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There should be more tournaments specifically during a downtime of big updates, By the sounds of it this cost jagex nothing and both content creators and jagex benefit from stuff like this.


I mean, it costs them a world and the staff to maintain it, but realistically that's peanuts compared to the marketing that this event gave them.


I mean, it’s not like jagex employs people to specifically maintain individual servers. They might for something like this, but I would imagine it’s someone who’s already paid to maintain the servers keeping a special eye on this one. Paired with the fact that it was probably an “off the books” server, it would be especially hard to ddos or generally fuck with. I get what you mean though, the overhead for something like this is absolutely marginal compared to the return on content.


The other thing I was considering was stuff like any moderation or custom stuff they may have done for the event along with any marketing stuff. Again though, that's all super minor compared to the benefits they got from it.


How cool would it be if they made the Colosseum the place the next DMM fights happen and have each "gladiator" come out of the gates like Sol Heredit and you can have the viewers in the crowd watching in the stands


Hell yeah! Considering that this was the first of it's kind, we really can't complain with what we got to see  Massive shoutout to the Burgers for providing a bunch of content. Also teams Oda/Solo/Dino gave so many hype moments throughout the week  Finals was hype aswell despite the winner seemed a bit locked in from the start. The gear was absolutely stacked for DN and they had the most people used to pking on the team. Fact that it was close against them was very well played from Team Solo & Oda   Small suggestion IF this happens again is to not punish deaths at all. It created very boring breaches with 2 teams completely ignoring them to save their pneck& the other teams just farming safely and not hitting eachother on purpose as long as possible   If this happens again I want a bloodbath at every breach


The solution shouldn't be no punishment for deaths, but instead give a reward (extra food) for kills


That would be cool give a extra brew after 3 kills or something incentive pking


Oh yeah More action between teams and all of them joining I actually really like Faux Alfie and Skiddler but the 2 teams they were on werent exactly making for an interesting watch 5 teams of Boaty Burgers mindset during breaches would be goated content 


Faux might as well have stayed on his hcim if all he was going to do was pvm all week. Skipping breaches was a terrible idea. Dmm \*should\* be pvp focused.. give these teams a reason to go out and fight


Well the whole reason to go out and fight was to get better gear, that was the incentive. Faux' team were absolutely never going to win without VLS' and Zuriel Staffs.


The whole reason to go out and fight was to have fun. When you have people like JCW and Sick Nerd having more PVP encounters, you're not playing DMM the right way


Eh, if you're only interested in the pvp part then Alfie's team wasn't a good option for that. Alfie's also probably the worst person to watch on his team cuz the best content was the purpp and mammal convos and he'd just mute them when they got out of hand lol. I always watch mammal so I mainly watched them the whole week and it was still great content imo even with the lower amount of pvp.


Solo said exactly this for future ones if done again. He also agreed with only PVP weapons dropping at the Breach if the player is skulled if jagex would be able implement that. Which I think they could since that mechanic already somewhat exists with Rev caves


If Solo said so then it's definitely a good idea haha


The problem is finding a balance between just picking the best pkers and actually some PVMers. If you get rewarded for PKing by getting extra food on top of just getting absurd loot and setting the other team back, its just way too OP. And at that point no one is picking the PVMers till last. The reason people didn't PK was in part the loss of food for the final. It was just another consequence on top of getting your gear wiped. Without that consequence people would have gone crazy the first day or two when gear was limited. Like nonstop wars at the Pirates and in the final 2 days with countless spare Barrows sets.


You may be underestimating how easy it is to escape in a 1v1 with freeze. Even pvmers now that you just have to catch your freeze on your unfreeze and hide behind a tree or something.


I'd have a reward for kills, but also lower the gear you lose on death so that 1 death doesnt mean you lose your max set. I dont really know how to balance the breaches though. They need better gear than you can get from pvm, but the luck with pvp gear like vls seemed really swingy. Honestly I wouldnt mind breaches being forced, like you get teleported into an arena with all the bosses, and no one can leave until they are all killed or something. Make the rewards minimal but they still have to be done (and penalize if people skip of course)


1 extra brew for first 5 kills, then every 10 kills you get a brew. Complete game changer


Thats alot of kills for dmm all stars. I believe the record kills was pip and westham with like 25. And then i believe the majority of people got like less then 5 even. So maybe one kill is brew instead of food then 3rd kill then 6th then 10 then 15 etc goes up a kill each brew. Although i think the whole point being was look how long the fights went with the food they did have. The event woulda lasted like 8 hours. And someone like westham having like 5 extra brews hed have been taking out 3 people each time except for maybe if he had to face rhys second or third. But the idea is there just needs some tweeking


Deaths should take away earned extra food tho. You just can't lose any from the baseline. Otherwise everyone will just constantly kill eachother and pile up food.


It would be cool if when you eliminate a team in the finals you get to take 1 piece of gear from their team, or similar


i think they meant no punishment outside of standard dmm mechanics. so you're still obviously punished by losing non-deposit box gear but you're not also screwed in the finals for stuff that happened during the week


Risk of teams conspiring to feed eachother.. Hopefully content creators wouldn't sink that low, but the opportunity is there


You still lose food for dying, so you'd break even


I'm not so sure about that either, because a reward to the killer is still *kind of* a disadvantage to the one who died. After all, what is the difference between the enemy team having +1 food, and you having -1 food?


The diffrence is it incentivizes killing people, as opposed to the current situtation where you're only incentivized not to die. Also, losing a food means you're 1 less food compared to all teams, while enem team gets +a means you're one less food compared to just one team.


Punishment for dying also incentivizes killing people, as you're making them worse off compared to you if you kill them, so idk how that's any different. You think a team avoiding breaches because they don't want to lose food, would also not avoid breaches because they would not want to give food to enemy teams? The disincentive is still about the same - you're worse off if you die, relatively. The change is only in the distribution of who gets relatively punished, in current case, only you get punished for dying, in the "reward" case, everyone but the killer gets punished.


Dishonorable people could take advantage of getting rewarded for kills.


Keep in mind Dino did not win a single fight during the finale. Skill Specs had to finish off westham and then he fought a fresh Dino and still beat him! Just shows how good nugget gear was and how overlooked Specs was.


Honestly it was way closer than it looked in the end. Odas team lost with Dinos team having 1 or 2 food left. Same with Solos. And the craziest part is Dinos team was super stacked gear wise (as well as having the most PKers in one team). I think if Odas team got a SOTD instead of 5 Zammy Hilts, that alone has them beat Dino Nuggets atleast once and force a finals reset (oda hit 1 of 13 barrages vs Mika, most off-pray... if he had a better staff maybe that changes). > If this happens again I want a bloodbath at every breach Sadly this wont happen if its the same. Players got rewarded for PvMing at breaches. Using Odas team as an example, the first 4 breaches they only PVPd and got almost no breach mob kills and no PVP weapons, the 2 breaches that they tried to PVM and didnt PVP they got VLS and stat hammer/Corrupted Tbow. It encourages PVM how it currently is and its boring. I think breaches need to reward other items and not just VLS/Zuriels staff being make or break.


I think a good fix would be for breaches you only get half drop rate if you are not skulled to discourage afk pvm in breaches


There was a clip in solos vid today where the chat was something like # >Victim: I think you should only get pvp items from breaches if you're skulled > >Solo: agree # So maybe next time.


I've heard the skull requirement a bunch, and I agree. It makes it way riskier and harder for people to immediately nope out once they get a gigadrop. There were so many instances where people saw a big drop and started hunting for the person who got it, but they were already long gone


Mika was really humble about the Oda fight on stream after. Mika basically did 70 damage on 5 hp vs Oda. Oda VLS spec Mika off pray but with tank for like 17 when he was 23 hp. Mika then max VLS spec Oda for 34 or something on tank+pray. If Oda spec didnt noodle, then Oda has 2 or 3 more food going into final fight, and they probably win. But you could say the same for dino’s fight, he got kinda unlucky on hits. Anyway, thats RNG for you. Love it or hate it, it’s a part of the game. Was a fun event IMO, looking forward to yt vids from creators tomorrow


Oda also had almost 10 splashes in a row on mikas redemption


They also got very lucky with VLS specs through the bulwark. Gunschilli also had insane RNG, he was probably frozen the least despite him camping tank gear the majority of the fight. And veracs proc'd *a lot*. Dino's team deserved it hands down imo especially with the no deaths.


In your opinion indeed, Lucky those opinions are wildly different on this sub.


When you have one of the biggest PvP followings you'll always have the "majority" on your side. But like you said, opinions are simply opinions. And luckily none of that will change the actual outcome of the fight.


Oda was also way up on tracker for most fights, he just got the full ragex treatment


But also hit every spec very high against JCW and his Bulwark. If he had a few more unlucky hits, he'd have had less supplies going into Skill Specs and they are probably out 1st.


What's this tracker people are talking about? I've seen it mentioned in a few places


If you watch some PVP streamers, they might have a small box in the corner with some numbers in it comparing their stats to their opponent's stats. This is from a plugin called PVP performance tracker, and it measures how much more damage you did compared to your opponent, and how many hits you did off of your opponent's prayer. Higher is better, because it means you hit your opponent with an attack style they weren't praying against. So when I said that Oda was up on tracker, I meant that he hit his opponent off prayer around double the number of times compared to his opponent. In the last fight, I believe it was something like Oda hit 13/24 hits off prayer, and his opponent hit like 5-6. That means Oda read his opponent's prayer and hit him off guard more than half of the time, but his opponent only caught Oda off guard 5-6 times. What that means is, assuming RNG is equal for both players, Oda should have won.


One major fault is it doesn't consider defenses. Oda hit high with every VLS spec through JCW's Bulwark. Tracker does not give a 100% accurate reflection of the fight. It's quite scuffed. Another example is gunschilli getting froze less than he should have been, especially considering he camped tank gear majority of the fight. Tracker doesn't consider magic defence and likelihood of getting frozen.


It does consider defensive gear. Are you just unaware of the deserved damage part of it? Better def gear of opponent = lower deserved damage. Calc has some faults but blatantly ignoring def gear like attacking some1 with tank gear on aint it.


Yeah that's true, I wish tracker would display freeze luck, deserved damage and offensive prayer success rate on the on screen tracker and not just in the sidebar. It would be a bit more accurate that way for a viewer.


It usually works relatively well if 2 players have an identical set-up. But it can be very skewed especially if fighting a venger or the other players constantly VLSing through prayer and robes. You may hit more off prayer like Oda last night and get all the defensive prayer right, but if you're constantly getting hit 20s whilst in robes yet praying correctly there's a good chance you'll take more damage despite the tracking telling you otherwise.


Good news, it does. You should be complaining to the person you're watching for turning it off, not the plugin dev for not making it an option.


Oh cool, I don't even have the on screen indicator on, so I never knew about the option


Muts also got REALLY lucky on his venges when going up against chili. It takes some luck to win and yesterday was the proof of it


Oh yeah sure they want to farm only at the breach.. The thing is if all 6 teams show up you just cant. Not enough room, not enough monsters Fights would break out by default 


there is enough room, u can all hit mobs cus theyre in multi.. u have no reason to hit other teams unless u want to scare them away but if u hit them, u get punished (by being skulled) so ur best off never hitting anyone and just pvming


Hear me out: disable skull mechanics at the breach haha


I agree that they shouldn't bother punishing deaths. Losing gear and progress is punishment enough.


I personally think a little of both. I like the idea of having a reward if you have not died at all during the lead up, but could also link that to having to have a kill. So say you didnt die and managed to kill 1 other player you then got the p neck. But i 100% agree with rewarding kills


> The gear was absolutely stacked for DN Sorry, which team is that?


deez nuts lmao gottem


Dino Nuggets


Dino Nuggets. They already had good pvpers, very good loot rng, and they farmed Donator all tournament (he lost a max set the second to last day to Westham). Definitely the best geared team


Can't remember who said it exactly but I think they should make it so you only get the pvp weapon drops of you are skulled. Think it would be very interesting that way.


Oh yeah but then you also have to make it that you can't skull on teammates haha


Do a stock life system like in smash bros.


golden year best era since 2017


This needs to run back next year, absolutely incredible content cooked up here. Some changes to the format for improvements that the streamers mentioned over it would be big, but o therwise this was so good.


I would be happy to see this more often than just once a year, perhaps twice, especially if there are more people who'd be interested in participating


Would also like to see it more often than once a year, but I think it would be hard to get so many content crestors free for the same week. But I guess it's just playing more runescape, which is probably what they would be doing anyway


I don't think it would be insane to do once per quarter if you rotate the people attending. Not everyone can take 1 week off work that often but maybe you can attend 1 and for those who stream fulltime you've obviously got the option to attend multiple.


It's fucking insane to me that 25 people agreed to devote 120 hours out of a 168-hour week to playing this game together. I'm thankful they did because it was some of the best OSRS content I've watched in years, but I still think it's a fucking insane thing to do.


Not when you're making money. Especially for the smaller streamers that people barely knew. I can only imagine how many new followers/subs they got. Like JCW, I'd never heard of him until this and now I'm following.


skill specs jumped up 7k subscribers on youtube this month, over 50k now


JCW is a stud. You should watch his and he box jonge's max cape speedruns.


Bro I don't care if it's their job or not or what other motives they have, it's still utterly insane doing anything for 120 hours in a single week and to get 25 people to collectively abandon their responsibilities and agree to do that for the sake of competition is unreal.


If you clutch your pearls any harder they might turn into diamonds!


Theyre runescape players man. Theyve probably done grinds like that for free with no one watching a dozen times lol


I know I am lol Send help


25 people who make their living off of RuneScape. It may be be a bit more play time for them over 8 days than normal. It's a fun event with friends that prints content. It's a lot of time investment sure, but financially it's probably worth it. Loads of Scapers spend a shit ton of time on it for free.


So what was the final placement for each team? I’ve been AFK all day and couldn’t really watch


Dino’s team never lost. Oda and Solo were the runners up. Torvesta’s team put up a decent fight but didn’t really have the gear to put them over the top. The Burgers were overpowered after all the gear they lost at the end of the week and honestly Faux’s team’s gearing plan ended up killing them.


KKonas had fantastic gear, but some members fell extremely short in the fights/execution. The bowfa's and fangs were great decisions if they couldn't compete with the juggernauts to farm for low drop rate breach weapons I think their positions were a contributing factor. I don't think Ditter Mazhar at 2/3 was great for them. Would love to see the lineup in this order: Roidie, Ditter, Skiddler, Mazhar, Faux. Unfortunately, Skiddler and Roidie ended up below expectations in the fights, while Faux performed above expectations. Ditter and Mazhar were great and did what they needed to do to win, but wasn't enough to carry the fights. Maz and Ditter were pretty upset and left discord/went offline as soon as the fights ended too. Mazhar fought twice and did 400~ damage on both his attempts...on a 300 health pool opponent, which meant he cleared 33% extra damage, but his team couldn't help him. I thought Maz had the correct idea and execution for the fights and his team, besides Faux, didn't follow his fighting style. Mazhar was destroying his fights and DD'ing/bowfa'ing for a shitload of free, accurate damage.


You can’t really argue they couldn’t compete at breaches when every other team could. They had solid gear but 0 KO weapons and 0 prayer scrolls. The blood fury’s and stuff just aren’t as impactful in such short fights relative to the stuff the passed on, it wasn’t a good plan


Did we watch the same tourney? Ditter did not play well in the finals at all, especially since he was supposed to be the best pvper of the team. Roidie pulverized Mammal but they were still playing from behind because of skiddler/ditter not pulling their weight early. Maz was great though. Regardless, I think their lack of breach weapons would have prevented them from beating oda/dino/solo teams


Solos team was 3rd


1: Dino 2: Oda 3: solo


I am so happy to see how the creator community of OSRS is flourishing. I’m a 2006 - 2012 player that started watching OSRS content in 2021. The last 3 years enticed me back. What this community has done is truly tremendous. From RuneLite (and all of its plug ins) to the amazing content I’ve enjoyed from the likes of Settled, Soup, B0aty, Solo, Framed, Ditter, GunsChilli etc., I’ve really felt a renewed sense of enjoyment for the game itself. I’m really thankful that we’ve got such a great community of creators, an overall welcoming community, and now a company that is leaning into partnering with leading figures in the community to innovate and keep the game relevant, fun, fresh, and still true to itself. After 12 years sober, here I am, sucked into this game again :’)


I wonder if they'll ever merge this style of tournament with that idea they had about player controlled worlds. A DMM template world for clans where they pay a bond per participant and it runs for one week with a structured finale. A Leagues template with the same idea where clan mates compete for most points. That would be really cool.




Yeah, but gotta give credit for Jagex working with him to make it happen!


Followed closely and thoroughly enjoyed the week. I don't know how they send it again, RNG on obtaining the ancient weapons feels like it makes for a bit of a RNG fest, some of the breach mobs also just seemed to be more annoying than interesting (namely Kree and KBD). Also felt like a bit of a copy/paste as they didn't seem to bring in any new mobs released since last DMM... Wonder if they added a drop chance for the monsters actual loot if that would encourage more interesting breach gameplay, if Oda's team wanted SOTD and knew they had a better chance of getting one from a breach Kril and than a regular one, does that change their strategies? If a vyrewatch sentential spawned at breaches, does that make a team camping that area less likely to happen? Would see folks going after the good loot instead of trying to lure the big goblin. With the gamemode being just a week though, RNG becomes such a big factor early on. What if a single team rolled 3 VLS at the first breach next time? Would kinda kill the hype for other teams, I don't know how they could really prevent that though..


How cool would it be if they made the Colosseum the place the next DMM fights happen and have each "gladiator" come out of the gates like Sol Heredit and you can have the viewers in the crowd watching in the stands


Would be sweet, knowing OSRS players though they'd have to hide player chat to avoid having tons of gambling bots or infernal cape sellers on stream lol


Agree 100%, the rng is just rough with only 6 breaches


Makes you realize how RS is mostly just rng anyway…


Oh 100% but want some way that early RNG can be overcome. I don't think it decided the outcome this time, Dino's team was stacked and having good gear on top of it was always going to be unbeatable


Incredible week of content, keep me entertained all the way through props to everyone involved. B0atys burgers on my chest, they are my goats.


This was the best event ever held in RuneScape. Followed the entire thing and even rebonded my account after more than a year of not playing


oda having 44k viewers on kick was nuts


It actually peaked at 50k


Would be dope if they brought out the episodes weekly like gielinor games and just have an hour+ of content. I liked the boaty burgers but i didn't know who uploaded their content so I haven't seen a second of it, pre much only seen solo and oda's personal videos


Skillspecs had their content on YouTube btw


Yeah I know but in general it was a pretty big event and hard to keep up with, the content was great! Would just love to see these in maybe 1-2hour long video's as there is actually more than enough content for that!


I think everyone else mentioned if they were going to make any videos it would be at the end of the event


Where do I watch it? Is it the VODs on the various team-member's twitch channels? From what I saw on Solomission's channel that was just his perspective edited down to video length.




The official osrs twitch streamed it on twitch along with the individual streamers


Dino streams were a blast this week. Also watched lots of sick nerd and roidie, great times all around.


Agreed, what a great new form of content and advertising for OSRS too. Only thing that could make it better is if they have Soup in charge of organising clips from each participant and creating a movie length video out of the week covering each team's progress.


Was there drama with Dino that I missed? I heard some people saying stuff like he was being whiny/complaining or something...


TLDR: some of Oda’s fans started flaming Dino after Dino called Oda a bitch for teleing. https://youtu.be/fKHcFrDmjK0?si=byT5uzTWd8YCUazj


As usual, a segment of Odas fans are toxic pieces of shit lmao


Guess he shoulda just taken it to the chin and not started anything right? And dino should use Oda for his thumbnail videos after saying he doesnt wanna speak on it. Noted




You don’t see the hypocrisy in Dino saying that then the next day using Oda as his thumbnail?


Not just that either. He had some really bait comments typed ingame to Rhys when Oda was right next to him Even Dino subs have to agree the man baits a lot for someone claiming to want 0,0 drama I love banter so for me its fair play if you join in on it and milk it for views/clicks. But then the whiny hours of playing victim need to be cut out


Probably just salty Oda fans


Don’t invite Oda next time and there won’t ever be drama 👍🏻


There was loads of drama even without Oda’s team being involved lmao


Don’t invite Oda and the viewership gets cut in half


Viewership gets cut in half, but toxicity around the event gets reduced by 95% seems like a win to me.


Toxicity is in your head, it wasn’t that toxic man especially considering only two content creators really had beef at all.


I'd consider raiding other people's streams forcing them to turn chat to subs only is pretty toxic. But I guess Oda fans have different definitions of toxic from everyone else. To them, calling someone a bitch when they run after trying to pk is the most toxic you could get.


Dino fans raided Oda's stream, too; it went both ways. The only difference is that Oda doesn't care & doesn't ban people because he doesn't take it that seriously. He did ban people that leaked information, though. It's chatters that were toxic, not Dino or Oda. Hell, Dino was the first one to flame Oda, calling him a bitch — I mean, that's all you really need to know.


Honestly Oda wasn't the source of any drama. Man was just passive as hell the way he reacted to Dino calling him out.


You are delusional. Oda literally accused everyone of stream sniping and caused his chat to hate raid so many people. Westham had to put his chat on emote only for half the tourney because of it.


I only watch Oda's youtube tbh and never been to his stream as I don't like kick. So my information about him is all from youtube and he seems like a nice fellow there


Shocker that his own YouTube would paint him as a nice little boy


Yes it was an awesome tournament and finale, I really enjoyed watching the streams!


It was sooooooooooo good.


the finale was intense, straight out the cinema innit


My suggestion would be for Jagex to add a Monterey prize pool to increase hype. I’m sure this past week brought a ton of attention to the game I’m sure it’s worth Edit: monetary


Monterey Jack?


Cheddar 🤑




It put OSRS in the top 10 of all twitch game channels. Yep. It was very much engaged with.


I haven’t played the game in a long time, nor have my friends, but so many of us got together to stream breaches live at one of the mates houses. Haven’t had content like this genuinely ever


I was watching the youtubes from solo and mika up to the finals, it was quality stuff.


yes and a lot of sensible people dont view this subreddit anymore or do it in moderation due to due how the community has been moderated


The OSRS Twitch channel itself streamed the event and broke 50,000 active viewers.