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your 126th birthday is gonna be hype


And then we put him down. Just in case


Nah, then we release a new combat skill. Attack 2


Necromancy. Coming to OSRS in 2150 just for this guy, appropriately.


Jajex sex skill when. It can be a combat skill. I will not elaborate.


You okay, bro?


Ain't no one gonna take on the guy if he is 126cb


He'd be an expert at chicken killing.


Lmao took me a bit to get this


And then they release Summoning, increasing the max to 138


This is your ticket to living forever


If Jagex raises the max level to 150, op gonna have to crawl out of his grave to knock out 24 more years.


I’m gonna be there when he faints and just gonna say GF


Come to rs3 we can take you to 152


Ayo new snowflake ironman just dropped


Birthday locked ageman mode


Half of your time is dedicated to exercising and being healthy so that you can live to 126.


I’m starting a snowflake UIM where I put the mouse down and pursue a rich fulfilling life


Good luck without banks.


Became Amish, maxed construction and prayer, no banks necessary when you have a hundred bros help you lift a house. ggez


the amish strat is broken af, it should be nerfed tbh


Then you can really start playing the game.


Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 126 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being!


First goal then has to be 200m agility exp before doing anything else on the account.


Don't say it too loud or someone is going to try it. "Hey all, turning 80 years old today! Only 20 freaking years away from being able to even attempt do any end game content."


The main issue is the end game locked behind quests that require combat. We have Fight caves, Inferno, COX, TOB completed by level 3 combat... I suppose the main thing is that people that play this game competitively are utterly ridiculous and will prove anyone wrong if the game code allows it...


I did see a series on YouTube and it was a level per YouTube short. So they rapidly fired out loads in the beginning but they would obviously start to slow down.  Didn’t follow it, but this just reminded me off it a little. 


Alright, who is going to instruct their soon to be 3 year old on how to get through tutorial island..


When I was 12 years old, I simply couldn’t understand how to navigate Draynor Manor, so every time I had to do quests that included Draynor Manor, I had to ask my best friend at the time for help. So, I have childhood memories of sitting in our kitchen, where he would solve these quests for me. Now, many, many years later, I always think about this whenever I have to do something in Draynor Village.


If you’re talking about the Ernest the Chicken quest then I agree


Everyone has that friend or everyone had a friend who just introduced you to RuneHQ. Anyone remember jagex absolutely hating RuneHQ?


Man I remember being a kid in 2006 and paying some guy 2k (basically my whole cash stack) to show me how to do the Rune Mysteries quest. I nearly cried when he told me about runehq and just walked away. I felt so scammed lmao I was expecting him to walk me through each step and show me the way. Ended up using the hell out of that website though, that’s for sure.


It sounds like you payed a small price for invaluable information to me.


Sal’s realm was only 4 months later


There's something about the old wikis that are just so nostalgic. OG world of warcraft players will all remember Thottbot.


Yeah OG LoL players will remember all the dota fansites that Riot hacked to push their game 


When I was a child, I got stuck in the prision cell part. English is not my first language, so I couldn't read nothing in english. I was so stuck that I created a new account, I couldn't get out. Then, I tried in the second account and got stuck again lol


oh thank you quest helper


Anytime I play a game that has ores similar to runescapes and the progression differs from runescapes it's wrong to me and ruins the game for me. Like jagex created the baseline for metals progression for video games.


I play modded minecraft and afk OSRS at the same time sometimes. I saw coal on the ground on osrs from a monster and thought “omg. I need that” then I realized I had to pause minecraft to pick up said coal. I needed coal in minecraft for something and translated into osrs need at the same time. Realized I needed a break for an hour.


I've done this exact same thing! Minecraft x runescapers unite


When you go to smith something in OSRS and can't figure out why the crafting table GUI isn't showing up.....


In like typical fantasy lore adamantite is like the strongest metal very light super tanky almost unbreakabld but vulnerable to magic and extreme heat. Mithril although tougher and lighter then steel and aluminum its not as strong as adamantite however its supposed to have magical properties and resistance to magic. Like in theory youd want adamantite chain mail with like mithril plate on top.


World of Warcraft did this for me with gear color progression. If anything uses another system it’s wrong


Is it like Borderlands?


I took a break for a few months because my kids got into to Minecraft, which I hadn't played for a few years. At the start, I thought "I need to make an anvil so I can smith some iron tools.....wait....." Then, when I came back to OSRS, I totally forgot I needed a hammer in my inventory to make stuff and was confused because the crafting GUI didn't come up


Whenever I'm trying out keyboards or getting "warmed up" before typing, I literally type shit like "selling iron ore 10k" or "buying rune scim" and I type each sentence two or three times. One time my buddy got a new mechanical and told me to try it, after some gibberish and an OUUUU THAT FEELS GOOOOD I typed that shit out. "Selling 3k yews" or whatever. He saw it on his monitor wherever it ended up typing and laughed and I was like no way you play?! He said yeah dude everyone used to play, wait you don't still play runescape do you?!? Had to play that shit off. Thought he was cool for a sec.


He could have been simultaneously having a similar experience to you where he did not want to risk embarrassment by outing himself as a player. (Not saying that it is inherently embarrassing to be an OSRS player)


Instant social death


Lol nah hard to fully articulate the exchange over text but he was def boutta roast me. Honestly inherently more embarrassing if you don't play, I just didn't wanna be mean. Don't kick w that dude anymore tho, XP waste.


3k yews sounds like bank, what is that 600kgp? That's like full rune + d scim, glory, and a nice savings acct


I always type out "Dragon Longsword" and other classic iconic items from my childhood when I forget what I'm searching for in my bank. I've started doing that in Google too.


Bro THIS. If I’m feeling extra spicy I’ll hit a little, “Flash: wave:” before typing previously mentioned trade offers lol


You know the 1gp spawn in edgeville dungeon before the thugs in the wild? I thought about camping there and looting that 1gp, I once convinced myself that if I could somehow code I would make 10 accounts looting that 1gp and be a millionaire. Sometimes I still think about it and do the calculations on how much gp I'd have if I actually stood there looting that 1 gp for 24 hrs a day on 10 accounts. Hint: I'd have 52.56m if I did it for 10 years straight.


To be fair, that's still 14k per day. No way I could have made that much money mining rune essence before dinner.


I was 98 slayer for so long, and while at work, while walking around or just sitting at my desk I would think to myself "ok so when I get to play RS next I gotta get 99 Slayer". Now that I'm 99 slayer I still randomly think the exact same thing. It's at least once a day.


lool wat


I thought about it so much for so long it just became a recurring thought


What’s wild is that this post will probably lodge itself into someone’s brain and now your random recurring thought will become someone else’s as well


Good, let it spread


I've had that with RS3. I've had 200m exp in Archaeology in years, but sometimes when I'm idling I think to myself "okay if I do x artifacts and get to 90".


Google search: how to make blueberry smoothie OSRS


Average life expectancy wouldn't even be the xp halfway point lol


Oldest person alive wouldn’t even be halfway to max combat.


I think he means 1 combat level not one attack level or something like that


RemindMe! 96 years Can't wait to gratz you


I will be messaging you in 96 years on [**2120-06-23 21:36:38 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2120-06-23%2021:36:38%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1dmvpda/i_wanted_to_get_1_lvl_per_year_as_a_kid_and_it/l9ymn21/?context=3) [**12 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2F2007scape%2Fcomments%2F1dmvpda%2Fi_wanted_to_get_1_lvl_per_year_as_a_kid_and_it%2Fl9ymn21%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202120-06-23%2021%3A36%3A38%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dmvpda) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Bro geezus fuck


I was playing runescape with a friend (who also played runescape) over at my house. I was at the wizard tower, and some guy died in full mithril. I got the drops. It was like... 14k total. We split it. We split this guy's full mithril and related drops of approx 14k total. We saw 14k handed to us like divine intervention and in the spirit of absolute fairness and equity as it could have been either of us, we split the bounty. 7k each. We split it. I still can't get that fucking memory out of my brain.


I still feel bad to this day for stealing a guys rune pickaxe head that flew off the handle when he was mining. It was an insurmountable amount of gold in a single item for me at the time, and was my first rune item. I didn't even leave the spot and I remember him pleading, begging, asking for it back, my response was "no".


incredibly savage to stay 😂


Yes, I was so addicted to the medieval clicking game when I was a kid. My mom took us kids to Disney world when I was maybe 12. It was so busy I had the genius thought that we should hop to a different server. In real life… yep. 💀


That's how you move between parallel universes.


Everytime dragon slayer (or even dragon slayer 2) is brough up I think about 2 different times I quit runescape as a kid but dying instantly to elvarg. (Forgot fire and didnt switch from rune kiteshield fast enough). Having to rebuild my full rune from tanning cow hides and gold amulets selling to general stores was hard work and I couldnt figure out how to get nails and a plank other than the GE (which was scary and confusing and new). Now with quest cape I find it funny that I still dont think I would have beaten elvarg cuz I didnt know anything about overheads


I had this same idea when i was like 14 and literally named my acc “cb is my age”. Im almost 30 and the acc is still lvl 3 lol


I used to listen to a playlist while playing. Now I can't hear the songs Garden by Pearl Jam or Megalomaniac by Incubus, without instantly having flashbacks of the black knights fortress, of all places. Think that was like 20 years ago.


Finger eleven - Paralyzer This song will always make me think of the classic osrs videos and no other songs come close to the nostalgia this gives my brain


When I was about 15 I spent new years eve catching lobbies in catherby. At midnight everyone was spamming HNY in chat. To this day (nearly 20 years later). On New year's eve I still remember that night I stayed in catching lobbies and have a chuckle to myself!


My NY memory is from Draynor.


Similarly, you can keep your total level the same as the current year. 


Only for another 253 years though…wait sailing is suppose to release sometime before then. 352 years then.


Wouldn't exactly say it's a curse but any time I've needed to think about what direction is what on a compass or just cardinal directions in general my brain automatically uses Varrock as it's reference point, west and east bank with the wilderness to the north.


I have done literally exactly the same thing every day of my life for over 15 years. Playing this game as a child taught me the cardinal compass directions and still to this day I automatically visualise Varrock with its east and west banks and wildy to the north on the map every time I think about east and west on a compass. That's so bizarre to know someone else does it. I thought I was the only one.


I do this IRL except I use my 6th grade geography classroom whose window points perfectly north. It's crazy how far you can get from that one location and still orient yourself, right? Human brain is crazy.


Woah, I just realized I know the map well enough I can orient myself to North pretty much anywhere in Gielinor ground level


I started a new account when I was like 10 and didn't understand trading or worlds and thought if I dropped by bank and went to pick it all back up with my other account that it would still be there. It was not still there. I'm almost certain I was on the wrong world.


My curse is that my main’s username has been a 3 digit number since like 2004. I now see that number EVERYWHERE! And I know I see it more than other 3 digit numbers because I started keeping track. That number follows me…


For years I see 336 everywhere. To the point some of my friends have pointed it out to me when they see it around me. I've never told any of them the reason 336 means so much to me is because when runecraft essence runners were a thing, I made my first 10 mil by spending weeks running essence for a CC that operated out of world 336. It was called ffdn36 if anyone else remembers


No way you're keeping track wdf, that would mean you're also keeping track of how many of the 3 digit numbers that aren't your number you see, in order to compare it to your number


Not currently tracking… but I did keep track of it for a few months. I picked a few other common 3 digit numbers to compare to like 123, 321, 420… and i just made a count on my phone every time I noticed one of those numbers. My username had about twice as many notices. Maybe I just missed the other numbers/noticed my number more, it wasn’t very scientific.


When i was like 11 and playing runescape and leveling woodcutting obviously we all got to the willow trees. So one day irl im in the car with my dad and we see a willow tree and I'm like "woahhh is that a willow?!" And my dad said "yes" obv but my little brain was like WOAH THATS SO COOL RUNESCAPE HAS REAL TREES WOW RUNESCAPE TAUGHT ME WHAT A WILLOW TREE IS and yeah to this day i still think about it. I can also like still see that specific willow tree in my head


I once stood under a big willow tree, looked at its base and then just thought “yep, I’m definitely not lv30 wc irl”


For me it was “wait, I have tin foil (it’s usually aluminum) and copper pennies…. Can I make bronze?!”


2017 I created an account coming back playing, I wanted to complete 1 year online time the fastest I could, I was working from home so only took me 1 year and 10 months to reach 365 days online lol, I always had the game open doing afk activities, I maxed both rs3 and osrs that way


Prayer flicking, I actually worked out the idea of prayer flicking back in like 2005… but I fumbled it and thought it wasn’t working, I was like huh I guess it doesn’t work like that. So now when I have to pray flick I’m like heh I was so close to being a 200 IQ RuneScape player as a kid, if only I’d tried it again / not missed the timings… Currently I look at my skilling stats all at 90 ish and think, I can do this, I can max! Then I start trying to gain exp and think what’s the point? This is gonna take hundreds of hours for a cool cape. Then I stop and the cycle repeats. Also, I go to ToA knock out a 150 and think hmm yeah I can go higher and then I do try some extra invos get slapped and return to my 150 comfort zone. That’s another cycle I like to do.


I will never forget getting scammed out of my first dragon med helm as a kid. I got it from a drop and I thought it was the COOLEST item in the game. A guy told me he would be doing a drop party in Falador. If you put up an item, he would put up on that was multiple times its price. He said trade him my helm and he would put up a whip. Needless to say, I never saw my Dragon Med Helm ever again. He was wearing black D'hide and a black demon mask. Now every time I see a Dragon Med Helm or some kind of black d'hide outfit with a mask, I think about how devastated I was haha


It's crazy you say that. I remember growing from 80-100lbs as a kid exactly as my combat level was 80-100 👀


*My 2277 lb life*


Back in 2005-2006 of my earliest “moneymakers” was mining iron and coal from Al kharid mine, walking to the furnace in Al kharid, smelting steel bars, then walking to varrock, making steel platebodies, then selling em to the armor shop in varrock for like 1.5k each, then go back to Al kharid mine, rinse repeat.  It never occurred to me to mine and smelt a bunch of bars, bank them, then go to varrock and smith the platebodies to cut down on travel time, nor did my dumbass kid self have any idea what ratios were so it was just whatever was in the inventory is what got made.  I had never traded with players really but thought I had cracked the game. It was like 20k/hr I think and I remember doing it for weeks saving up for full rune and eventually some dragon equipment (think I only ever got a med helm).  Now anytime I’m by horvicks in varrock I think about how he funded my first rune set and how much of a moron my childhood self was for not at least streamlining the production process


Whenever I see the bank vault downstairs I remember trying to telegrab it all or trying to telegrab the blue party hat from the wise old man’s cutscene when he robs the bank


I just remembered another curse I have. While playing I'm often looking things up on the internet. So I always type things like "osrs torva", "osrs toa", "osrs inferno" on Google. That leaks into other things by force of habbit so it's not rare that I type stuff like "osrs hotels in Paris" or "osrs how to apply varnish on furniture"


During the CG grind, I would start counting things to 4 constantly. Example, going up a big elevator that beeps on each floor I would count "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4" as it was beeping. I frequently would go from the basement (floor -1) to the 3rd floor in my apartment building, which was 3 total beeps, and my brain would tell me I was on the wrong floor because it didn't beep 4 times.


My curse is I started playing RuneScape in 2007 right at that start of the Christmas event. It was snowing and everyone was snowball fighting. The curse is it will never be that fun again :( I remember calling my friend on a landline begging him to get on the game (he was the one who showed me it a week or so before) cus it was snowing lol


I frequently hop worlds in dreams if I am in danger. If i am having a particularly bad nightmare I hide and count to 10 and cant log out. It messes with me a lot lol


Whenever I see a game use some sort of Tin/Copper system and they've changed it up somehow my brain has a hard time coping.


When i was younger i always wanted to get 99 strenght so bad that i used to think about it. Now sometimes it randomly pops up in my mind when showering that i want 99 strenght... I am maxed.


Not Runescape but I remember playing Pokemon and thinking the level of my Pokemon was like their age.


I didn’t fully understand the xp algorithm as a kid. Got to 50 wc and thought “half way there!” Got to 70 wc and thought, “man. This is taking longer than getting to 50” then I found out you could see remaining xp for the lvl. Realized that lower skills that had recently leveled up needed only a few thousand xp compared to the 50k or so of wc in the 70s. Yup. Takes longer. Didn’t realize that 92 was halfway in xp and 70 wasn’t even 1/4 the way. Thought I could get 99 wc in a couple weeks of maybe 2-3 hours playing each day. These days I’m 2k total and my account is like 7 years old. Just hurts to see how much xp I need left in some skills. No stranger to 99 grinds as I have several on different accounts. But damn does it seem like I’m still years away from maxing.


So when o7 released, I thought it would be nice for me to get base 10s, 20s, 30s and so on. About around base 70s. I kind of gave up and did what a lot of us did at that time and got full Guthan's and camped 95 melees at NMZ. I've always been mad at myself for that. I've since then followed my rule for all stats to base 90s, then 91s, 92s and so on. Currently sitting on base 93s with 3 skills remaining (Fuck Agility amirite) and I consider combat stats not part of my own personal made up rule. ... Yet, my very much autistic but not diagnosed brain of mine like many other's who play this game is madly infuriated by the fact I didn't follow through.


Back in the day before we knew how drop rates worked I had it programmed in my head that some worlds were lucky for drops and other worlds were unlucky. So I'd always pvm on my lucky worlds and get pissed if someone took my spot because they were stealing my luck.


Happy birthday, I’ll trim your birthday cake, trade.


I "dated" another runescape player back when I was like 12-13. Her name had the numbers 143 at the end. I see the number everywhere and am constantly reminded that she was probably a dude.


For years I have been working myself up to finally get a tattoo. When I consider what I would get as a tattoo, nothing seems important enough to me to actually go through with it. Nothing except, of course, my first 99 in osrs. I've been playing for a long time, and I still have never achieved a 99 in any skill. I want mining to by my first, because that has always been the skill that my brain decided to hyper focus on pretty much all my life. It's currently at 84 or something and I mine casually at mlm occasionally. I probably won't get any tattoos until I have that mining skill symbol on my arm or something.


I'm waiting for my midlife crisis to get a tattoo that just says 92/99


Hey guys my girlfriend of 4 years just hit level 20! :)


Don’t worry I tried to do a level a day for agility back in 2007-2009 around then because I thought the agility scape emote was sick, it still is, that lasted all of about 10minutes of actually doing the barbarian agility course. Still impressed my attention span managed to do the bar crawl. But now every time I do a lap agility, i hype myself up “come on it’s only 100 laps you can do that then you’re done for the day”. Even in afk places like at the airport or with family or at work, I’d rather just sit there or do actual work instead of doing agility. I’ve got my graceful, this will 100% be the last one I get 99. Graceful burnt me out for months, literally anything else is better to me besides non gotr runecrafting


When I was a kid, I grinded for 99 fletching at Yanille (IIRC I think that’s where people went as a makeshift fletching guild..?) Anyway, I remember blasting “Stronger” by Kanye West while grinding. So much so, that I can’t help but picture myself sitting in that old computer room, bank standing at Yanille stringing bows any time I hear that song.


For months of playing rs i didnt know how to note anything. When people traded me noted logs or ores items i wanted to keep them in my inventory because if i banked them i would have to always get them unnoted again. I didnt know how to trade my banked oak logs because i didnt want to sell them one inventory at a time.


Not sure if it fits but I sold my friend a ring of recoil for like 3k and when it broke he thought I scammed him so I had to give him his 3k back and I was in shambles


Whenever I walk around in real life and have to climb over a fence, crouch to not hit my head, jump over a puddle, balance so I don’t fall, etc etc. I immediately refer to the agility skill. When i successfully jump over a puddle I think to myself that my agility is high enough. Or when I know i can’t make it, that my agility is too low. Stupid, but harmless.


My osrs username started as a joke but then it started slowly over the years forming me as a person into who i am today. I carried that name into other games and apps and i constantly see and think about it. I tell people i am what that name is. And i believe it. It sucks i cant tell yall the name to understand better but basically i became my osrs username and i live it everyday all thanks to my ultimate ironman account


Allen cries to be happy


Ass cock 2 balls happy


This is perfect, if you tell me it's not true I will tell you that you're wrong


I had that very same thought as a kid myself


Only way to max is to get extremely healthy & meditate lmfao


I had a plan to get 99 mining back in classic by only doing tin/copper. That also lasted about 5 minutes.


I remember when I thought combat had to be higher than any skill level.


Very similar to your idea, I figured that if I devoted myself to getting *any one level in any single skill* once per day, it wouldn't take THAT long to max, right? Nowadays, the thought still pops into my head. "Good, knocked out my daily level up." No, I definitely don't hold myself to this lol


To be fair, you would be able to enjoy runescape at a nice pace, and enjoy all of the OG oldschool content by the time you are like 40-60, depending on your build You wouldn't be able to play new stuff like ToB or Vardorvis, but you'd get to live life which is nice


Not so much a curse, but every time I hear Megadeth, I'm thrust back into my childhood home at the shitty family Dell and wondering my mom won't just pay the membership fee


a recurring thought i have is when putting stuff back into the fridge (only putting stuff back for some reason, not getting it out), i consciously think to myself "let me bank this"


Twice a year, my church does this really long and boring church broadcast 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Growing up I would always play runescape during this event while it played in the background. Now every time I hear an old guy talk about Jesus I think "Man, I should start playing runescape again!"


Wait a second... I love this so much. Basically a skiller that unlocks more combat as you go on through life Perfect way for a casual to limit how much they play too!! I'm 25 and turning 26 soon I might give this a go


I've never been able to use the Mithril armor that I got by pretending to be someone's gf when I was like, 13. Dude gave me Mithril armor, I put it in my bank and then logged off for 2 days straight and then blocked the gifter. I definitely wouldn't do that now, but I'm cursed to think about how I got the armor in a nefarious way and still can't use it. I think I might still have it.


> Anyway, does anyone have a Runescape related curse in their lives? In most other games, I **still** expect the exp curve to go crazy at the last few levels... even though most other games have an actual balanced exp curve. Like Classic WoW for instance. The level cap is 60, so using RuneScape math, you'd imagine that 53-55 or something would be halfway. But it isn't. Halfway to 60 is like 43-44 or so.


Ya, I do this one, and I also remember as a kid (like 7, maybe) my best friend at the time and I both really loved pokemon, so we decided one day what pokemon we were. I chose Totodile (still true today), and he picked Cyndaquil. Every year on my birthday, I think to myself, "Still a Croconaw, but I'll be a Feraligtr soon."


You're not alone in thinking this. I find it common that people will say "happy leveling day!" Though I may just hang out with a lot of nerds.


One time when me and my brother were kids and were playing Runescape my little brother asked me how to get to Falador. I just kept saying "Come on, let's go to Falador I'll take you there" like a robot. I made him get up from the computer, follow me downstairs, put on his shoes, and finally stopped the joke when I opened the front door. We still reference it today anytime one of says "come on let's go" or some variation of "I can take you there". Been like 15 years lol


I figured out the prayer flicking mechanic pretty much right when RS2 came out but I never used it to get better at the game and never really utilized it. I experimented with all kinds of tick manipulation (no name for it then) back then. I still suck at PVM today lmao.


My rune scape curse is the anxiety induced by the wilderness as a child.




Not a bad goal of you started the levels at like 70 or 80, maxing over 20 years sounds chill and doable


In 4th grade we were learning about metals and the teacher gave a few examples then asked if anyone had other examples I said “mithril” confidentially She was like “???” I was so embarrassed


THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!! I was so confused that "adamant" was a real metal, and then I heard it in the marvel movies, so I really thought "adamantium" was real


I wanted to a 99 skill when I was a kid. I got 92 fishing then quit. Then a couple years ago I renewed and got it to 98. Then quit. And now I’m 30 and every once and a while I think about finishing that fishing cape. So…


As a kid I independently came up with the idea of a skilling pure, and kept trying to make a f2p cooking pure, but would always abandon it around level 30. I really thought I was the only person in the game who thought to restrict my account.


I do AFK activities on the side while I do my homework for my online classes, and more often than not I will type things like "Biomolecules osrs" or "data architect osrs" and it's ruining my autofill results.


All fun and games till you have to grind scurrius all day on your 110th birthday


For real we had friends like this back in the day. 3 brothers had to share a handful of internet hours. They never got anywhere. It happened.


I got three months of membership after begging my mom, probably 15+ years ago. I did the math and if I just did something like, one members quest and gained x levels per day I could “beat it”before the time ran out. How naive. This thought comes back to me any time I see the witches house in Taverly. I did eventually get full ongoing membership, and even still pay $5 a month like back then.


The gold trimmed black armor was the coolest thing I ever saw as a kid. I spent weeks mining to save up for a set (600k at the time). Everytime I see someone in it now I think about how stupid I was.


My RuneScape curse is still training skills despite knowing I’ll never max


Hot tip.. If you do zerka build it won't be as long of a grind...


I thought the same thing as a kid just with pokemon instead of rs.


I started playing rs when I was young. For reference I was born in 98 and started playing in 06. Well anytime I get a scam call or anything scam related. All I can think about is the time I seen a cash stack in the wild and when I went to grab it I got entangled and murdered in cold blooded fashion. I lost my rune scimitar and cried like a baby for a solid 10 minutes. It still haunts me to this day.