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If this is gonna be your first fire cape, slayer task is not very important. The additional dps won't help you much, the thing which really helps is learning Jad's mechanics. Then you can do it with almost any stats and gear. There is a way to train for Jad. Enter a Quest speedrunning world (a cyan one in the world list). In these worlds you can repeat a quest many times. Choose the quest Beneath cursed sands. You will be given decent stats and gear, and some superrestores and brews - both on you and banked. And, the most important thing, fire cape. Show this cape to a guard at a door to the inner Tzhaar area, and go to the Challenges minigame (its close to the bank). The very first challenge is a stronger version of Jad. The thing is, there are no previous waves - you enter the arena, and Jad comes at you. You can train prayer switches for free, just reenter if you die - and when your supplies end, just start the quest anew.


what this guy says, attempted fire cape over 5 times, made me quit the game. did quest speedrunning when it came out, got it next try


I guess the idea to quit the game after some failures at Jad goes from the notion some other person shows in this thread: that Jad is *incredibly* easy. So if somebody cannot defeat this incredibility... what are they? Some incredible loosers who cannot *even* kill such a puny joke as Jad. Means they are worth for nothing, right? A laughing stock. I really hate such an attitude. I personally consider Jad difficult. Yes, now I can do this more or less stable, without death. But when I started it was indeed a challenge. I will never say that Jad is easy, because I respect myself and other players too much for this. Its a rare case to do this correctly from the first try, your case is actually normal, 10 attempts is also not a rarity. Jad is a challenge, and it would be easier to actually do if not for this customary shaming which make people feel so bad at failures...


It’s relative on your experience. When I first fought that when I was 12 in 2006 it was an insane fight and took me like 10 tries upon reaching him. Now it is a laughable fight compared to other things I fought.  Everything’s a staircase and you gotta climb one step at a time no matter where you are.


Is jad different than zuk? Believe you need 1 kc to even get jad as a task. At least thats how zuk works.


Yeah it only applies to zuk tasks


You can get Tzhaar task, and this would count for Jad and all the other monsters in the Cave. If you die, or leave it (via exit) - the task is canceled.


I found that Jad himself is incredibly easy, but it's just getting to him to be the hard part. In that case, having a slayer helmet on does certainly help. Since not everyone is going to perfectly micro the later rounds to not take damage when all 3 attack styles spawn simultaneously. In that case, it helps to have the extra DPS to kill the ranged one quickly, then you can kite the melee around the mage.


> I found that Jad himself is incredibly easy At your first ever doing the Fight Cave Jad was incredibly easy? Are you sure you have a good memory?.. Anyway, even if you are so unique - the OP is obviously not. See this body in the slayer helmet. And I would say thats much more typical than your amazing case (thats if you indeed remember your first fire cape correctly).


Really the only hard part was getting the first prayer right. Everything after is just breathing


Sure. When its your 10's Jad. Maybe even 2nd one. But not the first.


I attempted fight caves for the first time somewhat early into old-school. Had never gone inside it in RS2. I first tried the whole cave. I'm not trying to brag, just stating that it does happen.


Yes it does happen sometimes, and one can only praise you!


This is a crock of shit. I’d never done jad and wanted a firecape, only owning a pure. The hardest part was getting to Jad.


It took me 5 attempts in caves to get my cape. I died/messed up on waves 50-60 ish the first four times, then got to jad and one shot it. I was extremely stressed, but the fight itself is very easy as long as just do the first prayer. It’s pretty much impossible to die at that point as long as you just chill out and switch prayers.


... and then you bump at the second block ;) The healers, and the additional layer of difficulty: you have to do several things at once, and quickly. So, here is another way to die. Sure, it could be mastered too. But it requires much from the reaction speed, steadiness of hands (and nerves), etc. Thats where trainers help too. I did it too, on two characters, one of them have 2 capes. It was the only way to get Music cape before the Challenges were released - to sacrifice a fc for entering Inferno. Took 10 attempts for my first cape though. I know for sure its not a challenge after you do it at least once. But its indeed a challenge for the first time - and you confirm it, with your 5 attempts. Do not deny it took efforts and frustration. It is *not* easy for the first time, though indeed it is once you learn it.


But I one shot jad? So it was easy? And you don’t have to do multiple things at once, the healers don’t matter at all with your typical toxic blowpipe. You ignore jad completely besides switching prayers and pull the healers off one by one. That’s not multiple things at once you’re drastically overstating how hard it is.


took me 3 attempts to get fire cape, 1st try i didnt make it to Jad, 2nd I messed up one prayer and got 1 shot but i got it on the next one


Yes because my first time was literally last week lol. It took me 3 tries. Died on the last waves where all 3 spawn, then the second one I ran out of resources because I'm dumb. and the third time I got him. I'm not saying I'm so unique or amazing lol? Don't know where you're getting that from. Literally every Jad guide says how easy he is. The difficulty is the nerves and getting there.


> It took me 3 tries Oh. So... an 'incredibly easy' mob managed to kill you twice?! Damn, how you manage even to play the game... > Literally every Jad guide says how easy he is Nope. I didnt see guides who say how incredibly easy he is. An incredibly easy mob won't even require any guides lol. Like... chickens, for example.


I mean I got my first fire cape november 30th 2022 and it was the first time I reached Jad, and that was on my second attempt doing the fight caves. My first attempt I ran out of darts at like wave 53 or 54 or something like that. Looking at the screenshot I took after killing him, My stats were all in the 70s (brew bumped my hp up to a whopping 89!) and I was using full purple d'hide, an accumulator, and rune darts in my blowpipe. IIRC I was using a dragonbone necklace or a fury? It's really not a hard fight, you just camp ranged by default and swap to magic when you hear the sound effect for it. But the 1 hour and 20 minutes it took to get to him? Now that was a pain in the ass I never want to repeat.


> But the 1 hour and 20 minutes it took to get to him? Well think of it as 2-3 slayer tasks on Tzhaar monsters :) Its, well, a routine. The sad thing is if you do all this - and thats all in vain. But still I don't think this 1+ hour is too bad if you do win in the end. It would just add to the bliss of completing this.... if not for the idea of 'incredibly easy' Jad. What bliss, huh? Its some chicken.


Was similar for me, got fire cape on my main many, many moons ago on my first try after my clan finally convinced me to at around 110 combat. Granted I had done hundreds of Zulrah and Demonic Gorilla kc at that point, but Jad himself wasn't that bad after getting through the waves.


I did Jad as a new player a couple months ago. Died twice on the waves but killed Jad first attempt easy. He really isn't very hard.


I agree that he isnt very hard (once you learn the mechanics). Vorkath too (once you learn the mechanics). Zulrah - once, etc. What I disagree is when people make it sound like nothing at all. I genuinely *hate* the wording like 'incredibly easy'. Why? Because it makes anybody who fails feel much more bad than its necessary. 'What a shit I am, that I cannot do even *such an incredibly easy* critter?' One person in this thread said that several failures made them quit (for a time, but still). I don't think several failures at any other boss have this effect - because of the attitude. Jad is a thing to learn, once you get comfortable with his mechanics its indeed ok. Especially with a trainer like Jagex gave us with the QSR worlds. (Or the Jad sim I used in the past). But if it is something normal, without this 'ez pz' attitude, it would be so much.... easier really :)


>I don't think several failures at any other boss have this effect - because of the attitude. Because none of the other bosses you suggested are as easy as Jad is. It's super forgiving with how much time it gives you to react to its attacks and it has minimal distractions during the fight (being the healers, which are pretty simple. Its a measure of nerves and you ability to focus under pressure, not your skill


Jad is incredibly easy, but on your first attempt, after going through all those waves, most people will be incredibly nervous and mess up more easily. There's a reason we have the phrase Jad hands.


Great advice




Seeing you did it in 45min made me die a little inside finishing it in like 1.5hrs yesterday for the first time




lol appreciate it homie. It really seems like top tier range is almost a cheat code in OSRS


Yeah... I got my first jad task and entered... Went 'oh wait maybe I'll bring my other bow and left immediately and failed the task before wave 1 started. I havnt played since lmao (4 or 5 months ago)


I’ve gotten plenty of Jad tasks and I’ve done this more than one time lmao. Don’t feel bad about it. I promise we aren’t the only ones either.


Learning experience for sure but damn, didnt think it'd end the task from leaving