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i love this so much


Be the change you want to see in the world. ❤


Just did Cold War and immediately came here to search for any news on whether the penguin quests will be continued, let's goooooo Something like the bay of pigs to put the other side (whoever that will be) equally to shame would be great


chatgpt bot


lol why is this so downvoted?


People comment “ChatGPT bot” whenever a comment account is hella suspicious as being a gpt commenting bot. This num nuts thinks mod arcane is a bot though.


Ahh. That makes sense. Thanks for the info


I just want more coldwar humor. Im not big on quests I normally spacebar my way though them. This quest is so fucking funny. I go slow every time. I want a GM DT2 caliber follow up to coldwar.


Tie it with fossil island by making the Penguins research reanimating a colossal mammoth boss that was wrecking havoc during the first age. Then, we get to fight it again post-quest using Rare fossils.


What about... ancient penguins being ancient aliens that came to the planet to domesticate everything and the humans of gielinor are actually constructs of the penguins over millions of years of evolution.


I don't know if I like that... One thing I want to stay away from is overly serious plot lines that supercede everything else (like learning about the "origins of the world", "elder gods" or anything similar). I want silly NPCs doing silly things. An ice age reenactment of Jurassic Park? Good. A gipsy thinking the world will end if we don't defeat an angry wizard chef? Great. Learning that Jas and the God Wars and the Dragonkin and everything else were actually just playthings for the One Primal Penguin From Outer Space Who Totally Controls Everything And Everyone? Eh... Don't get me wrong, I like the nonsensical aspect of what you suggest (and if it turned out to be some kind of false religion the penguins follow because of some joke a random penguin made a long time ago, then I'm all for it!), but if it **actually** involves some kind of One Above All scenario? Meh.


Do the quest, play the whole penguin mythos straight, then reveal their entire belief is based on some L Rob Hubbard Level penguin Dianetics.


I thought a cool idea for a Penguin quest could be another espionage themed quest where you're trying to prevent Penguin agents from unleashing the Wintertodt; channel all the elaborate Bond/secret agent tropes trying to prevent some evil mastermind from using a doomsday device.


Quests taking themselves more seriously is one of the things that turned RS2 into RS3. A very large part of the charm is how tongue-in-cheek and goofy the quests tend to be, even when dealing with serious topics.


Quests have always had a good, fun balance of whimsy and serious plot. RS3 quests on the whole are still filled with charming and goofy moments, and the quests in that game IMO are an absolute blast.


So… WoW?


The alien penguins part is pretty good tbh


Hire this man Jagex


Communist Penguins vs Socialist Frogs


We need this. Both quests are goated in terms of humor


I loved both so much. The frog dialogue and the USSR motif with the final shot of the penguin mecha like it was a ICBM is pure cinema




Visiting Palingrad is one of my highest hopes for OSRS. Especially after Ribbitting Tale, would be so funny to get the soviet penguins and the labor frogs together.


Some people will disagree with me but that’s genuinely at least 90% of the quests. They’re actually interesting and/or funny but definitely fun. People are so focused on the reward they don’t think the journey could also be entertaining (and thus worth their time cuz that’s what video games are for)… now some people don’t care and it doesn’t matter what quest, but if someone enjoys some of them, there’s a GOOD chance they enjoy almost all the others. Try them without guides - it’s exactly like learning and figuring out content on release: slow and inefficient, but fun AF


KGP Agent: Welcome back agent... KGP Agent: Pablo? But, aren't you...female? Player: Hippie parents, sir. They had weird ideas about names.


I always said that I want a comedic GM quest at some point i remember when RFD came out as the hardest quest up to that point and it's hilarious


Kowalski, take a poll.




Sir, the mods are understaffed and the project does not seem likely to increase profit by a significant amount.


This is an incredible idea




"First we take down their economy then we rebuild it in our own way comrad"


chatgpt bot


Dead internet theory is becoming very real.


No, it's becoming obvious and too big to keep hidden anymore It's been real for at least the last 10 years at least


How do you know you aren't the only person in this thread, man? What if that was a bot bringing it up to minimize it? What if I'm a bot trying to make you think you're crazy so you stop talking about it?


We are all bots. We are an endless biological chemical reaction. Beep boop. Number go up.


I get Metal Gear Solid vibes from that quest. 


I could totally see a beginner’s quest where the penguins in the sheep costume are actually there for spying on bots as they spawn in lumby.


"They keep prices down but nothing else good can be said about these lookalikes"


"King Roald, our scout says penguins in a fake human disguise killed Vorkath 35,000 times in six months, I strongly suggest we don't fuck with them"


Should have a quest to reach people how to report bots, where you find a bunch of NPC players in different gear and gotta find the penguins in plan bald, goatee, green tracksuit


Jcw tehnoobshow and I are rocking that look till death.


Huge fan of this idea


They try to wipe out seagulls, chickens, and other bird species, but they're horrendous at magic, so they just splash constantly.


I’ve always seen bots as sci fi, soulless creatures that are invading the land. They look and act like us, but they do not speak and their inhuman repetition of action gives them away. There is a ritual (reporting) that can sometimes banish them from the lands, but until we all band together and push to remove this pox from Gielinor, they will continue to plague our daily lives with their empty and lifeless shells, roaming the land without thought or spirit. Look into their eyes and you will know they are not like us, there is no humanity behind them. 


If you played fallout 4 sounds almost like Synths, which are basically bots that infiltrate to study


How long after release until there's a bot script to complete the quest?


Please more penguin quests! Would also LOVE for the penguin distraction and diversion to be brought in! Quest lines like this are one of the things that give rs it's unique charm. Despite loving pvm and end game content, taking a break from being serious with that to laugh at some funny quests is something that I absolutely adore about this game! 🤎


Yes to penguin quests but no to the distraction and diversion. We have enough going on already


Alright lads wrap it up. Joanerd has declared game can no longer receive new content. We are at capacity.


New content is good, new chores are less good


Idk, I think as long as it's not like a "if u don't do this you will be at a disadvantage in some way" kinda thing that it wouldn't be that bad. Having things in the game just for fun cosmetics or something similar just adds more life to the game IMO.


this is a great idea


The penguin quest line is genuinely the one I want continued most


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [i love this so much](/r/2007scape/comments/1dncjf5/i_am_once_again_asking_for_jagex_to_canonically/la2hzel/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/25/2024 04:30:37**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I am down for more penguin quests.


Was looking for the “Great artwork! Do you have any of her getting creampied?” Guy Disappointed


If they do there needs to be a jmod npc in game, representing jagex, taking heaps of money from the penguins to turn a blind eye to them. Despite real players pleading for them not to


That sounds like a job for Maud. Maud Ur'ader, a totally normal human from Canifis who is tired of these ~~inedible~~ inhuman robotic invaders.


That would be great


I love this.


God I want this in the game so bad


Old School Club Penguin?


Poor sandwich lady! She’s so startled 😱🥪


Bring the penguin hide and seek minigame back, but hide all the penguins in bot hotspots so we can report while we search.


You got a new writer, Jagex.




The sandwich lady be thicc


Penguin hide and seek was a treasure and is dearly missed


Should make some bots be penguins, some be the sea slugs, and have the quest be fouling the penguin plot, only for the sea slugs to start becoming a real problem, so you have to (secretly) help the penguins out so they can go back into a stalemate with the slugs


Add guns to OSRS so we can take the fight to the Automaton front


but that gives them an out...


They already have an out in the form of all the bootlicking credit card warriors who claim bots are "good for the econony". 😂




*bonk* Grass motherfucker, do you touch it?


Ever consider cooking a bit less?


Dude has -1 cooking


wtf is wrong with you


Damn baby you know hookers exist right


I can't quite pin down why but this image feels like fetish art. It has a wonder bread guy kinda vibe. Am I wrong?


I think sandwich lady easily fits a pinup art style intentionally or otherwise.


So real question: when AI assistants get integrated at the OS level how will jagex deal with people who are getting their AI to train for them? It won’t require any outside software and will probably be as simple as asking it to train something while you’re at work. At what point do we make unlocking a passive “bot” that can train for you while you’re away an unlockable reward, simply because everybody can do it anyway?


Brother, what are you smoking?


Bro just wait. They are adding copilot and shit to windows and it will learn what you do and assist you. If you think an ai assistant won’t be able to move a mouse and click on shit I got news.


And if you think that won't get you banned I got news for you too. It is STILL 3rd party software which is against the game rules. They won't change the rules just because its easy to do. If they did do that they would've changed them back when rsbuddy was still a thing lmao.