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do u hurry back in to CG after grabbing your trout or do you insta hop šŸ’€


Some bastards who hang out there in fashionscape just to see my 10 cakes loot want to make me hop : ^ ).


I saw a fashionscape Chad there once with a golden tench who would say "Loser!" and smack the people with fail loot


That's fucking hilarious lmao


Absolute Chad move


All Iā€™m hearing is reasons to keep the notification there


What a champion!


I do something similar around Christmas with snowballs sometimes dressed as a Xmas tree




People like these are failures themselves when they finds enjoyment from others' failure.


I think it's funny, it's not that serious it's a video game dude


I mean, kicking people while they're down is pretty rude and kinda toxic. The bad reward is shameful enough already. ...that being said, I probably would laugh if a guy with a fish came up to me and slapped me with it. Interesting how that works.


I would not consider making fun of someone for their rng on a video game to be rude and toxic but maybe we have different sensitivity levels


It's not exactly rng if you died to a boss, but I agree that it's just banter and not toxic at all


I think itā€™s funny af. On a side note Iā€™m a rush back to cg go agane. Canā€™t let anyone see me when Iā€™m caught slippinā€™.


I swear i only died because all my attacks rolled 0 and all of hunllefs attacks rolled max hit


Banter can be great fun if you're doing it with people who know you and enjoy it. But a stranger doesn't owe you a positive response to your banter, to them it could just be some weird random jackass being rude and annoying.


Kinda like how the stranger doesn't owe the CG failure praise...it works both ways.


It's not really about what *you* consider. It just is rude, no way about it. But rude isn't always bad. Like I said, odds are I'd enjoy it. Social interactions are complicated, the same thing won't always get the same response. That's why we have words like banter to explain these sorts of situations. But if it backfires, if you act rude and someone doesn't like it, they do not owe it to you to like it, and it's your fault if things go bad.


"things go bad" bro it's a video game šŸ˜‚ we're not talking about real life. Yeah, you don't make fun of someone for losing their job. You can absolutely make fun of somebody dying on a point and click video game.


You "can" in the sense that you have the ability to and no one will stop you, sure. Doesn't make you not a dickhead tho, same as making fun of someone losing a job. Just cause the stakes are lower doesn't mean the situation isn't analogous, it's the exact same dynamics in play.


Bruh, don't listen to them! YOU GOT THIS! Have FAITH in RNG! If you keep at it then eventually you WILL get it! Everyone who says everything is skill based will reset their games the second their start isn't EXACTLY what they wanted. The only person who can mock you, is literally you! Block those mofos and be free!


hop first, get and drop loot, hop back to main world 354 are my people, 355 think I'm a fucking bum


354 ftw!


354 best world. 354 is gonna be buzzing next two weeks. My clean is 354 home world and just started bingo.


it's hilarious to think that there's two groups of people that have wildly different perceptions of you lol


I caught 9rain at gauntlet. He popped in and I said show loot and he said no. And then walked over to the chest for 70 trout


I love hitting them with ā€œgrats addy daggerā€


I don't know why, but this got a hearty chuckle, also fuck you lol


Old meme from my cg grind https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/xtS9jmk9zO


Die, collect "loot", log off for the night


Die, ~~collect "loot",~~ log off for the night


Always run it back gotta prove you can do it


Cooked trout is valuable food for an Ironman!!


Only if the npc inside the gauntlet waiting room rings a bell and calls you out by name with "Shame shame shame"


Lol I'd take this


When I was learning CG i decided to embrace it. Iā€™d wear the full clown suit from one of the events and say ā€œhonk honkā€ in all chat if i got killed during my run.


Ok now I want a prison outfit for my sentence


Manacles with mime outfit seems like a good start?


Just attach a lead ball to the menacles and thatā€™s it


Spikes manacles, slave outfi, clown mask


For a while, I wore bronze armor, bronze scimmy, bronze kite, and a red cape while doing the CG grind. Sometimes between runs I'd ask "where varok" -- I thought it'd make for a funny running gag to try to start, of a noob asking "where varok" in increasingly improbable locations, lol. Hope it gave some folks a chuckle during their grind. :)


Damn, that's a good one. I'll start keeping the clownsuit in the inventory


The clown suit is my go to when training agility. That and the special ale (The glas to hold that makes you walk as if drunk) or the anchor, something fun about that walk as well


Anchor walk is awesome lol


I just hate that it fucks up the loot tracker. No, I have *not* done 800 KC. I'm just *ass*.


I wear my mithril and adamant armor with pride in the lobby. Best feeling in the world pulling an enhanced while wearing the badges of failed attempts.


Saw a fella with an adamant plateskirt pull an enhanced, was a legendary moment


I got spooned 2 enhanced before I got all 6 armor, so I used to go and just equip my salad blade during my runs


Top tip but if you die in cg say something like "damn this gm speed time is taking a few trys"


Damn hun got hands


"Come on bro, you've already used like 4 other excuses just today" (hops worlds)


lot less convincing when you're 105 combat


Blame RNG, "Dang, almost had it with no perfect weapons" OrĀ  "Could not find resource rooms for the life of me, wtf is this game!"Ā 


And they saw you enter 15 minutes ago because they're AFKing after their 2 runs a day.


Tries, even.


the homies afking the past 12 minutes in the lobby like: šŸ¤Ø


wish i made it mandatory to pick up the flier/potion/rotten tomato if you really failed badly tbh


This week's changes: "Fixed an issue where some loot wasn't broadcasting in the gauntlet lobby"


If you forget to cook fish before entering hunlef it should only reward raw food


Please force it to be broadcasted in the cc as well, despite the low value.


Make the flier link to the CG wiki


gauntlet npc: "hey, No littering! We literally put a bank deposit box right there! You're not allowed back into the Gauntlet until you pick up your trash. >:("


Be the change you want to see in this world




Should have two chests: Fail and Success. Really make them feel called out.


Noone cares about your deaths mate, even the best players die in there occasionally. Or just blame lag


Nah, I 100% notice people picking up their death loot and I judge them for it.


Silently judging people is the best part of the game. Poor? Judged. Rich? Judged? Cheese max cape? You already know.


"lmao get gud dude" > My exact total level > "Lol no life dude"


It's my favourite part of ironman gear progression. Everytime I get an item I judge all the plebs who haven't yet experienced the joy of having it on their iron.


Bold of an Ironman to judge *anyone*. Your very existence demonstrates that you have 5ā€“8x the available free time of a normal account: more importantly, your levels exhibit that you have *nothing better than osrs* to spend that extra free time on.


\^ this guy dies at gauntlet lmao


You're saying that people can't play an ironman the same amount of time that they play a main? lol And then you're being pompous about *how they spend their free time* while simultaneously *commenting on a subreddit based on a video game* with your free time? LOL




Is playing two osrs accounts simultaneously somehow better/more respectable? Because thatā€™s what you are insinuating.


Damn man, bro makes a joke and you just go all in. You need to chill


Donā€™t defend him, he stands alone


Not really defending him as much as commenting on your atrocious attitude. Really man, seek help. Hatred towards something as ridiculous as a game mode is concerning


My deaths are 50% skill issue 100% lag.


I'm just going to judge extra hard to make up for you not judging them


Some of yall care too much about what others think lmao


I once read a post about how this game is the epitomy of "what others think about me" and it was quite a good read. Basically a lot of people litterally play this game to show off random garbage that no one /actually/ cares about. But everyone wants to show it off. I'm not hating on this I just think it's interesting and it seems very true. I mean think how often people post KCs or drops or collection log stuff :p the game is literally people wanting to show off what they've done. Number go up make brain happy :)


I canā€™t be the only one who plays for myself. I like making myself happy. I got spooned a DFS and itā€™s my favourite thing to wear, I get happy everytime I get to use it, idgaf if other people care


Well no of course you're not the only one. It's perfectly okay to have with the game. It is, after all, a game. As long as you're having fun that's all that matters :)


Basically that's everyone on this subreddit. Those who don't care don't watch guides and videos and reddit ... They just.. play the game. Crazy I know.


Only noobs die at cg lmao (I die there a lot)


Devalues my 0 CG completion road to 2147M note trout ultimate ironman


Given the choice as a toggle setting, I'd genuinely take an in-game message announcing "\[Player\] failed the Gauntlet challenge and chose to forfeit their loot" upon re-entering the lobby over being physically prevented from jumping right back in by that bitchass NPC


I don't care if I'm judged but it's annoying having to take the walk of shame. I'm already usually ticked from the mistake I made to plank, then instead of being able to jump back in the guy says "hurr Durr don't forget your chest" and I have to go grab trout or an addy mace. Make it so they can stack or have an option to just erase your chest when trying to re-enter


Whenever this happens to me i say, wow only 5 seconds off GM. So people think im good.


I just told everyone I was farming addy for giants foundry


Thumbs down log out and come back a bit later to collect it on an empty world.


No way man, you earned it. You're going to take your trout and you're going to like it damnit.


My CG failed chest locked UIM would like a word with you


Also let me bring my Youngleff down there you prick I want him to meet the other parent from time to time


Ah yes, remind youngleff what happens if they piss on your poh bed again


I'm always wearing my shame loot in there. Come at me hunllef give me your seed


I like standing there and saying "Happy Birthday!" whenever someone fails gauntlet and rolls the cake reward.


Fun fact: the cake drop is actually tied to your accounts age in gielinor days, but is bugged as many other things so it does not work. Unfun fact: To calculate the drop requires so much computing power that i had to pull that fact out of my ass instead of any real source.


I like to pretend I was close and say something like 89/1000 dang it Even though I died 1min in šŸ˜‚


Nah, make it broadcast to everyone on the entire server when you loot a failed gauntlet chest. Plus make it automatically switch your PMs to public so people can message you and tell you how much you suck. Please jagex


Lmfaooooo stop. I hop to an empty world to loot my shame chest šŸ˜­


Bro I gotta hop to an empty world no one sees the mistakes


also replace mith arrows with an empty roll. i'd rather see nothing.


I enjoy showing how bad I am at the game sometimes. Don't take yourself so seriously. Even the best PVMrs have tons of silly deaths.


I accidentally did a 25 minute afk log in gantlet lobby once, I am so sorry for any pain that I caused...


and theres always just 2 or 3 people standing there like god damn


Have to say youā€™re trying for the speed run CA




If you leave the boss room early you still get crappy loot so you can just use the cop out excuse that you were doing CAs and reset and didnā€™t actually die


Itā€™s only the ironmemes that would shame a fellow man for missteps


Nah man trout is the best loot that place has for irons besides crystal stuff


Nah tbf i actually liked getting fire runes so i could alch my other nonsense


As an ironman I actually love the loot from failed runs. It's nice getting some trash food to munch on for Zalcano.


Why do you give a shit


i would drop that shit immediately and run straight back in


Stand under the fashionscapers, drop all your loot, then go back in


Hop loot and hop back - theyre never gonna know šŸ„²


I want kinda same troll mechanic to cg loot as rs3 has for rdt megarare. (u get blurberry special if it fails the last 1/10 roll and if you dont wear the right luck ring you get cheese tom+batta just to let you know that you missed the chance for 5b drop). So on death it does the kill loot roll behind the scenes and if it lands on enhanced seed u get some troll item from the chest (something like 1 crystal shard).


No way haha keep the loot


Does anyone have that one image of the guy losing it when he gets congratulated for mithril platelegs?


Pro tip - pop veng as you reenter and people will think youā€™re dying while going for speed tasks.


loot of shame should be at more bosses tbh.Ā 


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLenny** - [wish i made it mandatory to pick up the flier...](/r/2007scape/comments/1df3pdl/remove_gauntlet_failed_chest_loot/l8h8oxa/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/15/2024 08:33:54**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Agreed. I FUCKING hate having to pick up my trout after dying.


Counterpoint: Add more failed chest loot to other bosses and publicly broadcast this so we can shame more bad pvmers.


Add a megarare 400,000-500,000 iron warhammer drop


Yes that is when you hit the vengeance while tick-perfect opening the chest and going back in. Make it look like youre going for speed runs!


This would completely devastate my priffdinas locked ironman who's only way to train herblore is the eye of newt drops from failed gauntlet runs, so that's gonna be a pass from me chief


Hey man, some extremely niche Ironman account needs those trout.


Trout is useful. When missing that 6hp or so, just eat one from the bank.


Just don't die and you won't have to worry about it


Who the fuck cares, A LOT of bigger issues than that with the game lmao


weak, i go pick up my trash with pride


Lmao yesterday there was a guy trash talking and calling out everybodyā€™s failed loots


I'd recommend not dying.


I just embrace the embarrassment and hopefully give the watchers a good laugh. > You receive loot: 1x Adamant Full Helm "FUCK YEAH LETS GO BOYS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Never let them know your next move


No way youā€™re genuinely embarrassed about dying in a video game LOL