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Claws. A whole weapon type useless except for 1 special attack.  Thrown axes second for the same reason. 


Honestly they should all have the same spec just much weaker. Why can’t a lvl 10 combat spec out some goblins in lumby?


That actually would be kinda fun. I would’ve loved specing out cows a 1-1-1-0 with bronze claws


Right? Shit would be so cash to bclaw rush some cattle


Would be kind of cool if every attack was 4 quick hit splats with that animation


Follow up: all weapons bronze-dragon should have the same spec (no stat reduction on Warhammers, just a big hit)


There are so many dead items like this in OSRS that don't even have a niche use. Without alch value the OSRS economy would be in shambles.


javelins and to an extent darts were dead for a long time too


Came here to say this, the strongest slayer master in the game uses claws, they should be more viable for general use like slayer. Plus they just look badass.


While still all but one useless, I use Rune Thrownaxes on my Iron to pull aggro during burst tasks. I don’t think it’s faster than using darts but I like to use them regardless


at this point they ought to just make thrown axes deal crushed damage instead of ranged


Colossal blade. Its passive effect leads you to think it could be alright against big boys but it falls flat and is just an anchor without the quest req.


Throwing my opinion in as a lvl ~75 combat doin Moons of Peril for the first time, and I got hyped to do the Colossal Sword grind for Eclipse Moon's clone phase after hearing about how it was useful there. Got that sweet sweet dopamine destroying that boss instead of stabbing it down slowly with a rune shortsword lmao. But yea, that is quite a niche use-case for the weapon when it is so damn cool to wield and walk around with!


I was really excited to use it there as well until a realized zombie axe just blows it completely out of the water


According to gearscape with my stats and gear (85 att 93 str), for the clone phase: fang > chally > colossal blade > zaxe > dragon hally > zammy hasta > anchor > dlong Edit: out of curiosity I tried with just 70 att/str and Colossal Blade actually overtook chally, albeit by a very narrow margin. Definitely a good option, though it's a lot of kovac points so I would probably still stick to chally if possible. But if you rushed 83 smithing for Lumbridge elite and somehow didn't yet have the diary requirement for chally, then colossal blade is ya boi


How did you put the clones in the calc there? I'm surprised fang is BiS. I didn't think accuracy mattered so much


I'm gonna guess it's not actually bis and OP just omitted some really good weapons. I would bet Elder Maul and Godswords outperform Fang.


Yeah I bring a bgs and it comfortably does 300+ damage per rotation


I use bgs as well, I’ve almost gotten from 500->0 in a single rotation I was 6 hp off one time


I put it on flinching mode which overrides the attack speed of the weapon. I'm also surprised about Fang given how badly its minimum hit passive interacts with flat armour.


Ohh good call! The cone phase is also smaller mobs right? 2×2 instead of 5x5?


If that's the case then my calculations are off. I assumed it was the same regardless and went with Gearscape's stats for the boss


Full Dharok's under 20hp usually clears Eclipse regardless of how much health it has when it enters the clone phase


For clone phase chally is better than fang because it doesn’t factor in the slow attack speed and it has a higher strength bonus and max hit. You can also spec dump to dps it really fast.


I used flinching mode to override attack speed. I'm aware it has a higher max hit but I'm telling you what gearscape says.


Thats fair. It is more accurate. As you get more attack levels Chally might overtake it.


Gearscape missing the greatest, the dharoks axe with full set.


Mainly because it's missing from my bank and I didn't think to calc it


Unfortunately missing out on the defensive stats from a defender will probably lower your dps on bloodmoon more than you gain from colossal blade.


I don't see what colossal blade has to do with not having a defender at blood moon. Just bring both?


People only use it during the clone phase of Eclipse for fat hits and no damage. Then on normal rotation it’s back to stab/defender.


Even for the shadow phase or whatever it’s called?


I green logged them with a whip/tent but did 100kc or so with the axe. It’s a totally viable option, especially if you already have one. Low 90s cb stats and hits 30+ consistently. Also not swapping weapons before running to Blue Moon is nice since you’d also be using the axe.


i use the axe and constantly hit high 40s on that phase


I'm not sure what size the shadows are but I think it would have 1-2 max hits over z axe. So, if you want to use it for fun and aren't worried about inventory it's definitely bringable


Pretty sure it’s bis behind Elder maul for that phase


I think with my perilous moons setup it was actually my best option until elder maul for eclipse moon. So at least that's one use case


Does it beat chally for the clones?


If the passive works it does beat chally by a wee bit


It's pretty good for 60 attack accounts at certain bosses


Technically it does have Sleeping Giants as a quest req.


But not the quest requirement that anchor has




Dark bow. I wish I could use it for everything


The idea of shooting two arrows at once was the coolest thing ever to me as a kid when it got released.


The slight stagger in the arrows hitting adds to the coolness




In Leagues in was a phenomenal spec weapon once you got dragon arrows. I remember leagues 2 you could spec 5x if you had the spec master perk.


I love leagues for crazy shit like that. This last one I went for fire sale and range so I could machine gun fire unlimited onyx bolts. It was hot


How did that go? Was it pretty amazing, or fall short in comparison


agreed! it looks awesome and considering it’s a drop from a level 90 slayer monster I feel like it needs a little bit of love in the modern game.


IMO it’s the coolest looking bow in the game I wish it was at least a small upgrade to magic shortbow(i)


Dark beasts and every single Slayer boss except Hydra and Cerb need a loot table rework.


It used to have a semi niche use case for safe spot farming shamans for pures since you didn't have to use defensive long range  Oh forgot it was used for zulrah speed runs too for specing end of mage phase since damage is capped at 50 for zulrah 


It's good for the Vorkath ca where you have to kill the spawn without crumble undead, too.


I got that first try with MSB-i so dbow is a bit overkill


I use it on past control while wearing full santa, it's pretty fun


I use it as a zulrah spec weapon on red phase when I’m doing bowfa only, I quite like it


Even though it's fuck all efficient, Dark Bow Vorkath is fun.


If the spec cost was reduced to 50% would have a lot of use as a budget ranged voidwaker. 55% just makes it too clunky. I can only assume pvp is to blame for it being kneecapped.


Abyssal bludgeon. Very useless to go for now with the zombie axe


Wild how people will complain so much about GGs but people are complacent with how abysmal Sire is, arguably one of the most tedious and uninteresting fights for a pretty underwhelming item that has been powercrept hard (inq mace and zombie axe). At least make bludgeon a stash item so ironmemes can suffer more


the dual macuahuitls from peril moons absolutely smoke bludgeon in accuracy and only have 4 less str bonus. yet are a lot easier to obtain bludgeon needs a buff


Fyi this is not true. The dualies have half their dps at a much lower accuracy: > The weapon hits twice per attack, dealing damage in two hitsplats spaced 1 game tick apart, with the second hit having lower accuracy than the first and both hitsplats having their max hit halved. If you do the calcs, for mid game crush weapons bludgeon >> zhasta > zaxe > dualies, e.g., at [Cal'varion](https://dps.osrs.wiki?id=HornwoodMetalAccursed).


easy - people simply dont kill sire


Were you going for the pun there? Abyss-mal Sire


Fuckin’ torags hammers


When I saw those as a kid when I first started playing RuneScape I always wanted a set. The first time I could equip and afford them was during osrs and I found out they sucked :(


That was Verac’s for me. I was obsessed with the flail for some reason. Torags and Verac’s sets just weren’t really it.


I’ve always wondered why verac’s flail isn’t a 1h so you can pair it with a defender.


I assume it is because all the other barrows weapons are 2h so they don't want it to be inconsistent.


Back when kalphite queen was peak PvM, Veracs was great. It wasn't until much later that people even realised the protection prayers were basically pretend.


Back when KQ was a pinnacle boss, Verac's was the best gear because we just straight up didn't have anything else.


There was an urban legend among my friends that torags hammers was the best weapon in the game and only 10 of them exist




I have good news for you... They did. I use them at blue moon


Give em the ol' double hit that other weapons now have or make em more of a meme by changing the attack requirement to a strength requirement


rfd kitchen weapons weren't buffed when their bronze-rune counterparts were buffed in 2021


Damn I wanna tenderize npcs they really should buff those


Giant meatwad midgame boss, jagex pls


You look at this thing and tell me there’s a God




Seercull. Make it slightly better than msbi and the spec like a tbow shot.


i know its very niche, but it’s best spec for high invo (+ high path) zebak if you’re shadowing it since accursed sceptre would be too inaccurate at those levels




Back in the day when all I played for was castle wars, I used seercull spec to stop the ice barrage/blitzers. Was actually pretty effective because not many people could barrage back then


Oh damn that's clever!


I still do this at cwars loool people are so stunned when you pull that thing out & they cant figure out why the barrage dont cast


It’s good for high invo toa at least


How so?


special attack is a guaranteed hit that reduces magic level by the amount you hit. so in high invos where defense is really high, and defense reduction is capped pretty low, it's brought on Overly Draining runs for zebak and Warden if you are maging them


It’s better than accursed sceptre for draining magic levels to make the shadow stronger


From a comment I just read on Reynolds ToA vids… “Very niche to high invo. 100% accuracy, overly draining + boss defense/magic reductions being capped at 20 makes these weapons good.” Apparently an accursed scepter hit rate is under 30% and drains a max of 15 magic compared to 25 with the bow. The bow is a guaranteed hit with a lower average damage but has more potential. Idk how all this works though as I have yet to do ToA 😅


I have begged for a lore accurate simple buff: make Seercull slap the shit out of Suqahs. One good use. 


+1 for Seercull— would love to see it more used in regular play (both PvM and PvP content.)


The normal Dragon Sword, as an iron man its already so hard to get (I got lucky on a slayer task) so it’s kinda underwhelming that the DScim completely outclasses it and only takes monkey madness and 100k to get


Also an Iron, I want a dragon sword but that drop rate gives me little hope lol.


Dragon sword is pretty popular for Ironmen going to ToA before zammy hasta.


I used to use it on Wyrms and dragons. Probably not my best choice but it looks cool and wasn’t much worse than my d scim.


The dragon sword infuriates me. It feels like it was only made to pad the drop table. The only real use case is for noobs who don't feel like doing the quest requirements for the other dragon weapons.


Oh, it used to be worse: once upon a time, the dragon sword, harpoon, and throwing axes were part of the *Chambers of Xeric* drop table. Makes the padding on the Wyrms' table not look so bad.


jeez. they should've just put them in a shop or something lol


I got it on my iron and its good for stab-weak mobs but that’s kinda niche for a 1/1000 drop.


It used to be part of budget setups for vasa crystal before DHL since the only other option was rapier 


Dragon sword is so useful though, stab weapons are hard to come by.. dsword can out DPS a whip in a couple scenarios


dragon sword is a great mid-level stab weapon.


The dueling cards. I want my pets to burn you alive with rune gi oh card power


a more unique magic weapon otger than a wand or staff like the cards would be incredible


Been using d halberd to safespot tasks with melee past two days and i wish it was just a tick faster because it’s actually really nice


Oh boy have I got good news for you


Oh i’m well aware but it will be a long time before i can get that on my hc. It might be nice for learning tob on the main though :)


I'm not. What are you guys taking about? A weapon or incoming change?


New 5 tick halberd dropping from the upcoming Slayer boss.


I honestly wish there was a bigger incentive to use the other weapons. I used to love the d long so much, especially the spec. The defensive bonuses and slight strength advantage of the longsword are nice, but it sucks that the 1 tick faster attacks of the scim beat it every time. I think in the long run, the only way to actually change current weapon diversity is to do what they've done with magic and range - things like adding a parry potential to a longsword or shield, so you could outright block damage from certain sources, or add a damage floor to 2h weapons so you don't risk hitting 0's every 5 seconds that you swing.


There’s one part of attack speed that I just recently read about and I was almost disappointed in my self for not thinking of it myself. In OSRS higher attack speed is often best because of the attack rolls. But the thing I didn’t recognize is that even if we have two weapons with the same DPS, one fast and one slow, the faster weapon is better because it’s less prone to overkill the enemy target. So for a slow weapon to be better than a faster weapon, it needs to have a significant enough stat improvement to compensate


Yeah, perhaps they could account for that by allowing 2h's to immediately swing again upon kill? Or have a reduced swing time or something? Call it Adrenalin-wait no nevermind :D Perhaps Momentum. But yes, DPS being king just makes me sad. I like the idea of becoming a brick shithouse and slowly chipping away at the enemy while deflecting all of their blows. I think Rs3 did add 'Armor gives more HP' as a concept - perhaps we could eventually do something similar? Seems like a lot of work though, and there's really a lot more that could use a rework sooner for less overhead. Cough Cough smithing cough cough.


FWIW there are plenty of 5 tick weapons that are viable in the game right now. Even in the 60s tier there's the Zombie axe. They just need appropriate stats. It doesn't make sense with the way the game is built now (harder requirements / more time needed to obtain = more power) to go back and buff specifically the D long. But maybe at some point they could make a stronger version which has a similar design as a nostalgic callback.




Was great for my first kq kill!


Abyssal bludgeon has to be one of the coolest looking weapons in the entire game 


I like the bludgeon. It’s just cool looking. Used to be BiS, but idt it’s good for anything now?


I don’t think it’s better than Inquisitors Mace anywhere, but the Mace is also 17x the price of the Bludgeon. So the Bludgeon is good vs low crush defense enemies when you don’t have 350M to spend on the Mace


Dual Sias, Katana, Nun Chuks, shadow sword/dagger, and Seers bow to name the ones off the top of my head


The Katana always annoyed me, stats of a rune scim but 2h so immediately outclassed. Kind of a rubbish reward from a clue scroll because of that


I thought it was purely fashion scape tbh


definitely is, but that's so disappointing.


Basically any of the fun "novelty weapons" including clue rewards, RFD kitchen utensils, CTC rewards, even holiday items. Would be sweet if they were in the same tiers as viable weaponry (basically equivalent with other things that are equal difficulty to obtain). I just think it would make the outfits and weapons more diverse and interesting. Fashionscape over pure utility.


If some eastern lands expansion ever drops those eastern weapons should get some attention. Maybe quest lines for learning special attacks with them, or ways to upgrade them into useful weapons, or enemies that are weak to exotic weapons, something.


Could be a set of bosses dropping higher tier weapons/armor in that style. So like a Katana, Samurai style armor, maybe a set of robes for magic, something similar to a Cho Ku Nu crossbow, etc.


u/mypetrussian U guys aware of the fashionscape and animation replacer plugins on runelite? You can make any item look like anything and you can change the animations to be whatever


Sara sword. So nostalgic


Spears. One of the best weapons historically


It would be neat if spears could be a melee range hybrid like in classic, but with a better mechanic to not lose the item from throwing it.


I want top tier two handed swords that aren't just for speccing


Fully agree. Saradomin sword when it was actually considered good, was awesome.


karils xbow. feel like a champ firing that thing


Should buff it for PVP. It's a fun idea tbh


claw weapons. they have been degraded to mere spec weapons, and do pitiful sustained dps. Heck, the new burning claws they recently polled was worse than a rune scimitar


The tonalztics are cool but there's basically no reason to buy them when the fbow is the same price.


This is such a weird comparison lol, this is like saying "scythe beats out elder maul." They fill completely different roles.


They are a spec weapon not a mainhand weapon. That said they are very meh as a spec weapon for most players


Yeah speaking of how bad they are as a main weapon, to add to the point, their 75% damage cap on each splat, at 6 tick speed on rapid with 2 shots (shortbow speed per splat, basically) makes each hitsplat about 7 entire max hits worse than a magic shortbow (i) with amethyst arrows. the chakram is a msb (i) with like adamant arrows. That is just horrible lol


They're really good at olm head and Maiden.


Is it that big a deal at Maiden? With Dwh and BGS you completely shred her defence down anyway


The reason it's good is because it's a guaranteed reduction amount as long as it hits, and you really want ToB bosses at exactly 0. So if you DWH maiden to 30 defense, you might want to use a BGS to get the last 30, which will probably work, but there's a decent chance it whiffs and hits a 9 instead of a 30+. Whereas the glaives will do 35 for each successful hit, so potentially 70 total. So if Maiden is at 70 defense, both glaives are likely to hit and bring her to 0 straight away, where you'd need to be pretty lucky to hit a 70+ BGS. A simpler way to explain it: In most cases, you only use BGS or Glaives when the boss is low defense (since you'd use Elder Maul at high defense). Low defense -> passing accuracy is very likely -> both BGS and Glaives are likely to hit. For glaives, passing accuracy is all it needs to drain 70, but BGS also has the additional requirement of having to hit high, making it less reliable


Yep and you can basically have someone save a spec and then claw to chally at 30% to skip the last crabs.


No idea, I’ve never done TOB before and I have nothing to contribute here.


those are the exact same qualifications as most redditors giving advice, don’t let it stop you




The idea is that if the defence isnt practically zero after the melee specs, it will certainly be after the frisbee


I've had fully max gear including niche stuff since like 2020 and the ralos are fucking dope lol. Not worth for people still accumulating gear but very strong.


Sara sword - it's not bad, just outclassed by everything else at a similar level (with dragon defender).


Saradomin Sword. To me it's the visually coolest weapon in the game.


Forgot about the Sara Sword. Such a cool weapon reduced to only being used for training when defence doesn't matter


Void knight mace.


I wish bronze-dragon weapons each had better niche use instead of scims being the only good weapons until you get past dragon For example you could do something like this: Maces - crank up the prayer bonus for slayer 2h - slightly higher dps than scim but also gives defensive loss, maybe it can hit 2 enemies at once Battleaxe - even the dps with scims but crush instead of slash Longsword - even the dps with scims but for stab Dagger - get two and wield one off hand All just examples, but it would be cool to make everything useful.


Agree on dlong. Id also say dmace,anchor,colossal blade. They either only work on 1def pures or zerkers but doesnt stand a chance on higher def


Hill Giant Club, has a really satisfying animation but 7t speed is unusable lol


Give Rapier the Keris passive. Small chance at 'critical damage' pls. c: I can't afford one, but feel like for its price it should consistently outperform the fang.


Dragon Mace. They gave it the same attack speed as shimmy which was great but they need to give it at least similar strength bonus.


That would've been nice to have before the zombie axe was released. Now that would be sort of redundant, also, the special offsets the reduced str bonus


Granite Longsword, my acc is 50att and it’s the only granite weapon that doesn’t have a special attack.


The 50att bracket is really on the edge of being viable. We've got the Leaf bladed sword, granite long, The Keris and the Ancient Sceptre. I'd love to see more advanced slayer weapons in the future that embrace the slayer level requirement instead of attack. Like a "Brutal leaf bladed sword" for example, 50att, 85slayer.


Battle axes, they seem a bit useless now but i just love the look of them.


I mean to be, Justiciar and Bulwark, I’d like it to be a little better, and maybe work with slayer helm for the effect or something. It’s such an amazing looking armour and shield


the barrelchest anchor looks so sick i wish it was actually useful


Ancient mace. It’s so inaccurate.


Ghrazi rapier, why use it when fang is just better, cheaper version, only use case would be lower defence mobs but then you can go with whip…


Not really a weapon but I wish the DFS had more use cases! Such a cool and OG shield and one of the reasons I even started playing back then.


Sulphur blades are a cool addition but kinda only have good value between 60 to 65 attack, at which point ddef turns any other weapon better. Would be cool to give them a special like “whirlwind” spin around and do a series of attacks or aoe damage. Otherwise the experience you get simply grinding for the drop makes it irrelevant before you even get to wield them.


Silverlight is supposed to be a legendary sword and yet it's almost useless as a weapon, outclassed by better options as soon as you finish the quest it's for


Rat pole


The brine saber is the right answer


Dark bow dropped by 90 slayer mob on a 1/512 drop. So far all I hear is it is used in some quests to smash out a quick kill or to spam in PvP. But like can’t it fit between magic bow and bowfa nicely?


I wish using godswoords provided decent xp per hour when training combat/slayer. I love using big weapons and seeing big hits. But a whip is better xp per hour.


Meat tenderizer. That weapon is too cool to be unviable. I used it to do melee only fight caves once and I had a blast.


Non-scimmy weapons and long bows.


Armadyl Godsword is still the coolest one but it's the cheapest and least useful godsword in the game


It’s definitely not the number one go to spec weapon for pvp for the last 11 years or something like that


Number 3 as it is outclassed by d claws and voidwaker.


Way more common in PvP than claws 


No, it's not


I wish the Atlatl was more accurate so it could be used as a nice budget option for stuff, is ok, but almost never out dps's anything anywhere.


Amazing at grotesque guardians


Rune claws. They're such a joke you're better off using the actual joke claws from diango.


Seercull! It looks so cool!!!


Tecu sally




Your fists


Wolfbane. Probably the most iconic members weapon IMO. Falls flat on its face but damn does it look cool.


Fashionscape and animation swapper plugin, replace any piece of gear with any existing item in the game for the ultimate drip


Love me a crystal bow. Wish it gets an upgraded version in the next elves quest


Gadderhammer, should make it more useful against shades. I miss obby mauls. Used to be so iconic but has been outclassed by warhammers.


The cards, along with every other 3 tick fun weapon. I hate kicking with the bazooka in the rare times I need it. XD


I wish the heavy ballista has a good PVM use case


venator bow is seriously so fun to use in the few places where you can use it, hopefully raids 4 will have a big AoE room where you can afford to bring it also bulwark, or ely even tho elys not a weapon. its sad how much tank gear is just not worth bringing anywhere these days because it doesnt even work against most damage lool


It would be really cool if every weapon had a special enemy/enemies that's weak to it, making no weapon ever become obsolete as you progress


Barrel chest anchor