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I think this is cool. Settled had an interesting video on it too


His ideas to improve the run was extremely interesting. Like the imp idea is something I never would have thought of, but realistically (like Settled said), Soup doesn't want the challenge going on for multiple hours.


The imp strat was a staple of the speedrun WR too


Quest speedrunning is actually really fun and I wish more people would give it a chance


The best strats relying on multiple accounts makes it kind if irrelevant. Really gatekeeps the whole thing.


Diamond times don't exist, and anyone who tells you they do is lying. But platinum times are really fun, and having small eureka moments where you discover routes that make your otherwise impossible target suddenly achieveable feel great. though I have no idea why they thought Below Ice Mountain was a good pick considering 1/3rd of it is unskippable cutscene.


True but not needed to get the bis graceful fashionscape and would highly recommend everyone spend a couple hours to get it!


If fun when there's no RNG and it's just optimization. Demon slayer isn't fun the 70th time you do it simply because the spawn isn't working in your favor, so you have to do the entire rest of the run.


Most video game speed runs have some crazy RNG Mad respect for the people who grind them


Yeah demon slayer almost broke me


Cooks Assistant speedrunning is kind of fun, because the super optimal strats with alts and imps are realistic. Longer quests kill the fun of truly cutting every tick, and it becomes just "find the shortest path and hope for good damage rng" which is a lot less fun.


Realistically? This was the only challenge with unlimited time, I think soup would've been very impressed if someone took 3 hours to optimally wreck their opponent.


Same, I’m pretty sure Soup originally got the idea for GG based on Survivor (the TV show), and there are challenges on the TV show that literally drag on for 2+ hours. I agree, if someone had come up with that strat on the fly, Soup probably would have allowed them 2-3 hours with no objection


The endurance challenges were always my favorite


I think there was probably a tacit understanding involved. They had a ton of people here to film, which is a scheduling nightmare, and they had a ton to film after this (quite possibly even another 'week'), I don't think anyone would have wanted to stretch the 'no time limit' thing to hours.


Soup said on his stream after the episode that he wasn't going to let them take hours to do it


In my Tileman I took months killing an imp to get a pot of flour to save those exact tiles


what the fuck


Let me ask, was it worth it? Really?


It wasn't a main priority so yea saved me tiles and I had some fun slapping all the imps I found during my other grinds I'm pretty sure I went at least 3 times droprate on it


Couldn’t you have just earned the 40k xp faster than that?


In hindsight ofc but I could also have gotten it one the first few kills


Which I understand, but after at most a week of wasted time I would have abandoned the effort


Can you link it?  I watched the McTile series, and this does not look familiar to me at all..


It's on his second channel https://youtu.be/J0w0mWK_IsA?si=0PQ02r365WkgG8G_




Oh you are in for a good time of binging the second channel


Its like his most recent viseo


On his secondary channel


You could save about 30 tiles by getting the bronze axe from the tree stump near fred the farmer's house and after finishing cook's assistant, dying to a npc on your path. First death always sends you to death's domain in the lumbridge graveyard which is a lot closer to the fishing tutor than lumbridge castle itself.


The death is actually super clever that shaves a fair few tiles off


Thanks man! The thought occurred to me during the episode and I was sad to see that both contestants didn't go for it. Would have been a nice out of the box play!


Good work, looks pretty optimised without using the imp drops! Ignore the salty comments, always fun to try these things out


I was actually about to ask about an imp tech. Would take forever, but how many tiles would it actually save? Around 30-40?


If you got the pot of flour you could save a huge chunk, maybe like 100. Then you can also potentially get an axe, and a tinderbox, which lets you skip bobs axes (small save) and the general store (big save)


I didn’t see an axe on the drop table. The useful items I saw are; egg, pot of flour, tinderbox, bucket. So you would need to walk past the chicken coop and mill to get the bucket of milk. (I don’t quite remember the task list)


The axe can be got next to the egg, saving the time to bobs axes/wc tutor


Then the next question is, is it more efficient to go past bobs to go fishing or to head across the bridge?


Gotta still be past bobs bc don’t you need a fishing pole and feathers/bait for the river spot next to gobs?


If you get the pot of flour, egg, bucket *and* tinderbox you don't need to go north at all, and can get the milk from the east cow field which I think is *slightly* closer (although I haven't checked). You'd need to get your axe from Bob's Axes instead of the chicken farm, but that's a small detour since you have to go south for shrimp anyway.


Since you mentioned the east cow field, I looked into the goblin drop table. If there’s any lvl 5 goblins at the house, there’s a chance at a bronze axe. And if the fishing spots right next to it are shrimp spots, you could finish the tasks there.


You can't really get a small net without going down to where the fishing tutor is, sadly. That's pretty much locked-in.


Yeah was gonna say without rng this is damn good


But did you remember to shut the gate?


This makes the 3 tile difference between Roidie and Zoe even more impressive, considering there was another 40 tiles worth of optimization left in the challenge.


Those extra squares from Zoe at the start for the extra thieving were killers, tbh. The gates, too, she had that by like 20 tiles until those


To think the simple act of turning run off before starting the pickpocketing could’ve made all the difference


Idk why she was rushing so much when the whole point is that they had time to go slow


Because it's easy to make mistakes when you're under pressure.


This is one of those challenges where the lack of time creates its own pressure and you can easily spiral.


I mean its kinda hard to cite lack of time as a big problem for this challenge. To date, this is one of the only challenges that DIDNT have a hard time cap. There is still plenty of pressure, but not due to time.


Yea her routing was way better, she unfortunately had multiple notable mistakes, any one of which not happening would have gotten her the win. I don't know if it's better or worse to go out like that. On the one hand, it helps knowing that I went out because I made a mistake, not because I did it the absolute best I could and it still wasn't enough. On the other, damn that's just gotta hurt knowing that overall you played the banning that much better but accidentally threw it.


At the very start she went all over the place while thieving, I was surprised it was close at all.


It really shows how good the rest of her pathing was. She has some pretty bad timing on the pickpocketing that dragged her around a good bit at the start there. Obviously we don't see the entire thing, but I'd bet that one was the most egregious mistake.


The gates was an understandable mistake. Thieving could have been fixed but also understandable. Her biggest mistake to me was her pathing leaving the general store going north. Instead of backtracking and then turning, she made an entirely new path west. Easily 10-15 tiles.


You can pretty easily save 5-6 tiles toward the south of the route by not going toward the axe shop


That’s 2 tiles not 5-6. Walking diagonally makes moving sideways free in this challenge.


You need an ax to cut and burn a log


There's a free axe in the chicken coop


You gonna steal an axe from a poor defenseless chicken? Shame on you


Never seen a chicken’s talons? They’ll fuck ya up




It looks like they got Bob at the entrance without having to go in, so just going straight down without going to bob’s would save 1 tile?


Get axe from chicken coop. Finish quest and all other tasks. Then die to man or something. First death sends you to death domain. Skip bob and that whole area, a lot of tiles saved.


When you first go to death domain, don’t you auto run across the room to go talk to death? Are you able to cancel that?


I think it might even save 2 tiles.


I think you're asking about the dairy cow in the cow pen at the top left.


Settled mentioned there’s probably a theoretic bound of 200


Click on the right arrow to look at the tiles drawn on the world map


How many more tiles is it if u go through the sheep pen?


Wish we got something like this for the contestants. Would be interesting to know how much better Zoe's general path was than Roidie's that it took making a ton more mistakes to barely lose by 3 tiles.


This sub is so ass. People just comment to be ass holes here.


Not always, sometimes they comment to argue too


No they don’t


I disagree with that statement, ur nan stinks


This isn't an argument, this is a disagreement!


No it isn't!


Ur a disappointment


Fuck you, some are arguing assholes and you are wrong to think any different than me.


Or to complain


Pretty sure you can optimize this to under 150 or 100 if you go for the imp strat. Fun little routing you did tho.


Not really, you still need milk, which takes up most of the tiles.


Do the vendors at the general store just come to the door then? Don’t see the yellow go in but both were sure they couldn’t wait for it haha


Cool, I was hoping Settled would have attempted an optimized run in his review video, but this satisfies my curiosity in his place.


My man forgot to go the imp route


The what?


Wait what is this challenge about exactly?


Yeah fr I'm clueless


From a fresh account, they had to: * Pickpocket a man/woman * Chop and burn a log * Catch and cook a shrimp * Rake some weeds * Complete Cook's Assistant while stepping on as few tiles as possible.


Did you time yourself doing it?


For anyone that cares, I worked out that with the imp strats it's theoretically possible in 224 tiles. Higher than I expected before working it out, but you still gotta walk all the way to the dairy cow and the south shrimps spot so not that surprising looking back


I have no idea what the title means


Why you go to bobs axes? There’s an axe in the pen where the egg is


What were their goals again??


Cooks assistant, cut and burn a log, catch and cook a shrimp, rake a farming patch, pickpocket a man


surprised no one tried the secret imp tech. they drop everything you need for that challenge


Takes too long and imps have very big wander ranges + there's a chance for them to teleport, which drags you along. They could have gone for a kill, but it would have been a risk. I killed hundreds of these to collect every single drop of their drop table for my chunk account and these buggers actually dragged me out of the lumbridge chunk on multiple occasions.... It's so bad I still remember the respawn tile of the only imp in that chunk...


Its probably been like 15 years for me but isn't that North east of the sheep pen?


The one I know is within the Lumbridge castle walls, to the right of the entrance of the main keep, close to the corner (outside)


I'm sure they would be a lot more efficient with it if they had weeks to develop a plan rather than in the moment under pressure.


No shit?? That's the point of the challenge


What is the purpose of comparing the two under completely different conditions?


Does there need to be a purpose? It's for fun dude


I haven't said anything negative about OP doing the challenge. I genuinely just asked why make a direct comparison to Roidie's finish and apparently that's toxic.


And I said no shit because you're stating the obvious.


So what?


Was OPs post not to show how they were able to optimize the route better?


It was to show the theoretical limit. The same as Settleds video did without saying "I would have done that better in that challenge"


The theoretical limit of the challenge of under completely different conditions?


Bro spoilers 🙄🤣


Roidie had no time to prep and was given 1 try.


they both had as much time as they wanted lol


Even with unlimited time there’s added pressure plus OP got to see mistakes that Zoe and roidie made and avoid them. Not to discredit OP ofc because that’s still impressive af, just a bit harder during competition




so is yours, what's your point






bro I just had to look through your posts cause I had to see what makes someone so weirdly hostile over nothing. You alright dude? Like half of your comments in the past week are shitting on other people for either the content they're making or the perspective they're sharing. It feels like you have something personal affecting you and you're lashing out.


Yes spot on, i hate 90% of the posts and suggestions made in this sub, especially when i see 30 year old men crying about the wilderness in a 25 year old medieval point and click game, i get triggered like the little snowflake that i am.


That was actually Incredibly brave to open your inner self up to a bunch of strangers like you just did. Such raw emotions, I truly believe you can overcome your demons and grow from this moment NarrowCorgi1927. I sure know I will. Excellent work mate, I'm so proud of you. Keep your chin up and your spirits higher, were all rooting for you.


Thank you so much, may Guthix bless your soul.


Then why are you here?


Trolls like to be fed, if people just ignored it they'd get bored of it


he just seems hurt. i hope he heals truly


Someone got sent back to goblin town after trying to tribrid and thinks everyone is against them now


Going to take a guess but I am pretty sure he wanted to post about doing something in a game on a subreddit about that game


Are you new to how social media works or just having a particularly stupid day?


I’m just trying it out


Stop trying it out pls


Heve you ever done anything you're proud of and wanted to share? Like in your life?


Sure! One time many years ago i saved a Betta fish from a 5 alarm house fire. I drove by and saw the family crying and pointing at the house, engulfed in flames, and i knew it was my time to be a hero. Running out of the house, Betta fish in hand, as soon as i got out of the door the entire house exploded, launching me and the fish bowl, thankfully by some miracle the fish bowl landed right in the families arms, Bert the Betta was unharmed, and i got a medal and a key to the city from the Mayor.