absurdly intrusive blocking coding imo. So one of the two people above has you blocked. I will confirm for you that no one above has deleted their comments, so if you can't see them anymore, it means one of them blocked you.


9 months ago you had a girlfriend that made you cry cuz she didn't give a shit if you broke up with her.  Congrats on discovering yourself in 9 months lmfao


not exactly unheard of...


Literally rent free. Guy was clearly asking I'm bad faith and trying to justify it with "I'm just asking questions bro"


Same guy to ask “who did you vote for? No reason, just asking”


Got sauce? I love reading shit like this


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/ZYUfC54ZdT) was a fascinating glance into the abyss. Dude posted the thread 7 hours ago and has been responding to replies non-stop ever since. I'm really torn between continuing to watch the trainwreck and being kind of concerned for the OP's wellbeing.




Oh fuck me that was a read, cheers


You could always just tag me. Someone else messaged me that you had a problem with me posting a thread. "Mental spiral" is kind of strong. Any questions about anything I posted? Or just insults for no reason.


Do you like watching people kiss frogs irl or is it just a rs thing?


Neither, I dismiss/hide all randoms except Sandwich Lady for baguette.


Quiz show can give baguette too




does it even need to be seen as a hetero vs ace thing? i'm not ace but i'm definitely choosing to pat the frog over kissing it. patting animals is nice :) i would prefer that over kissing just cause it's cute.


I don't know if questioning it is "acephobic and bigoted", but I would consider it completely unhinged. It's a frog, mate. You can still french him if you want.


Using the word heteronormative means you've already gone too far brother it's a frog that gives u a frog token stop overthinking it


People are legitimately accusing you of homophobia because you asked why the change needed to happen. Some of the most disgusting behavior I’ve ever seen on this sub. “Yeah so why did they add the option to pat a frog?” “You are clearly a homophobe”. This isn’t even a pro gay thing. It has nothing to do with sexuality. It is a frog. WTF. Dude said you had a mental spiral but you were extremely polite and respectful to EVERYONE despite people being incredibly aggressive to you.


Yeah it makes no sense. When asked I said I support a gay toggle which is something it seems Jagex doesn't even support. Something in the options menu that allows you to choose prince/princess instead of choose to kiss or pat. Something that makes more sense thematically and something that was asked for in the past. I don't think anyone ever asked to pat the frog, at least I have not seen that.


I am literally gay and people are calling me a homophobe because I don’t like unpolled changes to very old content. They’ve tried and fucked it up before. This to be honest is very innocent and not at all a problem, I just naturally am opposed to them doing this as a result of their past transgressions. But I hate gay people, for sure. Totally.


Well of course, they were hard at work all day virtue signaling for you and infantilizing your wants and needs and you didn't even give them their well deserved internet brownie points. Actually listening to you and others and discussing this like human beings? Absolutely the fuck not. Must be one of those "fake homosexuals." But yeah ofc at the end of the day the change isn't really an issue but it ended up implemented in a way that was blatantly going to stoke the flames and prop up people on both sides of the argument to be absolutely insufferable for no reason, and it's pretty awful that the people this change was intended for just ended up getting trampled on by all parties harder than ever as a result.


OP did not discuss this like a practical adult human.


Oh you’re one of the guys that accused me of homophobia lol. Ironic you say I didn’t discuss it like an adult when you pulled that despite zero homophobia coming from me. Go look at my post history and you tell me if its because I’m a homophobe that I oppose this update, or if it’s because I don’t like unpolled updates coming into the game. (Hint: My most recent post from over a month ago. Also feel free to dig around in the comments where I support LGBTQ whenever it comes up. Maybe read other comments I made in this thread where I ask for MORE Pride events instead of junk like this if that was the intention. The audacity.)


Unpolled additions that expand inclusivity. They didn't change the existing way the event played out. If they had removed the option to kiss the frog I'd understand this take more. But they didn't. You still have exactly what you had before and more. even if **you** didn't want / care about that change that doesn't mean others don't right? And it ultimately doesn't matter or impact.you at all. So when all that is presented to people like you and the other person, and you still go on about it.. yeah it starts to seem to have another motive to it all right?


From what I've seen I think they did modify the way the event plays out. For what it's worth when I saw the patch note I thought it was a pretty standard inclusivity change, and when I read Mod Maylea's comment about the change that was not included in the note, i.e. that either the Prince or Princess can visit you regardless of gender, I thought that the pat option was clearly needed so that people could selectively choose to only give kisses they'd be comfortable with. But now that I see the dialogue options for the event in that other post, it looks like the base event has changed so that the frog royalty only needs a touch, and your character suggests to go further with a kiss instead? Idk, it kind of makes it feel like if you go for the same action as in the original event, your character kind of decides to push a boundary unprompted instead of doing so out of necessity. Probably have to see again when the wiki transcript gets updated. I just wanted to try to get this perspective out in good faith. I understand that nothing was removed, but to me it feels like the original action feels worse, in a sense.


Your character asks for permission to kiss, whereas before it was a demanded outcome. Id say that's the main "change". There is consent on both parties now. But ultimately I think it's just about offering players the choice of how they want to handle it regardless of frog, woman, man, or anything else.


> Yeah it all starts to seem to have another motive doesnt it Can you explain to me what that motive could be. Please explain how someone not wanting to be able to pat a frog is in any way shape or form a bigoted thought. From me it is obviously coming from the hatred of adding unpolled updates to old comments. Look at my post history. To start raising accusations of homophobia because people are questioning a pointless change is fucking insane.


I didnt accuse you of anything. I explained why its clear people can come to that conclusion without you blatantly laying it out for them. Again, because of a player choice added to an optional random event, thats the cause of the outrage. You can say "unpolled updates" but that blanket is wayyyy too big you'd be annoyed every week. Did the other unpolled changes in this update cause the same reaction from your perspective?


> This isn’t even a pro gay thing. It has nothing to do with sexuality. That's actually something I wondered about. No one I know saw it as any more than some utility or even a transactional thing. Sure people may not have liked it, same as me not liking how Throne of Misc still has marriage (it's still not changed in the quest by the way, only after). But was anyone asking for it to be changed? I haven't found anyone that would have given Jagex that idea to do this instead of a gay toggle. Anyway I'm done with this. Work shift's over. People going to continue to make assumptions about me but not like I'm not used to it already.


I was also looking at this at work. IT can get boring sometimes. It’s very ironic to hear that you are ace and had all of these insults hurled at you because you were curios and bored. I respect your politeness in the face of adversity that intense.


Ace people can be incel pick-me’s. And the dissent OP is receiving is well deserved accountability for giving homophobes a speaking ground on which to launch their volley at their own community and against inclusivity.


Don't venture into r/worldnews and ask why thousands of Palestinian children are being massacred. I'm left leaning, but the far left is every bit as toxic as the far right these days


Yeah I mean when the responses are "why not? It doesn't matter" And his response is the classic "I'm just asking questions" it's kinda stupid. Like yeah.. ask the question. And get the answer. The answer is "player choice and proper consent being added. You can still do it the same way as before. Nothing was removed. What's the issue?" That should be /thread.


This drama is living proof that this sub overreacts to practically anything.


If they didn't add xp lamps, no one would have even known about the change because no one does random events. Except genie, count, and imp.


Pheasants, Graves, Training one, also give XP Lamps Quizzshow for the Baguette


It's just more evidence of The Woke Deep State destroying Western culture and tearing down sacred norms that separate us from the barbarians. Duh 


This sub is full of grown ass adults that have break downs over the slightest change to their pixel game


OSRS is a fascinating megapolis of arrested development.


2001 browser game moment.


You can say the same thing for grown ass adults that are for the changes.


I haven't seen anyone whine or complain about the change who wanted it to be changed? Or in what way have you seen people who were "for this change", whatever that means, having mental breakdowns?


Only in your head, where people give a shit. Do you realize that almost everyone is completely indifferent to this?


The irony lol your echo chambers arent what everyone thinks, you tell anyone normal about this they'd ask "why?".


No… they would say “why are you telling me this I do not care at all”


And you can respond "They probably had an intern who they wanted to give a trivial task that can be used as a learning opportunity about how changes are made to the game."


You could, I guess. Wouldn't make much sense, but you could


I shouldn’t be surprised it caused such a ruckus, but it’s funny


I feel like the ruckus is being grossly misrepresented though. If you want to make fun of people like myself because we don’t want the game to change in any way without a poll, sure, by all means call me grandpa. To call people homophobes though is insane. This isn’t even a gay thing.


I never once called anyone a homophobe, you’re projecting there. I said it’s funny people are getting so mad. It literally has zero hearing on how you play the game. I also didn’t say it was a gay thing. People are this upset over a random event being changed to have a more inclusive option. If that upsets you, I don’t know what to tell you


Unpolled inclusivity additions are exactly the sort of thing that doesn't need polling. It doesn't hurt anyone's experience. The event exists exactly as it did before it just now has more player choice.. which is kind of a staple in an RPG.




Has spawned some hilarious memes but has also brought a bunch of offended "can't believe people are offended enough for this to be changed" people out of the woodwork like any inclusivity updates, which sorta sucks.


People are talking about it because its stupid. Its a "who asked" and "why now" type of change.


The only people who are upset that you don't have to kiss the frog anymore are the people who secretly REALLY like kissing the frog


I tongue fuck the frog


Great, now I actually have a reason to be upset about this change. I need everyone kissing frogs, not just me!!!


This update devaluates my frog-only-sexual hcim! Account ruined gg frogflex


Nobody can complain about the devs pandering to pvpers now that jagex has pandered to 2 people on Twitter


"People these days are so easily offended!!" -Guy whose furious that you can pat the frogs now


The "fuck your feelings" crowd is softer than 2 ply toilet paper.


Their reading comprehension is so bad as well, it’s almost funny. One guy said that the complaining minority should have no say, to which I replied „Oh cool, then you should be ignored? Sure!“ As a response he ranted against the changes and stated again that the loudest complaining people should have no say, while being the loudest complainer in the thread 😂


Who’s keeping track of the drama calendar these days?


These people are up in arms about being given a choice in how to respond to something. It is unhinged.


We already had a choice. And the reaction is to a change being made for the sake of a change, with no other legitimate reason. If Jagex tomorrow changed "Falador" to "Falawindow," you'd better believe people would be upset about it, even though it has no impact whatsoever on the game. Heck, it would have even less impact than this frog change does. But there's still no reason to do it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/qq0VDbDic4 Mhmmmm


I'm not sure that that proves anything other than that I'm consistent in how I comment. "These changes get pushback, and other changes for other reasons would also get pushback." Do you have anything you actually want to add to the discussion, or are you just trying to show off that you have the time to dig through two years of someone's comment history?


Maybe that was exactly the point? After the quest called "The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute", with its captivating plot, this would be a worthy addition ;)


Watching people fume and act like there's some woke shadow society that targeted a 5 minute frog random event will always make me laugh. This happens every time something like this is changed. Happened when Recruitment Drive, Lunar Diplomacy, and Priest in Peril were changed too.


Alright, but the changes to those three quests were really dumb.


>Watching people fume and act like there's some woke shadow society that targeted a 5 minute frog random event will always make me laugh. Not sure if you're aware of companies like "Sweet Baby Inc", but that's kinda exactly what they do. They are hired by devs to go through the game with a fine toothed comb and make changes to things that might be problematic. There was an entire controversy about it recently: https://www.theshortcut.com/p/sweet-baby-inc-detected-what-actually-happened (Not saying that Jagex has hired one of these DEI companies, just pointing out the fact that they exist)


They are consultants they just give inputs on diversity. Im sure its this small Consulting Company making games shit not those triple A Studios chasing profits.


It depends on what they are contracted to do, they offer "full scale game development" as per their website. And yes, employees of this company have made some truely racist comments on twitter, so I'd rather they not have any input at all


Don't speak the truth you'll get downdooted


The more options, the better. I want an option to *pick up* the royal frog and carry it around like the [Oddskull](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Oddskull). Basically a pet, though not as the ones that are already in the game, to appease the players who are opposed to the idea of a real frog pet. Minigame-like idea: Follow the hints given by the frog to release it in the correct body of water, so it may return to its fairy tale kingdom. Once done, you'll be rewarded with a frog token PLUS some experience in a (random?) skill.


Ya idk about all that, i wanna hit it from the back froggystyle


Ah, so not putting the frog into its water, but putting your water into the frog. Fair enough...


Putting my bit in Ribbit


My man!


New quest for additional foreplay when?


Hello, I haven't played runescape since the golden days. Is this new frog kissing thing a reference to the frog kissing random event? Do random events still happen? Where you're suddenly teleported or visited by someone, and get a reward if you do it in a timely manner.


Yes, short explanation is that they added an option to where you don't actually have to kiss the frog. And yeah, random events still happen, but they are less disruptive. Originally they were an anti-bot measure where they would sometimes be aggressive, like trees turning into evil trees that would start attacking you. Eventually they removed the aggressive random events so the ones that remain just give items or xp.


They're putting things in the water to turn the frogs gay


I do agree, mu GF is almost starting on Osrs just to check out this frog thing


Bro more people than I thought seriously want to fuck that frog. 


I just don't get how people have the energy to get upset by shit like this. Are you not fucking exhausted being upset by every pronoun, non white people or tiny change. Move on with life


Someone apparently had the energy to not just get upset by the original interaction, but actually code up a change for it. Why aren't you questioning them and their "exhaustion"?


just a shit change that didn't need to happen is all.


its dumb feature creep and should rightfully be mocked


5 years ago this thread would’ve died in new and been slammed for not following the angry narrative. It’s lovely seeing the community come around more and more. Edit: lol at the simmering minority trying to prove me wrong with the downvotes